Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_base_constituents():
    Builds the raw skeleton of a constituent from constituents.csv
    reader = Converter.process_csv(os.environ['BASEPATH'] + 'constituents.csv')
    constituents = {}
    for row in reader:
        row = Converter.remove_bom(row)
        if (row['AlphaSort'] == None):
            print "No AlphaSort in: " + row['ConstituentID']
            row['AlphaSort'] = ''
        row['nameSort'] = row['AlphaSort'].split(" ")[0]
        row['id'] = row['ConstituentID']
        constituents[row['ConstituentID']] = row
    return constituents
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_base_constituents():
    Builds the raw skeleton of a constituent from constituents.csv
    reader = Converter.process_csv(os.environ['BASEPATH'] + 'constituents.csv')
    constituents = {}
    for row in reader:
        row = Converter.remove_bom(row)
        if (row['AlphaSort'] == None):
            print "No AlphaSort in: " + row['ConstituentID']
            row['AlphaSort'] = ''
        row['nameSort'] = row['AlphaSort'].split(" ")[0]
        row['id'] = row['ConstituentID']
        constituents[row['ConstituentID']] = row
    return constituents
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_join_data(filepath):
    To denormalize CSV data term IDs
    reader = Converter.process_csv(filepath)
    data = {}
    for row in reader:
        row = Converter.remove_bom(row)
        tmp = []
        for k in row:
        if tmp[1].isdigit():
            data[tmp[1]] = tmp[0]
            data[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_join_data(filepath):
    To denormalize CSV data term IDs
    reader = Converter.process_csv(filepath)
    data = {}
    for row in reader:
        row = Converter.remove_bom(row)
        tmp = []
        for k in row:
        if tmp[1].isdigit():
            data[tmp[1]] = tmp[0]
            data[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 5
def process_constituents(endpoint):
    Consolidates all constituent data into a single dictionary. Pushes each dictionary as a document to Elastic.
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    constituents = create_base_constituents()
    counter = 0
    tables = ["format","biography","address","gender","process","role","collection"]
    joins = ["formats","biographies",["addresstypes","countries"],"genders","processes","roles","collections"]
    location_pattern = re.compile("(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?)")
    for table in tables:
        reader = Converter.process_csv(os.environ['BASEPATH'] + table + ".csv")
        if type(joins[counter]) is str:
            joindata = get_join_data(os.environ['BASEPATH'] + joins[counter] + ".csv")
            j0 = get_join_data(os.environ['BASEPATH'] + joins[counter][0] + ".csv")
            j1 = get_join_data(os.environ['BASEPATH'] + joins[counter][1] + ".csv")
            joindata = [j0,j1]
        for row in reader:
            row = Converter.remove_bom(row)
            if ((row['ConstituentID'] in constituents) == False):
                print "No constituent:" + row['ConstituentID']
            if ((table in constituents[row['ConstituentID']]) == False):
                constituents[row['ConstituentID']][table] = []
            cid = row['ConstituentID']
            if not 'ConAddressID' in row:
                del row['ConstituentID']
                row['id'] = row['ConAddressID']
            # add the value of the term id
            if 'TermID' in row:
                if ((row['TermID'] in joindata) == False):
                    print "No " + table + ":" + row['TermID']
                    row['Term'] = joindata[row['TermID']]
            if 'AddressTypeID' in row:
                if ((row['AddressTypeID'] in joindata[0]) == False):
                    print "No " + joins[counter][0] + ":" + row['AddressTypeID']
                    print joindata[0]
                    row['AddressType'] = joindata[0][row['AddressTypeID']]
                if ((row['CountryID'] in joindata[1]) == False):
                    print "No " + joins[counter][1] + ":" + row['CountryID']
                    row['Country'] = joindata[1][row['CountryID']]
            if 'Remarks' in row:
                row['Remarks'] = Converter.convert_whitespace(row['Remarks'])
                if location_pattern.match(row['Remarks']):
                    latlon = Converter.compress_address(row['Remarks'])
                    row['Remarks'] = ",".join(latlon)
                    row['Location'] = { "lat" : float(latlon[0]), "lon" : float(latlon[1]) }
        counter = counter + 1
    end = timeit.default_timer()
    print "\n\nProcessed CSVs in " + str(end - start) + " seconds\n"
    print "\n\nPreparing indexing actions...\n"
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    # now on to elastic (index already created)
    actions = []
    addresslist = []
    for index, cid in enumerate(constituents):
        addresses = []
        if 'address' in constituents[cid]:
            # sort addresses
            addresses = Converter.sort_addresses(constituents[cid]['address'])
            constituents[cid]['addressTotal'] = len(constituents[cid]['address'])
            del constituents[cid]['address']
            # put the addresses
            addresslist = addresslist + addresses
        # put the constituent in there
    end = timeit.default_timer()
    print "\n\nActions prepared in " + str((end - start)/60) + " minutes\n"
    print "\n\nIndexing...\n"
    es = Elasticsearch([endpoint], timeout=360, max_retries=10, retry_on_timeout=True)
    # split the actions into batches of 10k
    print "  Constituents..."
    index = 0
    n = 10000
    splitactions = split_list(actions, n)
    for actionchunk in splitactions:
        print "    actions " + str(index*n) + " to " + str((index+1)*n)
        index = index + 1
        helpers.bulk(es, actionchunk)
    print "  Addesses..."
    index = 0
    splitaddresses = split_list(addresslist, n)
    for addresschunk in splitaddresses:
        print "    actions " + str(index*n) + " to " + str((index+1)*n)
        index = index + 1
        helpers.bulk(es, [build_action(value, 'pic', 'address') for value in addresschunk])
    return constituents
Ejemplo n.º 6
def process_constituents(endpoint):
    Consolidates all constituent data into a single dictionary. Pushes each dictionary as a document to Elastic.
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    constituents = create_base_constituents()
    counter = 0
    tables = [
        "format", "biography", "address", "gender", "process", "role",
    joins = [
        "formats", "biographies", ["addresstypes", "countries"], "genders",
        "processes", "roles", "collections"
    location_pattern = re.compile("(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?)")
    for table in tables:
        reader = Converter.process_csv(os.environ['BASEPATH'] + table + ".csv")
        if type(joins[counter]) is str:
            joindata = get_join_data(os.environ['BASEPATH'] + joins[counter] +
            j0 = get_join_data(os.environ['BASEPATH'] + joins[counter][0] +
            j1 = get_join_data(os.environ['BASEPATH'] + joins[counter][1] +
            joindata = [j0, j1]
        for row in reader:
            row = Converter.remove_bom(row)
            if ((row['ConstituentID'] in constituents) == False):
                print "No constituent:" + row['ConstituentID']
            if ((table in constituents[row['ConstituentID']]) == False):
                constituents[row['ConstituentID']][table] = []
            cid = row['ConstituentID']
            if not 'ConAddressID' in row:
                del row['ConstituentID']
                row['id'] = row['ConAddressID']
            # add the value of the term id
            if 'TermID' in row:
                if ((row['TermID'] in joindata) == False):
                    print "No " + table + ":" + row['TermID']
                    row['Term'] = joindata[row['TermID']]
            if 'AddressTypeID' in row:
                if ((row['AddressTypeID'] in joindata[0]) == False):
                    print "No " + joins[counter][0] + ":" + row['AddressTypeID']
                    print joindata[0]
                    row['AddressType'] = joindata[0][row['AddressTypeID']]
                if ((row['CountryID'] in joindata[1]) == False):
                    print "No " + joins[counter][1] + ":" + row['CountryID']
                    row['Country'] = joindata[1][row['CountryID']]
            if 'Remarks' in row:
                row['Remarks'] = Converter.convert_whitespace(row['Remarks'])
                if location_pattern.match(row['Remarks']):
                    latlon = Converter.compress_address(row['Remarks'])
                    row['Remarks'] = ",".join(latlon)
                    row['Location'] = {
                        "lat": float(latlon[0]),
                        "lon": float(latlon[1])
        counter = counter + 1
    end = timeit.default_timer()
    print "\n\nProcessed CSVs in " + str(end - start) + " seconds\n"
    print "\n\nPreparing indexing actions...\n"
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    # now on to elastic (index already created)
    actions = []
    addresslist = []
    for index, cid in enumerate(constituents):
        addresses = []
        if 'address' in constituents[cid]:
            # sort addresses
            addresses = Converter.sort_addresses(constituents[cid]['address'])
            constituents[cid]['addressTotal'] = len(
            del constituents[cid]['address']
            # put the addresses
            addresslist = addresslist + addresses
        # put the constituent in there
    end = timeit.default_timer()
    print "\n\nActions prepared in " + str((end - start) / 60) + " minutes\n"
    print "\n\nIndexing...\n"
    es = Elasticsearch([endpoint],
    # split the actions into batches of 10k
    print "  Constituents..."
    index = 0
    n = 10000
    splitactions = split_list(actions, n)
    for actionchunk in splitactions:
        print "    actions " + str(index * n) + " to " + str((index + 1) * n)
        index = index + 1
        helpers.bulk(es, actionchunk)
    print "  Addesses..."
    index = 0
    splitaddresses = split_list(addresslist, n)
    for addresschunk in splitaddresses:
        print "    actions " + str(index * n) + " to " + str((index + 1) * n)
        index = index + 1
            [build_action(value, 'pic', 'address') for value in addresschunk])
    return constituents