Ejemplo n.º 1
def runtest(X, pot, natoms = 100, iprint=-1):
    from _lbfgs_py import PrintEvent
    tol = 1e-5
    maxstep = 0.005

    Xinit = np.copy(X)
    e, g = pot.getEnergyGradient(X)
    print "energy", e
    lbfgs = LBFGS(X, pot, maxstep = 0.1, nsteps=10000, tol=tol,
                  iprint=iprint, H0=2.)
    printevent = PrintEvent( "debugout.xyz")
    ret = lbfgs.run()
    print ret
    print ""
    print "now do the same with scipy lbfgs"
    from pele.optimize import lbfgs_scipy as quench
    ret = quench(Xinit, pot, tol = tol)
    print ret
    #print ret[1], ret[2], ret[3]    
    if False:
        print "now do the same with scipy bfgs"
        from pele.optimize import bfgs as oldbfgs
        ret = oldbfgs(Xinit, pot, tol = tol)
        print ret
    if False:
        print "now do the same with gradient + linesearch"
        import _bfgs
        gpl = _bfgs.GradientPlusLinesearch(Xinit, pot, maxstep = 0.1)  
        ret = gpl.run(1000, tol = 1e-6)
        print ret
    if False:
        print "calling from wrapper function"
        from pele.optimize import lbfgs_py
        ret = lbfgs_py(Xinit, pot, tol = tol)
        print ret
    if True:
        print ""
        print "now do the same with lbfgs_py"
        from pele.optimize import lbfgs_py
        ret = lbfgs_py(Xinit, pot, tol = tol)
        print ret

        import pele.utils.pymolwrapper as pym
        for n, coords in enumerate(printevent.coordslist):
            coords=coords.reshape(natoms, 3)
            pym.draw_spheres(coords, "A", n)
    except ImportError:
        print "error loading pymol"
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def setUp1(self, verbose=False, **kwargs):
        natoms = 18
        self.system = LJCluster(natoms)
        self.pot = self.system.get_potential()
        x = self.system.get_random_configuration()
        ret = lbfgs_py(x, self.pot, tol=10)
        self.x = ret.coords

        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.verbose = verbose

        self.M = 4
        if self.verbose: iprint = 1
        else: iprint = -1
        self.myo = MYLBFGS(self.x,
        self.o = LBFGS(self.x,
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def setUp1(self, verbose=False, **kwargs):
     natoms = 18
     self.system = LJCluster(natoms)
     self.pot = self.system.get_potential()
     x = self.system.get_random_configuration()
     ret = lbfgs_py(x, self.pot, tol=10)
     self.x = ret.coords
     self.kwargs = kwargs
     self.verbose = verbose
     self.M = 4
     if self.verbose: iprint=1
     else: iprint = -1
     self.myo = MYLBFGS(self.x, self.pot, iprint=iprint, debug=True, M=self.M)
     self.o = LBFGS(self.x, self.pot, iprint=iprint, debug=True, M=self.M, **self.kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test():
    system = NNSystem()
    t = system.get_potential()
    print "get_energy_gradient"
    newparams = np.random.uniform(-.05, .05, t.nparams)
    e, g = t.getEnergyGradient(newparams)
    print "cost", e
    print "\n\nagain\nget_energy_gradient"
    newparams = np.random.uniform(-.05, .05, t.nparams)
    e, g = t.getEnergyGradient(newparams)
    print "cost", e
    params = t.get_params()
    print params
    dx = np.max(np.abs(params - newparams))
    print dx
    assert dx < 1e-8
    # do minimization
    from pele.optimize import lbfgs_py
    res = lbfgs_py(newparams, t, iprint=10, tol=1e-4)
    print res
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test():
    system = NNSystem()
    t = system.get_potential()

    print "get_energy_gradient"
    newparams = np.random.uniform(-.05, .05, t.nparams)
    e, g = t.getEnergyGradient(newparams)
    print "cost", e

    print "\n\nagain\nget_energy_gradient"
    newparams = np.random.uniform(-.05, .05, t.nparams)
    e, g = t.getEnergyGradient(newparams)
    print "cost", e

    params = t.get_params()
    print params
    dx = np.max(np.abs(params - newparams))
    print dx
    assert dx < 1e-8

    # do minimization
    from pele.optimize import lbfgs_py
    res = lbfgs_py(newparams, t, iprint=10, tol=1e-4)
    print res
Ejemplo n.º 6
between two lennard jones clusters
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import range
import numpy as np

from pele.potentials.lj import LJ
from pele.optimize import lbfgs_py
from pele.mindist import MinPermDistAtomicCluster

pot = LJ()

natoms = 40

# get two random quenched structures to compare
coords1 = np.random.rand(natoms * 3) * natoms ** (1. / 3) * 1.5
coords2 = np.random.rand(natoms * 3) * natoms ** (1. / 3) * 1.5
ret1 = lbfgs_py(coords1, pot)
ret2 = lbfgs_py(coords2, pot)
coords1 = ret1.coords
coords2 = ret2.coords

# all the atoms are permutable
permlist = [list(range(natoms))]

mindist = MinPermDistAtomicCluster(niter=100, permlist=permlist, verbose=False)
dist, newcoords1, newcoords2 = mindist(coords1, coords2)

print("dist =", dist)
Ejemplo n.º 7
for rb in rb_sites:

# define a new rigid body system
rbsystem = rigidbody.RBSystem()

print(len(rbsystem.sites), len(rbsystem.indices))

rbcoords = rbsystem.coords_adapter(np.zeros(len(rbsystem.sites) * 6))

for site, com in zip(rbsystem.sites, rbcoords.posRigid):
    com[:] = ref.coords[site.indices[0]] - site.atom_positions[0]

# for simplicity just use a lj potential here
pot = LJ(sigma=2.)
# get the flattened coordinate array
rbpot = rigidbody.RBPotentialWrapper(rbsystem, pot)
e, g = rbpot.getEnergyGradient(rbcoords.coords)
g_n = rbpot.NumericalDerivative(rbcoords.coords, eps=1e-4)
cg = rbsystem.coords_adapter(g - g_n)
ret = lbfgs_py(rbcoords.coords, rbpot)
xyz.write_xyz(open("quenched.xyz", "w"),
Ejemplo n.º 8
In the above we used three imports.  We used the `numpy` library to construct a random
one dimensional array.  We used the Lennard-Jones potential :class:`.LJ`, and we used the minimization
routine :func:`.lbfgs_py` which is just a wrapper for the class :class:`.LBFGS`.

The return value is an optimization result, which is just a container (:class:`.Result`) that stores
the final energy, final coordinates, the number of function calls, etc.

If we want to then save the minimized coordinates in an xyz file we can use the function :func:`.write_xyz`
    from pele.utils.xyz import write_xyz
    with open("out.xyz", "w") as fout:
        title = "energy = " + str(result.energy)
        write_xyz(fout, result.coords, title=title)

import numpy as np
from pele.potentials import LJ
from pele.optimize import lbfgs_py

natoms = 5
x = np.random.uniform(-2, 2, natoms * 3)
pot = LJ()
result = lbfgs_py(x, pot)
print result

from pele.utils.xyz import write_xyz
with open("out.xyz", "w") as fout:
    title = "energy = " + str(result.energy)
    write_xyz(fout, result.coords, title=title)
Ejemplo n.º 9
# finalize the rigid body setup
for rb in rb_sites:

# define a new rigid body system    
rbsystem = rigidbody.RBSystem()

print len(rbsystem.sites), len(rbsystem.indices)

rbcoords = rbsystem.coords_adapter(np.zeros(len(rbsystem.sites)*6))

for site, com in zip(rbsystem.sites, rbcoords.posRigid):
    com[:] = ref.coords[site.indices[0]] - site.atom_positions[0]
# for simplicity just use a lj potential here
pot = LJ(sigma=2.)
# get the flattened coordinate array
print pot.getEnergy(ref.coords.flatten())
rbpot = rigidbody.RBPotentialWrapper(rbsystem, pot)
print rbpot.getEnergy(rbcoords.coords)
e, g = rbpot.getEnergyGradient(rbcoords.coords)
g_n = rbpot.NumericalDerivative(rbcoords.coords, eps=1e-4)
cg = rbsystem.coords_adapter(g-g_n) 
print cg.posRigid
print cg.rotRigid
ret = lbfgs_py(rbcoords.coords, rbpot)
print ret.energy
xyz.write_xyz(open("quenched.xyz", "w"), rbsystem.to_atomistic(ret.coords), atomtypes=ref.atomtypes)

Ejemplo n.º 10
In the above we used three imports.  We used the `numpy` library to construct a random
one dimensional array.  We used the Lennard-Jones potential :class:`.LJ`, and we used the minimization
routine :func:`.lbfgs_py` which is just a wrapper for the class :class:`.LBFGS`.

The return value is an optimization result, which is just a container (:class:`.Result`) that stores
the final energy, final coordinates, the number of function calls, etc.

If we want to then save the minimized coordinates in an xyz file we can use the function :func:`.write_xyz`
    from pele.utils.xyz import write_xyz
    with open("out.xyz", "w") as fout:
        title = "energy = " + str(result.energy)
        write_xyz(fout, result.coords, title=title)

import numpy as np
from pele.potentials import LJ
from pele.optimize import lbfgs_py

natoms = 5
x = np.random.uniform(-2, 2, natoms*3)
pot = LJ()
result = lbfgs_py(x, pot)
print result

from pele.utils.xyz import write_xyz
with open("out.xyz", "w") as fout:
    title = "energy = " + str(result.energy)
    write_xyz(fout, result.coords, title=title)
Ejemplo n.º 11
an example for finding the minimum distance and best alignment
between two lennard jones clusters
import numpy as np

from pele.potentials.lj import LJ
from pele.optimize import lbfgs_py
from pele.mindist import MinPermDistAtomicCluster

pot = LJ()

natoms = 40

# get two random quenched structures to compare
coords1 = np.random.rand(natoms * 3) * natoms ** (1. / 3) * 1.5
coords2 = np.random.rand(natoms * 3) * natoms ** (1. / 3) * 1.5
ret1 = lbfgs_py(coords1, pot)
ret2 = lbfgs_py(coords2, pot)
coords1 = ret1.coords
coords2 = ret2.coords

# all the atoms are permutable
permlist = [range(natoms)]

mindist = MinPermDistAtomicCluster(niter=100, permlist=permlist, verbose=False)
dist, newcoords1, newcoords2 = mindist(coords1, coords2)

print ""
print "dist =", dist
Ejemplo n.º 12
from pele.potentials.lj import LJ
from pele.optimize import lbfgs_py
from pele.landscape import DoubleEndedConnect, smoothPath
from pele.mindist import MinPermDistAtomicCluster
from pele.transition_states import orthogopt
from pele.storage import Database, Minimum
from pele.utils.xyz import write_xyz

#set up the potential
pot = LJ()

#import the starting and ending points and quench them, 
coords1 = np.genfromtxt("coords.A")
coords2 = np.genfromtxt("coords.B")
res1 = lbfgs_py(coords1.reshape(-1), pot)
res2 = lbfgs_py(coords2.reshape(-1), pot)
coords1 = res1.coords
coords2 = res2.coords
E1 = res1.energy
E2 = res2.energy
natoms = len(coords1)/3

#add the minima to a database
dbfile = "database.sqlite"
database = Database(dbfile)
database.addMinimum(E1, coords1)
database.addMinimum(E2, coords2)
min1 = database.minima()[0]
min2 = database.minima()[1]
Ejemplo n.º 13
from pele.optimize import lbfgs_py
from pele.landscape import DoubleEndedConnect, smoothPath
from pele.mindist import MinPermDistAtomicCluster
from pele.transition_states import orthogopt
from pele.storage import Database
from pele.utils.xyz import write_xyz


# set up the potential
pot = LJ()

# import the starting and ending points and quench them, 
coords1 = np.genfromtxt("coords.A")
coords2 = np.genfromtxt("coords.B")
res1 = lbfgs_py(coords1.reshape(-1), pot)
res2 = lbfgs_py(coords2.reshape(-1), pot)
coords1 = res1.coords
coords2 = res2.coords
E1 = res1.energy
E2 = res2.energy
natoms = len(coords1) / 3

# add the minima to a database
dbfile = "database.sqlite"
database = Database(dbfile)
database.addMinimum(E1, coords1)
database.addMinimum(E2, coords2)
min1 = database.minima()[0]
min2 = database.minima()[1]