Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_conversion_from_folder(names, tmpdir, requires_babel):
    r"""Test the conversion of molecular structure file with different formats"""

    filename = os.path.join(ref_dir, names[0])
    qchem.read_structure(filename, outpath=tmpdir)

    with open(tmpdir.join("structure.xyz")) as g:
        gen_file = g.readlines()[2:]

    with open(os.path.join(ref_dir, names[1])) as f:
        ref_file = f.readlines()[2:]

    assert gen_file == ref_file
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_reading_xyz_file(tmpdir):
    r"""Test reading of the generated file 'structure.xyz'"""

    ref_symbols = ["C", "C", "N", "H", "H", "H", "H", "H"]
    ref_coords = np.array([
    name = os.path.join(ref_dir, "gdb3.mol5.XYZ")
    symbols, coordinates = qchem.read_structure(name, outpath=tmpdir)

    assert symbols == ref_symbols
    assert np.allclose(coordinates, ref_coords)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_subprocess_run(monkeypatch, requires_babel):
    r"""Test 'subprocess.run' function running babel to convert the molecular structure
     file to xyz format"""

    with monkeypatch.context() as m:

        def fake_run(*args, **kwargs):
            raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, "obabel")

        m.setattr(subprocess, "run", fake_run)

        with pytest.raises(
                "Open Babel error. See the following Open Babel output for details"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_reading_xyz_file(tmpdir):
    r"""Test reading of the generated file 'structure.xyz'"""

    ref_geometry = [
        ["C", (0.361, -0.452, -0.551)],
        ["C", (-0.714, 0.125, 0.327)],
        ["N", (0.683, 0.133, 0.745)],
        ["H", (0.442, -1.529, -0.619)],
        ["H", (0.672, 0.102, -1.428)],
        ["H", (-1.364, -0.56, 0.857)],
        ["H", (-1.149, 1.08, 0.060)],
        ["H", (1.093, 1.063, 0.636)],

    name = os.path.join(ref_dir, "gdb3.mol5.XYZ")
    geometry = qchem.read_structure(name, outpath=tmpdir)

    assert geometry == ref_geometry
Ejemplo n.º 5
Sit down, brew a hot drink, and let's take a look!

Importing the molecular structure
The first step is to import the QChem package from PennyLane.
from pennylane import qchem

# In this example, we construct the electronic Hamiltonian of one of the most unique
# molecules: water. We begin by reading the positions of the oxygen and hydrogen atoms. The
# equilibrium geometry of water is read from the file :download:`h2o.xyz </demonstrations/h2o.xyz>`
# and stored in a list containing the symbol and the Cartesian coordinates of each atomic
# species:

geometry = qchem.read_structure('h2o.xyz')
print("The total number of atoms is: {}".format(len(geometry)))

# .. note::
#     The xyz format is supported out of the box.
#     If `Open Babel <http://openbabel.org/wiki/Main_Page>`_ is installed, any
#     format recognized by Open Babel is also supported by PennyLane, such as
#     ``.mol`` and ``.sdf``.
#     Please see the :func:`~.pennylane_qchem.qchem.read_structure` and Open Babel documentation
#     for more information on installing Open Babel.
# Calling the function :func:`~.pennylane_qchem.qchem.read_structure` also creates the file
Ejemplo n.º 6
Sit down, brew a hot drink, and let's take a look!

Importing the molecular structure
The first step is to import the QChem package from PennyLane.
from pennylane import qchem

# In this example, we construct the electronic Hamiltonian of one of the most unique
# molecules: water. We begin by reading the positions of the oxygen and hydrogen atoms. The
# equilibrium geometry of water is read from the file :download:`h2o.xyz </demonstrations/h2o.xyz>`
# which retrieves the symbol and the Cartesian coordinates of each atomic species:

symbols, coordinates = qchem.read_structure('h2o.xyz')
print("The total number of atoms is: {}".format(len(symbols)))

# .. note::
#     The xyz format is supported out of the box.
#     If `Open Babel <http://openbabel.org/wiki/Main_Page>`_ is installed, any
#     format recognized by Open Babel is also supported by PennyLane, such as
#     ``.mol`` and ``.sdf``.
#     Please see the :func:`~.pennylane_qchem.qchem.read_structure` and Open Babel documentation
#     for more information on installing Open Babel.
Ejemplo n.º 7
    1.7: "vqe_parallel/h2_1.70.xyz",
    1.9: "vqe_parallel/h2_1.90.xyz",
    2.1: "vqe_parallel/h2_2.10.xyz",

# The next step is to create the qubit Hamiltonians for each value of the inter-atomic distance.
# We do this by first reading the molecular geometry from the external file using the
# :func:`~.pennylane_qchem.qchem.read_structure` function and passing the atomic symbols
# and coordinates to :func:`~.pennylane_qchem.qchem.molecular_hamiltonian`.

hamiltonians = []

for separation, file in data.items():
    symbols, coordinates = qchem.read_structure(file)
    h = qchem.molecular_hamiltonian(symbols, coordinates, name=str(separation))[0]

# Each Hamiltonian can be written as a linear combination of fifteen tensor products of Pauli
# matrices. Let's take a look more closely at one of the Hamiltonians:

h = hamiltonians[0]

print("Number of terms: {}\n".format(len(h.ops)))
for op in h.ops:
    print("Measurement {} on wires {}".format(op.name, op.wires))

# Defining the energy function
Ejemplo n.º 8
# set of 3 Gaussian functions are contracted to represent an atomic Slater-type orbital (STO):

basis_set = 'sto-3g'

# At this stage, to compute the molecule's Hamiltonian in the Pauli basis, several
# calculations need to be performed. With PennyLane, these can all be done in a
# single line by calling the function :func:`~.pennylane_qchem.qchem.molecular_hamiltonian`.
# The charge, multiplicity, and basis set can also be specified as keyword arguments. Finally,
# the number of active electrons and active orbitals may be indicated, as well as the
# fermionic-to-qubit mapping, which can be either Jordan-Wigner (``jordan_wigner``) or Bravyi-Kitaev
# (``bravyi_kitaev``). The atomic symbols and their nuclear coordinates can be read directly
# from the geometry file. The outputs of the function are the qubit Hamiltonian of the molecule
# and the number of qubits needed to represent it:

symbols, coordinates = qchem.read_structure(geometry)

h, qubits = qchem.molecular_hamiltonian(symbols,

print('Number of qubits = ', qubits)
print('Hamiltonian is ', h)

# That's it! From here on, we can use PennyLane as usual, employing its entire stack of
Ejemplo n.º 9
Importing the molecular structure
The first step is to import the QChem package from PennyLane.
from pennylane import qchem

# In this example, we construct the electronic Hamiltonian of one of the most unique
# molecules: water. We begin by reading the positions of the oxygen and hydrogen atoms. The
# equilibrium geometry of water is read from the file :download:`h2o.xyz </demonstrations/h2o.xyz>`
# and stored in a list containing the symbol and the Cartesian coordinates of each atomic
# species:

geometry = qchem.read_structure(
print("The total number of atoms is: {}".format(len(geometry)))

# .. note::
#     The xyz format is supported out of the box.
#     If `Open Babel <http://openbabel.org/wiki/Main_Page>`_ is installed, any
#     format recognized by Open Babel is also supported by PennyLane, such as
#     ``.mol`` and ``.sdf``.
#     Please see the :func:`~.pennylane_qchem.qchem.read_structure` and Open Babel documentation
#     for more information on installing Open Babel.