def test_simple(self):
        complexes, reactions = read_pil("""
        length a = 6
        length a1 = 2
        length a2 = 2
        length a3 = 2
        length b  = 24
        length b1 = 8
        length b2 = 8
        length b3 = 8
        length c  = 24
        length c1 = 8
        length c2 = 8
        length c3 = 8

        I = a b c
        C = b( c( + ) ) a*
        J = a( b c + b( c( + ) ) )
        D = a( b( c( + ) ) )

        cI = a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 b3 c1 c2 c3
        cC = b1( b2( b3( c1( c2( c3( + ) ) ) ) ) ) a3* a2* a1*
        cJ = a1( a2( a3( b1 b2 b3 c1 c2 c3 + b1( b2( b3( c1( c2( c3( + ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
        cD = a1( a2( a3( b1( b2( b3( c1( c2( c3( + ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

        enum = Enumerator(
            [complexes['I'], complexes['C'], complexes['J'], complexes['D']],
        enum.k_fast = 0
        enum.k_slow = 0
        enum.max_helix = True

        enum2 = Enumerator([
            complexes['cI'], complexes['cC'], complexes['cJ'], complexes['cD']
        enum.k_fast = 0
        enum2.k_fast = 0
        enum2.k_slow = 0
        enum2.max_helix = True

        self.assertEqual(len(list(enum2.reactions)), len(list(enum.reactions)))
    def test_cooperative_binding(self):
        complexes, reactions = read_pil("""
        length a = 5
        length x = 10
        length y = 10
        length b = 5

        C = x( y( + b* ) ) a*
        L = a x
        R = y b
        T = x y

        LC = a( x + x( y( + b* ) ) )
         CR = x( y( + y b( + ) ) ) a*
        LCR = a( x + x( y( + y b( + ) ) ) )
        LCF = a( x( + x y( + b* ) ) )
         CRF = x( y + y( b( + ) ) ) a*

        LCRF1 = a( x( + x y( + y b( + ) ) ) )
        LCRF2 = a( x + x( y + y( b( + ) ) ) )
        LR = a( x( + y( b( + ) ) ) )

        C = complexes['C']
        L = complexes['L']
        R = complexes['R']
        T = complexes['T']
        LC = complexes['LC']
        LCF = complexes['LCF']
        CR = complexes['CR']
        CRF = complexes['CRF']
        LCRF1 = complexes['LCRF1']
        LR = complexes['LR']

        path1 = PepperReaction([L, C], [LC], 'bind21')
        path1r = PepperReaction([LC], [L, C], 'open')
        path2 = PepperReaction([LC], [LCF], 'branch-3way')
        path3 = PepperReaction([R, LCF], [LCRF1], 'bind21')
        path4 = PepperReaction([LCRF1], [LR, T], 'branch-3way')

        enum = Enumerator(list(complexes.values()))
        enum.k_fast = float('inf')
        enum.k_slow = 0
        enum.max_helix = True
        self.assertEqual(len(list(enum.reactions)), 22)
    def test_max_helix_01(self):
        complexes, reactions = read_pil("""
        length a = 15
        length x = 15
        length x1 = 15
        length x2 = 15
        length y = 15
        length y1 = 15
        length y2 = 15
        length z = 15
        length z1 = 15
        length z2 = 15

        # should be one reaction, is one
        A1 = x( y z + y( z( + ) ) )
        A1_2 = x( y( z( + ) ) )
        YZ = y z

        # should be one reactions, is one
        B1 = x1( x2( y1 y2 z1 z2 + y1( y2( z1( z2( + ) ) ) ) ) ) 
        B1_2 = x1( x2( y1( y2( z1( z2( + ) ) ) ) ) ) 
        YZ2 = y1 y2 z1 z2

        # should be two reactions, is two
        A2   = x( y z + y( + z( + ) ) )
        A2_1 = x( y( z + z( + ) ) )
        #A2_2 = x( y( z( + ) ) ) # = A1_2
        Y1 = y
        Z1 = z

        # should be two reactions, is two
        B2 = x1( x2( y1 y2 z1 z2 + y1( y2( + z1( z2( + ) ) ) ) ) ) 
        B2_1 = x1( x2( y1( y2( z1 z2 + z1( z2( + ) ) ) ) ) ) 
        Y2 = y1 y2
        Z2 = z1 z2

        # should be two reactions, is two
        C = x( y z + y( + a( + ) z( + ) ) )
        C1 = x( y( z + a( + ) z( + ) ) )
        r1 = a( + ) z


        A1 = complexes['A1']
        A1_2 = complexes['A1_2']
        YZ = complexes['YZ']

        A2 = complexes['A2']
        A2_1 = complexes['A2_1']
        #A2_2 = complexes['A2_2']
        Y1 = complexes['Y1']
        Z1 = complexes['Z1']

        enum = Enumerator([A1, A2])
        enum.k_fast = 0
        enum.k_slow = 0
        enum.max_helix = True

        path1 = PepperReaction([A1], sorted([A1_2, YZ]), 'branch-3way')
        path2 = PepperReaction([A2], sorted([A2_1, Y1]), 'branch-3way')
        path3 = PepperReaction([A2_1], sorted([A1_2, Z1]), 'branch-3way')
        self.assertEqual(sorted(enum.reactions), sorted([path1, path2, path3]))

        B1 = complexes['B1']
        B1_2 = complexes['B1_2']
        YZ2 = complexes['YZ2']

        B2 = complexes['B2']
        B2_1 = complexes['B2_1']
        Y2 = complexes['Y2']
        Z2 = complexes['Z2']

        enum = Enumerator([B1, B2])
        enum.k_fast = 0
        enum.k_slow = 0
        enum.max_helix = True

        path1 = PepperReaction([B1], sorted([B1_2, YZ2]), 'branch-3way')
        path2 = PepperReaction([B2], sorted([B2_1, Y2]), 'branch-3way')
        path3 = PepperReaction([B2_1], sorted([B1_2, Z2]), 'branch-3way')
        self.assertEqual(sorted(enum.reactions), sorted([path1, path2, path3]))

        C = complexes['C']
        enum = Enumerator([C])
        enum.k_fast = 0
        enum.k_slow = 0
        enum.max_helix = True
        self.assertEqual(len(list(enum.reactions)), 2)