Ejemplo n.º 1
def sm_resnet(initial, target, frames, training=True, trainable=True, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
    frames = math.expand_dims(math.expand_dims(frames, -1), -1)
    frames = tf.tile(frames, [1]+list(initial.shape[1:]))
    y = tf.concat([initial, target, frames], axis=-1)
    downres_padding = sum([2**i for i in range(5)])
    y = tf.pad(y, [[0,0], [0,downres_padding], [0,0]])
    resolutions = [ y ]
    for i, filters in enumerate([4, 8, 16, 16, 16]):
        y = tf.layers.conv1d(resolutions[0], filters, 2, strides=2, activation=tf.nn.relu, padding='valid', name='downconv_%d'%i, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse)
        for j in range(2):
            y = residual_block_1d(y, filters, name='downrb_%d_%d' % (i,j), training=training, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse)
        resolutions.insert(0, y)

    for j, nb_channels in enumerate([16, 16, 16]):
        y = residual_block_1d(y, nb_channels, name='centerrb_%d' % j, training=training, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse)

    for i, resolution_data in enumerate(resolutions[1:]):
        y = upsample2x(y)
        res_in = resolution_data[:, 0:y.shape[1], :]
        y = tf.concat([y, res_in], axis=-1)
        if i < len(resolutions)-2:
            y = tf.pad(y, [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0]], mode='SYMMETRIC')
            y = tf.layers.conv1d(y, 16, 2, 1, activation=tf.nn.relu, padding='valid', name='upconv_%d' % i, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse)
            for j, nb_channels in enumerate([16, 16]):
                y = residual_block_1d(y, nb_channels, 2, name='uprb_%d_%d' % (i, j), training=training, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse)
            # Last iteration
            y = tf.pad(y, [[0,0], [0,1], [0,0]], mode='SYMMETRIC')
            y = tf.layers.conv1d(y, 1, 2, 1, activation=None, padding='valid', name='upconv_%d'%i, trainable=trainable, reuse=reuse)

    return y
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _convert_constant_to_data(value):
    if isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
        value = math.to_float(math.expand_dims(value))
    if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
        value = math.to_float(numpy.array(value))
    if len(math.staticshape(value)) < 2:
        value = math.expand_dims(value)
    return value
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _generate_examples():
    # --- Example 1 ---
    ex1 = np.tile(np.linspace(1, 0, 5), [4, 1])
    ex1 = math.expand_dims(math.expand_dims(ex1, -1), 0) - math.mean(ex1)
    # --- Example 2 ---
    ex2 = np.zeros([1, 4, 5, 1])
    ex2[0, :, 2, 0] = 1
    ex2 -= math.mean(ex2)
    # --- Stack examples to batch ---
    return math.concat([ex1, ex2], axis=0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def gravity_tensor(gravity, rank):
    if isinstance(gravity, Gravity):
        gravity = gravity.gravity
    if math.is_scalar(gravity):
        return math.to_float(
            math.expand_dims([gravity] + [0] * (rank - 1), 0, rank + 1))
        assert math.staticshape(gravity)[-1] == rank
        return math.to_float(
            math.expand_dims(gravity, 0,
                             rank + 2 - len(math.staticshape(gravity))))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def spatial_sum(tensor):
    if isinstance(tensor, StaggeredGrid):
        tensor = tensor.staggered
    summed = math.sum(tensor, axis=math.dimrange(tensor))
    for i in math.dimrange(tensor):
        summed = math.expand_dims(summed, i)
    return summed
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def sample_at(self, points):
     envelope = math.exp(-0.5 * math.sum(
         (points - self.center)**2, axis=-1, keepdims=True) / self.size**2)
     envelope = math.to_float(envelope)
     wave = math.exp(1j * math.to_float(
         math.expand_dims(np.dot(points, self.wave_vector), -1))) * envelope
     return wave * self.data
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def staggered_points(self, dimension):
     idx_zyx = np.meshgrid(*[
         np.arange(0.5, dim + 1.5, 1) if dim != dimension else np.arange(
             0, dim + 1, 1) for dim in self.resolution
     return math.expand_dims(math.stack(idx_zyx, axis=-1), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def unstack_staggered_tensor(tensor):
    tensors = math.unstack(tensor, -1)
    result = []
    for i, dim in enumerate(math.spatial_dimensions(tensor)):
        slices = [slice(None, -1) if d != dim else slice(None) for d in math.spatial_dimensions(tensor)]
        result.append(math.expand_dims(tensors[i][tuple([slice(None)]+slices)], -1))
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 9
def sparse_indices(dimensions, periodic=False):
    N = int(np.prod(dimensions))
    d = len(dimensions)
    dims = range(d)
    gridpoints_linear = np.arange(N)
    gridpoints = np.stack(np.unravel_index(
        dimensions))  # d * (N^2) array mapping from linear to spatial frames
    indices_list = [np.stack([gridpoints_linear] * 2, axis=-1)]
    for dim in dims:
        dim_direction = math.expand_dims(
            [1 if i == dim else 0 for i in range(d)], axis=-1)
        # --- Stencil upper cells ---
        upper_points, upper_idx = wrap_or_discard(gridpoints + dim_direction,
                                                      periodic, [dim, 1]))
            np.stack([gridpoints_linear[upper_idx], upper_points], axis=-1))
        # --- Stencil lower cells ---
        lower_points, lower_idx = wrap_or_discard(gridpoints - dim_direction,
                                                      periodic, [dim, 0]))
            np.stack([gridpoints_linear[lower_idx], lower_points], axis=-1))
    indices = np.concatenate(indices_list, axis=0)
    # --- Sort indices ---
    sorting = np.lexsort(np.transpose(indices)[:, ::-1])
    sorted_indices = indices[sorting]
    return sorted_indices, sorting
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def total(self):
     v_length = math.sqrt(
             [self.staggered[..., i]**2 for i in range(self.shape[-1])]))
     total = math.sum(v_length, axis=range(1, self.spatial_rank + 1))
     for i in range(self.spatial_rank + 1):
         total = math.expand_dims(total, -1)
     return total
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def data(self, data):
     assert math.is_tensor(data), data
     rank = math.ndims(data)
     assert rank <= 3
     if rank < 3:
         assert rank in (0, 1)  # Scalar field / vector field
         data = math.expand_dims(data, 0, 3 - rank)
     return math.to_float(data)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def normalize(self):
     v_length = math.sqrt(
             [self.staggered[..., i]**2 for i in range(self.shape[-1])]))
     global_mean = math.mean(v_length, axis=range(1, self.spatial_rank + 1))
     for i in range(self.spatial_rank + 1):
         global_mean = math.expand_dims(global_mean, -1)
     return StaggeredGrid(self.staggered / global_mean)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def data(self, data):
     if data is None:
         return None
     if isinstance(data, (tuple, list)):
         data = np.array(data)  # numbers or objects
     while math.ndims(data) < 2:
         data = math.expand_dims(data)
     return data
Ejemplo n.º 14
def gravity_tensor(gravity, rank):
    if isinstance(gravity, Gravity):
        gravity = gravity.gravity
    if math.is_scalar(gravity):
        gravity = gravity * GLOBAL_AXIS_ORDER.up_vector(rank)
    assert math.staticshape(gravity)[-1] == rank
    return math.to_float(
        math.expand_dims(gravity, 0,
                         rank + 2 - len(math.staticshape(gravity))))
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def unstack(self):
     flags = propagate_flags_children(self.flags, self.rank, 1)
     return [
                      name='%s[...,%d]' % (self.name, i),
         for i, component in enumerate(math.unstack(self.data, -1))
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def indices(self):
     Constructs a grid containing the index-location as components.
     Each index denotes the location within the tensor starting from zero.
     Indices are encoded as vectors in the index tensor.
     :param dtype: a numpy data type (default float32)
     :return: an index tensor of shape (1, spatial dimensions..., spatial rank)
     idx_zyx = np.meshgrid(*[range(dim) for dim in self.resolution], indexing="ij")
     return math.expand_dims(np.stack(idx_zyx, axis=-1))
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def data(self, data):
     if data is None:
         return None
     if isinstance(data, (tuple, list)):
         data = np.array(data)  # numbers or objects
     if self.content_type in (struct.shape, struct.staticshape):
         assert math.ndims(data) == 1
         if math.ndims(data) < 2:
             data = math.expand_dims(data, 0, number=2 - math.ndims(data))
     return data
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def getpoints(box, resolution):
     idx_zyx = np.meshgrid(*[
         np.linspace(0.5 / dim, 1 - 0.5 / dim, dim) for dim in resolution
     local_coords = math.expand_dims(math.stack(idx_zyx, axis=-1),
     points = box.local_to_global(local_coords)
     return CenteredGrid(points,
                         name='grid_centers(%s, %s)' % (box, resolution),
Ejemplo n.º 19
def _expand_axes(data, points, collapse_dimensions=True):
    assert math.spatial_rank(data) >= 0
    data = math.expand_dims(data, 1, math.spatial_rank(points) - math.spatial_rank(data))
    if collapse_dimensions:
        return data
        points_axes = math.staticshape(points)[1:-1]
        data_axes = math.staticshape(data)[1:-1]
        for d_points, d_data in zip(points_axes, data_axes):
            assert d_points % d_data == 0
        tilings = [1] + [d_points // d_data for d_points, d_data in zip(math.staticshape(points)[1:-1], math.staticshape(data)[1:-1])] + [1]
        data = math.tile(data, tilings)
        return data
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def divergence(self):
     dims = range(self.spatial_rank)
     components = []
     for dimension in dims:
         comp = self.spatial_rank - dimension - 1
         upper_slices = [(slice(1, None) if i == dimension else slice(-1))
                         for i in dims]
         lower_slices = [(slice(-1) if i == dimension else slice(-1))
                         for i in dims]
         diff = self.staggered[[slice(None)] + upper_slices + [comp]] - \
                self.staggered[[slice(None)] + lower_slices + [comp]]
     return math.expand_dims(math.add(components), -1)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def _central_divergence_nd(tensor):
    rank = spatial_rank(tensor)
    dims = range(rank)
    components = []
    tensor = math.pad(tensor, [[0, 0]] + [[1, 1]] * rank + [[0, 0]])
    for dimension in dims:
        upper_slices = [(slice(2, None) if i == dimension else slice(1, -1))
                        for i in dims]
        lower_slices = [(slice(-2) if i == dimension else slice(1, -1))
                        for i in dims]
        diff = tensor[[slice(None)] + upper_slices + [rank - dimension - 1]] - \
               tensor[[slice(None)] + lower_slices + [rank - dimension - 1]]
    return math.expand_dims(math.add(components), -1)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def _stagger_sample(self, box, resolution):
    Samples this field on a staggered grid.
    In addition to sampling, extrapolates the field using an occupancy mask generated from the points.
        :param box: physical dimensions of the grid
        :param resolution: grid resolution
        :return: StaggeredGrid
        resolution = np.array(resolution)
        valid_indices = math.to_int(math.floor(self.sample_points))
        valid_indices = math.minimum(math.maximum(0, valid_indices), resolution - 1)
        # Correct format for math.scatter
        valid_indices = batch_indices(valid_indices)

        active_mask = math.scatter(self.sample_points, valid_indices, 1, math.concat([[valid_indices.shape[0]], resolution, [1]], axis=-1), duplicates_handling='any')

        mask = math.pad(active_mask, [[0, 0]] + [[1, 1]] * self.rank + [[0, 0]], "constant")

        if isinstance(self.data, (int, float, np.ndarray)):
            values = math.zeros_like(self.sample_points) + self.data
            values = self.data
        result = []
        ones_1d = math.unstack(math.ones_like(values), axis=-1)[0]
        staggered_shape = [i + 1 for i in resolution]
        dx = box.size / resolution

        dims = range(len(resolution))
        for d in dims: 
            staggered_offset = math.stack([(0.5 * dx[i] * ones_1d if i == d else 0.0 * ones_1d) for i in dims], axis=-1)

            indices = math.to_int(math.floor(self.sample_points + staggered_offset))
            valid_indices = math.maximum(0, math.minimum(indices, resolution))
            valid_indices = batch_indices(valid_indices)

            values_d = math.expand_dims(math.unstack(values, axis=-1)[d], axis=-1)
            result.append(math.scatter(self.sample_points, valid_indices, values_d, [indices.shape[0]] + staggered_shape + [1], duplicates_handling=self.mode))

            d_slice = tuple([(slice(0, -2) if i == d else slice(1,-1)) for i in dims])
            u_slice = tuple([(slice(2, None) if i == d else slice(1,-1)) for i in dims])
            active_mask = math.minimum(mask[(slice(None),) + d_slice + (slice(None),)], active_mask)
            active_mask = math.minimum(mask[(slice(None),) + u_slice + (slice(None),)], active_mask)
        staggered_tensor_prep = unstack_staggered_tensor(math.concat(result, axis=-1))
        grid_values = StaggeredGrid(staggered_tensor_prep)
        # Fix values at boundary of liquids (using StaggeredGrid these might not receive a value, so we replace it with a value inside the liquid)
        grid_values, _ = extrapolate(grid_values, active_mask, voxel_distance=2)
        return grid_values
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def sample_at(self, points):
     points_rank = math.spatial_rank(points)
     src_rank = math.spatial_rank(self.location)
     # --- Expand shapes to format (batch_size, points_dims..., src_dims..., channels) ---
     points = math.expand_dims(points, axis=-2, number=src_rank)
     src_points = math.expand_dims(self.location,
     src_strength = math.expand_dims(self.strength, axis=-1)
     src_strength = math.batch_align(src_strength, 0, self.location)
     src_strength = math.expand_dims(src_strength,
     src_axes = tuple(range(-2, -2 - src_rank, -1))
     # --- Compute distances and falloff ---
     distances = points - src_points
     if self.falloff is not None:
         raise NotImplementedError()
         # distances_squared = math.sum(distances ** 2, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
         # unit_distances = distances / math.sqrt(distances_squared)
         # strength = src_strength * math.exp(-distances_squared)
         strength = src_strength
     # --- Compute velocities ---
     if math.staticshape(points)[-1] == 2:  # Curl in 2D
         dist_1, dist_2 = math.unstack(distances, axis=-1)
         if GLOBAL_AXIS_ORDER.is_x_first:
             velocity = strength * math.stack([-dist_2, dist_1], axis=-1)
             velocity = strength * math.stack([dist_2, -dist_1], axis=-1)
     elif math.staticshape(points)[-1] == 3:  # Curl in 3D
         raise NotImplementedError('not yet implemented')
         raise AssertionError(
             'Vector product not available in > 3 dimensions')
     velocity = math.sum(velocity, axis=src_axes)
     return velocity
Ejemplo n.º 24
def batch_indices(indices):
Reshapes the indices such that, aside from indices, they also contain batch number.
For example the entry (32, 40) as coordinates of batch 2 will become (2, 32, 40).
Transform shape (b, p, d) to (b, p, d+1) where batch size is b, number of particles is p and number of dimensions is d. 
    batch_size = indices.shape[0]
    out_spatial_rank = len(indices.shape) - 2
    out_spatial_size = math.shape(indices)[1:-1]

    batch_range = math.DYNAMIC_BACKEND.choose_backend(indices).range(batch_size)
    batch_ids = math.reshape(batch_range, [batch_size] + [1] * out_spatial_rank)
    tile_shape = math.pad(out_spatial_size, [[1,0]], constant_values=1)
    batch_ids = math.expand_dims(math.tile(batch_ids, tile_shape), axis=-1)

    return math.concat((batch_ids, indices), axis=-1)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def _expand_axes(data, points, batch_size=1):
    assert math.spatial_rank(data) >= 0
    data = math.expand_dims(
        data, 1,
        math.spatial_rank(points) - math.spatial_rank(data))
    points_axes = math.staticshape(points)[1:-1]
    data_axes = math.staticshape(data)[1:-1]
    for d_points, d_data in zip(points_axes, data_axes):
        assert d_points % d_data == 0
    tilings = [batch_size or 1] + [
        d_points // d_data for d_points, d_data in zip(
    ] + [1]
    data = math.tile(data, tilings)
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 26
def _forward_divergence_nd(field):
    rank = spatial_rank(field)
    dims = range(rank)
    components = []
    for dimension in dims:
        vq = field[..., rank - dimension - 1]
        upper_slices = [(slice(1, None) if i == dimension else slice(None))
                        for i in dims]
        lower_slices = [(slice(-1) if i == dimension else slice(None))
                        for i in dims]
        diff = vq[[slice(None)] + upper_slices] - vq[[slice(None)] +
        padded = math.pad(diff,
                          [[0, 0]] + [([0, 1] if i == dimension else [0, 0])
                                      for i in dims])
    return math.expand_dims(math.add(components), -1)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def wrap_or_discard(points, check_bounds_dim, dimensions, periodic=False):
Handles points that lie outside the domain by either discarding them or wrapping them, depending on periodic.
    :param points: grid indices, typically of shape (dimensions, cell_count)
    :param check_bounds_dim: int
    :param dimensions: domain resolution
    :param periodic: if False: discard indices outside domain, if True: wrap indices outside domain
    if not periodic:
        upper_in_range_inx = np.nonzero((points[check_bounds_dim] < dimensions[check_bounds_dim]) & (points[check_bounds_dim] >= 0))[0]
        new_points = points[:, upper_in_range_inx]  # discard points outside domain
        upper_in_range_inx = slice(None)
        new_points = points % math.expand_dims(dimensions, -1)  # wrap points

    linear_points = np.ravel_multi_index(new_points, dimensions)
    return linear_points, upper_in_range_inx
Ejemplo n.º 28
def sparse_values(dimensions, extended_active_mask, extended_fluid_mask, sorting=None, periodic=False):
    Builds a sparse matrix such that when applied to a flattened pressure channel, it calculates the laplace
    of that channel, taking into account obstacles and empty cells.

    :param dimensions: valid simulation dimensions. Pressure channel should be of shape (batch size, dimensions..., 1)
    :param extended_active_mask: Binary tensor with 2 more entries in every dimension than 'dimensions'.
    :param extended_fluid_mask: Binary tensor with 2 more entries in every dimension than 'dimensions'.
    :return: SciPy sparse matrix that acts as a laplace on a flattened pressure channel given obstacles and empty cells
    N = int(np.prod(dimensions))
    d = len(dimensions)
    dims = range(d)

    values_list = []
    diagonal_entries = 0  # diagonal matrix entries

    gridpoints_linear = np.arange(N)
    gridpoints = np.stack(np.unravel_index(gridpoints_linear, dimensions)) # d * (N^2) array mapping from linear to spatial frames

    for dim in dims:
        lower_active, self_active, upper_active = _dim_shifted(extended_active_mask, dim, (-1, 0, 1), diminish_others=(1, 1))
        lower_accessible, upper_accessible = _dim_shifted(extended_fluid_mask, dim, (-1, 1), diminish_others=(1, 1))

        stencil_upper = upper_active * self_active
        stencil_lower = lower_active * self_active
        stencil_center = - lower_accessible - upper_accessible

        diagonal_entries += math.flatten(stencil_center)

        dim_direction = math.expand_dims([1 if i == dim else 0 for i in range(d)], axis=-1)
        # --- Stencil upper cells ---
        upper_points, upper_idx = wrap_or_discard(gridpoints + dim_direction, dim, dimensions, periodic=collapsed_gather_nd(periodic, [dim, 1]))
        values_list.append(math.gather(math.flatten(stencil_upper), upper_idx))
        # --- Stencil lower cells ---
        lower_points, lower_idx = wrap_or_discard(gridpoints - dim_direction, dim, dimensions, periodic=collapsed_gather_nd(periodic, [dim, 0]))
        values_list.append(math.gather(math.flatten(stencil_lower), lower_idx))

    values_list.insert(0, math.minimum(diagonal_entries, -1.))
    values = math.concat(values_list, axis=0)
    if sorting is not None:
        values = math.gather(values, sorting)
    return values
Ejemplo n.º 29
def sparse_pressure_matrix(dimensions, extended_active_mask, extended_fluid_mask, periodic=False):
Builds a sparse matrix such that when applied to a flattened pressure channel, it calculates the laplace
of that channel, taking into account obstacles and empty cells.

    :param dimensions: valid simulation dimensions. Pressure channel should be of shape (batch size, dimensions..., 1)
    :param extended_active_mask: Binary tensor with 2 more entries in every dimension than 'dimensions'.
    :param extended_fluid_mask: Binary tensor with 2 more entries in every dimension than 'dimensions'.
    :return: SciPy sparse matrix that acts as a laplace on a flattened pressure channel given obstacles and empty cells
    N = int(np.prod(dimensions))
    d = len(dimensions)
    A = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((N, N), dtype=np.float32)
    dims = range(d)

    diagonal_entries = np.zeros(N, extended_active_mask.dtype)  # diagonal matrix entries

    gridpoints_linear = np.arange(N)
    gridpoints = np.stack(np.unravel_index(gridpoints_linear, dimensions))  # d * (N^2) array mapping from linear to spatial frames

    for dim in dims:
        lower_active, self_active, upper_active = _dim_shifted(extended_active_mask, dim, (-1, 0, 1), diminish_others=(1,1))
        lower_accessible, upper_accessible = _dim_shifted(extended_fluid_mask, dim, (-1, 1), diminish_others=(1, 1))

        stencil_upper = upper_active * self_active
        stencil_lower = lower_active * self_active
        stencil_center = - lower_accessible - upper_accessible

        diagonal_entries += math.flatten(stencil_center)

        dim_direction = math.expand_dims([1 if i == dim else 0 for i in range(d)], axis=-1)
        # --- Stencil upper cells ---
        upper_points, upper_idx = wrap_or_discard(gridpoints + dim_direction, dim, dimensions, periodic=collapsed_gather_nd(periodic, [dim, 1]))
        A[gridpoints_linear[upper_idx], upper_points] = stencil_upper.flatten()[upper_idx]
        # --- Stencil lower cells ---
        lower_points, lower_idx = wrap_or_discard(gridpoints - dim_direction, dim, dimensions, periodic=collapsed_gather_nd(periodic, [dim, 0]))
        A[gridpoints_linear[lower_idx], lower_points] = stencil_lower.flatten()[lower_idx]

    A[gridpoints_linear, gridpoints_linear] = math.minimum(diagonal_entries, -1)  # avoid 0, could lead to NaN

    return scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(A)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def location(self, loc):
     loc = math.to_float(loc)
     assert math.staticshape(loc)[-1] in (2, 3)
     if math.ndims(loc) < 2:
         loc = math.expand_dims(loc, axis=0, number=2 - math.ndims(loc))
     return loc