def _standalone(argv): """Parse the given XML file and emit generated code.""" alternate = None short_data = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hsa:", ("help", "short", "alt=")) except getopt.GetoptError: prnt(__doc__, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): prnt(__doc__, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) elif opt in ("-s", "--short"): short_data = True elif opt in ("-a", "--alt"): alternate = arg else: prnt("Unknown option %s" % opt, file=sys.stderr) prnt(__doc__, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if len(args) != 3: prnt(__doc__, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) pmd = XPhoneNumberMetadata(args[0], short_data) if alternate is not None: pmd.add_alternate_formats(alternate) pmd.emit_metadata_py(args[1], args[2])
def _standalone(argv): """Parse the given input directory and emit generated code.""" varprefix = "GEOCODE" per_locale = True separator = None try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hv:fs:", ("help", "var=", "flat", "sep=")) except getopt.GetoptError: prnt(__doc__, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): prnt(__doc__, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) elif opt in ("-v", "--var"): varprefix = arg elif opt in ("-f", "--flat"): per_locale = False elif opt in ("-s", "--sep"): separator = arg else: prnt("Unknown option %s" % opt, file=sys.stderr) prnt(__doc__, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if len(args) != 3: prnt(__doc__, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if per_locale: prefixdata = load_locale_prefixdata(args[0], separator=separator) else: prefixdata = {} load_locale_prefixdata_file(prefixdata, args[0], separator=separator) output_prefixdata_code(prefixdata, args[1], args[2], varprefix, per_locale)
def emit_alt_formats_for_cc_py(self, cc, cc_filename, module_prefix): """Emit Python code generating the alternate format metadata for the given country code""" terrobj = self.alt_territory[cc] with open(cc_filename, "w") as outfile: prnt(_ALT_FORMAT_METADATA_PROLOG % (cc, module_prefix), file=outfile) prnt("PHONE_ALT_FORMAT_%s = %s" % (cc, terrobj), file=outfile)
def _standalone(argv): """Parse the given XML file and emit generated code.""" alternate = None short_data = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hlsa:", ("help", "lax", "short", "alt=")) except getopt.GetoptError: prnt(__doc__, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): prnt(__doc__, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) elif opt in ("-s", "--short"): short_data = True elif opt in ("-l", "--lax"): global lax lax = True elif opt in ("-a", "--alt"): alternate = arg else: prnt("Unknown option %s" % opt, file=sys.stderr) prnt(__doc__, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if len(args) != 3: prnt(__doc__, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) pmd = XPhoneNumberMetadata(args[0], short_data) if alternate is not None: pmd.add_alternate_formats(alternate) pmd.emit_metadata_py(args[1], args[2])
def _doTestNumberNonMatchesForLeniency(self, testCases, leniency): matchFoundCount = 0 for test in testCases: iterator = self.findNumbersForLeniency(test.rawString, test.region, leniency) match = if iterator.has_next() else None if match is not None: matchFoundCount += 1 prnt("Match found in %s for leniency: %s" % (test, leniency), file=sys.stderr) self.assertEqual(0, matchFoundCount)
def testGlobalNetworkNumbers(self): PhoneMetadata.load_all() for callingCode in PhoneMetadata._country_code_metadata.keys(): exampleNumber = phonenumberutil.example_number_for_non_geo_entity(callingCode) self.assertTrue(exampleNumber is not None, msg="No example phone number for calling code %s" % callingCode) if not phonenumberutil.is_valid_number(exampleNumber): self.invalid_cases.append(exampleNumber) prnt("Failed validation for %s" % exampleNumber, file=sys.stderr) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.invalid_cases))
def emit_metadata_for_region_py(self, region, region_filename, module_prefix): """Emit Python code generating the metadata for the given region""" terrobj = self.territory[region] with open(region_filename, "w") as outfile: prnt(_REGION_METADATA_PROLOG % { 'region': terrobj.identifier(), 'module': module_prefix }, file=outfile) prnt("PHONE_METADATA_%s = %s" % (terrobj.identifier(), terrobj), file=outfile)
def testSmsServiceShortNumbers(self): wrongTagCounter = 0 for regionCode in shortnumberinfo.SUPPORTED_SHORT_REGIONS: metadata = PhoneMetadata.short_metadata_for_region(regionCode, None) desc = metadata.sms_services if desc is not None and desc.example_number is not None: exampleNumber = desc.example_number smsServiceNumber = phonenumberutil.parse(exampleNumber, regionCode) if (not shortnumberinfo.is_possible_short_number_for_region(smsServiceNumber, regionCode) or not shortnumberinfo.is_sms_service_for_region(smsServiceNumber, regionCode)): wrongTagCounter += 1 prnt("SMS service test failed for %s" % regionCode, file=sys.stderr) self.assertEqual(0, wrongTagCounter)
def testCarrierSpecificShortNumbers(self): wrongTagCounter = 0 for regionCode in shortnumberinfo.SUPPORTED_SHORT_REGIONS: metadata = PhoneMetadata.short_metadata_for_region(regionCode, None) desc = metadata.carrier_specific if desc is not None and desc.example_number is not None: exampleNumber = desc.example_number carrierSpecificNumber = phonenumberutil.parse(exampleNumber, regionCode) if (not shortnumberinfo.is_possible_short_number_for_region(carrierSpecificNumber, regionCode) or not shortnumberinfo.is_carrier_specific_for_region(carrierSpecificNumber, regionCode)): wrongTagCounter += 1 prnt("Carrier-specific test failed for %s" % regionCode, file=sys.stderr) self.assertEqual(0, wrongTagCounter)
def _checkNumbersValidAndCorrectType(self, exampleNumberRequestedType, possibleExpectedTypes): """ Arguments: exampleNumberRequestedType -- type we are requesting an example number for possibleExpectedTypes -- acceptable types that this number should match, such as FIXED_LINE and FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE for a fixed line example number. """ for regionCode in phonenumberutil.SUPPORTED_REGIONS: exampleNumber = phonenumberutil.example_number_for_type( regionCode, exampleNumberRequestedType) if exampleNumber is not None: if not phonenumberutil.is_valid_number(exampleNumber): self.invalid_cases.append(exampleNumber) prnt("Failed validation for %s" % exampleNumber, file=sys.stderr) else: # We know the number is valid, now we check the type. exampleNumberType = phonenumberutil.number_type( exampleNumber) if exampleNumberType not in possibleExpectedTypes: self.wrong_type_cases.append(exampleNumber) prnt("Wrong type for %s: got %s" % (exampleNumber, exampleNumberType), file=sys.stderr) prnt("Expected types: ", file=sys.stderr) for phone_type in possibleExpectedTypes: prnt(" %s" % phone_type, file=sys.stderr)
def _doTestNumberMatchesForLeniency(self, testCases, leniency): noMatchFoundCount = 0 wrongMatchFoundCount = 0 for test in testCases: iterator = self.findNumbersForLeniency(test.rawString, test.region, leniency) match = if iterator.has_next() else None if match is None: noMatchFoundCount += 1 prnt("No match found in %s for leniency: %s" % (test, leniency), file=sys.stderr) else: if test.rawString != match.raw_string: wrongMatchFoundCount += 1 prnt("Found wrong match in test %s. Found %s" % (test, match), file=sys.stderr) self.assertEqual(0, noMatchFoundCount) self.assertEqual(0, wrongMatchFoundCount)
def testEmergency(self): wrongTypeCounter = 0 for regionCode in phonenumberutil.SUPPORTED_SHORT_REGIONS: metadata = PhoneMetadata.short_metadata_for_region(regionCode, None) desc = metadata.emergency if desc.example_number is not None: exampleNumber = desc.example_number if (not fullmatch(re.compile(desc.possible_number_pattern), exampleNumber) or not is_emergency_number(exampleNumber, regionCode)): wrongTypeCounter += 1 prnt("Emergency example number test failed for %s" % regionCode, file=sys.stderr) elif shortnumberinfo.expected_cost_for_region(exampleNumber, regionCode) != ShortNumberCost.TOLL_FREE: wrongTypeCounter += 1 prnt("Emergency example number not toll free for %s" % regionCode, file=sys.stderr) self.assertEqual(0, wrongTypeCounter)
def testCarrierSpecificShortNumbers(self): wrongTagCounter = 0 for regionCode in phonenumberutil.SUPPORTED_SHORT_REGIONS: # Test the carrier-specific tag. metadata = PhoneMetadata.short_metadata_for_region(regionCode, None) desc = metadata.carrier_specific if desc.example_number is not None: exampleNumber = desc.example_number carrierSpecificNumber = phonenumberutil.parse(exampleNumber, regionCode) if (not fullmatch(re.compile(desc.possible_number_pattern), exampleNumber) or not shortnumberinfo.is_carrier_specific(carrierSpecificNumber)): wrongTagCounter += 1 prnt("Carrier-specific test failed for %s" % regionCode, file=sys.stderr) # TODO: Test other tags here self.assertEqual(0, wrongTagCounter)
def testEmergency(self): wrongTypeCounter = 0 for regionCode in shortnumberinfo.SUPPORTED_SHORT_REGIONS: metadata = PhoneMetadata.short_metadata_for_region(regionCode, None) desc = metadata.emergency if desc is not None and desc.example_number is not None: exampleNumber = desc.example_number phoneNumber = phonenumberutil.parse(exampleNumber, regionCode) if (not is_possible_short_number_for_region(phoneNumber, regionCode) or not is_emergency_number(exampleNumber, regionCode)): wrongTypeCounter += 1 prnt("Emergency example number test failed for %s" % regionCode, file=sys.stderr) elif shortnumberinfo.expected_cost_for_region(phoneNumber, regionCode) != ShortNumberCost.TOLL_FREE: wrongTypeCounter += 1 prnt("Emergency example number not toll free for %s" % regionCode, file=sys.stderr) self.assertEqual(0, wrongTypeCounter)
def testCanBeInternationallyDialled(self): for regionCode in phonenumberutil.SUPPORTED_REGIONS: exampleNumber = None metadata = PhoneMetadata.metadata_for_region(regionCode, None) desc = None if metadata is not None: desc = metadata.no_international_dialling try: if desc is not None and desc.example_number is not None: exampleNumber = phonenumberutil.parse(desc.example_number, regionCode) except NumberParseException: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() prnt("Failed parse: %s" % e, file=sys.stderr) if (exampleNumber is not None and phonenumberutil.can_be_internationally_dialled(exampleNumber)): self.wrong_type_cases.append(exampleNumber) prnt("Number %s should not be internationally diallable" % exampleNumber, file=sys.stderr) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.wrong_type_cases))
def testCanBeInternationallyDialled(self): for regionCode in phonenumberutil.SUPPORTED_REGIONS: exampleNumber = None metadata = PhoneMetadata.metadata_for_region(regionCode, None) desc = None if metadata is not None: desc = metadata.no_international_dialling try: if desc.example_number is not None: exampleNumber = phonenumberutil.parse(desc.example_number, regionCode) except NumberParseException: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() prnt("Failed parse: %s" % e, file=sys.stderr) if (exampleNumber is not None and phonenumberutil._can_be_internationally_dialled(exampleNumber)): self.wrong_type_cases.append(exampleNumber) prnt("Number %s should not be internationally diallable" % exampleNumber, file=sys.stderr) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.wrong_type_cases))
def testCarrierSpecificShortNumbers(self): wrongTagCounter = 0 for regionCode in phonenumberutil.SUPPORTED_SHORT_REGIONS: # Test the carrier-specific tag. metadata = PhoneMetadata.short_metadata_for_region( regionCode, None) desc = metadata.carrier_specific if desc.example_number is not None: exampleNumber = desc.example_number carrierSpecificNumber = phonenumberutil.parse( exampleNumber, regionCode) if (not fullmatch(re.compile(desc.possible_number_pattern), exampleNumber) or not shortnumberinfo.is_carrier_specific( carrierSpecificNumber)): wrongTagCounter += 1 prnt("Carrier-specific test failed for %s" % regionCode, file=sys.stderr) # TODO: Test other tags here self.assertEqual(0, wrongTagCounter)
def testShortNumbersValidAndCorrectCost(self): invalid_string_cases = [] for regionCode in phonenumberutil.SUPPORTED_SHORT_REGIONS: exampleShortNumber = shortnumberinfo._example_short_number( regionCode) phoneNumber = phonenumberutil.parse(exampleShortNumber, regionCode) if not shortnumberinfo.is_valid_short_number_for_region( phoneNumber, regionCode): invalid_string_case = "region_code: %s, national_number: %s" % ( regionCode, exampleShortNumber) invalid_string_cases.append(invalid_string_case) prnt("Failed validation from string %s" % invalid_string_case, file=sys.stderr) if not shortnumberinfo.is_valid_short_number(phoneNumber): self.invalid_cases.append(phoneNumber) prnt("Failed validation for %s" % phoneNumber, file=sys.stderr) for cost in [ ShortNumberCost.TOLL_FREE, ShortNumberCost.STANDARD_RATE, ShortNumberCost.PREMIUM_RATE, ShortNumberCost.UNKNOWN_COST ]: exampleShortNumber = shortnumberinfo._example_short_number_for_cost( regionCode, cost) if exampleShortNumber != "": phoneNumber = phonenumberutil.parse( exampleShortNumber, regionCode) exampleCost = shortnumberinfo.expected_cost_for_region( phoneNumber, regionCode) if cost != exampleCost: self.wrong_type_cases.append(phoneNumber) prnt("Wrong cost for %s: got %s, expected: %s" % (phoneNumber, exampleCost, cost), file=sys.stderr) self.assertEqual(0, len(invalid_string_cases)) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.invalid_cases)) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.wrong_type_cases))
def _checkNumbersValidAndCorrectType(self, exampleNumberRequestedType, possibleExpectedTypes): """ Arguments: exampleNumberRequestedType -- type we are requesting an example number for possibleExpectedTypes -- acceptable types that this number should match, such as FIXED_LINE and FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE for a fixed line example number. """ for regionCode in phonenumberutil.SUPPORTED_REGIONS: exampleNumber = phonenumberutil.example_number_for_type(regionCode, exampleNumberRequestedType) if exampleNumber is not None: if not phonenumberutil.is_valid_number(exampleNumber): self.invalid_cases.append(exampleNumber) prnt("Failed validation for %s" % exampleNumber, file=sys.stderr) else: # We know the number is valid, now we check the type. exampleNumberType = phonenumberutil.number_type(exampleNumber) if exampleNumberType not in possibleExpectedTypes: self.wrong_type_cases.append(exampleNumber) prnt("Wrong type for %s: got %s" % (exampleNumber, exampleNumberType), file=sys.stderr) prnt("Expected types: ", file=sys.stderr) for phone_type in possibleExpectedTypes: prnt(" %s" % phone_type, file=sys.stderr)
def testShortNumbersValidAndCorrectCost(self): invalid_string_cases = [] for regionCode in phonenumberutil.SUPPORTED_SHORT_REGIONS: exampleShortNumber = shortnumberinfo._example_short_number(regionCode) phoneNumber = phonenumberutil.parse(exampleShortNumber, regionCode) if not shortnumberinfo.is_valid_short_number_for_region(phoneNumber, regionCode): invalid_string_case = "region_code: %s, national_number: %s" % (regionCode, exampleShortNumber) invalid_string_cases.append(invalid_string_case) prnt("Failed validation from string %s" % invalid_string_case, file=sys.stderr) if not shortnumberinfo.is_valid_short_number(phoneNumber): self.invalid_cases.append(phoneNumber) prnt("Failed validation for %s" % phoneNumber, file=sys.stderr) for cost in [ShortNumberCost.TOLL_FREE, ShortNumberCost.STANDARD_RATE, ShortNumberCost.PREMIUM_RATE, ShortNumberCost.UNKNOWN_COST]: exampleShortNumber = shortnumberinfo._example_short_number_for_cost(regionCode, cost) if exampleShortNumber != "": phoneNumber = phonenumberutil.parse(exampleShortNumber, regionCode) if cost != shortnumberinfo.expected_cost_for_region(phoneNumber, regionCode): self.wrong_type_cases.append(phoneNumber) prnt("Wrong cost for %s" % phoneNumber, file=sys.stderr) self.assertEqual(0, len(invalid_string_cases)) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.invalid_cases)) self.assertEqual(0, len(self.wrong_type_cases))
def emit_metadata_for_region_py(self, region, region_filename, module_prefix): """Emit Python code generating the metadata for the given region""" terrobj = self.territory[region] with open(region_filename, "w") as outfile: prnt(_REGION_METADATA_PROLOG % {'region': terrobj.identifier(), 'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) prnt("PHONE_METADATA_%s = %s" % (terrobj.identifier(), terrobj), file=outfile)
def emit_metadata_py(self, datadir, module_prefix): """Emit Python code for the phone number metadata to the given file, and to a data/ subdirectory in the same directory as that file.""" if not os.path.isdir(datadir): os.mkdir(datadir) modulefilename = os.path.join(datadir, '') # First, generate all of the individual per-region files in that directory for country_id in sorted(self.territory.keys()): filename = os.path.join(datadir, "" % country_id) self.emit_metadata_for_region_py(country_id, filename, module_prefix) # Same for any per-country-code alternate format files if self.alt_territory is not None: for country_code in sorted(self.alt_territory.keys()): filename = os.path.join(datadir, "" % country_code) self.emit_alt_formats_for_cc_py(country_code, filename, module_prefix) # Now build a module file that includes them all with open(modulefilename, "w") as outfile: prnt(METADATA_FILE_PROLOG, file=outfile) prnt(COPYRIGHT_NOTICE, file=outfile) prnt(METADATA_FILE_IMPORT % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) nongeo_codes = [] country_codes = [] for country_id in sorted(self.territory.keys()): terrobj = self.territory[country_id] if == REGION_CODE_FOR_NON_GEO_ENTITY: nongeo_codes.append(country_id) # int else: country_codes.append("'%s'" % country_id) # quoted string prnt("_AVAILABLE_REGION_CODES = [%s]" % ",".join(country_codes), file=outfile) if len(nongeo_codes) > 0: prnt("_AVAILABLE_NONGEO_COUNTRY_CODES = [%s]" % ", ".join(nongeo_codes), file=outfile) register_prefix = "short_" if self.short_data else "" prnt(METADATA_FILE_LOOP % {'prefix': register_prefix}, file=outfile) if len(nongeo_codes) > 0: prnt(METADATA_NONGEO_FILE_LOOP, file=outfile) if self.alt_territory is not None: for country_code in sorted(self.alt_territory.keys()): prnt("from .alt_format_%s import PHONE_ALT_FORMAT_%s" % (country_code, country_code), file=outfile) prnt("_ALT_NUMBER_FORMATS = {%s}" % ", ".join([ "%s: PHONE_ALT_FORMAT_%s" % (cc, cc) for cc in sorted(self.alt_territory.keys()) ]), file=outfile) # Build up a map from country code (int) to list of region codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha 2) country_code_to_region_code = {} for country_id in sorted(self.territory.keys()): terrobj = self.territory[country_id] if terrobj.o.country_code is not None: country_code = int(terrobj.o.country_code) if country_code not in country_code_to_region_code: country_code_to_region_code[country_code] = [] if terrobj.o.main_country_for_code: country_code_to_region_code[country_code].insert( 0, else: country_code_to_region_code[country_code].append( # Emit the mapping from country code to region code if nonempty. if len(country_code_to_region_code.keys()) > 0: prnt(_COUNTRY_CODE_TO_REGION_CODE_PROLOG, file=outfile) prnt("_COUNTRY_CODE_TO_REGION_CODE = {", file=outfile) for country_code in sorted(country_code_to_region_code.keys()): country_ids = country_code_to_region_code[country_code] prnt(' %d: ("%s",),' % (country_code, '", "'.join(country_ids)), file=outfile) prnt("}", file=outfile)
def emit_metadata_py(self, datadir, module_prefix): """Emit Python code for the phone number metadata to the given file, and to a data/ subdirectory in the same directory as that file.""" if not os.path.isdir(datadir): os.mkdir(datadir) modulefilename = os.path.join(datadir, '') # First, generate all of the individual per-region files in that directory for country_id in sorted(self.territory.keys()): filename = os.path.join(datadir, "" % country_id) self.emit_metadata_for_region_py(country_id, filename, module_prefix) # Same for any per-country-code alternate format files if self.alt_territory is not None: for country_code in sorted(self.alt_territory.keys()): filename = os.path.join(datadir, "" % country_code) self.emit_alt_formats_for_cc_py(country_code, filename, module_prefix) # Now build a module file that includes them all with open(modulefilename, "w") as outfile: prnt(METADATA_FILE_PROLOG, file=outfile) prnt(COPYRIGHT_NOTICE, file=outfile) prnt(METADATA_FILE_IMPORT % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) nongeo_codes = [] country_codes = [] for country_id in sorted(self.territory.keys()): terrobj = self.territory[country_id] if == REGION_CODE_FOR_NON_GEO_ENTITY: nongeo_codes.append(country_id) # int else: country_codes.append("'%s'" % country_id) # quoted string prnt("_AVAILABLE_REGION_CODES = [%s]" % ",".join(country_codes), file=outfile) if len(nongeo_codes) > 0: prnt("_AVAILABLE_NONGEO_COUNTRY_CODES = [%s]" % ", ".join(nongeo_codes), file=outfile) register_prefix = "short_" if self.short_data else "" prnt(METADATA_FILE_LOOP % {'prefix': register_prefix}, file=outfile) if len(nongeo_codes) > 0: prnt(METADATA_NONGEO_FILE_LOOP, file=outfile) if self.alt_territory is not None: for country_code in sorted(self.alt_territory.keys()): prnt("from .alt_format_%s import PHONE_ALT_FORMAT_%s" % (country_code, country_code), file=outfile) prnt("_ALT_NUMBER_FORMATS = {%s}" % ", ".join(["%s: PHONE_ALT_FORMAT_%s" % (cc, cc) for cc in sorted(self.alt_territory.keys())]), file=outfile) # Build up a map from country code (int) to list of region codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha 2) country_code_to_region_code = {} for country_id in sorted(self.territory.keys()): terrobj = self.territory[country_id] if terrobj.o.country_code is not None: country_code = int(terrobj.o.country_code) if country_code not in country_code_to_region_code: country_code_to_region_code[country_code] = [] if terrobj.o.main_country_for_code: country_code_to_region_code[country_code].insert(0, else: country_code_to_region_code[country_code].append( # Emit the mapping from country code to region code if nonempty. if len(country_code_to_region_code.keys()) > 0: prnt(_COUNTRY_CODE_TO_REGION_CODE_PROLOG, file=outfile) prnt("_COUNTRY_CODE_TO_REGION_CODE = {", file=outfile) for country_code in sorted(country_code_to_region_code.keys()): country_ids = country_code_to_region_code[country_code] prnt(' %d: ("%s",),' % (country_code, '", "'.join(country_ids)), file=outfile) prnt("}", file=outfile)
def output_prefixdata_code(prefixdata, outfilename, module_prefix, varprefix, per_locale): """Output the per-prefix data in Python form to the given file """ sorted_keys = sorted(prefixdata.keys()) total_keys = len(sorted_keys) total_chunks = int(math.ceil(total_keys / float(PREFIXDATA_CHUNK_SIZE))) outdirname = os.path.dirname(outfilename) longest_prefix = 0 for chunk_num in range(total_chunks): chunk_index = PREFIXDATA_CHUNK_SIZE * chunk_num chunk_keys = sorted_keys[chunk_index:chunk_index + PREFIXDATA_CHUNK_SIZE] chunk_data = {} for key in chunk_keys: chunk_data[key] = prefixdata[key] chunk_file = os.path.join(outdirname, '' % chunk_num) chunk_longest = output_prefixdata_chunk( chunk_data, chunk_file, module_prefix, per_locale) if chunk_longest > longest_prefix: longest_prefix = chunk_longest with open(outfilename, "w") as outfile: if per_locale: prnt(PREFIXDATA_LOCALE_FILE_PROLOG % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) else: prnt(PREFIXDATA_FILE_PROLOG % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) prnt(COPYRIGHT_NOTICE, file=outfile) prnt("%s_DATA = {}" % varprefix, file=outfile) for chunk_num in range(total_chunks): prnt("from .data%d import data" % chunk_num, file=outfile) prnt("%s_DATA.update(data)" % varprefix, file=outfile) prnt("del data", file=outfile) prnt("%s_LONGEST_PREFIX = %d" % (varprefix, longest_prefix), file=outfile)
def output_prefixdata_code(prefixdata, outfilename, module_prefix, varprefix, per_locale): """Output the per-prefix data in Python form to the given file """ sorted_keys = sorted(prefixdata.keys()) total_keys = len(sorted_keys) total_chunks = int(math.ceil(total_keys / float(PREFIXDATA_CHUNK_SIZE))) outdirname = os.path.dirname(outfilename) longest_prefix = 0 for chunk_num in range(total_chunks): chunk_index = PREFIXDATA_CHUNK_SIZE * chunk_num chunk_keys = sorted_keys[chunk_index:chunk_index + PREFIXDATA_CHUNK_SIZE] chunk_data = {} for key in chunk_keys: chunk_data[key] = prefixdata[key] chunk_file = os.path.join(outdirname, '' % chunk_num) chunk_longest = output_prefixdata_chunk(chunk_data, chunk_file, module_prefix, per_locale) if chunk_longest > longest_prefix: longest_prefix = chunk_longest with open(outfilename, "w") as outfile: if per_locale: prnt(PREFIXDATA_LOCALE_FILE_PROLOG % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) else: prnt(PREFIXDATA_FILE_PROLOG % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) prnt(COPYRIGHT_NOTICE, file=outfile) prnt("%s_DATA = {}" % varprefix, file=outfile) for chunk_num in range(total_chunks): prnt("from .data%d import data" % chunk_num, file=outfile) prnt("%s_DATA.update(data)" % varprefix, file=outfile) prnt("del data", file=outfile) prnt("%s_LONGEST_PREFIX = %d" % (varprefix, longest_prefix), file=outfile)
with open(filename, "r") as infile: for line in infile: m = CLASS_RE.match(line) if m: grepped_all.add( m = FUNCTION_RE.match(line) if m: grepped_all.add( m = CONSTANT_RE.match(line) if m: grepped_all.add( # Pull in the declared identifiers code_all = (set(phonenumbers.__all__) | set(phonenumbers.geocoder.__all__) | set(phonenumbers.carrier.__all__) | set(phonenumbers.timezone.__all__)) # Compare code_not_grepped = (code_all - grepped_all) grepped_not_code = (grepped_all - code_all) if len(code_not_grepped) > 0: prnt("Found the following in __all__ but not in grepped code:", file=sys.stderr) for identifier in code_not_grepped: prnt(" %s" % identifier, file=sys.stderr) if len(grepped_not_code) > 0: prnt("Found the following in grepped code but not in __all__:", file=sys.stderr) for identifier in grepped_not_code: prnt(" %s" % identifier, file=sys.stderr)
def output_prefixdata_code(prefixdata, outfilename, module_prefix, varprefix, per_locale, chunks): """Output the per-prefix data in Python form to the given file """ sorted_keys = sorted(prefixdata.keys()) total_keys = len(sorted_keys) if chunks == -1: chunk_size = PREFIXDATA_CHUNK_SIZE total_chunks = int(math.ceil(total_keys / float(chunk_size))) else: chunk_size = int(math.ceil(total_keys / float(chunks))) total_chunks = chunks outdirname = os.path.dirname(outfilename) longest_prefix = 0 for chunk_num in range(total_chunks): chunk_index = chunk_size * chunk_num chunk_keys = sorted_keys[chunk_index:chunk_index + chunk_size] chunk_data = {} for key in chunk_keys: chunk_data[key] = prefixdata[key] chunk_file = os.path.join(outdirname, '' % chunk_num) chunk_longest = output_prefixdata_chunk(chunk_data, chunk_file, module_prefix, per_locale) if chunk_longest > longest_prefix: longest_prefix = chunk_longest with open(outfilename, "w") as outfile: if per_locale: prnt(PREFIXDATA_LOCALE_FILE_PROLOG % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) else: prnt(PREFIXDATA_FILE_PROLOG % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) prnt(COPYRIGHT_NOTICE, file=outfile) prnt("%s_DATA = {}" % varprefix, file=outfile) for chunk_num in range(total_chunks): prnt("from .data%d import data" % chunk_num, file=outfile) prnt("%s_DATA.update(data)" % varprefix, file=outfile) prnt("del data", file=outfile) prnt("%s_LONGEST_PREFIX = %d" % (varprefix, longest_prefix), file=outfile) # Emit corresponding typing info. with open(outfilename + "i", "w") as pyifile: if per_locale: prnt("%s_DATA: dict[str, dict[str, str]]" % varprefix, file=pyifile) else: prnt("%s_DATA: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]]" % varprefix, file=pyifile) prnt("%s_LONGEST_PREFIX: int" % varprefix, file=pyifile)
def output_prefixdata_code(prefixdata, outfilename, module_prefix, varprefix, per_locale): """Output the per-prefix data in Python form to the given file """ with open(outfilename, "w") as outfile: longest_prefix = 0 if per_locale: prnt(PREFIXDATA_LOCALE_FILE_PROLOG % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) else: prnt(PREFIXDATA_FILE_PROLOG % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) prnt(COPYRIGHT_NOTICE, file=outfile) prnt("%s_DATA = {" % varprefix, file=outfile) for prefix in sorted(prefixdata.keys()): if len(prefix) > longest_prefix: longest_prefix = len(prefix) if per_locale: prnt(" '%s':%s," % (prefix, _stable_dict_repr(prefixdata[prefix])), file=outfile) else: prnt(" '%s':%s," % (prefix, _tuple_repr(prefixdata[prefix])), file=outfile) prnt("}", file=outfile) prnt("%s_LONGEST_PREFIX = %d" % (varprefix, longest_prefix), file=outfile)
def output_prefixdata_chunk(prefixdata, outfilename, module_prefix, per_locale): with open(outfilename, "w") as outfile: longest_prefix = 0 if per_locale: prnt(PREFIXDATA_LOCALE_FILE_PROLOG % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) else: prnt(PREFIXDATA_FILE_PROLOG % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) prnt(COPYRIGHT_NOTICE, file=outfile) prnt("data = {", file=outfile) for prefix in sorted(prefixdata.keys()): if len(prefix) > longest_prefix: longest_prefix = len(prefix) if per_locale: prnt(" '%s':%s," % (prefix, _stable_dict_repr(prefixdata[prefix])), file=outfile) else: prnt(" '%s':%s," % (prefix, _tuple_repr(prefixdata[prefix])), file=outfile) prnt("}", file=outfile) return longest_prefix
def output_prefixdata_chunk(prefixdata, outfilename, module_prefix, per_locale): with open(outfilename, "w") as outfile: longest_prefix = 0 if per_locale: prnt(PREFIXDATA_LOCALE_FILE_PROLOG % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) else: prnt(PREFIXDATA_FILE_PROLOG % {'module': module_prefix}, file=outfile) prnt(COPYRIGHT_NOTICE, file=outfile) prnt("data = {", file=outfile) for prefix in prefixdata.keys(): if len(prefix) > longest_prefix: longest_prefix = len(prefix) if per_locale: prnt(" '%s':%s," % (prefix, _stable_dict_repr(prefixdata[prefix])), file=outfile) else: prnt(" '%s':%s," % (prefix, _tuple_repr(prefixdata[prefix])), file=outfile) prnt("}", file=outfile) return longest_prefix