Ejemplo n.º 1
def makemasterflat(flatfiles, rawpath, plot=True):
    # normalize the flat fields
    for f in flatfiles:
        binning = get_binning(f, rawpath)
        # Use IRAF to get put the data in the right format and subtract the
        # bias
        # This will currently break if multiple flats are used for a single setting
        if dobias:
            biasfile = "bias{binning}".format(binning=binning)
            biasfile = ''
        iraf.gsreduce('@' + f, outimages = f[:-4]+'.mef.fits',rawpath=rawpath, fl_bias=dobias,
                      bias=biasfile, fl_over=dooverscan, fl_flat=False, fl_gmosaic=False,
                      fl_fixpix=False, fl_gsappwave=False, fl_cut=False, fl_title=False,
                      fl_oversize=False, fl_vardq=dodq)

        if do_qecorr:
            # Renormalize the chips to remove the discrete jump in the
            # sensitivity due to differences in the QE for different chips

            iraf.gqecorr(f[:-4]+'.mef', outimages=f[:-4]+'.qe.fits', fl_keep=True, fl_correct=True,
                         refimages=f[:-4].replace('flat', 'arc.arc.fits'),
                         corrimages=f[:-9] +'.qe.fits', verbose=True, fl_vardq=dodq)

            iraf.gmosaic(f[:-4]+'.qe.fits', outimages=f[:-4]+'.mos.fits', fl_vardq=dodq, fl_clean=False)
            iraf.gmosaic(f[:-4]+'.mef.fits', outimages=f[:-4]+'.mos.fits', fl_vardq=dodq, fl_clean=False)

        flat_hdu = fits.open(f[:-4] + '.mos.fits')

        data = np.median(flat_hdu['SCI'].data, axis=0)
        chip_edges = get_chipedges(data)

        x = np.arange(len(data), dtype=np.float)
        x /= x.max()

        y = data / np.median(data)

        fitme_x = x[chip_edges[0][0]:chip_edges[0][1]]
        fitme_x = np.append(fitme_x, x[chip_edges[1][0]:chip_edges[1][1]])
        fitme_x = np.append(fitme_x, x[chip_edges[2][0]:chip_edges[2][1]])

        fitme_y = y[chip_edges[0][0]:chip_edges[0][1]]
        fitme_y = np.append(fitme_y, y[chip_edges[1][0]:chip_edges[1][1]])
        fitme_y = np.append(fitme_y, y[chip_edges[2][0]:chip_edges[2][1]])

        fit = pfm.pffit(fitme_x, fitme_y, 21, 7, robust=True,
        if plot:
            pyplot.plot(x, y)
            pyplot.plot(x, pfm.pfcalc(fit, x))
            _junk = raw_input('Press enter to continue')
        flat_hdu['SCI'].data /= pfm.pfcalc(fit, x) * np.median(data)
        flat_hdu.writeto(f[:-4] + '.fits')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def makemasterflat(flatfiles, rawpath, plot=True):
    # normalize the flat fields
    for f in flatfiles:

        # Use IRAF to get put the data in the right format and subtract the
        # bias
        # This will currently break if multiple flats are used for a single setting
        iraf.gsreduce('@' + f, outimages = f[:-4]+'.mef.fits',rawpath=rawpath,
                      bias="bias", fl_over=dooverscan, fl_flat=False, fl_gmosaic=False,
                      fl_fixpix=False, fl_gsappwave=False, fl_cut=False, fl_title=False,

        if is_GS:
            # Renormalize the chips to remove the discrete jump in the
            # sensitivity due to differences in the QE for different chips

            iraf.gqecorr(f[:-4]+'.mef', outimages=f[:-4]+'.qe.fits', fl_keep=True, fl_correct=True,
                         refimages=f[:-4].replace('flat', 'arc.arc.fits'),
                         corrimages=f[:-9] +'.qe.fits', verbose=True)

            iraf.gmosaic(f[:-4]+'.qe.fits', outimages=f[:-4]+'.mos.fits')
            iraf.gmosaic(f[:-4]+'.mef.fits', outimages=f[:-4]+'.mos.fits')

        flat_hdu = pyfits.open(f[:-4] + '.mos.fits')

        data = np.median(flat_hdu['SCI'].data, axis=0)
        chip_edges = get_chipedges(data)

        x = np.arange(len(data), dtype=np.float)
        x /= x.max()

        y = data / np.median(data)

        fitme_x = x[chip_edges[0][0]:chip_edges[0][1]]
        fitme_x = np.append(fitme_x, x[chip_edges[1][0]:chip_edges[1][1]])
        fitme_x = np.append(fitme_x, x[chip_edges[2][0]:chip_edges[2][1]])

        fitme_y = y[chip_edges[0][0]:chip_edges[0][1]]
        fitme_y = np.append(fitme_y, y[chip_edges[1][0]:chip_edges[1][1]])
        fitme_y = np.append(fitme_y, y[chip_edges[2][0]:chip_edges[2][1]])

        fit = pfm.pffit(fitme_x, fitme_y, 15, 7, robust=True,
        if plot:
            from matplotlib import pyplot
            pyplot.plot(x, y)
            pyplot.plot(x, pfm.pfcalc(fit, x))
            _junk = raw_input('Press enter to continue')
        flat_hdu['SCI'].data /= pfm.pfcalc(fit, x) * np.median(data)
        flat_hdu.writeto(f[:-4] + '.fits')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def specsens(specfile, outfile, stdfile, extfile, airmass=None, exptime=None,
             stdzp=3.68e-20, thresh=8, clobber=True):

    # read in the specfile and create a spectrum object
    obs_hdu = pyfits.open(specfile)
        obs_flux = obs_hdu[2].data.copy()[0]
        obs_hdr = obs_hdu[2].header.copy()
        obs_flux = obs_hdu[0].data.copy()
        obs_hdr = obs_hdu[0].header.copy()
    obs_wave = fitshdr_to_wave(obs_hdr)

    # Mask out everything below 3450 where there is no signal
    obs_flux = obs_flux[obs_wave >= bluecut]
    obs_wave = obs_wave[obs_wave >= bluecut]

    # Figure out where the chip gaps are
    chip_edges = get_chipedges(obs_flux)

        chip_gaps = np.ones(obs_flux.size, dtype=np.bool)
        for edge in chip_edges:
            chip_gaps[edge[0]: edge[1]] = False
        chip_gaps = np.zeros(obs_flux.size, dtype=np.bool)

    template_spectrum = signal.savgol_filter(obs_flux, 21, 3)
    noise = np.abs(obs_flux - template_spectrum)
    noise = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(noise, 100.0)

    if chip_gaps.sum() != len(chip_gaps):
        # Smooth the chip gaps
        intpr = interpolate.splrep(obs_wave[np.logical_not(chip_gaps)],
                                   w=1 / noise[np.logical_not(chip_gaps)], k=2,
                                   s=20 * np.logical_not(chip_gaps).sum())
        obs_flux[chip_gaps] = interpolate.splev(obs_wave[chip_gaps], intpr)
    # smooth the observed spectrum
    # read in the std file and convert from magnitudes to fnu
    # then convert it to fwave (ergs/s/cm2/A)
    std_wave, std_mag, _stdbnd = np.genfromtxt(stdfile).transpose()
    std_flux = magtoflux(std_wave, std_mag, stdzp)

    # Get the typical bandpass of the standard star,
    std_bandpass = np.diff(std_wave).mean()
    # Smooth the observed spectrum to that bandpass
    obs_flux = boxcar_smooth(obs_wave, obs_flux, std_bandpass)
    # read in the extinction file (leave in magnitudes)
    ext_wave, ext_mag = np.genfromtxt(extfile).transpose()

    # calculate the calibrated spectra
    cal_flux = cal_std(obs_wave, obs_flux, std_wave, std_flux, ext_wave,
                             ext_mag, airmass, exptime)

    # Normalize the fit variables so the fit is well behaved
    fitme_x = (obs_wave - obs_wave.min()) / (obs_wave.max() - obs_wave.min())
    fitme_y = cal_flux / np.median(cal_flux)
    coeffs = pfm.pffit(fitme_x, fitme_y, 5 , 7, robust=True,

    fitted_flux = pfm.pfcalc(coeffs, fitme_x) * np.median(cal_flux)

    cal_mag = -1.0 * fluxtomag(fitted_flux)
    # write the spectra out
    cal_hdr = sanitizeheader(obs_hdr.copy())
    cal_hdr['OBJECT'] = 'Sensitivity function for all apertures'
    cal_hdr['CRVAL1'] = obs_wave.min()
    cal_hdr['CRPIX1'] = 1
    if is_GS:
        cal_hdr['QESTATE'] = True
        cal_hdr['QESTATE'] = False

    tofits(outfile, cal_mag, hdr=cal_hdr, clobber=True)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def specsens(specfile, outfile, stdfile, extfile, airmass=None, exptime=None,
             stdzp=3.68e-20, thresh=8, clobber=True):

    # read in the specfile and create a spectrum object
    obs_hdu = fits.open(specfile)
        obs_flux = obs_hdu[2].data.copy()[0]
        obs_hdr = obs_hdu[2].header.copy()
        obs_flux = obs_hdu[0].data.copy()
        obs_hdr = obs_hdu[0].header.copy()
    obs_wave = fitshdr_to_wave(obs_hdr)

    # Mask out everything below 3450 where there is no signal
    obs_flux = obs_flux[obs_wave >= bluecut]
    obs_wave = obs_wave[obs_wave >= bluecut]

    # Figure out where the chip gaps are
    chip_edges = get_chipedges(obs_flux)

        chip_gaps = np.ones(obs_flux.size, dtype=np.bool)
        for edge in chip_edges:
            chip_gaps[edge[0]: edge[1]] = False
        chip_gaps = np.zeros(obs_flux.size, dtype=np.bool)

    template_spectrum = signal.savgol_filter(obs_flux, 21, 3)
    noise = np.abs(obs_flux - template_spectrum)
    noise = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(noise, 100.0)

    if chip_gaps.sum() != len(chip_gaps):
        # Smooth the chip gaps
        intpr = interpolate.splrep(obs_wave[np.logical_not(chip_gaps)],
                                   w=1 / noise[np.logical_not(chip_gaps)], k=2,
                                   s=20 * np.logical_not(chip_gaps).sum())
        obs_flux[chip_gaps] = interpolate.splev(obs_wave[chip_gaps], intpr)
    # smooth the observed spectrum
    # read in the std file and convert from magnitudes to fnu
    # then convert it to fwave (ergs/s/cm2/A)
    std_wave, std_mag, _stdbnd = np.genfromtxt(stdfile).transpose()
    std_flux = magtoflux(std_wave, std_mag, stdzp)

    # Get the typical bandpass of the standard star,
    std_bandpass = np.max([50.0, np.diff(std_wave).mean()])
    # Smooth the observed spectrum to that bandpass
    obs_flux = boxcar_smooth(obs_wave, obs_flux, std_bandpass)
    # read in the extinction file (leave in magnitudes)
    ext_wave, ext_mag = np.genfromtxt(extfile).transpose()

    # calculate the calibrated spectra
    cal_flux = cal_std(obs_wave, obs_flux, std_wave, std_flux, ext_wave,
                             ext_mag, airmass, exptime)

    # Normalize the fit variables so the fit is well behaved
    fitme_x = (obs_wave - obs_wave.min()) / (obs_wave.max() - obs_wave.min())
    fitme_y = cal_flux / np.median(cal_flux)
    coeffs = pfm.pffit(fitme_x, fitme_y, 5 , 7, robust=True,

    fitted_flux = pfm.pfcalc(coeffs, fitme_x) * np.median(cal_flux)

    cal_mag = -1.0 * fluxtomag(fitted_flux)
    # write the spectra out
    cal_hdr = sanitizeheader(obs_hdr.copy())
    cal_hdr['OBJECT'] = 'Sensitivity function for all apertures'
    cal_hdr['CRVAL1'] = obs_wave.min()
    cal_hdr['CRPIX1'] = 1
    if do_qecorr:
        cal_hdr['QESTATE'] = True
        cal_hdr['QESTATE'] = False

    tofits(outfile, cal_mag, hdr=cal_hdr, clobber=True)