Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_general_info():
    return jsonify({
        'all datasets': dt.list_datasets(),
        'id types': dt.list_idtypes(),
        'id manager': dt.get_idmanager(),
        'mapping manager': dt.get_mappingmanager()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def update_weights(values):
    partial_header = ["CCI_SCORE"]

    split_values = values.split('+')
    for i in range(0, len(partial_header)):
        weights_CCI[partial_header[i]] = int(split_values[i])

    return jsonify({'weights': weights_CCI})
Ejemplo n.º 3
def display_descriptions(term):
    concept1 = mongo.db.s20160901

    output1 = []

    for q1 in concept1.find({'sctName': {"$regex": term, "$options": "i"}}):

    return jsonify(output1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_pat_info(PAT_ID, dataset):
    return jsonify({
        get_info([int(PAT_ID)], dataset_hash['Demo'][dataset]),
        get_info([int(PAT_ID)], dataset_hash['Orders'][dataset]),
        get_info([int(PAT_ID)], dataset_hash['PRO'][dataset])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def display_icd10codes(name):
    concept = mongo.db.s20160901

    output = []

    for q in concept.find({'mapTarget': name}):

    return jsonify(output)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def display_concepts(name):
    concept = mongo.db.s20160901

    output = []

    for q in concept.find({'referencedComponentId': name}):

    return jsonify(output)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def display_initial():
    concept = mongo.db.s20160901

    output = []

    for q in concept.find({}).limit(300):

    return jsonify(output)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_result(task_id):
  returns the result of a task with blocking
  :param task_id:
    from phovea_processing_queue.task_definition import get_result
    res = get_result(task_id)
    return jsonify(res.get())
Ejemplo n.º 9
def update_weights(values):
    partial_header = [

    split_values = values.split('+')
    for i in range(0, len(partial_header)):
        weights_Demo[partial_header[i]] = int(split_values[i])

    return jsonify({'weights': weights_Demo})
def get_generated_username():
    # use additional random integer to increase possible combinations
    # import random
    # new_username = f"{pydng.generate_name()}_{random.randint(1, 10)}"

    new_username = pydng.generate_name(
    )  # 108 adjectives * 237 lastnames = 25.596 combinations

    if (username_exists(new_username)):
        _log.info(F"Generated user {new_username} already exists. Retrying...")
        return get_generated_username()

    return jsonify(new_username)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_similar_rows(PAT_ID, number, dataset):

    Demo_score = handle_Demo.get_similarity_score(
        int(PAT_ID), dataset_hash['Demo'][dataset])
    CCI_score = handle_CCI.get_similarity_score(int(PAT_ID),
    Pro_score = handle_pro.get_similarity_score(int(PAT_ID),
    id_scores = []

    pat_ids = set(list(Demo_score.keys()) + (list(CCI_score.keys())))

    for id in pat_ids:
        temp = 0
        if id in Demo_score:
            temp += Demo_score[id]
        if id in CCI_score:
            temp += CCI_score[id]
        if id in Pro_score:
            temp += Pro_score[id]
        id_scores.append([id, temp])

    id_scores.sort(key=lambda r: r[1], reverse=True)
    ids = [d[0] for d in id_scores[:number]]
    scores = [d[1] for d in id_scores[:number]]
    all_scores = [d[1] for d in id_scores]

    pat_demo_info = get_info([int(PAT_ID)], dataset_hash['Demo'][dataset])
    demo_info = get_info(ids, dataset_hash['Demo'][dataset])
    pat_pro_info = get_info([int(PAT_ID)], dataset_hash['PRO'][dataset])
    pro_info = get_info(ids, dataset_hash['PRO'][dataset])
    pat_orders_info = get_info([int(PAT_ID)], dataset_hash['Orders'][dataset])
    orders_info = get_info(ids, dataset_hash['Orders'][dataset])

    #difference = handle_Demo.get_difference(int(PAT_ID), ids) # maybe in the client?!

    return jsonify({
        'PAT_ID': PAT_ID,
        'ids': ids,
        'all_scores': all_scores,
        'similarity_scores': scores,
        'pat_Demo': pat_demo_info,
        'pat_PRO': pat_pro_info,
        'pat_Orders': pat_orders_info,
        'similar_Demo': demo_info,
        'similar_PRO': pro_info,
        'similar_Orders': orders_info

        #'difference': difference
        #'all_pro_rows': sum(pro_rows, get_all_info_for_pat('PRO', int(PAT_ID)))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_latest_info():
    data = dt.get('Demo').aslist()
    pat_ids = set([int(d['PAT_ID']) for d in data])

    pats = []
    pat_weights = []
    for id in pat_ids:
        temp_pat = []
        for row in data:
            if row['PAT_ID'] == id:
        temp_pat.sort(key=lambda x: to_date_time(x['ADM_DATE']), reverse=True)
            [t['WEIGHT_KG'] for t in temp_pat if t['WEIGHT_KG']])

    return jsonify({'rows': pats, 'WEIGHT_KG': pat_weights})
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_info_by_functions(id):
    my_data = dt.get(id)
    #range = rng.RangeElem(2, 5, 1)

    return jsonify({
        'id': id,
        'my_data': my_data,
        'rows': my_data.rows(),
        'data': my_data.asjson(),
        'rowids': my_data.rowids(),
        'aslist': my_data.aslist(),
        'aspandas': my_data.aspandas(),
        'columns': my_data.columns,
        'CSVEntry.to_description': my_data.to_description(),
        'CSVEntry.idtypes': my_data.idtypes()  #,
        #'asList( range(2,5,1) )': my_data.aslist(range),
        #'rows( range(2,5,1) )': my_data.rows(range),
        #'aspandas( range(2,5,1) )': my_data.aspandas(range)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_stat(dataset):
    my_data = dt.get(dataset_hash['Demo'][dataset])
    data = my_data.aslist()
    length = 0
    gender = [0, 0]
    bmi = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    age = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    today = pd.datetime.today()

    for row in data:
        length += 1
        if row['PAT_GENDER'] == 'F':
            gender[0] += 1
        elif row['PAT_GENDER'] == 'M':
            gender[1] += 1
        if not row['BMI']:
            bmi[0] += 1
        elif row['BMI'] <= 18:
            bmi[1] += 1
        elif row['BMI'] > 30:
            bmi[6] += 1
            bmi[int(math.ceil((row['BMI'] - 15) / 3))] += 1

        pat_age = int(
            (today - to_date_time(row['PAT_BIRTHDATE'])).days / 365.25)
        if pat_age <= 10:
            age[0] += 1
        elif pat_age > 100:
            age[10] += 1
            age[int(math.floor((pat_age - 1) / 10))] += 1

    return jsonify({
        'length': length,
        'GENDER': gender,
        'BMI': bmi,
        'AGE': age
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_order_type(dataset, ordertype):
    filtered_orders = handle_Orders.get_order_type(
        dataset_hash['Orders'][dataset], ordertype)
    return jsonify({'filtered_Orders': filtered_orders})
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_filtered_orders_by_month(dataset, order):
    filtered_orders = handle_Orders.get_filteres_orders(
        dataset_hash['Orders'][dataset], order)
    return jsonify({'filtered_Orders': filtered_orders})
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_latest_info(dataset_id):
    if dataset_id == 'Demo':
        return handle_Demo.get_latest_info()
    return jsonify({'message': 'error'})
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_weights():
    return jsonify({'weights': weights_Demo})
Ejemplo n.º 19
def _func():
    return jsonify({'message': 'Get method'})
Ejemplo n.º 20
def get_weights():
    return jsonify({'weights': weights_CCI})
Ejemplo n.º 21
def _test():
    return jsonify({'message': simplePythonFile.simple_python_method()})
Ejemplo n.º 22
def get_col_titles(id):
    my_data = dt.get(id)
    return jsonify({'cols': my_data.columns})
Ejemplo n.º 23
def get_col_by_name(id, col_name):
    my_data = dt.get(id)
    cols = my_data.aspandas()

    return jsonify({'cols': cols[col_name]})
Ejemplo n.º 24
def get_all_rows(dataset_id):
    my_data = dt.get(dataset_id)
    rows = my_data.aslist()
    return jsonify({dataset_id: rows[:50]})
Ejemplo n.º 25
def hist():
    # hist?cohortId=2&type=dataCat&attribute=race
    # hist?cohortId=2&type=dataNum&attribute=age
    # hist?cohortId=2&type=geneScoreCat&attribute=aa_mutated&table=mutation&ensg=ENSG00000141510
    # hist?cohortId=2&type=geneScoreNum&attribute=relativecopynumber&table=copynumber&ensg=ENSG00000141510
    # hist?cohortId=3&type=depletionScore&attribute=rsa&table=depletionscore&ensg=ENSG00000141510&depletionscreen=Drive
    # hist?cohortId=2&type=panelAnnotation&panel=TCGA normals
    error_msg = """Paramerter missing or wrong!
    For the {route} query the following parameter is needed:
    - cohortId: id of the cohort parent cohort
    - type: dataCat | dataNum | geneScoreCat | geneScoreNum | depletionScore | panelAnnotation

    Depending on the 'type' different additional parameters have to exist
    --> Type: dataCat | dataNum
    - attribute: the entity attribute
    --> Type: geneScoreCat | geneScoreNum
    - table: the score table, which contains the attribute
    - attribute: the score attribute
    - ensg: name of the gene
    --> Type: depletionScore
    - table: the score table, which contains the attribute
    - attribute: the score attribute
    - ensg: name of the gene
    - depletionscreen: name of the screen
    --> Type: panelAnnotation
    - panel: name of the panel""".format(route='hist')

        query = QueryElements()

        type = request.values.get('type')  # get type of hist
        if type is None:
            raise RuntimeError(error_msg)

        hist = jsonify([])
        cohort = query.get_cohort_from_db(request.values,
                                          error_msg)  # get cohort
        database = cohort.entity_database

        num_bins = 10
        if type == 'dataCat':
            # - cohortId: id of the cohort
            # - attribute: the entity attribute
            sql_text = query.get_hist_cat_sql(request.values, cohort,
            hist = query.execute_sql_query(
                sql_text, database,
                config.supp_statement_timeout)  # execute sql statement
        elif type == 'dataNum':
            # - cohortId: id of the cohort
            # - attribute: the entity attribute
            sql_text = query.get_hist_num_sql(request.values, cohort, num_bins,
            hist_dict = query.execute_sql_query_as_dict(
                sql_text, database,
                config.supp_statement_timeout)  # execute sql statement
            hist = query.format_num_hist(hist_dict, num_bins)
        elif type == 'geneScoreCat':
            # - cohortId: id of the cohort
            # - table: the score table, which contains the attribute
            # - attribute: the score attribute
            # - ensg: name of the gene
            sql_text = query.get_hist_gene_cat_sql(request.values, cohort,
            hist = query.execute_sql_query(
                sql_text, database,
                config.supp_statement_timeout)  # execute sql statement
        elif type == 'geneScoreNum':
            # - cohortId: id of the cohort
            # - table: the score table, which contains the attribute
            # - attribute: the score attribute
            # - ensg: name of the gene
            sql_text = query.get_hist_gene_num_sql(request.values, cohort,
                                                   num_bins, error_msg)
            hist_dict = query.execute_sql_query_as_dict(
                sql_text, database,
                config.supp_statement_timeout)  # execute sql statement
            hist = query.format_num_hist(hist_dict, num_bins)
        elif type == 'depletionScore':
            # - cohortId: id of the cohort
            # - table: the score table, which contains the attribute
            # - attribute: the score attribute
            # - ensg: name of the gene
            # - depletionscreen: name of the screen
            sql_text = query.get_hist_depletion_sql(request.values, cohort,
                                                    num_bins, error_msg)
            hist_dict = query.execute_sql_query_as_dict(
                sql_text, database,
                config.supp_statement_timeout)  # execute sql statement
            hist = query.format_num_hist(hist_dict, num_bins)
        elif type == 'panelAnnotation':
            # - cohortId: id of the cohort
            # - panel: name of the panel
            sql_text = query.get_hist_panel_sql(request.values, cohort,
            hist = query.execute_sql_query(
                sql_text, database,
                config.supp_statement_timeout)  # execute sql statement

        return hist

    except RuntimeError as error:
        abort(400, error)
def _hello():
    return jsonify({'message': 'Hello World'})
Ejemplo n.º 27
def get_weights(dataset_id):
    if dataset_id == 'Demo':
        return handle_Demo.get_weights()
    if dataset_id == 'CCI':
        return handle_CCI.get_weights()
    return jsonify({'message': 'error'})
Ejemplo n.º 28
def get_group(dataset, group):
  if '/' + dataset + '/' + group not in h5:
  g = h5.get_node('/' + dataset + '/' + group)
  return jsonify(g)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def update_weights(dataset_id, values):
    if dataset_id == 'Demo':
        return handle_Demo.update_weights(values)
    if dataset_id == 'CCI':
        return handle_CCI.update_weights(values)
    return jsonify({'message': 'error'})
Ejemplo n.º 30
def get_row_by_index(id, index):
    my_data = dt.get(id)
    rows = my_data.aslist()

    return jsonify({'row': rows[int(index)]})
Ejemplo n.º 31
def get_data(id):
    return jsonify({'data': dt.get(id)})