Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _initializePETScScatters(self):
        """ First, defines the PETSc Vec application ordering objects """
        getLinspace = lambda m1, m2: numpy.array(
            numpy.linspace(m1, m2 - 1, m2 - m1), 'i')
        varSizes = self.varSizes

        appIndices = []
        i = self.rank
        for j in xrange(len(self.variables)):
            m1 = numpy.sum(varSizes[:, :j]) + numpy.sum(varSizes[:i, j])
            m2 = m1 + varSizes[i, j]
            appIndices.append(getLinspace(m1, m2))
        appIndices = numpy.concatenate(appIndices)

        m1 = numpy.sum(varSizes[:self.rank, :])
        m2 = m1 + numpy.sum(varSizes[self.rank, :])
        petscIndices = getLinspace(m1, m2)

        ISapp = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(appIndices, comm=self.comm)
        ISpetsc = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(petscIndices, comm=self.comm)
        self.AOvarPETSc = PETSc.AO().createBasic(ISapp,
        """ Next, the scatters are defined """
        def createScatter(self, varInds, argInds):
            merge = lambda x: numpy.concatenate(x) if len(x) > 0 else []
            ISvar = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(merge(varInds), comm=self.comm)
            ISarg = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(merge(argInds), comm=self.comm)
            ISvar = self.AOvarPETSc.app2petsc(ISvar)
            if ISvar.array.shape[0] == 0:
                return None
                return PETSc.Scatter().create(self.vVarPETSc, ISvar,
                                              self.vArgPETSc, ISarg)

        variableIndex = self.variables.keys().index
        varIndsFull = []
        argIndsFull = []
        i1, i2 = 0, 0
        for system in self.subsystems:
            varIndsFwd = []
            argIndsFwd = []
            varIndsRev = []
            argIndsRev = []
            for (n1, c1) in system.variables:
                args = system.variables[n1, c1]['args']
                for (n2, c2) in args:
                    if (n2, c2) not in system.variables \
                            and (n2, c2) in self.variables:
                        j = variableIndex((n1, c1))
                        i2 += args[n2, c2].shape[0]
                        varInds = numpy.sum(varSizes[:, :j]) + args[n2, c2]
                        argInds = getLinspace(i1, i2)
                        i1 += args[n2, c2].shape[0]
                        if variableIndex((n1, c1)) > variableIndex((n2, c2)):
            system.scatterFwd = createScatter(self, varIndsFwd, argIndsFwd)
            system.scatterRev = createScatter(self, varIndsRev, argIndsRev)
        self.scatterFull = createScatter(self, varIndsFull, argIndsFull)

        for system in self.localSubsystems:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def foo():
    m = 6

    errL2u =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    errH1u =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    errL2p =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    errL2b =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    errCurlb =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    errL2r =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    errH1r =np.zeros((m-1,1))

    l2uorder =  np.zeros((m-1,1))
    H1uorder =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    l2porder =  np.zeros((m-1,1))
    l2border =  np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Curlborder =np.zeros((m-1,1))
    l2rorder =  np.zeros((m-1,1))
    H1rorder = np.zeros((m-1,1))

    NN = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    DoF = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Velocitydim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Magneticdim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Pressuredim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Lagrangedim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Wdim = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    iterations = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    SolTime = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    udiv = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    MU = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    level = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    NSave = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    Mave = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    TotalTime = np.zeros((m-1,1))
    nn = 2

    dim = 2
    ShowResultPlots = 'yes'
    split = 'Linear'

    MU[0]= 1e0
    for xx in xrange(1,m):
        print xx
        level[xx-1] = xx+ 2
        nn = 2**(level[xx-1])

        # Create mesh and define function space
        nn = int(nn)
        NN[xx-1] = nn/2
        # parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = 6
        # parameters = CP.ParameterSetup()
        mesh = UnitSquareMesh(nn,nn)

        order = 1
        parameters['reorder_dofs_serial'] = False
        Velocity = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", order)
        Pressure = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", order-1)
        Magnetic = FunctionSpace(mesh, "N1curl", order)
        Lagrange = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", order)
        W = MixedFunctionSpace([Velocity, Pressure, Magnetic,Lagrange])
        # W = Velocity*Pressure*Magnetic*Lagrange
        Velocitydim[xx-1] = Velocity.dim()
        Pressuredim[xx-1] = Pressure.dim()
        Magneticdim[xx-1] = Magnetic.dim()
        Lagrangedim[xx-1] = Lagrange.dim()
        Wdim[xx-1] = W.dim()
        print "\n\nW:  ",Wdim[xx-1],"Velocity:  ",Velocitydim[xx-1],"Pressure:  ",Pressuredim[xx-1],"Magnetic:  ",Magneticdim[xx-1],"Lagrange:  ",Lagrangedim[xx-1],"\n\n"
        dim = [Velocity.dim(), Pressure.dim(), Magnetic.dim(), Lagrange.dim()]

        def boundary(x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary

        u0, p0,b0, r0, Laplacian, Advection, gradPres,CurlCurl, gradR, NS_Couple, M_Couple = ExactSol.MHD2D(4,1)

        bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0),u0, boundary)
        bcb = DirichletBC(W.sub(2),b0, boundary)
        bcr = DirichletBC(W.sub(3),r0, boundary)

        # bc = [u0,p0,b0,r0]
        bcs = [bcu,bcb,bcr]
        FSpaces = [Velocity,Pressure,Magnetic,Lagrange]

        (u, b, p, r) = TrialFunctions(W)
        (v, c, q, s) = TestFunctions(W)
        kappa = 1.0
        Mu_m =1e1
        MU = 1.0/1
        IterType = 'Full'

        F_NS = -MU*Laplacian+Advection+gradPres-kappa*NS_Couple
        if kappa == 0:
            F_M = Mu_m*CurlCurl+gradR -kappa*M_Couple
            F_M = Mu_m*kappa*CurlCurl+gradR -kappa*M_Couple
        params = [kappa,Mu_m,MU]

        # MO.PrintStr("Preconditioning MHD setup",5,"+","\n\n","\n\n")
        Hiptmairtol = 1e-5
        HiptmairMatrices = PrecondSetup.MagneticSetup(Magnetic, Lagrange, b0, r0, Hiptmairtol, params)

        MO.PrintStr("Setting up MHD initial guess",5,"+","\n\n","\n\n")
        u_k,p_k,b_k,r_k = common.InitialGuess(FSpaces,[u0,p0,b0,r0],[F_NS,F_M],params,HiptmairMatrices,1e-6,Neumann=Expression(("0","0")),options ="New", FS = "DG")
        #plot(p_k, interactive = True) 
        b_t = TrialFunction(Velocity)
        c_t = TestFunction(Velocity)
        #print assemble(inner(b,c)*dx).array().shape
        #print mat
        #ShiftedMass = assemble(inner(mat*b,c)*dx)

        ones = Function(Pressure)
        # pConst = - assemble(p_k*dx)/assemble(ones*dx)
        p_k.vector()[:] += - assemble(p_k*dx)/assemble(ones*dx)
        x = Iter.u_prev(u_k,p_k,b_k,r_k)

        KSPlinearfluids, MatrixLinearFluids = PrecondSetup.FluidLinearSetup(Pressure, MU)
        kspFp, Fp = PrecondSetup.FluidNonLinearSetup(Pressure, MU, u_k)

        ns,maxwell,CoupleTerm,Lmaxwell,Lns = forms.MHD2D(mesh, W,F_M,F_NS, u_k,b_k,params,IterType,"DG")
        RHSform = forms.PicardRHS(mesh, W, u_k, p_k, b_k, r_k, params,"DG")

        bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0),Expression(("0.0","0.0")), boundary)
        bcb = DirichletBC(W.sub(2),Expression(("0.0","0.0")), boundary)
        bcr = DirichletBC(W.sub(3),Expression(("0.0")), boundary)
        bcs = [bcu,bcb,bcr]

        eps = 1.0           # error measure ||u-u_k||
        tol = 1.0E-4     # tolerance
        iter = 0            # iteration counter
        maxiter = 40       # max no of iterations allowed
        SolutionTime = 0
        outer = 0
        # parameters['linear_algebra_backend'] = 'uBLAS'

        # FSpaces = [Velocity,Magnetic,Pressure,Lagrange]

        if IterType == "CD":
            AA, bb = assemble_system(maxwell+ns, (Lmaxwell + Lns) - RHSform,  bcs)
            A,b = CP.Assemble(AA,bb)
            # u = b.duplicate()
            # P = CP.Assemble(PP)

        u_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim()))
        NS_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim()+Pressure.dim()))
        M_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim()+Pressure.dim(),W.dim()))
        OuterTol = 1e-5
        InnerTol = 1e-5
        NSits =0
        Mits =0
        TotalStart =time.time()
        SolutionTime = 0
        while eps > tol  and iter < maxiter:
            iter += 1
            MO.PrintStr("Iter "+str(iter),7,"=","\n\n","\n\n")
            if IterType == "CD":
                bb = assemble((Lmaxwell + Lns) - RHSform)
                for bc in bcs:
                FF = AA.sparray()[0:dim[0],0:dim[0]]
                A,b = CP.Assemble(AA,bb)
                # if iter == 1
                if iter == 1:
                    u = b.duplicate()
                    F = A.getSubMatrix(u_is,u_is)
                    kspF = NSprecondSetup.LSCKSPnonlinear(F)
                AA, bb = assemble_system(maxwell+ns+CoupleTerm, (Lmaxwell + Lns) - RHSform,  bcs)
                A,b = CP.Assemble(AA,bb)
            # if iter == 1:
                if iter == 1:
                    u = b.duplicate()
            print ("{:40}").format("MHD assemble, time: "), " ==>  ",("{:4f}").format(toc()),  ("{:9}").format("   time: "), ("{:4}").format(time.strftime('%X %x %Z')[0:5])

            kspFp, Fp = PrecondSetup.FluidNonLinearSetup(Pressure, MU, u_k)
            print "Inititial guess norm: ", u.norm()
            if IterType == 'Full':
                n = FacetNormal(mesh)
                mat =  as_matrix([[b_k[1]*b_k[1],-b_k[1]*b_k[0]],[-b_k[1]*b_k[0],b_k[0]*b_k[0]]])
                F = A.getSubMatrix(u_is,u_is)
                a = params[2]*inner(grad(b_t), grad(c_t))*dx(W.mesh()) + inner((grad(b_t)*u_k),c_t)*dx(W.mesh()) +(1/2)*div(u_k)*inner(c_t,b_t)*dx(W.mesh()) - (1/2)*inner(u_k,n)*inner(c_t,b_t)*ds(W.mesh())+kappa/Mu_m*inner(mat*b_t,c_t)*dx(W.mesh())
                ShiftedMass = assemble(a)
                kspF = NSprecondSetup.LSCKSPnonlinear(F)

            stime = time.time()
            u, mits,nsits = S.solve(A,b,u,params,W,"Direct",IterType,OuterTol,InnerTol,HiptmairMatrices,Hiptmairtol,KSPlinearfluids, Fp,kspF)
            Soltime = time.time()- stime
            Mits += mits
            NSits += nsits
            SolutionTime += Soltime
            u1, p1, b1, r1, eps= Iter.PicardToleranceDecouple(u,x,FSpaces,dim,"2",iter)
            p1.vector()[:] += - assemble(p1*dx)/assemble(ones*dx)
            uOld= np.concatenate((u_k.vector().array(),p_k.vector().array(),b_k.vector().array(),r_k.vector().array()), axis=0)
            x = IO.arrayToVec(uOld)

        XX= np.concatenate((u_k.vector().array(),p_k.vector().array(),b_k.vector().array(),r_k.vector().array()), axis=0)
        SolTime[xx-1] = SolutionTime/iter
        NSave[xx-1] = (float(NSits)/iter)
        Mave[xx-1] = (float(Mits)/iter)
        iterations[xx-1] = iter
        TotalTime[xx-1] = time.time() - TotalStart
        dim = [Velocity.dim(), Pressure.dim(), Magnetic.dim(),Lagrange.dim()]
#        ExactSolution = [u0,p0,b0,r0]
#        errL2u[xx-1], errH1u[xx-1], errL2p[xx-1], errL2b[xx-1], errCurlb[xx-1], errL2r[xx-1], errH1r[xx-1] = Iter.Errors(XX,mesh,FSpaces,ExactSolution,order,dim, "DG")
#        if xx > 1:
#            l2uorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2u[xx-2]/errL2u[xx-1]))
#            H1uorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errH1u[xx-2]/errH1u[xx-1]))
#            l2porder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2p[xx-2]/errL2p[xx-1]))
#            l2border[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2b[xx-2]/errL2b[xx-1]))
#            Curlborder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errCurlb[xx-2]/errCurlb[xx-1]))
#            l2rorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2r[xx-2]/errL2r[xx-1]))
#            H1rorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errH1r[xx-2]/errH1r[xx-1]))

    import pandas as pd

#    LatexTitles = ["l","DoFu","Dofp","V-L2","L2-order","V-H1","H1-order","P-L2","PL2-order"]
#    LatexValues = np.concatenate((level,Velocitydim,Pressuredim,errL2u,l2uorder,errH1u,H1uorder,errL2p,l2porder), axis=1)
#    LatexTable = pd.DataFrame(LatexValues, columns = LatexTitles)
#    pd.set_option('precision',3)
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,"V-L2","%2.4e")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,'V-H1',"%2.4e")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,"H1-order","%1.2f")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,'L2-order',"%1.2f")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,"P-L2","%2.4e")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,'PL2-order',"%1.2f")
#    print LatexTable
#    print "\n\n   Magnetic convergence"
#    MagneticTitles = ["l","B DoF","R DoF","B-L2","L2-order","B-Curl","HCurl-order"]
#    MagneticValues = np.concatenate((level,Magneticdim,Lagrangedim,errL2b,l2border,errCurlb,Curlborder),axis=1)
#    MagneticTable= pd.DataFrame(MagneticValues, columns = MagneticTitles)
#    pd.set_option('precision',3)
#    MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,"B-Curl","%2.4e")
#    MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,'B-L2',"%2.4e")
#    MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,"L2-order","%1.2f")
#    MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,'HCurl-order',"%1.2f")
#    print MagneticTable
#    import pandas as pd

    print "\n\n   Iteration table"
    if IterType == "Full":
        IterTitles = ["l","DoF","AV solve Time","Total picard time","picard iterations","Av Outer its","Av Inner its",]
        IterTitles = ["l","DoF","AV solve Time","Total picard time","picard iterations","Av NS iters","Av M iters"]
    IterValues = np.concatenate((level,Wdim,SolTime,TotalTime,iterations,Mave,NSave),axis=1)
    IterTable= pd.DataFrame(IterValues, columns = IterTitles)
    if IterType == "Full":
        IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable,'Av Outer its',"%2.1f")
        IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable,'Av Inner its',"%2.1f")
        IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable,'Av NS iters',"%2.1f")
        IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable,'Av M iters',"%2.1f")
    print IterTable.to_latex()
    print " \n  Outer Tol:  ",OuterTol, "Inner Tol:   ", InnerTol

    # # # if (ShowResultPlots == 'yes'):

#    plot(u_k)
#    plot(interpolate(u0,Velocity))
#    plot(p_k)
#    plot(interpolate(p0,Pressure))
#    plot(b_k)
#    plot(interpolate(b0,Magnetic))
#    plot(r_k)
#    plot(interpolate(r0,Lagrange))
#    interactive()

Ejemplo n.º 3
            def step(iself, snes, X, F, Y):

                # X is the current guess for the solution
                # F is the residual as defined by F(u^k) where we are trying to solve F(u) = 0
                # Y is where the step is stored

                Xorig = X.copy()

                # The residual is changed in newresidual for convergence testing and
                # linesearch purposes. The following line resets the residual to whatever
                # it should be for semismooth Newton step calculation
                F.axpy(+1.0, self.residualChanges)

                J = snes.getJacobian()[0]
                snes.computeJacobian(X, J)

                # To make the notation more mathematical
                z = X
                dz = Y

                # Make copies of the stored slack variables
                slack_lb = self.slack_lb.copy()
                slack_ub = self.slack_ub.copy()

                # Calculate the active and inactive sets
                lb_active_dofs = where(
                    slack_lb.array_r -
                    (z.array_r - lb.array_r) > 0)[0].astype('int32')
                lb_active_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(lb_active_dofs,
                lb_inactive_dofs = where(
                    slack_lb.array_r -
                    (z.array_r - lb.array_r) <= 0)[0].astype('int32')
                lb_inactive_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(lb_inactive_dofs,
                self.lb_active_is_old = lb_active_is

                ub_active_dofs = where(
                    slack_ub.array_r -
                    (ub.array_r - z.array_r) > 0)[0].astype('int32')
                ub_active_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(ub_active_dofs,
                ub_inactive_dofs = where(
                    slack_ub.array_r -
                    (ub.array_r - z.array_r) <= 0)[0].astype('int32')
                ub_inactive_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(ub_inactive_dofs,
                self.ub_active_is_old = ub_active_is

                inactive_dofs = array(list(
                inactive_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(inactive_dofs,
                self.inactive_is_old = inactive_is

                dz_lb_active = dz.getSubVector(lb_active_is)
                dz_ub_active = dz.getSubVector(ub_active_is)
                dz_inactive = dz.getSubVector(inactive_is)

                # Set dz where the lower bound is active.
                lb_active = lb.getSubVector(lb_active_is)
                z_lb_active = z.getSubVector(lb_active_is)
                    dz_lb_active)  # where lower bound is active: dz = lb
                    -1.0, z_lb_active)  #                      dz = lb - z
                z.restoreSubVector(lb_active_is, z_lb_active)

                # Set dz where the upper bound is active.
                ub_active = ub.getSubVector(ub_active_is)
                z_ub_active = z.getSubVector(ub_active_is)
                    dz_ub_active)  # where upper bound is active: dz = ub
                    -1.0, z_ub_active)  #                      dz = ub - z
                z.restoreSubVector(ub_active_is, z_ub_active)

                # Solve the PDE where the constraints are inactive.
                M = J
                M_inact = get_deep_submat(M, inactive_is, inactive_is)
                M_lb = get_deep_submat(M, inactive_is, lb_active_is)
                M_ub = get_deep_submat(M, inactive_is, ub_active_is)

                F_inact = F.getSubVector(inactive_is)

                rhs = -F_inact.copy()
                tmp = F_inact.duplicate()

                M_lb.mult(dz_lb_active, tmp)
                rhs.axpy(-1.0, tmp)
                M_ub.mult(dz_ub_active, tmp)
                rhs.axpy(-1.0, tmp)

                ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=comm)
                ksp.solve(rhs, dz_inactive)

                del rhs
                del M_ub, M_lb, M_inact

                F.restoreSubVector(inactive_is, F_inact)
                lb.restoreSubVector(lb_active_is, lb_active)
                ub.restoreSubVector(ub_active_is, ub_active)
                dz.restoreSubVector(inactive_is, dz_inactive)

                # Now update inactive set of the slacks
                slack_lb_inactive = slack_lb.getSubVector(inactive_is)
                slack_ub_inactive = slack_ub.getSubVector(inactive_is)
                slack_lb_inactive.array[:] = 0
                slack_ub_inactive.array[:] = 0
                slack_lb.restoreSubVector(inactive_is, slack_lb_inactive)
                slack_ub.restoreSubVector(inactive_is, slack_ub_inactive)

                # Active set of slacks are updated when calculating the new residual

                # Store active sets of residual for later use in updating slacks
                F_lb = F.getSubVector(lb_active_is)
                self.Flb = F_lb.copy()
                F.restoreSubVector(lb_active_is, F_lb)

                F_ub = F.getSubVector(ub_active_is)
                self.Fub = F_ub.copy()
                F.restoreSubVector(ub_active_is, F_ub)

                # Store Hessian used later to update slacks
                self.M = M.copy()

                dz.restoreSubVector(ub_active_is, dz_ub_active)
                dz.restoreSubVector(lb_active_is, dz_lb_active)

                # dz was only a pointer, so Y is up to date.
                Y.scale(-1.0)  # PETsc has weird conventions....

                # Update stored slacks

                # Compute resizing due to deflation
                tau = compute_tau(deflation, problem.u, Y, None)

                # Store current iterate and step for later convergence testing
                self.Xold = X.copy()
                self.Y = Y.copy()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    KSPlinearfluids, MatrixLinearFluids = PrecondSetup.FluidLinearSetup(
        PressureF, MU, mesh)
    kspFp, Fp = PrecondSetup.FluidNonLinearSetup(PressureF, MU, u_k, mesh)

    IS = MO.IndexSet(W, 'Blocks')

    eps = 1.0  # error measure ||u-u_k||
    tol = 1.0E-4  # tolerance
    iter = 0  # iteration counter
    maxiter = 5  # max no of iterations allowed
    SolutionTime = 0
    outer = 0
    # parameters['linear_algebra_backend'] = 'uBLAS'

    u_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(W.sub(0).dofmap().dofs())
    p_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(W.sub(1).dofmap().dofs())
    b_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(W.sub(2).dofmap().dofs())
    r_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(W.sub(3).dofmap().dofs())
    NS_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(VelocityF.dim() + PressureF.dim()))
    M_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(
        range(VelocityF.dim() + PressureF.dim(), W.dim()))
    bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Expression(("0.0", "0.0"), degree=4), boundary)
    bcp = DirichletBC(W.sub(1), Expression(("0.0"), degree=4), boundary)
    bcb = DirichletBC(W.sub(2), Expression(("0.0", "0.0"), degree=4), boundary)
    bcr = DirichletBC(W.sub(3), Expression("0.0", degree=4), boundary)
    bcs = [bcu, bcb, bcr]
    OuterTol = 1e-5
    InnerTol = 1e-5
    NSits = 0
    Mits = 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
        PP = assemble(prec)
        P = CP.Assemble(PP)

        b = bb.array()
        zeros = 0*b
        bb = IO.arrayToVec(b)
        x = IO.arrayToVec(zeros)
        ksp = PETSc.KSP()
        # ksp.setTolerances(1e-5)
        pc = ksp.getPC()

        u_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(V.dim()))
        F = A.getSubMatrix(u_is,u_is)
        KspF = NSsetup.Ksp(F)
        if Solver == "LSC":
        # elif Solver == "PCD":
            # F = assemble(fp)
            # F = CP.Assemble(F)
        #     pc.setPythonContext(NSprecond.PCD(W, A, Mass, F, L))

Ejemplo n.º 6
 def getSubMatCSRrepresentation(self, start, end):
     from petsc4py import PETSc
     ids = range(start, end)
     isg = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(ids)
     B = self.A.getSubMatrix(isg)
     return B.getValuesCSR()
Ejemplo n.º 7
        bcb = DirichletBC(W.sub(2), Expression(("0", "0")), boundary)
        bcr = DirichletBC(W.sub(3), Expression(("0")), boundary)
        bcs = [bcu, bcb, bcr]

        eps = 1.0  # error measure ||u-u_k||
        tol = 1.0E-5  # tolerance
        iter = 0  # iteration counter
        maxiter = 4  # max no of iterations allowed
        SolutionTime = 0
        outer = 0
        parameters['linear_algebra_backend'] = 'uBLAS'

        p = forms.Preconditioner(mesh, W, u_k, b_k, params, IterType)

        PP, Pb = assemble_system(p, Lns, bcs)
        NS_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim() +
        M_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(
            range(Velocity.dim() + Pressure.dim(), W.dim()))
        if IterType == "Full" or IterType == "MD":
            (pQ) = TrialFunction(Pressure)
            (qQ) = TestFunction(Pressure)
            print MU
            Q = assemble(inner(pQ, qQ) * dx)
            L = assemble(inner(grad(pQ), grad(qQ)) * dx)
            n = FacetNormal(mesh)
            fp = MU * inner(grad(qQ), grad(pQ)) * dx + inner(
                (u_k[0] * grad(pQ)[0] + u_k[1] * grad(pQ)[1]), qQ) * dx + (
                    1 / 2) * div(u_k) * inner(pQ, qQ) * dx - (1 / 2) * (
                        u_k[0] * n[0] + u_k[1] * n[1]) * inner(pQ, qQ) * ds
            L = CP.Assemble(L)
Ejemplo n.º 8
assemble(r_f + r_f, tensor=b)
for bc in bcs:
    bc.apply(A, b)

Amat = A.mat()
parprint("Assembled in {}s".format(time() - tt))

tt = time()
ksp = PETSc.KSP().create()
ksp.setOperators(Amat, Amat)
pc = ksp.getPC()

# Set fieldsplit dofs
is_f = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(V.sub(0).dofmap().dofs())
is_p = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(V.sub(1).dofmap().dofs())
pc.setFieldSplitIS((None, is_f))
pc.setFieldSplitIS((None, is_p))
ksp.solve(b.vec(), sol.vector().vec())
parprint("Solved in {} iterations in {}s".format(ksp.getIterationNumber(),
                                                 time() - tt))

# Weak scaling (100k per core):
# -np 1 -N 16: Solves in 1.12s
# -np 2 -N 20: Solves in 1.49s
# -np 4 -N 25: Solves in 2.61s
# -np 6 -N 29: Solves in 3.66s
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def testApplyIS(self):
     is_in = PETSc.IS().createStride(self.lgmap.getSize())
     is_out = self.lgmap.apply(is_in)
Ejemplo n.º 10
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)

# Project boundary conditions
M = assemble(inner(u, v)*ds)
b = assemble(inner(u_exact, v)*ds)

bc = DirichletBC(V, Constant(0), DomainBoundary())
b_dofs = bc.get_boundary_values().keys()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ab_ = PETSc.Mat()
bb_ = PETSc.Vec()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

indices = [1, 2, 3]
rows = PETSc.IS()
A_.getSubMatrix(rows, rows, Ab_)
b_.getSubVector(rows, bb_)

Ab = PETScMatrix(Ab_)
bb = PETScVector(bb_)
print Ab.array()
print bb.array()
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def postprocess(self, inputSetup):
        """Interpolate a given electric field for a vector of receivers.

        :param object inputSetup: user input setup.
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Initialization
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Start timer

        Print.master('     Postprocessing solution')

        # Parameters shortcut (for code legibility)
        model = inputSetup.model
        run = inputSetup.run
        output = inputSetup.output

        # Ranges over receivers
        Istart_receivers, Iend_receivers = self.receivers.getOwnershipRange()

        # Number of receivers
        total_num_receivers = self.receivers.getSize()[0]
        local_num_receivers = Iend_receivers - Istart_receivers

        # Define constants
        num_nodes_per_element = 4
        num_faces_per_element = 4
        num_edges_per_face = 3
        num_edges_per_element = 6
        num_nodes_per_edge = 2
        num_dimensions = 3

        # Compute number of dofs per element
        num_dof_in_element = np.int(model.basis_order *
                                    (model.basis_order + 2) *
                                    (model.basis_order + 3) / 2)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Get dofs-connectivity for receivers
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Auxiliar arrays
        dofsIdxRecv = np.zeros((local_num_receivers, num_dof_in_element),

        j = 0
        for i in np.arange(Istart_receivers, Iend_receivers):
            # Get dofs for receiver
            tmp = (self.receivers.getRow(i)[1].real).astype(PETSc.IntType)
            tmp = tmp[53::]
            dofsIdxRecv[j, :] = tmp
            j += 1

        # Gather global solution of x to local vector
        # Sequential vector for gather tasks
        x_local = createSequentialVector(local_num_receivers *

        # Build Index set in PETSc format
        IS_dofs = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(dofsIdxRecv.flatten(),

        # Build gather vector
        gatherVector = PETSc.Scatter().create(self.x, IS_dofs, x_local, None)
        # Ghater values
        gatherVector.scatter(self.x, x_local, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT_VALUES,

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Allocate parallel arrays for output
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        receiver_fieldX = createParallelVector(total_num_receivers,
        receiver_fieldY = createParallelVector(total_num_receivers,
        receiver_fieldZ = createParallelVector(total_num_receivers,
        receiver_coordinatesX = createParallelVector(total_num_receivers,
        receiver_coordinatesY = createParallelVector(total_num_receivers,
        receiver_coordinatesZ = createParallelVector(total_num_receivers,

        k = 0
        for i in np.arange(Istart_receivers, Iend_receivers):
            # Get receiver data
            receiver_data = self.receivers.getRow(i)[1].real

            # Get indexes of nodes for i
            nodesEle = receiver_data[0:4].astype(np.int)

            # Get nodes coordinates for i
            coordEle = receiver_data[4:16]
            coordEle = np.reshape(coordEle,
                                  (num_nodes_per_element, num_dimensions))

            # Get faces indexes for i
            #facesEle = receiver_data[16:20].astype(np.int)

            # Get edges indexes for faces in i
            edgesFace = receiver_data[20:32].astype(np.int)
            edgesFace = np.reshape(edgesFace,
                                   (num_faces_per_element, num_edges_per_face))

            # Get indexes of edges for i
            edgesEle = receiver_data[32:38].astype(np.int)

            # Get node indexes for edges in i
            edgesNodesEle = receiver_data[38:50].astype(np.int)
            edgesNodesEle = np.reshape(
                edgesNodesEle, (num_edges_per_element, num_nodes_per_edge))

            # Get receiver coordinates
            coordReceiver = receiver_data[50:53]

            # Get dofs for i
            #dofsSource = receiver_data[53::].astype(PETSc.IntType)

            # Compute jacobian for i
            _, invjacobian = computeJacobian(coordEle)

            # Compute global orientation for i
            edge_orientation, face_orientation = computeElementOrientation(
                edgesEle, nodesEle, edgesNodesEle, edgesFace)

            # Transform xyz source position to XiEtaZeta coordinates (reference tetrahedral element)
            XiEtaZeta = tetrahedronXYZToXiEtaZeta(coordEle, coordReceiver)

            # Compute basis for i
            basis = computeBasisFunctions(edge_orientation, face_orientation,
                                          invjacobian, model.basis_order,

            # Get element fields
            local_field = x_local[k *
                                  num_dof_in_element:(k * num_dof_in_element) +

            # Initialize variables
            Ex = 0.
            Ey = 0.
            Ez = 0.

            # Interpolate electric field
            for j in np.arange(num_dof_in_element):
                Rfield = np.real(local_field[j])  # Real part
                Ifield = np.imag(local_field[j])  # Imaginary part
                # Exyz[i] = Exyz[i] + real_part*basis + imag_part*basis
                Ex += Rfield * basis[0, j] + np.sqrt(
                    -1. + 0.j) * Ifield * basis[0, j]
                Ey += Rfield * basis[1, j] + np.sqrt(
                    -1. + 0.j) * Ifield * basis[1, j]
                Ez += Rfield * basis[2, j] + np.sqrt(
                    -1. + 0.j) * Ifield * basis[2, j]

            # Increase counter over local vector (x_local)
            k += 1

            # Set total field components for i

            # Set coordinates for i

        # Start global assembly

        # End global assembly

        # Write intermediate results
        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/fieldsX.dat'
        writePetscVector(out_path, receiver_fieldX, communicator=None)

        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/fieldsY.dat'
        writePetscVector(out_path, receiver_fieldY, communicator=None)

        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/fieldsZ.dat'
        writePetscVector(out_path, receiver_fieldZ, communicator=None)

        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/receiver_coordinatesX.dat'
        writePetscVector(out_path, receiver_coordinatesX, communicator=None)

        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/receiver_coordinatesY.dat'
        writePetscVector(out_path, receiver_coordinatesY, communicator=None)

        out_path = output.directory_scratch + '/receiver_coordinatesZ.dat'
        writePetscVector(out_path, receiver_coordinatesZ, communicator=None)

        # Write final solution
        if MPIEnvironment().rank == 0:
            input_file = output.directory_scratch + '/fieldsX.dat'
            electric_fieldsX = readPetscVector(input_file,

            input_file = output.directory_scratch + '/fieldsY.dat'
            electric_fieldsY = readPetscVector(input_file,

            input_file = output.directory_scratch + '/fieldsZ.dat'
            electric_fieldsZ = readPetscVector(input_file,

            input_file = output.directory_scratch + '/receiver_coordinatesX.dat'
            recv_coordX = readPetscVector(input_file,

            input_file = output.directory_scratch + '/receiver_coordinatesY.dat'
            recv_coordY = readPetscVector(input_file,

            input_file = output.directory_scratch + '/receiver_coordinatesZ.dat'
            recv_coordZ = readPetscVector(input_file,

            # Allocate
            data_fields = np.zeros((total_num_receivers, 3), dtype=np.complex)
            data_coordinates = np.zeros((total_num_receivers, 3),

            # Loop over receivers
            for i in np.arange(total_num_receivers):
                # Get electric field components
                data_fields[i, 0] = electric_fieldsX.getValue(i)
                data_fields[i, 1] = electric_fieldsY.getValue(i)
                data_fields[i, 2] = electric_fieldsZ.getValue(i)

                # Get coordinates
                data_coordinates[i, 0] = recv_coordX.getValue(i).real
                data_coordinates[i, 1] = recv_coordY.getValue(i).real
                data_coordinates[i, 2] = recv_coordZ.getValue(i).real

            # Write final output
            output_file = output.directory + '/electric_fields.h5'
            fileID = h5py.File(output_file, 'w')

            # Create coordinates dataset
            _ = fileID.create_dataset('electric_fields', data=data_fields)
            _ = fileID.create_dataset('receiver_coordinates',

            # Close file

            # Remove temporal directory

        # Stop timer
Ejemplo n.º 12

# Print on file
Mat Object: 1 MPI processes
  type: seqaij
row 0: (0, 0.166667)  (1, 0.0416667)  (2, 0.0833333)  (3, 0.0416667)
row 1: (0, 0.0416667)  (1, 0.0833333)  (2, 0.0416667)
row 2: (0, 0.0833333)  (1, 0.0416667)  (2, 0.166667)  (3, 0.0416667)
row 3: (0, 0.0416667)  (2, 0.0416667)  (3, 0.0833333)

iset = PETSc.IS().createGeneral([0, 1])  # select indicies 0 and 1
iset2 = PETSc.IS().createGeneral([1, 0])  # select indicies 1 and 0
Ap1, = Ap.createSubMatrices(iset, iscols=iset)

# Plot on screen (approach 1)

# Plot on the screen (approach 2)
#draw = PETSc.Viewer.DRAW(Ap1.comm)
Mat Object: 1 MPI processes
  type: seqaij
row 0: (0, 0.166667)  (1, 0.0416667)
row 1: (0, 0.0416667)  (1, 0.0833333)
Ejemplo n.º 13
# Set near null space for pressure
null_vec = A.createVecLeft()
offset = V.dofmap.index_map.size_local * V.dofmap.index_map.block_size
null_vec.array[offset:] = 1.0
nsp = PETSc.NullSpace().create(vectors=[null_vec])
assert nsp.test(A)

# Build IndexSets for each field (global dof indices for each field)
V_map = V.dofmap.index_map
Q_map = Q.dofmap.index_map
offset_u = V_map.local_range[0] * V_map.block_size + Q_map.local_range[0]
offset_p = offset_u + V_map.size_local * V_map.block_size
is_u = PETSc.IS().createStride(V_map.size_local * V_map.block_size,
is_p = PETSc.IS().createStride(Q_map.size_local,

# Create Krylov solver
ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(mesh.mpi_comm())
ksp.setOperators(A, P)
ksp.getPC().setFieldSplitIS(("u", is_u), ("p", is_p))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self, pardofs):
     self.pardofs = pardofs
     comm = pardofs.comm.mpi4py
     globnums, nglob = pardofs.EnumerateGlobally()
     self.iset = psc.IS().createGeneral(indices=globnums, comm=comm)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def setUp(self):
     v1, v2 = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(0), PETSc.Vec().createSeq(0)
     i1, i2 = PETSc.IS().createGeneral([]), PETSc.IS().createGeneral([])
     self.obj = PETSc.Scatter().createWithData(v1, i1, v2, i2)
     del v1, v2, i1, i2
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def setUp(self):
     self.idx = self._mk_idx(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
     self.iset = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(self.idx, comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
     self.lgmap = PETSc.LGMap().create(self.iset)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def foo():
    m = 5

    errL2u = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    errH1u = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    errL2p = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    errL2b = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    errCurlb = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    errL2r = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    errH1r = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))

    l2uorder = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    H1uorder = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    l2porder = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    l2border = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Curlborder = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    l2rorder = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    H1rorder = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))

    NN = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    DoF = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Velocitydim = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Magneticdim = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Pressuredim = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Lagrangedim = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Wdim = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    iterations = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    SolTime = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    udiv = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    MU = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    level = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    NSave = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Mave = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    TotalTime = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))

    nn = 2

    dim = 2
    ShowResultPlots = 'yes'
    split = 'Linear'

    MU[0] = 1e0
    for xx in xrange(1, m):
        print xx
        level[xx - 1] = xx + 0
        nn = 2**(level[xx - 1])

        # Create mesh and define function space
        nn = int(nn)
        NN[xx - 1] = nn / 2
        # parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = 6
        # parameters = CP.ParameterSetup()
        mesh = UnitCubeMesh(nn, nn, nn)
        # BoxDomain = mshr.Box(dolfin.Point(0., 0., 0.), dolfin.Point(2., 2., 2.)) - mshr.Box(dolfin.Point(1., 1., 1.), dolfin.Point(2., 2., 2.))
        # mesh = mshr.generate_mesh(BoxDomain, nn)
        order = 2
        parameters['reorder_dofs_serial'] = False
        Velocity = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", order)
        Pressure = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", order - 1)
        Magnetic = FunctionSpace(mesh, "N1curl", order - 1)
        Lagrange = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", order - 1)
        W = MixedFunctionSpace([Velocity, Pressure, Magnetic, Lagrange])
        # W = Velocity*Pressure*Magnetic*Lagrange
        Velocitydim[xx - 1] = Velocity.dim()
        Pressuredim[xx - 1] = Pressure.dim()
        Magneticdim[xx - 1] = Magnetic.dim()
        Lagrangedim[xx - 1] = Lagrange.dim()
        Wdim[xx - 1] = W.dim()
        print "\n\nW:  ", Wdim[xx - 1], "Velocity:  ", Velocitydim[
            xx -
            1], "Pressure:  ", Pressuredim[xx - 1], "Magnetic:  ", Magneticdim[
                xx - 1], "Lagrange:  ", Lagrangedim[xx - 1], "\n\n"
        dim = [Velocity.dim(), Pressure.dim(), Magnetic.dim(), Lagrange.dim()]

        def boundary(x, on_boundary):
            return on_boundary

        u0, p0, b0, r0, Laplacian, Advection, gradPres, CurlCurl, gradR, NS_Couple, M_Couple = ExactSol.MHD3D(
            4, 1)

        bcu = DirichletBC(Velocity, u0, boundary)
        bcb = DirichletBC(Magnetic, b0, boundary)
        bcr = DirichletBC(Lagrange, r0, boundary)

        # bc = [u0,p0,b0,r0]
        bcs = [bcu, bcb, bcr]
        FSpaces = [Velocity, Pressure, Magnetic, Lagrange]

        (u, b, p, r) = TrialFunctions(W)
        (v, c, q, s) = TestFunctions(W)
        kappa = 1.0
        Mu_m = 10.0
        MU = 1.0 / 1
        IterType = 'Full'
        Split = "No"
        Saddle = "No"
        Stokes = "No"
        SetupType = 'python-class'
        F_NS = -MU * Laplacian + Advection + gradPres - kappa * NS_Couple
        if kappa == 0:
            F_M = Mu_m * CurlCurl + gradR - kappa * M_Couple
            F_M = Mu_m * kappa * CurlCurl + gradR - kappa * M_Couple
        params = [kappa, Mu_m, MU]

        MO.PrintStr("Seting up initial guess matricies", 2, "=", "\n\n", "\n")
        BCtime = time.time()
        BC = MHDsetup.BoundaryIndices(mesh)
        MO.StrTimePrint("BC index function, time: ", time.time() - BCtime)
        Hiptmairtol = 1e-5
        HiptmairMatrices = PrecondSetup.MagneticSetup(Magnetic, Lagrange, b0,
                                                      r0, Hiptmairtol, params)

        MO.PrintStr("Setting up MHD initial guess", 5, "+", "\n\n", "\n\n")
        u_k, p_k, b_k, r_k = common.InitialGuess(FSpaces, [u0, p0, b0, r0],
                                                 [F_NS, F_M],
                                                     ("0", "0")),
        b_t = TrialFunction(Velocity)
        c_t = TestFunction(Velocity)

        ones = Function(Pressure)
        ones.vector()[:] = (0 * ones.vector().array() + 1)
        # pConst = - assemble(p_k*dx)/assemble(ones*dx)
        p_k.vector()[:] += -assemble(p_k * dx) / assemble(ones * dx)
        x = Iter.u_prev(u_k, p_k, b_k, r_k)

        KSPlinearfluids, MatrixLinearFluids = PrecondSetup.FluidLinearSetup(
            Pressure, MU)
        kspFp, Fp = PrecondSetup.FluidNonLinearSetup(Pressure, MU, u_k)

        ns, maxwell, CoupleTerm, Lmaxwell, Lns = forms.MHD2D(
            mesh, W, F_M, F_NS, u_k, b_k, params, IterType, "CG", Saddle,
        RHSform = forms.PicardRHS(mesh, W, u_k, p_k, b_k, r_k, params, "CG",
                                  Saddle, Stokes)

        bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Expression(("0.0", "0.0", "0.0")),
        bcb = DirichletBC(W.sub(2), Expression(("0.0", "0.0", "0.0")),
        bcr = DirichletBC(W.sub(3), Expression(("0.0")), boundary)
        bcs = [bcu, bcb, bcr]

        parameters['linear_algebra_backend'] = 'uBLAS'

        eps = 1.0  # error measure ||u-u_k||
        tol = 1.0E-4  # tolerance
        iter = 0  # iteration counter
        maxiter = 10  # max no of iterations allowed
        SolutionTime = 0
        outer = 0
        # parameters['linear_algebra_backend'] = 'uBLAS'

        # FSpaces = [Velocity,Magnetic,Pressure,Lagrange]

        if IterType == "CD":
            MO.PrintStr("Setting up PETSc " + SetupType, 2, "=", "\n", "\n")
            Alin = MHDsetup.Assemble(W, ns, maxwell, CoupleTerm, Lns, Lmaxwell,
                                     RHSform, bcs + BC, "Linear", IterType)
            Fnlin, b = MHDsetup.Assemble(W, ns, maxwell, CoupleTerm, Lns,
                                         Lmaxwell, RHSform, bcs + BC,
                                         "NonLinear", IterType)
            A = Fnlin + Alin
            A, b = MHDsetup.SystemAssemble(FSpaces, A, b, SetupType, IterType)
            u = b.duplicate()

        u_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim()))
        NS_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim() +
        M_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(
            range(Velocity.dim() + Pressure.dim(), W.dim()))
        OuterTol = 1e-5
        InnerTol = 1e-5
        NSits = 0
        Mits = 0
        TotalStart = time.time()
        SolutionTime = 0
        while eps > tol and iter < maxiter:
            iter += 1
            MO.PrintStr("Iter " + str(iter), 7, "=", "\n\n", "\n\n")
            AssembleTime = time.time()
            if IterType == "CD":
                MO.StrTimePrint("MHD CD RHS assemble, time: ",
                                time.time() - AssembleTime)
                b = MHDsetup.Assemble(W, ns, maxwell, CoupleTerm, Lns,
                                      Lmaxwell, RHSform, bcs + BC, "CD",
                MO.PrintStr("Setting up PETSc " + SetupType, 2, "=", "\n",
                if Split == "Yes":
                    if iter == 1:
                        Alin = MHDsetup.Assemble(W, ns, maxwell, CoupleTerm,
                                                 Lns, Lmaxwell, RHSform,
                                                 bcs + BC, "Linear", IterType)
                        Fnlin, b = MHDsetup.Assemble(W, ns, maxwell,
                                                     CoupleTerm, Lns, Lmaxwell,
                                                     RHSform, bcs + BC,
                                                     "NonLinear", IterType)
                        A = Fnlin + Alin
                        A, b = MHDsetup.SystemAssemble(FSpaces, A, b,
                                                       SetupType, IterType)
                        u = b.duplicate()
                        Fnline, b = MHDsetup.Assemble(W, ns, maxwell,
                                                      CoupleTerm, Lns,
                                                      Lmaxwell, RHSform,
                                                      bcs + BC, "NonLinear",
                        A = Fnlin + Alin
                        A, b = MHDsetup.SystemAssemble(FSpaces, A, b,
                                                       SetupType, IterType)
                    AA, bb = assemble_system(maxwell + ns + CoupleTerm,
                                             (Lmaxwell + Lns) - RHSform, bcs)
                    A, b = CP.Assemble(AA, bb)
            # if iter == 1:
            MO.StrTimePrint("MHD total assemble, time: ",
                            time.time() - AssembleTime)

            u = b.duplicate()
            kspFp, Fp = PrecondSetup.FluidNonLinearSetup(Pressure, MU, u_k)
            print "Inititial guess norm: ", u.norm(
            if IterType == 'Full':

                n = FacetNormal(mesh)
                mat = as_matrix([[
                    b_k[2] * b_k[2] + b[1] * b[1], -b_k[1] * b_k[0],
                    -b_k[0] * b_k[2]
                                     -b_k[1] * b_k[0],
                                     b_k[0] * b_k[0] + b_k[2] * b_k[2],
                                     -b_k[2] * b_k[1]
                                     -b_k[0] * b_k[2], -b_k[1] * b_k[2],
                                     b_k[0] * b_k[0] + b_k[1] * b_k[1]
                a = params[2] * inner(grad(b_t), grad(c_t)) * dx(
                    W.mesh()) + inner((grad(b_t) * u_k), c_t) * dx(W.mesh(
                    )) + (1. / 2) * div(u_k) * inner(c_t, b_t) * dx(
                        W.mesh()) - (1. / 2) * inner(u_k, n) * inner(
                            c_t, b_t) * ds(W.mesh()) + kappa / Mu_m * inner(
                                mat * b_t, c_t) * dx(W.mesh())
                ShiftedMass = assemble(a)
                ShiftedMass = CP.Assemble(ShiftedMass)
                kspF = NSprecondSetup.LSCKSPnonlinear(ShiftedMass)
                F = A.getSubMatrix(u_is, u_is)
                kspF = NSprecondSetup.LSCKSPnonlinear(F)
            stime = time.time()
            u, mits, nsits = S.solve(A, b, u, params, W, 'Directclase',
                                     IterType, OuterTol, InnerTol,
                                     HiptmairMatrices, Hiptmairtol,
                                     KSPlinearfluids, Fp, kspF)
            Soltime = time.time() - stime
            MO.StrTimePrint("MHD solve, time: ", Soltime)
            Mits += mits
            NSits += nsits
            SolutionTime += Soltime

            u1, p1, b1, r1, eps = Iter.PicardToleranceDecouple(
                u, x, FSpaces, dim, "2", iter)
            p1.vector()[:] += -assemble(p1 * dx) / assemble(ones * dx)
            uOld = np.concatenate((u_k.vector().array(), p_k.vector().array(),
                                   b_k.vector().array(), r_k.vector().array()),
            x = IO.arrayToVec(uOld)

        XX = np.concatenate((u_k.vector().array(), p_k.vector().array(),
                             b_k.vector().array(), r_k.vector().array()),
        SolTime[xx - 1] = SolutionTime / iter
        NSave[xx - 1] = (float(NSits) / iter)
        Mave[xx - 1] = (float(Mits) / iter)
        iterations[xx - 1] = iter
        TotalTime[xx - 1] = time.time() - TotalStart

#        dim = [Velocity.dim(), Pressure.dim(), Magnetic.dim(),Lagrange.dim()]
#        ExactSolution = [u0,p0,b0,r0]
#        errL2u[xx-1], errH1u[xx-1], errL2p[xx-1], errL2b[xx-1], errCurlb[xx-1], errL2r[xx-1], errH1r[xx-1] = Iter.Errors(XX,mesh,FSpaces,ExactSolution,order,dim, "DG")
#        if xx > 1:
#            l2uorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2u[xx-2]/errL2u[xx-1]))
#            H1uorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errH1u[xx-2]/errH1u[xx-1]))
#            l2porder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2p[xx-2]/errL2p[xx-1]))
#            l2border[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2b[xx-2]/errL2b[xx-1]))
#            Curlborder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errCurlb[xx-2]/errCurlb[xx-1]))
#            l2rorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2r[xx-2]/errL2r[xx-1]))
#            H1rorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errH1r[xx-2]/errH1r[xx-1]))
#    import pandas as pd
#    LatexTitles = ["l","DoFu","Dofp","V-L2","L2-order","V-H1","H1-order","P-L2","PL2-order"]
#    LatexValues = np.concatenate((level,Velocitydim,Pressuredim,errL2u,l2uorder,errH1u,H1uorder,errL2p,l2porder), axis=1)
#    LatexTable = pd.DataFrame(LatexValues, columns = LatexTitles)
#    pd.set_option('precision',3)
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,"V-L2","%2.4e")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,'V-H1',"%2.4e")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,"H1-order","%1.2f")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,'L2-order',"%1.2f")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,"P-L2","%2.4e")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,'PL2-order',"%1.2f")
#    print LatexTable
#    print "\n\n   Magnetic convergence"
#    MagneticTitles = ["l","B DoF","R DoF","B-L2","L2-order","B-Curl","HCurl-order"]
#    MagneticValues = np.concatenate((level,Magneticdim,Lagrangedim,errL2b,l2border,errCurlb,Curlborder),axis=1)
#    MagneticTable= pd.DataFrame(MagneticValues, columns = MagneticTitles)
#    pd.set_option('precision',3)
#    MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,"B-Curl","%2.4e")
#    MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,'B-L2',"%2.4e")
#    MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,"L2-order","%1.2f")
#    MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,'HCurl-order',"%1.2f")
#    print MagneticTable

    import pandas as pd

    print "\n\n   Iteration table"
    if IterType == "Full":
        IterTitles = [
            "AV solve Time",
            "Total picard time",
            "picard iterations",
            "Av Outer its",
            "Av Inner its",
        IterTitles = [
            "l", "DoF", "AV solve Time", "Total picard time",
            "picard iterations", "Av NS iters", "Av M iters"
    IterValues = np.concatenate(
        (level, Wdim, SolTime, TotalTime, iterations, Mave, NSave), axis=1)
    IterTable = pd.DataFrame(IterValues, columns=IterTitles)
    if IterType == "Full":
        IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable, 'Av Outer its', "%2.1f")
        IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable, 'Av Inner its', "%2.1f")
        IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable, 'Av NS iters', "%2.1f")
        IterTable = MO.PandasFormat(IterTable, 'Av M iters', "%2.1f")
    print IterTable
    print " \n  Outer Tol:  ", OuterTol, "Inner Tol:   ", InnerTol

    tableName = "3d_Fichera_nu=" + str(MU) + "_nu_m=" + str(
        Mu_m) + "_kappa=" + str(kappa) + ".tex"

Ejemplo n.º 18
def solve_solid(W, f1, f2, eta_0, pT_0, p_0, bdries, bcs, parameters, nitsche_penalty):
    '''Return displacement, percolation velocity, pressure and final time'''
    print('Solving Biot for %d unknowns' % W.dim())
    # NOTE: this is time dependent problem which we solve with 
    # parameters['dt'] for parameters['nsteps'] time steps and to 
    # update time in f1, f2 or the expressions bcs the physical time is
    # set as parameters['T0'] + dt*(k-th step)
    mesh = W.mesh()
    comm = mesh.mpi_comm()

    needed = preduce(comm, operator.or_, (set(bdries.array()), )) - set((0, ))    
    # Validate elasticity bcs
    bcs_E = bcs['elasticity']
    assert all(k in ('displacement', 'traction', 'nitsche_t') for k in bcs_E)

    displacement_bcs = bcs_E.get('displacement', ())  
    traction_bcs = bcs_E.get('traction', ())
    nitsche_t_bcs = bcs_E.get('nitsche_t', ())
    # Tuple of pairs (tag, boundary value) is expected
    displacement_tags = set(item[0] for item in displacement_bcs)
    traction_tags = set(item[0] for item in traction_bcs)
    nitsche_t_tags = set(item[0] for item in nitsche_t_bcs)

    tags = (displacement_tags, traction_tags, nitsche_t_tags)
    for this, that in itertools.combinations(tags, 2):
        if this and that: assert not this & that

    assert needed == preduce(comm, operator.or_, tags)

    # Validate Darcy bcs
    bcs_D = bcs['darcy']
    assert all(k in ('pressure', 'flux') for k in bcs_D)

    pressure_bcs = bcs_D.get('pressure', ())  
    flux_bcs = bcs_D.get('flux', ())
    # Tuple of pairs (tag, boundary value) is expected
    pressure_tags = set(item[0] for item in pressure_bcs)
    flux_tags = set(item[0] for item in flux_bcs)

    tags = (pressure_tags, flux_tags)
    for this, that in itertools.combinations(tags, 2):
        if this and that: assert not this & that

    assert needed == preduce(comm, operator.or_, tags), (needed, preduce(comm, operator.or_, tags))

    # Collect bc values for possible temporal update in the integration
    bdry_expressions = sum(([item[1] for item in bc]
                            for bc in (displacement_bcs, traction_bcs, pressure_bcs, flux_bcs)),
    # Nitsche is special (tag, (vel_data, stress_data))
    [bdry_expressions.extend(val[1]) for val in nitsche_t_bcs]

    # FEM ---
    eta, pT, p = TrialFunctions(W)
    phi, qT, q = TestFunctions(W)
    assert len(eta.ufl_shape) == 1 and len(pT.ufl_shape) == 0 and len(p.ufl_shape) == 0

    # Material parameters
    kappa, mu, lmbda, alpha, s0 = (parameters[k] for k in ('kappa', 'mu', 'lmbda', 'alpha', 's0'))
    # For weak form also time step is needed
    dt = Constant(parameters['dt'])

    # Previous solutions
    wh_0 = Function(W)
    assign(wh_0.sub(0), interpolate(eta_0, W.sub(0).collapse()))
    assign(wh_0.sub(1), interpolate(pT_0, W.sub(1).collapse()))            
    assign(wh_0.sub(2), interpolate(p_0, W.sub(2).collapse()))
    eta_0, pT_0, p_0 = split(wh_0)

    # Standard bit
    # Elasticity
    a = (2*mu*inner(sym(grad(eta)), sym(grad(phi)))*dx - inner(pT, div(phi))*dx)

    L = inner(f1, phi)*dx
    # Total pressure
    a += -inner(div(eta), qT)*dx - (1/lmbda)*inner(pT, qT)*dx + (alpha/lmbda)*inner(p, qT)*dx
    # Darcy
    a += (alpha/lmbda)*inner(q, pT)*dx - inner((s0+alpha**2/lmbda)*p, q)*dx - inner(kappa*dt*grad(p), grad(q))*dx

    L += -dt*inner(f2, q)*dx - inner(s0*p_0, q)*dx - inner(alpha*div(eta_0), q)*dx         
    # Handle natural bcs
    n = FacetNormal(mesh)
    ds = Measure('ds', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=bdries)
    # For elasticity
    for tag, value in traction_bcs:
        L += inner(value, phi)*ds(tag)
    # For Darcy
    for tag, value in flux_bcs:
        if value.ufl_shape == ():
            L += dt*inner(value, q)*ds(tag)  # Scalar that is -kappa*grad(p).n
            assert len(value.ufl_shape) == 1 # A vector that is -kappa*grad(p)
            L += dt*inner(dot(value, n), q)*ds(tag)

    # sigma_B = lambda u, p: 2*mu*sym(grad(u)) - (-lmbda*div(u) + alpha*p)*Identity(len(u))
    sigma_B = lambda u, pT: 2*mu*sym(grad(u)) - pT*Identity(len(u))    
    # Nitsche
    # We have -sigma.n . phi -> -(sigma.n.n)(phi.n) + -(sigma(eta, p).n.t)(phi.t)
    #                            <bdry data>
    # Symmetry 
    #                                             -(sigma(phi, q).n.t.(eta.t - bdry_data)
    # and penalize
    #                                             + gamma/h (phi.t)*(eta.t - bdry_data)
    # Generalize cross product
    def wedge(x, y):
        (n, ) = x.ufl_shape
        (m, ) = y.ufl_shape
        assert n == m
        if n == 2:
            R = Constant(((0, -1), (1, 0)))
            return dot(x, dot(R, y))
            return cross(x, y)

    hF = CellDiameter(mesh)
    for tag, (vel_data, stress_data) in nitsche_t_bcs:

        a += (-inner(wedge(dot(sigma_B(eta, pT), n), n), wedge(phi, n))*ds(tag)
              -inner(wedge(dot(sigma_B(phi, qT), n), n), wedge(eta, n))*ds(tag)
              + Constant(nitsche_penalty)/hF*inner(wedge(eta, n), wedge(phi, n))*ds(tag)

        L += (
            # This is the velocity part
            -inner(wedge(dot(sigma_B(phi, qT), n), n), vel_data)*ds(tag)
            + Constant(nitsche_penalty)/hF*inner(vel_data, wedge(phi, n))*ds(tag)
            # Not the stress comess from
            + inner(stress_data, dot(phi, n))*ds(tag)
    # Displacement bcs and flux bcs go on the system
    bcs_strong = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), value, bdries, tag) for tag, value in displacement_bcs]
    bcs_strong.extend([DirichletBC(W.sub(2), value, bdries, tag) for tag, value in pressure_bcs])

    # Discrete problem
    assembler = SystemAssembler(a, L, bcs_strong)

    A, b = PETScMatrix(), PETScVector()
    # Assemble once and setup solver for it
    if parameters.get('solver', 'direct') == 'direct':
        solver = PETScLUSolver(A, 'mumps')
        ksp = solver.ksp()
        # Lee Mardal Winther preconditioner (assuming here that we are
        # fixing displacement somewhere). Again wishful thinking handling
        # of Nitsche
        a_prec = (2*mu*inner(sym(grad(eta)), sym(grad(phi)))*dx  # Full H1 here?
                  + (1 + 1/2/mu)*inner(pT, qT)*dx
                  + inner((s0 + alpha**2/lmbda)*p, q)*dx + inner(kappa*dt*grad(p), grad(q))*dx)
        for tag, (vel_data, stress_data) in nitsche_t_bcs:
            # NOTE: this has pT, qT but nxn should mean that there is no
            # contrip to offdiagonal block
            a_prec += (-inner(wedge(dot(sigma_B(eta, pT), n), n), wedge(phi, n))*ds(tag)
                       -inner(wedge(dot(sigma_B(phi, qT), n), n), wedge(eta, n))*ds(tag)
                       + Constant(nitsche_penalty)/hF*inner(wedge(eta, n), wedge(phi, n))*ds(tag)

        B, b_dummy = PETScMatrix(), PETScVector()
        assemble_system(a_prec, L, bcs_strong, A_tensor=B, b_tensor=b_dummy)

        solver = PETScKrylovSolver()
        ksp = solver.ksp()
        ksp.setOperators(A.mat(), B.mat())
        ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(True)  # For time dep problem

        V_dofs, QT_dofs, Q_dofs = (W.sub(i).dofmap().dofs() for i in range(3))

        pc = ksp.getPC()
        is_V = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(V_dofs) 
        is_QT = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(QT_dofs)       
        is_Q = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(Q_dofs)
        pc.setFieldSplitIS(('0', is_V), ('1', is_QT), ('2', is_Q))

        # ... all blocks inverted AMG sweeps
        subksps = pc.getFieldSplitSubKSP()
        # NOTE: ideally this would be done with multigrid but let's see
        # how far LU will take us. For amg also consider grad-grad to help
        # it


        opts = PETSc.Options()
        # opts.setValue('ksp_monitor_true_residual', None)
        opts.setValue('ksp_rtol', 1E-14)
        opts.setValue('ksp_atol', 1E-8)


    # Temporal integration loop
    T0 = parameters['T0']
    niters, reasons = [], []
    for k in range(parameters['nsteps']):
        # Update source if possible
        for foo in bdry_expressions + [f1, f2]:
            hasattr(foo, 't') and setattr(foo, 't', T0)
            hasattr(foo, 'time') and setattr(foo, 'time', T0)

        niters.append(solver.solve(wh_0.vector(), b))
        T0 += dt(0)
        if k % 10 == 0:
            print('  Biot at step (%d, %g) |uh|=%g' % (k, T0, wh_0.vector().norm('l2')))
            print('  KSP stats MIN/MEAN/MAX (%d|%g|%d) %d' % (
                np.min(niters), np.mean(niters), np.max(niters), len(niters)
            for reason, count in Counter(reasons).items():
                print('      KSP cvrg reason %s -> %d' % (KSP_CVRG_REASONS[reason], count))

    eta_h, pT_h, p_h = wh_0.split(deepcopy=True)
    return eta_h, pT_h, p_h, T0
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self, W):
     self.W = W
     self.u_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(W.sub(0).dim()))
     self.p_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(W.sub(0).dim(),W.sub(0).dim()+W.sub(1).dim()))
Ejemplo n.º 20
    tol = 1.0E-8  # tolerance
    iter = 0  # iteration counter
    maxiter = 10  # max no of iterations allowed
    parameters = CP.ParameterSetup()
    outerit = 0

    (p) = TrialFunction(Q)
    (q) = TestFunction(Q)

    Mass = assemble(inner(p, q) * dx)
    LL = assemble(inner(grad(p), grad(q)) * dx)
    Mass = CP.Assemble(Mass)
    L = CP.Assemble(LL)

    # u_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(W.sub(0).dim()))
    t_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(W.dim() - 1))
    while eps > tol and iter < maxiter:
        iter += 1
        x = Function(W)

        uu = Function(W)
        AA, bb = assemble_system(a, L1 - RHSform, bcs)
        A, b = CP.Assemble(AA, bb)
        print toc()
        # A =A.getSubMatrix(t_is,t_is)

        PP = assemble(prec)
        # P = as_backend_type(PP).mat()
        P = CP.Assemble(PP)
        # Ps = PP.sparray()
Ejemplo n.º 21
    bcr = DirichletBC(W.sub(3), Expression(("0.0")), boundary)
    bcs = [bcu, bcb, bcr]

    eps = 1.0  # error measure ||u-u_k||
    tol = 1.0E-4  # tolerance
    iter = 0  # iteration counter
    maxiter = 40  # max no of iterations allowed
    SolutionTime = 0
    outer = 0

    if IterType == "CD":
        AA, bb = assemble_system(maxwell + ns, (Lmaxwell + Lns) - RHSform, bcs)
        A, b = CP.Assemble(AA, bb)

    b_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(
              Velocity.dim() + Magnetic.dim()))
    u_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim()))
    NS_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim() + Pressure.dim()))
    M_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(
        range(Velocity.dim() + Pressure.dim(), W.dim()))
    OuterTol = 1e-5
    InnerTol = 1e-3
    NSits = 0
    Mits = 0
    TotalStart = time.time()
    SolutionTime = 0
    while eps > tol and iter < maxiter:
        iter += 1
        MO.PrintStr("Iter " + str(iter), 7, "=", "\n\n", "\n\n")
Ejemplo n.º 22
P1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
G = as_backend_type(
    DiscreteOperators.build_gradient(FunctionSpace(mesh, "N1curl", 1),

V1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "N1curl", 1)
constants = [Function(V1) for i in range(3)]
for i, c in enumerate(constants):
    direction = [1.0 if i == j else 0.0 for j in range(3)]

pc = ksp.getPC()
is0 = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(V.sub(0).dofmap().dofs())
is1 = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(V.sub(1).dofmap().dofs())

pc.setFieldSplitIS(('A_r', is0), ('A_i', is1))
for subksp in pc.getFieldSplitSubKSP():
    subksp.setTolerances(rtol=1.0e-14, atol=1.0e-14, max_it=6)
    subpc = subksp.getPC()
    cvecs = [
        as_backend_type(constant.vector()).vec() for constant in constants
    subpc.setHYPRESetEdgeConstantVectors(cvecs[0], cvecs[1], cvecs[2])
Ejemplo n.º 23
    3637, 3638, 3639, 3640, 3641, 13950, 13951, 13952, 13953, 13954, 13955,
    16074, 16075, 16076, 16077, 16078, 16079, 16092, 16093, 16094, 16095,
    16096, 16097, 16098, 16099, 16100, 16101, 16102, 16103, 5922, 5923, 5924,
    5925, 5926, 5927, 18258, 18259, 18260, 18261, 18262, 18263, 18264, 18265,
    18266, 18267, 18268, 18269, 18270, 18271, 18272, 18273, 18274, 18275,
    18276, 18277, 18278, 18279, 18280, 18281, 5985, 5986, 5987, 18288, 18289,
    18290, 18291, 18292, 18293, 18294, 18295, 18296, 18297, 18298, 18299,
    18324, 18325, 18326, 18327, 18328, 18329, 18330, 18331, 10140, 10141,
    10142, 10143, 10144, 10145, 18332, 18333, 18334, 18335, 10158, 10159,
    10160, 10161, 10162, 10163, 18366, 18367, 18368, 18369, 18370, 18371,
    10188, 10189, 10190, 10191, 10192, 10193, 10206, 10207, 10208, 10209,
    10210, 10211, 10212, 10213, 10214, 10215, 10216, 10217, 10224, 10225,
    10226, 10227, 10228, 10229, 10230, 10231, 10232, 10233, 10234, 10235,
    10236, 10237, 10238, 10239
b2 = PETSc.IS()

B3 = [[]]
b3 = PETSc.IS()
B4 = [[]]
b4 = PETSc.IS()
B5 = [[]]
b5 = PETSc.IS()
B6 = [[]]
b6 = PETSc.IS()
Bpt = [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6]
Ejemplo n.º 24
# Set near null space for pressure
null_vec = A.createVecLeft()
offset = V.dofmap.index_map.size_local * V.dofmap.index_map_bs
null_vec.array[offset:] = 1.0
nsp = PETSc.NullSpace().create(vectors=[null_vec])
assert nsp.test(A)

# Build IndexSets for each field (global dof indices for each field)
V_map = V.dofmap.index_map
Q_map = Q.dofmap.index_map
offset_u = V_map.local_range[0] * V.dofmap.index_map_bs + Q_map.local_range[0]
offset_p = offset_u + V_map.size_local * V.dofmap.index_map_bs
is_u = PETSc.IS().createStride(V_map.size_local * V.dofmap.index_map_bs, offset_u, 1, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
is_p = PETSc.IS().createStride(Q_map.size_local, offset_p, 1, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)

# Create Krylov solver
ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(mesh.mpi_comm())
ksp.setOperators(A, P)
    ("u", is_u),
    ("p", is_p))

# Configure velocity and pressure sub KSPs
ksp_u, ksp_p = ksp.getPC().getFieldSplitSubKSP()
Ejemplo n.º 25
def solve_solid(W, f1, f2, eta_0, p_0, bdries, bcs, parameters):
    '''Return displacement, pressure and final time'''
    print('Solving Biot for %d unknowns' % W.dim())
    # NOTE: this is time dependent problem which we solve with 
    # parameters['dt'] for parameters['nsteps'] time steps and to 
    # update time in f1, f2 or the expressions bcs the physical time is
    # set as parameters['T0'] + dt*(k-th step)
    mesh = W.mesh()
    comm = mesh.mpi_comm()

    needed = preduce(comm, operator.or_, (set(bdries.array()), )) - set((0, ))    
    # Validate elasticity bcs
    bcs_E = bcs['elasticity']
    assert all(k in ('displacement', 'traction') for k in bcs_E)

    displacement_bcs = bcs_E.get('displacement', ())  
    traction_bcs = bcs_E.get('traction', ())
    # Tuple of pairs (tag, boundary value) is expected
    displacement_tags = set(item[0] for item in displacement_bcs)
    traction_tags = set(item[0] for item in traction_bcs)

    tags = (displacement_tags, traction_tags)
    for this, that in itertools.combinations(tags, 2):
        if this and that: assert not this & that

    assert needed == preduce(comm, operator.or_, tags), (needed, preduce(comm, operator.or_, tags))

    # Validate Darcy bcs
    bcs_D = bcs['darcy']
    assert all(k in ('pressure', 'flux') for k in bcs_D)

    pressure_bcs = bcs_D.get('pressure', ())  
    flux_bcs = bcs_D.get('flux', ())
    # Tuple of pairs (tag, boundary value) is expected
    pressure_tags = set(item[0] for item in pressure_bcs)
    flux_tags = set(item[0] for item in flux_bcs)

    tags = (pressure_tags, flux_tags)
    for this, that in itertools.combinations(tags, 2):
        if this and that: assert not this & that

    assert needed == preduce(comm, operator.or_, tags), (needed, preduce(comm, operator.or_, tags))

    # Collect bc values for possible temporal update in the integration
    bdry_expressions = sum(([item[1] for item in bc]
                            for bc in (displacement_bcs, traction_bcs, pressure_bcs, flux_bcs)),

    # FEM ---
    eta, p = TrialFunctions(W)
    phi, q = TestFunctions(W)
    assert len(eta.ufl_shape) == 1 and len(p.ufl_shape) == 0

    # Material parameters
    kappa, mu, lmbda, alpha, s0 = (parameters[k] for k in ('kappa', 'mu', 'lmbda', 'alpha', 's0'))
    # For weak form also time step is needed
    dt = Constant(parameters['dt'])

    # Previous solutions
    wh_0 = Function(W)
    assign(wh_0.sub(0), interpolate(eta_0, W.sub(0).collapse()))    
    assign(wh_0.sub(1), interpolate(p_0, W.sub(1).collapse()))
    eta_0, p_0 = split(wh_0)

    # Elasticity
    a = (2*mu*inner(sym(grad(eta)), sym(grad(phi)))*dx +
         inner(lmbda*div(eta), div(phi))*dx -
         inner(p, alpha*div(phi))*dx)

    L = inner(f1, phi)*dx
    # Darcy
    a += (-alpha*inner(q, div(eta))*dx - inner(s0*p, q)*dx - inner(kappa*dt*grad(p), grad(q))*dx)

    L += -dt*inner(f2, q)*dx - inner(s0*p_0, q)*dx - inner(alpha*div(eta_0), q)*dx         

    # Handle natural bcs
    n = FacetNormal(mesh)
    ds = Measure('ds', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=bdries)
    # For elasticity
    for tag, value in traction_bcs:
        L += inner(value, phi)*ds(tag)
    # For Darcy
    for tag, value in flux_bcs:
        if value.ufl_shape == ():
            L += dt*inner(value, q)*ds(tag)  # Scalar that is -kappa*grad(p).n
            assert len(value.ufl_shape) == 1 # A vector that is -kappa*grad(p)
            L += dt*inner(dot(value, n), q)*ds(tag)
    # Displacement bcs and pressure bcs go on the system
    bcs_strong = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), value, bdries, tag) for tag, value in displacement_bcs]
    bcs_strong.extend([DirichletBC(W.sub(1), value, bdries, tag) for tag, value in pressure_bcs])

    # Discrete problem
    assembler = SystemAssembler(a, L, bcs_strong)

    A, b = PETScMatrix(), PETScVector()
    # Assemble once and setup solver for it

    if parameters.get('solver', 'direct') == 'direct':
        solver = PETScLUSolver(A, 'mumps')
        ksp = solver.ksp()
        schur_bit = sqrt(lmbda + 2*mu/len(eta))
        # Preconditioner operator following https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.08842
        a_prec = (2*mu*inner(sym(grad(eta)), sym(grad(phi)))*dx
                  + inner(lmbda*div(eta), div(phi))*dx
                  + inner(s0*p, q)*dx + inner(kappa*dt*grad(p), grad(q))*dx
                  + (alpha**2/schur_bit**2)*inner(p, q)*dx)

        B, b_dummy = PETScMatrix(), PETScVector()
        assemble_system(a_prec, L, bcs_strong, A_tensor=B, b_tensor=b_dummy)

        solver = PETScKrylovSolver()
        ksp = solver.ksp()
        ksp.setOperators(A.mat(), B.mat())
        ksp.setInitialGuessNonzero(True)  # For time dep problem

        V_dofs, Q_dofs = (W.sub(i).dofmap().dofs() for i in range(2))

        pc = ksp.getPC()
        is_V = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(V_dofs)
        is_Q = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(Q_dofs)
        pc.setFieldSplitIS(('0', is_V), ('1', is_Q))

        # ... all blocks inverted AMG sweeps
        subksps = pc.getFieldSplitSubKSP()
        # NOTE: ideally this would be done with multigrid but let's see
        # how far LU will take us. For amg also consider grad-grad to help
        # it

        opts = PETSc.Options()
        # opts.setValue('ksp_monitor_true_residual', None)
        opts.setValue('ksp_rtol', 1E-14)
        opts.setValue('ksp_atol', 1E-8)
    # Temporal integration loop
    T0 = parameters['T0']
    niters, reasons = [], []
    for k in range(parameters['nsteps']):
        # Update source if possible
        for foo in bdry_expressions + [f1, f2]:
            hasattr(foo, 't') and setattr(foo, 't', T0)
            hasattr(foo, 'time') and setattr(foo, 'time', T0)

        niters.append(solver.solve(wh_0.vector(), b))
        T0 += dt(0)

        if k % 10 == 0:
            print('  Biot at step (%d, %g) |uh|=%g' % (k, T0, wh_0.vector().norm('l2')))
            print('  KSP stats MIN/MEAN/MAX (%d|%g|%d) %d' % (
                np.min(niters), np.mean(niters), np.max(niters), len(niters)
            for reason, count in Counter(reasons).items():
                print('      KSP cvrg reason %s -> %d' % (KSP_CVRG_REASONS[reason], count))

    eta_h, p_h = wh_0.split(deepcopy=True)
    return eta_h, p_h, T0
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def solve_stability(self):
        Solve the 2nd-order stability problem
        def global_mask(fun1, fun2, V):

            # Find the indices where fun1 ~= fun2 at a tolerance
            diff = fun1.vector() - fun2.vector()
            diff_glob = PETScVector(mpi_comm_self())
            diff.gather(diff_glob, pl.array(range(V.dim()), "intc"))
            mask = diff_glob < DOLFIN_EPS_LARGE
            return mask

        # Locate the elastic part
        mask = global_mask(self.alpha, self.alpha_prev, self.V_alpha)
        if pl.all(mask):
            self.print0("\033[1;36m    2nd stability: elastic phase\033[1;m")
            self.rq = pl.inf
            return True
            self._u_alpha_prev.vector()[:] = 0.0
            self._u_alpha.vector()[:] = 1.0
            assign(self._u_alpha_prev.sub(1), self.alpha_prev)
            assign(self._u_alpha.sub(1), self.alpha)
            mask = global_mask(self._u_alpha, self._u_alpha_prev,
            self.elas_dofs = set((pl.where(mask == True)[0]).astype(pl.intc))

        bc_elas_dofs = self.elas_dofs.union(self.bc_dofs)
        indices = sorted(
            set(range(self.ownership[0], self.ownership[1])) - bc_elas_dofs)

        # Assemble K and M
        self._K = PETScMatrix()
        self._M = PETScMatrix()
        assemble(self._rqP, self._K)
        assemble(self._rqN, self._M)
        self._K_mat = self._K.mat()
        self._M_mat = self._M.mat()

        # Eliminate the elastic/BC part using PETSc.IS
        self.IS = PETSc.IS()
        self._K_mat_reduced = self._K_mat.getSubMatrix(self.IS, self.IS)
        self._K = PETScMatrix(self._K_mat_reduced)
        self._M_mat_reduced = self._M_mat.getSubMatrix(self.IS, self.IS)
        self._M = PETScMatrix(self._M_mat_reduced)

        # Stop if M ~= 0
        if self._M.norm("linf") < DOLFIN_EPS_LARGE:
            self.rq = pl.inf
                "\033[1;36m    2nd stability: Rayleigh quotient: %.3e\033[1;m"
                % self.rq)
            return True

        # Setup the eigenvalue solver
        self.eigensolver = SLEPcEigenSolver(self._K, self._M)

        # Use last known directions for initial guess
        assign(self._u_alpha.sub(0), self.V)
        assign(self._u_alpha.sub(1), self.Beta)
        _u_alpha_vec = as_backend_type(self._u_alpha.vector()).vec()
        _u_alpha_vec_reduced = _u_alpha_vec.getSubVector(self.IS)
        # self.eps.setInitialSpace(_u_alpha_vec_reduced)

        # Solve the eigenvalue problem
            "\033[1;36m    2nd stability: solving the eigenvalue problem\033[1;m"
        r, c, rx, cx = self.eigensolver.get_eigenpair(0)
        self.print0("\033[1;36m    2nd stability: smallest ev: %.3e\033[1;m" %

        # From reduced vector to full vector
        self.scatter = PETSc.Scatter()
        rx_vec = as_backend_type(rx).vec()
        self.scatter.create(_u_alpha_vec_reduced, None, _u_alpha_vec, self.IS)
        self.scatter.scatter(rx_vec, _u_alpha_vec)

        # Check the Rayleigh quotient (in theory we should have r == rq)
        self.rq = assemble(self.rqP) / assemble(self.rqN)
        if abs(r - self.rq) > DOLFIN_EPS_LARGE:
                "\033[1;36m    2nd stability: Rayleigh quotient: %.3e\033[1;m"
                % self.rq)

        # Obtain the perturbation directions to V and Beta
        assign(self.V, self._u_alpha.sub(0))
        assign(self.Beta, self._u_alpha.sub(1))

        # Scale V
        u_mean = self.u.vector().norm("l2")
        if self.V.vector().norm("l2") > DOLFIN_EPS_LARGE:
            coeff = u_mean / self.V.vector().norm("l2")
            self.V.vector()[:] = coeff * self.V.vector()

        # Scale and project Beta to the admissible space
        alpha_mean = self.alpha.vector().norm("l2")
        if self.Beta.vector().norm("l2") > DOLFIN_EPS_LARGE:
            coeff = alpha_mean / self.Beta.vector().norm("l2")
            self.Beta.vector()[:] = coeff * self.Beta.vector()
        self.Beta.vector()[self.Beta.vector() < 0] = 0.0

        # Determine if the solution is unique
        if self.rq > 1:
            return True
Ejemplo n.º 27
def solve(A,b,u,IS,Fspace,IterType,OuterTol,InnerTol,HiptmairMatrices,KSPlinearfluids,kspF,Fp,MatrixLinearFluids,kspFp):

    if IterType == "Full":
        kspOuter = PETSc.KSP().create()

        u_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Fspace[0].dim()))
        p_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Fspace[0].dim(),Fspace[0].dim()+Fspace[1].dim()))
        Bt = A.getSubMatrix(u_is,p_is)

        reshist = {}
        def monitor(ksp, its, fgnorm):
            reshist[its] = fgnorm
            print "OUTER:", fgnorm
        pcOutter = kspOuter.getPC()

        kspOuter.max_it = 500

        kspInner = pcOutter.getKSP()
        kspInner.max_it = 100

        kspInner.max_it = 100
        reshist1 = {}
        def monitor(ksp, its, fgnorm):
            reshist1[its] = fgnorm
            print "INNER:", fgnorm
        # kspInner.setMonitor(monitor)


        pcInner = kspInner.getPC()
        pcInner.setPythonContext(MHDstabPrecond.InnerOuterWITHOUT(Fspace,kspF, KSPlinearfluids[0], KSPlinearfluids[1],Fp, HiptmairMatrices[3], HiptmairMatrices[4], HiptmairMatrices[2], HiptmairMatrices[0], HiptmairMatrices[1], HiptmairMatrices[6],1e-6,A))

        PP = PETSc.Mat().createPython([A.size[0], A.size[0]])
        p = PrecondMulti.MultiApply(Fspace,A,HiptmairMatrices[6],MatrixLinearFluids[1],MatrixLinearFluids[0],kspFp, HiptmairMatrices[3])


        scale = b.norm()
        b = b/scale
        print b.norm()
        kspOuter.solve(b, u)
        u = u*scale
        print toc()

        # print s.getvalue()
        NSits = kspOuter.its
        del kspOuter
        Mits = kspInner.its
        del kspInner
        # print u.array
        return u,NSits,Mits

    NS_is = IS[0]
    M_is = IS[1]
    kspNS = PETSc.KSP().create()
    kspM = PETSc.KSP().create()

    del A

    uNS = u.getSubVector(NS_is)
    bNS = b.getSubVector(NS_is)
    pcNS = kspNS.getPC()
    if IterType == "MD":
        pcNS.setPythonContext(NSpreconditioner.NSPCD(MixedFunctionSpace([Fspace[0],Fspace[1]]), kspF, KSPlinearfluids[0], KSPlinearfluids[1],Fp))
        pcNS.setPythonContext(StokesPrecond.MHDApprox(MixedFunctionSpace([Fspace[0],Fspace[1]]), kspF, KSPlinearfluids[1]))

    scale = bNS.norm()
    bNS = bNS/scale
    start_time = time.time()
    kspNS.solve(bNS, uNS)
    print ("{:25}").format("NS, time: "), " ==>  ",("{:4f}").format(time.time() - start_time),("{:9}").format("   Its: "), ("{:4}").format(kspNS.its),  ("{:9}").format("   time: "), ("{:4}").format(time.strftime('%X %x %Z')[0:5])
    uNS = scale*uNS

    NSits = kspNS.its
    # kspNS.destroy()
    # for line in reshist.values():
    #     print line

    pcM = kspM.getPC()
    pcM.setPythonContext(MP.Hiptmair(MixedFunctionSpace([Fspace[2],Fspace[3]]), HiptmairMatrices[3], HiptmairMatrices[4], HiptmairMatrices[2], HiptmairMatrices[0], HiptmairMatrices[1], HiptmairMatrices[6],1e-6))

    # x = x*scale
    uM = u.getSubVector(M_is)
    bM = b.getSubVector(M_is)

    scale = bM.norm()
    bM = bM/scale
    start_time = time.time()
    kspM.solve(bM, uM)
    print ("{:25}").format("Maxwell solve, time: "), " ==>  ",("{:4f}").format(time.time() - start_time),("{:9}").format("   Its: "), ("{:4}").format(kspM.its),  ("{:9}").format("   time: "), ("{:4}").format(time.strftime('%X %x %Z')[0:5])
    uM = uM*scale

    Mits = kspM.its
    u = IO.arrayToVec(np.concatenate([uNS.array, uM.array]))

    return u,NSits,Mits
Ejemplo n.º 28
        L = MU * (inner(grad(qQ), grad(pQ)) * dx(mesh))

        #        O = - dot(u_k, n)*pQ('+')*qQ*ds(mesh) - dot(u_k, n)*(pQ('+') - pQ('-'))*qQ('-')*dS(mesh)
        pp = Function(Q)

        fp = MU * inner(grad(qQ), grad(pQ)) * dx(mesh) + inner(
            (u_k[0] * grad(pQ)[0] + u_k[1] * grad(pQ)[1]), qQ) * dx(mesh) + (
                1 / 2) * div(u_k) * inner(pQ, qQ) * dx(mesh) - (1 / 2) * (
                    u_k[0] * n[0] + u_k[1] * n[1]) * inner(pQ, qQ) * ds(mesh)

        Laplacian = assemble(L)
        Laplacian = CP.Assemble(Laplacian)
        Mass = CP.Assemble(Mass)
        kspA, kspQ = NSprecondSetup.PCDKSPlinear(Mass, Laplacian)

    u_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(W.sub(0).dim()))
    p_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(
              W.sub(0).dim() + W.sub(1).dim()))
    # print L
    SolutionTime = 0
    while eps > tol and iter < maxiter:
        iter += 1
        x = Function(W)

        uu = Function(W)
        AA, bb = assemble_system(a, L1 - RHSform, bcs)
        A, b = CP.Assemble(AA, bb)
        print toc()
        # b = b.getSubVector(t_is)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def solver(self,
        # base = self.problem.solver(problem, params, solver_params, prefix=prefix, **kwargs)
        snes = base.snes

        # u_dvec = as_backend_type(problem.u.vector())
        mesh = problem.u.function_space().mesh()
        comm = mesh.mpi_comm()

        deflation = problem.deflation
        is_rho = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(
            problem.u.function_space().sub(0).dofmap().dofs(), comm=comm)
        (f, (fenicsresidual, args, kargs)) = snes.getFunction()

        def newmonitor(snes, it, residual):
            x = snes.getSolution()
            # comm = x.function_space().mesh().mpi_comm()

            rho = x.getSubVector(is_rho)

            zero = rho.copy()
            zero.array[:] = 0.0
            one = rho.copy()
            one.array[:] = 1.0

            # print("max/min rho before clipping (%s, %s)" %(min(rho.array), max(rho.array)))
            rho.pointwiseMax(rho, zero)
            rho.pointwiseMin(rho, one)
            # print("max/min rho after clipping (%s, %s)" %(min(rho.array), max(rho.array)))

            x.restoreSubVector(is_rho, rho)
            # print("max/min x after clipping (%s, %s)" %(min(x.array), max(x.array)))

        def plus(X, out):
            out.pointwiseMax(X, zero)

        def newresidual(snes, X, F):
            fenicsresidual(snes, X, F)

            rho = X.getSubVector(is_rho)
            # print("max/min rho after clipping (%s, %s)" %(min(rho.array), max(rho.array)))
            lb_dofs = where(rho.array_r <= 0.)[0].astype('int32')
            is_lb = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(lb_dofs, comm=comm)
            ub_dofs = where(rho.array_r >= 1.)[0].astype('int32')
            is_ub = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(ub_dofs, comm=comm)

            # print("|F|: ", F.norm(PETSc.NormType.NORM_2))
            F_lb = F.getSubVector(is_lb)
            F_ub = F.getSubVector(is_ub)

            zero = F_lb.duplicate()
            zero.array[:] = 0.0
            F_lb.pointwiseMin(F_lb, zero)
            # F_lb.pointwiseMax(F_lb, zero)
            zero = F_ub.duplicate()
            zero.array[:] = 0.0
            F_ub.pointwiseMax(F_ub, zero)
            # F_ub.pointwiseMin(F_ub, zero)
            X.restoreSubVector(is_rho, rho)
            # print("|F_lb|: ", F_lb.norm(PETSc.NormType.NORM_2))
            # print("|F_ub|: ", F_ub.norm(PETSc.NormType.NORM_2))
            F.restoreSubVector(is_ub, F_ub)
            F.restoreSubVector(is_lb, F_lb)
            # print("|F|: ", F.norm(PETSc.NormType.NORM_2))
            res = F.norm(PETSc.NormType.NORM_2)

        # snes.setType("python")
        # snes.setPythonContext(MySolver())
        snes.setFunction(newresidual, f)
        return base
Ejemplo n.º 30
def foo():
    m = 6
    mm = 5

    errL2u = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    errH1u = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    errL2p = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    errL2b = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    errCurlb = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    errL2r = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    errH1r = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))

    l2uorder = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    H1uorder = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    l2porder = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    l2border = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Curlborder = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    l2rorder = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    H1rorder = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))

    NN = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    DoF = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Velocitydim = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Magneticdim = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Pressuredim = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Lagrangedim = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Wdim = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    iterations = np.zeros((m - 1, 3 * (mm - 1)))
    SolTime = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    udiv = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    MU = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    level = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    NSave = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    Mave = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    TotalTime = np.zeros((m - 1, 1))
    KappaSave = np.zeros((mm - 1, 1))
    nn = 2

    dim = 2
    ShowResultPlots = 'yes'
    split = 'Linear'
    qq = -1
    MU[0] = 1e0
    MU = 0.0001
    qq = -1
    for yy in xrange(1, mm):
        MU = MU * 10
        KappaSave[yy - 1] = MU
        IterTypes = ['Full', 'MD', 'CD']
        for kk in range(len(IterTypes)):
            qq += 1
            for xx in xrange(1, m):
                print xx
                level[xx - 1] = xx + 2
                nn = 2**(level[xx - 1])

                # Create mesh and define function space
                nn = int(nn)
                NN[xx - 1] = nn / 2
                # parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = 6
                # parameters = CP.ParameterSetup()
                mesh = UnitSquareMesh(nn, nn)

                order = 1
                parameters['reorder_dofs_serial'] = False
                Velocity = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", order + 1)
                Pressure = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", order)
                Magnetic = FunctionSpace(mesh, "N1curl", order)
                Lagrange = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", order)
                W = MixedFunctionSpace(
                    [Velocity, Pressure, Magnetic, Lagrange])
                # W = Velocity*Pressure*Magnetic*Lagrange
                Velocitydim[xx - 1] = Velocity.dim()
                Pressuredim[xx - 1] = Pressure.dim()
                Magneticdim[xx - 1] = Magnetic.dim()
                Lagrangedim[xx - 1] = Lagrange.dim()
                Wdim[xx - 1] = W.dim()
                print "\n\nW:  ", Wdim[xx - 1], "Velocity:  ", Velocitydim[
                    xx - 1], "Pressure:  ", Pressuredim[
                        xx - 1], "Magnetic:  ", Magneticdim[
                            xx - 1], "Lagrange:  ", Lagrangedim[xx - 1], "\n\n"
                dim = [

                def boundary(x, on_boundary):
                    return on_boundary

                u0, p0, b0, r0, Laplacian, Advection, gradPres, CurlCurl, gradR, NS_Couple, M_Couple = ExactSol.MHD2D(
                    4, 1)

                bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), u0, boundary)
                bcb = DirichletBC(W.sub(2), b0, boundary)
                bcr = DirichletBC(W.sub(3), r0, boundary)

                # bc = [u0,p0,b0,r0]
                bcs = [bcu, bcb, bcr]
                FSpaces = [Velocity, Pressure, Magnetic, Lagrange]

                (u, b, p, r) = TrialFunctions(W)
                (v, c, q, s) = TestFunctions(W)
                Mu_m = 1e1
                kappa = 1

                IterType = IterTypes[kk]
                Split = "No"
                Saddle = "No"
                Stokes = "No"

                F_NS = -MU * Laplacian + Advection + gradPres - kappa * NS_Couple
                if kappa == 0:
                    F_M = Mu_m * CurlCurl + gradR - kappa * M_Couple
                    F_M = Mu_m * kappa * CurlCurl + gradR - kappa * M_Couple
                params = [kappa, Mu_m, MU]

                # MO.PrintStr("Preconditioning MHD setup",5,"+","\n\n","\n\n")
                Hiptmairtol = 1e-5
                HiptmairMatrices = PrecondSetup.MagneticSetup(
                    Magnetic, Lagrange, b0, r0, Hiptmairtol, params)

                MO.PrintStr("Setting up MHD initial guess", 5, "+", "\n\n",
                u_k, p_k, b_k, r_k = common.InitialGuess(FSpaces,
                                                         [u0, p0, b0, r0],
                                                         [F_NS, F_M],
                                                             ("0", "0")),
                #plot(p_k, interactive = True)
                b_t = TrialFunction(Velocity)
                c_t = TestFunction(Velocity)
                #print assemble(inner(b,c)*dx).array().shape
                #print mat
                #ShiftedMass = assemble(inner(mat*b,c)*dx)

                ones = Function(Pressure)
                ones.vector()[:] = (0 * ones.vector().array() + 1)
                # pConst = - assemble(p_k*dx)/assemble(ones*dx)
                p_k.vector()[:] += -assemble(p_k * dx) / assemble(ones * dx)
                x = Iter.u_prev(u_k, p_k, b_k, r_k)

                KSPlinearfluids, MatrixLinearFluids = PrecondSetup.FluidLinearSetup(
                    Pressure, MU)
                kspFp, Fp = PrecondSetup.FluidNonLinearSetup(Pressure, MU, u_k)

                ns, maxwell, CoupleTerm, Lmaxwell, Lns = forms.MHD2D(
                    mesh, W, F_M, F_NS, u_k, b_k, params, IterType, "DG",
                    Saddle, Stokes)
                RHSform = forms.PicardRHS(mesh, W, u_k, p_k, b_k, r_k, params,
                                          "DG", Saddle, Stokes)

                bcu = DirichletBC(Velocity, Expression(("0.0", "0.0")),
                bcb = DirichletBC(Magnetic, Expression(("0.0", "0.0")),
                bcr = DirichletBC(Lagrange, Expression(("0.0")), boundary)
                bcs = [bcu, bcb, bcr]

                parameters['linear_algebra_backend'] = 'uBLAS'
                SetupType = 'Matrix'
                BC = MHDsetup.BoundaryIndices(mesh)

                eps = 1.0  # error measure ||u-u_k||
                tol = 1.0E-4  # tolerance
                iter = 0  # iteration counter
                maxiter = 20  # max no of iterations allowed
                SolutionTime = 0
                outer = 0
                # parameters['linear_algebra_backend'] = 'uBLAS'

                # FSpaces = [Velocity,Magnetic,Pressure,Lagrange]

                if IterType == "CD":
                    MO.PrintStr("Setting up PETSc " + SetupType, 2, "=", "\n",
                    Alin = MHDsetup.Assemble(W, ns, maxwell, CoupleTerm, Lns,
                                             Lmaxwell, RHSform, bcs + BC,
                                             "Linear", IterType)
                    Fnlin, b = MHDsetup.Assemble(W, ns, maxwell, CoupleTerm,
                                                 Lns, Lmaxwell, RHSform,
                                                 bcs + BC, "NonLinear",
                    A = Fnlin + Alin
                    A, b = MHDsetup.SystemAssemble(FSpaces, A, b, SetupType,
                    u = b.duplicate()

                u_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(range(Velocity.dim()))
                NS_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(
                    range(Velocity.dim() + Pressure.dim()))
                M_is = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(
                    range(Velocity.dim() + Pressure.dim(), W.dim()))
                OuterTol = 1e-5
                InnerTol = 1e-5
                NSits = 0
                Mits = 0
                TotalStart = time.time()
                SolutionTime = 0
                while eps > tol and iter < maxiter:
                    iter += 1
                    MO.PrintStr("Iter " + str(iter), 7, "=", "\n\n", "\n\n")
                    AssembleTime = time.time()
                    if IterType == "CD":
                        MO.StrTimePrint("MHD CD RHS assemble, time: ",
                                        time.time() - AssembleTime)
                        b = MHDsetup.Assemble(W, ns, maxwell, CoupleTerm, Lns,
                                              Lmaxwell, RHSform, bcs + BC,
                                              "CD", IterType)

                        MO.PrintStr("Setting up PETSc " + SetupType, 2, "=",
                                    "\n", "\n")

                        AA, bb = assemble_system(maxwell + ns + CoupleTerm,
                                                 (Lmaxwell + Lns) - RHSform,
                        A, b = CP.Assemble(AA, bb)
                    # if iter == 1:
                    MO.StrTimePrint("MHD total assemble, time: ",
                                    time.time() - AssembleTime)

                    kspFp, Fp = PrecondSetup.FluidNonLinearSetup(
                        Pressure, MU, u_k)
                    u = b.duplicate()
                    print "Inititial guess norm: ", u.norm()
                    if u.norm() > 1e50:
                        iter = 10000
                    kspF = 0
                    stime = time.time()
                    u, mits, nsits = S.solve(A, b, u, params, W, 'Direct',
                                             IterType, OuterTol, InnerTol,
                                             HiptmairMatrices, Hiptmairtol,
                                             KSPlinearfluids, Fp, kspF)
                    Soltime = time.time() - stime
                    Mits += mits
                    NSits += nsits
                    SolutionTime += Soltime

                    u1, p1, b1, r1, eps = Iter.PicardToleranceDecouple(
                        u, x, FSpaces, dim, "2", iter)
                    p1.vector()[:] += -assemble(p1 * dx) / assemble(ones * dx)
                    uOld = np.concatenate(
                        (u_k.vector().array(), p_k.vector().array(),
                         b_k.vector().array(), r_k.vector().array()),
                    x = IO.arrayToVec(uOld)

                XX = np.concatenate(
                    (u_k.vector().array(), p_k.vector().array(),
                     b_k.vector().array(), r_k.vector().array()),

                iterations[xx - 1, qq] = iter
                dim = [

#        ExactSolution = [u0,p0,b0,r0]
#        errL2u[xx-1], errH1u[xx-1], errL2p[xx-1], errL2b[xx-1], errCurlb[xx-1], errL2r[xx-1], errH1r[xx-1] = Iter.Errors(XX,mesh,FSpaces,ExactSolution,order,dim, "DG")
#        if xx > 1:
#            l2uorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2u[xx-2]/errL2u[xx-1]))
#            H1uorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errH1u[xx-2]/errH1u[xx-1]))
#            l2porder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2p[xx-2]/errL2p[xx-1]))
#            l2border[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2b[xx-2]/errL2b[xx-1]))
#            Curlborder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errCurlb[xx-2]/errCurlb[xx-1]))
#            l2rorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errL2r[xx-2]/errL2r[xx-1]))
#            H1rorder[xx-1] =  np.abs(np.log2(errH1r[xx-2]/errH1r[xx-1]))
#    import pandas as pd
#    LatexTitles = ["l","DoFu","Dofp","V-L2","L2-order","V-H1","H1-order","P-L2","PL2-order"]
#    LatexValues = np.concatenate((level,Velocitydim,Pressuredim,errL2u,l2uorder,errH1u,H1uorder,errL2p,l2porder), axis=1)
#    LatexTable = pd.DataFrame(LatexValues, columns = LatexTitles)
#    pd.set_option('precision',3)
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,"V-L2","%2.4e")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,'V-H1',"%2.4e")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,"H1-order","%1.2f")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,'L2-order',"%1.2f")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,"P-L2","%2.4e")
#    LatexTable = MO.PandasFormat(LatexTable,'PL2-order',"%1.2f")
#    print LatexTable
#    print "\n\n   Magnetic convergence"
#    MagneticTitles = ["l","B DoF","R DoF","B-L2","L2-order","B-Curl","HCurl-order"]
#    MagneticValues = np.concatenate((level,Magneticdim,Lagrangedim,errL2b,l2border,errCurlb,Curlborder),axis=1)
#    MagneticTable= pd.DataFrame(MagneticValues, columns = MagneticTitles)
#    pd.set_option('precision',3)
#    MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,"B-Curl","%2.4e")
#    MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,'B-L2',"%2.4e")
#    MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,"L2-order","%1.2f")
#    MagneticTable = MO.PandasFormat(MagneticTable,'HCurl-order',"%1.2f")
#    print MagneticTable

    import pandas as pd

    print iterations.shape[1]

    iter = ["P", "MD", "CD"]
    IterTitles = ["l", "DoF"]
    for i in range(iterations.shape[1] / 3):
        IterTitles += iter
    print IterTitles
    IterValues = np.concatenate((level, Wdim, iterations), axis=1)
    IterTable = pd.DataFrame(IterValues, columns=IterTitles)
    print IterTable.to_latex()
    print " \n  Outer Tol:  ", OuterTol, "Inner Tol:   ", InnerTol

    print KappaSave

    # # # if (ShowResultPlots == 'yes'):

    #    plot(u_k)
    #    plot(interpolate(u0,Velocity))
    #    plot(p_k)
    #    plot(interpolate(p0,Pressure))
    #    plot(b_k)
    #    plot(interpolate(b0,Magnetic))
    #    plot(r_k)
    #    plot(interpolate(r0,Lagrange))
    #    interactive()
