Ejemplo n.º 1
class Grasp2D(object):
    """Parallel-jaw grasp in image space.

    center : :obj:`autolab_core.Point`
        Point in image space.
    angle : float
        Grasp axis angle with the camera x-axis.
    depth : float
        Depth of the grasp center in 3D space.
    width : float
        Distance between the jaws in meters.
    camera_intr : :obj:`perception.CameraIntrinsics`
        Frame of reference for camera that the grasp corresponds to.
    contact_points : list of :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Pair of contact points in image space.
    contact_normals : list of :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Pair of contact normals in image space.
    def __init__(self,
        self.center = center
        self.angle = angle
        self.depth = depth
        self.width = width
        # If `camera_intr` is none use default primesense camera intrinsics.
        if not camera_intr:
            self.camera_intr = CameraIntrinsics("primesense_overhead",
            self.camera_intr = camera_intr
        self.contact_points = contact_points
        self.contact_normals = contact_normals

        frame = "image"
        if camera_intr is not None:
            frame = camera_intr.frame
        if isinstance(center, np.ndarray):
            self.center = Point(center, frame=frame)

    def axis(self):
        """Returns the grasp axis."""
        return np.array([np.cos(self.angle), np.sin(self.angle)])

    def approach_axis(self):
        return np.array([0, 0, 1])

    def approach_angle(self):
        """The angle between the grasp approach axis and camera optical axis.
        return 0.0

    def frame(self):
        """The name of the frame of reference for the grasp."""
        if self.camera_intr is None:

            raise ValueError("Must specify camera intrinsics")
        return self.camera_intr.frame

    def width_px(self):
        """Returns the width in pixels."""
        if self.camera_intr is None:
            missing_camera_intr_msg = ("Must specify camera intrinsics to"
                                       " compute gripper width in 3D space.")
            raise ValueError(missing_camera_intr_msg)
        # Form the jaw locations in 3D space at the given depth.
        p1 = Point(np.array([0, 0, self.depth]), frame=self.frame)
        p2 = Point(np.array([self.width, 0, self.depth]), frame=self.frame)

        # Project into pixel space.
        u1 = self.camera_intr.project(p1)
        u2 = self.camera_intr.project(p2)
        return np.linalg.norm(u1.data - u2.data)

    def endpoints(self):
        """Returns the grasp endpoints."""
        p1 = self.center.data - (self.width_px / 2) * self.axis
        p2 = self.center.data + (self.width_px / 2) * self.axis
        return p1, p2

    def feature_vec(self):
        """Returns the feature vector for the grasp.

        `v = [p1, p2, depth]` where `p1` and `p2` are the jaw locations in
        image space.
        p1, p2 = self.endpoints
        return np.r_[p1, p2, self.depth]

    def from_feature_vec(v, width=0.0, camera_intr=None):
        """Creates a `Grasp2D` instance from a feature vector and additional

        v : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Feature vector, see `Grasp2D.feature_vec`.
        width : float
            Grasp opening width, in meters.
        camera_intr : :obj:`perception.CameraIntrinsics`
            Frame of reference for camera that the grasp corresponds to.
        # Read feature vec.
        p1 = v[:2]
        p2 = v[2:4]
        depth = v[4]

        # Compute center and angle.
        center_px = (p1 + p2) // 2
        center = Point(center_px, camera_intr.frame)
        axis = p2 - p1
        if np.linalg.norm(axis) > 0:
            axis = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis)
        if axis[1] > 0:
            angle = np.arccos(axis[0])
            angle = -np.arccos(axis[0])
        return Grasp2D(center,

    def pose(self, grasp_approach_dir=None):
        """Computes the 3D pose of the grasp relative to the camera.

        If an approach direction is not specified then the camera
        optical axis is used.

        grasp_approach_dir : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Approach direction for the grasp in camera basis (e.g. opposite to
            table normal).

            The transformation from the grasp to the camera frame of reference.
        # Check intrinsics.
        if self.camera_intr is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Must specify camera intrinsics to compute 3D grasp pose")

        # Compute 3D grasp center in camera basis.
        grasp_center_im = self.center.data
        center_px_im = Point(grasp_center_im, frame=self.camera_intr.frame)
        grasp_center_camera = self.camera_intr.deproject_pixel(
            self.depth, center_px_im)
        grasp_center_camera = grasp_center_camera.data

        # Compute 3D grasp axis in camera basis.
        grasp_axis_im = self.axis
        grasp_axis_im = grasp_axis_im / np.linalg.norm(grasp_axis_im)
        grasp_axis_camera = np.array([grasp_axis_im[0], grasp_axis_im[1], 0])
        grasp_axis_camera = grasp_axis_camera / np.linalg.norm(

        # Convert to 3D pose.
        grasp_rot_camera, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(grasp_axis_camera.reshape(3, 1))
        grasp_x_camera = grasp_approach_dir
        if grasp_approach_dir is None:
            grasp_x_camera = np.array([0, 0, 1])  # Align with camera Z axis.
        grasp_y_camera = grasp_axis_camera
        grasp_z_camera = np.cross(grasp_x_camera, grasp_y_camera)
        grasp_z_camera = grasp_z_camera / np.linalg.norm(grasp_z_camera)
        grasp_y_camera = np.cross(grasp_z_camera, grasp_x_camera)
        grasp_rot_camera = np.array(
            [grasp_x_camera, grasp_y_camera, grasp_z_camera]).T
        if np.linalg.det(grasp_rot_camera) < 0:  # Fix reflections due to SVD.
            grasp_rot_camera[:, 0] = -grasp_rot_camera[:, 0]
        T_grasp_camera = RigidTransform(rotation=grasp_rot_camera,
        return T_grasp_camera

    def image_dist(g1, g2, alpha=1.0):
        """Computes the distance between grasps in image space.

        Uses Euclidean distance with alpha weighting of angles

        g1 : :obj:`Grasp2D`
            First grasp.
        g2 : :obj:`Grasp2D`
            Second grasp.
        alpha : float
            Weight of angle distance (rad to meters).

            Distance between grasps.
        # Point to point distances.
        point_dist = np.linalg.norm(g1.center.data - g2.center.data)

        # Axis distances.
        dot = max(min(np.abs(g1.axis.dot(g2.axis)), 1.0), -1.0)
        axis_dist = np.arccos(dot)
        return point_dist + alpha * axis_dist
Ejemplo n.º 2
class SuctionPoint2D(object):
    """Suction grasp in image space.

    center : :obj:`autolab_core.Point`
        Point in image space.
    axis : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Dormalized 3-vector representing the direction of the suction tip.
    depth : float
        Depth of the suction point in 3D space.
    camera_intr : :obj:`perception.CameraIntrinsics`
        Frame of reference for camera that the suction point corresponds to.
    def __init__(self, center, axis=None, depth=1.0, camera_intr=None):
        if axis is None:
            axis = np.array([0, 0, 1])

        self.center = center
        self.axis = axis

        frame = "image"
        if camera_intr is not None:
            frame = camera_intr.frame
        if isinstance(center, np.ndarray):
            self.center = Point(center, frame=frame)
        if isinstance(axis, list):
            self.axis = np.array(axis)
        if np.abs(np.linalg.norm(self.axis) - 1.0) > 1e-3:
            raise ValueError("Illegal axis. Must be norm 1.")

        self.depth = depth
        # If `camera_intr` is `None` use default primesense camera intrinsics.
        if not camera_intr:
            self.camera_intr = CameraIntrinsics("primesense_overhead",
            self.camera_intr = camera_intr

    def frame(self):
        """The name of the frame of reference for the grasp."""
        if self.camera_intr is None:
            raise ValueError("Must specify camera intrinsics")
        return self.camera_intr.frame

    def angle(self):
        """The angle that the grasp pivot axis makes in image space."""
        rotation_axis = np.cross(self.axis, np.array([0, 0, 1]))
        rotation_axis_image = np.array([rotation_axis[0], rotation_axis[1]])
        angle = 0
        if np.linalg.norm(rotation_axis) > 0:
            rotation_axis_image = rotation_axis_image / np.linalg.norm(
            angle = np.arccos(rotation_axis_image[0])
        if rotation_axis[1] < 0:
            angle = -angle
        return angle

    def approach_angle(self):
        """The angle between the grasp approach axis and camera optical axis.
        dot = max(min(self.axis.dot(np.array([0, 0, 1])), 1.0), -1.0)
        return np.arccos(dot)

    def approach_axis(self):
        return self.axis

    def feature_vec(self):
        """Returns the feature vector for the suction point.

        `v = [center, axis, depth]`
        return self.center.data

    def from_feature_vec(v, camera_intr=None, depth=None, axis=None):
        """Creates a `SuctionPoint2D` instance from a feature vector and
        additional parameters.

        v : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Feature vector, see `Grasp2D.feature_vec`.
        camera_intr : :obj:`perception.CameraIntrinsics`
            Frame of reference for camera that the grasp corresponds to.
        depth : float
            Hard-set the depth for the suction grasp.
        axis : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            Normalized 3-vector specifying the approach direction.
        # Read feature vec.
        center_px = v[:2]

        grasp_axis = np.array([0, 0, -1])
        if v.shape[0] > 2 and axis is None:
            grasp_axis = v[2:5]
            grasp_axis = grasp_axis / np.linalg.norm(grasp_axis)
        elif axis is not None:
            grasp_axis = axis

        grasp_depth = 0.5
        if v.shape[0] > 5 and depth is None:
            grasp_depth = v[5]
        elif depth is not None:
            grasp_depth = depth

        # Compute center and angle.
        center = Point(center_px, camera_intr.frame)
        return SuctionPoint2D(center,

    def pose(self):
        """Computes the 3D pose of the grasp relative to the camera.

            The transformation from the grasp to the camera frame of reference.
        # Check intrinsics.
        if self.camera_intr is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Must specify camera intrinsics to compute 3D grasp pose")

        # Compute 3D grasp center in camera basis.
        suction_center_im = self.center.data
        center_px_im = Point(suction_center_im, frame=self.camera_intr.frame)
        suction_center_camera = self.camera_intr.deproject_pixel(
            self.depth, center_px_im)
        suction_center_camera = suction_center_camera.data

        # Compute 3D grasp axis in camera basis.
        suction_axis_camera = self.axis

        # Convert to 3D pose.
        suction_x_camera = suction_axis_camera
        suction_z_camera = np.array(
            [-suction_x_camera[1], suction_x_camera[0], 0])
        if np.linalg.norm(suction_z_camera) < 1e-12:
            suction_z_camera = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        suction_z_camera = suction_z_camera / np.linalg.norm(suction_z_camera)
        suction_y_camera = np.cross(suction_z_camera, suction_x_camera)
        suction_rot_camera = np.c_[suction_x_camera, suction_y_camera,

        T_suction_camera = RigidTransform(rotation=suction_rot_camera,
        return T_suction_camera

    def image_dist(g1, g2, alpha=1.0):
        """Computes the distance between grasps in image space.

        Uses Euclidean distance with alpha weighting of angles.

        g1 : :obj:`SuctionPoint2D`
            First suction point.
        g2 : :obj:`SuctionPoint2D`
            Second suction point.
        alpha : float
            Weight of angle distance (rad to meters).

            Distance between grasps.
        # Point to point distances.
        point_dist = np.linalg.norm(g1.center.data - g2.center.data)

        # Axis distances.
        dot = max(min(np.abs(g1.axis.dot(g2.axis)), 1.0), -1.0)
        axis_dist = np.arccos(dot)

        return point_dist + alpha * axis_dist
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Grasp2D(object):
    Parallel-jaw grasp in image space.

    center : :obj:`autolab_core.Point`
        point in image space
    angle : float
        grasp axis angle with the camera x-axis
    depth : float
        depth of the grasp center in 3D space
    width : float
        distance between the jaws in meters
    camera_intr : :obj:`perception.CameraIntrinsics`
        frame of reference for camera that the grasp corresponds to
    def __init__(self, center, angle, depth, width=0.0, camera_intr=None):
        self.center = center
        self.angle = angle
        self.depth = depth
        self.width = width
        # if camera_intr is none use default primesense camera intrinsics
        if not camera_intr:
            self.camera_intr = CameraIntrinsics('primesense_overhead', fx=525, fy=525, cx=319.5, cy=239.5, width=640, height=480)
            self.camera_intr = camera_intr

    def axis(self):
        """ Returns the grasp axis. """
        return np.array([np.cos(self.angle), np.sin(self.angle)])        
    def frame(self):
        """ The name of the frame of reference for the grasp. """
        if self.camera_intr is None:
            raise ValueError('Must specify camera intrinsics')
        return self.camera_intr.frame

    def width_px(self):
        """ Returns the width in pixels. """
        if self.camera_intr is None:
            raise ValueError('Must specify camera intrinsics to compute gripper width in 3D space')
        # form the jaw locations in 3D space at the given depth
        p1 = Point(np.array([0, 0, self.depth]), frame=self.frame)
        p2 = Point(np.array([self.width, 0, self.depth]), frame=self.frame)
        # project into pixel space
        u1 = self.camera_intr.project(p1)
        u2 = self.camera_intr.project(p2)
        return np.linalg.norm(u1.data - u2.data)

    def endpoints(self):
        """ Returns the grasp endpoints """
        p1 = self.center.data - (float(self.width_px) / 2) * self.axis
        p2 = self.center.data + (float(self.width_px) / 2) * self.axis
        return p1, p2

    def feature_vec(self):
        """ Returns the feature vector for the grasp.
        v = [p1, p2, depth]
        where p1 and p2 are the jaw locations in image space
        p1, p2 = self.endpoints
        return np.r_[p1, p2, self.depth]

    def from_feature_vec(v, width=0.0, camera_intr=None):
        """ Creates a Grasp2D obj from a feature vector and additional parameters.

        v : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            feature vector, see Grasp2D.feature_vec
        width : float
            grasp opening width, in meters
        camera_intr : :obj:`perception.CameraIntrinsics`
            frame of reference for camera that the grasp corresponds to
        # read feature vec
        p1 = v[:2]
        p2 = v[2:4]
        depth = v[4]

        # compute center and angle
        center_px = (p1 + p2) / 2
        center = Point(center_px, camera_intr.frame)
        axis = p2 - p1
        if np.linalg.norm(axis) > 0:
            axis = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis)
        if axis[1] > 0:
            angle = np.arccos(axis[0])
            angle = -np.arccos(axis[0])
        return Grasp2D(center, angle, depth, width=width, camera_intr=camera_intr)

    def pose(self, grasp_approach_dir=None):
        """ Computes the 3D pose of the grasp relative to the camera.
        If an approach direction is not specified then the camera
        optical axis is used.
        grasp_approach_dir : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            approach direction for the grasp in camera basis (e.g. opposite to table normal)

            the transformation from the grasp to the camera frame of reference
        # check intrinsics
        if self.camera_intr is None:
            raise ValueError('Must specify camera intrinsics to compute 3D grasp pose')

        # compute 3D grasp center in camera basis
        grasp_center_im = self.center.data
        center_px_im = Point(grasp_center_im, frame=self.camera_intr.frame)
        grasp_center_camera = self.camera_intr.deproject_pixel(self.depth, center_px_im)
        grasp_center_camera = grasp_center_camera.data

        # compute 3D grasp axis in camera basis
        grasp_axis_im = self.axis
        grasp_axis_im = grasp_axis_im / np.linalg.norm(grasp_axis_im)
        grasp_axis_camera = np.array([grasp_axis_im[0], grasp_axis_im[1], 0])
        grasp_axis_camera = grasp_axis_camera / np.linalg.norm(grasp_axis_camera)
        # convert to 3D pose
        grasp_rot_camera, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(grasp_axis_camera.reshape(3,1))
        grasp_x_camera = grasp_approach_dir
        if grasp_approach_dir is None:
            grasp_x_camera = np.array([0,0,1]) # aligned with camera Z axis
        grasp_y_camera = grasp_axis_camera
        grasp_z_camera = np.cross(grasp_x_camera, grasp_y_camera)
        grasp_x_camera = np.cross(grasp_z_camera, grasp_y_camera)
        grasp_rot_camera = np.array([grasp_x_camera, grasp_y_camera, grasp_z_camera]).T
        if np.linalg.det(grasp_rot_camera) < 0: # fix possible reflections due to SVD
            grasp_rot_camera[:,0] = -grasp_rot_camera[:,0]
        T_grasp_camera = RigidTransform(rotation=grasp_rot_camera,
        return T_grasp_camera

    def image_dist(g1, g2, alpha=1.0):
        """ Computes the distance between grasps in image space.
        Euclidean distance with alpha weighting of angles

        g1 : :obj:`Grasp2D`
            first grasp
        g2 : :obj:`Grasp2D`
            second grasp
        alpha : float
            weight of angle distance (rad to meters)

            distance between grasps
        # point to point distances
        point_dist = np.linalg.norm(g1.center.data - g2.center.data)

        # axis distances
        axis_dist = np.arccos(np.abs(g1.axis.dot(g2.axis)))

        return point_dist + alpha * axis_dist