Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_tiling(s, size=40, shift=0):
    imtile = s.oshape.translate(-s.pad)

    region = util.Tile(size, dim=s.dim)
    trange = np.ceil(imtile.shape.astype('float') / region.shape)

    translations = util.Tile(trange).coords(form='vector')
    translations = translations.reshape(-1, translations.shape[-1])

    return [
        region.copy().translate(region.shape * v - s.pad + shift)
        for v in translations
Ejemplo n.º 2
def separate_particles_into_groups(s, region_size=40, bounds=None):
    Given a state, returns a list of groups of particles. Each group of
    particles are located near each other in the image. Every particle
    located in the desired region is contained in exactly 1 group.

    s : state
        The PERI state to find particles in.

    region_size: int or list of ints
        The size of the box. Groups particles into boxes of shape region_size.
        If region_size is a scalar, the box is a cube of length region_size.
        Default is 40.

    bounds: 2-element list-like of 3-element lists.
        The sub-region of the image over which to look for particles.
            bounds[0]: The lower-left  corner of the image region.
            bounds[1]: The upper-right corner of the image region.
        Default (None -> ([0,0,0], s.oshape.shape)) is a box of the entire
        image size, i.e. the default places every particle in the image
        somewhere in the groups.

    particle_groups: list
        Each element of particle_groups is an int numpy.ndarray of the
        group of nearby particles. Only contains groups with a nonzero
        number of particles, so the elements don't necessarily correspond
        to a given image region.
    imtile = (s.oshape.translate(-s.pad) if bounds is None else util.Tile(
        bounds[0], bounds[1]))

    # does all particle including out of image, is that correct?
    region = util.Tile(region_size, dim=s.dim)
    trange = np.ceil(imtile.shape.astype('float') / region.shape)

    translations = util.Tile(trange).coords(form='vector')
    translations = translations.reshape(-1, translations.shape[-1])

    groups = []
    positions = s.obj_get_positions()
    for v in translations:
        tmptile = region.copy().translate(region.shape * v - s.pad)
        groups.append(find_particles_in_tile(positions, tmptile))

    return [g for g in groups if len(g) > 0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def set_image(self, image):
        Update the current comparison (real) image
        if isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
            image = util.Image(image)

        if isinstance(image, util.NullImage):
            self.model_as_data = True
            self.model_as_data = False

        self.image = image
        self._data = self.image.get_padded_image(self.pad)

        # set up various slicers and Tiles associated with the image and pad
        self.oshape = util.Tile(self._data.shape)
        self.ishape = self.oshape.pad(-self.pad)
        self.inner = self.ishape.slicer

        for c in self.comps:
            c.set_shape(self.oshape, self.ishape)

        self._model = np.zeros(self._data.shape, dtype=np.float64)
        self._residuals = np.zeros(self._data.shape, dtype=np.float64)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_update_io_tiles(self, params, values):
        Get the tiles corresponding to a particular section of image needed to
        be updated. Inputs are the parameters and values. Returned is the
        padded tile, inner tile, and slicer to go between, but accounting for
        wrap with the edge of the image as necessary.
        # get the affected area of the model image
        otile = self.get_update_tile(params, values)
        if otile is None:
            return [None] * 3
        ptile = self.get_padding_size(otile) or util.Tile(0, dim=otile.dim)

        otile = util.Tile.intersection(otile, self.oshape)

        if (otile.shape <= 0).any():
            raise UpdateError("update triggered invalid tile size")

        if (ptile.shape < 0).any() or (ptile.shape > self.oshape.shape).any():
            raise UpdateError("update triggered invalid padding tile size")

        # now remove the part of the tile that is outside the image and pad the
        # interior part with that overhang. reflect the necessary padding back
        # into the image itself for the outer slice which we will call outer
        outer = otile.pad((ptile.shape + 1) / 2)
        inner, outer = outer.reflect_overhang(self.oshape)
        iotile = inner.translate(-outer.l)

        outer = util.Tile.intersection(outer, self.oshape)
        inner = util.Tile.intersection(inner, self.oshape)
        return outer, inner, iotile
Ejemplo n.º 5
def initialize_particles(N=None, tile=None, phi=None, radius=5., polydispersity=0.):
    Creates an initial (overlapping) particle configuration by 3 different ways:
        (N, phi) : creates an appropriate box
        (N, tile) : uses a box and determines phi
        (tile, phi): uses both to determine N
    vparticle = 4./3*np.pi*radius**3

    if phi and tile is not None:
        vbox = np.prod(tile.shape)
        N = int(phi * vbox / vparticle)

    elif N and phi:
        vbox = N * vparticle / phi
        side = vbox**(1./3)
        tile = util.Tile(side)

    elif N and tile is not None:

        raise AttributeError("Any pair of (phi, tile, N) must be specified")

    pos = np.random.rand(N, 3)*tile.shape + tile.l
    rad = np.abs(np.random.normal(
        loc=radius, scale=np.abs(polydispersity*radius)+1e-20, size=N
    return pos, rad, tile
Ejemplo n.º 6
def create_image(N=128,
    blank = np.zeros((size, ) * 3)

    pos, rad, tile = nbody.initialize_particles(N,
    sim = nbody.BrownianHardSphereSimulation(pos, rad, tile)

    slab_zpos = -radius
    if not identity:
        s = runner.create_state(blank,
                                    'pad': pad,
                                    'offset': 0.18
                                    'zslab': 10.,
                                    'cheb_degree': 6,
                                    'cheb_evals': 8,
                                    'support_size': FIXEDSS,
                                    'order': (1, 1, 3),
                                    'npts': (30, 10, 5)
        s.ilm.randomize_parameters(ptp=0.4, vmax=1.0, fourier=False)
        s = runner.create_state(
                'pad': pad,
                'offset': 0.18

    return s
Ejemplo n.º 7
def closest_uniform_tile(s, shift, size, other):
    Given a tiling of space (by state, shift, and size), find the closest
    tile to another external tile
    region = util.Tile(size, dim=s.dim, dtype='float').translate(shift - s.pad)
    vec = np.round((other.center - region.center) / region.shape)
    return region.translate(region.shape * vec)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def create_many_particle_state(imsize=None,
    Creates a random packing of spheres and generates the state. In order to
    specify the state, either (phi, imsize) or (N, phi) or (N, imsize) must be
    given. Any more than that and it would be over-specified.

    imsize : tuple, array_like, or integer
        the unpadded image size to fill with particles

    N : integer
        number of particles

    phi : float
        packing fraction

    radius : float
        radius of particles to add

    N : integer
        Number of particles

    seed : integer
        set the seed if desired

    *args, **kwargs : see create_state

    if imsize is not None:
        imsize = _toarr(imsize)
        tile = util.Tile(imsize)
        tile = None

    pos, rad, tile = nbody.create_configuration(N,
    s = create_state(util.NullImage(shape=tile.shape), pos, rad, **kwargs)

    if isinstance(s.get('ilm'), ilms.BarnesStreakLegPoly2P1D):
        ilm = s.get('ilm')
    return s
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def get_update_tile(self, params, values):
        if not self.local_updates:
            return self.shape.copy()

        params = util.listify(params)
        values = util.listify(values)

        c = self.category
        # check for global update requiring parameters:
        for p in params:
            if p in self.poly_params or p == c + '-scale' or p == c + '-off':
                return self.shape.copy()

        # now look for the local update sizes
        orig_values = self.get_values(params)

        tiles = []
        for p, v in zip(params, values):
            # figure out the barnes local update size
            for n, grp in enumerate(self.barnes_params):
                if not p in grp:

                val0 = self._barnes(self.b_out, n=n)
                self.set_values(p, v)
                val1 = self._barnes(self.b_out, n=n)

                inds = np.arange(self.b_out.shape[0])
                inds = inds[np.abs(val1 - val0) > 1e-12]
                if len(inds) < 2:

                l, r = inds.min(), inds.max()

                tile = self.shape.copy()
                tile.l[2] = l
                tile.r[2] = r
                tiles.append(util.Tile(tile.l, tile.r))

        self.set_values(params, orig_values)
        if len(tiles) == 0:
            return None
        return util.Tile.boundingtile(tiles)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def get_update_tile(self, params, values):
        #a lot of this is duplicated from parent to here
        if not self.local_updates:
            return self.shape.copy()

        params = util.listify(params)
        values = util.listify(values)

        c = self.category
        # check for global update requiring parameters:
        for p in params:
            if p in self.poly_params or p == c + '-scale' or p == c + '-off':
                return self.shape.copy()

        # now look for the local update sizes
        orig_values = self.get_values(params)  #see for loop...
        tiles = []
        for p, v in zip(params, values):
            # figure out the barnes local update size
            # looks like matt does this by changing each param, then seeing
            # manually which points have changed....
            if not p in self.barnes_params:
                raise RuntimeError('Im confused...')
            val0 = self._barnes(self.b_out)
            self.set_values(p, v)
            val1 = self._barnes(self.b_out)

            inds = np.arange(self.b_out.shape[0])
            inds = inds[np.abs(val1 - val0) > 1e-12]
            if len(inds) < 2:

            l, r = inds.min(), inds.max()

            tile = self.shape.copy()
            tile.l[2] = l
            tile.r[2] = r
            tiles.append(util.Tile(tile.l, tile.r))

            # raise NotImplementedError('Local updates not implemented yet')
        if len(tiles) == 0:
            return None
        return util.Tile.boundingtile(tiles)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def generative_model(s, x, y, z, r, factor=1.1):
    Samples x,y,z,r are created by:
    b = s.blocks_particle(#)
    h = runner.sample_state(s, b, stepout=0.05, N=2000, doprint=True)
    z,y,x,r = h.get_histogram().T

    slicez = int(round(z.mean()))
    slicex = s.image.shape[2] // 2
    slicer1 = np.s_[slicez, s.pad:-s.pad, s.pad:-s.pad]
    slicer2 = np.s_[s.pad:-s.pad, s.pad:-s.pad, slicex]
    center = (slicez, s.image.shape[1] // 2, slicex)

    fig = pl.figure(figsize=(factor * 13, factor * 10))

    gs1 = ImageGrid(fig,
                    rect=[0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 0.35],
                    nrows_ncols=(1, 3),
    ax_real = gs1[0]
    ax_fake = gs1[1]
    ax_diff = gs1[2]

    diff = s.get_model_image() - s.image
    ax_real.imshow(s.image[slicer1], cmap=pl.cm.bone_r)
    ax_real.set_title("Confocal image", fontsize=24)
    ax_fake.imshow(s.get_model_image()[slicer1], cmap=pl.cm.bone_r)
    ax_fake.set_title("Model image", fontsize=24)
    ax_diff.imshow(diff[slicer1], cmap=pl.cm.RdBu, vmin=-0.1, vmax=0.1)
    ax_diff.set_title("Difference", fontsize=24)

    gs2 = ImageGrid(fig,
                    rect=[0.1, 0.0, 0.4, 0.55],
                    nrows_ncols=(3, 2),
    ax_plt1 = fig.add_subplot(gs2[0])
    ax_plt2 = fig.add_subplot(gs2[1])
    ax_ilm1 = fig.add_subplot(gs2[2])
    ax_ilm2 = fig.add_subplot(gs2[3])
    ax_psf1 = fig.add_subplot(gs2[4])
    ax_psf2 = fig.add_subplot(gs2[5])

    c = int(z.mean()), int(y.mean()) + s.pad, int(x.mean()) + s.pad
    if s.image.shape[0] > 2 * s.image.shape[1] // 3:
        w = s.image.shape[2] - 2 * s.pad
        h = 2 * w // 3
        h = s.image.shape[0] - 2 * s.pad
        w = 3 * h // 2

    w, h = w // 2, h // 2
    xyslice = np.s_[slicez, c[1] - h:c[1] + h, c[2] - w:c[2] + w]
    yzslice = np.s_[c[0] - h:c[0] + h, c[1] - w:c[1] + w, slicex]

    #h = s.image.shape[2]/2 - s.image.shape[0]/2
    #slicer2 = np.s_[s.pad:-s.pad, s.pad:-s.pad, slicex]
    #slicer3 = np.s_[slicez, s.pad+h:-s.pad-h, s.pad:-s.pad]

    ax_plt1.imshow(1 - s.obj.get_field()[xyslice],
    ax_plt1.set_ylabel("Platonic", fontsize=22)
    ax_plt1.set_title("x-y", fontsize=24)
    ax_plt2.imshow(1 - s._platonic_image()[yzslice],
    ax_plt2.set_title("y-z", fontsize=24)

    ax_ilm1.imshow(s.ilm.get_field()[xyslice], cmap=pl.cm.bone_r)
    ax_ilm1.set_ylabel("ILM", fontsize=22)
    ax_ilm2.imshow(s.ilm.get_field()[yzslice], cmap=pl.cm.bone_r)

    t = s.ilm.get_field().copy()
    t *= 0
    t[c] = 1
    psf = (s.psf.execute(t) + 5e-5)**0.1

    ax_psf1.imshow(psf[xyslice], cmap=pl.cm.bone)
    ax_psf1.set_ylabel("PSF", fontsize=22)
    ax_psf2.imshow(psf[yzslice], cmap=pl.cm.bone)

    ax_zoom = fig.add_axes([0.48, 0.018, 0.45, 0.52])

    im = s.image[slicer1]
    sh = np.array(im.shape)
    cx = x.mean()
    cy = y.mean()

    extent = [0, sh[0], 0, sh[1]]
    ax_zoom.imshow(im, extent=extent, cmap=pl.cm.bone_r)
    ax_zoom.set_xlim(cx - 12, cx + 12)
    ax_zoom.set_ylim(cy - 12, cy + 12)
    ax_zoom.set_title("Sampled positions", fontsize=24)
    ax_zoom.hexbin(x, y, gridsize=32, mincnt=0, cmap=pl.cm.hot)

    zoom1 = zoomed_inset_axes(ax_zoom, 30, loc=3)
    zoom1.imshow(im, extent=extent, cmap=pl.cm.bone_r)
    zoom1.set_xlim(cx - 1.0 / 6, cx + 1.0 / 6)
    zoom1.set_ylim(cy - 1.0 / 6, cy + 1.0 / 6)
    zoom1.hexbin(x, y, gridsize=32, mincnt=5, cmap=pl.cm.hot)
    zoom1.hlines(cy - 1.0 / 6 + 1.0 / 32,
                 cx - 1.0 / 6 + 5e-2,
                 cx - 1.0 / 6 + 5e-2 + 1e-1,
    zoom1.text(cx - 1.0 / 6 + 1.0 / 24, cy - 1.0 / 6 + 5e-2, '0.1px')
    mark_inset(ax_zoom, zoom1, loc1=2, loc2=4, fc="none", ec="0.0")
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def get_padding_size(self, tile, z=None):
     return util.Tile(self.support)
Ejemplo n.º 13
bkg_vry = ilms.LegendrePoly3D(order=(1,3,5))
st.set('ilm', bkg_vry)
opt.do_levmarq(st, st.params)

# Looking at the plot of the residuals again shows a significant improvement
# in the residuals:


# Next, let's check the illumination field. For this, we load a different
# image, one that I've taken of just dyed fluid. This image also has a
# coverslip in it, at the bottom. For now, we'll ignore this coverlip by
# setting the tile to be a specific region of z in the image. Moreover,
# since I know that our confocal has some scan issues at the edges of the
# image, I'll also crop out the image edges with the tile:
im_ilm = util.RawImage('./ilm_test.tif', tile=util.Tile([48,0,0], [49,100,100]))
# also located in the scripts folder

# Looking at the image, the illlumination is very stripey, due to the line-scan
# nature of our confocal. To account for this, we use a stripe-based ilm:
ilm = ilms.BarnesStreakLegPoly2P1D(npts=(50, 30, 20, 13, 7, 7, 7), zorder=1)
# (we only use a zorder of 1 since we've truncated to 1 pixel in z).
# Our real model will use a point-spread function that will blur out the ilm
# field slightly more. So we check the fit with a model that includes the
# type of point-spread function that we will use. A model that blur with a
# point-spread function takes considerably more time to evaluate than a
# SmoothFieldModel, so if you're not sure if your ilm is high enough order
# you should first check with a faster SmoothFieldModel.

psf = exactpsf.FixedSSChebLinePSF()
st = states.ImageState(im_ilm, [ilm, psf], mdl=models.BlurredFieldModel())
Ejemplo n.º 14
st.set('ilm', bkg_vry)
opt.do_levmarq(st, st.params)

# Looking at the plot of the residuals again shows a significant improvement
# in the residuals:


# Next, let's check the illumination field. For this, we load a different
# image, one that I've taken of just dyed fluid. This image also has a
# coverslip in it, at the bottom. For now, we'll ignore this coverlip by
# setting the tile to be a specific region of z in the image. Moreover,
# since I know that our confocal has some scan issues at the edges of the
# image, I'll also crop out the image edges with the tile:
im_ilm = util.RawImage('./ilm_test.tif',
                       tile=util.Tile([48, 0, 0], [49, 100, 100]))
# also located in the scripts folder

# Looking at the image, the illlumination is very stripey, due to the line-scan
# nature of our confocal. To account for this, we use a stripe-based ilm:
ilm = ilms.BarnesStreakLegPoly2P1D(npts=(50, 30, 20, 13, 7, 7, 7), zorder=1)
# (we only use a zorder of 1 since we've truncated to 1 pixel in z).
# Our real model will use a point-spread function that will blur out the ilm
# field slightly more. So we check the fit with a model that includes the
# type of point-spread function that we will use. A model that blur with a
# point-spread function takes considerably more time to evaluate than a
# SmoothFieldModel, so if you're not sure if your ilm is high enough order
# you should first check with a faster SmoothFieldModel.

psf = exactpsf.FixedSSChebLinePSF()
st = states.ImageState(im_ilm, [ilm, psf], mdl=models.BlurredFieldModel())
Ejemplo n.º 15
from peri.viz.interaction import OrthoPrefeature
from peri import models
from peri import states
from peri import comp
from peri import runner
from peri.viz import plots
from datetime import datetime

imFile = '/Volumes/PhD/expDesign/test/balls.tif'
blank_im = util.RawImage(imFile)
# particle_positions
# random_particles = np.c_[np.random.random(n), np.random.random(n),np.zeros(n)]*200.0
tile = util.Tile(200)
small_im = util.RawImage(imFile, tile=tile)


particle_radii = 8.0
particles = objs.PlatonicSpheresCollection(particle_positions, particle_radii, zscale=zscale)

objects = comp.comp.ComponentCollection([particles], category='obj')

background = comp.ilms.LegendrePoly2P1D(order=(4,2,2), category='bkg')
illumination = comp.ilms.BarnesStreakLegPoly2P1D(npts=(4, 2, 2))
offset = comp.GlobalScalar(name='offset', value=0.)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def psf_slice(self, zint, size=11, zoffset=0., getextent=False):
        Calculates the 3D psf at a particular z pixel height

        zint : float
            z pixel height in image coordinates , converted to 1/k by the
            function using the slab position as well

        size : int, list, tuple
            The size over which to calculate the psf, can be 1 or 3 elements
            for the different axes in image pixel coordinates

        zoffset : float
            Offset in pixel units to use in the calculation of the psf

        cutval : float
            If not None, the psf will be cut along a curve corresponding to
            p(r) == 0 with exponential damping exp(-d^4)

        getextent : boolean
            If True, also return the extent of the psf in pixels for example
            to get the support size. Can only be used with cutval.
        # calculate the current pixel value in 1/k, making sure we are above the slab
        zint = max(self._p2k(self._tz(zint)), 0)
        offset = np.array([zoffset * (zint > 0), 0, 0])
        scale = [self.param_dict[self.zscale], 1.0, 1.0]

        # create the coordinate vectors for where to actually calculate the
        tile = util.Tile(left=0, size=size, centered=True)
        vecs = tile.coords(form='flat')
        vecs = [self._p2k(s * i + o) for i, s, o in zip(vecs, scale, offset)]

        psf = self.psffunc(*vecs[::-1], zint=zint, **self.pack_args()).T
        vec = tile.coords(form='meshed')

        # create a smoothly varying point spread function by cutting off the psf
        # at a certain value and smoothly taking it to zero
        if self.cutoffval is not None and not self.cutbyval:
            # find the edges of the PSF
            edge = psf > psf.max() * self.cutoffval
            dd = nd.morphology.distance_transform_edt(~edge)

            # calculate the new PSF and normalize it to the new support
            psf = psf * np.exp(-dd**4)
            psf /= psf.sum()

            if getextent:
                # the size is determined by the edge plus a 2 pad for the
                # exponential damping to zero at the edge
                size = np.array([
                    (vec * edge).min(axis=(1, 2, 3)) - 2,
                    (vec * edge).max(axis=(1, 2, 3)) + 2,
                return psf, vec, size
            return psf, vec

        # perform a cut by value instead
        if self.cutoffval is not None and self.cutbyval:
            cutval = self.cutoffval * psf.max()

            dd = (psf - cutval) / cutval
            dd[dd > 0] = 0.

            # calculate the new PSF and normalize it to the new support
            psf = psf * np.exp(-(dd / self.cutfallrate)**4)
            psf /= psf.sum()

            # let the small values determine the edges
            edge = psf > cutval * self.cutedgeval
            if getextent:
                # the size is determined by the edge plus a 2 pad for the
                # exponential damping to zero at the edge
                size = np.array([
                    (vec * edge).min(axis=(1, 2, 3)) - 2,
                    (vec * edge).max(axis=(1, 2, 3)) + 2,
                return psf, vec, size
            return psf, vec

        return psf, vec
Ejemplo n.º 17
import numpy as np
from peri.comp import objs
from peri.viz.interaction import OrthoPrefeature
from peri import models
from peri import states
from peri import comp
from peri import runner
from peri.viz import plots

from datetime import datetime

im = util.RawImage(

tile = util.Tile([5, 312, 0], right=[12, 512, 200])
small_im = util.RawImage(
zpixel = 0.82
xpixel = 35.2 / 512
zscale = zpixel / xpixel

particle_positions = np.load('part_loc_smallSlice.npy')
particle_radii = 8.0
particles = objs.PlatonicSpheresCollection(particle_positions,
# imaginary_slide = objs.Slab(zpos=6)
objects = comp.comp.ComponentCollection([particles], category='obj')