def get_person(self): p = Person() = p.position = self.pos.pos p.velocity = self.velocity() p.reliability = self.reliability return self.pos.header.frame_id, p
def get_person(self): person = Person() = with self.lock: person.position.x = self.position[0] person.position.y = self.position[1] return person
def predict_path(self, person): path_prediction = self.path_prediction = [] goal_x, goal_y = self.goal_pos vx, vy = person.velocity.x, person.velocity.y px, py = person.position.x, person.position.y goal_dist = ((goal_x - px)**2 + (goal_y - py)**2)**0.5 speed = (vx**2 + vy**2)**0.5 theta = math.atan2(goal_y - py, goal_x - px) step_dist = speed * self.time_resolution if not speed: max_prediction = 0 else: max_prediction = min(self.num_predictions, math.ceil(goal_dist / step_dist)) step_x, step_y = step_dist * math.cos(theta), step_dist * math.sin( theta) last_x, last_y = px, py for i in range(1, self.num_predictions + 1): person_prediction = Person() person_prediction.position.z = 0 person_prediction.velocity = person.velocity path_prediction.append(person_prediction) if i >= max_prediction: person_prediction.position.x = last_x person_prediction.position.y = last_y else: last_x = person_prediction.position.x = px + i * step_x last_y = person_prediction.position.y = py + i * step_y
def sub_cb(self, msg): self.fb_people.header.stamp = for box in msg.bounding_boxes: if box.Class != "truck": # and box.probability > 0.2: if box.Class in self.found_objects: self.fb_people.people[self.found_objects[ box.Class]].position.x = random.random() * 10 self.fb_people.people[self.found_objects[ box.Class]].position.y = random.random() * 10 else: self.found_objects[box.Class] = len(self.fb_people.people) fb_person = Person() print box.Class, " Found" p1 = PoseStamped() p1.header.frame_id = "base_link" p1.pose.position.x = random.random() * 10 p1.pose.position.y = random.random() * 10 p1.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # Neutral orientation #p_in_base = self.tf_listener.transformPose("map", p1) #fb_person.position.x = p_in_base.pose.position.x #fb_person.position.y = p_in_base.pose.position.y fb_person.position.x = p1.pose.position.x fb_person.position.y = p1.pose.position.y = str(box.Class) self.fb_people.people.append(fb_person)
def publish_human_position(self): #人の座標を出力 obstacle_people = People() #people_msg obstacle_people.header.frame_id = 'map' obstacle_people.header.stamp = marker_array_vis = MarkerArray() #people_visalizaion ids = map(lambda x:, self.human_class) vanished_ids = list(set(self.prev_ids) - set(ids)) self.prev_ids = map(lambda x:, self.human_class) for i in vanished_ids: # xrange(10000): marker_vis = Marker() #marker marker_vis.header.frame_id = 'map' marker_vis.header.stamp = = i marker_vis.type = 3 #3 cylinder 9 text marker_vis.action = 2 #delete marker_array_vis.markers.append(marker_vis) self.human_vis_pub_.publish(marker_array_vis) marker_array_vis = MarkerArray() #people_visalizaion for i in range(0, len(self.human_class)): tmp_human = Person() #person = str(self.human_class[i].id) tmp_human.position.x = self.human_class[i].x tmp_human.position.y = self.human_class[i].y tmp_human.position.z = 0.0 tmp_human.velocity.x = self.human_class[i].x_vel tmp_human.velocity.y = self.human_class[i].y_vel tmp_human.velocity.z = 0.0 tmp_human.reliability = 1.0 obstacle_people.people.append(tmp_human) marker_vis = Marker() #marker marker_vis.header.frame_id = 'map' marker_vis.header.stamp = = self.human_class[i].id marker_vis.type = 3 #3 cylinder 9 text marker_vis.action = 0 #add marker_vis.scale.x = 0.1 marker_vis.scale.y = 0.1 marker_vis.scale.z = 1.0 marker_vis.color.r = 1 marker_vis.color.g = 0 marker_vis.color.b = 0 marker_vis.color.a = 1.0 marker_vis.lifetime = self.rospy_.Duration(0.2) marker_vis.pose.position.x = self.human_class[i].x marker_vis.pose.position.y = self.human_class[i].y marker_vis.pose.position.z = 0.5 marker_vis.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 marker_vis.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 marker_vis.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 marker_vis.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 #marker_vis.text="aaaaaaaaa" marker_array_vis.markers.append(marker_vis) self.human_pub_.publish(obstacle_people) self.human_vis_pub_.publish(marker_array_vis)
def viacon_callback(self, msg): if self.last_pos is None: self.last_pos = -msg.transform.translation.x, -msg.transform.translation.y, msg.header.stamp.to_sec( ) return people = People() person = Person() people.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp people.header.frame_id = "map" last_x, last_y, last_t = self.last_pos self.last_pos = -msg.transform.translation.x, -msg.transform.translation.y, msg.header.stamp.to_sec( ) if msg.header.stamp.to_sec() - last_t <= 0: return self.vx = (1 - self.gamma) * self.vx + \ self.gamma * (-msg.transform.translation.x - last_x) / (msg.header.stamp.to_sec() - last_t) self.vy = (1 - self.gamma) * self.vy + \ self.gamma * (-msg.transform.translation.y - last_y) / (msg.header.stamp.to_sec() - last_t) person.position.x = -msg.transform.translation.x person.position.y = -msg.transform.translation.y self.last_pos = -msg.transform.translation.x, -msg.transform.translation.y, msg.header.stamp.to_sec( ) people.people = [person] self.p_pub.publish(people)
def publish_pose(self): self.fb_people.header.stamp = fb_person = Person() p1 = PoseStamped() p1.header.frame_id = "base_link" p1.pose.position.x = 1 p1.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # Neutral orientation p_in_base = self.tf_listener.transformPose("map", p1) fb_person.position.x = p_in_base.pose.position.x fb_person.position.y = p_in_base.pose.position.y = str(fb_person.position.x + fb_person.position.y) rospy.loginfo("Object Found") self.fb_people.people.append(fb_person)
def __init__(self, model_to_track_list): # This are the models that we will generate information about. self.gz_model_obj = GazeboModel(model_to_track_list) self.people = People() self.person = Person() = rospy.Publisher("/people", People, queue_size=10) self.pub2 = rospy.Publisher("/person_pose", People, queue_size=10)
def spin(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pv = Person() pl = People() pl.header.stamp = pl.header.frame_id = '/map' pv.position.x = self.x pv.position.y = self.y pv.position.z = .5 pv.velocity.x = 0 pv.velocity.y = 0 = 'Steve' pv.reliability = .90 pl.people.append(pv) self.ppub.publish(pl) rate.sleep()
def spin(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pv = Person() pl = People() pl.header.stamp = pl.header.frame_id = '/base_link' pv.position.x = float(sys.argv[1]) pv.position.y = float(sys.argv[2]) pv.position.z = .5 pv.velocity.x = float(sys.argv[3]) pv.velocity.y = float(sys.argv[4]) = 'asdf' pv.reliability = .90 pl.people.append(pv) self.ppub.publish(pl) rate.sleep()
def callback(self, data): self.people.header = data.header self.people.header.frame_id = "camera_rgb_optical_frame" self.angles.header = data.header person_list = data.bounding_boxes temp = [] temp_angles = [] for ppl in person_list: person = Person() pose = Pose() y = (ppl.xmax + ppl.xmin) / 2 # # Position relative to world (center of camera is 90 degrees) # position_y = -0.090625*(y - 640) + 60 # Position relative to robot (center of camera is 0 degrees) position_y = (y - 320) * 29 / 320 position_y_rad = position_y * math.pi / 180 # pose.position.x = 1 pose.position.y = position_y_rad pose.orientation.w = 1 person.position.y = position_y person.reliability = ppl.probability = ppl.Class + "_" + names.get_first_name() temp_angles.append(pose) temp.append(person) self.people.people = temp self.angles.poses = temp_angles self.pub2.publish(self.angles)
def publish(self): """ """ data = groups = [] group = [] persons = [] if not data.poses: groups = [] else: for pose in data.poses: rospy.loginfo("Person Detected") quartenion = [ pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w ] (_, _, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quartenion) pose_person = [pose.position.x, pose.position.y, yaw] persons.append(pose_person) if persons: p = People() p.header.frame_id = "/base_footprint" p.header.stamp = for person in persons: p1 = Person() p1.position.x = person[0] p1.position.y = person[1] p1.velocity.x = 1 / math.tan(person[2]) p1.velocity.y = 1 p.people.append(p1) else: p = People() p.header.frame_id = "/base_footprint" p.header.stamp =
def __init__(self): self.r_ = rospy.Rate(100) #initializing message self.msg_tracked_persons_ = TrackedPersons() self.msg_people_ = People() self.msg_person_ = Person() #Subscriber setup rospy.Subscriber('/pedsim/tracked_persons', TrackedPersons, self.callbackTrackedPersons) #Publisher setup self.pub_people_ = rospy.Publisher('/people', People, queue_size=10) #Dummy flag self.FIRST_MSG_ = False
class Recognizer(object): def __init__(self, model, cascade_filename, run_local, wait, rp): self.rp = rp self.wait = wait self.doRun = True self.model = model self.restart = False self.ros_restart_request = False self.detector = CascadedDetector(cascade_fn=cascade_filename, minNeighbors=5, scaleFactor=1.1) if run_local: print ">> Error: Run local selected in ROS based Recognizer" sys.exit(1) else: self.bridge = CvBridge() def signal_handler(signal, frame): print ">> ROS Exiting" self.doRun = False signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) def image_callback(self, ros_data): try: cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(ros_data, "bgr8") except Exception, ex: print ex return # Resize the frame to half the original size for speeding up the detection process. # In ROS we can control the size, so we are sending a 320*240 image by default. img = cv2.resize(cv_image, (320, 240), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # img = cv2.resize(cv_image, (cv_image.shape[1] / 2, cv_image.shape[0] / 2), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # img = cv_image imgout = img.copy() # Remember the Persons found in current image persons = [] for _i, r in enumerate(self.detector.detect(img)): x0, y0, x1, y1 = r # (1) Get face, (2) Convert to grayscale & (3) resize to image_size: face = img[y0:y1, x0:x1] face = cv2.cvtColor(face, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) face = cv2.resize(face, self.model.image_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) prediction = self.model.predict(face) predicted_label = prediction[0] classifier_output = prediction[1] # Now let's get the distance from the assuming a 1-Nearest Neighbor. # Since it's a 1-Nearest Neighbor only look take the zero-th element: distance = classifier_output['distances'][0] # Draw the face area in image: cv2.rectangle(imgout, (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (0, 0, 255), 2) # Draw the predicted name (folder name...): draw_str(imgout, (x0 - 20, y0 - 40), "Label " + self.model.subject_names[predicted_label]) draw_str(imgout, (x0 - 20, y0 - 20), "Feature Distance " + "%1.1f" % distance) msg = Person() point = Point() # Send the center of the person's bounding box mid_x = float(x1 + (x1 - x0) * 0.5) mid_y = float(y1 + (y1 - y0) * 0.5) point.x = mid_x point.y = mid_y # Z is "mis-used" to represent the size of the bounding box point.z = x1 - x0 msg.position = point = str(self.model.subject_names[predicted_label]) msg.reliability = float(distance) persons.append(msg) if len(persons) > 0: h = Header() h.stamp = h.frame_id = '/ros_cam' msg = People() msg.header = h for p in persons: msg.people.append(p) self.rp.publisher.publish(msg) cv2.imshow('OCVFACEREC < ROS STREAM', imgout) cv2.waitKey(self.wait) try: z = self.ros_restart_request if z: self.restart = True self.doRun = False except Exception, e: pass
def get_bbox_cog(self, yolo_boxes, cloud): # Clear the people array self.people.people = list() # Clear the people pose array self.people_poses.poses = list() # Clear the bounding box array self.people_bounding_boxes.boxes = list() # Clear the detected persons array self.detected_persons.detections = list() # Assign arbitrary IDs person_id = 0 for detection in yolo_boxes.bboxes: if detection.Class == 'person': bbox = [ detection.xmin, detection.ymin, detection.xmax, detection.ymax ] #try: person_pose, person_bounding_box = self.get_bbox_pose( bbox, cloud) if person_pose is None: continue #except: # print person_pose, person_bounding_box # os._exit(1) # Pose self.people_poses.poses.append(person_pose.pose) # Bounding box self.people_bounding_boxes.boxes.append(person_bounding_box) # Person message type for social cost map person = Person() person.position = person_pose.pose.position #person.position.z = 0.0 = str(len(self.people.people)) person.reliability = 1.0 # Spencer DetectedPerson detected_person = DetectedPerson() detected_person.modality = DetectedPerson.MODALITY_GENERIC_RGBD detected_person.detection_id = person_id person_id += 1 detected_person.pose.pose = person_pose.pose self.detected_persons.detections.append(detected_person) self.people.people.append(person) now = self.people.header.stamp = now self.people_pub.publish(self.people) self.people_poses.header.stamp = now self.people_poses_pub.publish(self.people_poses) self.people_bounding_boxes.header.stamp = now self.people_bounding_boxes_pub.publish(self.people_bounding_boxes) self.detected_persons.header.stamp = now self.detected_persons_pub.publish(self.detected_persons)
def predict(self, tracked_persons): tracks = tracked_persons.tracks track_dict = {} for track in tracks: #print track #print track.pose.pose.position.x track_dict[track.track_id] = [ track.pose.pose.position.x, track.pose.pose.position.y ] del self.prev_frames[0] self.prev_frames.append(track_dict) if len(tracks) == 0: return input_data = self.__generate_input(tracks) #print input_data.shape #print input_data grid_batch = getSequenceGridMask(input_data, self.dimensions, self.saved_args.neighborhood_size, self.saved_args.grid_size) obs_traj = input_data[:self.obs_length] obs_grid = grid_batch[:self.obs_length] print "********************** PREDICT NEW TRAJECTORY ******************************" complete_traj = self.social_lstm_model.sample(self.sess, obs_traj, obs_grid, self.dimensions, input_data, self.pred_length) #print complete_traj # Initialize the markers array prediction_markers = MarkerArray() # Publish them people_predictions = PeoplePrediction() for frame_index in range(self.pred_length): people = People() people.header.stamp = tracked_persons.header.stamp + rospy.Duration( frame_index * self.time_resolution) people.header.frame_id = tracked_persons.header.frame_id predicted_frame_index = frame_index + self.obs_length for person_index in range(self.max_pedestrians): track_id = complete_traj[predicted_frame_index, person_index, 0] x_coord = complete_traj[predicted_frame_index, person_index, 1] y_coord = complete_traj[predicted_frame_index, person_index, 2] if track_id == 0: break person = Person() = str(track_id) point = Point() point.x = x_coord point.y = y_coord person.position = point people.people.append(person) self.prediction_marker.header.frame_id = tracked_persons.header.frame_id self.prediction_marker.header.stamp = tracked_persons.header.stamp = int(track_id) self.prediction_marker.pose.position.x = person.position.x self.prediction_marker.pose.position.y = person.position.y #self.prediction_marker.color.a = 1 - (frame_index * 1.0 / (self.pred_length * 1.0)) self.prediction_marker.color.a = 1.0 prediction_markers.markers.append(self.prediction_marker) people_predictions.predicted_people.append(people) #print people_predictions self.pedestrian_prediction_pub.publish(people_predictions) self.prediction_marker_pub.publish(prediction_markers)
def modelCallback(states_msg): # People publisher ppl_pub = rospy.Publisher('people', People, queue_size=1) # Marker publisher marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('people_viz_arr', MarkerArray, queue_size=1) # List to hold the indexes of the people objects in the message ppl_idxs = [] # Loop through the names array to determine how many people objects are in the sim and their indexes for i in range(len( model_name =[i] # Check if the model name is that of person if model_name[:-2] == "person_standing": # Append the index to the list ppl_idxs.append(i) # # Marker array to hold the markers for each person # marker_list = MarkerArray() # # Create marker message and initialize with values for external person model # people_marker = Marker() # people_marker.header.frame_id = "map" # # people_marker.ns = "model" # people_marker.type = Marker.MESH_RESOURCE # people_marker.action = Marker.MODIFY # people_marker.mesh_resource = "package://social_nav_simulation/gazebo/models/human/meshes/standing.dae" # people_marker.mesh_use_embedded_materials = True # people_marker.scale.x = 1.0 # people_marker.scale.y = 1.0 # people_marker.scale.z = 1.0 # Create people and person msgs all_people = People() one_person = Person() # Loop through all the indexes of the people models found for i in range(len(ppl_idxs)): # Get the index of the person model idx = ppl_idxs[i] # Add the person's model name =[idx] # Add the person's x and y position one_person.position.x = states_msg.pose[idx].position.x one_person.position.y = states_msg.pose[idx].position.y # Set name of marker # people_marker.ns = # # Create marker at the person's position # people_marker.pose.position.x = one_person.position.x # people_marker.pose.position.y = one_person.position.y # people_marker.pose.orientation = states_msg.pose[idx].orientation # marker_list.markers.append(copy.deepcopy(people_marker)) # marker_pub.publish(people_marker) # Add the person's velocity one_person.velocity.x = states_msg.twist[idx].linear.x one_person.velocity.y = states_msg.twist[idx].linear.y # ! Need to append a deep copy of the person object or or else each one will get overwritten # by the last person object appeneded to the list person_to_append = copy.deepcopy(one_person) # Add the person to the people message all_people.people.append(person_to_append) # Add paraent frame and time to header all_people.header.frame_id = "map" all_people.header.stamp = # Publish list of all people ppl_pub.publish(all_people)