Ejemplo n.º 1
def update_service_balance(conn):
    subquery = """SELECT * FROM neighbourhoods JOIN businessstats USING (area_id);"""
    result = pgquery(conn, subquery, None)

    for row in result:

        recreation = row[-1]
        education = row[-2]
        health = row[-3]
        food = row[-4]
        retail = row[-5]

        recreation = fix_NULL(recreation)
        education = fix_NULL(education)
        food = fix_NULL(food)
        retail = fix_NULL(retail)
        health = fix_NULL(health)
        sum = recreation + education + health + food + retail
        if (sum == 0):
        service_balance = (education * 5 + food * 4 + retail * 3 + recreation * 2 + health) / sum

        query = """UPDATE neighbourhoods SET service_balance = {} WHERE area_id = {}""".format(service_balance, row[0])
        pgexec(conn, query, None, "Set service balance of area " + str(row[0]) + " to " + str(service_balance))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_table(file, queries):
    data = list(csv.DictReader(open(file + '.csv')))
    # to reset table
    pgexec(conn, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + file, None, "Reset Table " + file)
    # create table using schema
    pgexec(conn, queries[0], None, "Create Table " + file)
    # insert values to table
    for row in data:
        pgexec(conn, queries[1], row, "row inserted")
from pg_tools import pgquery
from pg_tools import pgconnect
from pg_tools import pgexec

cmd = """
create extension IF NOT EXISTS postgis;

create extension IF NOT EXISTS fuzzystrmatch;

create extension IF NOT EXISTS postgis_tiger_geocoder;

create extension IF NOT EXISTS postgis_topology;


conn = pgconnect()
pgexec(conn, cmd, None, "enabling postgis")

Ejemplo n.º 4
                                    area_id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
                                    area_name VARCHAR(70),
                                    parent_area_id INT
    statistical_areas_insert_stmt = """INSERT INTO StatisticalAreas(
                                        VALUES (
    # =====QUERIES END=====

    #force drop and create schema
    pgexec(conn, "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS cyclability CASCADE;", None,
           "drop shema")
    pgexec(conn, "CREATE SCHEMA cyclability;", None, "create schema")

    # Queries stored in key value pair, with file name as key, and queries stored as lists
    queries = {
        'BusinessStats': [business_stats_schema, business_stats_insert_stmt],
        'BikeSharingPods': [bike_pods_schema, bike_pods_insert_stmt],
        'CensusStats': [census_stats_schema, census_stats_insert_stmt],
        'Neighbourhoods': [neighbourhoods_schema, neighbourhoods_insert_stmt],
        [statistical_areas_schema, statistical_areas_insert_stmt]

    # Loop through each file and queries to create a table
    for k, v in queries.items():
        create_table(k, v)
Ejemplo n.º 5

avg_pd = float(avg_pd[0][0])
avg_dd = float(avg_dd[0][0])
avg_sb = float(avg_sb[0][0])
avg_bd = float(avg_bd[0][0])

std_pd = float(std_pd[0][0])
std_dd = float(std_dd[0][0])
std_sb = float(std_sb[0][0])
std_bd = float(std_bd[0][0])

result = pgquery(conn, "SELECT * FROM neighbourhoods", None)

def additional_score():
    return 0

for row in result:
    z_score = (float(fix_NULL(row[-3])) - avg_bd) / std_bd
    z_score += (float(fix_NULL(row[-4])) - avg_sb) / std_sb
    z_score += (float(fix_NULL(row[-5])) - avg_dd) / std_dd
    z_score += (float(fix_NULL(row[-6])) - avg_pd) / std_pd
    z_score += additional_score()

    query = "UPDATE neighbourhoods SET cyclability_score = {} WHERE area_id = {}".format(
        z_score, row[0])
    pgexec(conn, query, None, "Updating score for {}".format(row[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def create_column(conn, col_name, table_name, type):
    query = """ALTER TABLE {}
                DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS {}, 
                ADD COLUMN {} {};""".format(table_name, col_name, col_name, type)

    pgexec(conn, query, None, "Created Column " + col_name + " on " + table_name)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def update_column_with_another(conn, col_name, table_name, value):
    query = """UPDATE {}
               SET {} = COALESCE{}""".format(table_name, col_name, value)

    pgexec(conn, query, None, "Update " + col_name + " on " + table_name +" with " + value)
Ejemplo n.º 8
for r in areas:

row = {}
for i in range(0, len(shapes)):
    record = sf.record(i)

    if int(record[0]) in area_ids:
        shape = sf.shape(i)

        row['area_id'] = record[0]

        # prepare the polygon data
        # this is a bit complex with our dataset as it has complex polygons, some with multiple parts...
        row['geom'] = "POLYGON(("
        i = 0
        for x, y in shape.points:
            row['geom'] += "%s %s," % (x, y)
            # check for start of a new polygon part
            i += 1
            if i in shape.parts:
                row['geom'] = re.sub(",$", "),(", row['geom'])
        # properly end the polygon string
        row['geom'] = re.sub(",$", "))", row['geom'])

        # finally: insert new row into the table
        pgexec(conn, update_stmt, args=row, msg="inserted " + str(record[2]))

index_command = "CREATE INDEX area_idx ON neighbourhoods USING GIST (geom);"
pgexec(conn, index_command, None, "Created spatial index")