Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    Read in data file and replicate it 

    # Read options
    options, args = get_options()
    # Initialize mpi
    p = mpiBase.getMPIObject()
    pt = periodictable()

    # Read in cply file into a structure container object
    bb_o = Buildingblock()

    if (options.setlabel): bb_o.set_label()
    if (options.setmass): bb_o.set_mass()

    print bb_o
    comment = "Read in from {}  to output {} ".format(options.in_xyz,
    append = False
    bb_o.ptclC.write_xmol("{}.xyz".format(options.out_id), comment, append)

    del bb_o
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    Read in data file and replicate it 

    # Read options 
    options, args = get_options()
    # Initialize mpi
    p = mpiBase.getMPIObject()
    pt = periodictable()

    # Read in cply file into a structure container object
    bb_o = Buildingblock()
    if( options.setlabel ): bb_o.set_label()
    if( options.setmass ): bb_o.set_mass()
    print bb_o 
    comment = "Read in from {}  to output {} ".format(options.in_xyz,options.out_id)
    append = False 
    del bb_o
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    Test functionality of periodictable: 1) print atomic symbol and mass, 2) find an element with mass 12.0110
    3) print  it's properties, 4) find an element with symbol S and 5) print  it's properties

    # Set periodic table element
    pt = periodictable()

    for el_symb in pt.elements:
        print " symb %s mass %f " % (pt.elements[el_symb].symbol,

    find_mass = 12.0110
    el = pt.getelementWithMass(find_mass)
    print " Element with mass %f is %s " % (find_mass, el.symbol)
    print " number ", el.number
    print " mass", el.mass
    print " cov_radii", el.cov_radii
    print " vdw_radii", el.vdw_radii

    atomic_symb = "S"
    el = pt.getelementWithSymbol(atomic_symb)
    print " Element with symbol %s is %s " % (atomic_symb, el.symbol)
    print " number ", el.number
    print " mass", el.mass
    print " cov_radii", el.cov_radii
    print " vdw_radii", el.vdw_radii
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def find_composition(self):
     Find count of each element
     pt = periodictable()
     self.composition = np.zeros(pt.maxgid)
     for pid_i, ptclObj_i  in self.ptclC:
         atomic_number  = ptclObj_i.tagsDict["number"]
         self.composition[atomic_number] += 1 
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def find_composition(self):
        Find count of each element
        pt = periodictable()
        self.composition = np.zeros(pt.maxgid)

        for pid_i, ptclObj_i in self.ptclC:
            atomic_number = ptclObj_i.tagsDict["number"]
            self.composition[atomic_number] += 1
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def guess_radii(self):
        Guess radii based on type 
        from periodictable import periodictable
        # Load periodic table
        pt = periodictable()
        for pid, ptclObj in self:
            el = pt.getelementWithSymbol(ptclObj.tagsDict["symbol"])
            ptclObj.radii = el.cov_radii

Ejemplo n.º 7
    def guess_radii(self):
        Guess radii based on type 
        from periodictable import periodictable
        # Load periodic table 
        pt = periodictable()
        for pid, ptclObj  in self :
            el = pt.getelementWithSymbol( ptclObj.tagsDict["symbol"] )
            ptclObj.radii = el.cov_radii 

Ejemplo n.º 8
def read_lmpdata( strucC , parmC , data_file):
    Read Lammps data file

        strucC     (StructureContainer)
        parmC      (ParameterContainer)
        data_file  (str) data file
        strucC     (StructureContainer)
        parmC      (ParameterContainer)
    debug = 0
    verbose = True

    set_chain_numbers = True

    if( not set_chain_numbers ):
        print " Warning not reading in chain numbers!!! "

    # Load periodic table 
    pt = periodictable()

    F = open(data_file , 'r' )
    lines = F.readlines()
    # Read in data header with number of parameters 
    for line in lines:
        col = line.split()
        if ( len(col) >=2 ):
            # Read in number of each topolgical component  
            if( col[1] == "atoms" ):
                n_atoms = int( col[0] )
            elif( col[1] == "bonds" ):
                n_bonds = int( col[0] )
            elif( col[1] == "angles" ):
                n_angles = int( col[0] )
            elif( col[1] == "dihedrals" ):
                n_dihedrals = int( col[0] )
            elif( col[1] == "impropers" ):
                n_impropers = int( col[0] )

        if ( len(col) >= 3 ):
            # Read in number of each parameter type 
            if( col[1] == "atom" and   col[2] == "types" ):
                n_atypes = int( col[0] )
            elif( col[1] == "bond" and   col[2] == "types"  ):
                n_btypes = int( col[0] )
            elif( col[1] == "angle" and   col[2] == "types"  ):
                n_angtypes = int( col[0] )
            elif( col[1] == "dihedral" and   col[2] == "types"  ):
                n_dtypes = int( col[0] )
            elif( col[1] == "improper" and   col[2] == "types"  ):
                n_imptypes = int( col[0] )
        # Read in box size    
        if ( len(col) >= 4 ):
            if( col[2]  == "xlo"  and col[3]  == "xhi"  ):
                strucC.latvec[0][0] = float( col[1] ) - float( col[0] ) 
            if( col[2]  == "ylo"  and col[3]  == "yhi"  ):
                strucC.latvec[1][1] = float( col[1] ) - float( col[0] ) 
            if( col[2]  == "zlo"  and col[3]  == "zhi"  ):
                strucC.latvec[2][2] = float( col[1] ) - float( col[0] )

    # Prind debug
    if( verbose ):
        print " atoms ",n_atoms
        print " n_bonds ",n_bonds
        print " n_angles ",n_angles
        print " n_dihedrals ",n_dihedrals
        print " n_impropers ",n_impropers
        print ""
        print "n_atom_types",n_atypes
        print "n_bond_types",n_btypes
        print "n_angle_types",n_angtypes
        print "n_dihedral_types",n_dtypes
        print "n_imp_dihedral_types",n_imptypes

    # Check to see if a previous read has occured
    pt_overwrite = False
    if( len(strucC.ptclC) > 0 ):
        pt_overwrite = True
    # Check of conistent number of atoms
    if( pt_overwrite ):
        if(  len(strucC.ptclC)  != n_atoms):
            print "  %d atoms in passed structure "%(len(strucC.ptclC))
            print "  %d atoms in data file "%(n_atoms)
            sys.exit(" Inconsistent number of atoms " )

        # Initialize particle container
        for pid_i in range(n_atoms):
            pt_i = Particle( )

    bonds_overwrite = False
    if( len(strucC.bondC) > 0 ):
        bonds_overwrite = True

        if(  len(strucC.bondC)  != n_bonds):
            print "  %d bonds in passed structure "%(len(strucC.bondC))
            print "  %d bonds in data file "%(n_bonds)
            sys.exit(" Inconsistent number of bonds " )
    angles_overwrite = False
    if( len(strucC.angleC) > 0 ):
        angles_overwrite = True
        if(  len(strucC.angleC)  != n_angles):
            print "  %d angles in passed structure "%(len(strucC.angleC))
            print "  %d angles in data file "%(n_angles)
            sys.exit(" Inconsistent number of angles " )
    dih_overwrite = False
    if( len(strucC.dihC) > 0 ):
        dih_overwrite = True
        if(  len(strucC.dihC)  != n_dihedrals):
            print "  %d dihedrals in passed structure "%(len(strucC.dihC))
            print "  %d dihedrals in data file "%(n_dihedrals)
            sys.exit(" Inconsistent number of dihedrals " )
    imp_overwrite = False
    if( len(strucC.impC) > 0 ):
        imp_overwrite = True
        if(  len(strucC.impC)  != n_impropers):
            print "  %d impropers in passed structure "%(len(strucC.impC))
            print "  %d impropers in data file "%(n_impropers)
            sys.exit(" Inconsistent number of impropers " )          
    # Intialize
    #   - read in boolean to off
    read_Masses = 0
    read_Pair = 0
    read_Bond_coeff = 0
    read_Angle_coeff = 0
    read_Dihedral_coeff = 0
    read_Improper_coeff = 0
    read_Atoms = 0
    read_Bonds = 0
    read_Angles = 0
    read_Dihedrals = 0
    read_Impropers = 0
    #   - lists as indecise can be out of order in data file
    ATYPE_REF = n_atypes*[""]
    ATYPE_MASS = np.zeros(n_atypes)
    ATYPE_EP = np.zeros(n_atypes)
    ATYPE_SIG = np.zeros(n_atypes)
    BTYPE_REF = n_btypes*[2*[""]]
    BONDTYPE_R0 = np.zeros(n_btypes)
    BONDTYPE_K = np.zeros(n_btypes)
    ANGTYPE_REF = n_angtypes*[3*[""]]
    ANGLETYPE_R0 = np.zeros(n_angtypes)
    ANGLETYPE_K = np.zeros(n_angtypes)
    DTYPE_REF = n_dtypes*[4*[""]]
    DIHTYPE_C = np.zeros((n_dtypes,4))
    DIHTYPE_F = np.zeros(n_dtypes)
    DIHTYPE_K = np.zeros(n_dtypes)
    DIHTYPE_PN = np.zeros(n_dtypes)
    DIHTYPE_PHASE = np.zeros(n_dtypes)

    IMPTYPE_REF = n_imptypes*[4*[""]]
    IMPTYPE_F = np.zeros(n_imptypes)
    IMPTYPE_E0 = np.zeros(n_imptypes)
    IMPTYPE_K = np.zeros(n_imptypes)

    MOLNUMB = n_atoms*[0]
    ATYPE_IND  = n_atoms*[0]
    CHARGES  = np.zeros(n_atoms)
    R = n_atoms*[np.zeros(3)]
    ATYPE  = n_atoms*[""]
    BONDS = n_bonds*[[0,0]]
    BTYPE_IND = n_bonds*[0]
    ANGLES = n_angles*[[0,0,0]]
    ANGTYPE_IND = n_angles*[0]
    DIH = n_dihedrals*[[0,0,0,0]]
    DTYPE_IND = n_dihedrals*[0]


    # Check if values exist and need to be updated or don't and need to be created 
    ljtyp_update = False
    ljtyp_cnt = 0 
    if( len(parmC.ljtypC) > 0 ):
        print " LJ types will be updated "
        ljtyp_update = True
    btyp_update = False
    btyp_cnt = 0 
    if( len(parmC.btypC) > 0 ):
        print " Bond types will be updated "
        btyp_update = True
    atyp_update = False
    atyp_cnt = 0 
    if( len(parmC.atypC) > 0 ):
        print " Angle types will be updated "
        atyp_update = True
    dtyp_update = False
    dtyp_cnt = 0 
    if( len(parmC.dtypC) > 0 ):
        print " Dihedral types will be updated "
        dtyp_update = True
    imptyp_update = False
    imptyp_cnt = 0 
    if( len(parmC.imptypC) > 0 ):
        print " Improper dihedrals types will be updated "
        imptyp_update = True
    # Read in data parameters 
    for line in lines:
        col = line.split()
        if( read_Masses and  len(col) >= 2 ):
            cnt_Masses += 1
            ind = int(col[0]) - 1
            ATYPE_MASS[ind] = float(col[1])
            if( len(col) >= 4 ):
                ATYPE_REF[ind] = col[3]
                ptype1 = col[3]
                ATYPE_REF[ind] = "??"
                ptype1 = "??"
            mass_i = float(col[1])

            if( ljtyp_update ):
                ljtyp_cnt = ind  + 1
                if( ljtyp_cnt > len(parmC.ljtypC) ):
                    print "Mass index %d larger then length of previously read ljtypC %d"%(ind,len(parmC.ljtypC))
                ljtyp_i = parmC.ljtypC[ljtyp_cnt]
                ljtyp_i = ljtype(ptype1)
            # Turn of mass read
            if(cnt_Masses ==  n_atypes ):
                read_Masses = 0

        if( read_Pair and  len(col) >= 3 ):
            cnt_Pair += 1
            ind = int(col[0]) - 1
            ATYPE_EP[ind] = float(col[1])
            ATYPE_SIG[ind] = float(col[2])

            epsilon = float(col[1])
            sigma = float(col[2])
            ljtyp_ind = int(col[0])

            ljtyp_i = parmC.ljtypC[ljtyp_ind]
            # Turn pair parameter read off 
            if(cnt_Pair >=  n_atypes ):
                read_Pair = 0

        if( read_Bond_coeff and  len(col) >= 3 ):
            cnt_Bond_coeff += 1
            #AT_i = int(col[0])
            #AT_j = int(col[1])
            b_ind = int( col[0]) - 1
            if( b_ind > n_btypes ):
                error_line = " Error in data file index of bond parameter exceeds number of bond parameters specified with bond types "
            BTYPE_REF[b_ind][0] = "??"
            BTYPE_REF[b_ind][1] = "??"
            BONDTYPE_K[b_ind] = float(col[1])
            BONDTYPE_R0[b_ind] = float(col[2])

            ptype1 = "??"
            ptype2 = "??"
            lmpindx = int( col[0])
            kb = float(col[1]) 
            r0 = float(col[2]) 
            btype = "harmonic"
            g_type = 1

            if( btyp_update ):
                btyp_cnt = b_ind + 1 
                btyp_i = parmC.btypC[btyp_cnt]
                btyp_i = bondtype(ptype1,ptype2,btype)
            if( cnt_Bond_coeff >=  n_btypes ):
                read_Bond_coeff = 0
        if( read_Angle_coeff and  len(col) >= 3 ):
            cnt_Angle_coeff += 1
            #AT_i = int(col[0])
            #AT_j = int(col[1])
            a_ind = int( col[0]) - 1
            if( a_ind > n_angtypes ):
                print sys.exit(" Error in data file index of angle parameter exceeds number of angle parameters specified with angle types ")
            ANGTYPE_REF[a_ind][0] = "??"
            ANGTYPE_REF[a_ind][1] = "??"
            ANGTYPE_REF[a_ind][2] = "??"
            ANGLETYPE_K[a_ind] = float(col[1])
            ANGLETYPE_R0[a_ind] = float(col[2])

            ptype1 = "??"
            ptype2 = "??"
            ptype3 = "??"
            lmpindx = int( col[0])
            theta0 = float( col[2] )        # degrees 
            kb =  float( col[1] ) 
            atype = "harmonic"
            gfunc_type = 1

            if( atyp_update ):
                atyp_cnt = a_ind + 1 
                atyp_i = parmC.atypC[atyp_cnt]
                atyp_i = angletype(ptype1,ptype2,ptype3,atype)
            if( cnt_Angle_coeff >=  n_angtypes ):
                read_Angle_coeff = 0
        if( read_Dihedral_coeff and  len(col) >= 3 ):
            cnt_Dihedral_coeff += 1
            #AT_i = int(col[0])
            #AT_j = int(col[1])
            d_ind = int( col[0]) - 1
            if( debug): print " reading dih type ",d_ind," cnt ",cnt_Dihedral_coeff," of ",n_dtypes
            if( d_ind > n_dtypes ):
                error_line =  " Error in data file index of dihedral parameter %d exceeds number of dihedral parameters %d "%(d_ind , n_dtypes)
                error_line += " specified with dihedral types "
                print sys.exit(error_line)
            DTYPE_REF[d_ind][0] = "??"
            DTYPE_REF[d_ind][1] = "??"
            DTYPE_REF[d_ind][2] = "??"
            DTYPE_REF[d_ind][3] = "??"
            # Assume OPLS dihedral type
            DIHTYPE_F[d_ind] = 3
            DIHTYPE_C[d_ind][0] = float(col[1])
            DIHTYPE_C[d_ind][1] = float(col[2])
            DIHTYPE_C[d_ind][2] = float(col[3])
            DIHTYPE_C[d_ind][3] = float(col[4])

            ptype1 = "??"
            ptype2 = "??"
            ptype3 = "??"
            ptype4 = "??"
            # Set parameters according to type 
            gfunc_type = 3 
            dtype = "opls"

            lmpindx = int( col[0] )
            k1 =  float( col[1] )
            k2 =  float( col[2] ) 
            k3 =  float( col[3] ) 
            k4 =  float( col[4] )

            if( dtyp_update ):
                dtyp_cnt = d_ind + 1 
                dtyp_i = parmC.dtypC[dtyp_cnt]
                dtyp_i = dihtype(ptype1,ptype2,ptype3,ptype4,dtype)
            if( cnt_Dihedral_coeff >=  n_dtypes ):
                read_Dihedral_coeff = 0
        if( read_Improper_coeff and  len(col) >= 3 ):
            cnt_Improper_coeff += 1
            #AT_i = int(col[0])
            #AT_j = int(col[1])
            imp_ind = int( col[0]) - 1
            if( debug): print " reading imp dih type ",imp_ind," cnt ",cnt_Improper_coeff," of ",n_imptypes
            if( imp_ind > n_imptypes ):
                error_line =  " Error in data file index of improper parameter %d exceeds number of improper parameters %d "%(imp_ind , n_imptypes)
                error_line += " specified with dihedral types "
                print sys.exit(error_line)
            IMPTYPE_REF[imp_ind][0] = "??"
            IMPTYPE_REF[imp_ind][1] = "??"
            IMPTYPE_REF[imp_ind][2] = "??"
            IMPTYPE_REF[imp_ind][3] = "??"
            # Assume OPLS dihedral type
            IMPTYPE_F[imp_ind] = 2
            KE = float(col[1])
            Eo = float(col[2])
            IMPTYPE_E0[imp_ind] = Eo
            IMPTYPE_K[imp_ind] = KE

            ptype1 = "??"
            ptype2 = "??"
            ptype3 = "??"
            ptype4 = "??"
            # Set parameters according to type 
            g_indx = 2
            dtype = "improper"

            lmpindx = int( col[0] )

            if( imptyp_update ):
                imptyp_cnt = imp_ind + 1 
                imptyp_i = parmC.imptypC[imptyp_cnt]
                imptyp_i = imptype(ptype1,ptype2,ptype3,ptype4,dtype)
            if( cnt_Improper_coeff >=  n_imptypes ):
                read_Improper_coeff = 0
        if( read_Atoms and len(col) >= 7 ):
            cnt_Atoms += 1
            ind = int( col[0]) - 1
            if( ind > n_atoms ):
                print sys.exit(" Error in data file index of atoms exceeds number of atoms specified with atoms ")
            chain_i = int(col[1]) 
            lmptype_i = int(col[2]) #- 1
            indx = int(col[2]) - 1
            q_i = float(col[3])
            m_i = ATYPE_MASS[indx]
            fftype_i = ATYPE_REF[indx]
            el = pt.getelementWithMass(m_i)
            if( el.symbol == "VS" ):
                el.symbol = ATYPE_l[atom_indx].strip()
                fftype_i = "VS"
                m_i = 0.0 

            # HACK !!
            if( ATYPE_MASS[indx] == 9.0  ):
                el.symbol = "LP"
                fftype_i = "LP"
                m_i = 0.0
            r_i =  [ float(col[4]),float(col[5]),float(col[6])] 
            type_i = str(lmptype_i)

            #tagsD = {"chain":chain_i,"symbol":el.symbol,"number":el.number,"mass":el.mass,"cov_radii":el.cov_radii,"vdw_radii":el.vdw_radii}
            #if( pt_overwrite ):
            pt_i = strucC.ptclC[ind+1]
            pt_i.position = r_i

            update_coord = True
            if( not update_coord ):

                pt_i.type = el.symbol
                pt_i.charge = q_i
                pt_i.mass = m_i

                add_dict = pt_i.tagsDict
                # Set properties read in data file 
                if( set_chain_numbers ): add_dict["chain"] = chain_i
                add_dict["symbol"] = el.symbol
                add_dict["number"] = el.number
                add_dict["mass"] = el.mass
                add_dict["cov_radii"] = el.cov_radii
                add_dict["vdw_radii"] = el.vdw_radii
                add_dict["lmptype"] = lmptype_i
                add_dict["fftype"] = fftype_i 
                add_dict["ffmass"] = ATYPE_MASS[indx]
                add_dict["residue"] = chain_i
                add_dict["qgroup"] = chain_i
                add_dict["resname"] = "MOLR"
                add_dict["ring"] = 0
                add_dict["label"] = add_dict["symbol"]

            if( cnt_Atoms >=  n_atoms ):
                read_Atoms = 0

        if(read_Bonds and len(col) >= 4 ):
            cnt_Bonds += 1
            ind = int( col[0]) - 1

            if( ind > n_bonds ):
                print sys.exit(" Error in data file index of bonds exceeds number of bonds specified with bonds ")
            BTYPE_IND[ind] = int(col[1] ) - 1
            BONDS[ind] = [int(col[2]) - 1 , int(col[3]) - 1 ]
            i_o = int(col[2])
            j_o = int(col[3])

            if( bonds_overwrite ):
                bondObj = strucC.bondC[cnt_Bonds]
                bondObj.pgid1 = i_o
                bondObj.pgid2 = j_o
                bondObj.set_lmpindx(int(col[1] ))
                bondObj = Bond( i_o, j_o )
                bondObj.set_lmpindx(int(col[1] ))
            if( cnt_Bonds >=  n_bonds ):
                read_Bonds = 0

        if(read_Angles and len(col) >= 5 ):
            cnt_Angles += 1
            ind = int( col[0]) - 1
            ANGTYPE_IND[ind] = int(col[1] ) - 1
            ANGLES[ind] = [int(col[2]) - 1, int(col[3]) - 1, int(col[4]) - 1 ]
            k_o = int(col[2])
            i_o = int(col[3])
            j_o = int(col[4])
            if( cnt_Angles >=  n_angles ):
                read_Angles = 0

            if( angles_overwrite ):
                angleObj = strucC.angleC[cnt_Angles]
                angleObj.pgid1 = k_o
                angleObj.pgid2 = i_o
                angleObj.pgid3 = j_o
                angleObj.set_lmpindx(int(col[1] ))
                angleObj = Angle( k_o,i_o, j_o )
                angleObj.set_lmpindx(int(col[1] ))
        if(read_Dihedrals and len(col) >= 6 ):
            cnt_Dihedrals += 1
            ind = int( col[0]) - 1
            DTYPE_IND[ind] = int(col[1] ) - 1
            DIH[ind] = [int(col[2]) - 1,int(col[3]) - 1, int(col[4]) - 1,int(col[5]) - 1]

            k_o = int(col[2])
            i_o = int(col[3])
            j_o = int(col[4])
            l_o = int(col[5])
            if( dih_overwrite ):
                dObj = strucC.dihC[cnt_Dihedrals]
                dObj.pgid1 = k_o
                dObj.pgid2 = i_o
                dObj.pgid3 = j_o
                dObj.pgid4 = l_o
                dObj.set_lmpindx(int(col[1] ))
                dObj = Dihedral( k_o,i_o, j_o,l_o )
                dObj.set_lmpindx(int(col[1] ))
            if( cnt_Dihedrals >=  n_dihedrals ):
                read_Dihedrals = 0
        if(read_Impropers and len(col) >= 2 ):
            cnt_Impropers += 1
            ind = int( col[0]) - 1
            k_o = int(col[2])
            i_o = int(col[3])
            j_o = int(col[4])
            l_o = int(col[5])
            if( imp_overwrite ):
                impObj = strucC.impC[cnt_Impropers]
                impObj.pgid1 = k_o
                impObj.pgid2 = i_o
                impObj.pgid3 = j_o
                impObj.pgid4 = l_o
                impObj.set_lmpindx(int(col[1] ))
                impObj = Improper( k_o,i_o, j_o,l_o )
                impObj.set_lmpindx(int(col[1] ))

            if( cnt_Impropers >=  n_impropers ):
                read_Impropers = 0

        if ( len(col) >= 1  ):
            if( col[0] == "Masses" ):
                read_Masses = 1
                cnt_Masses = 0
            if( col[0] == "Atoms" ):
                read_Atoms = 1
                cnt_Atoms = 0
            if( col[0] == "Bonds" ):
                read_Bonds = 1
                cnt_Bonds = 0
            if( col[0] == "Angles" ):
                read_Angles = 1
                cnt_Angles  = 0
            if( col[0] == "Dihedrals" ):
                read_Dihedrals = 1
                cnt_Dihedrals = 0
            if( col[0] == "Impropers" ):
                read_Impropers = 1
                cnt_Impropers = 0
        if ( len(col) >= 2 ):
            if( col[0] == "Pair" and col[1] == "Coeffs" ):
                read_Pair = 1
                cnt_Pair = 0
            if( col[0] == "Bond" and col[1] == "Coeffs" ):
                read_Bond_coeff = 1
                cnt_Bond_coeff = 0
            if( col[0] == "Angle" and col[1] == "Coeffs" ):
                read_Angle_coeff  = 1
                cnt_Angle_coeff = 0
            if( col[0] == "Dihedral" and col[1] == "Coeffs" ):
                read_Dihedral_coeff  = 1
                cnt_Dihedral_coeff  = 0
            if( col[0] == "Improper" and col[1] == "Coeffs" ):
                read_Improper_coeff  = 1
                cnt_Improper_coeff  = 0
        #    cnt_Bonds += 1
        #    ind = int( col[0]) - 1
        #    BTYPE_IND[ind] = int(col[1] ) - 1
        #    BONDS[ind][0] = int(col[2])
        #    if( cnt_Bonds >=  n_atoms ):
        #        read_Bonds = 0

    if( ljtyp_update ):
        if( ljtyp_cnt != len(parmC.ljtypC) ):
            print " Number of LJ types read in %d does not match previously read %d "%(ljtyp_cnt,len(parmC.ljtypC))

    if( debug):
        for ind in range(len(ATYPE_MASS)):
            print ind+1,ATYPE_MASS[ind]
        for ind in range(len(ATYPE_EP)):
            print ind+1,ATYPE_EP[ind],ATYPE_SIG[ind]
        for ind in range(n_btypes):
            print ind+1,BONDTYPE_R0[ind],BONDTYPE_K[ind]
        for ind in range(n_angtypes):
            print ind+1,ANGLETYPE_R0[ind],ANGLETYPE_K[ind]
        for ind in range(n_dtypes):
            print ind+1,DIHTYPE_C[ind]
    debug =0
    if( debug):
        for ind in range(len(BONDS)):
            print ind+1,BONDS[ind]
        sys.exit("debug 1 ")
    return (strucC,parmC)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def read_lmpdata(strucC, parmC, data_file):
    Read Lammps data file

        strucC     (StructureContainer)
        parmC      (ParameterContainer)
        data_file  (str) data file
        strucC     (StructureContainer)
        parmC      (ParameterContainer)

    debug = 0
    verbose = True

    set_chain_numbers = True

    if (not set_chain_numbers):
        print " Warning not reading in chain numbers!!! "

    # Load periodic table
    pt = periodictable()

    F = open(data_file, 'r')
    lines = F.readlines()

    # Read in data header with number of parameters
    for line in lines:
        col = line.split()
        if (len(col) >= 2):
            # Read in number of each topolgical component
            if (col[1] == "atoms"):
                n_atoms = int(col[0])
            elif (col[1] == "bonds"):
                n_bonds = int(col[0])
            elif (col[1] == "angles"):
                n_angles = int(col[0])
            elif (col[1] == "dihedrals"):
                n_dihedrals = int(col[0])
            elif (col[1] == "impropers"):
                n_impropers = int(col[0])

        if (len(col) >= 3):
            # Read in number of each parameter type
            if (col[1] == "atom" and col[2] == "types"):
                n_atypes = int(col[0])
            elif (col[1] == "bond" and col[2] == "types"):
                n_btypes = int(col[0])
            elif (col[1] == "angle" and col[2] == "types"):
                n_angtypes = int(col[0])
            elif (col[1] == "dihedral" and col[2] == "types"):
                n_dtypes = int(col[0])
            elif (col[1] == "improper" and col[2] == "types"):
                n_imptypes = int(col[0])

        # Read in box size
        if (len(col) >= 4):
            if (col[2] == "xlo" and col[3] == "xhi"):
                strucC.latvec[0][0] = float(col[1]) - float(col[0])
            if (col[2] == "ylo" and col[3] == "yhi"):
                strucC.latvec[1][1] = float(col[1]) - float(col[0])
            if (col[2] == "zlo" and col[3] == "zhi"):
                strucC.latvec[2][2] = float(col[1]) - float(col[0])

    # Prind debug
    if (verbose):
        print " atoms ", n_atoms
        print " n_bonds ", n_bonds
        print " n_angles ", n_angles
        print " n_dihedrals ", n_dihedrals
        print " n_impropers ", n_impropers
        print ""
        print "n_atom_types", n_atypes
        print "n_bond_types", n_btypes
        print "n_angle_types", n_angtypes
        print "n_dihedral_types", n_dtypes
        print "n_imp_dihedral_types", n_imptypes

    # Check to see if a previous read has occured
    pt_overwrite = False
    if (len(strucC.ptclC) > 0):
        pt_overwrite = True
    # Check of conistent number of atoms
    if (pt_overwrite):
        if (len(strucC.ptclC) != n_atoms):
            print "  %d atoms in passed structure " % (len(strucC.ptclC))
            print "  %d atoms in data file " % (n_atoms)
            sys.exit(" Inconsistent number of atoms ")

        # Initialize particle container
        for pid_i in range(n_atoms):
            pt_i = Particle()

    bonds_overwrite = False
    if (len(strucC.bondC) > 0):
        bonds_overwrite = True

        if (len(strucC.bondC) != n_bonds):
            print "  %d bonds in passed structure " % (len(strucC.bondC))
            print "  %d bonds in data file " % (n_bonds)
            sys.exit(" Inconsistent number of bonds ")

    angles_overwrite = False
    if (len(strucC.angleC) > 0):
        angles_overwrite = True
        if (len(strucC.angleC) != n_angles):
            print "  %d angles in passed structure " % (len(strucC.angleC))
            print "  %d angles in data file " % (n_angles)
            sys.exit(" Inconsistent number of angles ")

    dih_overwrite = False
    if (len(strucC.dihC) > 0):
        dih_overwrite = True
        if (len(strucC.dihC) != n_dihedrals):
            print "  %d dihedrals in passed structure " % (len(strucC.dihC))
            print "  %d dihedrals in data file " % (n_dihedrals)
            sys.exit(" Inconsistent number of dihedrals ")

    imp_overwrite = False
    if (len(strucC.impC) > 0):
        imp_overwrite = True
        if (len(strucC.impC) != n_impropers):
            print "  %d impropers in passed structure " % (len(strucC.impC))
            print "  %d impropers in data file " % (n_impropers)
            sys.exit(" Inconsistent number of impropers ")

    # Intialize
    #   - read in boolean to off
    read_Masses = 0
    read_Pair = 0
    read_Bond_coeff = 0
    read_Angle_coeff = 0
    read_Dihedral_coeff = 0
    read_Improper_coeff = 0

    read_Atoms = 0
    read_Bonds = 0
    read_Angles = 0
    read_Dihedrals = 0
    read_Impropers = 0

    #   - lists as indecise can be out of order in data file
    ATYPE_REF = n_atypes * [""]
    ATYPE_MASS = np.zeros(n_atypes)
    ATYPE_EP = np.zeros(n_atypes)
    ATYPE_SIG = np.zeros(n_atypes)

    BTYPE_REF = n_btypes * [2 * [""]]
    BONDTYPE_R0 = np.zeros(n_btypes)
    BONDTYPE_K = np.zeros(n_btypes)

    ANGTYPE_REF = n_angtypes * [3 * [""]]
    ANGLETYPE_R0 = np.zeros(n_angtypes)
    ANGLETYPE_K = np.zeros(n_angtypes)

    DTYPE_REF = n_dtypes * [4 * [""]]
    DIHTYPE_C = np.zeros((n_dtypes, 4))
    DIHTYPE_F = np.zeros(n_dtypes)
    DIHTYPE_K = np.zeros(n_dtypes)
    DIHTYPE_PN = np.zeros(n_dtypes)
    DIHTYPE_PHASE = np.zeros(n_dtypes)

    IMPTYPE_REF = n_imptypes * [4 * [""]]
    IMPTYPE_F = np.zeros(n_imptypes)
    IMPTYPE_E0 = np.zeros(n_imptypes)
    IMPTYPE_K = np.zeros(n_imptypes)

    MOLNUMB = n_atoms * [0]
    ATYPE_IND = n_atoms * [0]
    CHARGES = np.zeros(n_atoms)
    R = n_atoms * [np.zeros(3)]
    ATYPE = n_atoms * [""]

    BONDS = n_bonds * [[0, 0]]
    BTYPE_IND = n_bonds * [0]

    ANGLES = n_angles * [[0, 0, 0]]
    ANGTYPE_IND = n_angles * [0]

    DIH = n_dihedrals * [[0, 0, 0, 0]]
    DTYPE_IND = n_dihedrals * [0]

    # Check if values exist and need to be updated or don't and need to be created
    ljtyp_update = False
    ljtyp_cnt = 0
    if (len(parmC.ljtypC) > 0):
        print " LJ types will be updated "
        ljtyp_update = True
    btyp_update = False
    btyp_cnt = 0
    if (len(parmC.btypC) > 0):
        print " Bond types will be updated "
        btyp_update = True
    atyp_update = False
    atyp_cnt = 0
    if (len(parmC.atypC) > 0):
        print " Angle types will be updated "
        atyp_update = True
    dtyp_update = False
    dtyp_cnt = 0
    if (len(parmC.dtypC) > 0):
        print " Dihedral types will be updated "
        dtyp_update = True
    imptyp_update = False
    imptyp_cnt = 0
    if (len(parmC.imptypC) > 0):
        print " Improper dihedrals types will be updated "
        imptyp_update = True
    # Read in data parameters

    for line in lines:
        col = line.split()
        if (read_Masses and len(col) >= 2):

            cnt_Masses += 1
            ind = int(col[0]) - 1
            ATYPE_MASS[ind] = float(col[1])

            if (len(col) >= 4):
                ATYPE_REF[ind] = col[3]
                ptype1 = col[3]
                ATYPE_REF[ind] = "??"
                ptype1 = "??"

            mass_i = float(col[1])

            if (ljtyp_update):
                ljtyp_cnt = ind + 1
                if (ljtyp_cnt > len(parmC.ljtypC)):
                    print "Mass index %d larger then length of previously read ljtypC %d" % (
                        ind, len(parmC.ljtypC))
                ljtyp_i = parmC.ljtypC[ljtyp_cnt]
                ljtyp_i = ljtype(ptype1)

            # Turn of mass read
            if (cnt_Masses == n_atypes):
                read_Masses = 0

        if (read_Pair and len(col) >= 3):
            cnt_Pair += 1

            ind = int(col[0]) - 1
            ATYPE_EP[ind] = float(col[1])
            ATYPE_SIG[ind] = float(col[2])

            epsilon = float(col[1])
            sigma = float(col[2])
            ljtyp_ind = int(col[0])

            ljtyp_i = parmC.ljtypC[ljtyp_ind]
            ljtyp_i.setparam(epsilon, sigma)
            # Turn pair parameter read off
            if (cnt_Pair >= n_atypes):
                read_Pair = 0

        if (read_Bond_coeff and len(col) >= 3):
            cnt_Bond_coeff += 1
            #AT_i = int(col[0])
            #AT_j = int(col[1])
            b_ind = int(col[0]) - 1
            if (b_ind > n_btypes):
                error_line = " Error in data file index of bond parameter exceeds number of bond parameters specified with bond types "

            BTYPE_REF[b_ind][0] = "??"
            BTYPE_REF[b_ind][1] = "??"
            BONDTYPE_K[b_ind] = float(col[1])
            BONDTYPE_R0[b_ind] = float(col[2])

            ptype1 = "??"
            ptype2 = "??"
            lmpindx = int(col[0])
            kb = float(col[1])
            r0 = float(col[2])
            btype = "harmonic"
            g_type = 1

            if (btyp_update):
                btyp_cnt = b_ind + 1
                btyp_i = parmC.btypC[btyp_cnt]
                btyp_i.setharmonic(r0, kb)
                btyp_i = bondtype(ptype1, ptype2, btype)
                btyp_i.setharmonic(r0, kb)

            if (cnt_Bond_coeff >= n_btypes):
                read_Bond_coeff = 0

        if (read_Angle_coeff and len(col) >= 3):
            cnt_Angle_coeff += 1
            #AT_i = int(col[0])
            #AT_j = int(col[1])
            a_ind = int(col[0]) - 1
            if (a_ind > n_angtypes):
                print sys.exit(
                    " Error in data file index of angle parameter exceeds number of angle parameters specified with angle types "

            ANGTYPE_REF[a_ind][0] = "??"
            ANGTYPE_REF[a_ind][1] = "??"
            ANGTYPE_REF[a_ind][2] = "??"
            ANGLETYPE_K[a_ind] = float(col[1])
            ANGLETYPE_R0[a_ind] = float(col[2])

            ptype1 = "??"
            ptype2 = "??"
            ptype3 = "??"
            lmpindx = int(col[0])
            theta0 = float(col[2])  # degrees
            kb = float(col[1])
            atype = "harmonic"
            gfunc_type = 1

            if (atyp_update):
                atyp_cnt = a_ind + 1
                atyp_i = parmC.atypC[atyp_cnt]
                atyp_i.setharmonic(theta0, kb)
                atyp_i = angletype(ptype1, ptype2, ptype3, atype)
                atyp_i.setharmonic(theta0, kb)

            if (cnt_Angle_coeff >= n_angtypes):
                read_Angle_coeff = 0

        if (read_Dihedral_coeff and len(col) >= 3):
            cnt_Dihedral_coeff += 1
            #AT_i = int(col[0])
            #AT_j = int(col[1])
            d_ind = int(col[0]) - 1

            if (debug):
                print " reading dih type ", d_ind, " cnt ", cnt_Dihedral_coeff, " of ", n_dtypes

            if (d_ind > n_dtypes):
                error_line = " Error in data file index of dihedral parameter %d exceeds number of dihedral parameters %d " % (
                    d_ind, n_dtypes)
                error_line += " specified with dihedral types "
                print sys.exit(error_line)

            DTYPE_REF[d_ind][0] = "??"
            DTYPE_REF[d_ind][1] = "??"
            DTYPE_REF[d_ind][2] = "??"
            DTYPE_REF[d_ind][3] = "??"

            # Assume OPLS dihedral type
            DIHTYPE_F[d_ind] = 3
            DIHTYPE_C[d_ind][0] = float(col[1])
            DIHTYPE_C[d_ind][1] = float(col[2])
            DIHTYPE_C[d_ind][2] = float(col[3])
            DIHTYPE_C[d_ind][3] = float(col[4])

            ptype1 = "??"
            ptype2 = "??"
            ptype3 = "??"
            ptype4 = "??"
            # Set parameters according to type
            gfunc_type = 3
            dtype = "opls"

            lmpindx = int(col[0])
            k1 = float(col[1])
            k2 = float(col[2])
            k3 = float(col[3])
            k4 = float(col[4])

            if (dtyp_update):
                dtyp_cnt = d_ind + 1
                dtyp_i = parmC.dtypC[dtyp_cnt]
                dtyp_i.setopls(k1, k2, k3, k4)
                dtyp_i = dihtype(ptype1, ptype2, ptype3, ptype4, dtype)
                dtyp_i.setopls(k1, k2, k3, k4)

            if (cnt_Dihedral_coeff >= n_dtypes):
                read_Dihedral_coeff = 0

        if (read_Improper_coeff and len(col) >= 3):
            cnt_Improper_coeff += 1
            #AT_i = int(col[0])
            #AT_j = int(col[1])
            imp_ind = int(col[0]) - 1

            if (debug):
                print " reading imp dih type ", imp_ind, " cnt ", cnt_Improper_coeff, " of ", n_imptypes

            if (imp_ind > n_imptypes):
                error_line = " Error in data file index of improper parameter %d exceeds number of improper parameters %d " % (
                    imp_ind, n_imptypes)
                error_line += " specified with dihedral types "
                print sys.exit(error_line)

            IMPTYPE_REF[imp_ind][0] = "??"
            IMPTYPE_REF[imp_ind][1] = "??"
            IMPTYPE_REF[imp_ind][2] = "??"
            IMPTYPE_REF[imp_ind][3] = "??"

            # Assume OPLS dihedral type
            IMPTYPE_F[imp_ind] = 2
            KE = float(col[1])
            Eo = float(col[2])
            IMPTYPE_E0[imp_ind] = Eo
            IMPTYPE_K[imp_ind] = KE

            ptype1 = "??"
            ptype2 = "??"
            ptype3 = "??"
            ptype4 = "??"
            # Set parameters according to type
            g_indx = 2
            dtype = "improper"

            lmpindx = int(col[0])

            if (imptyp_update):
                imptyp_cnt = imp_ind + 1
                imptyp_i = parmC.imptypC[imptyp_cnt]
                imptyp_i.setimp(Eo, KE)
                imptyp_i = imptype(ptype1, ptype2, ptype3, ptype4, dtype)
                imptyp_i.setimp(Eo, KE)

            if (cnt_Improper_coeff >= n_imptypes):
                read_Improper_coeff = 0

        if (read_Atoms and len(col) >= 7):
            cnt_Atoms += 1
            ind = int(col[0]) - 1
            if (ind > n_atoms):
                print sys.exit(
                    " Error in data file index of atoms exceeds number of atoms specified with atoms "

            chain_i = int(col[1])
            lmptype_i = int(col[2])  #- 1
            indx = int(col[2]) - 1
            q_i = float(col[3])
            m_i = ATYPE_MASS[indx]
            fftype_i = ATYPE_REF[indx]
            el = pt.getelementWithMass(m_i)

            if (el.symbol == "VS"):
                el.symbol = ATYPE_l[atom_indx].strip()
                fftype_i = "VS"
                m_i = 0.0

            # HACK !!
            if (ATYPE_MASS[indx] == 9.0):
                el.symbol = "LP"
                fftype_i = "LP"
                m_i = 0.0

            r_i = [float(col[4]), float(col[5]), float(col[6])]
            type_i = str(lmptype_i)

            #tagsD = {"chain":chain_i,"symbol":el.symbol,"number":el.number,"mass":el.mass,"cov_radii":el.cov_radii,"vdw_radii":el.vdw_radii}
            #if( pt_overwrite ):
            pt_i = strucC.ptclC[ind + 1]
            pt_i.position = r_i
            pt_i.charge = q_i
            pt_i.mass = m_i

            add_dict = pt_i.tagsDict
            # Set properties read in data file
            if (set_chain_numbers): add_dict["chain"] = chain_i
            add_dict["symbol"] = el.symbol
            add_dict["number"] = el.number
            add_dict["mass"] = el.mass
            add_dict["cov_radii"] = el.cov_radii
            add_dict["vdw_radii"] = el.vdw_radii
            add_dict["lmptype"] = lmptype_i
            add_dict["fftype"] = fftype_i
            add_dict["ffmass"] = ATYPE_MASS[indx]

            if (cnt_Atoms >= n_atoms):
                read_Atoms = 0

        if (read_Bonds and len(col) >= 4):
            cnt_Bonds += 1
            ind = int(col[0]) - 1

            if (ind > n_bonds):
                print sys.exit(
                    " Error in data file index of bonds exceeds number of bonds specified with bonds "

            BTYPE_IND[ind] = int(col[1]) - 1
            BONDS[ind] = [int(col[2]) - 1, int(col[3]) - 1]
            i_o = int(col[2])
            j_o = int(col[3])

            if (bonds_overwrite):
                bondObj = strucC.bondC[cnt_Bonds]
                bondObj.pgid1 = i_o
                bondObj.pgid2 = j_o
                bondObj = Bond(i_o, j_o)

            if (cnt_Bonds >= n_bonds):
                read_Bonds = 0

        if (read_Angles and len(col) >= 5):
            cnt_Angles += 1
            ind = int(col[0]) - 1
            ANGTYPE_IND[ind] = int(col[1]) - 1
            ANGLES[ind] = [int(col[2]) - 1, int(col[3]) - 1, int(col[4]) - 1]

            k_o = int(col[2])
            i_o = int(col[3])
            j_o = int(col[4])

            if (cnt_Angles >= n_angles):
                read_Angles = 0

            if (angles_overwrite):
                angleObj = strucC.angleC[cnt_Angles]
                angleObj.pgid1 = k_o
                angleObj.pgid2 = i_o
                angleObj.pgid3 = j_o
                angleObj = Angle(k_o, i_o, j_o)

        if (read_Dihedrals and len(col) >= 6):
            cnt_Dihedrals += 1
            ind = int(col[0]) - 1

            DTYPE_IND[ind] = int(col[1]) - 1
            DIH[ind] = [
                int(col[2]) - 1,
                int(col[3]) - 1,
                int(col[4]) - 1,
                int(col[5]) - 1

            k_o = int(col[2])
            i_o = int(col[3])
            j_o = int(col[4])
            l_o = int(col[5])

            if (dih_overwrite):
                dObj = strucC.dihC[cnt_Dihedrals]
                dObj.pgid1 = k_o
                dObj.pgid2 = i_o
                dObj.pgid3 = j_o
                dObj.pgid4 = l_o
                dObj = Dihedral(k_o, i_o, j_o, l_o)

            if (cnt_Dihedrals >= n_dihedrals):
                read_Dihedrals = 0

        if (read_Impropers and len(col) >= 2):
            cnt_Impropers += 1
            ind = int(col[0]) - 1

            k_o = int(col[2])
            i_o = int(col[3])
            j_o = int(col[4])
            l_o = int(col[5])

            if (imp_overwrite):
                impObj = strucC.impC[cnt_Impropers]
                impObj.pgid1 = k_o
                impObj.pgid2 = i_o
                impObj.pgid3 = j_o
                impObj.pgid4 = l_o
                impObj = Improper(k_o, i_o, j_o, l_o)

            if (cnt_Impropers >= n_impropers):
                read_Impropers = 0

        if (len(col) >= 1):
            if (col[0] == "Masses"):
                read_Masses = 1
                cnt_Masses = 0

            if (col[0] == "Atoms"):
                read_Atoms = 1
                cnt_Atoms = 0

            if (col[0] == "Bonds"):
                read_Bonds = 1
                cnt_Bonds = 0

            if (col[0] == "Angles"):
                read_Angles = 1
                cnt_Angles = 0

            if (col[0] == "Dihedrals"):
                read_Dihedrals = 1
                cnt_Dihedrals = 0

            if (col[0] == "Impropers"):
                read_Impropers = 1
                cnt_Impropers = 0

        if (len(col) >= 2):
            if (col[0] == "Pair" and col[1] == "Coeffs"):
                read_Pair = 1
                cnt_Pair = 0
            if (col[0] == "Bond" and col[1] == "Coeffs"):
                read_Bond_coeff = 1
                cnt_Bond_coeff = 0
            if (col[0] == "Angle" and col[1] == "Coeffs"):
                read_Angle_coeff = 1
                cnt_Angle_coeff = 0
            if (col[0] == "Dihedral" and col[1] == "Coeffs"):
                read_Dihedral_coeff = 1
                cnt_Dihedral_coeff = 0

            if (col[0] == "Improper" and col[1] == "Coeffs"):
                read_Improper_coeff = 1
                cnt_Improper_coeff = 0

        #    cnt_Bonds += 1
        #    ind = int( col[0]) - 1
        #    BTYPE_IND[ind] = int(col[1] ) - 1
        #    BONDS[ind][0] = int(col[2])
        #    if( cnt_Bonds >=  n_atoms ):
        #        read_Bonds = 0

    if (ljtyp_update):
        if (ljtyp_cnt != len(parmC.ljtypC)):
            print " Number of LJ types read in %d does not match previously read %d " % (
                ljtyp_cnt, len(parmC.ljtypC))

    if (debug):
        for ind in range(len(ATYPE_MASS)):
            print ind + 1, ATYPE_MASS[ind]

        for ind in range(len(ATYPE_EP)):
            print ind + 1, ATYPE_EP[ind], ATYPE_SIG[ind]

        for ind in range(n_btypes):
            print ind + 1, BONDTYPE_R0[ind], BONDTYPE_K[ind]

        for ind in range(n_angtypes):
            print ind + 1, ANGLETYPE_R0[ind], ANGLETYPE_K[ind]

        for ind in range(n_dtypes):
            print ind + 1, DIHTYPE_C[ind]

    debug = 0

    if (debug):
        for ind in range(len(BONDS)):
            print ind + 1, BONDS[ind]

    if (debug):
        sys.exit("debug 1 ")
    return (strucC, parmC)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def read_cply(self,cply_file,debug = False):
        Read cply file
        # Load periodic table 
        pt = periodictable()

        read_lattice = False
        read_segment = False 

        with open(cply_file) as f:
            for line in f:
                col = line.split()
                if( read_lattice ):
                    self.latvec[lv_cnt][0] = float( col[0] )
                    self.latvec[lv_cnt][1] = float( col[1] )
                    self.latvec[lv_cnt][2] = float( col[2] )
                    if( lv_cnt == 2 ):
                        read_lattice = False 
                    lv_cnt += 1
                elif( read_segment ):
                    if( debug ):
                        print " Readin degment line ",col
                    if( str(col[0]) == 'unit' ):
                        if( len(col) > 2 ):
                            error_line = "Each segment can only have 1 unit "
                            error_line += "\n {} in unit line will be ignored ".format(str(col[2::]))
                            print error_line
                        segment_i['unit'] =  col[1] 
                    if( str(col[0]) == 'func' ):
                        segment_i['func'] =  col[1::] 
                    if( str(col[0]) == 'end' ):
                        read_segment = False 
                elif( len(col) >= 4  and col[0] != "bond" and col[0] != "#" ):

                    pt_i = Particle()
                    pt_i.type = str(col[0])
                    pt_i.position = [ float(col[1]),float(col[2]),float(col[3]) ]
                    add_dict = pt_i.tagsDict
                    el = pt.getelementWithSymbol(str(col[0]))
                    add_dict["symbol"] = str(col[0])
                    add_dict["number"] = el.number
                    add_dict["mass"] = el.mass

                    add_dict["cplytag"] = ""
                    add_dict["linkid"] = ""
                    add_dict["link"] = ""
                    pt_i.mass = el.mass
                    add_dict["chain"] = 1
                    add_dict["ring"] = 0
                    add_dict["residue"] = 1
                    add_dict["resname"] = "RES"
                    add_dict["qgroup"] = 1
                    add_dict["fftype"] = "??"
                    add_dict["label"] =  el.symbol  
                    add_dict["cov_radii"] = el.cov_radii
                    add_dict["vdw_radii"] = el.vdw_radii
                    add_dict["lmptype"] = -1
                    if (len(col) >= 14 ):
                        add_dict["label"] = str(col[4])
                        add_dict["fftype"] = str(col[5])
                        add_dict["mass"] = float(col[6])                        
                        pt_i.mass = float(col[6])                   
                        pt_i.charge = float(col[7])
                        add_dict["qgroup"] = int(col[8])                        
                        add_dict["ring"] = int(col[9])                        
                        add_dict["residue"] = int(col[10])
                        add_dict["resname"] = str(col[11])                        
                        add_dict["chain"] = int(col[12])                        
                        add_dict["cplytag"] = str(col[13])
                    elif (len(col) == 13 ):
                        add_dict["label"] = str(col[4])
                        add_dict["fftype"] = str(col[5])
                        add_dict["mass"] = float(col[6])                        
                        pt_i.mass = float(col[6])                   
                        pt_i.charge = float(col[7])
                        add_dict["qgroup"] = int(col[8])                        
                        add_dict["ring"] = int(col[9])                        
                        add_dict["residue"] = int(col[10])
                        add_dict["resname"] = str(col[11])                        
                        add_dict["chain"] = int(col[12])                        
                    elif (len(col) == 8 ):
                        add_dict["residue"] = int(col[5])
                        add_dict["resname"] = str(col[6])                        
                        add_dict["cplytag"] = str(col[7])
                    elif (len(col) == 7 ):
                        pt_i.charge = float(col[4])
                        add_dict["residue"] = int(col[5])
                        add_dict["resname"] = str(col[6])                                                
                    elif (len(col) == 5 ):
                        add_dict["cplytag"] = str(col[4])


                    # # # print "debug pt_i ",len(col),pt_i
                elif(len(col) >= 3 ):
                    if( col[0] == "bond"):
                        b_i = int(col[1])
                        b_j = int(col[2])
                        bnd = Bond(b_i,b_j)
                        #print "process_line bond line ",col
                # Key word search 
                if( len(col) > 0 ):
                    if( str(col[0]) == 'lattice' ):
                        read_lattice = True
                        lv_cnt = 0
                    if( str(col[0]) == 'segment' ):
                        read_segment = True 
                        segment_i = {} #segment(str(col[1]))
                                       # segment_i = segment()
                        segment_i['tag'] = str(col[1])
                        segment_i['segment'] = {}
        if( debug ):
            print segments
            sys.exit("debug in read_cply is True ")
Ejemplo n.º 11
def main():
    Read in data file and replicate it 

    # Read options 
    options, args = get_options()
    # Initialize mpi
    p = mpiBase.getMPIObject()
    pt = periodictable()

    # Read in cply file into a structure container object
    bb_o = Buildingblock()

    search_i = dict()
    search_i = create_search(search_i,options.symbol,options.label,options.fftype,options.residue,options.resname,options.chain,options.ring)
    if( len(search_i) > 0 ):
        if( options.verbose ):
            log_line = "\n Searching group i {} {} ".format(search_i,len(search_i))
            if( options.verbose ): print log_line
        list_i = bb_o.ptclC.getParticlesWithTags(search_i)
        bb_i = bb_o.getSubStructure(list_i, particlesOnly=False )
        bb_i = bb_o
    if( len(bb_i.bondC) == 0 or options.rebond ):

    if( options.setqgroup ): bb_i.set_chargegroups()
    if( options.setresidues ):  bb_i.set_residues()
    if( options.setlabel ): bb_i.set_label()
    if( options.setmass ): bb_i.set_mass()
    if( options.setrings ):  bb_i.find_rings()
    if( options.setfftype ):
        set_biaryl = False 

    # Set connecting termcap particles to lay along the x axis and the second connecter term to be at origin 
    print bb_i 
    comment = "Read in from {}  to output {} ".format(options.in_cply,options.out_id)
    append = False 
    del bb_i
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def read_cply(self, cply_file, debug=False):
        Read cply file

        # Load periodic table
        pt = periodictable()

        read_lattice = False
        read_segment = False

        with open(cply_file) as f:
            for line in f:
                col = line.split()
                if (read_lattice):
                    self.latvec[lv_cnt][0] = float(col[0])
                    self.latvec[lv_cnt][1] = float(col[1])
                    self.latvec[lv_cnt][2] = float(col[2])
                    if (lv_cnt == 2):
                        read_lattice = False
                    lv_cnt += 1
                elif (read_segment):
                    if (debug):
                        print " Readin degment line ", col

                    if (str(col[0]) == 'unit'):
                        if (len(col) > 2):
                            error_line = "Each segment can only have 1 unit "
                            error_line += "\n {} in unit line will be ignored ".format(
                            print error_line
                        segment_i['unit'] = col[1]
                    if (str(col[0]) == 'func'):
                        segment_i['func'] = col[1::]
                    if (str(col[0]) == 'end'):
                        read_segment = False

                elif (len(col) >= 4 and col[0] != "bond" and col[0] != "#"):

                    pt_i = Particle()
                    pt_i.type = str(col[0])
                    pt_i.position = [

                    add_dict = pt_i.tagsDict
                    el = pt.getelementWithSymbol(str(col[0]))
                    add_dict["symbol"] = str(col[0])
                    add_dict["number"] = el.number
                    add_dict["mass"] = el.mass

                    add_dict["cplytag"] = ""
                    add_dict["linkid"] = ""
                    add_dict["link"] = ""
                    pt_i.mass = el.mass
                    add_dict["chain"] = 1
                    add_dict["ring"] = 0
                    add_dict["residue"] = 1
                    add_dict["resname"] = "RES"
                    add_dict["qgroup"] = 1
                    add_dict["fftype"] = "??"
                    add_dict["label"] = el.symbol
                    add_dict["cov_radii"] = el.cov_radii
                    add_dict["vdw_radii"] = el.vdw_radii
                    add_dict["lmptype"] = -1
                    if (len(col) >= 14):
                        add_dict["label"] = str(col[4])
                        add_dict["fftype"] = str(col[5])
                        add_dict["mass"] = float(col[6])
                        pt_i.mass = float(col[6])
                        pt_i.charge = float(col[7])
                        add_dict["qgroup"] = int(col[8])
                        add_dict["ring"] = int(col[9])
                        add_dict["residue"] = int(col[10])
                        add_dict["resname"] = str(col[11])
                        add_dict["chain"] = int(col[12])
                        add_dict["cplytag"] = str(col[13])
                    elif (len(col) == 13):
                        add_dict["label"] = str(col[4])
                        add_dict["fftype"] = str(col[5])
                        add_dict["mass"] = float(col[6])
                        pt_i.mass = float(col[6])
                        pt_i.charge = float(col[7])
                        add_dict["qgroup"] = int(col[8])
                        add_dict["ring"] = int(col[9])
                        add_dict["residue"] = int(col[10])
                        add_dict["resname"] = str(col[11])
                        add_dict["chain"] = int(col[12])
                    elif (len(col) == 8):
                        add_dict["residue"] = int(col[5])
                        add_dict["resname"] = str(col[6])
                        add_dict["cplytag"] = str(col[7])
                    elif (len(col) == 7):
                        pt_i.charge = float(col[4])
                        add_dict["residue"] = int(col[5])
                        add_dict["resname"] = str(col[6])
                    elif (len(col) == 5):
                        add_dict["cplytag"] = str(col[4])


                    # # # print "debug pt_i ",len(col),pt_i

                elif (len(col) >= 3):
                    if (col[0] == "bond"):
                        b_i = int(col[1])
                        b_j = int(col[2])
                        bnd = Bond(b_i, b_j)
                        #print "process_line bond line ",col
                # Key word search
                if (len(col) > 0):
                    if (str(col[0]) == 'lattice'):
                        read_lattice = True
                        lv_cnt = 0
                    if (str(col[0]) == 'segment'):
                        read_segment = True
                        segment_i = {}  #segment(str(col[1]))
                        # segment_i = segment()
                        segment_i['tag'] = str(col[1])
                        segment_i['segment'] = {}
        if (debug):
            print segments
            sys.exit("debug in read_cply is True ")