def test_field_labels():
    """ test the FieldCollection.labels property """
    grid = UnitGrid([5])
    s1 = ScalarField(grid, label="s1")
    s2 = ScalarField(grid)
    fc = FieldCollection([s1, s2])

    assert fc.labels == ["s1", None]
    assert len(fc.labels) == 2
    assert fc.labels[0] == "s1"
    fc.labels = ["a", "b"]
    assert fc.labels == ["a", "b"]
    fc.labels[0] = "c"
    assert fc.labels == ["c", "b"]
    assert str(fc.labels) == str(["c", "b"])
    assert repr(fc.labels) == repr(["c", "b"])

    assert fc.labels[0:1] == ["c"]
    assert fc.labels[:] == ["c", "b"]
    fc.labels[0:1] = "d"
    assert fc.labels == ["d", "b"]

    fc.labels[:] = "a"
    assert fc.labels == ["a", "a"]

    labels = fc.labels[:]
    labels[0] = "e"
    assert fc.labels == ["a", "a"]

    fc = FieldCollection([s1, s2], labels=[None, "b"])
    assert fc.labels == [None, "b"]
    fc = FieldCollection([s1, s2], labels=["a", "b"])
    assert fc.labels == ["a", "b"]
def test_interactive_collection_plotting():
    """ test the interactive plotting """
    grid = UnitGrid([3, 3])
    sf = ScalarField.random_uniform(grid, 0.1, 0.9)
    vf = VectorField.random_uniform(grid, 0.1, 0.9)
    field = FieldCollection([sf, vf])
    field.plot_interactive(viewer_args={"show": False, "close": True})
def test_collection_1_field():
    """ test field collections with only one field """
    grid = UnitGrid([3])
    s1 = ScalarField(grid, label="a")
    fc = FieldCollection([s1])
    assert fc.labels == ["a"]

def test_shapes_nfields(example_grid):
    """ test single component field """
    for num in [1, 3]:
        fields = [ScalarField.random_uniform(example_grid) for _ in range(num)]
        field = FieldCollection(fields)
        data_shape = (num,) + example_grid.shape
        np.testing.assert_equal(, data_shape)
        for pf_single in field:
            np.testing.assert_equal(, example_grid.shape)

        field_c = field.copy()
        assert field.grid == field_c.grid
def test_collection_plotting():
    """ test simple plotting of various fields on various grids """
    grid = UnitGrid([5])
    s1 = ScalarField(grid, label="s1")
    s2 = ScalarField(grid)
    fc = FieldCollection([s1, s2])

    # test setting different figure sizes
    fc.plot(figsize=(3, 3))

    # test different arrangements
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def evolution_rate(self, state, t=0):
        v, w = state  # membrane potential and recovery variable

        v_t = v.laplace(bc=self.bc) + v - v**3 / 3 - w + self.stimulus
        w_t = (v + self.a - self.b * w) / self.τ

        return FieldCollection([v_t, w_t])
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def evolution_rate(self, state, t=0):
     s, i, r = state
     diff = self.diffusivity
     ds_dt = diff * s.laplace(self.bc) - self.beta * i * s
     di_dt = diff * i.laplace(self.bc) + self.beta * i * s - self.gamma * i
     dr_dt = diff * r.laplace(self.bc) + self.gamma * i
     return FieldCollection([ds_dt, di_dt, dr_dt])
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def evolution_rate(self, state, t=0):
     u, w = state  # membrane potential and recovery variable
     u_t = u.laplace(bc=self.bc) + u * (u - self.stimulus) * (1 - u) + w
     w_t = self.ε * u
     return FieldCollection([u_t, w_t])
def test_smoothing_collection():
    """ test smoothing of a FieldCollection """
    grid = UnitGrid([3, 4], periodic=[True, False])
    sf = ScalarField.random_uniform(grid)
    vf = VectorField.random_uniform(grid)
    tf = Tensor2Field.random_uniform(grid)
    fields = FieldCollection([sf, vf, tf])
    sgm = 0.5 + np.random.random()

    out = fields.smooth(sigma=sgm)
    for i in range(3):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(out[i].data, fields[i].smooth(sgm).data) = 0
    fields.smooth(sigma=sgm, out=out)
    for i in range(3):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(out[i].data, fields[i].smooth(sgm).data)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_scalar_random_uniform():
    """ test creating collections using scalar_random_uniform """
    grid = UnitGrid([3, 4], periodic=[True, False])
    fc = FieldCollection.scalar_random_uniform(2, grid, label="c", labels=["a", "b"])
    assert fc.label == "c"
    assert fc[0].label == "a"
    assert fc[1].label == "b"
    assert fc[0].grid is grid
    assert fc[1].grid is grid
    assert not np.allclose(fc[0].data, fc[1].data)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_state(self, s, i):
        """ generate a suitable initial state"""
        norm = (s + i).data.max()  # maximal density
        if norm > 1:
            s /= norm
            i /= norm
        s.label = 'Susceptible'
        i.label = 'Infected'

        # create recovered field
        r = ScalarField(s.grid, data=1 - s - i, label='Recovered')
        return FieldCollection([s, i, r])
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_pde_2scalar():
    """test PDE with two scalar fields"""
    eq = PDE({"u": "laplace(u) - u", "v": "- u * v"})
    assert not eq.explicit_time_dependence
    assert not eq.complex_valued
    grid = grids.UnitGrid([8])
    field = FieldCollection.scalar_random_uniform(2, grid)

    res_a = eq.solve(field, t_range=1, dt=0.01, backend="numpy", tracker=None)
    res_b = eq.solve(field, t_range=1, dt=0.01, backend="numba", tracker=None)

Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_from_scalar_expressions():
    """ test creating field collections from scalar expressions """
    grid = UnitGrid([3])
    expressions = ["x**2", "1"]
    fc = FieldCollection.from_scalar_expressions(
        grid, expressions=expressions, label="c", labels=["a", "b"]
    assert fc.label == "c"
    assert fc[0].label == "a"
    assert fc[1].label == "b"
    assert fc[0].grid is grid
    assert fc[1].grid is grid
    np.testing.assert_allclose(fc[0].data, (np.arange(3) + 0.5) ** 2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(fc[1].data, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_pde_vector_scalar():
    """test PDE with a vector and a scalar field"""
    eq = PDE({"u": "vector_laplace(u) - u + gradient(v)", "v": "- divergence(u)"})
    assert not eq.explicit_time_dependence
    assert not eq.complex_valued
    grid = grids.UnitGrid([8, 8])
    field = FieldCollection(
        [VectorField.random_uniform(grid), ScalarField.random_uniform(grid)]

    res_a = eq.solve(field, t_range=1, dt=0.01, backend="numpy", tracker=None)
    res_b = eq.solve(field, t_range=1, dt=0.01, backend="numba", tracker=None)

Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_collections_copy():
    """ test copying data of collections """
    grid = UnitGrid([2, 2])
    sf = ScalarField(grid, 0)
    vf = VectorField(grid, 1)
    fc = FieldCollection([sf, vf])

    data = np.r_[np.zeros(4), np.ones(8)]
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, data)

    fc2 = fc.copy()
    assert is not
    assert fc[0].data is not fc2[0].data
    assert fc[1].data is not fc2[1].data = 1
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, np.ones(12))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, data)

    # special case
    fc = FieldCollection([sf, sf])
    fc[0] = 2
    np.testing.assert_allclose(fc[0].data, 2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(fc[1].data, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_collections():
    """test field collections"""
    grid = UnitGrid([3, 4])
    sf = ScalarField.random_uniform(grid, label="sf")
    vf = VectorField.random_uniform(grid, label="vf")
    tf = Tensor2Field.random_uniform(grid, label="tf")
    fields = FieldCollection([sf, vf, tf])
    assert == (7, 3, 4)
    assert isinstance(str(fields), str)[:] = 0
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, 0)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, 0)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, 0)

    assert fields[0] is fields["sf"]
    assert fields[1] is fields["vf"]
    assert fields[2] is fields["tf"]
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        fields["42"] = 1 = 1 = 1
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, 1)
    assert all(np.allclose(i, 12) for i in fields.integrals)
    assert all(np.allclose(i, 1) for i in fields.averages)
    assert np.allclose(fields.magnitudes, np.sqrt([1, 2, 4]))

    assert == (3, 4)
    assert == (2, 3, 4)
    assert == (2, 2, 3, 4)

    c2 = FieldBase.from_state(fields.attributes,
    assert c2 == fields
    assert c2.grid is grid

    attrs = FieldCollection.unserialize_attributes(
    c2 = FieldCollection.from_state(attrs,
    assert c2 == fields
    assert c2.grid is not grid

    fields["sf"] = 2.0
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, 2)
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        fields["42"] = 0

    fields.plot(subplot_args=[{}, {"scale": 1}, {"colorbar": False}])
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_pde_noise(backend):
    """test noise operator on PDE class"""
    grid = grids.UnitGrid([64, 64])
    state = FieldCollection([ScalarField(grid), ScalarField(grid)])

    eq = PDE({"a": 0, "b": 0}, noise=0.5)
    res = eq.solve(state, t_range=1, backend=backend, dt=1, tracker=None)
    assert == pytest.approx(0.5, rel=0.1)

    eq = PDE({"a": 0, "b": 0}, noise=[0.01, 2.0])
    res = eq.solve(state, t_range=1, backend=backend, dt=1)
    assert[0].std() == pytest.approx(0.01, rel=0.1)
    assert[1].std() == pytest.approx(2.0, rel=0.1)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        eq = PDE({"a": 0}, noise=[0.01, 2.0])
        eq.solve(ScalarField(grid), t_range=1, backend=backend, dt=1, tracker=None)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_solvers_complex(backend):
    """test solvers with a complex PDE"""
    r = FieldCollection.scalar_random_uniform(2, UnitGrid([3]), labels=["a", "b"])
    c = r["a"] + 1j * r["b"]
    assert c.is_complex

    # assume c = a + i * b
    eq_c = PDE({"c": "-I * laplace(c)"})
    eq_r = PDE({"a": "laplace(b)", "b": "-laplace(a)"})
    res_r = eq_r.solve(r, t_range=1e-2, dt=1e-3, backend="numpy", tracker=None)
    exp_c = res_r[0].data + 1j * res_r[1].data

    for solver_class in [ExplicitSolver, ImplicitSolver, ScipySolver]:
        solver = solver_class(eq_c, backend=backend)
        controller = Controller(solver, t_range=1e-2, tracker=None)
        res_c =, dt=1e-3)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(, exp_c, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_pde_wrong_input():
    """ test some wrong input """
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        PDE({"t": 1})

    grid = grids.UnitGrid([4])
    eq = PDE({"u": 1})
    assert eq.expressions == {"u": "1.0"}
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        eq.evolution_rate(FieldCollection.scalar_random_uniform(2, grid))

    eq = PDE({"u": 1, "v": 2})
    assert eq.expressions == {"u": "1.0", "v": "2.0"}
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    eq = PDE({"u": "a"})
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_collections_operators():
    """ test field collections """
    grid = UnitGrid([3, 4])
    sf = ScalarField(grid, 1)
    vf = VectorField(grid, 1)
    fields = FieldCollection([sf, vf])

    fields += fields
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, 2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, 2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, 2)

    fields = fields - 1
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, 1)

    fields = fields + fields
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, 2)

    fields *= 2
    np.testing.assert_allclose(, 4)
Ejemplo n.º 21
Here, :math:`D_0` and :math:`D_1` are the respective diffusivity and the
parameters :math:`a` and :math:`b` are related to reaction rates.

Note that the same result can also be achieved with a 
:doc:`full implementation of a custom class <pde_brusselator_class>`, which
allows for more flexibility at the cost of code complexity.

from pde import PDE, FieldCollection, PlotTracker, ScalarField, UnitGrid

# define the PDE
a, b = 1, 3
d0, d1 = 1, 0.1
eq = PDE(
        "u": f"{d0} * laplace(u) + {a} - ({b} + 1) * u + u**2 * v",
        "v": f"{d1} * laplace(v) + {b} * u - u**2 * v",

# initialize state
grid = UnitGrid([64, 64])
u = ScalarField(grid, a, label="Field $u$")
v = b / a + 0.1 * ScalarField.random_normal(grid, label="Field $v$")
state = FieldCollection([u, v])

# simulate the pde
tracker = PlotTracker(interval=1, plot_args={"vmin": 0, "vmax": 5})
sol = eq.solve(state, t_range=20, dt=1e-3, tracker=tracker)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def get_initial_state(self, grid):
     """ prepare a useful initial state """
     u = ScalarField(grid, self.a, label="Field $u$")
     v = self.b / self.a + 0.1 * ScalarField.random_normal(grid, label="Field $v$")
     return FieldCollection([u, v])
Ejemplo n.º 23
from pde import (UnitGrid, ScalarField, FieldCollection, DiffusionPDE,
                 ExplicitSolver, ScipySolver, Controller) 

# initialize the grid, an initial condition, and the PDE
grid = UnitGrid([32, 32])
field = ScalarField.random_uniform(grid, -1, 1)
eq = DiffusionPDE()

# try the explicit solver
solver1 = ExplicitSolver(eq)
controller1 = Controller(solver1, t_range=1, tracker=None)
sol1 =, dt=1e-3)
sol1.label = 'explicit solver'
print('Diagnostic information from first run:')

# try the standard scipy solver
solver2 = ScipySolver(eq)
controller2 = Controller(solver2, t_range=1, tracker=None)
sol2 =
sol2.label = 'scipy solver'
print('Diagnostic information from second run:')

# plot both fields and give the deviation as the title
title = f'Deviation: {((sol1 - sol2)**2).average:.2g}'
FieldCollection([sol1, sol2]).plot(title=title)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_field_labels():
    """ test the FieldCollection.labels property """
    grid = UnitGrid([5])
    s1 = ScalarField(grid, label="s1")
    s2 = ScalarField(grid)
    fc = FieldCollection([s1, s2])

    assert fc.labels == ["s1", None]
    assert len(fc.labels) == 2
    assert fc.labels[0] == "s1"
    assert fc.labels.index("s1") == 0
    assert fc.labels.index(None) == 1
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    fc.labels = ["a", "b"]
    assert fc.labels == ["a", "b"]
    fc.labels[0] = "c"
    assert fc.labels == ["c", "b"]
    assert str(fc.labels) == str(["c", "b"])
    assert repr(fc.labels) == repr(["c", "b"])

    assert fc.labels[0:1] == ["c"]
    assert fc.labels[:] == ["c", "b"]
    fc.labels[0:1] = "d"
    assert fc.labels == ["d", "b"]

    fc.labels[:] = "a"
    assert fc.labels == ["a", "a"]

    labels = fc.labels[:]
    labels[0] = "e"
    assert fc.labels == ["a", "a"]

    fc = FieldCollection([s1, s2], labels=[None, "b"])
    assert fc.labels == [None, "b"]
    fc = FieldCollection([s1, s2], labels=["a", "b"])
    assert fc.labels == ["a", "b"]

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        fc.labels = [1, "b"]
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        fc.labels[0] = 1
Ejemplo n.º 25
the recovery time scale. We implement this as a custom PDE class below.

from pde import UnitGrid, FieldCollection, PDEBase

class FitzhughNagumoPDE(PDEBase):
    """ FitzHugh–Nagumo model with diffusive coupling """
    def __init__(self, stimulus=.5, τ=10, a=0, b=0, bc='natural'):
        self.bc = bc
        self.stimulus = stimulus
        self.τ = τ
        self.a = a
        self.b = b

    def evolution_rate(self, state, t=0):
        v, w = state  # membrane potential and recovery variable

        v_t = v.laplace(bc=self.bc) + v - v**3 / 3 - w + self.stimulus
        w_t = (v + self.a - self.b * w) / self.τ

        return FieldCollection([v_t, w_t])

grid = UnitGrid([32, 32])
state = FieldCollection.scalar_random_uniform(2, grid)

eq = FitzhughNagumoPDE()
result = eq.solve(state, t_range=100, dt=0.01)