Ejemplo n.º 1
def _ieq_row(re, ra, ir):
    assert ra is not None, "Expected row #%d is None, but result row is not None" % ir
    assert re is not None, "Expected row #%d is not None, but result row is None" % ir
    ic = 0
    for ve, va in izip_longest(re, ra, fillvalue=None):
        if isinstance(ve, list):
            for je, ja in izip_longest(ve, va, fillvalue=None):
                _ieq_col(je, ja, re, ra, ir, ic)
        elif not isinstance(ve, dict):
            _ieq_col(ve, va, re, ra, ir, ic)
        ic = ic + 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _eq_rows(expect, actual, cast=None):
     '''test when values are equals for eacfh row and column'''
     ie = iter(expect)
     ia = iter(actual)
     for re, ra in izip_longest(ie, ia, fillvalue=None):
         if cast:
             ra = cast(ra)
         for ve, va in izip_longest(re, ra, fillvalue=None):
             if isinstance(ve, list):
                 for je, ja in izip_longest(ve, va, fillvalue=None):
                     _eq2(je, ja, re, ra)
             elif not isinstance(ve, dict):
                 _eq2(ve, va, re, ra)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ieq(expect, actual, cast=None):
    ie = iter(expect)
    ia = iter(actual)
    for e, a in izip_longest(ie, ia, fillvalue=None):
        if cast:
            a = cast(a)
        eq_(e, a)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def ieq(expect, actual, cast=None):
    ie = iter(expect)
    ia = iter(actual)
    for e, a in izip_longest(ie, ia, fillvalue=None):
        if cast:
            a = cast(a)
        eq_(e, a)
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: xls.py Proyecto: DeanWay/petl
def toxls(tbl, filename, sheet, encoding=None, style_compression=0,
    Write a table to a new Excel .xls file.


    import xlwt
    if encoding is None:
        encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
    wb = xlwt.Workbook(encoding=encoding, style_compression=style_compression)
    ws = wb.add_sheet(sheet)

    if styles is None:
        # simple version, don't worry about styles
        for r, row in enumerate(tbl):
            for c, v in enumerate(row):
                ws.write(r, c, label=v)
        # handle styles
        it = iter(tbl)
        hdr = next(it)
        flds = list(map(str, hdr))
        for c, f in enumerate(flds):
            ws.write(0, c, label=f)
            if f not in styles or styles[f] is None:
                styles[f] = xlwt.Style.default_style
        # convert to list for easy zipping
        styles = [styles[f] for f in flds]
        for r, row in enumerate(it):
            for c, (v, style) in enumerate(izip_longest(row, styles,
                ws.write(r+1, c, label=v, style=style)

Ejemplo n.º 6
def columns(table, missing=None):
    Construct a :class:`dict` mapping field names to lists of values. E.g.::

        >>> import petl as etl
        >>> table = [['foo', 'bar'], ['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['b', 3]]
        >>> cols = etl.columns(table)
        >>> cols['foo']
        ['a', 'b', 'b']
        >>> cols['bar']
        [1, 2, 3]

    See also :func:`petl.util.materialise.facetcolumns`.


    cols = OrderedDict()
    it = iter(table)
    hdr = next(it)
    flds = list(map(text_type, hdr))
    for f in flds:
        cols[f] = list()
    for row in it:
        for f, v in izip_longest(flds, row, fillvalue=missing):
            if f in cols:
    return cols
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ieq(expect, actual, cast=None):
    '''test when values are equals for eacfh row and column'''
    ie = iter(expect)
    ia = iter(actual)
    for re, ra in izip_longest(ie, ia, fillvalue=None):
        if cast:
            ra = cast(ra)
        if re is None and ra is None:
        if type(re) in (int, float, bool, str):
            eq_(re, ra)
        for ve, va in izip_longest(re, ra, fillvalue=None):
            if isinstance(ve, list):
                for je, ja in izip_longest(ve, va, fillvalue=None):
                    _eq_print(je, ja, re, ra)
            elif not isinstance(ve, dict):
                _eq_print(ve, va, re, ra)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def ieq(expect, actual, cast=None):
    """Test when values of a iterable are equals for each row and column"""
    ie = iter(expect)
    ia = iter(actual)
    ir = 0
    for re, ra in izip_longest(ie, ia, fillvalue=None):
        if cast:
            ra = cast(ra)
        if re is None and ra is None:
        if type(re) in (int, float, bool, str):
            eq_(re, ra)
        _ieq_row(re, ra, ir)
        ir = ir + 1
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _write_row(f, flds, row, lineterminator, vrepr, tr_style, td_styles, truncate):
    tr_css = _get_tr_css(row, tr_style)
    if tr_css:
        f.write(("<tr style='%s'>" % tr_css) + lineterminator)
        f.write("<tr>" + lineterminator)
    for h, v in izip_longest(flds, row, fillvalue=None):
        r = vrepr(v)
        if truncate:
            r = r[:truncate]
        td_css = _get_td_css(h, v, td_styles)
        if td_css:
            f.write(("<td style='%s'>%s</td>" % (td_css, r)) + lineterminator)
            f.write(("<td>%s</td>" % r) + lineterminator)
    f.write("</tr>" + lineterminator)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _write_row(f, flds, row, lineterminator, vrepr, tr_style, td_styles,
    tr_css = _get_tr_css(row, tr_style)
    if tr_css:
        f.write(("<tr style='%s'>" % tr_css) + lineterminator)
        f.write("<tr>" + lineterminator)
    for h, v in izip_longest(flds, row, fillvalue=None):
        r = vrepr(v)
        if truncate:
            r = r[:truncate]
        td_css = _get_td_css(h, v, td_styles)
        if td_css:
            f.write(("<td style='%s'>%s</td>" % (td_css, r)) + lineterminator)
            f.write(("<td>%s</td>" % r) + lineterminator)
    f.write('</tr>' + lineterminator)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def iterannex(tables, missing):
    its = [iter(t) for t in tables]
    hdrs = [next(it) for it in its]
    outhdr = tuple(chain(*hdrs))
    yield outhdr
    for rows in izip_longest(*its):
        outrow = list()
        for i, row in enumerate(rows):
            lh = len(hdrs[i])
            if row is None:  # handle uneven length tables
                row = [missing] * len(hdrs[i])
                lr = len(row)
                if lr < lh:  # handle short rows
                    row = list(row)
                    row.extend([missing] * (lh - lr))
                elif lr > lh:  # handle long rows
                    row = row[:lh]
        yield tuple(outrow)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def iterannex(tables, missing):
    its = [iter(t) for t in tables]
    hdrs = [next(it) for it in its]
    outhdr = tuple(chain(*hdrs))
    yield outhdr
    for rows in izip_longest(*its):
        outrow = list()
        for i, row in enumerate(rows):
            lh = len(hdrs[i])
            if row is None:  # handle uneven length tables
                row = [missing] * len(hdrs[i])
                lr = len(row)
                if lr < lh:  # handle short rows
                    row = list(row)
                    row.extend([missing] * (lh-lr))
                elif lr > lh:  # handle long rows
                    row = row[:lh]
        yield tuple(outrow)
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: xls.py Proyecto: juarezr/petl
def toxls(tbl,
    Write a table to a new Excel .xls file.


    import xlwt
    if encoding is None:
        encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
    wb = xlwt.Workbook(encoding=encoding, style_compression=style_compression)
    ws = wb.add_sheet(sheet)

    if styles is None:
        # simple version, don't worry about styles
        for r, row in enumerate(tbl):
            for c, v in enumerate(row):
                ws.write(r, c, label=v)
        # handle styles
        it = iter(tbl)
        hdr = next(it)
        flds = list(map(str, hdr))
        for c, f in enumerate(flds):
            ws.write(0, c, label=f)
            if f not in styles or styles[f] is None:
                styles[f] = xlwt.Style.default_style
        # convert to list for easy zipping
        styles = [styles[f] for f in flds]
        for r, row in enumerate(it):
            for c, (v, style) in enumerate(
                    izip_longest(row, styles, fillvalue=None)):
                ws.write(r + 1, c, label=v, style=style)

    target = write_source_from_arg(filename)
    with target.open('wb') as target2:
Ejemplo n.º 14
def iteraddcolumn(table, field, col, index, missing):
    it = iter(table)
    hdr = next(it)

    # determine position of new column
    if index is None:
        index = len(hdr)

    # construct output header
    outhdr = list(hdr)
    outhdr.insert(index, field)
    yield tuple(outhdr)

    # construct output data
    for row, val in izip_longest(it, col, fillvalue=missing):
        # run out of rows?
        if row == missing:
            row = [missing] * len(hdr)
        outrow = list(row)
        outrow.insert(index, val)
        yield tuple(outrow)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def iteraddcolumn(table, field, col, index, missing):
    it = iter(table)
    hdr = next(it)

    # determine position of new column
    if index is None:
        index = len(hdr)
    # construct output header
    outhdr = list(hdr)
    outhdr.insert(index, field)
    yield tuple(outhdr)
    # construct output data
    for row, val in izip_longest(it, col, fillvalue=missing):
        # run out of rows?
        if row == missing:
            row = [missing] * len(hdr)
        outrow = list(row)
        outrow.insert(index, val)
        yield tuple(outrow)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def facetcolumns(table, key, missing=None):
    Like :func:`petl.util.materialise.columns` but stratified by values of the
    given key field. E.g.::

        >>> import petl as etl
        >>> table = [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
        ...          ['a', 1, True],
        ...          ['b', 2, True],
        ...          ['b', 3]]
        >>> fc = etl.facetcolumns(table, 'foo')
        >>> fc['a']
        {'foo': ['a'], 'bar': [1], 'baz': [True]}
        >>> fc['b']
        {'foo': ['b', 'b'], 'bar': [2, 3], 'baz': [True, None]}


    fct = dict()
    it = iter(table)
    hdr = next(it)
    flds = list(map(text_type, hdr))
    indices = asindices(hdr, key)
    assert len(indices) > 0, 'no key field selected'
    getkey = operator.itemgetter(*indices)

    for row in it:
        kv = getkey(row)
        if kv not in fct:
            cols = dict()
            for f in flds:
                cols[f] = list()
            fct[kv] = cols
            cols = fct[kv]
        for f, v in izip_longest(flds, row, fillvalue=missing):
            if f in cols:

    return fct
Ejemplo n.º 17
def _update_field_defs_from(props, row, fields, previous, fill_missing):
    for prop, val in izip_longest(props, row):
        if prop is None:
        dprev = previous.get(prop + '_prec')
        fprev = previous.get(prop + '_prop')
        fcurr = None
        if isinstance(val, dict):
            # get the fields from a recursive definition of record inside this field
            tdef, dcurr, fcurr = _get_definition_from_record(prop, val, fprev, dprev, fill_missing)
            # get the field definition for building the schema
            tdef, dcurr = _get_definition_from_type_of(prop, val, dprev)

        if tdef is not None:
            fields[prop] = {'name': prop, 'type': ['null', tdef]}
        elif fill_missing:
            fields[prop] = {'name': prop, 'type': ['null', 'string']}
        if dcurr is not None:
            previous[prop + '_prec'] = dcurr
        if fcurr is not None:
            previous[prop + '_prop'] = fcurr
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def izip_longest(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return izip_longest(self, *args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def itercolumns(cols, header, missing):
    if header is None:
        header = ['f%s' % i for i in range(len(cols))]
    yield tuple(header)
    for row in izip_longest(*cols, **dict(fillvalue=missing)):
        yield row
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def izip_longest(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return izip_longest(self, *args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 21
Archivo: base.py Proyecto: DeanWay/petl
def itercolumns(cols, header, missing):
    if header is None:
        header = ['f%s' % i for i in range(len(cols))]
    yield tuple(header)
    for row in izip_longest(*cols, **dict(fillvalue=missing)):
        yield row