Ejemplo n.º 1
in the polynomials given as strings.
def cite():
    Displays the citation information for phcpy.
    To cite phcpy in publications use:

    Jan Verschelde: Modernizing PHCpack through phcpy.
    In Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Python in Science
    (EuroSciPy 2013), edited by Pierre de Buyl and Nelle Varoquaux,
    pages 71-76, 2014, available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.0056.

    from phcpy.phcpy2c3 import py2c_PHCpack_version_string
    print(py2c_PHCpack_version_string() + ' works!')
    from phcpy import solver, solutions, interface, trackers, sweepers, tuning
    from phcpy import sets, cascades, factor, diagonal, schubert
    from phcpy import polytopes, tropisms, maps, series, curves
    from phcpy import examples, families
    # for Sage, uncomment the following two lines
    # from cysignals import init_cysignals
    # init_cysignals()
    print('Is the phcpy2c3.so not suited for this platform?')

# The version number is defined as a data attribute.
__version__ = '1.0.0'
Ejemplo n.º 2
   >>> from phcpy.solver import solve
   >>> s = solve(f,silent=True)
   >>> len(s)
   >>> print s[2]
   t :  1.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
   m : 1
   the solution for t :
    x : -9.99963006604849E-01   8.60147787997449E-03
    y :  0.00000000000000E+00   0.00000000000000E+00
   == err :  4.325E-17 = rco :  2.020E-01 = res :  1.665E-16 =

The solve command returned a list of 30 strings in s,
each string represents a solution that makes the polynomials in f vanish.
The module solutions offers function to evaluate the solutions
in the polynomials given as strings.

    from phcpy.phcpy2c3 import py2c_PHCpack_version_string
    print(py2c_PHCpack_version_string() + ' works!')
    print('Is the phcpy2c3.so not suited for this platform?')

# The version number is defined as a data attribute.
__version__ = '0.4.1'