Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: post.py Proyecto: blippy/pypms
def create_insertion(jcode):
        d = ordereddict.OrderedDict(map(lambda x: [x, 0.0], get_keys()))
        d['InvDate'] = datetime.date.today().strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
        d['InvBillingPeriod'] = period.mmmmyyyy()
        d['InvJobCode'] = str(jcode)
        d['InvComments'] = "PMS " + common.get_timestamp()
        return d
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: post.py Proyecto: blippy/pypms
def zap_entries():
    'Remove all recorded invoices for the period PER'
    fmt = "DELETE FROM tblInvoice WHERE InvBillingPeriod='{0}'"
    #print "zap_entries"
    sql = fmt.format(period.mmmmyyyy())
    #print sql
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: blippy/pypms
def GetInvoices():
    sql = "SELECT * FROM tblInvoice WHERE InvBillingPeriod='" +  period.mmmmyyyy() + "'"
    fields = 'InvDate,InvBillingPeriod,InvBIA,InvUBI,InvWIP,InvAccrual,InvInvoice,'
    fields += 'Inv3rdParty,InvTime,InvJobCode,InvComments,InvPODatabaseCosts,'
    fields += 'InvCapital,InvStock'
    recs = fetch_and_dictify(sql, fields)
    return recs
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create_job_statement(job, all_tasks, exps, times):

    title = "Work Statement: {0}".format(period.mmmmyyyy())
    out = rtf.Rtf()
    AddTopInfo(out, job)

    tasks = map(lambda o: getattr(o, "task"), times + exps)
    tasks = common.unique(tasks)
    if tasks[0] == "" and len(tasks) > 1:
        tasks = tasks[1:] + [tasks[0]]  # rotate unassigned to end

    # distribute invoice items into sections
    job_code = job["job"]
    sections = []  # a list of Section classes
    totalWork = 0.0
    totalExpenses = 0.0
    for task_key in tasks:

        # work out heading
        if len(task_key) == 0:
            heading = "Expenses not categorised to a specific task"
            desc = all_tasks[(job_code, task_key)]["TaskDes"]
            heading = "Task {0}: {1}".format(task_key, desc)

        amount_work, num_times = ProcessSubsection(out, times, task_key, "Work subtotal")
        totalWork += amount_work

        amount_expenses, num_expenses = ProcessSubsection(out, exps, task_key, "Expenses subtotal")
        totalExpenses += amount_expenses

        if num_times > 0 and num_expenses > 0:
            subtotal(out, "Task subtotal", amount_work + amount_expenses)

    # output grand summary
    out.add("Overall summary")
    subtotal(out, "Work total", totalWork)
    subtotal(out, "Expenses total", totalExpenses)
    net = totalWork + totalExpenses
    subtotal(out, "Net total", net)

    outdir = period.perioddir() + "\\statements"
    outfile = job_code + ".rtf"
    out.save(outdir, outfile)

    # remember what we have produced for the invoice summaries
    if job["Weird"] or job["WIP"]:
        billed = 0.0
        billed = net

    invoice = {"work": totalWork, "expenses": totalExpenses, "net": billed}
    return invoice
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: post.py Proyecto: blippy/pypms
def setup_insertions(tasks):
    invBillingPeriod = period.mmmmyyyy()
    #recs = db.GetTasks()
    activeJobs = set([key[0] for key in tasks.keys()])
    ignoreJobs = set(['010500', '010400', '010300', '010200', '3. Sundry', '404550'])
    jobsToCreate = activeJobs - ignoreJobs
    insertions = {}
    for jcode in jobsToCreate:
        insertions[jcode] = create_insertion(jcode)
    return insertions
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: blippy/pypms
def GetTimeitems():
    tbl_billing = GetTblBilling()
    sql = 'SELECT * FROM tblTimeItems WHERE TimeVal<>0 AND LEN(JobCode) > 0 ORDER BY JobCode, Task, Person, DateVal'
    fields = 'DateVal,JobCode,Person,Task,TimeVal,WorkDone'    
    recs = fetch_and_dictify(sql, fields)
    # filter by period
    #global tbl_billing 
    per = common.find(period.mmmmyyyy(), tbl_billing, key = lambda x: x[0])
    start = per[1]
    end = per[2]
    def within(x): return x['DateVal'] >= start and x['DateVal'] <= end
    recs = filter(within, recs)
    return recs
Ejemplo n.º 7
def create_timesheets(d):
    title = 'Timesheet: ' + period.mmmmyyyy()
    outdir = period.perioddir() + '\\timesheets'
    for jobKey, job_items in aggregate(d['timeItems'], common.mkKeyFunc('JobCode')):
        CreateJobsheet(jobKey, job_items, d, title, outdir)