Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_fails():
    G, priv_dec, pub_enc = dh_get_key()
    message = u"Hello World!"
    ciphertext = dh_encrypt(pub_enc, message)
    iv, real_ciphertext, tag, pub_enc = ciphertext

    # Test for random iv
    with raises(Exception) as excinfo:
        rand_iv = urandom(16), real_ciphertext, tag, pub_enc
        dh_decrypt(priv_dec, rand_iv)
    assert 'decryption failed' in str(excinfo.value)

    # Test for random tag
    with raises(Exception) as excinfo:
        rand_tag = iv, real_ciphertext, urandom(16), pub_enc
        dh_decrypt(priv_dec, rand_tag)
    assert 'decryption failed' in str(excinfo.value)

    # Test for random public key
    with raises(Exception) as excinfo:
        G = EcGroup()
        rand_dec = G.order().random()
        rand_p = rand_dec * G.generator()
        rand_pub = iv, real_ciphertext, tag, rand_p
        dh_decrypt(priv_dec, rand_pub)
    assert 'decryption failed' in str(excinfo.value)

    # Test for a random private_key
    with raises(Exception) as excinfo:
        dh_decrypt(EcGroup().order().random(), ciphertext)
    assert 'decryption failed' in str(excinfo.value)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def time_scalar_mul():
    # setup curve
    G = EcGroup(713)  # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()
    order = G.order()

    r = order.random()

    gx2, gy2 = (r * g).get_affine()

    # First a value with low hamming weight
    scalar_1 = Bn.from_hex('11111111111111111111111111111111111111111')

    # The second scalar value with a much higher hamming weight
    # Scalar values with higher hamming weight will take longer to
    # compute the multiplication of.
    t1 = time.clock()
    x2, y2 = point_scalar_multiplication_double_and_add(
        a, b, p, gx0, gy0, scalar_1)
    t2 = time.clock()
    runtime = t2 - t1
    print("Runtime for scalar 1: " + str(runtime))

    t1 = time.clock()
    x2, y2 = point_scalar_multiplication_double_and_add(
        a, b, p, gx0, gy0, scalar_2)
    t2 = time.clock()
    runtime = t2 - t1
    print("Runtime for scalar 2: " + str(runtime))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def setup():
    ''' Setup the parameters of the mix crypto-system '''
    group = EcGroup()
    order = group.order()
    generator = group.generator()
    o_bytes = int(math.ceil(math.log(float(int(order))) / math.log(256)))
    return group, order, generator, o_bytes
Ejemplo n.º 4
def dh_get_key():
    """ Generate a DH key pair """
    G = EcGroup()
    priv_dec = G.order().random()
    pub_enc = priv_dec * G.generator()

    return (G, priv_dec, pub_enc)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def mix_client_n_hop(public_keys, address, message):
    Encode a message to travel through a sequence of mixes with a sequence public keys. 
    The maximum size of the final address and the message are 256 bytes and 1000 bytes respectively.
    Returns an 'NHopMixMessage' with four parts: a public key, a list of hmacs (20 bytes each),
    an address ciphertext (256 + 2 bytes) and a message ciphertext (1002 bytes). 

    G = EcGroup()
    # assert G.check_point(public_key)
    assert isinstance(address, bytes) and len(address) <= 256
    assert isinstance(message, bytes) and len(message) <= 1000

    # Encode the address and message
    # use those encoded values as the payload you encrypt!
    address_plaintext = pack("!H256s", len(address), address)
    message_plaintext = pack("!H1000s", len(message), message)

    ## Generate a fresh public key
    private_key = G.order().random()
    client_public_key = private_key * G.generator()


    return NHopMixMessage(client_public_key, hmacs, address_cipher,
Ejemplo n.º 6
def setup():
    """Generates the Cryptosystem Parameters."""
    G = EcGroup(nid=713)
    g = G.hash_to_point(b"g")
    h = G.hash_to_point(b"h")
    o = G.order()
    return (G, g, h, o)
def test_Point_scalar_mult_montgomerry_ladder():
    Test the scalar multiplication using double and add.

    from pytest import raises
    from petlib.ec import EcGroup, EcPt
    G = EcGroup(713)  # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()

    r = G.order().random()

    gx2, gy2 = (r * g).get_affine()

    from Lab01Code import is_point_on_curve
    from Lab01Code import point_scalar_multiplication_montgomerry_ladder

    x2, y2 = point_scalar_multiplication_montgomerry_ladder(
        a, b, p, gx0, gy0, r)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x2, y2)
    assert gx2 == x2
    assert gy2 == y2
Ejemplo n.º 8
def setup(nid=713):
    """ generates cryptosystem parameters """
    G = EcGroup(nid)
    g = G.generator()
    hs = [G.hash_to_point(("h%s" % i).encode("utf8")) for i in range(4)]
    o = G.order()
    return (G, g, hs, o)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_steady():
    G = EcGroup()
    g = G.generator()
    x = G.order().random()
    pki = {"me": (x * g, x * g)}
    client = KulanClient(G, "me", x, pki)

    ## Mock some keys
    client.Ks += [bytes(urandom(16))]

    # Decrypt a small message
    ciphertext = client.steady_encrypt(b"Hello World!")

    # Decrypt a big message
    ciphertext = client.steady_encrypt(b"Hello World!" * 10000)

    # decrypt an empty string
    ciphertext = client.steady_encrypt(b"")

    # Time it
    import time
    t0 = time.clock()
    for _ in range(1000):
        ciphertext = client.steady_encrypt(b"Hello World!" * 10)
    t = time.clock() - t0

    print(" - %2.2f operations / sec" % (1.0 / (t / 1000)))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def Ct_dec_unit_test():
        G = EcGroup()
        x_1 = G.order().random()
        y_1 = x_1 * G.generator()

        x_2 = G.order().random()
        y_2 = x_2 * G.generator()

        x_3 = G.order().random()
        y_3 = x_3 * G.generator()

        E1 = Ct.enc(y_1 + y_2, 2)
        E = copy(E1)
        E.b = E1.partial_dec(x_1)

        E3 = Ct.enc(y_1, 22)
        E4 = Ct.enc(y_2 + y_3, E3)
        E5 = copy(E4)
        E5.b = E4.partial_dec(x_1)

        return ((E.dec(x_2) == 2) and (E1.dec(x_1 + x_2) == 2)
                and (E5.dec(x_2 + x_3) == 22))

    except Exception:
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 11
def measure_mix_and_decrypt_execution_times(num_ciphertexts_l,
    """Measure the execution time for mix and decrypt operations."""

    group = EcGroup(curve_nid)
    key_pair = elgamal.KeyPair(group)
    pk = key_pair.pk

    measures = list()

    for num_ciphertexts in num_ciphertexts_l:

        LOGGER.info("Running mix and decrypt with %d ctxts.", num_ciphertexts)
        ctxts = [
            pk.encrypt(i * group.generator()) for i in range(num_ciphertexts)
        for _ in range(n_repetitions):
            mixnet_per_server = MixNetPerTeller(key_pair, pk, ctxts, m_value)
            proof_time = mixnet_per_server.time_mixing
            decryption_time = mixnet_per_server.time_decrypting

            measures.append([num_ciphertexts, proof_time, decryption_time])

    return measures
Ejemplo n.º 12
def setup():
    ''' Setup the parameters of the mix crypto-system '''
    G = EcGroup()
    o = G.order()
    g = G.generator()
    o_bytes = int(math.ceil(math.log(float(int(o))) / math.log(256)))
    return G, o, g, o_bytes
Ejemplo n.º 13
def setup():
    """ Generates parameters for Commitments """
    G = EcGroup()
    g = G.hash_to_point(b'g')
    h = G.hash_to_point(b'h')
    o = G.order()
    return (G, g, h, o)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_gen_polynomial(self):
        Gq = EcGroup()
        p = Gq.order()

        px = pvss.gen_polynomial(3, 42, p)
        for pi in px:
            assert pi < p
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def helper_function_reconstruct(self, t, n):
        Gq = EcGroup()
        p = Gq.order()
        g = Gq.generator()
        G = Gq.hash_to_point(b'G')
        params = (Gq, p, g, G)

        # Decide on a secret to be distributed
        m = p.from_binary(b'This is a test')

        # Initiate participants, and generate their key-pairs
        priv_keys = []
        pub_keys = []
        for i in range(n):
            (x_i, y_i) = pvss.helper_generate_key_pair(params)

        # Encrypt secret, create shares and proof
        (pub, proof) = pvss.gen_proof(params, t, n, m, pub_keys)

        # Decryption
        # Calculate what a correct decryption should be
        expected_decryption = m * g

        # Let participants decrypt their shares and generate proofs
        proved_decryptions = [
            pvss.participant_decrypt_and_prove(params, x_i, enc_share)
            for (x_i, enc_share) in zip(priv_keys, pub['Y_list'])
        if pvss.batch_verify_correct_decryption(
                proved_decryptions, pub['Y_list'], pub_keys, p, G) is False:
            print("Verification of decryption failed")
        S_list = [S_i for (S_i, decrypt_proof) in proved_decryptions]
        return (expected_decryption, S_list, p)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_Pedersen_Shorthand():

    # Define an EC group
    G = EcGroup(713)
    order = G.order()

    ## Proof definitions
    zk = ZKProof(G)
    zk.g, zk.h = ConstGen, ConstGen
    zk.x, zk.o = Sec, Sec
    zk.Cxo = Gen
    zk.add_proof(zk.Cxo, zk.x * zk.g + zk.o * zk.h)


    # A concrete Pedersen commitment
    ec_g = G.generator()
    ec_h = order.random() * ec_g
    bn_x = order.random()
    bn_o = order.random()
    ec_Cxo = bn_x * ec_g + bn_o * ec_h

    env = ZKEnv(zk)
    env.g, env.h = ec_g, ec_h
    env.Cxo = ec_Cxo
    env.x = bn_x
    env.o = bn_o

    sig = zk.build_proof(env.get())

    # Execute the verification
    env = ZKEnv(zk)
    env.g, env.h = ec_g, ec_h

    assert zk.verify_proof(env.get(), sig)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_Pedersen_Env():

    # Define an EC group
    G = EcGroup(713)
    order = G.order()

    ## Proof definitions
    zk = ZKProof(G)
    g, h = zk.get(ConstGen, ["g", "h"])
    x, o = zk.get(Sec, ["x", "o"])
    Cxo = zk.get(Gen, "Cxo")
    zk.add_proof(Cxo, x*g + o*h)

    # A concrete Pedersen commitment
    ec_g = G.generator()
    ec_h = order.random() * ec_g
    bn_x = order.random()
    bn_o = order.random()
    ec_Cxo = bn_x * ec_g + bn_o * ec_h

    env = ZKEnv(zk)
    env.g, env.h = ec_g, ec_h 
    env.Cxo = ec_Cxo
    env.x = bn_x 
    env.o = bn_o

    sig = zk.build_proof(env.get())

    # Execute the verification
    env = ZKEnv(zk)
    env.g, env.h = ec_g, ec_h 

    assert zk.verify_proof(env.get(), sig)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_broad():
    G = EcGroup()
    g = G.generator()
    x = G.order().random()

    a, puba = pair(G)
    b, pubb = pair(G)
    c, pubc = pair(G)
    a2, puba2 = pair(G)
    b2, pubb2 = pair(G)
    c2, pubc2 = pair(G)

    pki = {"a": (puba, puba2), "b": (pubb, pubb2), "c": (pubc, pubc2)}
    client = KulanClient(G, "me", x, pki)

    msgs = client.broadcast_encrypt(b"Hello!")

    pki2 = {"me": x * g, "b": (pubb, pubb2), "c": (pubc, pubc2)}
    dec_client = KulanClient(G, "a", a, pki2)

    dec_client.priv_enc = a2
    dec_client.pub_enc = puba2

    namex, keysx = dec_client.broadcast_decrypt(msgs)
    assert namex == "me"
def test_Point_doubling():
    Test whether the EC point doubling is correct.

    from pytest import raises
    from petlib.ec import EcGroup, EcPt
    G = EcGroup(713)  # NIST curve
    d = G.parameters()
    a, b, p = d["a"], d["b"], d["p"]
    g = G.generator()
    gx0, gy0 = g.get_affine()

    gx2, gy2 = (2 * g).get_affine()

    from Lab01Code import is_point_on_curve
    from Lab01Code import point_double

    x2, y2 = point_double(a, b, p, gx0, gy0)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x2, y2)
    assert x2 == gx2 and y2 == gy2

    x2, y2 = point_double(a, b, p, None, None)
    assert is_point_on_curve(a, b, p, x2, y2)
    assert x2 == None and y2 == None
Ejemplo n.º 20
def verifyVotes(ver_d):
	G = EcGroup(int(ver_d['G'])) 
	g = strToEcPt(ver_d['g'], G)
	h = strToEcPt(ver_d['h'], G)
	sleeve = ver_d['sleeve']
	#verify construction of g from sleeve
	verifyParams(G, g, h, sleeve)
	#verify commitments for each vote
	for receipt in ver_d['receipts']:
		sortc = sorted(receipt['challenges'])
		proof_list = []
		for sk in sortc:
			ktr = []
			for cmt in receipt['challenges'][sk]['proof']:
				ktr.append(strToEcPt(cmt, G))
		verifyCommitment(strToEcPt(receipt['commitment_to_everything'], G), receipt['vote_commitment'], proof_list, receipt['rx'], G, h, g)
		verifyChallenge(receipt['challenges'], receipt['vote_commitment'], G, h, g)
	ver_d['receipts'].sort(key = lambda x: x['voter_id'])
	vote_commits = [strToEcPt(v['vote_commitment'], G) for v in ver_d['receipts']]
	#verify proofs
	for proof in ver_d['proofs']:
		if proof['proof_type'] == 'unmask':
			verifyPermutation(list(map(lambda s: strToEcPt(s,G) , proof['pm_vote_commitments'].split(' '))), vote_commits, list(map(Bn.from_hex,proof['maskers'].split(' '))), list(map(int, proof['pi'].split(' '))), g)
		elif proof['proof_type'] == 'open':
			verifyMaskedCommitments(list(map(lambda s: strToEcPt(s,G), proof['pm_vote_commitments'].split(' '))), proof['comm_pairs'], ver_d['tally'], h, g)
			print("Unrecognized proof type: " + proof('type'))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_Alice_encode_15_hop():
    Test sending a multi-hop message through 1-hop

    from os import urandom

    G = EcGroup()
    g = G.generator()
    o = G.order()

    private_keys = [o.random() for _ in range(15)]
    public_keys = [pk * g for pk in private_keys]

    address = b"Alice"
    message = b"Dear Alice,\nHello!\nBob"

    m1 = mix_client_n_hop(public_keys, address, message)
    out = mix_server_n_hop(private_keys[0], [m1])
    for i in range(13):
        out = mix_server_n_hop(private_keys[i + 1], out)

    out = mix_server_n_hop(private_keys[14], out, final=True)

    assert len(out) == 1
    assert out[0][0] == address
    assert out[0][1] == message
Ejemplo n.º 22
def setup():
    """ generate all public parameters """
    G = EcGroup()
    o = G.order()
    g = G.generator()
    h = G.hash_to_point("mac_ggm".encode("utf8"))
    return (G, o, g, h)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def mix_client_one_hop(public_key, address, message):
    Encode a message to travel through a single mix with a set public key. 
    The maximum size of the final address and the message are 256 bytes and 1000 bytes respectively.
    Returns an 'OneHopMixMessage' with four parts: a public key, an hmac (20 bytes),
    an address ciphertext (256 + 2 bytes) and a message ciphertext (1002 bytes). 

    G = EcGroup()
    assert G.check_point(public_key)
    assert isinstance(address, bytes) and len(address) <= 256
    assert isinstance(message, bytes) and len(message) <= 1000

    # Encode the address and message
    # Use those as the payload for encryption
    address_plaintext = pack("!H256s", len(address), address)
    message_plaintext = pack("!H1000s", len(message), message)

    ## Generate a fresh public key
    private_key = G.order().random()
    client_public_key = private_key * G.generator()


    return OneHopMixMessage(client_public_key, expected_mac, address_cipher,
Ejemplo n.º 24
def setup_ggm(nid=713):
    """Generates the parameters for an EC group nid"""
    G = EcGroup(nid)
    g = G.hash_to_point(b"g")
    h = G.hash_to_point(b"h")
    o = G.order()
    return (G, g, h, o)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def setup():
    """ Generates the Cryptosystem Parameters. """
    G = EcGroup(nid=713)
    g = G.hash_to_point(b"g")
    hs = [G.hash_to_point(("h%s" % i).encode("utf8")) for i in range(4)]
    o = G.order()
    return (G, g, hs, o)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def _make_table(start=conf.LOWER_LIMIT, end=conf.UPPER_LIMIT):
    G = EcGroup(nid=713)
    g = G.generator()
    o = G.order()

    i_table = {}
    n_table = {}
    ix = start * g
    trunc_limit = conf.TRUNC_LIMIT
    for i in range(start, end):
        #i_table[str(ix)] = str(i) #Uncompressed
        #Compression trick
        trunc_ix = str(ix)[:trunc_limit]
        #print ix
        #print trunc_ix
        if trunc_ix in i_table:
            i_table[trunc_ix] = i_table[trunc_ix] + "," + str(i)
            i_table[trunc_ix] = str(i)
        n_table[str((o + i) % o)] = str(ix)
        ix = ix + g
        #print type(ix)
        #print type(ix.export())
    print "size: " + str(len(i_table))
    return i_table, n_table
Ejemplo n.º 27
def execute_Alice_encode_hop(hops, use_blinding_factor=False):
    Test sending a multi-hop message through 1-hop

    from os import urandom

    G = EcGroup()
    g = G.generator()
    o = G.order()

    private_keys = [o.random() for _ in range(hops)]
    public_keys = [pk * g for pk in private_keys]

    address = b"Alice"
    message = b"Dear Alice,\nHello!\nBob"

    # Execute the encoding with the client implementation
    m1 = mix_client_n_hop(public_keys, address, message, use_blinding_factor)

    # Walk through the hops with the server implementation
    out = [m1]
    for hop in range(0, hops - 1):
        out = mix_server_n_hop(private_keys[hop], out, use_blinding_factor)
    out = mix_server_n_hop(private_keys[hops - 1],

    # Check the result
    assert len(out) == 1
    assert out[0][0] == address
    assert out[0][1] == message
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_Pedersen():

    # Define an EC group
    G = EcGroup(713)
    order = G.order()

    ## Proof definitions
    zk = ZKProof(G)
    g, h = zk.get(ConstGen, ["g", "h"])
    x, o = zk.get(Sec, ["x", "o"])
    Cxo = zk.get(Gen, "Cxo")
    zk.add_proof(Cxo, x * g + o * h)

    # A concrete Pedersen commitment
    ec_g = G.generator()
    ec_h = order.random() * ec_g
    bn_x = order.random()
    bn_o = order.random()
    ec_Cxo = bn_x * ec_g + bn_o * ec_h

    # Execute the proof
    env = {"g": ec_g, "h": ec_h, "Cxo": ec_Cxo, "x": bn_x, "o": bn_o}
    sig = zk.build_proof(env)

    # Execute the verification
    env_verify = {"g": ec_g, "h": ec_h}

    assert zk.verify_proof(env_verify, sig)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def ecdsa_key_gen():
    """ Returns an EC group, a random private key for signing 
        and the corresponding public key for verification"""
    G = EcGroup()
    priv_sign = G.order().random()
    pub_verify = priv_sign * G.generator()
    return (G, priv_sign, pub_verify)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def dh_decrypt(priv, ciphertext_and_pub, aliceVer=None):
    """ Decrypt a received message encrypted using your public key, 
    of which the private key is provided. Optionally verify 
    the message came from Alice using her verification key."""

    G = EcGroup()

    # Ciphertext_and_pub should be a 5-tuple of iv, c, tag, public_key, signature

    shared_key = ciphertext_and_pub[3].pt_mul(priv)
    #change it to bits using export()
    shared_key = shared_key.export()

    ## decrypt_message(K, iv, ciphertext, tag):
    digest_of_key = sha256(shared_key).digest()  # reduce size of hash
    digest_of_key = digest_of_key[:16]

    plaintext = decrypt_message(digest_of_key, ciphertext_and_pub[0],
                                ciphertext_and_pub[1], ciphertext_and_pub[2])

    if aliceVer is not None:
        result = ecdsa_verify(G, aliceVer, plaintext, ciphertext_and_pub[4])
        if result == False:
            raise Exception("Signature not valid")
        result = None

    return (plaintext, result)