def detail_mosaic(filename, dirname): from import imread image = imread(filename) # Size the image to be evenly divisible by the tiles. from skimage import img_as_float image = img_as_float(image) # Use perceptually uniform colorspace for all analysis. import photomosaic as pm converted_img = pm.perceptual(image) pool = pm.make_pool(dirname + '/*.jpg') # Adapt the color palette of the image to resemble the palette of the pool. adapted_img = pm.adapt_to_pool(converted_img, pool) scaled_img = pm.rescale_commensurate(adapted_img, grid_dims=(30, 30), depth=1) tiles = pm.partition(scaled_img, grid_dims=(30, 30), depth=1) annotated_img = pm.draw_tile_layout(pm.rgb(scaled_img), tiles) from import imsave imsave(filename[:-4] + '_detail_mosaic' + filename[-4:], annotated_img)
import os import numpy as np import photomosaic as pm from import imsave from import chelsea from skimage import img_as_float here = os.path.dirname(__file__) POOL_PATH = '/tmp/photomosaic-docs-pool/pool.json' pool = pm.import_pool(os.path.join(POOL_PATH)) image = img_as_float(chelsea()) converted_img = pm.perceptual(image) scaled_img = pm.rescale_commensurate(converted_img, grid_dims=(30, 30), depth=0) tiles = pm.partition(scaled_img, grid_dims=(30, 30), depth=0) tile_colors = [np.mean(scaled_img[tile].reshape(-1, 3), 0) for tile in tiles] match = pm.simple_matcher(pool) matches = [match(tc) for tc in tile_colors] canvas = np.ones_like(scaled_img) # white canvas mos = pm.draw_mosaic(canvas, tiles, matches) imsave(os.path.join(here, '..', '_static', 'generated_images', 'no-palette-adjustment.png'), mos) adapted_img = pm.adapt_to_pool(converted_img, pool) imsave(os.path.join(here, '..', '_static', 'generated_images', 'adapted-chelsea.png'), pm.rgb(adapted_img))
def test_conversion(image): "just a smoke test of the convenience functions" p = pm.perceptual(image) pm.rgb(p) # clip=True by default pm.rgb(p, clip=False)