Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_rj_proposals(top_prop, configuration_traj, use_sterics, ncmc_nsteps, n_replicates, bond_softening_constant=1.0, angle_softening_constant=1.0):
    ncmc_engine = NCMCEngine(nsteps=ncmc_nsteps, pressure=1.0*unit.atmosphere, bond_softening_constant=bond_softening_constant, angle_softening_constant=angle_softening_constant)
    geometry_engine = FFAllAngleGeometryEngine(use_sterics=use_sterics, bond_softening_constant=bond_softening_constant, angle_softening_constant=angle_softening_constant)
    initial_thermodynamic_state = states.ThermodynamicState(top_prop.old_system, temperature=temperature, pressure=1.0*unit.atmosphere)
    final_thermodynamic_state = states.ThermodynamicState(top_prop.new_system, temperature=temperature, pressure=1.0*unit.atmosphere)
    traj_indices = np.arange(0, configuration_traj.n_frames)
    results = np.zeros([n_replicates, 4])

    for i in tqdm.trange(n_replicates):
        frame_index = np.random.choice(traj_indices)
        initial_sampler_state = traj_frame_to_sampler_state(configuration_traj, frame_index)

        initial_logP = - compute_reduced_potential(initial_thermodynamic_state, initial_sampler_state)

        proposed_geometry, logP_geometry_forward = geometry_engine.propose(top_prop, initial_sampler_state.positions, beta)

        proposed_sampler_state = states.SamplerState(proposed_geometry, box_vectors=initial_sampler_state.box_vectors)

        final_old_sampler_state, final_sampler_state, logP_work, initial_hybrid_logP, final_hybrid_logP = ncmc_engine.integrate(top_prop, initial_sampler_state, proposed_sampler_state)

        final_logP = - compute_reduced_potential(final_thermodynamic_state, final_sampler_state)

        logP_reverse = geometry_engine.logp_reverse(top_prop, final_sampler_state.positions, final_old_sampler_state.positions, beta)

        results[i, 0] = initial_hybrid_logP - initial_logP
        results[i, 1] = logP_reverse - logP_geometry_forward
        results[i, 2] = final_logP - final_hybrid_logP
        results[i, 3] = logP_work

    return results
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, sampler, topology, state_key, proposal_engine, geometry_engine, log_weights=None, options=None, platform=None, envname=None, storage=None, ncmc_write_interval=1):
        Create an expanded ensemble sampler.

        p(x,k) \propto \exp[-u_k(x) + g_k]

        where g_k is the log weight.

        sampler : MCMCSampler
            MCMCSampler initialized with current SamplerState
        topology : simtk.openmm.app.Topology
            Current topology
        state : hashable object
            Current chemical state
        proposal_engine : ProposalEngine
            ProposalEngine to use for proposing new chemical states
        geometry_engine : GeometryEngine
            GeometryEngine to use for dimension matching
        log_weights : dict of object : float
            Log weights to use for expanded ensemble biases.
        options : dict, optional, default=dict()
            Options for initializing switching scheme, such as 'timestep', 'nsteps', 'functions' for NCMC
        platform : simtk.openmm.Platform, optional, default=None
            Platform to use for NCMC switching.  If `None`, default (fastest) platform is used.
        storage : NetCDFStorageView, optional, default=None
            If specified, use this storage layer.
        ncmc_write_interval : int, default 1
            How frequently to write out NCMC protocol steps.
        # Keep copies of initializing arguments.
        # TODO: Make deep copies?
        self.sampler = sampler
        self._pressure = sampler.thermodynamic_state.pressure
        self._temperature = sampler.thermodynamic_state.temperature
        self._omm_topology = topology
        self.topology = md.Topology.from_openmm(topology)
        self.state_key = state_key
        self.proposal_engine = proposal_engine
        self.log_weights = log_weights
        if self.log_weights is None: self.log_weights = dict()

        self.storage = None
        if storage is not None:
            self.storage = NetCDFStorageView(storage, modname=self.__class__.__name__)

        # Initialize
        self.iteration = 0
        option_names = ['timestep', 'nsteps', 'functions', 'nsteps_mcmc', 'splitting']

        if options is None:
            options = dict()
        for option_name in option_names:
            if option_name not in options:
                options[option_name] = None

        if options['splitting']:
            self._ncmc_splitting = options['splitting']
            self._ncmc_splitting = "V R O H R V"

        if options['nsteps']:
            self._switching_nsteps = options['nsteps']
            self.ncmc_engine = NCMCEngine(temperature=self.sampler.thermodynamic_state.temperature,
                                          timestep=options['timestep'], nsteps=options['nsteps'],
                                          functions=options['functions'], integrator_splitting=self._ncmc_splitting,
                                          platform=platform, storage=self.storage,
            self._switching_nsteps = 0

        if options['nsteps_mcmc']:
            self._n_iterations_per_update = options['nsteps_mcmc']
            self._n_iterations_per_update = 100

        self.geometry_engine = geometry_engine
        self.naccepted = 0
        self.nrejected = 0
        self.number_of_state_visits = dict()
        self.verbose = False
        self.pdbfile = None # if not None, write PDB file
        self.geometry_pdbfile = None # if not None, write PDB file of geometry proposals
        self.accept_everything = False # if True, will accept anything that doesn't lead to NaNs
        self.logPs = list()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def check_alchemical_null_elimination(topology_proposal,
    Test alchemical elimination engine on null transformations, where some atoms are deleted and then reinserted in a cycle.

    topology_proposal : TopologyProposal
        The topology proposal to test.
        This must be a null transformation, where topology_proposal.old_system == topology_proposal.new_system
    ncmc_steps : int, optional, default=50
        Number of NCMC switching steps, or 0 for instantaneous switching.
    NSIGMA_MAX : float, optional, default=6.0
        Number of standard errors away from analytical solution tolerated before Exception is thrown
    geometry : bool, optional, default=None
        If True, will also use geometry engine in the middle of the null transformation.
    # Initialize engine
    from perses.annihilation.ncmc_switching import NCMCEngine
    ncmc_engine = NCMCEngine(temperature=temperature, nsteps=ncmc_nsteps)

    # Make sure that old system and new system are identical.
    if not (topology_proposal.old_system == topology_proposal.new_system):
        raise Exception(
            "topology_proposal must be a null transformation for this test (old_system == new_system)"
    for (k, v) in topology_proposal.new_to_old_atom_map.items():
        if k != v:
            raise Exception(
                "topology_proposal must be a null transformation for this test (retailed atoms must map onto themselves)"

    nequil = 5  # number of equilibration iterations
    niterations = 50  # number of round-trip switching trials
    logP_insert_n = np.zeros([niterations], np.float64)
    logP_delete_n = np.zeros([niterations], np.float64)
    logP_switch_n = np.zeros([niterations], np.float64)
    for iteration in range(nequil):
        [positions, velocities] = simulate(topology_proposal.old_system,
    for iteration in range(niterations):
        # Equilibrate
        [positions, velocities] = simulate(topology_proposal.old_system,

        # Check that positions are not NaN
        if (np.any(np.isnan(positions / unit.angstroms))):
            raise Exception("Positions became NaN during equilibration")

        # Delete atoms
        [positions, logP_delete,
         potential_delete] = ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal,

        # Check that positions are not NaN
        if (np.any(np.isnan(positions / unit.angstroms))):
            raise Exception("Positions became NaN on NCMC deletion")

        # Insert atoms
        [positions, logP_insert,
         potential_insert] = ncmc_engine.integrate(topology_proposal,

        # Check that positions are not NaN
        if (np.any(np.isnan(positions / unit.angstroms))):
            raise Exception("Positions became NaN on NCMC insertion")

        # Compute probability of switching geometries.
        logP_switch = -(potential_insert - potential_delete)

        # Compute total probability
        logP_delete_n[iteration] = logP_delete
        logP_insert_n[iteration] = logP_insert
        logP_switch_n[iteration] = logP_switch
        #print("Iteration %5d : delete %16.8f kT | insert %16.8f kT | geometry switch %16.8f" % (iteration, logP_delete, logP_insert, logP_switch))

    # Check free energy difference is withing NSIGMA_MAX standard errors of zero.
    logP_n = logP_delete_n + logP_insert_n + logP_switch_n
    work_n = -logP_n
    from pymbar import EXP
    [df, ddf] = EXP(work_n)
    #print("df = %12.6f +- %12.5f kT" % (df, ddf))
    if (abs(df) > NSIGMA_MAX * ddf):
        msg = 'Delta F (%d steps switching) = %f +- %f kT; should be within %f sigma of 0\n' % (
            ncmc_nsteps, df, ddf, NSIGMA_MAX)
        msg += 'delete logP:\n'
        msg += str(logP_delete_n) + '\n'
        msg += 'insert logP:\n'
        msg += str(logP_insert_n) + '\n'
        msg += 'logP:\n'
        msg += str(logP_n) + '\n'
        raise Exception(msg)