Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_other_answers_simple(pool, seeded_answers, get_student_item_dict, num_responses):
    Get answers from others with simple algorithm, which picks one answer for each option.

        see `get_other_answers`
        num_responses (int): the number of responses to be returned. This value may not be
            respected if there is not enough answers to return

        dict: answers based on the selection algorithm
    ret = []
    # clean up answers so that all keys are int
    pool = {int(k): v for k, v in pool.items()}
    total_in_pool = len(seeded_answers)
    merged_pool = convert_seeded_answers(seeded_answers)
    student_id = get_student_item_dict()['student_id']
    # merge the dictionaries in the answer dictionary
    for key in pool:
        total_in_pool += len(pool[key])
        # if student_id has value, we assume the student just submitted an answer. So removing it
        # from total number in the pool
        if student_id in pool[key].keys():
            total_in_pool -= 1
        if key in merged_pool:
            merged_pool[key] = pool[key]

    # remember which option+student_id is selected, so that we don't have duplicates in the result
    selected = []

    # loop until we have enough answers to return
    while len(ret) < min(num_responses, total_in_pool):
        for option, students in merged_pool.items():
            student = student_id
            i = 0
            while (student == student_id or i > 100) and (str(option) + student) not in selected:
                # retry until we got a different one or after 100 retries
                # we are suppose to get a different student answer or a seeded one in a few tries
                # as we have at least one seeded answer for each option in the algo. And it is not
                # suppose to overflow i order to break the loop
                student = random.choice(students.keys())
                i += 1
            if student.startswith('seeded'):
                # seeded answer, get the rationale from local
                rationale = students[student]
                student_item = get_student_item_dict(student)
                submission = sas_api.get_answers_for_student(student_item)
                rationale = submission.get_rationale(0)
            ret.append({'option': option, 'rationale': rationale})

            # check if we have enough answers
            if len(ret) >= min(num_responses, total_in_pool):

    return {"answers": ret}
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_other_answers_simple(pool, seeded_answers, get_student_item_dict, num_responses):
    Get answers from others with simple algorithm, which picks one answer for each option.

        see `get_other_answers`
        num_responses (int): the number of responses to be returned. This value may not be
            respected if there is not enough answers to return

        dict: answers based on the selection algorithm
    ret = []
    # clean up answers so that all keys are int
    pool = {int(k): v for k, v in pool.items()}
    total_in_pool = len(seeded_answers)
    merged_pool = convert_seeded_answers(seeded_answers)
    student_id = get_student_item_dict()['student_id']
    # merge the dictionaries in the answer dictionary
    for key in pool:
        total_in_pool += len(pool[key])
        # if student_id has value, we assume the student just submitted an answer. So removing it
        # from total number in the pool
        if student_id in pool[key].keys():
            total_in_pool -= 1
        if key in merged_pool:
            merged_pool[key] = pool[key]

    # remember which option+student_id is selected, so that we don't have duplicates in the result
    selected = []

    # loop until we have enough answers to return
    while len(ret) < min(num_responses, total_in_pool):
        for option, students in merged_pool.items():
            student = student_id
            i = 0
            while (student == student_id or i > 100) and (str(option) + student) not in selected:
                # retry until we got a different one or after 100 retries
                # we are suppose to get a different student answer or a seeded one in a few tries
                # as we have at least one seeded answer for each option in the algo. And it is not
                # suppose to overflow i order to break the loop
                student = random.choice(students.keys())
                i += 1
            if student.startswith('seeded'):
                # seeded answer, get the rationale from local
                rationale = students[student]
                student_item = get_student_item_dict(student)
                submission = sas_api.get_answers_for_student(student_item)
                rationale = submission.get_rationale(0)
            ret.append({'option': option, 'rationale': rationale})

            # check if we have enough answers
            if len(ret) >= min(num_responses, total_in_pool):

    return {"answers": ret}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_other_answers_simple(pool, seeded_answers, get_student_item_dict,
    Get answers from others with simple algorithm, which picks one answer for each option.

        see `get_other_answers`
        num_responses (int): the number of responses to be returned. This value may not be
            respected if there is not enough answers to return

        dict: answers based on the selection algorithm
    ret = []
    # clean up answers so that all keys are int
    pool = {int(k): v for k, v in pool.items()}
    merged_pool = convert_seeded_answers(seeded_answers)
    student_id = get_student_item_dict()['student_id']
    # merge the dictionaries in the answer dictionary
    for key in pool:
        merged_pool.setdefault(key, {})
        # Pop student's own answer, if exists
        merged_pool[key].pop(student_id, None)

    # loop until we have enough answers to return or when there is nothing more to return
    while len(ret) < num_responses and merged_pool:
        for option, students in merged_pool.items():
            rationale = None
            while students:
                student = random.choice(students.keys())
                # remove the chosen answer from pool
                content = students.pop(student, None)

                if student.startswith('seeded'):
                    # seeded answer, get the rationale from local
                    rationale = content
                    student_item = get_student_item_dict(student)
                    submission = sas_api.get_answers_for_student(student_item)
                    # Make sure the answer is still the one we want.
                    # It may have changed (e.g. instructor deleted the student state
                    # and the student re-submitted a diff answer)
                    if submission.has_revision(0) and submission.get_vote(
                            0) == option:
                        rationale = submission.get_rationale(0)

                if rationale:
                    ret.append({'option': option, 'rationale': rationale})

            if not students:
                del merged_pool[option]

            # check if we have enough answers
            if len(ret) >= num_responses:

    return {"answers": ret}
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_other_answers_random(pool, seeded_answers, get_student_item_dict,
    Get answers from others with random algorithm, which randomly select answer from the pool.

    Student may get three answers for option 1 or one answer for option 1 and two answers for option 2.

        see `get_other_answers`
        num_responses (int): the number of responses to be returned. This value may not be
            respected if there is not enough answers to return

        dict: answers based on the selection algorithm
    ret = []
    # clean up answers so that all keys are int
    pool = {int(k): v for k, v in pool.items()}
    seeded = {
        'seeded' + str(index): answer
        for index, answer in enumerate(seeded_answers)
    merged_pool = seeded.keys()

    for key in pool:
        merged_pool += pool[key].keys()

    # shuffle
    # get student identifier
    student_id = get_student_item_dict()['student_id']

    for student in merged_pool:
        if len(ret) >= num_responses:
            # have enough answers
        elif student == student_id:
            # this is the student's answer so don't return

        if student.startswith('seeded'):
            option = seeded[student]['answer']
            rationale = seeded[student]['rationale']
            student_item = get_student_item_dict(student)
            submission = sas_api.get_answers_for_student(student_item)
            if submission.has_revision(0):
                rationale = submission.get_rationale(0)
                option = submission.get_vote(0)
        ret.append({'option': option, 'rationale': rationale})

    return {"answers": ret}
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_other_answers_random(pool, seeded_answers, get_student_item_dict, num_responses):
    Get answers from others with random algorithm, which randomly select answer from the pool.

    Student may get three answers for option 1 or one answer for option 1 and two answers for option 2.

        see `get_other_answers`
        num_responses (int): the number of responses to be returned. This value may not be
            respected if there is not enough answers to return

        dict: answers based on the selection algorithm
    ret = []
    # clean up answers so that all keys are int
    pool = {int(k): v for k, v in pool.items()}
    seeded = {'seeded'+str(index): answer for index, answer in enumerate(seeded_answers)}
    merged_pool = seeded.keys()

    for key in pool:
        merged_pool += pool[key].keys()

    # shuffle
    # get student identifier
    student_id = get_student_item_dict()['student_id']

    for student in merged_pool:
        if len(ret) >= num_responses:
            # have enough answers
        elif student == student_id:
            # this is the student's answer so don't return

        if student.startswith('seeded'):
            option = seeded[student]['answer']
            rationale = seeded[student]['rationale']
            student_item = get_student_item_dict(student)
            submission = sas_api.get_answers_for_student(student_item)
            rationale = submission.get_rationale(0)
            option = submission.get_vote(0)
        ret.append({'option': option, 'rationale': rationale})

    return {"answers": ret}
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_answers_for_student(self):
     Retrieve answers from backend for current user
     return sas_api.get_answers_for_student(self.get_student_item_dict())
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def get_answers_for_student(self):
     Retrieve answers from backend for current user
     return sas_api.get_answers_for_student(self.get_student_item_dict())
Ejemplo n.º 8
def refresh_answers(answers_shown,
    Refresh the answers shown for given option

        answers_shown (dict): answers being shown that need to be refreshed. Format:
            {'answers': [
                {'option': 0, 'rationale': 'rationale A'},
                {'option': 1, 'rationale': 'rationale B'},
        option (int): the option to refresh
        pool (dict): answer pool, format:
                option1_index: {
                    student_id: { can store algorithm specific info here }
                option2_index: {
                    student_id: { ... }
        seeded_answers (list): seeded answers from instructor
                {'answer': 0, 'rationale': 'rationale A'},
                {'answer': 1, 'rationale': 'rationale B'},
        get_student_item_dict (callable): get student item dict function to return student item dict
        seeded_first (boolean): refresh with answers from seeded_answers first, when exhausted, pick from pool

        dict: refreshed answers lists
                    {'option': 0, 'rationale': 'rationale A'},
                    {'option': 1, 'rationale': 'rationale B'},
    ret = copy.deepcopy(answers_shown)
    # clean up answers so that all keys are int
    pool = {int(k): v for k, v in pool.items()}
    seeded_pool = convert_seeded_answers(seeded_answers)
    student_id = get_student_item_dict()['student_id']

    available_students = copy.deepcopy(pool.get(option, {}))
    available_students.pop(student_id, None)
    # if seed answers have higher priority, fill the available seeds.
    # otherwise merge them into available students
    available_seeds = {}
    if seeded_first and seeded_pool.get(option, {}):
        available_seeds = copy.deepcopy(seeded_pool.get(option, {}))
        for key in seeded_pool.get(option, {}):
            available_students[key] = seeded_pool.get(option,
                                                      {}).get(key, None)

    for answer in ret.get('answers', []):
        if answer.get('option', None) == option:
            rationale = None

            while available_seeds:
                key = random.choice(available_seeds.keys())
                rationale = available_seeds.pop(key, None)
                if rationale is not None:
                    answer['rationale'] = rationale

            while available_students and rationale is None:
                key = random.choice(available_students.keys())
                # remove the chosen answer from pool
                content = available_students.pop(key, None)

                if key.startswith('seeded'):
                    rationale = content
                    student_item = get_student_item_dict(key)
                    submission = sas_api.get_answers_for_student(student_item)
                    # Make sure the answer is still the one we want.
                    # It may have changed (e.g. instructor deleted the student state
                    # and the student re-submitted a diff answer)
                    if submission.has_revision(0) and submission.get_vote(
                            0) == option:
                        rationale = submission.get_rationale(0)

                if rationale:
                    answer['rationale'] = rationale

    # random.shuffle(ret['answers'])
    return ret