def subcloud_entropy_curve(data, lonin=[-1., 361.], rot_fac=1.): # declare constants cp = 287.04 / 2 * 7 L = 2.500e6 omega = 7.2921150e-5 * rot_fac a = 6376.0e3 surf_trop_tdiff = 100. # pick longitudes to look at lons = pick_lons(data, lonin) # Evaluate equivalent potential temperature ept = ((data.temp + L / cp * data.sphum) * (1000. / data.pfull)**(2. / 7.)).sel( pfull=850., lon=lons).mean('lon').drop('pfull') data['ept'] = ept # moist entropy, s = cp ln(ept) s = cp * np.log(ept) # entropy curvature d/dy(cos(lat)^3/sin(lat) (Ts-Tt) ds/dy) dsdy = gr.ddy(s, vector=False) dsdy = dsdy * surf_trop_tdiff * np.cos( * np.pi / 180.)**3. / np.sin( * np.pi / 180.) data['s_curve'] = gr.ddy(dsdy, vector=False) # critical curvature = -4 * omega^2 * a^2 *cos(lat)^3 * sin(lat) crit_curve = -4. * omega**2 * a**2 * np.cos( * np.pi / 180.)**3. * np.sin( * np.pi / 180.) # Find max ept and location of max ept_max = [ept.max('lat'),[ept.argmax('lat')]] # critical ept = ept_max * e^ (-chi * (cos(ept_max_lat)^2 - cos(lat)^2)^2 / cos(lat)^2) crit_ept_prefac = -1. * omega**2 * a**2 / cp / surf_trop_tdiff n = len(data.xofyear.values) crit_ept_fn = np.zeros([n, 64]) crit_ept = np.zeros([n, 64]) for i in range(n): crit_ept_fn[i, :] = (np.cos(ept_max[1][i] * np.pi / 180.)**2. - np.cos( * np.pi / 180.)**2.)**2. / np.cos( * np.pi / 180.)**2. crit_ept[i, :] = ept_max[0].values[i] * np.exp( crit_ept_prefac * crit_ept_fn[i, :]) data['crit_ept'] = xr.DataArray(crit_ept, coords=[data.xofyear,], dims=['xofyear', 'lat']) # moist entropy, s = cp ln(ept) crit_s = cp * np.log(data.crit_ept) # entropy curvature d/dy(cos(lat)^3/sin(lat) (Ts-Tt) ds/dy) dcrit_sdy = gr.ddy(crit_s, vector=False) dcrit_sdy = dcrit_sdy * surf_trop_tdiff * np.cos( * np.pi / 180.)**3. / np.sin( * np.pi / 180.) data['crit_s_curve'] = gr.ddy(dcrit_sdy, vector=False)
def energy_eq(run, month, filename='plev_daily', lev=150.): #Load in dataset name_temp = '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/' + run + '/run%03d/' + filename + '.nc' name = name_temp % month #read data into xarray data = xr.open_dataset(name, decode_times=False) # Calculate planetary vorticity omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) uchi = data.ucomp - data.upsi vchi = data.vcomp - data.vpsi pe_to_ke = -1. * (uchi * gr.ddx(data.height * 9.8) + vchi * gr.ddy(data.height * 9.8, vector=False)) # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f conv_1 = vor * (data.upsi * vchi - uchi * data.vpsi) conv_2 = -1. * omega * (data.upsi * gr.ddp(uchi) + data.vpsi * gr.ddp(vchi)) conv_3 = -1. * (gr.ddx(uchi) + gr.ddy(vchi)) * (data.upsi**2. + data.vpsi**2.) / 2. ds = xr.Dataset( { 'pe_to_ke': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], pe_to_ke), 'conv_1': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], conv_1), 'conv_2': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], conv_2), 'conv_3': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], conv_3), 'upsi': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], data.upsi), 'vpsi': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], data.vpsi), 'uchi': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], uchi), 'vchi': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], vchi) }, coords={ 'time': ('time', data.time), 'pfull': ('pfull', data.pfull), 'lat': ('lat',, 'lon': ('lon', data.lon) }) ds.coords['xofyear'] = np.mod(ds.time - 1., 360.) // 5 + 1. dsout = ds.groupby('xofyear').mean(('time')) fileout = '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/' + run + '/run%03d/' fileout = fileout % month dsout.to_netcdf(path=fileout) print 'data written to ', fileout return dsout
def partition_advection(data, lons, lev=150): #First do uu terms uu_trans_dx = -86400. * gr.ddx( (data.ucomp_sq - data.ucomp**2).sel(pfull=lev)) # <u'u'> = <uu> - <u><u> u = data.ucomp.sel(pfull=lev) # u u_dx = -86400. * gr.ddx(u) # dudx u_dudx_zav = u.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * u_dx.sel(lon=lons).mean( 'lon') # [u][dudx] u_dudx_stat = (u * u_dx).sel( lon=lons).mean('lon') - u_dudx_zav # u*dudx* = [ududx] - [u][dudx] data['uu_trans_dx'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), uu_trans_dx.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon')) data['u_dudx_stat'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), u_dudx_stat) data['u_dudx_zav'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), u_dudx_zav) print 'uu terms done' #Next do uv terms uv_trans_dy = -86400. * gr.ddy( (data.ucomp_vcomp - data.ucomp * data.vcomp).sel(pfull=lev), uv=True) v = data.vcomp.sel(pfull=lev).load() # v u_dy = -86400. * gr.ddy(u) # dudy v_dudy_zav = v.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * u_dy.sel(lon=lons).mean( 'lon') # [v][dudy] v_dudy_stat = (v * u_dy).sel( lon=lons).mean('lon') - v_dudy_zav # v*dudy* = [vdudy] - [v][dudy] data['uv_trans_dy'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), uv_trans_dy.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon')) data['v_dudy_stat'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), v_dudy_stat) data['v_dudy_zav'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), v_dudy_zav) print 'uv terms done' #Finally do uw terms uw_trans_dp = -86400. * gr.ddp( (data.ucomp_omega - data.ucomp *'lon')) w = # w u_dp = -86400. * (gr.ddp(data.ucomp)).sel(pfull=lev) # dudp w_dudp_zav = w.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * u_dp.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') w_dudp_stat = (w * u_dp).sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') - w_dudp_zav data['uw_trans_dp'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), uw_trans_dp.sel(pfull=lev)) data['w_dudp_stat'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), w_dudp_stat) data['w_dudp_zav'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), w_dudp_zav) print 'uw terms done'
def transient_plot(run, ax_in, pentad, plot_land=True): data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/' + run + '.nc') data_vort = xr.open_dataset( '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_' + run + '.nc') omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp.sel(pfull=150)) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp.sel(pfull=150)) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f div = gr.ddx(data.ucomp.sel(pfull=150)) + gr.ddy(data.vcomp.sel(pfull=150)) dvordx = gr.ddx(vor) dvordy = gr.ddy(vor, vector=False) horiz_md_mean = -86400.**2. * (data.ucomp.sel(pfull=150) * dvordx + data.vcomp.sel(pfull=150) * dvordy) stretching_mean = -86400.**2. * vor * div transient = (data_vort.horiz_md.sel(pfull=150).values + data_vort.stretching.sel(pfull=150).values ) * 86400.**2. - horiz_md_mean - stretching_mean land_file = '/scratch/rg419/GFDL_model/GFDLmoistModel/input/' land = xr.open_dataset(land_file) data['land'] = (('lat', 'lon'), land.land_mask) f1 = transient[pentad, :, :].plot.contourf(x='lon', y='lat', levels=np.arange(-5., 5.1, 1.), ax=ax_in, add_labels=False, extend='both', add_colorbar=False) if plot_land:'lon', y='lat', levels=np.arange(0., 2., 1.), ax=ax_in, colors='k', add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False) (vor * 86400.)[pentad, :, :].plot.contour(x='lon', y='lat', levels=np.arange(-14., 15., 2.), ax=ax_in, colors='0.7', add_labels=False) ax_in.set_xlim(0, 180) ax_in.set_ylim(-30, 60) ax_in.set_xticks(np.arange(0., 185., 30.)) ax_in.set_yticks(np.arange(-30., 65., 30.)) return f1
def vort_eq(run, month, filename='plev_daily', period_fac=1.): #Load in dataset name_temp = '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/' + run + '/run%03d/'+filename+'.nc' name = name_temp % month #read data into xarray data = xr.open_dataset( name, decode_times=False) # Calculate planetary vorticity omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( *np.pi/180) # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f #vor_rel = v_dx - u_dy dvordx = gr.ddx(vor) dvordy = gr.ddy(vor, vector=False) dvordp = gr.ddp(vor) # Calculate horizontal material derivative horiz_md = -1. * (data.ucomp * dvordx + data.vcomp * dvordy) # Calculate vertical material derivative vert_md = -1. * * dvordp # Now do the terms involving gradients of windspeed div = gr.ddx(data.ucomp) + gr.ddy(data.vcomp) stretching = -1. * vor * div tilting = gr.ddp(data.ucomp) * gr.ddy(, vector=False) - gr.ddp(data.vcomp) * gr.ddx( total = horiz_md + vert_md + stretching + tilting ds = xr.Dataset({'horiz_md': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], horiz_md), 'vert_md': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], vert_md), 'stretching': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], stretching), 'tilting': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], tilting), 'ucomp': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], data.ucomp), 'vcomp': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], data.vcomp), 'total': (['time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon'], total)}, coords={'time': ('time', data.time), 'pfull': ('pfull', data.pfull), 'lat': ('lat',, 'lon': ('lon', data.lon)}) dsout = ds#.mean(('time')) fileout = '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/' + run + '/run%03d/' fileout = fileout % month dsout.to_netcdf(path=fileout) print 'data written to ', fileout return dsout
def vort_eq_hm(run, lev=150, rotfac=1.0, period_fac=1.): rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15, 6.25 rcParams['font.size'] = 18 rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plot_dir = '/scratch/rg419/plots/crit_lat_test/' mkdir = sh.mkdir.bake('-p') mkdir(plot_dir) #Load in vorticity budget term means data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_' + run + '.nc') # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy omega = 7.2921150e-5 * rotfac f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f div = gr.ddx(data.ucomp) + gr.ddy(data.vcomp) stretching_mean = -86400.**2. * vor * div stretching_hm = stretching_mean.mean('lon') mn_dic = month_dic(1) tickspace = np.arange(13, 72, 18) * period_fac labels = [mn_dic[(k + 5) / 6] for k in range(13, 72, 18)] levels = np.arange(-3., 3.1, 0.25) stretching_max = np.unravel_index( stretching_hm.sel(pfull=lev).isel(lat=range(32, 64)).argmin(), (data.pentad.size, 32)) print stretching_max print[stretching_max[1] + 32] stretching_hm.sel(pfull=lev).plot.contourf(x='pentad', y='lat', levels=levels, extend='both', add_labels=False) #ax4.contour(data.xofyear,, abs_vort.T, levels=np.arange(-12.,13.,2.), colors='k', linewidths=2, alpha=0.25) plt.plot(data.pentad[stretching_max[0]],[stretching_max[1] + 32], 'kx') plt.ylabel('Latitude') plt.xlabel('') plt.ylim(-60, 60) plt.yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) plt.xticks(tickspace, labels, rotation=25) plt.title('Vortex stretching', fontsize=17) plt.grid(True, linestyle=':') plt.tight_layout() figname = 'vort_stretching_' + run + '.pdf' plt.savefig(plot_dir + figname, format='pdf') plt.close()
def get_stretching(run): #Load data data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_' + run + '.nc') # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy f = 2 * * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f - v_dx + u_dy div = gr.ddx(data.ucomp) + gr.ddy(data.vcomp) stretching_mean = -86400.**2. * (vor * div).sel(pfull=150.) return stretching_mean
def aht_regional(run, lonin=[-1.,361.], period_fac=1.): area = mc.a*mc.a*cell_area(42, '/scratch/rg419/GFDL_model/GFDLmoistModel/') # Area of grid cells #Load in data, add area to dataset data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/' + run + '.nc') data['area'] = (('lat','lon'), area) if lonin[1]>lonin[0]: lons = [data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] and data.lon[i] < lonin[1]] else: lons = [data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] or data.lon[i] < lonin[1]] vh = data.vcomp_temp * mc.cp_air + data.sphum_v * mc.L + data.height*data.vcomp * mc.grav dvhdy = gr.ddy(vh) aht = ((dvhdy.sum('pfull')*5000./9.8) * data.area).sum(('lon')).cumsum('lat') # vh = ((gr.ddy(data.vcomp * h).sum('pfull')*5000./9.8)) #.sel(lon=lons).sum('lon') # aht_div = gr.ddy(vh)*data.area. #aht = aht_div.cumsum('lat') aht_rm = rolling_mean(aht, int(5*period_fac)) aht_rm.plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=np.arange(-1.5e16,1.6e16,1.e15)) return aht_rm
def get_horiz_adv(run): #Load data data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_' + run + '.nc') # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy f = 2 * * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f - v_dx + u_dy dvordx = gr.ddx(vor) dvordy = gr.ddy(vor, vector=False) horiz_adv_mean = -86400.**2. * (data.ucomp * dvordx + data.vcomp * dvordy).sel(pfull=150.) return horiz_adv_mean
def get_abs_vort(data): # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f data['abs_vort'] = vor.mean('lon') * 86400.
def calc_vort(data): # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy f = 2 * * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f abs_vort = vor.sel(pfull=150) * 86400. return abs_vort
def uv_partitioning(data,lons): u_ztav = data.ucomp.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') v_ztav = data.vcomp.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') uv_eddy = data.ucomp_vcomp.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') - u_ztav * v_ztav uv_conv = gr.ddy(uv_eddy, uv=True) * -86400. return uv_conv, u_ztav
def vort_eq_hm(run, bef_aft, lev=150, lonin=[-1., 361.]): rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 6.25 rcParams['font.size'] = 18 rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plot_dir = '/scratch/rg419/plots/paper_1_figs/' mkdir = sh.mkdir.bake('-p') mkdir(plot_dir) #Also load climatological data so that transient eddies can be calculated data = xr.open_dataset( '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_uv' + run + '.nc') print 'climatology loaded' if lonin[1] > lonin[0]: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] and data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] else: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] or data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f abs_vort = vor.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * 86400. print 'starting plotting' np.abs( vor.sel(lon=lons, xofyear=range(bef_aft[0], bef_aft[0] + 4)).mean( ('lon', 'xofyear')) * 86400.).plot(color='k') np.abs( vor.sel(lon=lons, xofyear=range(bef_aft[1], bef_aft[1] + 4)).mean( ('lon', 'xofyear')) * 86400.).plot(color='r') plt.xlim([-45, 45]) plt.ylim([-12, 12]) plt.grid(True, linestyle=':') if lonin == [-1., 361.]: figname = 'vort_line_' + run + '.pdf' else: figname = 'vort_line_' + run + '_' + str(int(lonin[0])) + '_' + str( int(lonin[1])) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(plot_dir + figname, format='pdf') plt.close()
def get_transient(run): #Load data data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_' + run + '.nc') # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy f = 2 * * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f dvordx = gr.ddx(vor) dvordy = gr.ddy(vor, vector=False) horiz_adv_mean = -86400.**2. * (data.ucomp * dvordx + data.vcomp * dvordy).sel(pfull=150.) div = gr.ddx(data.ucomp) + gr.ddy(data.vcomp) stretching_mean = -86400.**2. * (vor * div).sel(pfull=150.) transient = data.horiz_md.sel(pfull=150.) + data.stretching.sel( pfull=150.) - horiz_adv_mean - stretching_mean return transient
def partition_advection(data, lons, lev=150): #Do vv terms vv_trans_dy = -86400. * gr.ddy( (data.vcomp_sq - data.vcomp * data.vcomp).sel(pfull=lev), uv=True) v = data.vcomp.sel(pfull=lev).load() # v v_dy = -86400. * gr.ddy(v) # dudy v_dvdy_zav = v.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * v_dy.sel(lon=lons).mean( 'lon') # [v][dudy] v_dvdy_stat = (v * v_dy).sel( lon=lons).mean('lon') - v_dvdy_zav # v*dudy* = [vdudy] - [v][dudy] data['vv_trans_dy'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), vv_trans_dy.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon')) data['v_dvdy_stat'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), v_dvdy_stat) data['v_dvdy_zav'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), v_dvdy_zav) print 'vv terms done' #Do vw terms vw_trans_dp = -86400. * gr.ddp( (data.vcomp_omega - data.vcomp *'lon')) w = # w v_dp = -86400. * (gr.ddp(data.vcomp)).sel(pfull=lev) # dudp w_dvdp_zav = w.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * v_dp.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') w_dvdp_stat = (w * v_dp).sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') - w_dvdp_zav data['vw_trans_dp'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), vw_trans_dp.sel(pfull=lev)) data['w_dvdp_stat'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), w_dvdp_stat) data['w_dvdp_zav'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), w_dvdp_zav) print 'vw terms done'
def get_abs_vort(run): #Load data data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_'+run+'.nc') # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy f = 2 * * np.sin( *np.pi/180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f abs_vort = vor*86400. abs_vort = abs_vort.sel(pfull=150) return abs_vort
def uv_partitioning(data, start_index, lons): a = 6376.0e3 #radius used in model coslat = np.cos( * np.pi / 180) u_ztav = data.ucomp[start_index:start_index + 4, :, :, :].sel(lon=lons).mean(('xofyear', 'lon')) v_ztav = data.vcomp[start_index:start_index + 4, :, :, :].sel(lon=lons).mean(('xofyear', 'lon')) uv_eddy = data.ucomp_vcomp[start_index:start_index + 4, :, :, :].sel(lon=lons).mean( ('xofyear', 'lon')) - u_ztav * v_ztav uv_conv = -86400. * gr.ddy(uv_eddy, uv=True) #uv_conv = xr.DataArray( cfd( (uv_eddy*coslat*coslat).values,*np.pi/180, 1 ), [('pfull', data.pfull ), ('lat',]) #uv_conv = -86400.*uv_conv/coslat/coslat/a return uv_conv, u_ztav
def subcloud_entropy_gradient(data, lonin=[-1.,361.]): # declare constants cp = 287.04/2*7 L = 2.500e6 # pick longitudes to look at lons = pick_lons(data, lonin) # Evaluate equivalent potential temperature ept = ((data.temp + L/cp*data.sphum)*(1000./data.pfull)**(2./7.)).sel(pfull=850., lon=lons).mean('lon').drop('pfull') data['ept'] = ept # moist entropy, s = cp ln(ept) s = cp*np.log(ept) # entropy gradient dsdy = gr.ddy(s, vector=False) return dsdy
def vort_eq_ss(run, lonin=[-1., 361.]): rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15, 6.25 rcParams['font.size'] = 18 rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plot_dir = '/scratch/rg419/plots/steady_state_runs/' mkdir = sh.mkdir.bake('-p') mkdir(plot_dir) #Load in vorticity budget term means data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_' + run + '.nc') print 'vorticity budget data loaded' if lonin[1] > lonin[0]: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] and data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] else: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] or data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy f = 2 * * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f abs_vort = vor.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * 86400. dvordx = gr.ddx(vor) dvordy = gr.ddy(vor, vector=False) horiz_md_mean = -86400.**2. * (data.ucomp * dvordx + data.vcomp * dvordy) div = gr.ddx(data.ucomp) + gr.ddy(data.vcomp) stretching_mean = -86400.**2. * vor * div horiz_md_hm = horiz_md_mean.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') stretching_hm = stretching_mean.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') print 'starting plotting' levels = np.arange(-1.5, 1.6, 0.25) f, ((ax1, ax2, ax3), (ax4, ax5, ax6)) = plt.subplots(2, 3, sharex='col', sharey='row') plt.set_cmap('RdBu_r') #First plot f2 = horiz_md_hm.plot.contourf(x='lat', y='pfull', levels=levels, ax=ax1, extend='both', add_labels=False, yincrease=False) #ax1.contour(data.xofyear,, abs_vort.T, levels=np.arange(-12.,13.,2.), colors='k', linewidths=2, alpha=0.25) ax1.set_xlabel('Latitude') ax1.set_ylabel('Pressure, hPa') ax1.set_xlim(-60, 60) ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax1.grid(True, linestyle=':') #ax1.text(-15, 60, 'a)') #Second plot dvordy.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='lat', y='pfull', levels=np.arange( -1.e-10, 1.05e-10, 0.1e-10), ax=ax2, extend='both', add_labels=False, yincrease=False) #ax2.set_ylim(-60,60) ax2.set_xticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax2.grid(True, linestyle=':') #ax2.text(-7, 60, 'b)') #Third plot data.vcomp.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='lat', y='pfull', levels=np.arange( -12., 13, 2.), ax=ax3, extend='both', add_labels=False, yincrease=False) #ax3.set_ylim(-60,60) ax3.set_xticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax3.grid(True, linestyle=':') #ax3.text(-7, 60, 'c)') #Fourth plot stretching_hm.plot.contourf(x='lat', y='pfull', levels=levels, ax=ax4, extend='both', add_labels=False, yincrease=False) #ax4.contour(data.xofyear,, abs_vort.T, levels=np.arange(-12.,13.,2.), colors='k', linewidths=2, alpha=0.25) ax4.set_xlabel('Latitude') ax4.set_ylabel('Pressure, hPa') ax4.set_xlim(-60, 60) ax4.set_xticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) #ax4.set_xticks(tickspace) #ax4.set_xticklabels(labels,rotation=25) ax4.grid(True, linestyle=':') #ax4.text(-15, 60, 'd)') #Fifth plot (div.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * 86400.).plot.contourf(x='lat', y='pfull', levels=np.arange( -1., 1.1, 0.1), ax=ax5, extend='both', add_labels=False, yincrease=False) ax5.set_xlim(-60, 60) ax4.set_xlabel('Latitude') ax5.set_xticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) # ax5.set_xticks(tickspace) #ax5.set_xticklabels(labels,rotation=25) ax5.grid(True, linestyle=':') #ax5.text(-7, 60, 'e)') #Sixth plot (vor.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * 86400.).plot.contourf(x='lat', y='pfull', levels=np.arange( -12., 13., 2.), ax=ax6, extend='both', add_labels=False, yincrease=False) #ax6.set_ylim(-60,60) ax4.set_xlabel('Latitude') ax6.set_xticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) #ax6.set_xticks(tickspace) #ax6.set_xticklabels(labels,rotation=25) ax6.grid(True, linestyle=':') #ax6.text(-7, 60, 'f)') plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.97, left=0.08, top=0.93, bottom=0.1, hspace=0.25, wspace=0.15) if lonin == [-1., 361.]: figname = 'vort_breakdown_' + run + '.pdf' else: figname = 'vort_breakdown_' + run + '_' + str(int( lonin[0])) + '_' + str(int(lonin[1])) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(plot_dir + figname, format='pdf') plt.close()
def max_div(run, lats=np.arange(-90, 90.1, 0.1), rotfac=1.0): #Open data data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_' + run + '.nc') #Calculate vorticity, divergence, and pentad mean vortex stretching f = 2 * * rotfac * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f div = gr.ddx(data.ucomp) + gr.ddy(data.vcomp) stretching_mean = -86400.**2. * vor * div # Select upper level and take zonal mean # Take a 20 day window rolling mean, and interpolate onto a 0.1 deg lat grid. # Find max values of divergence and stretching, and locate lat of max divergence div_hm = div.mean('lon').sel(pfull=150.) div_rm = rolling_mean(div_hm, 4, tcoord='pentad') div_int = interp_field(div_rm) div_max = div_int.max('lat') * 86400. div_argmax =[div_int.argmax('lat').values] div_argmax = xr.DataArray(div_argmax, coords=[div_int.xofyear], dims=['xofyear']) stretching_hm = stretching_mean.mean('lon').sel(pfull=150.) stretching_hm[:, 32:] = stretching_hm[:, 32:] * -1. stretching_rm = rolling_mean(stretching_hm, 4, tcoord='pentad') stretching_int = interp_field(stretching_rm) stretching_max = stretching_int.max('lat') # Plot up max divergence and vortex stretching tendency in top panel, latitude of max divergence below #fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() fig, (ax1, ax3) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True) div_max.plot(ax=ax1, color='k') ax1.set_xlabel('') ax1.set_title('') # Make the y-axis label, ticks and tick labels match the line color. ax1.set_ylabel('Divergence, day$^{-1}$') ax1.tick_params('y') ax1.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax1.set_xlim(0, max(div_max.xofyear) + 1) ax2 = ax1.twinx() stretching_max.plot(color='b', ax=ax2) ax2.set_title('') ax2.set_ylabel('Vortex stretching, day$^{-2}$', color='b') ax2.tick_params('y', colors='b') ax2.set_xlim(0, max(div_max.xofyear) + 1) div_argmax.plot(ax=ax3, color='k') ax3.set_title('') ax3.set_xlabel('Pentad') ax3.set_ylabel('Lat of max divergence') ax3.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax3.set_xlim(0, max(div_max.xofyear) + 1) fig.tight_layout() plt.savefig(plot_dir + 'div_tseries_' + run + '.pdf', format='pdf') plt.close()
def vort_eq_hm(run, lev=150, lonin=[-1., 361.]): rcParams['font.size'] = 18 rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plot_dir = '/scratch/rg419/plots/paper_1_figs/' mkdir = sh.mkdir.bake('-p') mkdir(plot_dir) #Also load climatological data so that transient eddies can be calculated data = xr.open_dataset( '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_uv' + run + '.nc') print 'climatology loaded' if lonin[1] > lonin[0]: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] and data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] else: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] or data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f dvordx = gr.ddx(vor) dvordy = gr.ddy(vor, vector=False) div = gr.ddx(data.ucomp) + gr.ddy(data.vcomp) mn_dic = month_dic(1) tickspace = range(13, 72, 18) labels = [mn_dic[(k + 5) / 6] for k in tickspace] print 'starting plotting' # Easier to produce individual plots as scales are different. vor.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', add_labels=False, levels=np.arange( -0.00024, 0.00025, 0.00002)) plt.ylabel('Latitude') plt.ylim(-60, 60) plt.yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) plt.xlabel('') plt.xticks(tickspace, labels, rotation=25) plt.grid(True, linestyle=':') if lonin == [-1., 361.]: figname = 'vor_hm_' + run + '.pdf' else: figname = 'vor_hm_' + run + '_' + str(int(lonin[0])) + '_' + str( int(lonin[1])) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(plot_dir + figname, format='pdf') plt.close() div.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', add_labels=False, levels=np.arange( -0.000012, 0.000012, 0.000001)) plt.ylabel('Latitude') plt.ylim(-60, 60) plt.yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) plt.xlabel('') plt.xticks(tickspace, labels, rotation=25) plt.grid(True, linestyle=':') if lonin == [-1., 361.]: figname = 'div_hm_' + run + '.pdf' else: figname = 'div_hm_' + run + '_' + str(int(lonin[0])) + '_' + str( int(lonin[1])) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(plot_dir + figname, format='pdf') plt.close() dvordx.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', add_labels=False) plt.ylabel('Latitude') plt.ylim(-60, 60) plt.yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) plt.xlabel('') plt.xticks(tickspace, labels, rotation=25) plt.grid(True, linestyle=':') if lonin == [-1., 361.]: figname = 'dvordx_hm_' + run + '.pdf' else: figname = 'dvordx_hm_' + run + '_' + str(int(lonin[0])) + '_' + str( int(lonin[1])) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(plot_dir + figname, format='pdf') plt.close() dvordy.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', add_labels=False, levels=np.arange( -1.2e-10, 1.25e-10, 0.1e-10)) plt.ylabel('Latitude') plt.ylim(-60, 60) plt.yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) plt.xlabel('') plt.xticks(tickspace, labels, rotation=25) plt.grid(True, linestyle=':') if lonin == [-1., 361.]: figname = 'dvordy_hm_' + run + '.pdf' else: figname = 'dvordy_hm_' + run + '_' + str(int(lonin[0])) + '_' + str( int(lonin[1])) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(plot_dir + figname, format='pdf') plt.close() data.ucomp.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', add_labels=False) plt.ylabel('Latitude') plt.ylim(-60, 60) plt.yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) plt.xlabel('') plt.xticks(tickspace, labels, rotation=25) plt.grid(True, linestyle=':') if lonin == [-1., 361.]: figname = 'u_hm_' + run + '.pdf' else: figname = 'u_hm_' + run + '_' + str(int(lonin[0])) + '_' + str( int(lonin[1])) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(plot_dir + figname, format='pdf') plt.close() data.vcomp.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', add_labels=False, levels=np.arange( -15., 15.5, 1.)) plt.ylabel('Latitude') plt.ylim(-60, 60) plt.yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) plt.xlabel('') plt.xticks(tickspace, labels, rotation=25) plt.grid(True, linestyle=':') if lonin == [-1., 361.]: figname = 'v_hm_' + run + '.pdf' else: figname = 'v_hm_' + run + '_' + str(int(lonin[0])) + '_' + str( int(lonin[1])) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(plot_dir + figname, format='pdf') plt.close()
def mom_budg(run, lev=150): data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/' + run + '.nc') #First do uu terms uu_trans_dx = -86400. * gr.ddx( (data.ucomp_sq - data.ucomp**2).sel(pfull=lev)) # <u'u'> = <uu> - <u><u> u = data.ucomp.sel(pfull=lev) # u u_dx = -86400. * gr.ddx(u) # dudx u_ed = u - u.mean('lon') u_dx_ed = u_dx - u_dx.mean('lon') u_dudx_zav = u.mean('lon') * u_dx.mean( 'lon') # [u][dudx], where brackets denote mean over all longitudes u_dudx_cross1 = u.mean('lon') * u_dx_ed # [u]dudx* u_dudx_cross2 = u_ed * u_dx.mean('lon') # u*[dudx] u_dudx_stat = u_ed * u_dx_ed # u*dudx* data['uu_trans_dx'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), uu_trans_dx) data['u_dudx_cross1'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), u_dudx_cross1) data['u_dudx_cross2'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), u_dudx_cross2) data['u_dudx_stat'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), u_dudx_stat) data['u_dudx_zav'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), u_dudx_zav) #Next do uv terms uv_trans_dy = -86400. * gr.ddy( (data.ucomp_vcomp - data.ucomp * data.vcomp).sel(pfull=lev), uv=True) v = data.vcomp.sel(pfull=lev).load() # v u_dy = -86400. * gr.ddy(u) # dudy v_ed = v - v.mean('lon') u_dy_ed = u_dy - u_dy.mean('lon') v_dudy_zav = v.mean('lon') * u_dy.mean('lon') # [v][dudy] v_dudy_cross1 = v.mean('lon') * u_dy_ed # [v]dudy* v_dudy_cross2 = v_ed * u_dy.mean('lon') # v*[dudy] v_dudy_stat = v_ed * u_dy_ed # v*dudy* data['uv_trans_dy'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), uv_trans_dy) data['v_dudy_cross1'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), v_dudy_cross1) data['v_dudy_cross2'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), v_dudy_cross2) data['v_dudy_stat'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), v_dudy_stat) data['v_dudy_zav'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), v_dudy_zav) #Finally do uw terms uw_trans_dp = -86400. * gr.ddp( (data.ucomp_omega - data.ucomp * w = # w u_dp = -86400. * (gr.ddp(data.ucomp)).sel(pfull=lev) # dudp w_ed = w - w.mean('lon') u_dp_ed = u_dp - u_dp.mean('lon') w_dudp_zav = w.mean('lon') * u_dp.mean('lon') # [w][dudp] w_dudp_cross1 = w.mean('lon') * u_dp_ed # [w]dudp* w_dudp_cross2 = w_ed * u_dp.mean('lon') # w*[dudp] w_dudp_stat = w_ed * u_dp_ed # w*dudp* data['uw_trans_dp'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), uw_trans_dp.sel(pfull=lev)) data['w_dudp_cross1'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), w_dudp_cross1) data['w_dudp_cross2'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), w_dudp_cross2) data['w_dudp_stat'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), w_dudp_stat) data['w_dudp_zav'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), w_dudp_zav) #Coriolis omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) fv = data.vcomp.sel(pfull=lev) * f * 86400. fv_mean = fv.mean('lon') fv_local = fv - fv_mean totp = (data.convection_rain + data.condensation_rain) * 86400. #Geopotential gradient dphidx = gr.ddx(data.height.sel(pfull=lev)) dphidx = -86400. * 9.8 * dphidx fv_ageo = fv_local + dphidx mom_mean = data.u_dudx_zav + data.v_dudy_zav + data.w_dudp_zav mom_cross = data.u_dudx_cross1 + data.v_dudy_cross1 + data.w_dudp_cross1 + data.u_dudx_cross2 + data.v_dudy_cross2 + data.w_dudp_cross2 mom_trans = data.uu_trans_dx + data.uv_trans_dy + data.uw_trans_dp mom_stat = data.u_dudx_stat + data.v_dudy_stat + data.w_dudp_stat mom_sum = fv_local + fv_mean + dphidx + mom_mean + mom_trans + mom_stat + mom_cross data['mom_mean'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), mom_mean) data['mom_cross'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), mom_cross) data['mom_trans'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), mom_trans) data['mom_stat'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), mom_stat) data['fv_local'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), fv_local) data['fv_ageo'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), fv_ageo) data['fv_mean'] = (('xofyear', 'lat'), fv_mean) data['dphidx'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), dphidx) data['mom_sum'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), mom_sum) return data
def vort_eq_hm(run, lev=150, lonin=[-1., 361.]): rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15, 6.25 rcParams['font.size'] = 18 rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plot_dir = '/scratch/rg419/plots/paper_1_figs/' mkdir = sh.mkdir.bake('-p') mkdir(plot_dir) #Load in vorticity budget term means data_vort = xr.open_dataset( '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_' + run + '.nc') data_vort = data_vort * 86400.**2. #Convert to day^-2 print 'vorticity budget data loaded' #Also load climatological data so that transient eddies can be calculated data = xr.open_dataset( '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_uv' + run + '.nc') print 'climatology loaded' if lonin[1] > lonin[0]: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] and data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] else: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] or data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f abs_vort = vor.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * 86400. dvordx = gr.ddx(vor) dvordy = gr.ddy(vor, vector=False) horiz_md_mean = -86400.**2. * (data.ucomp * dvordx + data.vcomp * dvordy) div = gr.ddx(data.ucomp) + gr.ddy(data.vcomp) stretching_mean = -86400.**2. * vor * div horiz_md_hm = horiz_md_mean.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') stretching_hm = stretching_mean.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') mn_dic = month_dic(1) tickspace = range(13, 72, 18) labels = [mn_dic[(k + 5) / 6] for k in tickspace] levels = np.arange(-1.5, 1.6, 0.25) print 'starting plotting' # Four subplots f, ((ax1, ax2, ax3), (ax4, ax5, ax6)) = plt.subplots(2, 3, sharex='col', sharey='row') plt.set_cmap('RdBu_r') #First plot f2 = horiz_md_hm.plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=levels, ax=ax1, extend='both', add_labels=False) #ax1.contour(data.xofyear,, abs_vort.T, levels=np.arange(-12.,13.,2.), colors='k', linewidths=2, alpha=0.25) ax1.set_ylabel('Latitude') ax1.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax1.set_title('Horizontal advection', fontsize=17) ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax1.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax1.text(-15, 60, 'a)') #Second plot dvordy.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=np.arange( -1.e-10, 1.05e-10, 0.1e-10), ax=ax2, extend='both', add_labels=False) #ax2.set_ylim(-60,60) ax2.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax2.set_title('$\partial (\overline{\zeta} + f) /\partial y$', fontsize=17) ax2.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax2.text(-7, 60, 'b)') #Third plot data.vcomp.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=np.arange( -12., 13, 2.), ax=ax3, extend='both', add_labels=False) ax3.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax3.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax3.set_title('$\overline{v}$', fontsize=17) ax3.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax3.text(-7, 60, 'c)') #Fourth plot stretching_hm.plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=levels, ax=ax4, extend='both', add_labels=False) #ax4.contour(data.xofyear,, abs_vort.T, levels=np.arange(-12.,13.,2.), colors='k', linewidths=2, alpha=0.25) ax4.set_ylabel('Latitude') ax4.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax4.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax4.set_xticks(tickspace) ax4.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=25) ax4.set_title('Vortex stretching', fontsize=17) ax4.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax4.text(-15, 60, 'd)') #Fith plot (div.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * 86400.).plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=np.arange( -0.6, 0.7, 0.1), ax=ax5, extend='both', add_labels=False) ax5.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax5.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax5.set_xticks(tickspace) ax5.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=25) ax5.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax5.set_title('Divergence', fontsize=17) ax5.text(-7, 60, 'e)') #Sixth plot (vor.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * 86400.).plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=np.arange( -12., 13., 2.), ax=ax6, extend='both', add_labels=False) ax6.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax6.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax6.set_xticks(tickspace) ax6.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=25) ax6.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax6.set_title('Absolute vorticity', fontsize=17) ax6.text(-7, 60, 'f)') plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.97, left=0.08, top=0.93, bottom=0.1, hspace=0.25, wspace=0.15) if lonin == [-1., 361.]: figname = 'vort_breakdown_' + run + '.pdf' else: figname = 'vort_breakdown_' + run + '_' + str(int( lonin[0])) + '_' + str(int(lonin[1])) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(plot_dir + figname, format='pdf') plt.close()
def mom_budg_hm(run, lev=150, filename='plev_pentad', timeav='pentad', period_fac=1., lonin=[-1., 361.]): a = 6376.0e3 rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 5.5 rcParams['font.size'] = 18 rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plot_dir = '/scratch/rg419/plots/itcz_theory_testing/' mkdir = sh.mkdir.bake('-p') mkdir(plot_dir) data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/' + run + '.nc') if lonin[1] > lonin[0]: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] and data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] else: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] or data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] #advective terms partition_advection(data, lons, lev=150) #Coriolis omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180.) fu = -1. * data.ucomp.sel(pfull=lev) * f * 86400. fu = fu.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') metric_term = (-86400. * data.ucomp.sel(pfull=lev) * data.ucomp.sel(pfull=lev) * np.tan( * np.pi / 180.) / a).mean('lon') #totp = ((data.convection_rain + data.condensation_rain)*86400.).sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') #abs_vort = (data.vor + f).sel(lon=lons).mean('lon')*86400. #Geopotential gradient dphidy = gr.ddy(data.height.sel(pfull=lev), vector=False) dphidy = -86400. * 9.8 * dphidy.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') mom_mean = data.v_dvdy_zav + data.w_dvdp_zav mom_trans = data.vv_trans_dy + data.vw_trans_dp mom_stat = data.v_dvdy_stat + data.w_dvdp_stat mom_sum = mom_mean + mom_trans + mom_stat + fu + dphidy + metric_term levels = np.arange(-300., 300.1, 30.) mn_dic = month_dic(1) tickspace = range(13, 72, 18) labels = [mn_dic[(k + 5) / 6] for k in tickspace] # Six subplots fig, ((ax1, ax2, ax3), (ax4, ax5, ax6)) = plt.subplots(2, 3, sharex='col', sharey='row') plt.set_cmap('RdBu_r') #First plot f1 = fu.plot.contourf(ax=ax1, x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=levels, add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False) #totp.plot.contour(ax=ax1, x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=np.arange(-92.,109.,100.), add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False, alpha=0.25, colors='k', linewidths=2) ax1.set_ylabel('Latitude') ax1.set_title('Coriolis', fontsize=17) ax1.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax1.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(-60., 61., 30.)) ax1.text(-15, 60, 'a)') #Second plot mom_mean.plot.contourf(ax=ax2, x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=levels, add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False) #ax2.contour(data.xofyear,, abs_vort.sel(pfull=lev).T, levels=np.arange(-12.,13.,2.), colors='k', linewidths=2) #abs_vort.sel(pfull=lev).plot.contour(ax=ax2, x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=np.arange(-2.,6.,2.), add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False, colors='k', linewidths=2) #totp.plot.contour(ax=ax2, x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=np.arange(-92.,109.,100.), add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False, alpha=0.25, colors='k', linewidths=2) ax2.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax2.set_title('Mean state advection', fontsize=17) ax2.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax2.text(-5, 60, 'b)') #Third plot dphidy.plot.contourf(ax=ax3, x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=levels, add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False) #totp.plot.contour(ax=ax3, x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=np.arange(-92.,109.,100.), add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False, alpha=0.25, colors='k', linewidths=2) ax3.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax3.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax3.set_title('Geopotential gradient', fontsize=17) ax3.text(-5, 60, 'c)') #Fourth plot mom_trans.plot.contourf(ax=ax4, x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=levels, add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False) #totp.plot.contour(ax=ax4, x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=np.arange(-92.,109.,100.), add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False, alpha=0.25, colors='k', linewidths=2) ax4.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax4.set_ylabel('Latitude') ax4.set_xticks(tickspace) ax4.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=25) ax4.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax4.set_title('Transient eddy flux conv.', fontsize=17) ax4.set_yticks(np.arange(-60., 61., 30.)) ax4.text(-15, 60, 'd)') #Fifth plot metric_term.plot.contourf(ax=ax5, x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=levels, add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False) #totp.plot.contour(ax=ax5, x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=np.arange(-92.,109.,100.), add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False, alpha=0.25, colors='k', linewidths=2) ax5.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax5.set_xticks(tickspace) ax5.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=25) ax5.set_title('Metric term', fontsize=17) ax5.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax5.text(-5, 60, 'e)') #Sixth plot mom_sum.plot.contourf(ax=ax6, x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=levels, add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False) #totp.plot.contour(ax=ax6, x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=np.arange(-92.,109.,100.), add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False, alpha=0.25, colors='k', linewidths=2) ax6.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax6.set_xticks(tickspace) ax6.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=25) ax6.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax6.set_title('Residual', fontsize=17) ax6.text(-5, 60, 'f)') plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.97, left=0.1, top=0.95, bottom=0., hspace=0.25, wspace=0.12) #Colorbar cb1 = fig.colorbar(f1, ax=[ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5, ax6], use_gridspec=True, orientation='horizontal', fraction=0.15, pad=0.15, aspect=30, shrink=0.5) #cb1=fig.colorbar(f1, ax=[ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4,ax5,ax6], use_gridspec=True,fraction=0.15, aspect=30) #cb1.set_label('$ms^{-1}day^{-1}$') if lonin == [-1., 361.]: figname = 'merid_mom_budg_' + run + '.pdf' else: figname = 'merid_mom_budg_' + run + '_' + str(int( lonin[0])) + '_' + str(int(lonin[1])) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(plot_dir + figname, format='pdf') plt.close()
def vort_budg(run, ax_s, ax_h, pentad): data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/' + run + '.nc') data['rain'] = (('xofyear', 'lat', 'lon'), (data.convection_rain + data.condensation_rain) * 86400.) lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= 60. and data.lon[i] < 150. ] lats = [[i] for i in range(len( if[i] >= -30. and[i] < 60. ] omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp.sel(pfull=150)) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp.sel(pfull=150)) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f div = gr.ddx(data.ucomp.sel(pfull=150)) + gr.ddy(data.vcomp.sel(pfull=150)) dvordx = gr.ddx(vor) dvordy = gr.ddy(vor, vector=False) horiz_md_mean = -86400.**2. * (data.ucomp.sel(pfull=150) * dvordx + data.vcomp.sel(pfull=150) * dvordy) stretching_mean = -86400.**2. * vor * div land_file = '/scratch/rg419/GFDL_model/GFDLmoistModel/input/' land = xr.open_dataset(land_file) f1 = stretching_mean[pentad:pentad + 4, :, :].mean('xofyear').plot.contourf( x='lon', y='lat', levels=np.arange(-5., 5.1, 1.), ax=ax_s, add_labels=False, extend='both', add_colorbar=False) land.land_mask.plot.contour(x='lon', y='lat', levels=np.arange(0., 2., 1.), ax=ax_s, colors='k', add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False) cs = (vor * 86400.)[pentad:pentad + 4, :, :].sel( lon=lons, lat=lats).mean('xofyear').plot.contour(x='lon', y='lat', levels=np.arange(-14., 15., 2.), ax=ax_s, colors='0.6', add_labels=False, add_colorbar=False) plt.clabel(cs, fontsize=12, inline_spacing=-1, fmt='%1.0f') f1 = horiz_md_mean[pentad:pentad + 4, :, :].mean('xofyear').plot.contourf( x='lon', y='lat', levels=np.arange(-5., 5.1, 1.), ax=ax_h, add_labels=False, extend='both', add_colorbar=False) land.land_mask.plot.contour(x='lon', y='lat', levels=np.arange(0., 2., 1.), ax=ax_h, colors='k', add_colorbar=False, add_labels=False) cs = (vor * 86400.)[pentad:pentad + 4, :, :].sel( lon=lons, lat=lats).mean('xofyear').plot.contour(x='lon', y='lat', levels=np.arange(-14., 15., 2.), ax=ax_h, colors='0.6', add_labels=False, add_colorbar=False) plt.clabel(cs, fontsize=12, inline_spacing=-1, fmt='%1.0f') for ax in [ax_s, ax_h]: ax.set_xlim(60, 150) ax.set_ylim(-30, 60) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(60., 155., 30.)) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(-30., 65., 30.)) return f1
def vort_eq_hm(run, lev=150, lonin=[-1., 361.]): rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 7.5 rcParams['font.size'] = 18 rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plot_dir = '/scratch/rg419/plots/vort_schematic/' mkdir = sh.mkdir.bake('-p') mkdir(plot_dir) #Load in vorticity budget term means data_vort = xr.open_dataset( '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_' + run + '.nc') data_vort = data_vort * 86400.**2. #Convert to day^-2 print 'vorticity budget data loaded' #Also load climatological data so that transient eddies can be calculated data = xr.open_dataset( '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_uv' + run + '.nc') print 'climatology loaded' if lonin[1] > lonin[0]: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] and data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] else: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] or data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f abs_vort = vor.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * 86400. dvordx = gr.ddx(vor) dvordy = gr.ddy(vor, vector=False) horiz_md_mean = -86400.**2. * (data.ucomp * dvordx + data.vcomp * dvordy) div = gr.ddx(data.ucomp) + gr.ddy(data.vcomp) stretching_mean = -86400.**2. * vor * div transient = data_vort.horiz_md.sel( pfull=lev).values + data_vort.stretching.sel( pfull=lev).values - horiz_md_mean.values - stretching_mean.values data_vort['transient'] = (('pentad', 'lat', 'lon'), transient) horiz_md_hm = horiz_md_mean.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') stretching_hm = stretching_mean.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') transient_hm = data_vort.transient.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') total_hm =, lon=lons).mean('lon') mn_dic = month_dic(1) tickspace = range(13, 72, 18) labels = [mn_dic[(k + 5) / 6] for k in tickspace] levels = np.arange(-1.5, 1.6, 0.1) print 'starting plotting' # Four subplots f, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='col', sharey='row') plt.set_cmap('RdBu_r') #First plot f2 = horiz_md_hm.plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=levels, ax=ax1, extend='both', add_labels=False, add_colorbar=False) ax1.contour(data.xofyear,, abs_vort.T, levels=np.arange(-12., 13., 2.), colors='k', linewidths=2, alpha=0.25) ax1.set_ylabel('Latitude') ax1.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax1.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax1.text(-10, 60, 'a)') #Second plot stretching_hm.plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=levels, ax=ax2, extend='both', add_labels=False, add_colorbar=False) ax2.contour(data.xofyear,, abs_vort.T, levels=np.arange(-12., 13., 2.), colors='k', linewidths=2, alpha=0.25) ax2.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax2.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax2.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax2.text(-5, 60, 'b)') #Third plot transient_hm.plot.contourf(x='pentad', y='lat', levels=levels, ax=ax3, extend='both', add_labels=False, add_colorbar=False) ax3.contour(data.xofyear,, abs_vort.T, levels=np.arange(-12., 13., 2.), colors='k', linewidths=2, alpha=0.25) ax3.set_ylabel('Latitude') ax3.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax3.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax3.set_xticks(tickspace) ax3.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=25) ax3.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax3.text(-10, 60, 'c)') #Fourth plot total_hm.plot.contourf(x='pentad', y='lat', levels=levels, ax=ax4, extend='both', add_labels=False, add_colorbar=False) ax4.contour(data.xofyear,, abs_vort.T, levels=np.arange(-12., 13., 2.), colors='k', linewidths=2, alpha=0.25) ax4.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax4.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax4.set_xticks(tickspace) ax4.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=25) ax4.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax4.text(-5, 60, 'd)') plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.97, left=0.1, top=0.95, bottom=0., hspace=0.2, wspace=0.1) #Colorbar cb1 = f.colorbar(f2, ax=[ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4], use_gridspec=True, orientation='horizontal', fraction=0.15, pad=0.1, aspect=30, shrink=0.5) cb1.set_label('Vorticity tendency, day$^{-2}$') if lonin == [-1., 361.]: figname = 'vort_budg_hm_' + run + '.pdf' else: figname = 'vort_budg_hm_' + run + '_' + str(int(lonin[0])) + '_' + str( int(lonin[1])) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(plot_dir + figname, format='pdf') plt.close()
def t_dtdy_plot(run, lonin=[-1., 361.]): rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 6, 6 rcParams['font.size'] = 16 plot_dir = '/scratch/rg419/plots/surface_fluxes/' mkdir = sh.mkdir.bake('-p') mkdir(plot_dir) data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/' + run + '.nc') lons = pick_lons(data, lonin) try: precip_plot = (data.precipitation * 86400.).sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') except: precip_plot = ((data.convection_rain + data.condensation_rain) * 86400.).sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') data = data.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') dTdy = gr.ddy(data.t_surf, vector=False) dTdy = dTdy * mc.a f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True) f1 = data.t_surf.plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=np.arange(270., 311., 2.5), ax=ax1, extend='both', add_labels=False) precip_plot.plot.contour(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=np.arange(2., 15., 4.), ax=ax1, colors='k', extend='both', add_labels=False) ax1.set_title('SST') dTdy.plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=np.arange(-45., 46., 5.), ax=ax2, extend='both', add_labels=False) precip_plot.plot.contour(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=np.arange(2., 15., 4.), ax=ax2, colors='k', extend='both', add_labels=False) ax2.set_title('dSSTdy') ax2.set_xlabel('Pentad') for ax in [ax1, ax2]: ax.set_ylabel('Latitude') ax.grid(True, linestyle=':') #plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, right=0.95, top=0.95, bottom=0., hspace=0.2) plt.savefig(plot_dir + 't_dtdy_plot_' + run + '.pdf', format='pdf') plt.close()
def mom_budg_hm(run, lev=150, filename='plev_pentad', timeav='pentad', period_fac=1., lonin=[-1., 361.]): a = 6376.0e3 rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 5.5 rcParams['font.size'] = 18 rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plot_dir = '/scratch/rg419/plots/itcz_theory_testing/' mkdir = sh.mkdir.bake('-p') mkdir(plot_dir) data = xr.open_dataset('/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/' + run + '.nc') if lonin[1] > lonin[0]: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] and data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] else: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] or data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] #advective terms partition_advection(data, lons, lev=150) #Coriolis omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180.) fu = -1. * data.ucomp.sel(pfull=lev) * f * 86400. fu = fu.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') metric_term = (-86400. * data.ucomp.sel(pfull=lev) * data.ucomp.sel(pfull=lev) * np.tan( * np.pi / 180.) / a).mean('lon') #totp = ((data.convection_rain + data.condensation_rain)*86400.).sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') #abs_vort = (data.vor + f).sel(lon=lons).mean('lon')*86400. #Geopotential gradient dphidy = gr.ddy(data.height.sel(pfull=lev), vector=False) dphidy = -86400. * 9.8 * dphidy.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') mom_mean = data.v_dvdy_zav + data.w_dvdp_zav mom_trans = data.vv_trans_dy + data.vw_trans_dp mom_stat = data.v_dvdy_stat + data.w_dvdp_stat mom_sum = mom_mean + mom_trans + mom_stat + fu + dphidy + metric_term resid = -(fu + dphidy + metric_term) levels = np.arange(-10., 10.1, 1.) mn_dic = month_dic(1) tickspace = range(13, 72, 18) labels = [mn_dic[(k + 5) / 6] for k in tickspace] resid.plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=levels, add_labels=False) plt.ylabel('Latitude') plt.ylim(-60, 60) plt.xticks(tickspace, labels, rotation=25) plt.yticks(np.arange(-60., 61., 30.)) plt.grid(True, linestyle=':') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(plot_dir + 'residual.pdf') plt.close() mom_mean.plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', extend='both', levels=levels, add_labels=False) plt.ylabel('Latitude') plt.ylim(-60, 60) plt.xticks(tickspace, labels, rotation=25) plt.yticks(np.arange(-60., 61., 30.)) plt.grid(True, linestyle=':') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(plot_dir + 'mom_mean.pdf') plt.close()
def vort_eq_hm(run, lev=150, lonin=[-1., 361.]): rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15, 5.5 rcParams['font.size'] = 18 rcParams['text.usetex'] = True plot_dir = '/scratch/rg419/plots/paper_1_figs/revisions/' mkdir = sh.mkdir.bake('-p') mkdir(plot_dir) #Load in vorticity budget term means data_vort = xr.open_dataset( '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_' + run + '.nc') data_vort = data_vort * 86400.**2. #Convert to day^-2 print 'vorticity budget data loaded' #Also load climatological data so that transient eddies can be calculated data = xr.open_dataset( '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/climatologies/vort_eq_uv' + run + '.nc') print 'climatology loaded' if lonin[1] > lonin[0]: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] and data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] else: lons = [ data.lon[i] for i in range(len(data.lon)) if data.lon[i] >= lonin[0] or data.lon[i] < lonin[1] ] # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f abs_vort = vor.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') * 86400. dvordx = gr.ddx(vor) dvordy = gr.ddy(vor, vector=False) horiz_md_mean = -86400.**2. * (data.ucomp * dvordx + data.vcomp * dvordy) div = gr.ddx(data.ucomp) + gr.ddy(data.vcomp) stretching_mean = -86400.**2. * vor * div # Zonal means horiz_zmean = -86400.**2. * (data.ucomp.mean('lon') * dvordx.mean('lon') + data.vcomp.mean('lon') * dvordy.mean('lon')) stretching_zmean = -86400.**2. * vor.mean('lon') * div.mean('lon') # Transient eddies transient_s_hm = (data_vort.stretching.sel(pfull=lev).values - stretching_mean).sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') transient_h_hm = (data_vort.horiz_md.sel(pfull=lev).values - horiz_md_mean).sel(lon=lons).mean('lon') transient_hm = transient_s_hm + transient_h_hm # Stationary eddies u_ed = data.ucomp - data.ucomp.mean('lon') v_ed = data.vcomp - data.vcomp.mean('lon') dvordx_ed = dvordx - dvordx.mean('lon') dvordy_ed = dvordy - dvordy.mean('lon') div_ed = div - div.mean('lon') vor_ed = vor - vor.mean('lon') stat_s = -86400.**2. * (div_ed * vor_ed) stat_h = -86400.**2. * (u_ed * dvordx_ed + v_ed * dvordy_ed) # Stationary eddy cross terms cross_s = -86400.**2. * (vor.mean('lon') * div_ed + vor_ed * div.mean('lon')) cross_h = -86400.**2. * (u_ed * dvordx.mean('lon') + v_ed * dvordy.mean('lon') + data.ucomp.mean('lon') * dvordx_ed + data.vcomp.mean('lon') * dvordy_ed) mn_dic = month_dic(1) tickspace = range(13, 72, 18) labels = [mn_dic[(k + 5) / 6] for k in tickspace] levels = np.arange(-1.5, 1.6, 0.25) print 'starting plotting' # Four subplots f, ((ax1, ax2, ax3), (ax4, ax5, ax6)) = plt.subplots(2, 3, sharex='col', sharey='row') plt.set_cmap('RdBu_r') #First plot f2 = horiz_zmean.plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=levels, ax=ax1, extend='both', add_labels=False) #ax1.contour(data.xofyear,, abs_vort.T, levels=np.arange(-12.,13.,2.), colors='k', linewidths=2, alpha=0.25) ax1.set_ylabel('Latitude') ax1.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax1.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax1.text(-15, 60, 'a)') #Second plot stat_h.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=levels, ax=ax2, extend='both', add_labels=False) ax2.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax2.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax2.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax2.text(-7, 60, 'b)') #Third plot cross_h.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=levels, ax=ax3, extend='both', add_labels=False) ax3.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax3.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax3.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax3.text(-7, 60, 'c)') #Fourth plot stretching_zmean.plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=levels, ax=ax4, extend='both', add_labels=False) #ax4.contour(data.xofyear,, abs_vort.T, levels=np.arange(-12.,13.,2.), colors='k', linewidths=2, alpha=0.25) ax4.set_ylabel('Latitude') ax4.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax4.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax4.set_xticks(tickspace) ax4.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=25) ax4.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax4.text(-15, 60, 'd)') #Fifth plot stat_s.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=levels, ax=ax5, extend='both', add_labels=False) ax5.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax5.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax5.set_xticks(tickspace) ax5.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=25) ax5.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax5.text(-7, 60, 'e)') #Sixth plot cross_s.sel(lon=lons).mean('lon').plot.contourf(x='xofyear', y='lat', levels=levels, ax=ax6, extend='both', add_labels=False) #ax4.contour(data.xofyear,, abs_vort.T, levels=np.arange(-12.,13.,2.), colors='k', linewidths=2, alpha=0.25) ax6.set_ylim(-60, 60) ax6.set_yticks(np.arange(-60, 61, 30)) ax6.set_xticks(tickspace) ax6.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=25) ax6.grid(True, linestyle=':') ax6.text(-7, 60, 'f)') plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.97, left=0.08, top=0.93, bottom=0.1, hspace=0.25, wspace=0.15) if lonin == [-1., 361.]: figname = 'vort_eddies_' + run + '.pdf' else: figname = 'vort_eddies_' + run + '_' + str(int(lonin[0])) + '_' + str( int(lonin[1])) + '.pdf' plt.savefig(plot_dir + figname, format='pdf') plt.close()
def vort_eq(run, months, filename='plev_daily', lev=150.): #Load in dataset name_temp = '/scratch/rg419/Data_moist/' + run + '/run%03d/' + filename + '.nc' names = [name_temp % m for m in range(months[0], months[1])] #read data into xarray data = xr.open_mfdataset( names, decode_times=False, # no calendar so tell netcdf lib # choose how data will be broken down into manageable chunks. chunks={'time': 30}) print 'files opened' # Calculate planetary vorticity omega = 7.2921150e-5 f = 2 * omega * np.sin( * np.pi / 180) # Calculate vertical component of absolute vorticity = f + dv/dx - du/dy v_dx = gr.ddx(data.vcomp) # dvdx u_dy = gr.ddy(data.ucomp) # dudy vor = v_dx - u_dy + f #vor_rel = v_dx - u_dy print 'absolute vorticity calculated' dvordx = gr.ddx(vor.sel(pfull=lev)) dvordy = gr.ddy(vor.sel(pfull=lev), vector=False) dvordp = gr.ddp(vor) # Calculate horizontal material derivative horiz_md = -1. * (data.ucomp * dvordx + data.vcomp * dvordy) # Calculate vertical material derivative vert_md = -1. * * dvordp.sel(pfull=lev) print 'advective terms done' # Now do the terms involving gradients of windspeed div = gr.ddx(data.ucomp.sel(pfull=lev)) + gr.ddy(data.vcomp.sel(pfull=lev)) stretching = -1. * vor * div tilting = (gr.ddp(data.ucomp)).sel(pfull=lev) * gr.ddy(, vector=False) - (gr.ddp( data.vcomp)).sel(pfull=lev) * gr.ddx( print 'stretching and tilting done' total = horiz_md + vert_md + stretching + tilting ds = xr.Dataset( { 'horiz_md': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], horiz_md), 'vert_md': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], vert_md), 'stretching': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], stretching), 'tilting': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], tilting), 'total': (['time', 'lat', 'lon'], total) }, coords={ 'time': ('time', data.time), 'pfull': ('pfull', data.pfull), 'lat': ('lat',, 'lon': ('lon', data.lon) }) ds.coords['xofyear'] = np.mod(ds.time - 1., 360.) // 5 + 1. dsout = ds.groupby('xofyear').mean(('time')) GFDL_DATA = os.environ['GFDL_DATA'] fileout = GFDL_DATA + 'climatologies/' + run + '_' + str( int(lev)) + '' dsout.to_netcdf(path=fileout) print 'data written to ', fileout return dsout