Ejemplo n.º 1
def LoadVocabFromFile(pron_dict, limit=None, group_size=5000, transducer_file_pattern=None):
  """Returns a transducer that accepts and outputs all words in the input file."""
  #Load and return groups of minimized ar_vocab transducers (if exist)
  filenames = list(glob.iglob(transducer_file_pattern))
  if len(filenames) > 0 :
    all_transducers = [LoadTransducerFromFile(f) for f in filenames]
    return all_transducers, True

  print("Loading the vocab file")
  vocab = set()
  for word, ipa_pron_set in pron_dict.items():
    for ipa_pron in ipa_pron_set:
      vocab.add(ipa_pron)  # ipa_pron is tuple('d', 'o̯', 'e̯')
    if limit is not None and len(vocab) > limit:

  print("Checking missing letters in Alphabet")
  seen_letters = set()
  for w in vocab:
  missing_letters = seen_letters - pt.abc.ALL_LETTERS
  assert len(missing_letters) == 0, missing_letters

  print("Building transducer")
  print("Vocab size:", len(vocab), "num groups:", math.ceil(len(vocab) / group_size))

  all_transducers = []
  for i, w in enumerate(vocab):
    if i % group_size == 0:
      print(".", sep="", end="")
      t = pt.Transducer()
  return all_transducers, False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def no_complex_transducer(add_meta_arc=True):
    """No consonant clusters."""
    t = pt.Transducer()
    for l in pt.abc.VOWELS:
        t.add_arc(0, 0, l, l)
        t.add_arc(1, 0, l, l)

    for l in pt.abc.SYLLABLE_BOUNDARIES:
        t.add_arc(0, 0, l, l)
        t.add_arc(1, 0, l, l)

    for l in pt.abc.ALL_LETTERS - pt.abc.VOWELS:
        t.add_arc(0, 1, l, l)
        t.add_arc(1, 2, l, l)

    rule_name = "<<*COMPLEX>>"
    if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(2, 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(2, 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON,

    t[0].final = True
    t[1].final = True
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 3
def peak_transducer(add_meta_arc=True):
    """In a syllable sonority goes up then down (bell shaped)."""
    t = pt.Transducer()
    # Exact Peak implementation is replaced by its approxiamtion:
    # fire the Peak constraint if there is more than one vowel/semivowel/nasal in a sylable

    peaks = pt.abc.VOWELS - pt.abc.SEMIVOWELS
    not_peaks = pt.abc.ALL_SYMS - peaks

    for l in not_peaks:
        t.add_arc(0, 0, l, l)
        t.add_arc(1, 1, l, l)

    for l in peaks:
        t.add_arc(0, 1, l, l)
        t.add_arc(1, 2, l, l)

    for l in pt.abc.SYLLABLE_BOUNDARIES:
        t.add_arc(1, 0, l, l)
        t.add_arc(0, 0, l, l)

    # if more than one peak -- violation
    rule_name = "<<PEAK>>"
    if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(2, 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(2, 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON,

    t[0].final = True
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 4
def no_complex_margin_transducer(add_meta_arc=True):
    """No consonants around syllable boundaries. E.g. 'c.b'"""
    t = pt.Transducer()
    for l in pt.abc.VOWELS:
        t.add_arc(0, 0, l, l)
        t.add_arc(1, 0, l, l)
        t.add_arc(2, 0, l, l)

    for l in pt.abc.SYLLABLE_BOUNDARIES:
        t.add_arc(0, 0, l, l)
        t.add_arc(1, 2, l, l)
        t.add_arc(2, 0, l, l)

    for l in pt.abc.ALL_LETTERS - pt.abc.VOWELS:
        t.add_arc(0, 1, l, l)
        t.add_arc(1, 1, l, l)
        t.add_arc(2, 3, l, l)

    rule_name = "<<*COMPLEX-margin>>"
    if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(3, 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(3, 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON,

    t[0].final = True
    t[1].final = True
    t[2].final = True
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 5
def onset_transducer(add_meta_arc=True):
    """Syllables start with a consonant."""
    t = pt.Transducer()
    for l in pt.abc.CONSONANTS:
        t.add_arc(0, 1, l, l)
        t.add_arc(3, 1, l, l)

    for l in pt.abc.VOWELS - pt.abc.SEMIVOWELS:
        t.add_arc(0, 2, l, l)
        t.add_arc(3, 2, l, l)

    for l in pt.abc.ALL_LETTERS:
        t.add_arc(1, 1, l, l)

    for l in pt.abc.SYLLABLE_BOUNDARIES:
        t.add_arc(1, 3, l, l)

    rule_name = "<<ONSET>>"
    if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(2, 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(2, 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON,

    t[1].final = True
    t[3].final = True
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 6
def final_vowel_substitution_transducer(add_meta_arc=True):
  """Substitute final vowels (optionally)."""
  t = pt.Transducer()
  for l in pt.abc.ALL_SYMS:
    t.add_arc(0, 0, l, l)
    t.add_arc(0, 1, l, l)
  max_node = 1
  for s_ar, s_sw in pt.abc.AR_SW_FINAL_VOWELS:
    prev_node = 0
    for l_ar, l_sw in itertools.zip_longest(s_ar, s_sw, fillvalue=pt.abc.EPSILON):
      max_node += 1
      t.add_arc(prev_node, max_node, l_ar, l_sw) 
      prev_node = max_node
    if len(s_ar) < len(s_sw):
      rule_name = "<<DEP-IO>>"
      rule_name = "<<IDENT-IO-final>>"
    rule_name = "<<RO_MORPH>>"
    if add_meta_arc:
      t.add_arc(max_node, 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
      t.add_arc(max_node, 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS[rule_name])
    max_node += 1

  t.add_arc(1, 1, pt.abc.CONSONANT_DOT, pt.abc.CONSONANT_DOT)
  t.add_arc(1, 1, pt.abc.VOWEL_DOT, pt.abc.VOWEL_DOT)

  t[1].final = True
  return t
Ejemplo n.º 7
def ssp_transducer(add_meta_arc=True):
    """complex onsets rise in sonority toward the nucleus, 
     complex codas fall in sonority."""
    t = pt.Transducer()
    """Simplified version for open syllables
  sonority_letters = set()
  for i, sonority_set in enumerate(pt.abc.SONORITY_LIST[:-2]):
    state_num = i + 1
    for l in sonority_set:
      for j in range(state_num+1):
        t.add_arc(j, state_num, l, l)

  for i in range(0, state_num + 1):
    for l in pt.abc.SYLLABLE_BOUNDARIES | (pt.abc.ALL_LETTERS - sonority_letters):
      t.add_arc(i, 0, l, l)

  for i in range(1, state_num + 1):
    rule_name = "<<SSP>>"
    if add_meta_arc:
      t.add_arc(i, 0, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
      t.add_arc(i, 0, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS[rule_name])

  t[0].final = True
  return t
    # going up in sonority in a syllable
    for i, sonority_set in enumerate(pt.abc.SONORITY_LIST):
        t.add_arc(i, i + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON)
        for l in sonority_set:
            t.add_arc(i, i + 1, l, l)
            t.add_arc(i + 1, i + 1, l, l)
    max_sonority = len(pt.abc.SONORITY_LIST)

    # going down in sonority in a syllable
    max_state = max_sonority
    for i, sonority_set in enumerate(reversed(pt.abc.SONORITY_LIST)):
        i += max_sonority
        max_state = i + 1
        t.add_arc(i, i + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON)
        for l in sonority_set:
            t.add_arc(i, i + 1, l, l)
            t.add_arc(i + 1, i + 1, l, l)

    t.add_arc(max_state, 0, pt.abc.CONSONANT_DOT, pt.abc.CONSONANT_DOT)
    t.add_arc(max_state, 0, pt.abc.VOWEL_DOT, pt.abc.VOWEL_DOT)

    # if syllable letters are not in bell shape -- violation
    rule_name = "<<SSP>>"
    if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(max_state, 0, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(max_state, 0, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON,
    t[0].final = True
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 8
def strip_transducer(morpheme_set, operation_weight, add_meta_arc, rule_name):
    """Transducer that removes strings. Used for AR suffixes and prefixes"""
    t = pt.Transducer()
    t[0].final = True
    for w in morpheme_set:
        out_str = []
        if add_meta_arc:
            out_str = [rule_name]
        t.set_union(pt.linear_chain(w, out_str, operation_weight))
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 9
def unsyllabification_transducer(add_meta_arc=True):
    """Removes the CONSONANT_DOT and VOWEL_DOT symbols from the output."""
    t = pt.Transducer()
    for l in pt.abc.ALL_SYMS:
        if l in pt.abc.SYLLABLE_BOUNDARIES:
            t.add_arc(0, 0, l, pt.abc.EPSILON)
            t.add_arc(0, 0, l, l)
    t[0].final = pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS["<<BIAS>>"]
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 10
def min_consonant_count_transducer(min_consonant_count=3, add_meta_arc=True):
  """Allows only strings with at least |min_consonant_count| consonants."""
  t = pt.Transducer()
  for i in range(min_consonant_count+1):
    for l in pt.abc.ALL_SYMS:
      t.add_arc(i, i, l, l)
    if i > 0:
      for l in pt.abc.CONSONANTS:
        t.add_arc(i-1, i, l, l)
  t[min_consonant_count].final = True
  if add_meta_arc:
  return t
Ejemplo n.º 11
def append_transducer(morpheme_set,
    """Transducer that appends strings. Used for SW suffixes and prefixes"""
    t = pt.Transducer()
    t[0].final = True
    for w in morpheme_set:
        if add_meta_arc:
            w = list(w)
        t.set_union(pt.linear_chain("", w, operation_weight))
    if add_closure:
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 12
  def ApplyLoanwords(self, ar_vocab_groups, loanwords_transducer,
                     sw_pre_transducer, add_meta_arc, with_syllabification):
    time_a = time.time()
    sw_word_transducer = pt.UnionLinearChains(self.sw_pron_list)
    if add_meta_arc:
    if with_syllabification:
    time_sw = time.time()
    print("    building SW transducer took:", time_sw-time_a, "sec")

    ar_transducer = pt.UnionLinearChains(self.ar_word_list)
    time_b = time.time()
    print("    building AR transducer took:", time_b-time_sw, "sec")

    print("  sw_pre_transducer")
    sw_vocab = sw_pre_transducer >> sw_word_transducer
    time_c = time.time()
    print("    applying sw_pre_transducer took:", time_c-time_b, "sec")

    print("  loanwords")
    combined = loanwords_transducer >> sw_vocab
    time_d = time.time()
    print("    applying loanwords took:", time_d-time_c, "sec")

    print("  ar_vocab")
    self.t_all = pt.Transducer()
    for ar_vocab in ar_vocab_groups:
      print(".", sep="", end="")
      self.t_all.set_union(ar_vocab >> combined)
    time_e = time.time()
    print("    ar_vocab >> combined took:", time_e-time_d, "sec")

    print("  t_correct")
    self.t_correct = ar_transducer >> self.t_all
    time_g = time.time()
    print("    building t_correct took:", time_g-time_e, "sec")
    print("    total ApplyLoanwords took:", time_g-time_a, "sec")
Ejemplo n.º 13
def syllabification_transducer(add_meta_arc=True):
    """Appends CONSONANT_DOTs and VOWEL_DOTs symbols."""
    t = pt.Transducer()

    for l in pt.abc.CONSONANTS:
        t.add_arc(0, 1, l, l)
        t.add_arc(1, 1, l, l)
        t.add_arc(2, 1, l, l)
    t.add_arc(1, 0, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.CONSONANT_DOT)

    for l in pt.abc.VOWELS:
        t.add_arc(0, 2, l, l)
        t.add_arc(1, 2, l, l)
        t.add_arc(2, 2, l, l)
    t.add_arc(2, 0, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.VOWEL_DOT)

    t[0].final = True
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 14
def degemination_transducer(add_meta_arc=True): 
  """Remove repeated consonants (optionally)."""
  t = pt.Transducer()
  for l in pt.abc.ALL_SYMS:
    t.add_arc(0, 0, l, l)
  next_node = 1
  for l in pt.abc.CONSONANTS:
    t.add_arc(0, next_node, l, l)

    rule_name = "<<MAX-IO>>"
    if add_meta_arc:
      t.add_arc(next_node, 0, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
      t.add_arc(next_node, 0, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS[rule_name])
    next_node += 1

  t[0].final = True
  return t
Ejemplo n.º 15
def vowel_deletion_transducer(add_meta_arc=True):
  """Deletion of vowels."""
  t = pt.Transducer()
  for l in pt.abc.ALL_SYMS:
    t.add_arc(0, 0, l, l)
  next_node = 1
  for l in pt.abc.VOWELS:
    t.add_arc(0, next_node, l, pt.abc.EPSILON)

    rule_name = "<<MAX-V>>"
    if add_meta_arc:
      t.add_arc(next_node, 0, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
      t.add_arc(next_node, 0, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS[rule_name])
    next_node += 1

  t[0].final = True
  if add_meta_arc:
  return t
Ejemplo n.º 16
def epenthesis_transducer(add_meta_arc=True):
  """Inserts a vowel between two consonants (states 1 and 2) or at the end of
     the word after a consonant. Or just outputs the letters as-is."""
  t = pt.Transducer()
  for l in pt.abc.ALL_SYMS:
    t.add_arc(0, 0, l, l)
  for l in pt.abc.CONSONANTS:
    t.add_arc(0, 1, l, l)
    t.add_arc(2, 0, l, l)
  next_node = 3
  for l in pt.abc.VOWELS:
    t.add_arc(1, next_node, pt.abc.EPSILON, l)

    rule_name = "<<DEP-IO>>"
    if add_meta_arc:
      t.add_arc(next_node, 2, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
      t.add_arc(next_node, 2, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS[rule_name])
    next_node += 1

  t[0].final = True
  t[2].final = True
  return t
Ejemplo n.º 17
def nocoda_transducer(add_meta_arc=True):
    """Syllables are open."""
    t = pt.Transducer()
    for l in pt.abc.ALL_LETTERS:
        t.add_arc(0, 0, l, l)

    for l in pt.abc.CONSONANTS:
        t.add_arc(0, 1, l, l)
    t.add_arc(1, 2, pt.abc.CONSONANT_DOT, pt.abc.CONSONANT_DOT)
    t.add_arc(1, 2, pt.abc.VOWEL_DOT, pt.abc.VOWEL_DOT)
    rule_name = "<<NOCODA>>"
    if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(2, 0, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(2, 0, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON,

    for l in pt.abc.VOWELS | pt.abc.SYLLABLE_BOUNDARIES:
        t.add_arc(0, 3, l, l)
    t.add_arc(3, 0, pt.abc.CONSONANT_DOT, pt.abc.CONSONANT_DOT)
    t.add_arc(3, 0, pt.abc.VOWEL_DOT, pt.abc.VOWEL_DOT)

    t[0].final = True
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 18
def length_transducer(add_meta_arc=True):
    """Syllables should have at most 3 letters."""
    t = pt.Transducer()
    for l in pt.abc.ALL_LETTERS:
        t.add_arc(0, 1, l, l)
        t.add_arc(1, 2, l, l)
        t.add_arc(2, 3, l, l)
        t.add_arc(3, 4, l, l)

    for l in pt.abc.SYLLABLE_BOUNDARIES:
        t.add_arc(1, 0, l, l)
        t.add_arc(2, 0, l, l)
        t.add_arc(3, 0, l, l)

    rule_name = "<<LEN>>"
    if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(4, 3, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(4, 3, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON,

    t[0].final = True
    t[5].final = True
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 19
def phone_substitution_transducer(add_meta_arc=True):
  """Substitute similar phones (optionally)."""
  def DetectViolation(l_ar, l_sw, group):
    if l_ar == pt.abc.EPSILON or l_sw == pt.abc.EPSILON:
      return False
    if group[l_ar] != group[l_sw]:
      return True
    return False
  max_node = 0
  t = pt.Transducer()
  for l in pt.abc.ALL_SYMS:
    t.add_arc(0, 0, l, l)
  for s_ar, s_sw in pt.abc.AR_SW_SIMILAR_PHONES:
    prev_node = 0
    manner_violated = False
    place_violated = False
    sonority_violated = False
    voiced_violated = False
    #frontness_violated = False
    #openness_violated = False
    #roundness_violated = False
    rule_violated = False
    for l_ar, l_sw in itertools.zip_longest(s_ar, s_sw, fillvalue=pt.abc.EPSILON):
      max_node += 1
      t.add_arc(prev_node, max_node, l_ar, l_sw) 
      prev_node = max_node
      if not manner_violated:
        manner_violated = DetectViolation(l_ar, l_sw, pt.abc.MANNER_OF_ARTICULATION)
      if not place_violated:
        place_violated = DetectViolation(l_ar, l_sw, pt.abc.PLACE_OF_ARTICULATION)
      sonority_violated = DetectViolation(l_ar, l_sw, pt.abc.SONORITY)
      if not (manner_violated or place_violated):
        voiced_violated = DetectViolation(l_ar, l_sw, pt.abc.STATE_OF_GLOTTIS)
      if not frontness_violated:
        frontness_violated = DetectViolation(l_ar, l_sw, pt.abc.VOWEL_FRONTNESS)
      if not openness_violated:
        openness_violated = DetectViolation(l_ar, l_sw, pt.abc.VOWEL_OPENNESS)
      if not roundness_violated:
        roundness_violated = DetectViolation(l_ar, l_sw, pt.abc.VOWEL_ROUNDNESS)  
    if manner_violated:
      rule_violated = True
      rule_name = "<<IDENT-IO-manner>>"
      if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS[rule_name])
      max_node += 1

    if place_violated:
      rule_violated = True
      rule_name = "<<IDENT-IO-place>>"
      if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS[rule_name])
      max_node += 1
    if sonority_violated:
      rule_violated = True
      rule_name = "<<IDENT-IO-sonority>>"
      if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS[rule_name])
      max_node += 1
    if voiced_violated:
      rule_violated = True
      rule_name = "<<IDENT-IO-voiced>>"
      if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS[rule_name])
      max_node += 1
    rule_name = None
    if s_ar in pt.abc.PHARYNGEAL:
      rule_name = "<<IDENT-IO-PHARYNGEAL>>"
    elif s_ar in pt.abc.PHARYNGEALIZED:
      rule_name = "<<IDENT-IO-PHARYNGEALIZED>>"
    elif s_ar in pt.abc.GLOTTAL:
      rule_name = "<<IDENT-IO-GLOTTAL>>"
    if frontness_violated:
      rule_violated = True
      rule_name = "<<IDENT-IO-frontness>>"
      if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS[rule_name])
      max_node += 1
    if openness_violated:
      rule_violated = True
      rule_name = "<<IDENT-IO-openness>>"
      if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS[rule_name])
      max_node += 1

    if roundness_violated:
      rule_violated = True
      rule_name = "<<IDENT-IO-roundness>>"
      if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS[rule_name])
      max_node += 1
    rule_name = None
    if s_ar in pt.abc.VOWELS or s_sw in pt.abc.VOWELS and not rule_violated:
      rule_name = "<<IDENT-IO-v>>"
    elif rule_violated: 
      rule_name = "<<IDENT-IO-c>>"
    if rule_name:
      if add_meta_arc:
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, rule_name)
        t.add_arc(max_node, max_node + 1, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.OT_CONSTRAINTS[rule_name])
      max_node += 1

    t.add_arc(max_node, 0, pt.abc.EPSILON, pt.abc.EPSILON)

  t[0].final = True
  return t