Ejemplo n.º 1
def find_compatible_interpreters(pex_python_path=None, compatibility_constraints=None):
  """Find all compatible interpreters on the system within the supplied constraints and use
     PEX_PYTHON_PATH if it is set. If not, fall back to interpreters on $PATH.
  if pex_python_path:
    interpreters = []
    for binary in pex_python_path.split(os.pathsep):
      except Executor.ExecutionError:
        print("Python interpreter %s in PEX_PYTHON_PATH failed to load properly." % binary,
    if not interpreters:
      die('PEX_PYTHON_PATH was defined, but no valid interpreters could be identified. Exiting.')
    # We may have been invoked with a specific interpreter not on the $PATH, make sure our
    # sys.executable is included as a candidate in this case.
    interpreters = OrderedSet([PythonInterpreter.get()])

    # Add all qualifying interpreters found in $PATH.

  return list(
    matched_interpreters(interpreters, compatibility_constraints)
    if compatibility_constraints
    else interpreters
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def to_requirement(self, dist):
        req = dist.as_requirement()

        markers = OrderedSet()

        # Here we map any wheel python requirement to the equivalent environment marker:
        # See:
        # + https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0345/#requires-python
        # + https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/#environment-markers
        python_requires = dist_metadata.requires_python(dist)
        if python_requires:
                Marker(python_version) for python_version in sorted(
                    'python_version {operator} {version!r}'.format(
                        operator=specifier.operator, version=specifier.version)
                    for specifier in python_requires))

        markers.update(self._markers_by_requirement_key.get(req.key, ()))

        if not markers:
            return req

        if len(markers) == 1:
            marker = next(iter(markers))
            req.marker = marker
            return req

        # We may have resolved with multiple paths to the dependency represented by dist and at least
        # two of those paths had (different) conditional requirements for dist based on environment
        # marker predicates. In that case, since the pip resolve succeeded, the implication is that the
        # environment markers are compatible; i.e.: their intersection selects the target interpreter.
        # Here we make that intersection explicit.
        # See: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/#grammar
        marker = ' and '.join('({})'.format(marker) for marker in markers)
        return Requirement.parse('{}; {}'.format(req, marker))
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def minimum_sys_path(cls, site_libs, inherit_path):
    scrub_paths = OrderedSet()
    site_distributions = OrderedSet()
    user_site_distributions = OrderedSet()

    def all_distribution_paths(path):
      locations = set(dist.location for dist in find_distributions(path))
      return set([path]) | locations | set(os.path.realpath(path) for path in locations)

    for path_element in sys.path:
      if cls._tainted_path(path_element, site_libs):
        TRACER.log('Tainted path element: %s' % path_element)
        TRACER.log('Not a tainted path element: %s' % path_element, V=2)


    if inherit_path == 'false':
      scrub_paths = site_distributions | user_site_distributions
      for path in user_site_distributions:
        TRACER.log('Scrubbing from user site: %s' % path)
      for path in site_distributions:
        TRACER.log('Scrubbing from site-packages: %s' % path)

    scrubbed_sys_path = list(OrderedSet(sys.path) - scrub_paths)

    pythonpath = cls.unstash_pythonpath()
    if pythonpath is not None:
      original_pythonpath = pythonpath.split(os.pathsep)
      user_pythonpath = list(OrderedSet(original_pythonpath) - set(sys.path))
      if original_pythonpath == user_pythonpath:
        TRACER.log('Unstashed PYTHONPATH of %s' % pythonpath, V=2)
        TRACER.log('Extracted user PYTHONPATH of %s from unstashed PYTHONPATH of %s'
                   % (os.pathsep.join(user_pythonpath), pythonpath), V=2)

      if inherit_path == 'false':
        for path in user_pythonpath:
          TRACER.log('Scrubbing user PYTHONPATH element: %s' % path)
      elif inherit_path == 'prefer':
        TRACER.log('Prepending user PYTHONPATH: %s' % os.pathsep.join(user_pythonpath))
        scrubbed_sys_path = user_pythonpath + scrubbed_sys_path
      elif inherit_path == 'fallback':
        TRACER.log('Appending user PYTHONPATH: %s' % os.pathsep.join(user_pythonpath))
        scrubbed_sys_path = scrubbed_sys_path + user_pythonpath

    scrub_from_importer_cache = filter(
      lambda key: any(key.startswith(path) for path in scrub_paths),
    scrubbed_importer_cache = dict((key, value) for (key, value) in sys.path_importer_cache.items()
      if key not in scrub_from_importer_cache)

    for importer_cache_entry in scrub_from_importer_cache:
      TRACER.log('Scrubbing from path_importer_cache: %s' % importer_cache_entry, V=2)

    return scrubbed_sys_path, scrubbed_importer_cache
Ejemplo n.º 4
def find_compatible_interpreters(path=None, compatibility_constraints=None):
    """Find all compatible interpreters on the system within the supplied constraints and use
     path if it is set. If not, fall back to interpreters on $PATH.
    interpreters = OrderedSet()
    paths = None
    if path:
        paths = path.split(os.pathsep)
        # We may have been invoked with a specific interpreter, make sure our sys.executable is included
        # as a candidate in this case.
    return _filter_compatible_interpreters(
        interpreters, compatibility_constraints=compatibility_constraints)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def file_deps(console, filedeps_options, transitive_hydrated_targets):

  uniq_set = OrderedSet()

  for hydrated_target in transitive_hydrated_targets.closure:
    if hydrated_target.address.rel_path:
    if hasattr(hydrated_target.adaptor, "sources"):

  with Filedeps.line_oriented(filedeps_options, console) as (print_stdout, print_stderr):
    for f_path in uniq_set:

  return Filedeps(exit_code=0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def file_deps(console, transitive_hydrated_targets):
  """List all source and BUILD files a target transitively depends on.

  Files are listed with relative paths and any BUILD files implied in the transitive closure of
  targets are also included.

  uniq_set = OrderedSet()

  for hydrated_target in transitive_hydrated_targets.closure:
    if hydrated_target.address.rel_path:
    if hasattr(hydrated_target.adaptor, "sources"):
      uniq_set.update(f.path for f in hydrated_target.adaptor.sources.snapshot.files)

  for f_path in uniq_set:
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def minimum_sys_path(cls, site_libs, inherit_path):
        scrub_paths = OrderedSet()
        site_distributions = OrderedSet()
        user_site_distributions = OrderedSet()

        def all_distribution_paths(path):
            locations = set(dist.location for dist in find_distributions(path))
            return set([path]) | locations | set(
                os.path.realpath(path) for path in locations)

        for path_element in sys.path:
            if cls._tainted_path(path_element, site_libs):
                TRACER.log('Tainted path element: %s' % path_element)
                TRACER.log('Not a tainted path element: %s' % path_element,


        if inherit_path == 'false':
            scrub_paths = site_distributions | user_site_distributions
            for path in user_site_distributions:
                TRACER.log('Scrubbing from user site: %s' % path)
            for path in site_distributions:
                TRACER.log('Scrubbing from site-packages: %s' % path)

        scrubbed_sys_path = list(OrderedSet(sys.path) - scrub_paths)
        scrub_from_importer_cache = filter(
            lambda key: any(key.startswith(path) for path in scrub_paths),
        scrubbed_importer_cache = dict(
            (key, value) for (key, value) in sys.path_importer_cache.items()
            if key not in scrub_from_importer_cache)

        for importer_cache_entry in scrub_from_importer_cache:
            TRACER.log('Scrubbing from path_importer_cache: %s' %

        return scrubbed_sys_path, scrubbed_importer_cache
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def set_script(self, script):
        """Set the entry point of this PEX environment based upon a distribution script.

        :param script: The script name as defined either by a console script or ordinary
          script within the setup.py of one of the distributions added to the PEX.
        :raises: :class:`PEXBuilder.InvalidExecutableSpecification` if the script is not found
          in any distribution added to the PEX.

        distributions = OrderedSet(self._distributions.values())
        if self._pex_info.pex_path:
            for pex in self._pex_info.pex_path.split(":"):
                if os.path.exists(pex):
                        PEX(pex, interpreter=self._interpreter).resolve())

        # Check if 'script' is a console_script.
        dist, entry_point = get_entry_point_from_console_script(
            script, distributions)
        if entry_point:
            TRACER.log("Set entrypoint to console_script {!r} in {!r}".format(
                entry_point, dist))

        # Check if 'script' is an ordinary script.
        dist_script = get_script_from_distributions(script, distributions)
        if dist_script:
            if self._pex_info.entry_point:
                raise self.InvalidExecutableSpecification(
                    "Cannot set both entry point and script of PEX!")
            self._pex_info.script = script
            TRACER.log("Set entrypoint to script {!r} in {!r}".format(
                script, dist_script.dist))

        raise self.InvalidExecutableSpecification(
            "Could not find script {!r} in any distribution {} within PEX!".
            format(script, ", ".join(str(d) for d in distributions)))
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: pex.py Proyecto: jsirois/pex
  def minimum_sys_path(cls, site_libs, inherit_path):
    scrub_paths = OrderedSet()
    site_distributions = OrderedSet()
    user_site_distributions = OrderedSet()

    def all_distribution_paths(path):
      locations = set(dist.location for dist in find_distributions(path))
      return set([path]) | locations | set(os.path.realpath(path) for path in locations)

    for path_element in sys.path:
      if cls._tainted_path(path_element, site_libs):
        TRACER.log('Tainted path element: %s' % path_element)
        TRACER.log('Not a tainted path element: %s' % path_element, V=2)


    if inherit_path == 'false':
      scrub_paths = site_distributions | user_site_distributions
      for path in user_site_distributions:
        TRACER.log('Scrubbing from user site: %s' % path)
      for path in site_distributions:
        TRACER.log('Scrubbing from site-packages: %s' % path)

    scrubbed_sys_path = list(OrderedSet(sys.path) - scrub_paths)
    scrub_from_importer_cache = filter(
      lambda key: any(key.startswith(path) for path in scrub_paths),
    scrubbed_importer_cache = dict((key, value) for (key, value) in sys.path_importer_cache.items()
      if key not in scrub_from_importer_cache)

    for importer_cache_entry in scrub_from_importer_cache:
      TRACER.log('Scrubbing from path_importer_cache: %s' % importer_cache_entry, V=2)

    return scrubbed_sys_path, scrubbed_importer_cache
Ejemplo n.º 10
class PexInfo(object):
    """PEX metadata.

  # Build metadata:
  build_properties: BuildProperties  # (key-value information about the build system)
  code_hash: str                     # sha1 hash of all names/code in the archive
  distributions: {dist_name: str}    # map from distribution name (i.e. path in
                                     # the internal cache) to its cache key (sha1)
  requirements: list                 # list of requirements for this environment

  # Environment options
  pex_root: string                    # root of all pex-related files eg: ~/.pex
  entry_point: string                 # entry point into this pex
  script: string                      # script to execute in this pex environment
                                      # at most one of script/entry_point can be specified
  zip_safe: bool, default True        # is this pex zip safe?
  unzip: bool, default False          # should this pex be unzipped and re-executed from there?
  inherit_path: false/fallback/prefer # should this pex inherit site-packages + user site-packages
                                      # + PYTHONPATH?
  ignore_errors: True, default False  # should we ignore inability to resolve dependencies?
  always_write_cache: False           # should we always write the internal cache to disk first?
                                      # this is useful if you have very large dependencies that
                                      # do not fit in RAM constrained environments

  .. versionchanged:: 0.8
    Removed the ``repositories`` and ``indices`` information, as they were never

    INSTALL_CACHE = 'installed_wheels'

    def make_build_properties(cls, interpreter=None):
        from .interpreter import PythonInterpreter
        from .platforms import Platform

        pi = interpreter or PythonInterpreter.get()
        plat = Platform.current()
        platform_name = plat.platform
        return {
            'pex_version': pex_version,
            'class': pi.identity.interpreter,
            'version': pi.identity.version,
            'platform': platform_name,

    def default(cls, interpreter=None):
        pex_info = {
            'requirements': [],
            'distributions': {},
            'build_properties': cls.make_build_properties(interpreter),
        return cls(info=pex_info)

    def from_pex(cls, pex):
        if os.path.isfile(pex):
            with open_zip(pex) as zf:
                pex_info = zf.read(cls.PATH)
            with open(os.path.join(pex, cls.PATH)) as fp:
                pex_info = fp.read()
        return cls.from_json(pex_info)

    def from_json(cls, content):
        if isinstance(content, bytes):
            content = content.decode('utf-8')
        return cls(info=json.loads(content))

    def from_env(cls, env=ENV):
        supplied_env = env.strip_defaults()
        zip_safe = None if supplied_env.PEX_FORCE_LOCAL is None else not supplied_env.PEX_FORCE_LOCAL
        unzip = None if supplied_env.PEX_UNZIP is None else supplied_env.PEX_UNZIP
        pex_info = {
            'pex_root': supplied_env.PEX_ROOT,
            'entry_point': supplied_env.PEX_MODULE,
            'script': supplied_env.PEX_SCRIPT,
            'zip_safe': zip_safe,
            'unzip': unzip,
            'inherit_path': supplied_env.PEX_INHERIT_PATH,
            'ignore_errors': supplied_env.PEX_IGNORE_ERRORS,
            'always_write_cache': supplied_env.PEX_ALWAYS_CACHE,
        # Filter out empty entries not explicitly set in the environment.
        return cls(info=dict(
            (k, v) for (k, v) in pex_info.items() if v is not None))

    def _parse_requirement_tuple(cls, requirement_tuple):
        if isinstance(requirement_tuple, (tuple, list)):
            if len(requirement_tuple) != 3:
                raise ValueError('Malformed PEX requirement: %r' %
                                 (requirement_tuple, ))
            # pre 0.8.x requirement type:
                'Attempting to use deprecated PEX feature.  Please upgrade past PEX 0.8.x.'
            return requirement_tuple[0]
        elif isinstance(requirement_tuple, compatibility_string):
            return requirement_tuple
        raise ValueError('Malformed PEX requirement: %r' %
                         (requirement_tuple, ))

    def __init__(self, info=None):
        """Construct a new PexInfo. This should not be used directly."""

        if info is not None and not isinstance(info, dict):
            raise ValueError('PexInfo can only be seeded with a dict, got: '
                             '%s of type %s' % (info, type(info)))
        self._pex_info = info or {}
        if 'inherit_path' in self._pex_info:
            self.inherit_path = self._pex_info['inherit_path']
        self._distributions = self._pex_info.get('distributions', {})
        # cast as set because pex info from json must store interpreter_constraints as a list
        self._interpreter_constraints = set(
            self._pex_info.get('interpreter_constraints', set()))
        requirements = self._pex_info.get('requirements', [])
        if not isinstance(requirements, (list, tuple)):
            raise ValueError('Expected requirements to be a list, got %s' %
        self._requirements = OrderedSet(
            self._parse_requirement_tuple(req) for req in requirements)

    def _get_safe(self, key):
        if key not in self._pex_info:
            return None
        value = self._pex_info[key]
        return value.encode('utf-8') if PY2 else value

    def build_properties(self):
        """Information about the system on which this PEX was generated.

    :returns: A dictionary containing metadata about the environment used to build this PEX.
        return self._pex_info.get('build_properties', {})

    def build_properties(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, dict):
            raise TypeError('build_properties must be a dictionary!')
        self._pex_info['build_properties'] = self.make_build_properties()

    def zip_safe(self):
        """Whether or not this PEX should be treated as zip-safe.

    If set to false and the PEX is zipped, the contents of the PEX will be unpacked into a
    directory within the PEX_ROOT prior to execution.  This allows code and frameworks depending
    upon __file__ existing on disk to operate normally.

    By default zip_safe is True.  May be overridden at runtime by the $PEX_FORCE_LOCAL environment
        return self._pex_info.get('zip_safe', True)

    def zip_safe(self, value):
        self._pex_info['zip_safe'] = bool(value)

    def unzip(self):
        """Whether or not PEX should be unzipped before it's executed.

    Unzipping a PEX is a operation that can be cached on the 1st run of a given PEX file which can
    result in lower startup latency in subsequent runs.
        return self._pex_info.get('unzip', False)

    def unzip(self, value):
        self._pex_info['unzip'] = bool(value)

    def strip_pex_env(self):
        """Whether or not this PEX should strip `PEX_*` env vars before executing its entrypoint.

    You might want to set this to `False` if this PEX executes other PEXes or the Pex CLI itself and
    you want the executed PEX to be controlled via PEX environment variables.
        return self._pex_info.get('strip_pex_env', True)

    def strip_pex_env(self, value):
        self._pex_info['strip_pex_env'] = bool(value)

    def pex_path(self):
        """A colon separated list of other pex files to merge into the runtime environment.

    This pex info property is used to persist the PEX_PATH environment variable into the pex info
    metadata for reuse within a built pex.
        return self._pex_info.get('pex_path')

    def pex_path(self, value):
        self._pex_info['pex_path'] = value

    def inherit_path(self):
        """Whether or not this PEX should be allowed to inherit system dependencies.

    By default, PEX environments are scrubbed of all system distributions prior to execution.
    This means that PEX files cannot rely upon preexisting system libraries.

    By default inherit_path is false.  This may be overridden at runtime by the $PEX_INHERIT_PATH
    environment variable.
        return self._pex_info.get('inherit_path', 'false')

    def inherit_path(self, value):
        if value is False:
            value = 'false'
        elif value is True:
            value = 'prefer'
        self._pex_info['inherit_path'] = value

    def interpreter_constraints(self):
        """A list of constraints that determine the interpreter compatibility for this
    pex, using the Requirement-style format, e.g. ``'CPython>=3', or just '>=2.7,<3'``
    for requirements agnostic to interpreter class.

    This property will be used at exec time when bootstrapping a pex to search PEX_PYTHON_PATH
    for a list of compatible interpreters.
        return list(self._interpreter_constraints)

    def add_interpreter_constraint(self, value):

    def ignore_errors(self):
        return self._pex_info.get('ignore_errors', False)

    def ignore_errors(self, value):
        self._pex_info['ignore_errors'] = bool(value)

    def emit_warnings(self):
        return self._pex_info.get('emit_warnings', True)

    def emit_warnings(self, value):
        self._pex_info['emit_warnings'] = bool(value)

    def code_hash(self):
        return self._pex_info.get('code_hash')

    def code_hash(self, value):
        self._pex_info['code_hash'] = value

    def entry_point(self):
        return self._get_safe('entry_point')

    def entry_point(self, value):
        self._pex_info['entry_point'] = value

    def script(self):
        return self._get_safe('script')

    def script(self, value):
        self._pex_info['script'] = value

    def add_requirement(self, requirement):

    def requirements(self):
        return self._requirements

    def add_distribution(self, location, sha):
        self._distributions[location] = sha

    def distributions(self):
        return self._distributions

    def always_write_cache(self):
        return self._pex_info.get('always_write_cache', False)

    def always_write_cache(self, value):
        self._pex_info['always_write_cache'] = bool(value)

    def pex_root(self):
        pex_root = os.path.expanduser(
            self._pex_info.get('pex_root', os.path.join('~', '.pex')))
        if not can_write_dir(pex_root):
            tmp_root = safe_mkdtemp()
                'PEX_ROOT is configured as {pex_root} but that path is un-writeable, '
                'falling back to a temporary PEX_ROOT of {tmp_root} which will hurt '
                'performance.'.format(pex_root=pex_root, tmp_root=tmp_root))
            pex_root = self._pex_info['pex_root'] = tmp_root
        return pex_root

    def pex_root(self, value):
        if value is None:
            self._pex_info.pop('pex_root', None)
            self._pex_info['pex_root'] = value

    def internal_cache(self):
        return '.deps'

    def install_cache(self):
        return os.path.join(self.pex_root, self.INSTALL_CACHE)

    def zip_unsafe_cache(self):
        return os.path.join(self.pex_root, 'code')

    def update(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, PexInfo):
            raise TypeError('Cannot merge a %r with PexInfo' % type(other))

    def dump(self, **kwargs):
        pex_info_copy = self._pex_info.copy()
        pex_info_copy['requirements'] = sorted(self._requirements)
        pex_info_copy['interpreter_constraints'] = sorted(
        pex_info_copy['distributions'] = self._distributions.copy()
        return json.dumps(pex_info_copy, **kwargs)

    def copy(self):
        return self.from_json(self.dump())

    def _merge_split(*paths):
        filtered_paths = filter(None, paths)
        return [p for p in ':'.join(filtered_paths).split(':') if p]

    def merge_pex_path(self, pex_path):
        """Merges a new PEX_PATH definition into the existing one (if any).

    :param str pex_path: The PEX_PATH to merge.
        if not pex_path:
        self.pex_path = ':'.join(self._merge_split(self.pex_path, pex_path))

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}({!r})'.format(type(self).__name__, self._pex_info)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _resolve(self, working_set, reqs):
        environment = self._target_interpreter_env.copy()
        environment["extra"] = list(set(itertools.chain(*(req.extras for req in reqs))))

        reqs_by_key = OrderedDict()
        for req in reqs:
            if req.marker and not req.marker.evaluate(environment=environment):
                    "Skipping activation of `%s` due to environment marker de-selection" % req
            reqs_by_key.setdefault(req.key, []).append(req)

        unresolved_reqs = OrderedDict()
        resolveds = OrderedSet()

        # Resolve them one at a time so that we can figure out which ones we need to elide should
        # there be an interpreter incompatibility.
        for key, reqs in reqs_by_key.items():
            with TRACER.timed("Resolving {} from {}".format(key, reqs), V=2):
                # N.B.: We resolve the bare requirement with no version specifiers since the resolve process
                # used to build this pex already did so. There may be multiple distributions satisfying any
                # particular key (e.g.: a Python 2 specific version and a Python 3 specific version for a
                # multi-python PEX) and we want the working set to pick the most appropriate one.
                req = Requirement.parse(key)
                    resolveds.update(working_set.resolve([req], env=self))
                except DistributionNotFound as e:
                    TRACER.log("Failed to resolve a requirement: %s" % e)
                    requirers = unresolved_reqs.setdefault(e.req, OrderedSet())
                    if e.requirers:
                        for requirer in e.requirers:

        if unresolved_reqs:
            TRACER.log("Unresolved requirements:")
            for req in unresolved_reqs:
                TRACER.log("  - %s" % req)

            TRACER.log("Distributions contained within this pex:")
            distributions_by_key = defaultdict(list)
            if not self._pex_info.distributions:
                TRACER.log("  None")
                for dist_name, dist_digest in self._pex_info.distributions.items():
                    TRACER.log("  - %s" % dist_name)
                    distribution = DistributionHelper.distribution_from_path(
                        path=os.path.join(self._pex_info.install_cache, dist_digest, dist_name)

            if not self._pex_info.ignore_errors:
                items = []
                for index, (requirement, requirers) in enumerate(unresolved_reqs.items()):
                    rendered_requirers = ""
                    if requirers:
                        rendered_requirers = ("\n    Required by:" "\n      {requirers}").format(
                            requirers="\n      ".join(map(str, requirers))

                        "{index: 2d}: {requirement}"
                        "\n    But this pex only contains:"
                        "\n      {distributions}".format(
                            index=index + 1,
                            distributions="\n      ".join(
                                for d in distributions_by_key[requirement.key]

                    "Failed to execute PEX file. Needed {platform} compatible dependencies for:\n{items}".format(
                        platform=self._interpreter.platform, items="\n".join(items)

        return resolveds
Ejemplo n.º 12
class PexInfo(object):
    """PEX metadata.

    # Build metadata:
    build_properties: BuildProperties  # (key-value information about the build system)
    code_hash: str                     # sha1 hash of all names/code in the archive
    distributions: {dist_name: str}    # map from distribution name (i.e. path in
                                       # the internal cache) to its cache key (sha1)
    pex_hash: str                      # sha1 hash of all names/code and distributions in the pex
    requirements: list                 # list of requirements for this environment

    # Environment options
    pex_root: string                    # root of all pex-related files eg: ~/.pex
    entry_point: string                 # entry point into this pex
    script: string                      # script to execute in this pex environment
                                        # at most one of script/entry_point can be specified
    zip_safe: bool, default True        # is this pex zip safe?
    unzip: bool, default False          # should this pex be unzipped and re-executed from there?
    inherit_path: false/fallback/prefer # should this pex inherit site-packages + user site-packages
                                        # + PYTHONPATH?
    ignore_errors: True, default False  # should we ignore inability to resolve dependencies?
    always_write_cache: False           # should we always write the internal cache to disk first?
                                        # this is useful if you have very large dependencies that
                                        # do not fit in RAM constrained environments

    .. versionchanged:: 0.8
      Removed the ``repositories`` and ``indices`` information, as they were never

    INSTALL_CACHE = "installed_wheels"

    def make_build_properties(cls, interpreter=None):
        # This lazy import is currently needed for performance reasons. At PEX runtime PexInfo is
        # read in the bootstrap to see if the PEX should run in `--unzip` mode. If so, it must
        # re-exec itself to run against its unzipped contents. Since `make_build_properties` is only
        # used at PEX buildtime and the transitive imports of PythonInterpreter are large and slow,
        # we avoid this import cost for runtime-only use.
        # See: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/issues/1054
        from pex.interpreter import PythonInterpreter

        pi = interpreter or PythonInterpreter.get()
        plat = pi.platform
        platform_name = plat.platform
        return {
            "pex_version": pex_version,
            "class": pi.identity.interpreter,
            "version": pi.identity.version,
            "platform": platform_name,

    def default(cls, interpreter=None):
        # type: (Optional[PythonInterpreter]) -> PexInfo
        pex_info = {
            "requirements": [],
            "distributions": {},
            "build_properties": cls.make_build_properties(interpreter),
        return cls(info=pex_info)

    def from_pex(cls, pex):
        # type: (str) -> PexInfo
        if zipfile.is_zipfile(pex):  # Zip App
            with open_zip(pex) as zf:
                pex_info = zf.read(cls.PATH)
        elif os.path.isfile(pex):  # Venv
            with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pex), cls.PATH)) as fp:
                pex_info = fp.read()
        else:  # Directory (Unzip mode or PEXBuilder.freeze)
            with open(os.path.join(pex, cls.PATH)) as fp:
                pex_info = fp.read()
        return cls.from_json(pex_info)

    def from_json(cls, content):
        # type: (Union[bytes, Text]) -> PexInfo
        if isinstance(content, bytes):
            content = content.decode("utf-8")
        return cls(info=json.loads(content))

    def from_env(cls, env=ENV):
        # type: (Variables) -> PexInfo
        pex_force_local = Variables.PEX_FORCE_LOCAL.strip_default(env)
        zip_safe = None if pex_force_local is None else not pex_force_local

        pex_inherit_path = Variables.PEX_INHERIT_PATH.strip_default(env)
        inherit_path = None if pex_inherit_path is None else pex_inherit_path.value

        pex_info = {
            "pex_root": Variables.PEX_ROOT.strip_default(env),
            "entry_point": env.PEX_MODULE,
            "script": env.PEX_SCRIPT,
            "zip_safe": zip_safe,
            "unzip": Variables.PEX_UNZIP.strip_default(env),
            "venv": Variables.PEX_VENV.strip_default(env),
            "inherit_path": inherit_path,
            "ignore_errors": Variables.PEX_IGNORE_ERRORS.strip_default(env),
        # Filter out empty entries not explicitly set in the environment.
        return cls(info=dict(
            (k, v) for (k, v) in pex_info.items() if v is not None))

    def _parse_requirement_tuple(cls, requirement_tuple):
        if isinstance(requirement_tuple, (tuple, list)):
            if len(requirement_tuple) != 3:
                raise ValueError("Malformed PEX requirement: %r" %
                                 (requirement_tuple, ))
            # pre 0.8.x requirement type:
                "Attempting to use deprecated PEX feature.  Please upgrade past PEX 0.8.x."
            return requirement_tuple[0]
        elif isinstance(requirement_tuple, compatibility_string):
            return requirement_tuple
        raise ValueError("Malformed PEX requirement: %r" %
                         (requirement_tuple, ))

    def __init__(self, info=None):
        # type: (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]) -> None
        """Construct a new PexInfo.

        This should not be used directly.

        if info is not None and not isinstance(info, dict):
            raise ValueError("PexInfo can only be seeded with a dict, got: "
                             "%s of type %s" % (info, type(info)))
        self._pex_info = dict(info) if info else {}  # type Dict[str, Any]
        self._distributions = self._pex_info.get("distributions", {})
        # cast as set because pex info from json must store interpreter_constraints as a list
        self._interpreter_constraints = set(
            self._pex_info.get("interpreter_constraints", set()))
        requirements = self._pex_info.get("requirements", [])
        if not isinstance(requirements, (list, tuple)):
            raise ValueError("Expected requirements to be a list, got %s" %
        self._requirements = OrderedSet(
            self._parse_requirement_tuple(req) for req in requirements)

    def _get_safe(self, key):
        if key not in self._pex_info:
            return None
        value = self._pex_info[key]
        return value.encode("utf-8") if PY2 else value

    def build_properties(self):
        """Information about the system on which this PEX was generated.

        :returns: A dictionary containing metadata about the environment used to build this PEX.
        return self._pex_info.get("build_properties", {})

    def build_properties(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, dict):
            raise TypeError("build_properties must be a dictionary!")
        self._pex_info["build_properties"] = self.make_build_properties()

    def zip_safe(self):
        """Whether or not this PEX should be treated as zip-safe.

        If set to false and the PEX is zipped, the contents of the PEX will be unpacked into a
        directory within the PEX_ROOT prior to execution.  This allows code and frameworks depending
        upon __file__ existing on disk to operate normally.

        By default zip_safe is True.  May be overridden at runtime by the $PEX_FORCE_LOCAL environment
        return self._pex_info.get("zip_safe", True)

    def zip_safe(self, value):
        self._pex_info["zip_safe"] = bool(value)

    def unzip(self):
        """Whether or not PEX should be unzipped before it's executed.

        Unzipping a PEX is a operation that can be cached on the 1st run of a given PEX file which
        can result in lower startup latency in subsequent runs.
        return self._pex_info.get("unzip", False)

    def unzip(self, value):
        self._pex_info["unzip"] = bool(value)

    def unzip_dir(self):
        # type: () -> Optional[str]
        if not self.unzip:
            return None
        if self.pex_hash is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "The unzip_dir was requested but no pex_hash was set.")
        return variables.unzip_dir(self.pex_root, self.pex_hash)

    def venv(self):
        # type: () -> bool
        """Whether or not PEX should be converted to a venv before it's executed.

        Creating a venv from a PEX is a operation that can be cached on the 1st run of a given PEX
        file which results in lower startup latency in subsequent runs.
        return self._pex_info.get("venv", False)

    def venv(self, value):
        # type: (bool) -> None
        self._pex_info["venv"] = bool(value)

    def venv_bin_path(self):
        # type: () -> BinPath.Value
        """When run as a venv, whether or not to include `bin/` scripts on the PATH."""
        return BinPath.for_value(
            self._pex_info.get("venv_bin_path", BinPath.FALSE.value))

    def venv_bin_path(self, value):
        # type: (BinPath.Value) -> None
        self._pex_info["venv_bin_path"] = str(value)

    def venv_copies(self):
        # type: () -> bool
        return self._pex_info.get("venv_copies", False)

    def venv_copies(self, value):
        # type: (bool) -> None
        self._pex_info["venv_copies"] = value

    def venv_dir(self):
        # type: () -> Optional[str]
        if not self.venv:
            return None
        if self.pex_hash is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "The venv_dir was requested but no pex_hash was set.")
        return variables.venv_dir(

    def strip_pex_env(self):
        """Whether or not this PEX should strip `PEX_*` env vars before executing its entrypoint.

        You might want to set this to `False` if this PEX executes other PEXes or the Pex CLI itself
        and you want the executed PEX to be controlled via PEX environment variables.
        return self._pex_info.get("strip_pex_env", True)

    def strip_pex_env(self, value):
        self._pex_info["strip_pex_env"] = bool(value)

    def pex_path(self):
        # type: () -> Optional[str]
        """A colon separated list of other pex files to merge into the runtime environment.

        This pex info property is used to persist the PEX_PATH environment variable into the pex
        info metadata for reuse within a built pex.
        return cast("Optional[str]", self._pex_info.get("pex_path"))

    def pex_path(self, value):
        # type: (str) -> None
        self._pex_info["pex_path"] = value

    def inherit_path(self):
        # type: () -> InheritPath.Value
        """Whether or not this PEX should be allowed to inherit system dependencies.

        By default, PEX environments are scrubbed of all system distributions prior to execution.
        This means that PEX files cannot rely upon preexisting system libraries.

        By default inherit_path is false. This may be overridden at runtime by the $PEX_INHERIT_PATH
        environment variable.
        inherit_path = self._pex_info.get("inherit_path")
        return InheritPath.for_value(
            inherit_path) if inherit_path else InheritPath.FALSE

    def inherit_path(self, value):
        # type: (InheritPath.Value) -> None
        self._pex_info["inherit_path"] = value.value

    def interpreter_constraints(self):
        """A list of constraints that determine the interpreter compatibility for this pex, using
        the Requirement-style format, e.g. ``'CPython>=3', or just '>=2.7,<3'`` for requirements
        agnostic to interpreter class.

        This property will be used at exec time when bootstrapping a pex to search PEX_PYTHON_PATH
        for a list of compatible interpreters.
        return list(self._interpreter_constraints)

    def add_interpreter_constraint(self, value):

    def ignore_errors(self):
        return self._pex_info.get("ignore_errors", False)

    def ignore_errors(self, value):
        self._pex_info["ignore_errors"] = bool(value)

    def emit_warnings(self):
        return self._pex_info.get("emit_warnings", True)

    def emit_warnings(self, value):
        self._pex_info["emit_warnings"] = bool(value)

    def code_hash(self):
        # type: () -> Optional[str]
        return self._pex_info.get("code_hash")

    def code_hash(self, value):
        # type: (str) -> None
        self._pex_info["code_hash"] = value

    def pex_hash(self):
        # type: () -> Optional[str]
        return self._pex_info.get("pex_hash")

    def pex_hash(self, value):
        # type: (str) -> None
        self._pex_info["pex_hash"] = value

    def entry_point(self):
        return self._get_safe("entry_point")

    def entry_point(self, value):
        self._pex_info["entry_point"] = value

    def script(self):
        return self._get_safe("script")

    def script(self, value):
        self._pex_info["script"] = value

    def add_requirement(self, requirement):

    def requirements(self):
        return self._requirements

    def add_distribution(self, location, sha):
        self._distributions[location] = sha

    def distributions(self):
        return self._distributions

    def always_write_cache(self):
        return self._pex_info.get("always_write_cache", False)

    def always_write_cache(self, value):
        self._pex_info["always_write_cache"] = bool(value)

    def raw_pex_root(self):
        # type: () -> str
        return cast(str,
                    self._pex_info.get("pex_root", os.path.join("~", ".pex")))

    def pex_root(self):
        # type: () -> str
        pex_root = os.path.expanduser(self.raw_pex_root)
        if not can_write_dir(pex_root):
            tmp_root = safe_mkdtemp()
                "PEX_ROOT is configured as {pex_root} but that path is un-writeable, "
                "falling back to a temporary PEX_ROOT of {tmp_root} which will hurt "
                "performance.".format(pex_root=pex_root, tmp_root=tmp_root))
            pex_root = self._pex_info["pex_root"] = tmp_root
        return pex_root

    def pex_root(self, value):
        # type: (Optional[str]) -> None
        if value is None:
            self._pex_info.pop("pex_root", None)
            self._pex_info["pex_root"] = value

    def bootstrap(self):
        return ".bootstrap"

    def internal_cache(self):
        return ".deps"

    def install_cache(self):
        return os.path.join(self.pex_root, self.INSTALL_CACHE)

    def zip_unsafe_cache(self):
        #: type: () -> str
        return os.path.join(self.pex_root, "code")

    def update(self, other):
        # type: (PexInfo) -> None
        if not isinstance(other, PexInfo):
            raise TypeError("Cannot merge a %r with PexInfo" % type(other))

    def as_json_dict(self):
        # type: () -> Dict[str, Any]
        data = self._pex_info.copy()
        data["inherit_path"] = self.inherit_path.value
        data["requirements"] = list(self._requirements)
        data["interpreter_constraints"] = list(self._interpreter_constraints)
        data["distributions"] = self._distributions.copy()
        return data

    def dump(self):
        # type: (...) -> str
        data = self.as_json_dict()
        return json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True)

    def copy(self):
        # type: () -> PexInfo
        return PexInfo(self.as_json_dict())

    def _merge_split(*paths):
        filtered_paths = filter(None, paths)
        return [p for p in ":".join(filtered_paths).split(":") if p]

    def merge_pex_path(self, pex_path):
        """Merges a new PEX_PATH definition into the existing one (if any).

        :param str pex_path: The PEX_PATH to merge.
        if not pex_path:
        self.pex_path = ":".join(self._merge_split(self.pex_path, pex_path))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{}({!r})".format(type(self).__name__, self._pex_info)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def minimum_sys_path(cls, site_libs, inherit_path):
        # type: (Iterable[str], InheritPath.Value) -> Tuple[List[str], Mapping[str, Any]]
        scrub_paths = OrderedSet()  # type: OrderedSet[str]
        site_distributions = OrderedSet()  # type: OrderedSet[str]
        user_site_distributions = OrderedSet()  # type: OrderedSet[str]

        def all_distribution_paths(path):
            # type: (Optional[str]) -> Iterable[str]
            if path is None:
                return ()
            locations = set(dist.location for dist in find_distributions(path))
            return {path} | locations | set(os.path.realpath(path) for path in locations)

        for path_element in sys.path:
            if cls._tainted_path(path_element, site_libs):
                TRACER.log("Tainted path element: %s" % path_element)
                TRACER.log("Not a tainted path element: %s" % path_element, V=2)


        if inherit_path == InheritPath.FALSE:
            scrub_paths = OrderedSet(site_distributions)
            for path in user_site_distributions:
                TRACER.log("Scrubbing from user site: %s" % path)
            for path in site_distributions:
                TRACER.log("Scrubbing from site-packages: %s" % path)

        scrubbed_sys_path = list(OrderedSet(sys.path) - scrub_paths)

        pythonpath = cls.unstash_pythonpath()
        if pythonpath is not None:
            original_pythonpath = pythonpath.split(os.pathsep)
            user_pythonpath = list(OrderedSet(original_pythonpath) - set(sys.path))
            if original_pythonpath == user_pythonpath:
                TRACER.log("Unstashed PYTHONPATH of %s" % pythonpath, V=2)
                    "Extracted user PYTHONPATH of %s from unstashed PYTHONPATH of %s"
                    % (os.pathsep.join(user_pythonpath), pythonpath),

            if inherit_path == InheritPath.FALSE:
                for path in user_pythonpath:
                    TRACER.log("Scrubbing user PYTHONPATH element: %s" % path)
            elif inherit_path == InheritPath.PREFER:
                TRACER.log("Prepending user PYTHONPATH: %s" % os.pathsep.join(user_pythonpath))
                scrubbed_sys_path = user_pythonpath + scrubbed_sys_path
            elif inherit_path == InheritPath.FALLBACK:
                TRACER.log("Appending user PYTHONPATH: %s" % os.pathsep.join(user_pythonpath))
                scrubbed_sys_path = scrubbed_sys_path + user_pythonpath

        scrub_from_importer_cache = filter(
            lambda key: any(key.startswith(path) for path in scrub_paths),
        scrubbed_importer_cache = dict(
            (key, value)
            for (key, value) in sys.path_importer_cache.items()
            if key not in scrub_from_importer_cache

        for importer_cache_entry in scrub_from_importer_cache:
            TRACER.log("Scrubbing from path_importer_cache: %s" % importer_cache_entry, V=2)

        return scrubbed_sys_path, scrubbed_importer_cache
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _resolve(self, working_set, reqs):
        reqs_by_key = OrderedDict((req.key, req) for req in reqs)
        unresolved_reqs = OrderedDict()
        resolveds = OrderedSet()

        environment = self._target_interpreter_env.copy()
        environment['extra'] = list(
            set(itertools.chain(*(req.extras for req in reqs))))

        # Resolve them one at a time so that we can figure out which ones we need to elide should
        # there be an interpreter incompatibility.
        for req in reqs_by_key.values():
            if req.marker and not req.marker.evaluate(environment=environment):
                    'Skipping activation of `%s` due to environment marker de-selection'
                    % req)
            with TRACER.timed('Resolving %s' % req, V=2):
                    resolveds.update(working_set.resolve([req], env=self))
                except DistributionNotFound as e:
                    TRACER.log('Failed to resolve a requirement: %s' % e)
                    requirers = unresolved_reqs.setdefault(e.req, OrderedSet())
                    if e.requirers:
                                         for requirer in e.requirers)

        if unresolved_reqs:
            TRACER.log('Unresolved requirements:')
            for req in unresolved_reqs:
                TRACER.log('  - %s' % req)

            TRACER.log('Distributions contained within this pex:')
            distributions_by_key = defaultdict(list)
            if not self._pex_info.distributions:
                TRACER.log('  None')
                for dist_name, dist_digest in self._pex_info.distributions.items(
                    TRACER.log('  - %s' % dist_name)
                    distribution = DistributionHelper.distribution_from_path(
                                          dist_digest, dist_name))

            if not self._pex_info.ignore_errors:
                items = []
                for index, (requirement,
                            requirers) in enumerate(unresolved_reqs.items()):
                    rendered_requirers = ''
                    if requirers:
                        rendered_requirers = (
                            '\n    Required by:'
                            '\n      {requirers}').format(
                                requirers='\n      '.join(map(str, requirers)))

                    items.append('{index: 2d}: {requirement}'
                                 '\n    But this pex only contains:'
                                 '\n      {distributions}'.format(
                                     index=index + 1,
                                     distributions='\n      '.join(
                                         for d in distributions_by_key[

                die('Failed to execute PEX file. Needed {platform} compatible dependencies for:\n{items}'

        return resolveds
Ejemplo n.º 15
class PexInfo(object):
  """PEX metadata.

  # Build metadata:
  build_properties: BuildProperties  # (key-value information about the build system)
  code_hash: str                     # sha1 hash of all names/code in the archive
  distributions: {dist_name: str}    # map from distribution name (i.e. path in
                                     # the internal cache) to its cache key (sha1)
  requirements: list                 # list of requirements for this environment

  # Environment options
  pex_root: string                    # root of all pex-related files eg: ~/.pex
  entry_point: string                 # entry point into this pex
  script: string                      # script to execute in this pex environment
                                      # at most one of script/entry_point can be specified
  zip_safe: True, default False       # is this pex zip safe?
  inherit_path: false/fallback/prefer # should this pex inherit site-packages + PYTHONPATH?
  ignore_errors: True, default False  # should we ignore inability to resolve dependencies?
  always_write_cache: False           # should we always write the internal cache to disk first?
                                      # this is useful if you have very large dependencies that
                                      # do not fit in RAM constrained environments

  .. versionchanged:: 0.8
    Removed the ``repositories`` and ``indices`` information, as they were never

  INTERNAL_CACHE = '.deps'

  def make_build_properties(cls, interpreter=None):
    from .interpreter import PythonInterpreter
    from .platforms import Platform

    pi = interpreter or PythonInterpreter.get()
    plat = Platform.current()
    platform_name = plat.platform
    return {
      'pex_version': pex_version,
      'class': pi.identity.interpreter,
      'version': pi.identity.version,
      'platform': platform_name,

  def default(cls, interpreter=None):
    pex_info = {
      'requirements': [],
      'distributions': {},
      'build_properties': cls.make_build_properties(interpreter),
    return cls(info=pex_info)

  def from_pex(cls, pex):
    if os.path.isfile(pex):
      with open_zip(pex) as zf:
        pex_info = zf.read(cls.PATH)
      with open(os.path.join(pex, cls.PATH)) as fp:
        pex_info = fp.read()
    return cls.from_json(pex_info)

  def from_json(cls, content):
    if isinstance(content, bytes):
      content = content.decode('utf-8')
    return cls(info=json.loads(content))

  def from_env(cls, env=ENV):
    supplied_env = env.strip_defaults()
    zip_safe = None if supplied_env.PEX_FORCE_LOCAL is None else not supplied_env.PEX_FORCE_LOCAL
    pex_info = {
      'pex_root': supplied_env.PEX_ROOT,
      'entry_point': supplied_env.PEX_MODULE,
      'script': supplied_env.PEX_SCRIPT,
      'zip_safe': zip_safe,
      'inherit_path': supplied_env.PEX_INHERIT_PATH,
      'ignore_errors': supplied_env.PEX_IGNORE_ERRORS,
      'always_write_cache': supplied_env.PEX_ALWAYS_CACHE,
    # Filter out empty entries not explicitly set in the environment.
    return cls(info=dict((k, v) for (k, v) in pex_info.items() if v is not None))

  def _parse_requirement_tuple(cls, requirement_tuple):
    if isinstance(requirement_tuple, (tuple, list)):
      if len(requirement_tuple) != 3:
        raise ValueError('Malformed PEX requirement: %r' % (requirement_tuple,))
      # pre 0.8.x requirement type:
      pex_warnings.warn('Attempting to use deprecated PEX feature.  Please upgrade past PEX 0.8.x.')
      return requirement_tuple[0]
    elif isinstance(requirement_tuple, compatibility_string):
      return requirement_tuple
    raise ValueError('Malformed PEX requirement: %r' % (requirement_tuple,))

  def __init__(self, info=None):
    """Construct a new PexInfo. This should not be used directly."""

    if info is not None and not isinstance(info, dict):
      raise ValueError('PexInfo can only be seeded with a dict, got: '
                       '%s of type %s' % (info, type(info)))
    self._pex_info = info or {}
    if 'inherit_path' in self._pex_info:
      self.inherit_path = self._pex_info['inherit_path']
    self._distributions = self._pex_info.get('distributions', {})
    # cast as set because pex info from json must store interpreter_constraints as a list
    self._interpreter_constraints = set(self._pex_info.get('interpreter_constraints', set()))
    requirements = self._pex_info.get('requirements', [])
    if not isinstance(requirements, (list, tuple)):
      raise ValueError('Expected requirements to be a list, got %s' % type(requirements))
    self._requirements = OrderedSet(self._parse_requirement_tuple(req) for req in requirements)

  def _get_safe(self, key):
    if key not in self._pex_info:
      return None
    value = self._pex_info[key]
    return value.encode('utf-8') if PY2 else value

  def build_properties(self):
    """Information about the system on which this PEX was generated.

    :returns: A dictionary containing metadata about the environment used to build this PEX.
    return self._pex_info.get('build_properties', {})

  def build_properties(self, value):
    if not isinstance(value, dict):
      raise TypeError('build_properties must be a dictionary!')
    self._pex_info['build_properties'] = self.make_build_properties()

  def zip_safe(self):
    """Whether or not this PEX should be treated as zip-safe.

    If set to false and the PEX is zipped, the contents of the PEX will be unpacked into a
    directory within the PEX_ROOT prior to execution.  This allows code and frameworks depending
    upon __file__ existing on disk to operate normally.

    By default zip_safe is True.  May be overridden at runtime by the $PEX_FORCE_LOCAL environment
    return self._pex_info.get('zip_safe', True)

  def zip_safe(self, value):
    self._pex_info['zip_safe'] = bool(value)

  def pex_path(self):
    """A colon separated list of other pex files to merge into the runtime environment.

    This pex info property is used to persist the PEX_PATH environment variable into the pex info
    metadata for reuse within a built pex.
    return self._pex_info.get('pex_path')

  def pex_path(self, value):
    self._pex_info['pex_path'] = value

  def inherit_path(self):
    """Whether or not this PEX should be allowed to inherit system dependencies.

    By default, PEX environments are scrubbed of all system distributions prior to execution.
    This means that PEX files cannot rely upon preexisting system libraries.

    By default inherit_path is false.  This may be overridden at runtime by the $PEX_INHERIT_PATH
    environment variable.
    return self._pex_info.get('inherit_path', 'false')

  def inherit_path(self, value):
    if value is False:
      value = 'false'
    elif value is True:
      value = 'prefer'
    self._pex_info['inherit_path'] = value

  def interpreter_constraints(self):
    """A list of constraints that determine the interpreter compatibility for this
    pex, using the Requirement-style format, e.g. ``'CPython>=3', or just '>=2.7,<3'``
    for requirements agnostic to interpreter class.

    This property will be used at exec time when bootstrapping a pex to search PEX_PYTHON_PATH
    for a list of compatible interpreters.
    return list(self._interpreter_constraints)

  def add_interpreter_constraint(self, value):

  def ignore_errors(self):
    return self._pex_info.get('ignore_errors', False)

  def ignore_errors(self, value):
    self._pex_info['ignore_errors'] = bool(value)

  def emit_warnings(self):
    return self._pex_info.get('emit_warnings', True)

  def emit_warnings(self, value):
    self._pex_info['emit_warnings'] = bool(value)

  def code_hash(self):
    return self._pex_info.get('code_hash')

  def code_hash(self, value):
    self._pex_info['code_hash'] = value

  def entry_point(self):
    return self._get_safe('entry_point')

  def entry_point(self, value):
    self._pex_info['entry_point'] = value

  def script(self):
    return self._get_safe('script')

  def script(self, value):
    self._pex_info['script'] = value

  def add_requirement(self, requirement):

  def requirements(self):
    return self._requirements

  def add_distribution(self, location, sha):
    self._distributions[location] = sha

  def distributions(self):
    return self._distributions

  def always_write_cache(self):
    return self._pex_info.get('always_write_cache', False)

  def always_write_cache(self, value):
    self._pex_info['always_write_cache'] = bool(value)

  def pex_root(self):
    return os.path.expanduser(self._pex_info.get('pex_root', os.path.join('~', '.pex')))

  def pex_root(self, value):
    self._pex_info['pex_root'] = value

  def internal_cache(self):
    return self.INTERNAL_CACHE

  def install_cache(self):
    return os.path.join(self.pex_root, 'install')

  def zip_unsafe_cache(self):
    return os.path.join(self.pex_root, 'code')

  def update(self, other):
    if not isinstance(other, PexInfo):
      raise TypeError('Cannot merge a %r with PexInfo' % type(other))

  def dump(self, **kwargs):
    pex_info_copy = self._pex_info.copy()
    pex_info_copy['requirements'] = sorted(self._requirements)
    pex_info_copy['interpreter_constraints'] = sorted(self._interpreter_constraints)
    pex_info_copy['distributions'] = self._distributions.copy()
    return json.dumps(pex_info_copy, **kwargs)

  def copy(self):
    return self.from_json(self.dump())

  def merge_pex_path(self, pex_path):
    """Merges a new PEX_PATH definition into the existing one (if any).
    :param string pex_path: The PEX_PATH to merge.
    if not pex_path:
    self.pex_path = ':'.join(merge_split(self.pex_path, pex_path))

  def __repr__(self):
    return '{}({!r})'.format(type(self).__name__, self._pex_info)