Ejemplo n.º 1
def global_markers(layer_marker=10, layer_mask=20):
    D = Device('Global Markers')
    R = pg.rectangle(size=(20, 20), layer=1)
    a = D.add_array(R, columns=6, rows=6, spacing=(100, 100))
    a.move([-260, -260])  #Center of the array

    R = pg.rectangle(size=(20, 20), layer=1)
    a = D.add_array(R, columns=6, rows=6, spacing=(100, 100))
    a.move([-260, -260])  #Center of the array

    #Add marker cover
    cover = pg.bbox(bbox=a.bbox, layer=layer_mask)
    D << pg.offset(cover, distance=100, layer=layer_mask)
    return D
Ejemplo n.º 2
def poling_region(length=4000,

    Wfinger = period * dutycycle
    Nfinger = int(length / period) + 1
    length = Nfinger * period - (1 - dutycycle) * period

    P = Device('Poling Electrodes')

    #Positive side
    R = pg.rectangle([length, pad_width], layer=layer)
    F = pg.rectangle([Wfinger, Lfinger], layer=layer)
    P << R
    a = P.add_array(F, columns=Nfinger, rows=1, spacing=(period, 0))
    a.move([0, pad_width])

    #Negative side
    R2 = pg.rectangle([length, pad_width], layer=layer)
    r2 = P.add_ref(R2)
    r2.move([0, pad_width + Lfinger + gap])

    return P
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_write_and_import_gds():
    D = Device()
    D.add_ref(pg.rectangle(size=[1.5, 2.7], layer=[3, 2]))
    D.add_ref(pg.rectangle(size=[0.8, 2.5], layer=[9, 7]))
    D.add_array(pg.rectangle(size=[1, 2], layer=[4, 66]),
                spacing=[14, 7.5])
    D.add_array(pg.rectangle(size=[1.5, 2.5], layer=[4, 67]),
                spacing=[14, 7.5])
    D.add_polygon([[3, 4, 5], [6.7, 8.9, 10.15]], layer=[7, 8])
    D.add_polygon([[3, 4, 5], [1.7, 8.9, 10.15]], layer=[7, 9])
    precision = 1e-4
    unit = 1e-6
    h1 = D.hash_geometry(precision=precision)
    D.write_gds('temp.gds', precision=unit * precision, unit=1e-6)
    Dimport = pg.import_gds('temp.gds', flatten=False)
    h2 = Dimport.hash_geometry(precision=precision)
    assert (h1 == h2)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_group():
    # Test all types
    D = Device()
    E1 = pg.ellipse(radii=(10, 5), angle_resolution=2.5, layer=0)
    E2 = pg.rectangle(size=(4, 2), layer=0).movex(15)
    e1 = D << E1
    e2 = D << E2
    e3 = D << E2
    e4 = D.add_label('hello', position=(1.5, -1.5))
    e5 = pg.snspd()
    e6 = D.add_polygon([(8, 6, 7, 9, 7, 0), (6, 8, 9, 5, 7, 0)])
    e7 = D.add_array(pg.cross())
    e2verify = D << E2

    # Test creation and addition
    G = Group()
    G.add([e3, e4, e5])
    G += (e6, e7)
    assert np.allclose(G.bbox.flatten(), np.array([-10., -8.5, 105., 105.]))

    # Test movement
    G.move((2, 7))
    e2verify.move((2, 7))
    assert np.allclose(G.bbox.flatten(), np.array([-8., -1.5, 107., 112.]))
    assert all(e2.center == e2verify.center)
    assert e2.rotation == e2verify.rotation

    # Test rotation
    G.rotate(90, center=(5, 5))
    e2verify.rotate(90, center=(5, 5))
    assert np.allclose(G.bbox.flatten(), np.array([-102., -8., 11.5, 107.]))
    assert all(e2.center == e2verify.center)
    assert e2.rotation == e2verify.rotation

    # Test mirroring
    G.mirror(p1=(1, 1), p2=(-1, 1))
    e2verify.mirror(p1=(1, 1), p2=(-1, 1))
    assert np.allclose(G.bbox.flatten(), np.array([-102., -105., 11.5, 10.]))
    assert all(e2.center == e2verify.center)
    assert e2.rotation == e2verify.rotation
    h = D.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == '3964acb3971771c6e70ceb587c2ae8b37f2ed112')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_add_array():
    D = Device()
    E = Device()
    E.add_polygon([[30, 20], [30, 0], [0, 0], [0, 20]], layer=7)
    A = D.add_array(E, columns=7, rows=5, spacing=(31, 21))
    assert (A.bbox.tolist() == [[0.0, 0.0], [216.0, 104.0]])
    A.move((15, 1.5))
    A.mirror((0, 1))
    h = D.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == '418b7503baff80fbe93031d45d87557c277f07b4')

    F = Device()
    f1 = F << D
    f2 = F << D
    h = F.hash_geometry(precision=1e-4)
    assert (h == 'fd7c2b4adb811342b836d9fca13992eff951630d')
Ejemplo n.º 6
for p in all_ports:
    if 'is_useful' in p.info and p.info['is_useful'] is True:
        print(str(p) + ' is useful')

# Advanced: Using CellArray
# In GDS, there's a type of structure called a "CellArray" which takes a cell
# and repeats it NxM times on a fixed grid spacing.  For convenience, PHIDL
# includes this functionality with the add_array() function.  Note that
# CellArrays are not compatible with ports (since there is no way to
# access/modify individual elements in a GDS cellarray)

D = Device()
R = pg.rectangle([30, 20])
a = D.add_array(R, columns=7, rows=5, spacing=(31, 21))
# bbox gets the bounding box of the whole array
a.bbox.tolist() == [[0.0, 0.0], [216.0, 104.0]]

# Adding premade geometry with phidl.geometry
# Usually at the beginning of a phidl file we import the phidl.geometry module
# as ``pg``, like this:
import phidl.geometry as pg

# The ``pg`` module contains dozens of premade shapes and structures, ranging
# from simple ones like ellipses to complex photonic structures.  Let's create
# a few simple structures and plot them
D = Device()