Ejemplo n.º 1
def optimalAperture(t_time,
    This routine determines an optimal apertures and outputs the flux (i.e. a light curve) from a TPF.

    t_time = 1D array of 'TIME' from TPF
    t_fluxarr = 1D array of 'FLUX' from TPF
    t_quality = 1D array of 'QUALITY' from TPF
    qual_cut = exclude cadences with a non-zero quality flag; this is False by default
    return_qual = if True then nothing is returned; this is True by default
    toss_resat = exclude cadences where there is a wheel resaturation event; this is True by default
    bg_cut = threshold to find pixels that are bg_cut * MAD above the median
    skip = index of first cadence that should be used in the time series

    time = 1D array of time in BKJD
    lc = 1D array of flux measured in optimal aperture
    xbar = 1D array of x-coordinate of target centroid
    ybar = 1D array of y-coordinate of target centroid
    regnum = integer value of brightest pixel
    lab = 2D array identifying pixels used in aperture

    tpf,tpf_hdr = ar.getLongTpf(k2id, campaign, header=True)

    tpf_time = tpf['TIME']
    tpf_flux = tpf['FLUX']
    tpf_quality = tpf['QUALITY']

    time,lc,xbar,ybar,regnum,lab = optimalAperture(tpf_time, tpf_flux, tpf_quality, qual_cut=False, return_qual=False, toss_resat=True, bg_cut=5, skip=0)

    time = t_time[skip:]
    fluxarr = t_fluxarr[skip:]
    quality = t_quality[skip:]

    if qual_cut:
        time = time[quality == 0]
        fluxarr = fluxarr[quality == 0, :, :]
    elif toss_resat:
        # cadences where there is a wheel resaturation event
        time = time[quality != 32800]
        fluxarr = fluxarr[quality != 32800, :, :]

    #remove any nans
        fluxarr[fluxarr == 0] = np.nan
    except ValueError:

    #subtract background
    flux_b = bg_sub(fluxarr)

    # create a median image to calculate where the pixels to use are
    flatim = np.nanmedian(flux_b, axis=0)

    #find pixels that are X MAD above the median
    vals = flatim[np.isfinite(flatim)].flatten()
    mad_cut = 1.4826 * MAD(vals) * bg_cut

    flatim[np.isnan(flatim)] = 0.
    region = np.where(flatim > mad_cut, 1, 0)
    lab = label(region)[0]

    #find the central pixel
    imshape = np.shape(flatim)
    centralpix = [1 + imshape[0] // 2, 1 + imshape[1] // 2]

    #find brightest pix within 9x9 of central pix
    #this assumes target is at center of postage stamp which I think is ok
    centflatim = flatim[centralpix[0] - 2:centralpix[0] + 2,
                        centralpix[1] - 2:centralpix[1] + 2]
    flatimfix = np.where(np.isfinite(centflatim), centflatim, 0)
    brightestpix = np.unravel_index(flatimfix.argmax(), centflatim.shape)
    bpixy, bpixx = brightestpix

    #use all pixels in the postage stamp that are X MAD above the median
    #this identifies location of brightest pixel only
    regnum = lab[centralpix[0] - 2 + bpixy, centralpix[1] - 2 + bpixx]

    lc = np.zeros_like(time)
    xbar = np.zeros_like(time)
    ybar = np.zeros_like(time)

    #make a rectangular aperture for the moments thing
    ymin = np.min(np.where(lab == regnum)[0])
    ymax = np.max(np.where(lab == regnum)[0])
    xmin = np.min(np.where(lab == regnum)[1])
    xmax = np.max(np.where(lab == regnum)[1])

    momlims = [ymin, ymax + 1, xmin, xmax + 1]

    #loop that performs the aperture photometry
    for i, fl in enumerate(flux_b):
        lc[i] = np.sum(fl[lab == regnum])
        #lc[i] = np.sum(fl[np.where(lab == 1)]
        momim = fl[momlims[0]:momlims[1], momlims[2]:momlims[3]]
        momim[~np.isfinite(momim)] == 0.0
        xbar[i], ybar[i], cov = intertial_axis(momim)

    if return_qual:
        return None
        # TODO: think about whether this should be normalized
        return (time, lc, xbar - np.nanmean(xbar), ybar - np.nanmean(ybar),
                regnum, lab)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_C0_data_extract(fn, second_half_only=True,
    qual_cut=False, return_qual=False, toss_resat=True,
    bg_cut=5, skip_cads=None, skip=None):

    #for C0, lets just ise the good data post safe mode
    if second_half_only and skip_cads == None:
        skip = 1976
    elif skip is not None:
        skip = skip_cads
        skip = 0

    with pyfits.open(fn) as f:
        time = f[1].data['TIME'][skip:] - f[1].data['TIME'][0]
        fluxarr = f[1].data['FLUX'][skip:]
        quality = f[1].data['QUALITY'][skip:]

    if qual_cut:
        time = time[quality == 0]
        fluxarr = fluxarr[quality == 0,:,:]
    elif toss_resat:
        # data the cadences where there is a wheel
        # resetuation event
        time = time[quality != 32800]
        fluxarr = fluxarr[quality != 32800,:,:]

    # fix dodgy data
    # the first C0 data release included zeros
    # this will be changed later but we need this
    # fix for now
    fluxarr[fluxarr == 0] = np.nan

    #subtract background
    flux_b = bg_sub(fluxarr)

    # create a median image to calculate where
    # the pixels to use are: is this good?
    # this needs to be investiagated.
    flatim = np.nanmedian(flux_b,axis=0)

    #fixd pixels that are X MAD above the median
    vals = flatim[np.isfinite(flatim)].flatten()
    mad_cut = 1.4826 * MAD(vals) * bg_cut

    region = np.where(flatim > mad_cut,1,0)
    lab = label(region)[0]

    #find the central pixel
    imshape = np.shape(flatim)
    centralpix = [1+imshape[0] // 2,1+imshape[1] // 2]

    #find brightest pix within 9x9 of central pix
    centflatim = flatim[centralpix[0]-4:centralpix[0]+4,
    flatimfix = np.where(np.isfinite(centflatim),centflatim,0)
    brightestpix = np.unravel_index(flatimfix.argmax(), centflatim.shape)
    bpixy, bpixx = brightestpix

    regnum = lab[centralpix[0]-4+bpixy,centralpix[1]-4+bpixx]
    if regnum == 0:
        print('WARNING, no star was found in light curve, \
            {} light curve will be junk!'.format(fn))

    lc = np.zeros_like(time)
    xbar = np.zeros_like(time)
    ybar = np.zeros_like(time)

    #there is a loop that performs the aperture photometry
    #lets also calcualte the moments of the image

    #make a rectangular aperture for the moments thing
    ymin = np.min(np.where(lab == regnum)[0])
    ymax = np.max(np.where(lab == regnum)[0])
    xmin = np.min(np.where(lab == regnum)[1])
    xmax = np.max(np.where(lab == regnum)[1])
    #print(np.where(lab == regnum))
    momlims = [ymin,ymax+1,xmin,xmax+1]

    for i,fl in enumerate(fluxarr):
        lc[i] = np.sum(fl[lab == regnum])
        momim = fl[momlims[0]:momlims[1],
        momim[~np.isfinite(momim)] == 0.0
        xbar[i], ybar[i], cov = intertial_axis(momim)

    if return_qual:
        return None
        return (time,lc, xbar /
            np.mean(xbar), ybar / np.mean(xbar), regnum)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def optimalAperture(t_time, t_fluxarr, t_quality, qual_cut=False, return_qual=False, toss_resat=False, bg_cut=5, skip=0):
    This routine determines an optimal apertures and outputs the flux (i.e. a light curve) from a TPF.

    t_time = 1D array of 'TIME' from TPF
    t_fluxarr = 1D array of 'FLUX' from TPF
    t_quality = 1D array of 'QUALITY' from TPF
    qual_cut = exclude cadences with a non-zero quality flag; this is False by default
    return_qual = if True then nothing is returned; this is True by default
    toss_resat = exclude cadences where there is a wheel resaturation event; this is True by default
    bg_cut = threshold to find pixels that are bg_cut * MAD above the median
    skip = index of first cadence that should be used in the time series

    time = 1D array of time in BKJD
    lc = 1D array of flux measured in optimal aperture
    xbar = 1D array of x-coordinate of target centroid
    ybar = 1D array of y-coordinate of target centroid
    regnum = integer value of brightest pixel
    lab = 2D array identifying pixels used in aperture

    tpf,tpf_hdr = ar.getLongTpf(k2id, campaign, header=True)

    tpf_time = tpf['TIME']
    tpf_flux = tpf['FLUX']
    tpf_quality = tpf['QUALITY']

    time,lc,xbar,ybar,regnum,lab = optimalAperture(tpf_time, tpf_flux, tpf_quality, qual_cut=False, return_qual=False, toss_resat=True, bg_cut=5, skip=0)

    time = t_time[skip:]
    fluxarr = t_fluxarr[skip:]
    quality = t_quality[skip:]

    if qual_cut:
        time = time[quality == 0]
        fluxarr = fluxarr[quality == 0,:,:]
    elif toss_resat:
        # cadences where there is a wheel resaturation event
        time = time[quality != 32800]
        fluxarr = fluxarr[quality != 32800,:,:]

    #remove any nans
    fluxarr[fluxarr == 0] = np.nan

    #subtract background
    flux_b = bg_sub(fluxarr)

    # create a median image to calculate where the pixels to use are
    flatim = np.nanmedian(flux_b,axis=0)

    #find pixels that are X MAD above the median
    vals = flatim[np.isfinite(flatim)].flatten()
    mad_cut = 1.4826 * MAD(vals) * bg_cut
    flatim[np.isnan(flatim)] = 0.
    region = np.where(flatim > mad_cut,1,0)
    lab = label(region)[0]

    #find the central pixel
    imshape = np.shape(flatim)
    centralpix = [1+imshape[0] // 2,1+imshape[1] // 2]

    #find brightest pix within 9x9 of central pix
    #this assumes target is at center of postage stamp which I think is ok
    centflatim = flatim[centralpix[0]-4:centralpix[0]+4,
    flatimfix = np.where(np.isfinite(centflatim),centflatim,0)
    brightestpix = np.unravel_index(flatimfix.argmax(), centflatim.shape)
    bpixy, bpixx = brightestpix

    #use all pixels in the postage stamp that are X MAD above the median
    #this identifies location of brightest pixel only
    regnum = lab[centralpix[0]-4+bpixy,centralpix[1]-4+bpixx]

    lc = np.zeros_like(time)
    xbar = np.zeros_like(time)
    ybar = np.zeros_like(time)

    #make a rectangular aperture for the moments thing
    ymin = np.min(np.where(lab == regnum)[0])
    ymax = np.max(np.where(lab == regnum)[0])
    xmin = np.min(np.where(lab == regnum)[1])
    xmax = np.max(np.where(lab == regnum)[1])

    momlims = [ymin,ymax+1,xmin,xmax+1]

    #loop that performs the aperture photometry
    for i,fl in enumerate(flux_b):
        lc[i] = np.sum(fl[lab == regnum])
        #lc[i] = np.sum(fl[np.where(lab == 1)]
        momim = fl[momlims[0]:momlims[1],
        momim[~np.isfinite(momim)] == 0.0
        xbar[i], ybar[i], cov = intertial_axis(momim)

    if return_qual:
        return None
        # TODO: think about whether this should be normalized
        return (time,lc, xbar - np.nanmean(xbar), ybar - np.nanmean(ybar), regnum, lab)