Ejemplo n.º 1
def draw_scenes(points, gt_boxes=None, ref_boxes=None, ref_scores=None, ref_labels=None):
    if not isinstance(points, np.ndarray):
        points = points.cpu().numpy()
    if ref_boxes is not None and not isinstance(ref_boxes, np.ndarray):
        ref_boxes = ref_boxes.cpu().numpy()
    if gt_boxes is not None and not isinstance(gt_boxes, np.ndarray):
        gt_boxes = gt_boxes.cpu().numpy()
    if ref_scores is not None and not isinstance(ref_scores, np.ndarray):
        ref_scores = ref_scores.cpu().numpy()
    if ref_labels is not None and not isinstance(ref_labels, np.ndarray):
        ref_labels = ref_labels.cpu().numpy()

    fig = visualize_pts(points)
    fig = draw_multi_grid_range(fig, bv_range=(0, -40, 80, 40))
    if gt_boxes is not None:
        corners3d = box_utils.boxes_to_corners_3d(gt_boxes)
        fig = draw_corners3d(corners3d, fig=fig, color=(0, 0, 1), max_num=100)

    if ref_boxes is not None:
        ref_corners3d = box_utils.boxes_to_corners_3d(ref_boxes)
        if ref_labels is None:
            fig = draw_corners3d(ref_corners3d, fig=fig, color=(0, 1, 0), cls=ref_scores, max_num=100)
            for k in range(ref_labels.min(), ref_labels.max() + 1):
                cur_color = tuple(box_colormap[k % len(box_colormap)])
                mask = (ref_labels == k)
                fig = draw_corners3d(ref_corners3d[mask], fig=fig, color=cur_color, cls=ref_scores[mask], max_num=100)
    mlab.view(azimuth=-179, elevation=54.0, distance=104.0, roll=90.0)
    return fig
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def viz(self, bbox3d, frame_id):
        marker_array = MarkerArray()
        marker = Marker()
        marker.header.frame_id = frame_id
        marker.type = marker.LINE_LIST
        marker.action = marker.ADD
        marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        # marker scale (scale y and z not used due to being linelist)
        marker.scale.x = 0.08
        # marker color
        marker.color.a = 1.0
        marker.color.r = 1.0
        marker.color.g = 1.0
        marker.color.b = 0.0

        marker.pose.position.x = 0.0
        marker.pose.position.y = 0.0
        marker.pose.position.z = 0.0

        marker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
        marker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
        marker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
        marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
        marker.points = []
        corner_for_box_list = [
            0, 1, 0, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 4, 7, 6, 7, 6, 5, 3, 7, 0, 4, 1, 5,
            2, 6
        corners3d = boxes_to_corners_3d(bbox3d)  # (N,8,3)
        for box_nr in range(corners3d.shape[0]):
            box3d_pts_3d_velo = corners3d[box_nr]  # (8,3)
            for corner in corner_for_box_list:
                transformed_p = np.array(box3d_pts_3d_velo[corner, 0:4])
                # transformed_p = transform_point(p, np.linalg.inv(self.Tr_velo_kitti_cam))
                p = Point()
                p.x = transformed_p[0]
                p.y = transformed_p[1]
                p.z = transformed_p[2]

        id = 0
        for m in marker_array.markers:
            m.id = id
            id += 1
        marker_array.markers = []
    def forward(self, data_dict):
        spatial_features_2d = data_dict['spatial_features_2d']

        cls_preds = self.conv_cls(spatial_features_2d)
        box_preds = self.conv_box(spatial_features_2d)

        cls_preds = cls_preds.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous()  # [N, H, W, C]
        box_preds = box_preds.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous()  # [N, H, W, C]

        self.forward_ret_dict['cls_preds'] = cls_preds
        self.forward_ret_dict['box_preds'] = box_preds

        if self.conv_dir_cls is not None:
            dir_cls_preds = self.conv_dir_cls(spatial_features_2d)
            dir_cls_preds = dir_cls_preds.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous()
            self.forward_ret_dict['dir_cls_preds'] = dir_cls_preds
            dir_cls_preds = None

        if self.training:
            gt_boxes_enlarged = None
            if self.model_cfg.get('USE_MULTIFRAME_ENLARGED_GT_BOXES', False):
                from pcdet.utils.box_utils import boxes_to_corners_3d
                from pcdet.utils.common_utils import rotate_points_along_z

                batch_size, num_boxes, boxes_dim = data_dict['gt_boxes'].shape
                gt_boxes_enlarged = data_dict['gt_boxes'].clone()
                if num_boxes > 0:
                    stack_frame_size = data_dict['locations'].shape[2]
                    gt_boxes_corner = []
                    locations = data_dict['locations'].view(
                        -1, stack_frame_size, 3)
                    rotations_y = data_dict['rotations_y'].view(
                        -1, stack_frame_size)
                    gt_boxes = data_dict['gt_boxes'].view(-1, boxes_dim)
                    cur_gt_boxes = gt_boxes.clone()
                    for idx in range(stack_frame_size):
                        cur_gt_boxes[:, 0:3] = locations[:, idx, :]
                        cur_gt_boxes[:, -1] = rotations_y[:, idx]
                    gt_boxes_corner = torch.cat(gt_boxes_corner, dim=1)
                    gt_boxes_corner -= gt_boxes[:, None, 0:3]
                    gt_boxes_corner_local = rotate_points_along_z(
                        gt_boxes_corner, -gt_boxes[:, -2])
                    multi_length = gt_boxes_corner_local[:, :, 0].max(
                        dim=1)[0] - gt_boxes_corner_local[:, :,
                    multi_width = gt_boxes_corner_local[:, :, 1].max(
                        dim=1)[0] - gt_boxes_corner_local[:, :,
                    gt_boxes_enlarged = torch.cat([
                        gt_boxes[:, 0:3], multi_length[:, None],
                        multi_width[:, None], gt_boxes[:, 5:]
                    gt_boxes_enlarged = gt_boxes_enlarged.view(
                        batch_size, num_boxes, boxes_dim)
                data_dict['gt_boxes_enlarged'] = gt_boxes_enlarged

            targets_dict = self.assign_targets(

        if not self.training or self.predict_boxes_when_training:
            batch_cls_preds, batch_box_preds = self.generate_predicted_boxes(
            data_dict['batch_cls_preds'] = batch_cls_preds
            data_dict['batch_box_preds'] = batch_box_preds
            data_dict['cls_preds_normalized'] = False

        return data_dict
Ejemplo n.º 4
        def process_single_scene(sample_idx):
            print('%s sample_idx: %s' % (self.split, sample_idx))
            info = {}
            pc_info = {'num_features': 4, 'lidar_idx': sample_idx}
            info['point_cloud'] = pc_info

            image_info = {'image_idx': sample_idx, 'image_shape': self.get_image_shape(sample_idx)}
            info['image'] = image_info
            calib = self.get_calib(sample_idx)

            P2 = np.concatenate([calib.P2, np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]])], axis=0)
            R0_4x4 = np.zeros([4, 4], dtype=calib.R0.dtype)
            R0_4x4[3, 3] = 1.
            R0_4x4[:3, :3] = calib.R0
            V2C_4x4 = np.concatenate([calib.V2C, np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]])], axis=0)
            calib_info = {'P2': P2, 'R0_rect': R0_4x4, 'Tr_velo_to_cam': V2C_4x4}

            info['calib'] = calib_info

            if has_label:
                obj_list = self.get_label(sample_idx)
                annotations = {}
                annotations['name'] = np.array([obj.cls_type for obj in obj_list])
                annotations['truncated'] = np.array([obj.truncation for obj in obj_list])
                annotations['occluded'] = np.array([obj.occlusion for obj in obj_list])
                annotations['alpha'] = np.array([obj.alpha for obj in obj_list])
                annotations['bbox'] = np.concatenate([obj.box2d.reshape(1, 4) for obj in obj_list], axis=0)
                annotations['dimensions'] = np.array([[obj.l, obj.h, obj.w] for obj in obj_list])  # lhw(camera) format
                annotations['location'] = np.concatenate([obj.loc.reshape(1, 3) for obj in obj_list], axis=0)
                annotations['rotation_y'] = np.array([obj.ry for obj in obj_list])
                annotations['score'] = np.array([obj.score for obj in obj_list])
                annotations['difficulty'] = np.array([obj.level for obj in obj_list], np.int32)

                num_objects = len([obj.cls_type for obj in obj_list if obj.cls_type != 'DontCare'])
                num_gt = len(annotations['name'])
                index = list(range(num_objects)) + [-1] * (num_gt - num_objects)
                annotations['index'] = np.array(index, dtype=np.int32)

                loc = annotations['location'][:num_objects]     #kitti的label是当前帧的don't care都在最后
                dims = annotations['dimensions'][:num_objects]
                rots = annotations['rotation_y'][:num_objects]
                loc_lidar = calib.rect_to_lidar(loc)
                l, h, w = dims[:, 0:1], dims[:, 1:2], dims[:, 2:3]
                # 转到标准坐标系下
                # 1、应该是原kitti的高是box底部的高,这里转到了box中心。。同样,后面预测的结果还会再转回来:xyz_lidar[:, 2] -= h.reshape(-1) / 2
                loc_lidar[:, 2] += h[:, 0] / 2
                # 2、朝向角,后面转回来:r = -r - np.pi / 2
                gt_boxes_lidar = np.concatenate([loc_lidar, l, w, h, -(np.pi / 2 + rots[..., np.newaxis])], axis=1)
                annotations['gt_boxes_lidar'] = gt_boxes_lidar

                info['annos'] = annotations

                if count_inside_pts:
                    points = self.get_lidar(sample_idx)
                    calib = self.get_calib(sample_idx)
                    pts_rect = calib.lidar_to_rect(points[:, 0:3])

                    fov_flag = self.get_fov_flag(pts_rect, info['image']['image_shape'], calib)
                    pts_fov = points[fov_flag]
                    corners_lidar = box_utils.boxes_to_corners_3d(gt_boxes_lidar)
                    num_points_in_gt = -np.ones(num_gt, dtype=np.int32)

                    for k in range(num_objects):
                        flag = box_utils.in_hull(pts_fov[:, 0:3], corners_lidar[k])
                        num_points_in_gt[k] = flag.sum()
                    annotations['num_points_in_gt'] = num_points_in_gt

            return info