Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, picard_args, unparsed_args, localedir, autoupdate):

        # Use the new fusion style from PyQt5 for a modern and consistent look
        # across all OSes.
        if not IS_MACOS:

        # Set the WM_CLASS to 'MusicBrainz-Picard' so desktop environments
        # can use it to look up the app
        super().__init__(['MusicBrainz-Picard'] + unparsed_args)
        self.__class__.__instance = self
        config._setup(self, picard_args.config_file)

            'QGroupBox::title { /* PICARD-1206, Qt bug workaround */ }')

        self._cmdline_files = picard_args.FILE
        self.autoupdate_enabled = autoupdate
        self._no_restore = picard_args.no_restore
        self._no_plugins = picard_args.no_plugins


        if picard_args.debug or "PICARD_DEBUG" in os.environ:

        # FIXME: Figure out what's wrong with QThreadPool.globalInstance().
        # It's a valid reference, but its start() method doesn't work.
        self.thread_pool = QtCore.QThreadPool(self)

        # Provide a separate thread pool for operations that should not be
        # delayed by longer background processing tasks, e.g. because the user
        # expects instant feedback instead of waiting for a long list of
        # operations to finish.
        self.priority_thread_pool = QtCore.QThreadPool(self)

        # Use a separate thread pool for file saving, with a thread count of 1,
        # to avoid race conditions in File._save_and_rename.
        self.save_thread_pool = QtCore.QThreadPool(self)

        if not IS_WIN:
            # Set up signal handling
            # It's not possible to call all available functions from signal
            # handlers, therefore we need to set up a QSocketNotifier to listen
            # on a socket. Sending data through a socket can be done in a
            # signal handler, so we use the socket to notify the application of
            # the signal.
            # This code is adopted from
            # https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/unix-signals.html

            # To not make the socket module a requirement for the Windows
            # installer, import it here and not globally
            import socket
            self.signalfd = socket.socketpair(socket.AF_UNIX,
                                              socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)

            self.signalnotifier = QtCore.QSocketNotifier(
                self.signalfd[1].fileno(), QtCore.QSocketNotifier.Read, self)

            signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.signal)
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal)
            signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.signal)

        if IS_MACOS:
            # On macOS it is not common that the global menu shows icons

        # Setup logging
        log.debug("Starting Picard from %r", os.path.abspath(__file__))
        log.debug("Platform: %s %s %s", platform.platform(),
                  platform.python_implementation(), platform.python_version())
        log.debug("Versions: %s", versions.as_string())
        log.debug("Configuration file path: %r", config.config.fileName())

        log.debug("User directory: %r", os.path.abspath(USER_DIR))

        # for compatibility with pre-1.3 plugins
        QtCore.QObject.tagger = self
        QtCore.QObject.config = config
        QtCore.QObject.log = log


        # Must be before config upgrade because upgrade dialogs need to be
        # translated
        setup_gettext(localedir, config.setting["ui_language"], log.debug)


        self.webservice = WebService()
        self.mb_api = MBAPIHelper(self.webservice)
        self.acoustid_api = AcoustIdAPIHelper(self.webservice)


        # Initialize fingerprinting
        self._acoustid = acoustid.AcoustIDClient()

        # Load plugins
        self.pluginmanager = PluginManager()
        if not self._no_plugins:
            if IS_FROZEN:
                    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "plugins"))
                mydir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
                    os.path.join(mydir, "plugins"))

            if not os.path.exists(USER_PLUGIN_DIR):

        self.acoustidmanager = AcoustIDManager()
        self.browser_integration = BrowserIntegration()

        self.files = {}
        self.clusters = ClusterList()
        self.albums = {}
        self.release_groups = {}
        self.mbid_redirects = {}
        self.unclustered_files = UnclusteredFiles()
        self.nats = None
        self.window = MainWindow()
        self.exit_cleanup = []
        self.stopping = False

        # Load release version information
        if self.autoupdate_enabled:
            self.updatecheckmanager = UpdateCheckManager(parent=self.window)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, picard_args, unparsed_args, localedir, autoupdate):

        self.__class__.__instance = self
        setup_config(self, picard_args.config_file)
        config = get_config()

        self._cmdline_files = picard_args.FILE
        self.autoupdate_enabled = autoupdate
        self._no_restore = picard_args.no_restore
        self._no_plugins = picard_args.no_plugins


        if picard_args.debug or "PICARD_DEBUG" in os.environ:

        # Default thread pool
        self.thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor()

        # Provide a separate thread pool for operations that should not be
        # delayed by longer background processing tasks, e.g. because the user
        # expects instant feedback instead of waiting for a long list of
        # operations to finish.
        self.priority_thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)

        # Use a separate thread pool for file saving, with a thread count of 1,
        # to avoid race conditions in File._save_and_rename.
        self.save_thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)

        if not IS_WIN:
            # Set up signal handling
            # It's not possible to call all available functions from signal
            # handlers, therefore we need to set up a QSocketNotifier to listen
            # on a socket. Sending data through a socket can be done in a
            # signal handler, so we use the socket to notify the application of
            # the signal.
            # This code is adopted from
            # https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/unix-signals.html

            # To not make the socket module a requirement for the Windows
            # installer, import it here and not globally
            import socket
            self.signalfd = socket.socketpair(socket.AF_UNIX,
                                              socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)

            self.signalnotifier = QtCore.QSocketNotifier(
                self.signalfd[1].fileno(), QtCore.QSocketNotifier.Type.Read,

            signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.signal)
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal)
            signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.signal)

        # Setup logging
        log.debug("Starting Picard from %r", os.path.abspath(__file__))
        log.debug("Platform: %s %s %s", platform.platform(),
                  platform.python_implementation(), platform.python_version())
        log.debug("Versions: %s", versions.as_string())
        log.debug("Configuration file path: %r", config.fileName())

        log.debug("User directory: %r", os.path.abspath(USER_DIR))

        # for compatibility with pre-1.3 plugins
        QtCore.QObject.tagger = self
        QtCore.QObject.config = config
        QtCore.QObject.log = log


        # Must be before config upgrade because upgrade dialogs need to be
        # translated
        setup_gettext(localedir, config.setting["ui_language"], log.debug)


        self.webservice = WebService()
        self.mb_api = MBAPIHelper(self.webservice)


        # Initialize fingerprinting
        acoustid_api = AcoustIdAPIHelper(self.webservice)
        self._acoustid = acoustid.AcoustIDClient(acoustid_api)
        self.acoustidmanager = AcoustIDManager(acoustid_api)

        # Setup AcousticBrainz extraction
        self.ab_extractor = ABExtractor()


        # Load plugins
        self.pluginmanager = PluginManager()
        if not self._no_plugins:
            for plugin_dir in plugin_dirs():

        self.browser_integration = BrowserIntegration()

        self._pending_files_count = 0
        self.files = {}
        self.clusters = ClusterList()
        self.albums = {}
        self.release_groups = {}
        self.mbid_redirects = {}
        self.unclustered_files = UnclusteredFiles()
        self.nats = None
        self.window = MainWindow(disable_player=picard_args.no_player)
        self.exit_cleanup = []
        self.stopping = False

        # Load release version information
        if self.autoupdate_enabled:
            self.updatecheckmanager = UpdateCheckManager(parent=self.window)