Ejemplo n.º 1
def visualize_stream_orders(orders,
                            filename='stream_orders' + DEFAULT_EXTENSION):
    from pygraphviz import AGraph
    graph = AGraph(strict=True, directed=True)
    graph.node_attr['style'] = 'filled'
    graph.node_attr['shape'] = 'box'
    graph.node_attr['color'] = STREAM_COLOR
    graph.node_attr['fontcolor'] = 'black'
    #graph.node_attr['fontsize'] = 12
    graph.node_attr['width'] = 0
    graph.node_attr['height'] = 0.02  # Minimum height is 0.02
    graph.node_attr['margin'] = 0
    graph.graph_attr['outputMode'] = 'nodesfirst'
    graph.graph_attr['dpi'] = 300

    streams = set(streams) | set(flatten(orders))
    for stream in streams:
    for stream1, stream2 in orders:
        graph.add_edge(str(stream1), str(stream2))
    # TODO: could also print the raw values (or a lookup table)
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3499056/making-a-legend-key-in-graphviz

    graph.draw(filename, prog='dot')
    print('Saved', filename)
    return graph
Ejemplo n.º 2
def instantiate_condition(action, is_static, args_from_predicate):
    parameters = {p.name for p in action.parameters}
    #if not parameters:
    #    yield {}
    #    return
    static_conditions = list(
        filter(is_static, get_literals(get_precondition(action))))
    static_parameters = set(
        filter(is_parameter, flatten(atom.args for atom in static_conditions)))
    if not (parameters <= static_parameters):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Could not instantiate action {} due to parameters: {}'.format(
                action.name, str_from_object(parameters - static_parameters)))
    atoms_from_cond = {
        condition: args_from_predicate[condition.predicate,
        for condition in static_conditions
    conditions, atoms = zip(*atoms_from_cond.items())
    relations = [
        Relation(conditions[index].args, atoms[index])
        for index in compute_order(conditions, atoms)
    solution = solve_satisfaction(relations)
    for element in solution.body:
        yield solution.get_mapping(element)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_disable_axiom(external_plan, use_parameters=True):
    # TODO: express constraint mutexes upfront
    # TODO: investigate why use_parameters=True hurts satisfaction
    # TODO: better mix optimization and sampling by determining a splitting point
    # TODO: be careful about the shared objects as parameters
    # TODO: need to block functions & predicates
    stream_plan, _ = partition_external_plan(external_plan)
    assert stream_plan
    #component_plan = stream_plan
    [unsatisfiable] = stream_plan[-1].get_unsatisfiable()
    component_plan = list(flatten(
        r.get_components() for r in stream_plan[:-1])) + list(unsatisfiable)
    #output_objects = get_free_objects(component_plan) if use_parameters else set()
    constraints = [result.stream_fact for result in component_plan]
    optimistic_objects = {
        for f in constraints for o in get_args(f)
        if isinstance(o, OptimisticObject)
    }  # TODO: consider case when variables are free
    #assert optimistic_objects <= output_objects
    #free_objects = list(optimistic_objects & output_objects) # TODO: need to return all variables
    free_objects = optimistic_objects
    parameters = ['?p{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(free_objects))]
    param_from_obj = get_mapping(free_objects, parameters)
    preconditions = substitute_expression(constraints, param_from_obj)
    effect = (UNSATISFIABLE, )
    axiom = make_axiom(parameters, preconditions, effect)
    return axiom
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_problem1(n_regions=0, n_cylinders=3, n_boxes=3):
    constant_map = {}
    stream_map = DEBUG

    initial = 'initial'
    shelfA = 'shelfA'
    prepushA = 'prepushA'
    shelfB = 'shelfB'

    regions = [initial, shelfA, prepushA, shelfB] + \
              ['region{}'.format(i) for i in range(n_regions)]
    cylinders = ['cylinder{}'.format(i) for i in range(n_cylinders)]
    boxes = ['box{}'.format(i) for i in range(n_boxes)]

    init = [
        ('Prepush', prepushA, shelfA),
        #('Stackable', cylinders[2], cylinders[1]),
    init += [('Region', region) for region in regions]
    init += [('Cylinder', cylinder) for cylinder in cylinders]
    init += [('Box', box) for box in boxes]
    init.extend(flatten([('Movable', movable), ('On', movable, initial), ('Clear', movable)]
                        for movable in (cylinders + boxes)))
    init += [('Thing', thing) for thing in (regions + cylinders + boxes)]

    goal = And(
        ('In', cylinders[0], shelfA),
        ('On', cylinders[2], cylinders[1]),

    return PDDLProblem(DOMAIN_PDDL, constant_map, STREAM_PDDL, stream_map, init, goal)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def shorten_stream_plan(evaluations, stream_plan, target_facts):
    all_subgoals = set(target_facts) | set(
        flatten(r.instance.get_domain() for r in stream_plan))
    evaluation_subgoals = set(
        filter(evaluations.__contains__, map(evaluation_from_fact,
    open_subgoals = set(
        filter(lambda f: evaluation_from_fact(f) not in evaluations,
    results_from_fact = {}
    for result in stream_plan:
        for fact in result.get_certified():
            results_from_fact.setdefault(fact, []).append(result)

    for removed_result in reversed(stream_plan):  # TODO: only do in order?
        certified_subgoals = open_subgoals & set(
        if not certified_subgoals:  # Could combine with following
            new_stream_plan = stream_plan[:]
            return new_stream_plan
        if all(2 <= len(results_from_fact[fact])
               for fact in certified_subgoals):
            node_from_atom = get_achieving_streams(
                set(stream_plan) - {removed_result})
            if all(fact in node_from_atom for fact in target_facts):
                new_stream_plan = []
                extract_stream_plan(node_from_atom, target_facts,
                return new_stream_plan
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 6
def recover_axioms_plans(instantiated, action_instances):
    #axioms, axiom_init, _ = axiom_rules.handle_axioms(
    #    instantiated.actions, instantiated.axioms, instantiated.goal_list)

    new_action_instances = [
        copy.deepcopy(instance) for instance in action_instances

    axioms, axiom_init = instantiated.axioms, [
    ]  # TODO: bug when needing to reachieve negated
    axioms_from_effect = defaultdict(list)
    for axiom in axioms:
    axioms_from_name = get_derived_predicates(instantiated.task.axioms)

    state = set(instantiated.task.init) | set(axiom_init)
    axiom_plans = []
    for action in new_action_instances + [
        all_conditions = list(get_precondition(action)) + list(
                    for cond, _ in action.add_effects + action.del_effects))
        axioms = backtrack_axioms(all_conditions, axioms_from_effect, set())
        axiom_from_atom, _ = get_achieving_axioms(state, axioms)

        action.applied_effects = []
        for effects in [action.add_effects, action.del_effects]:
            negate = (effects is action.del_effects)
            for i, (conditions, effect) in reversed(list(enumerate(effects))):
                if all(
                        literal_holds(state, literal) or (
                            literal in axiom_from_atom)
                        for literal in conditions):
                    effects[i] = ([], effect)
                        effect.negate() if negate else effect)

        # RuntimeError: Preimage fact ('new-axiom@0',) is not achievable!
        #precondition = action.precondition # TODO: strange bug if this applies
        precondition = [
            literal for literal in action.precondition
            if literal.predicate in axioms_from_name
        success = extract_axioms(state, axiom_from_atom, precondition,
        if not success:
            raise RuntimeError('Could not extract axioms')
        apply_action(state, action)
    return new_action_instances, axiom_plans
Ejemplo n.º 7
def save_segmented(image, beads_per_color):
    if image is None:
    all_beads = set(flatten(beads_per_color))
    non_beads = sorted(set(get_bodies()) - all_beads)
    color_from_body = dict(zip(non_beads, spaced_colors(len(non_beads))))
    segmented_image = image_from_segmented(image,
    save_image('segmented.png', segmented_image)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def increase_free_variables(stream_plan):
    # TODO: could decrease the number of variables if a cluster is removed
    free_objects = Counter(
        flatten(result.instance.input_objects for result in stream_plan))
    for obj, num in free_objects.items():
        # TODO: wait until the full plan has failed (accomplished through levels)
        if isinstance(obj, OptimisticObject):
            assert isinstance(obj.param, UniqueOptValue)
            instance = obj.param.instance
            instance.num_optimistic = max(instance.num_optimistic, num + 1)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def score_image(rgb_image, bead_colors, beads_per_color, max_distance=0.1):
    # TODO: could floodfill to identify bead clusters (and reward more clusters)
    # TODO: ensure the appropriate ratios are visible on top
    # TODO: penalize marbles that have left the bowl
    # TODO: estimate the number of escaped marbles using the size at that distance
    bead_pixels = [[] for _ in bead_colors]
    for r in range(rgb_image.shape[0]):  # height
        for c in range(rgb_image.shape[1]):  # width
            pixel = rgb_image[r, c]
            assert pixel[3] == 255
            rgb = pixel[:3] / 255.
            best_index, best_distance = None, INF
            for index, color in enumerate(bead_colors):
                distance = np.linalg.norm(rgb - color[:3])
                if distance < best_distance:
                    best_index, best_distance = index, distance
            if best_distance <= max_distance:
                bead_pixels[best_index].append((r, c))
    # TODO: discount beads outside
    all_beads = list(flatten(beads_per_color))
    bead_frequencies = np.array([len(beads) for beads in beads_per_color],
                                dtype=float) / len(all_beads)
    all_pixels = list(flatten(bead_pixels))
    image_frequencies = np.array([len(beads) for beads in bead_pixels],
                                 dtype=float) / len(all_pixels)
    print(bead_frequencies, image_frequencies,
          image_frequencies - bead_frequencies)

    distances = []
    for pixels in bead_pixels:
            get_distance(p1, p2, norm=2)
            for p1, p2 in combinations(pixels, r=2)
    dispersion = np.mean(distances)  # TODO: translate into meters?
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def score_fn(plan):
        assert plan is not None
        with ClientSaver(world.client):
            rgb_image = take_image(world, bowl_body, beads_per_color)
            values = score_image(rgb_image, bead_colors, beads_per_color)

        final_pose = perception.get_pose(bowl_name)
        point_distance = get_distance(point_from_pose(initial_pose),
                                      point_from_pose(final_pose))  #, norm=2)
        quat_distance = quat_angle_between(quat_from_pose(initial_pose),
        print('Translation: {:.5f} m | Rotation: {:.5f} rads'.format(
            point_distance, quat_distance))

        with ClientSaver(world.client):
            all_beads = list(flatten(beads_per_color))
            bowl_beads = get_contained_beads(bowl_body, all_beads)
            fraction_bowl = float(
                len(bowl_beads)) / len(all_beads) if all_beads else 0
        print('In Bowl: {}'.format(fraction_bowl))

        with ClientSaver(world.client):
            final_dispersion = compute_dispersion(bowl_body, beads_per_color)
        print('Initial Dispersion: {:.3f} | Final Dispersion {:.3f}'.format(
            initial_distance, final_dispersion))

        score = {
            'bowl_translation': point_distance,
            'bowl_rotation': quat_distance,
            'fraction_in_bowl': fraction_bowl,
            'initial_dispersion': initial_distance,
            'final_dispersion': final_dispersion,
            'num_beads': len(all_beads),  # Beads per color
            DYNAMICS: parameters_from_name,
        # TODO: include time required for stirring
        # TODO: change in dispersion

        #_, args = find_unique(lambda a: a[0] == 'stir', plan)
        #control = args[-1]
        return score
Ejemplo n.º 11
def recover_axioms_plans(instantiated, action_instances):
    #axioms, axiom_init, _ = axiom_rules.handle_axioms(
    #    instantiated.actions, instantiated.axioms, instantiated.goal_list)
    axioms, axiom_init = instantiated.axioms, [
    ]  # TODO: bug when needing to reachieve negated
    axioms_from_effect = defaultdict(list)
    for axiom in axioms:

    state = set(instantiated.task.init) | set(axiom_init)
    axiom_plans = []
    for action in action_instances + [
        all_conditions = list(get_precondition(action)) + list(
                    for cond, _ in action.add_effects + action.del_effects))
        axioms = backtrack_axioms(all_conditions, axioms_from_effect, set())
        axiom_from_atom, _ = get_achieving_axioms(state, axioms)
        action.applied_effects = []
        for effects in [action.add_effects, action.del_effects]:
            negate = effects is action.del_effects
            for i, (conditions, effect) in reversed(list(enumerate(effects))):
                if all(
                        literal_holds(state, literal) or (
                            literal in axiom_from_atom)
                        for literal in conditions):
                    effects[i] = ([], effect)
                        effect.negate() if negate else effect)
        assert extract_axioms(state, axiom_from_atom, action.precondition,
        apply_action(state, action)
    return axiom_plans
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_free_objects(stream_plan):
    return set(
        flatten(result.output_objects for result in stream_plan
                if isinstance(result, StreamResult)))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def recover_stream_plan(evaluations, current_plan, opt_evaluations,
                        goal_expression, domain, node_from_atom, action_plan,
                        axiom_plans, negative, replan_step):
    # Universally quantified conditions are converted into negative axioms
    # Existentially quantified conditions are made additional preconditions
    # Universally quantified effects are instantiated by doing the cartesian produce of types (slow)
    # Added effects cancel out removed effects
    # TODO: node_from_atom is a subset of opt_evaluations (only missing functions)
    real_task = task_from_domain_problem(
        domain, get_problem(evaluations, goal_expression, domain))
    opt_task = task_from_domain_problem(
        domain, get_problem(opt_evaluations, goal_expression, domain))
    negative_from_name = {
        external.blocked_predicate: external
        for external in negative if external.is_negated()
    real_states, combined_plan = recover_negative_axioms(
        real_task, opt_task, axiom_plans, action_plan, negative_from_name)
    function_plan = compute_function_plan(opt_evaluations, action_plan)

    # TODO: record the supporting facts
    full_preimage = plan_preimage(combined_plan, [])
    stream_preimage = set(full_preimage) - real_states[0]
    negative_preimage = set(
        filter(lambda a: a.predicate in negative_from_name, stream_preimage))
        convert_negative(negative_preimage, negative_from_name, full_preimage,
    positive_preimage = stream_preimage - negative_preimage

    steps_from_fact = {
        fact_from_fd(l): full_preimage[l]
        for l in positive_preimage if not l.negated
    target_facts = {
        for fact in steps_from_fact.keys() if get_prefix(fact) != EQ
    #stream_plan = reschedule_stream_plan(evaluations, target_facts, domain, stream_results)
    # visualize_constraints(map(fact_from_fd, target_facts))

    # TODO: get_steps_from_stream
    stream_plan = []
    step_from_stream = {}
    for result in current_plan:
        # TODO: actually compute when these are needed + dependencies
        step_from_stream[result] = 0
        if isinstance(result.external, Function) or (result.external
                                                     in negative):
                result)  # Prevents these results from being pruned

    curr_evaluations = evaluations_from_stream_plan(evaluations,
    extraction_facts = target_facts - set(
        map(fact_from_evaluation, curr_evaluations))
    step_from_fact = {
        fact: min(steps_from_fact[fact])
        for fact in extraction_facts
    extract_stream_plan(node_from_atom, extraction_facts, stream_plan,
                        step_from_fact, step_from_stream)
    stream_plan = postprocess_stream_plan(evaluations, domain, stream_plan,

    eager_plan = []
    actions_from_step = {}
    for result in (stream_plan + list(function_plan)):
        if (result.opt_index != 0) or (step_from_stream.get(result, 0) <
    eager_plan = convert_fluent_streams(eager_plan, real_states, action_plan,
                                        steps_from_fact, node_from_atom)

    # print(action_plan)
    # # TODO: propagate this forward in the future
    # start_from_stream = {}
    # for result in eager_plan:
    #     stuff = list(map(fd_from_fact, get_fluent_domain(result)))
    #     index = len(real_states)
    #     for i, state in enumerate(real_states):
    #         if conditions_hold(state, stuff):
    #             start_from_stream[result] = i
    #             index = i
    #             break
    #     #else:
    #     #start_from_stream[result] = len(real_states)
    #     print(index, result)

    # TODO: some sort of obj side-effect bug that requires obj_from_pddl to be applied last (likely due to fluent streams)
    #action_plan = transform_plan_args(map(pddl_from_instance, action_instances), obj_from_pddl)
    for step, action in enumerate(action_plan):
        actions_from_step.setdefault(step, []).append(
            transform_action_args(pddl_from_instance(action), obj_from_pddl))
    action_plan = list(
        flatten(actions_from_step[step] for step in sorted(actions_from_step)))
    return eager_plan, action_plan