Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testCachedValidation(self):
         import dogpile.cache
         r = pathmap.get_test_repos()
         p = Phylesystem(r)
         nexson, sha = p.return_study('xy_10')
         r = p.add_validation_annotation(nexson, sha)
         cache_hits = p._cache_hits
         r1 = p.add_validation_annotation(nexson, sha)
         self.assertEqual(1 + cache_hits, p._cache_hits)
         self.assertEqual(r, r1)
         import sys; from peyotl import write_as_json; 
         write_as_json(nexson, sys.stdout)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testCachedValidation(self):
         # noinspection PyPackageRequirements
         import dogpile.cache
         r = pathmap.get_test_repos()
         p = Phylesystem(r)
         nexson, sha = p.return_study('xy_10')
         r = p.add_validation_annotation(nexson, sha)
         cache_hits = p._cache_hits
         r1 = p.add_validation_annotation(nexson, sha)
         self.assertEqual(1 + cache_hits, p._cache_hits)
         self.assertEqual(r, r1)
         write_as_json(nexson, sys.stdout)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testCachedValidation(self):
         import dogpile.cache
         r = pathmap.get_test_repos()
         p = Phylesystem(r)
         nexson, sha = p.return_study('xy_10')
         r = p.add_validation_annotation(nexson, sha)
         cache_hits = p._cache_hits
         r1 = p.add_validation_annotation(nexson, sha)
         self.assertEqual(1 + cache_hits, p._cache_hits)
         self.assertEqual(r, r1)
         import sys
         from peyotl import write_as_json
         write_as_json(nexson, sys.stdout)
Ejemplo n.º 4
#! /usr/bin/env python
import unittest

from peyotl.api import PhylesystemAPI
from peyotl.test.support import test_phylesystem_api_for_study
from peyotl.test.support.pathmap import get_test_repos
from peyotl.utility import get_logger

_LOG = get_logger(__name__)

test_repos = get_test_repos(['mini_phyl', 'mini_system'])

@unittest.skipIf(not test_repos,
                 'See the documentation about the maintainers test to configure your '
                 'machine to run tests that require the mini_phyl and mini_system repos')
class TestPhylesystemAPI(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.pa = PhylesystemAPI(None, get_from='local', locals_repos_dict=test_repos)

    def testLocalStudyList(self):
        sl = self.pa.study_list
        # local repo should have just a few studies
        # @TODO we need a better test, I changed it from 10 to 10000.
        # because I use my own fork of a large phylesystem in my tests
        # I'm not sure what invariants we should check for, but 
        # length of study list is probably not one.
        self.assertTrue(len(sl) < 10000)

    def testLocalSugar(self):
        test_phylesystem_api_for_study(self, self.pa, 'xy_10')
Ejemplo n.º 5
#! /usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
from peyotl.collections_store.collections_umbrella import _TreeCollectionStore
import unittest
from peyotl.test.support import pathmap
import os

from peyotl.utility import get_logger

_LOG = get_logger(__name__)

_repos = pathmap.get_test_repos()
mc = _repos['mini_collections']

# TODO: filter repo list to just tree-collection shards? or rely on smart (failed) shard creation?
# _repos = {'mini_collections': mc}

    not os.path.isdir(mc),
    'Peyotl not configured for maintainer test of mini_collections.'
    'Skipping this test is normal (for everyone other than maintainers).\n'
    'See http://opentreeoflife.github.io/peyotl/maintainer/')
class TestTreeCollections(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.r = dict(_repos)

    def testSlugify(self):
        from peyotl.utility.str_util import slugify
        self.assertEqual('simple-test', slugify('Simple Test'))
Ejemplo n.º 6
from peyotl.phylesystem.git_workflows import acquire_lock_raise, \
                                             commit_and_try_merge2master, \
                                             delete_study, \
                                             GitWorkflowError, \
from peyotl.phylesystem.phylesystem_umbrella import Phylesystem
from peyotl.utility.input_output import read_as_json
import unittest
import codecs
import json
import copy
from peyotl.test.support import pathmap
from peyotl.utility import get_logger
_LOG = get_logger(__name__)

phylesystem = Phylesystem(pathmap.get_test_repos())

_MINI_PHYL_SHA1 = '2d59ab892ddb3d09d4b18c91470b8c1c4cca86dc'
_SID = 'xy_10'
_AUTH = {
    'name': 'test_name',
    'email': '*****@*****.**',
    'login': '******',

class TestPhylesystemDel(unittest.TestCase):
    def testDelStudy(self):
        ga = phylesystem.create_git_action(_SID)
Ejemplo n.º 7
#! /usr/bin/env python
import unittest

from peyotl.api import TreeCollectionsAPI
from peyotl.test.support import test_collections_api
from peyotl.test.support.pathmap import get_test_repos
from peyotl.utility import get_logger

_LOG = get_logger(__name__)

test_repos = get_test_repos(['mini_collections'])

    not test_repos,
    'See the documentation about the maintainers test to configure your '
    'machine to run tests that require the mini_collections repos')
class TestTreeCollectionsAPI(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.tca = TreeCollectionsAPI(None,

    def testCollectionList(self):
        cl = self.tca.collection_list
        # We assume there's always at least one collection.
        self.assertTrue(len(cl) > 0)

    def testLocalSugar(self):
        test_collections_api(self, self.tca)
Ejemplo n.º 8
from peyotl.phylesystem.git_workflows import acquire_lock_raise, \
                                             commit_and_try_merge2master, \
                                             delete_study, \
                                             GitWorkflowError, \
from peyotl.phylesystem.phylesystem_umbrella import Phylesystem
from peyotl.utility.input_output import read_as_json
import unittest
import codecs
import json
import copy
from peyotl.test.support import pathmap
from peyotl.utility import get_logger
_LOG = get_logger(__name__)

phylesystem = Phylesystem(pathmap.get_test_repos())

_MINI_PHYL_SHA1 = '2d59ab892ddb3d09d4b18c91470b8c1c4cca86dc'
_SID = 'xy_10'
_AUTH = {
    'name': 'test_name',
    'email': '*****@*****.**',
    'login': '******',

class TestPhylesystem(unittest.TestCase):
    def xtestSimple(self):
        ga = phylesystem.create_git_action(_SID)
            curr, sha, wip_map = ga.return_study(_SID, return_WIP_map=True)
Ejemplo n.º 9
#! /usr/bin/env python
import unittest

from peyotl.api import TreeCollectionsAPI
from peyotl.test.support import test_collections_api
from peyotl.test.support.pathmap import get_test_repos
from peyotl.utility import get_logger

_LOG = get_logger(__name__)

test_repos = get_test_repos(['mini_collections'])

@unittest.skipIf(not test_repos,
                 'See the documentation about the maintainers test to configure your '
                 'machine to run tests that require the mini_collections repos')
class TestTreeCollectionsAPI(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.tca = TreeCollectionsAPI(None, get_from='local', locals_repos_dict=test_repos)

    def testCollectionList(self):
        cl = self.tca.collection_list
        # We assume there's always at least one collection.
        self.assertTrue(len(cl) > 0)

    def testLocalSugar(self):
        test_collections_api(self, self.tca)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Ejemplo n.º 10
#! /usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
import unittest

from peyotl.amendments.amendments_umbrella import _TaxonomicAmendmentStore
from peyotl.test.support import pathmap
from peyotl.utility import get_logger

_LOG = get_logger(__name__)

test_repos = pathmap.get_test_repos(['mini_amendments'])

@unittest.skipIf(not test_repos,
                 'See the documentation about the maintainers test to configure your '
                 'machine to run tests that require the mini_amendments repos')
class TestTaxonomicAmendments(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.c = _TaxonomicAmendmentStore(repos_dict=dict(test_repos))

    def testInit(self):
        self.assertEqual(1, len(self.c._shards))

    def testAmendmentIndexing(self):
        k = list(self.c._doc2shard_map.keys())
        expected = ['additions-5000000-5000003']
        # TODO: populate with more test data?
        self.assertEqual(k, expected)

    def testURL(self):
Ejemplo n.º 11
#! /usr/bin/env python
import unittest

from peyotl.api import TaxonomicAmendmentsAPI
from peyotl.test.support import test_amendments_api
from peyotl.test.support.pathmap import get_test_repos
from peyotl.utility import get_logger

_LOG = get_logger(__name__)

test_repos = get_test_repos(['mini_amendments'])

@unittest.skipIf(not test_repos,
                 'See the documentation about the maintainers test to configure your '
                 'machine to run tests that require the mini_amendments repos')
class TestTaxonomicAmendmentsAPI(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.taa = TaxonomicAmendmentsAPI(None, get_from='local', locals_repos_dict=test_repos)

    def testAmendmentList(self):
        al = self.taa.amendment_list
        # We assume there's always at least one amendment.
        self.assertTrue(len(al) > 0)

    def testLocalSugar(self):
        test_amendments_api(self, self.taa)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Ejemplo n.º 12
#! /usr/bin/env python

# put tests here that use local phylesystem
# see http://opentreeoflife.github.io/peyotl/maintainer/ for setup

from peyotl.utility.input_output import read_as_json
from peyotl.phylesystem.phylesystem_umbrella import _Phylesystem
import unittest
from peyotl.test.support import pathmap
import os

from peyotl.utility import get_logger

_LOG = get_logger(__name__)

_repos = pathmap.get_test_repos()
ms, mp = _repos['mini_system'], _repos['mini_phyl']

# TODO: filter repo list to just phylesystem shards? or rely on smart (failed) shard creation?
# _repos = {s: _repos[s] for s in _repos if s in ('mini_system', 'mini_phyl',)}

# pylint: disable=W0212
@unittest.skipIf((not os.path.isdir(ms)) or (not os.path.isdir(mp)),
                 'Peyotl not configured for maintainer test of mini_phyl/system.'
                 'Skipping this test is normal (for everyone other than MTH and EJBM).\n'
                 'See http://opentreeoflife.github.io/peyotl/maintainer/ ')
class TestPhylesystem(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.r = dict(_repos)