Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_init(self) -> None:
        # test length
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):

        # test instrument name
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
        HstFilename("I123456")  # case-less
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _copy_fits_files(self, bundle_segment: str, mast_downloads_dir: str,
                         primary_files_dir: str) -> None:
        if not os.path.isdir(mast_downloads_dir):
            raise ValueError(f"{mast_downloads_dir} doesn't exist.")
            PDS_LOGGER.open("Copy fits files to corresponding directories")
            with make_osfs(
                    mast_downloads_dir) as mast_downloads_fs, make_sv_osfs(
                        primary_files_dir) as primary_files_fs:

                # Walk the mast_downloads_dir for FITS file and file
                # them into the COW filesystem.
                for filepath in mast_downloads_fs.walk.files(
                    parts = fs.path.iteratepath(filepath)
                    depth = len(parts)
                    if depth != 3:
                        raise ValueError(f"{parts} length is not 3.")
                    # New way: product name comes from the filename
                    _, _, filename = parts
                    filename = filename.lower()
                    hst_filename = HstFilename(filename)
                    product = hst_filename.rootname()
                    instrument_name = hst_filename.instrument_name()
                    suffix = hst_filename.suffix()

                    collection_type = get_collection_type(
                        suffix=suffix, instrument_id=instrument_name)
                    coll = f"{collection_type}_{instrument_name.lower()}_{suffix}"

                    new_path = fs.path.join(
                    dirs, filename = fs.path.split(new_path)
                    PDS_LOGGER.log("info", f"Copy {filename} to {new_path}")
                    fs.copy.copy_file(mast_downloads_fs, filepath,
                                      primary_files_fs, new_path)

            if not os.path.isdir(primary_files_dir + "-sv"):
                raise ValueError(f"{primary_files_dir + '-sv'} doesn't exist.")
            # # If I made it to here, it should be safe to delete the downloads
            # shutil.rmtree(mast_downloads_dir)
            # assert not os.path.isdir(mast_downloads_dir)
        except Exception as e:
Ejemplo n.º 3
def short_lidvid_to_dirpath(lidvid: LIDVID) -> str:
    lid = lidvid.lid()
    # parts are collection, product
    parts = lid.parts()[1:]
    if len(parts) >= 2 and parts[0] not in NO_VISIT_COLLECTIONS:
        fake_filename = f"{parts[1]}_raw.fits"
        visit = HstFilename(fake_filename).visit()
        visit_part = f"visit_{visit}"
        parts[1] = visit_part
    return fs.path.join(*parts)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _populate_hdus_associations_and_cards(
    db: BundleDB, pyfits_obj: _PYFITS_OBJ, file_basename: str, fits_product_lidvid: str
) -> None:
    def create_hdu_dict(index: int, hdu: _PYFITS_HDU) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        fileinfo = hdu.fileinfo()
        return {
            "product_lidvid": fits_product_lidvid,
            "hdu_index": index,
            "hdr_loc": fileinfo["hdrLoc"],
            "dat_loc": fileinfo["datLoc"],
            "dat_span": fileinfo["datSpan"],

    hdu_dicts = [create_hdu_dict(index, hdu) for index, hdu in enumerate(pyfits_obj)]
    db.session.bulk_insert_mappings(Hdu, hdu_dicts)

    def handle_undefined(val: bool) -> Optional[bool]:
        """Convert undefined values to None"""
        if isinstance(val, astropy.io.fits.card.Undefined):
            return None
            return val

    def desired_keyword(kw: str) -> bool:
        """Return True if the keyword is wanted"""
        # For now we want all of them.
        return kw is not None

    def create_card_dict(
        hdu_index: int, card_index: int, card: _PYFITS_CARD
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return {
            "product_lidvid": fits_product_lidvid,
            "hdu_index": hdu_index,
            "card_index": card_index,
            "keyword": card.keyword,
            "value": handle_undefined(card.value),

    card_dicts = [
        create_card_dict(hdu_index, card_index, card)
        for hdu_index, hdu in enumerate(pyfits_obj)
        for card_index, card in enumerate(hdu.header.cards)
    db.session.bulk_insert_mappings(Card, card_dicts)

    if HstFilename(file_basename).suffix() == "asn":
        _populate_associations(db, fits_product_lidvid, pyfits_obj)

Ejemplo n.º 5
def translate_filepath(archive_filepath: str) -> str:
    Translate an archive-style filepath (with "$" after bundle,
    collection and product directory names) into a deliverable-style
    filepath (with no "$"s and products organized into visit_NN
    directories instead of their own).
    # The first part is always "/", so we drop it.
    parts = fs.path.parts(archive_filepath)[1:]
    # Special case for the root.
    if len(parts) == 0:
        return "/"

    # The path should consist of a sequence of parts all ending in
    # "$"--those show PDS4 structure--then the rest should *not* end
    # in "$": those make up the full path within the PDS4 bundle,
    # collection or product.  (Currently, we don't use subdirectories
    # within PDS4 objects, but it *is* allowed by the PDS4
    # specification.)
    indx = _first_index(lambda part: part[-1] != "$", parts)

    # Take the parts that end in "$", then drop the "$"s.
    pds4 = [part[:-1] for part in parts[:indx]]

    # Take the remaining parts that don't end in "$".
    non_pds4 = parts[indx:]

    if len(pds4) in [1, 2]:
        return fs.path.join("/", *pds4, *non_pds4)

    if len(pds4) == 3:
        collection_segment = pds4[1]
        if collection_segment in NO_VISIT_COLLECTIONS:
            return fs.path.join("/", *pds4, *non_pds4)
            product_segment = pds4[2]
            fake_filename = f"{product_segment}_raw.fits"
            visit = HstFilename(fake_filename).visit()
            return fs.path.join("/", *pds4[0:2], f"visit_{visit}", *non_pds4)

    raise ValueError(f"unexpected number of pds4 parts in {archive_filepath}")
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_visit(self) -> None:
     hst = HstFilename(_TEST_FILENAME)
     self.assertEqual("01", hst.visit())
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_hst_internal_proposal_id(self) -> None:
     hst = HstFilename(_TEST_FILENAME)
     self.assertEqual("6gp", hst.hst_internal_proposal_id())
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_rootname(self) -> None:
     hst = HstFilename(_TEST_FILENAME)
     self.assertEqual("j6gp01mmq", hst.rootname())
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_instrument_name(self) -> None:
     hst = HstFilename(_TEST_FILENAME)
     self.assertEqual("ACS", hst.instrument_name())
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_repr(self) -> None:
     hst = HstFilename(_TEST_FILENAME)
     self.assertEqual("HstFilename('" + _TEST_FILENAME + "')", repr(hst))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_str(self) -> None:
     hst = HstFilename(_TEST_FILENAME)
     self.assertEqual(_TEST_FILENAME, hst.__str__())
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_instr(dir: str) -> str:
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
        for file in files:
            if os.path.splitext(file)[1] == ".fits":
                return HstFilename(file).instrument_name()
    assert False, "didn't find any FITS files"