Ejemplo n.º 1
    def update_on_heartbeat(self, sbp_msg, **metadata):
        self.heartbeat_count += 1
        # First initialize the state to nothing, if we can't update, it will be none
        temp_mode = "None"
        temp_num_sats = 0
        view = None
        if self.baseline_view and self.solution_view:
            # If we have a recent baseline update, we use the baseline info
            if time.time() - self.baseline_view.last_btime_update < 10:
                view = self.baseline_view
            # Otherwise, if we have a recent SPP update, we use the SPP
            elif time.time() - self.solution_view.last_stime_update < 10:
                view = self.solution_view
            if view:
                if view.last_soln:
                    # if all is well we update state
                    temp_mode = mode_dict.get(get_mode(view.last_soln),
                    temp_num_sats = view.last_soln.n_sats

        self.mode = temp_mode
        self.num_sats = temp_num_sats

        if self.settings_view:  # for auto populating surveyed fields
            self.settings_view.lat = self.solution_view.latitude
            self.settings_view.lon = self.solution_view.longitude
            self.settings_view.alt = self.solution_view.altitude
        if self.system_monitor_view:
            if self.system_monitor_view.msg_obs_window_latency_ms != -1:
                self.latency = "{0} ms".format(
                self.latency = EMPTY_STR
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def update_on_heartbeat(self, sbp_msg, **metadata):
        self.heartbeat_count += 1
        # First initialize the state to nothing, if we can't update, it will be none
        temp_mode = "None"
        temp_num_sats = 0
        view = None
        if self.baseline_view and self.solution_view:
            # If we have a recent baseline update, we use the baseline info
            if time.time() - self.baseline_view.last_btime_update < 10:
                view = self.baseline_view
            # Otherwise, if we have a recent SPP update, we use the SPP
            elif time.time() - self.solution_view.last_stime_update < 10:
                view = self.solution_view
            if view:
                if view.last_soln:
                    # if all is well we update state
                    temp_mode = mode_dict.get(
                        get_mode(view.last_soln), EMPTY_STR)
                    temp_num_sats = view.last_soln.n_sats
                if getattr(view, 'ins_used', False):
                    temp_mode += "+INS"

        self.mode = temp_mode
        self.num_sats = temp_num_sats

        if self.settings_view:  # for auto populating surveyed fields
            self.settings_view.lat = self.solution_view.latitude
            self.settings_view.lon = self.solution_view.longitude
            self.settings_view.alt = self.solution_view.altitude
        if self.baseline_view:
            if self.baseline_view.age_corrections is not None:
                self.age_of_corrections = "{0} s".format(
                self.age_of_corrections = EMPTY_STR
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def update_on_heartbeat(self, sbp_msg, **metadata):
        self.heartbeat_count += 1
        # First initialize the state to nothing, if we can't update, it will be none
        temp_mode = "None"
        temp_num_sats = 0
        view = None
        if self.baseline_view and self.solution_view:
            # If we have a recent baseline update, we use the baseline info
            if time.time() - self.baseline_view.last_btime_update < 10:
                view = self.baseline_view
            # Otherwise, if we have a recent SPP update, we use the SPP
            elif time.time() - self.solution_view.last_stime_update < 10:
                view = self.solution_view
            if view:
                if view.last_soln:
                    # if all is well we update state
                    temp_mode = mode_dict.get(
                        get_mode(view.last_soln), EMPTY_STR)
                    temp_num_sats = view.last_soln.n_sats

        self.mode = temp_mode
        self.num_sats = temp_num_sats

        if self.settings_view:  # for auto populating surveyed fields
            self.settings_view.lat = self.solution_view.latitude
            self.settings_view.lon = self.solution_view.longitude
            self.settings_view.alt = self.solution_view.altitude
        if self.system_monitor_view:
            if self.system_monitor_view.msg_obs_window_latency_ms != -1:
                self.latency = "{0} ms".format(
                self.latency = EMPTY_STR
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def baseline_callback(self, sbp_msg):
        soln = MsgBaselineNEDDepA(sbp_msg)
        self.last_soln = soln
        table = []

        soln.n = soln.n * 1e-3
        soln.e = soln.e * 1e-3
        soln.d = soln.d * 1e-3
        soln.h_accuracy = soln.h_accuracy * 1e-3
        soln.v_accuracy = soln.v_accuracy * 1e-3

        dist = np.sqrt(soln.n**2 + soln.e**2 + soln.d**2)

        tow = soln.tow * 1e-3
        if self.nsec is not None:
            tow += self.nsec * 1e-9

        ((tloc, secloc), (tgps, secgps)) = log_time_strings(self.week, tow)

        if self.directory_name_b == '':
            filepath = time.strftime("baseline_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv")
            filepath = os.path.join(

        if self.logging_b == False:
            self.log_file = None

        if self.logging_b:
            if self.log_file is None:
                self.log_file = sopen(filepath, 'w')
            log_str_gps = ''
            if tgps != '' and secgps != 0:
                log_str_gps = "{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tgps, float(secgps))
                '%s,%s,%.3f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%d,%d,%d\n' %
                ("{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tloc, float(secloc)), log_str_gps, tow,
                 soln.n, soln.e, soln.d, soln.h_accuracy, soln.v_accuracy,
                 dist, soln.n_sats, soln.flags, self.num_hyps))

        self.last_mode = get_mode(soln)

        if self.last_mode < 1:
            table.append(('GPS Time', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('GPS Week', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('GPS TOW', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('N', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('E', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('D', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('h_accuracy', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('v_accuracy', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Dist.', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Num. Sats', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Flags', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Mode', EMPTY_STR))
            self.last_btime_update = time.time()
            if self.week is not None:
                    ('GPS Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(tgps, float(secgps))))
                table.append(('GPS Week', str(self.week)))
            table.append(('GPS TOW', "{:.3f}".format(tow)))
            table.append(('N', soln.n))
            table.append(('E', soln.e))
            table.append(('D', soln.d))
            table.append(('h_accuracy', soln.h_accuracy))
            table.append(('v_accuracy', soln.v_accuracy))
            table.append(('Dist.', dist))
            table.append(('Num. Sats', soln.n_sats))

        table.append(('Flags', '0x%02x' % soln.flags))
        table.append(('Mode', mode_dict[self.last_mode]))
        self.table = table
        # Rotate array, deleting oldest entries to maintain
        # no more than N in plot
        self.n[1:] = self.n[:-1]
        self.e[1:] = self.e[:-1]
        self.d[1:] = self.d[:-1]
        self.mode[1:] = self.mode[:-1]

        # Insert latest position
        if self.last_mode > 1:
            self.n[0], self.e[0], self.d[0] = soln.n, soln.e, soln.d
            self.n[0], self.e[0], self.d[0] = [np.NAN, np.NAN, np.NAN]
        self.mode[0] = self.last_mode

        if np.any(self.mode):
            float_indexer = (self.mode == FLOAT_MODE)
            fixed_indexer = (self.mode == FIXED_MODE)
            dgnss_indexer = (self.mode == DGNSS_MODE)

            if np.any(fixed_indexer):
                self.plot_data.set_data('n_fixed', self.n[fixed_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('e_fixed', self.e[fixed_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('d_fixed', self.d[fixed_indexer])
            if np.any(float_indexer):
                self.plot_data.set_data('n_float', self.n[float_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('e_float', self.e[float_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('d_float', self.d[float_indexer])
            if np.any(dgnss_indexer):
                self.plot_data.set_data('n_dgnss', self.n[dgnss_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('e_dgnss', self.e[dgnss_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('d_dgnss', self.d[dgnss_indexer])

            # Update our last solution icon
            if self.last_mode == FIXED_MODE:
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_fixed_n', [soln.n])
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_fixed_e', [soln.e])
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_fixed_d', [soln.d])
            elif self.last_mode == FLOAT_MODE:
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_float_n', [soln.n])
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_float_e', [soln.e])
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_float_d', [soln.d])
            elif self.last_mode == DGNSS_MODE:
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_dgnss_n', [soln.n])
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_dgnss_e', [soln.e])
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_dgnss_d', [soln.d])
        # make the zoomall win over the position centered button
        # position centered button has no effect when zoom all enabled

        if not self.zoomall and self.position_centered:
            d = (self.plot.index_range.high - self.plot.index_range.low) / 2.
            self.plot.index_range.set_bounds(soln.e - d, soln.e + d)
            d = (self.plot.value_range.high - self.plot.value_range.low) / 2.
            self.plot.value_range.set_bounds(soln.n - d, soln.n + d)

        if self.zoomall:
            plot_square_axes(self.plot, ('e_fixed', 'e_float', 'e_dgnss'),
                             ('n_fixed', 'n_float', 'n_dgnss'))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def baseline_callback(self, sbp_msg, **metadata):
        soln = MsgBaselineNEDDepA(sbp_msg)
        table = []

        soln.n = soln.n * 1e-3
        soln.e = soln.e * 1e-3
        soln.d = soln.d * 1e-3
        soln.h_accuracy = soln.h_accuracy * 1e-3
        soln.v_accuracy = soln.v_accuracy * 1e-3

        dist = np.sqrt(soln.n**2 + soln.e**2 + soln.d**2)

        tow = soln.tow * 1e-3
        if self.nsec is not None:
            tow += self.nsec * 1e-9

        ((tloc, secloc), (tgps, secgps)) = log_time_strings(self.week, tow)

        if self.utc_time is not None:
            ((tutc, secutc)) = datetime_2_str(self.utc_time)

        if self.directory_name_b == '':
            filepath = time.strftime("baseline_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv")
            filepath = os.path.join(

        if not self.logging_b:
            self.log_file = None

        if self.logging_b:
            if self.log_file is None:
                self.log_file = sopen(filepath, 'w')
            log_str_gps = ''
            if tgps != '' and secgps != 0:
                log_str_gps = "{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tgps, float(secgps))
                '%s,%s,%.3f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%d,%d,%d\n' %
                ("{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tloc, float(secloc)), log_str_gps, tow,
                 soln.n, soln.e, soln.d, soln.h_accuracy, soln.v_accuracy,
                 dist, soln.n_sats, soln.flags, self.num_hyps))

        self.last_mode = get_mode(soln)

        if self.last_mode < 1:
            table.append(('GPS Week', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('GPS TOW', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('GPS Time', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('UTC Time', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('UTC Src', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('N', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('E', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('D', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Horiz Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Vert Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Dist.', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Sats Used', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Flags', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Mode', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Heading', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Corr. Age [s]', EMPTY_STR))
            self.last_btime_update = monotonic()
            if self.week is not None:
                table.append(('GPS Week', str(self.week)))
            table.append(('GPS TOW', "{:.3f}".format(tow)))

            if self.week is not None:
                table.append(('GPS Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tgps, float(secgps))))
            if self.utc_time is not None:
                table.append(('UTC Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tutc, float(secutc))))
                table.append(('UTC Src', self.utc_source))

            table.append(('N', "{:.12g}".format(soln.n)))
            table.append(('E', "{:.12g}".format(soln.e)))
            table.append(('D', "{:.12g}".format(soln.d)))
            table.append(('Horiz Acc', "{:.12g}".format(soln.h_accuracy)))
            table.append(('Vert Acc', "{:.12g}".format(soln.v_accuracy)))
            table.append(('Dist.', "{0:.3f}".format(dist)))

            table.append(('Sats Used', soln.n_sats))

            table.append(('Flags', '0x%02x' % soln.flags))
            table.append(('Mode', mode_dict[self.last_mode]))
            if self.heading is not None:
                table.append(('Heading', self.heading))
            if self.age_corrections is not None:
                table.append(('Corr. Age [s]', self.age_corrections))
                table.append(('Corr. Age [s]', EMPTY_STR))
        self.table = table

        if self.last_mode != 0:
            self.last_soln = soln
            mode_string = mode_string_dict[self.last_mode]
            if mode_string not in self.pending_draw_modes:
                # if we don't already have a pending upate for that mode
            self._update_sln_data_by_mode(soln, mode_string)

        if monotonic() - self.last_plot_update_time > GUI_UPDATE_PERIOD:
            self.update_scheduler.schedule_update('_solution_draw', self._solution_draw)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def pos_llh_callback(self, sbp_msg, **metadata):
        if sbp_msg.msg_type == SBP_MSG_POS_LLH_DEP_A:
            soln = MsgPosLLHDepA(sbp_msg)
            soln = MsgPosLLH(sbp_msg)
        self.last_soln = soln

        self.last_pos_mode = get_mode(soln)
        self.ins_used = ((soln.flags & 0x8) >> 3) == 1
        pos_table = []
        soln.h_accuracy *= 1e-3
        soln.v_accuracy *= 1e-3

        tow = soln.tow * 1e-3
        if self.nsec is not None:
            tow += self.nsec * 1e-9

        # Return the best estimate of my local and receiver time in convenient
        # format that allows changing precision of the seconds
        ((tloc, secloc), (tgps, secgps)) = log_time_strings(self.week, tow)
        if self.utc_time:
            ((tutc, secutc)) = datetime_2_str(self.utc_time)

        if (self.directory_name_p == ''):
            filepath_p = time.strftime("position_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv")
            filepath_p = os.path.join(

        if not self.logging_p:
            self.log_file = None

        if self.logging_p:
            if self.log_file is None:
                self.log_file = sopen(filepath_p, 'w')
            log_str_gps = ""
            if tgps != "" and secgps != 0:
                log_str_gps = "{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tgps, float(secgps))
                '%s,%s,%.3f,%.10f,%.10f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%d,%d\n' %
                ("{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tloc, float(secloc)), log_str_gps, tow,
                 soln.lat, soln.lon, soln.height, soln.h_accuracy,
                 soln.v_accuracy, soln.n_sats, soln.flags))

        if self.last_pos_mode == 0:
            pos_table.append(('GPS Week', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('GPS TOW', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('GPS Time', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Num. Signals', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Lat', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Lng', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Height', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Horiz Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Vert Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            self.last_stime_update = time.time()

            if self.week is not None:
                pos_table.append(('GPS Week', str(self.week)))
            pos_table.append(('GPS TOW', "{:.3f}".format(tow)))

            if self.week is not None:
                pos_table.append(('GPS Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tgps, float(secgps))))
            if self.utc_time is not None:
                pos_table.append(('UTC Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tutc, float(secutc))))
                pos_table.append(('UTC Src', self.utc_source))
            if self.utc_time is None:
                pos_table.append(('UTC Time', EMPTY_STR))
                pos_table.append(('UTC Src', EMPTY_STR))

            pos_table.append(('Sats Used', soln.n_sats))
            pos_table.append(('Lat', soln.lat))
            pos_table.append(('Lng', soln.lon))
            pos_table.append(('Height', "{0:.3f}".format(soln.height)))
            pos_table.append(('Horiz Acc', soln.h_accuracy))
            pos_table.append(('Vert Acc', soln.v_accuracy))

        pos_table.append(('Pos Flags', '0x%03x' % soln.flags))
        pos_table.append(('INS Used', '{}'.format(self.ins_used)))
        pos_table.append(('Pos Fix Mode', mode_dict[self.last_pos_mode]))
        if self.age_corrections is not None:
            pos_table.append(('Corr. Age [s]', self.age_corrections))


        # set-up table variables
        self.pos_table = pos_table
        # setup_plot variables
        self.lats[1:] = self.lats[:-1]
        self.lngs[1:] = self.lngs[:-1]
        self.alts[1:] = self.alts[:-1]
        self.tows[1:] = self.tows[:-1]
        self.modes[1:] = self.modes[:-1]

        self.lats[0] = soln.lat
        self.lngs[0] = soln.lon
        self.alts[0] = soln.height
        self.tows[0] = soln.tow
        self.modes[0] = self.last_pos_mode

        self.lats = self.lats[-self.plot_history_max:]
        self.lngs = self.lngs[-self.plot_history_max:]
        self.alts = self.alts[-self.plot_history_max:]
        self.tows = self.tows[-self.plot_history_max:]
        self.modes = self.modes[-self.plot_history_max:]
        # Updating array plot data is not thread safe, so we have to fire an event
        # and have the GUI thread do it
        if time.time() - self.last_plot_update_time > GUI_UPDATE_PERIOD:
            self.last_plot_update_time = time.time()
Ejemplo n.º 7
  def pos_llh_callback(self, sbp_msg, **metadata):
    if sbp_msg.msg_type == SBP_MSG_POS_LLH_DEP_A:
      soln = MsgPosLLHDepA(sbp_msg)
      soln = MsgPosLLH(sbp_msg)
    self.last_soln = soln

    self.last_pos_mode = get_mode(soln)
    pos_table = []
    soln.h_accuracy *= 1e-3
    soln.v_accuracy *= 1e-3

    tow = soln.tow * 1e-3
    if self.nsec is not None:
      tow += self.nsec * 1e-9

    if self.week is not None:
      t = datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 6) + \
          datetime.timedelta(weeks=self.week) + \
      tstr = t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
      secs = t.strftime('%S.%f')
      if(self.directory_name_p == ''):
        filepath_p = time.strftime("position_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv")
        filepath_p = os.path.join(self.directory_name_p, time.strftime("position_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv"))

      if self.logging_p ==  False:
        self.log_file = None

      if self.logging_p:
        if self.log_file is None:
          self.log_file = open(filepath_p, 'w')

        self.log_file.write('%s,%.10f,%.10f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%d,%d\n' % (
          soln.lat, soln.lon, soln.height,
          soln.h_accuracy, soln.v_accuracy,
          soln.n_sats, soln.flags)

    if self.last_pos_mode == 0:
      pos_table.append(('GPS Time', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('GPS Week', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('GPS TOW', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('Num. Signals', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('Lat', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('Lng', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('Height', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('h_accuracy', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('v_accuracy', EMPTY_STR))
      self.last_stime_update = time.time()
      if self.week is not None:
        pos_table.append(('GPS Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(tstr, float(secs))))
        pos_table.append(('GPS Week', str(self.week)))
      pos_table.append(('GPS TOW', "{:.3f}".format(tow)))
      pos_table.append(('Num. Sats', soln.n_sats))
      pos_table.append(('Lat', soln.lat))
      pos_table.append(('Lng', soln.lon))
      pos_table.append(('Height', soln.height))
      pos_table.append(('h_accuracy', soln.h_accuracy))
      pos_table.append(('v_accuracy', soln.v_accuracy))

    pos_table.append(('Pos Flags', '0x%03x' % soln.flags))
    pos_table.append(('Pos Fix Mode', mode_dict[self.last_pos_mode]))


    # setup_plot variables
    self.lats[1:] = self.lats[:-1]
    self.lngs[1:] = self.lngs[:-1]
    self.alts[1:] = self.alts[:-1]
    self.tows[1:] = self.tows[:-1]
    self.modes[1:] = self.modes[:-1]

    self.lats[0] = soln.lat
    self.lngs[0] = soln.lon
    self.alts[0] = soln.height
    self.tows[0] = soln.tow
    self.modes[0] = self.last_pos_mode

    self.lats = self.lats[-self.plot_history_max:]
    self.lngs = self.lngs[-self.plot_history_max:]
    self.alts = self.alts[-self.plot_history_max:]
    self.tows = self.tows[-self.plot_history_max:]
    self.modes = self.modes[-self.plot_history_max:]

    # SPP
    spp_indexer, dgnss_indexer, float_indexer, fixed_indexer = None, None, None, None
    if np.any(self.modes):
      spp_indexer = (self.modes == SPP_MODE)
      dgnss_indexer = (self.modes == DGNSS_MODE)
      float_indexer = (self.modes == FLOAT_MODE)
      fixed_indexer = (self.modes == FIXED_MODE)
    # make sure that there is at least one true in indexer before setting
      if any(spp_indexer):
        self.plot_data.set_data('lat_spp', self.lats[spp_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('lng_spp', self.lngs[spp_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('alt_spp', self.alts[spp_indexer])
      if any(dgnss_indexer):
        self.plot_data.set_data('lat_dgnss', self.lats[dgnss_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('lng_dgnss', self.lngs[dgnss_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('alt_dgnss', self.alts[dgnss_indexer])
      if any(float_indexer):
        self.plot_data.set_data('lat_float', self.lats[float_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('lng_float', self.lngs[float_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('alt_float', self.alts[float_indexer])
      if any(fixed_indexer):
        self.plot_data.set_data('lat_fixed', self.lats[fixed_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('lng_fixed', self.lngs[fixed_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('alt_fixed', self.alts[fixed_indexer])

    if self.last_pos_mode == SPP_MODE:
      self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lat_spp', [soln.lat])
      self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lng_spp', [soln.lon])
    if self.last_pos_mode == DGNSS_MODE:
      self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lat_dgnss', [soln.lat])
      self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lng_dgnss', [soln.lon])
    if self.last_pos_mode == FLOAT_MODE:
      self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lat_float', [soln.lat])
      self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lng_float', [soln.lon])
    if self.last_pos_mode == FIXED_MODE:
      self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lat_fixed', [soln.lat])
      self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lng_fixed', [soln.lon])

    # set-up table variables
    self.pos_table = pos_table
    self.table = self.pos_table + self.vel_table + self.dops_table

    # TODO: figure out how to center the graph now that we have two separate messages
    # when we selectively send only SPP, the centering function won't work anymore

    if not self.zoomall and self.position_centered:
      d = (self.plot.index_range.high - self.plot.index_range.low) / 2.
      self.plot.index_range.set_bounds(soln.lon - d, soln.lon + d)
      d = (self.plot.value_range.high - self.plot.value_range.low) / 2.
      self.plot.value_range.set_bounds(soln.lat - d, soln.lat + d)
    if self.zoomall:
      plot_square_axes(self.plot, ('lng_spp', 'lng_dgnss', 'lng_float','lng_fixed'), 
                        ('lat_spp', 'lat_dgnss', 'lat_float','lat_fixed'))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def baseline_callback(self, sbp_msg, **metadata):
        soln = MsgBaselineNEDDepA(sbp_msg)
        self.last_soln = soln
        table = []

        soln.n = soln.n * 1e-3
        soln.e = soln.e * 1e-3
        soln.d = soln.d * 1e-3
        soln.h_accuracy = soln.h_accuracy * 1e-3
        soln.v_accuracy = soln.v_accuracy * 1e-3

        dist = np.sqrt(soln.n**2 + soln.e**2 + soln.d**2)

        tow = soln.tow * 1e-3
        if self.nsec is not None:
            tow += self.nsec * 1e-9

        ((tloc, secloc), (tgps, secgps)) = log_time_strings(self.week, tow)

        if self.utc_time is not None:
            ((tutc, secutc)) = datetime_2_str(self.utc_time)

        if self.directory_name_b == '':
            filepath = time.strftime("baseline_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv")
            filepath = os.path.join(

        if not self.logging_b:
            self.log_file = None

        if self.logging_b:
            if self.log_file is None:
                self.log_file = sopen(filepath, 'w')
            log_str_gps = ''
            if tgps != '' and secgps != 0:
                log_str_gps = "{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tgps, float(secgps))
                '%s,%s,%.3f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%d,%d,%d\n' %
                ("{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tloc, float(secloc)), log_str_gps, tow,
                 soln.n, soln.e, soln.d, soln.h_accuracy, soln.v_accuracy,
                 dist, soln.n_sats, soln.flags, self.num_hyps))

        self.last_mode = get_mode(soln)

        if self.last_mode < 1:
            table.append(('GPS Week', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('GPS TOW', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('GPS Time', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('UTC Time', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('UTC Src', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('N', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('E', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('D', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Horiz Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Vert Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Dist.', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Sats Used', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Flags', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Mode', EMPTY_STR))
            self.last_btime_update = time.time()
            if self.week is not None:
                table.append(('GPS Week', str(self.week)))
            table.append(('GPS TOW', "{:.3f}".format(tow)))

            if self.week is not None:
                table.append(('GPS Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tgps, float(secgps))))
            if self.utc_time is not None:
                table.append(('UTC Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tutc, float(secutc))))
                table.append(('UTC Src', self.utc_source))

            table.append(('N', soln.n))
            table.append(('E', soln.e))
            table.append(('D', soln.d))
            table.append(('Horiz Acc', soln.h_accuracy))
            table.append(('Vert Acc', soln.v_accuracy))
            table.append(('Dist.', "{0:.3f}".format(dist)))

            table.append(('Sats Used', soln.n_sats))

        table.append(('Flags', '0x%02x' % soln.flags))
        table.append(('Mode', mode_dict[self.last_mode]))
        if self.heading is not None:
            table.append(('Heading', self.heading))
        if self.age_corrections is not None:
            table.append(('Corr. Age [s]', self.age_corrections))
        self.table = table
        # Rotate array, deleting oldest entries to maintain
        # no more than N in plot
        self.n[1:] = self.n[:-1]
        self.e[1:] = self.e[:-1]
        self.d[1:] = self.d[:-1]
        self.mode[1:] = self.mode[:-1]

        # Insert latest position
        if self.last_mode > 1:
            self.n[0], self.e[0], self.d[0] = soln.n, soln.e, soln.d
            self.n[0], self.e[0], self.d[0] = [np.NAN, np.NAN, np.NAN]
        self.mode[0] = self.last_mode
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def pos_llh_callback(self, sbp_msg, **metadata):
        if sbp_msg.msg_type == SBP_MSG_POS_LLH_DEP_A:
            soln = MsgPosLLHDepA(sbp_msg)
            soln = MsgPosLLH(sbp_msg)

        self.last_pos_mode = get_mode(soln)
        if self.last_pos_mode != 0:
            self.last_soln = soln
            mode_string = mode_string_dict[self.last_pos_mode]
            if mode_string not in self.pending_draw_modes:
                # this list allows us to tell GUI thread which solutions to update
                # (if we decide not to update at full data rate)
                # we use short strings to identify each solution mode
            self._update_sln_data_by_mode(soln, mode_string)
        self.ins_used = ((soln.flags & 0x8) >> 3) == 1
        pos_table = []
        soln.h_accuracy *= 1e-3
        soln.v_accuracy *= 1e-3

        tow = soln.tow * 1e-3
        if self.nsec is not None:
            tow += self.nsec * 1e-9

        # Return the best estimate of my local and receiver time in convenient
        # format that allows changing precision of the seconds
        ((tloc, secloc), (tgps, secgps)) = log_time_strings(self.week, tow)
        if self.utc_time:
            ((tutc, secutc)) = datetime_2_str(self.utc_time)

        if (self.directory_name_p == ''):
            filepath_p = time.strftime("position_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv")
            filepath_p = os.path.join(

        if not self.logging_p:
            self.log_file = None

        if self.logging_p:
            if self.log_file is None:
                self.log_file = sopen(filepath_p, 'w')
            log_str_gps = ""
            if tgps != "" and secgps != 0:
                log_str_gps = "{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tgps, float(secgps))
                '%s,%s,%.3f,%.10f,%.10f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%d,%d\n' %
                ("{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tloc, float(secloc)), log_str_gps, tow,
                 soln.lat, soln.lon, soln.height, soln.h_accuracy,
                 soln.v_accuracy, soln.n_sats, soln.flags))

        if self.last_pos_mode == 0:
            pos_table.append(('GPS Week', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('GPS TOW', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('GPS Time', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Num. Signals', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Lat', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Lng', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Height', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Horiz Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Vert Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            self.last_stime_update = monotonic()

            if self.week is not None:
                pos_table.append(('GPS Week', str(self.week)))
            pos_table.append(('GPS TOW', "{:.3f}".format(tow)))

            if self.week is not None:
                pos_table.append(('GPS Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tgps, float(secgps))))
            if self.utc_time is not None:
                pos_table.append(('UTC Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tutc, float(secutc))))
                pos_table.append(('UTC Src', self.utc_source))
            if self.utc_time is None:
                pos_table.append(('UTC Time', EMPTY_STR))
                pos_table.append(('UTC Src', EMPTY_STR))

            pos_table.append(('Sats Used', soln.n_sats))
            pos_table.append(('Lat', "{:.12g}".format(soln.lat)))
            pos_table.append(('Lng', "{:.12g}".format(soln.lon)))
            pos_table.append(('Height', "{0:.3f}".format(soln.height)))
            pos_table.append(('Horiz Acc', "{:.12g}".format(soln.h_accuracy)))
            pos_table.append(('Vert Acc', "{:.12g}".format(soln.v_accuracy)))

        pos_table.append(('Pos Flags', '0x%03x' % soln.flags))
        pos_table.append(('INS Used', '{}'.format(self.ins_used)))
        pos_table.append(('Pos Fix Mode', mode_dict[self.last_pos_mode]))
        if self.age_corrections is not None:
            pos_table.append(('Corr. Age [s]', self.age_corrections))

        # only store valid solutions for auto survey and degrees to meter transformation
        if self.last_pos_mode != 0:

        # set-up table variables
        self.pos_table = pos_table
        # setup_plot variables
        # Updating array plot data is not thread safe, so we have to fire an event
        # and have the GUI thread do it
        if monotonic() - self.last_plot_update_time > GUI_UPDATE_PERIOD:
            self.update_scheduler.schedule_update('_solution_draw', self._solution_draw)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def pos_llh_callback(self, sbp_msg, **metadata):
        if sbp_msg.msg_type == SBP_MSG_POS_LLH_DEP_A:
            soln = MsgPosLLHDepA(sbp_msg)
            soln = MsgPosLLH(sbp_msg)
        self.last_soln = soln

        self.last_pos_mode = get_mode(soln)
        pos_table = []
        soln.h_accuracy *= 1e-3
        soln.v_accuracy *= 1e-3

        tow = soln.tow * 1e-3
        if self.nsec is not None:
            tow += self.nsec * 1e-9

        # Return the best estimate of my local and receiver time in convenient
        # format that allows changing precision of the seconds
        ((tloc, secloc), (tgps, secgps)) = log_time_strings(self.week, tow)
        if self.utc_time:
            ((tutc, secutc)) = datetime_2_str(self.utc_time)

        if (self.directory_name_p == ''):
            filepath_p = time.strftime("position_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv")
            filepath_p = os.path.join(

        if not self.logging_p:
            self.log_file = None

        if self.logging_p:
            if self.log_file is None:
                self.log_file = sopen(filepath_p, 'w')
            log_str_gps = ""
            if tgps != "" and secgps != 0:
                log_str_gps = "{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tgps, float(secgps))
                '%s,%s,%.3f,%.10f,%.10f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%d,%d\n' %
                ("{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tloc, float(secloc)), log_str_gps, tow,
                 soln.lat, soln.lon, soln.height, soln.h_accuracy,
                 soln.v_accuracy, soln.n_sats, soln.flags))

        if self.last_pos_mode == 0:
            pos_table.append(('GPS Week', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('GPS TOW', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('GPS Time', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Num. Signals', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Lat', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Lng', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Height', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Horiz Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Vert Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            self.last_stime_update = time.time()

            if self.week is not None:
                pos_table.append(('GPS Week', str(self.week)))
            pos_table.append(('GPS TOW', "{:.3f}".format(tow)))

            if self.week is not None:
                pos_table.append(('GPS Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tgps, float(secgps))))
            if self.utc_time is not None:
                pos_table.append(('UTC Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tutc, float(secutc))))
                pos_table.append(('UTC Src', self.utc_source))
            if self.utc_time is None:
                pos_table.append(('UTC Time', EMPTY_STR))
                pos_table.append(('UTC Src', EMPTY_STR))

            pos_table.append(('Sats Used', soln.n_sats))
            pos_table.append(('Lat', soln.lat))
            pos_table.append(('Lng', soln.lon))
            pos_table.append(('Height', "{0:.3f}".format(soln.height)))
            pos_table.append(('Horiz Acc', soln.h_accuracy))
            pos_table.append(('Vert Acc', soln.v_accuracy))

        pos_table.append(('Pos Flags', '0x%03x' % soln.flags))
        pos_table.append(('Pos Fix Mode', mode_dict[self.last_pos_mode]))
        if self.age_corrections is not None:
            pos_table.append(('Corr. Age [s]', self.age_corrections))


        # set-up table variables
        self.pos_table = pos_table
        # setup_plot variables
        self.lats[1:] = self.lats[:-1]
        self.lngs[1:] = self.lngs[:-1]
        self.alts[1:] = self.alts[:-1]
        self.tows[1:] = self.tows[:-1]
        self.modes[1:] = self.modes[:-1]

        self.lats[0] = soln.lat
        self.lngs[0] = soln.lon
        self.alts[0] = soln.height
        self.tows[0] = soln.tow
        self.modes[0] = self.last_pos_mode

        self.lats = self.lats[-self.plot_history_max:]
        self.lngs = self.lngs[-self.plot_history_max:]
        self.alts = self.alts[-self.plot_history_max:]
        self.tows = self.tows[-self.plot_history_max:]
        self.modes = self.modes[-self.plot_history_max:]
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def baseline_callback(self, sbp_msg, **metadata):
        soln = MsgBaselineNEDDepA(sbp_msg)
        table = []

        soln.n = soln.n * 1e-3
        soln.e = soln.e * 1e-3
        soln.d = soln.d * 1e-3
        soln.h_accuracy = soln.h_accuracy * 1e-3
        soln.v_accuracy = soln.v_accuracy * 1e-3

        dist = np.sqrt(soln.n**2 + soln.e**2 + soln.d**2)

        tow = soln.tow * 1e-3
        if self.nsec is not None:
            tow += self.nsec * 1e-9

        ((tloc, secloc), (tgps, secgps)) = log_time_strings(self.week, tow)

        if self.utc_time is not None:
            ((tutc, secutc)) = datetime_2_str(self.utc_time)

        if self.directory_name_b == '':
            filepath = time.strftime("baseline_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv")
            filepath = os.path.join(

        if not self.logging_b:
            self.log_file = None

        if self.logging_b:
            if self.log_file is None:
                self.log_file = sopen(filepath, 'w')
            log_str_gps = ''
            if tgps != '' and secgps != 0:
                log_str_gps = "{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tgps, float(secgps))
                '%s,%s,%.3f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%d,%d,%d\n' %
                ("{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tloc, float(secloc)), log_str_gps, tow,
                 soln.n, soln.e, soln.d, soln.h_accuracy, soln.v_accuracy,
                 dist, soln.n_sats, soln.flags, self.num_hyps))

        self.last_mode = get_mode(soln)

        if self.last_mode < 1:
            table.append(('GPS Week', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('GPS TOW', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('GPS Time', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('UTC Time', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('UTC Src', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('N', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('E', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('D', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Horiz Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Vert Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Dist.', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Sats Used', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Flags', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Mode', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Heading', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Corr. Age [s]', EMPTY_STR))
            self.last_btime_update = time.time()
            if self.week is not None:
                table.append(('GPS Week', str(self.week)))
            table.append(('GPS TOW', "{:.3f}".format(tow)))

            if self.week is not None:
                table.append(('GPS Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tgps, float(secgps))))
            if self.utc_time is not None:
                table.append(('UTC Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tutc, float(secutc))))
                table.append(('UTC Src', self.utc_source))

            table.append(('N', soln.n))
            table.append(('E', soln.e))
            table.append(('D', soln.d))
            table.append(('Horiz Acc', soln.h_accuracy))
            table.append(('Vert Acc', soln.v_accuracy))
            table.append(('Dist.', "{0:.3f}".format(dist)))

            table.append(('Sats Used', soln.n_sats))

            table.append(('Flags', '0x%02x' % soln.flags))
            table.append(('Mode', mode_dict[self.last_mode]))
            if self.heading is not None:
                table.append(('Heading', self.heading))
            if self.age_corrections is not None:
                table.append(('Corr. Age [s]', self.age_corrections))
                table.append(('Corr. Age [s]', EMPTY_STR))
        self.table = table

        if self.last_mode != 0:
            self.last_soln = soln
            mode_string = mode_string_dict[self.last_mode]
            if mode_string not in self.pending_draw_modes:
                # if we don't already have a pending upate for that mode
            self._update_sln_data_by_mode(soln, mode_string)

        if time.time() - self.last_plot_update_time > GUI_UPDATE_PERIOD:
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def pos_llh_callback(self, sbp_msg, **metadata):
        if sbp_msg.msg_type == SBP_MSG_POS_LLH_DEP_A:
            soln = MsgPosLLHDepA(sbp_msg)
            soln = MsgPosLLH(sbp_msg)
        self.last_soln = soln

        self.last_pos_mode = get_mode(soln)
        pos_table = []
        soln.h_accuracy *= 1e-3
        soln.v_accuracy *= 1e-3

        tow = soln.tow * 1e-3
        if self.nsec is not None:
            tow += self.nsec * 1e-9

        # Return the best estimate of my local and receiver time in convenient
        # format that allows changing precision of the seconds
        ((tloc, secloc), (tgps, secgps)) = log_time_strings(self.week, tow)
        if self.utc_time:
            ((tutc, secutc)) = datetime_2_str(self.utc_time)

        if (self.directory_name_p == ''):
            filepath_p = time.strftime("position_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv")
            filepath_p = os.path.join(

        if self.logging_p == False:
            self.log_file = None

        if self.logging_p:
            if self.log_file is None:
                self.log_file = sopen(filepath_p, 'w')
            log_str_gps = ""
            if tgps != "" and secgps != 0:
                log_str_gps = "{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tgps, float(secgps))
                '%s,%s,%.3f,%.10f,%.10f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%d,%d\n' %
                ("{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tloc, float(secloc)), log_str_gps, tow,
                 soln.lat, soln.lon, soln.height, soln.h_accuracy,
                 soln.v_accuracy, soln.n_sats, soln.flags))

        if self.last_pos_mode == 0:
            pos_table.append(('GPS Week', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('GPS TOW', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('GPS Time', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Num. Signals', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Lat', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Lng', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Height', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Horiz Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            pos_table.append(('Vert Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            self.last_stime_update = time.time()

            if self.week is not None:
                pos_table.append(('GPS Week', str(self.week)))
            pos_table.append(('GPS TOW', "{:.3f}".format(tow)))

            if self.week is not None:
                    ('GPS Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(tgps, float(secgps))))
            if self.utc_time is not None:
                    ('UTC Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(tutc, float(secutc))))
                pos_table.append(('UTC Src', self.utc_source))
            if self.utc_time is None:
                pos_table.append(('UTC Time', EMPTY_STR))
                pos_table.append(('UTC Src', EMPTY_STR))

            pos_table.append(('Sats Used', soln.n_sats))
            pos_table.append(('Lat', soln.lat))
            pos_table.append(('Lng', soln.lon))
            pos_table.append(('Height', soln.height))
            pos_table.append(('Horiz Acc', soln.h_accuracy))
            pos_table.append(('Vert Acc', soln.v_accuracy))

        pos_table.append(('Pos Flags', '0x%03x' % soln.flags))
        pos_table.append(('Pos Fix Mode', mode_dict[self.last_pos_mode]))
        if self.age_corrections != None:
            pos_table.append(('Corr. Age [s]', self.age_corrections))


        # setup_plot variables
        self.lats[1:] = self.lats[:-1]
        self.lngs[1:] = self.lngs[:-1]
        self.alts[1:] = self.alts[:-1]
        self.tows[1:] = self.tows[:-1]
        self.modes[1:] = self.modes[:-1]

        self.lats[0] = soln.lat
        self.lngs[0] = soln.lon
        self.alts[0] = soln.height
        self.tows[0] = soln.tow
        self.modes[0] = self.last_pos_mode

        self.lats = self.lats[-self.plot_history_max:]
        self.lngs = self.lngs[-self.plot_history_max:]
        self.alts = self.alts[-self.plot_history_max:]
        self.tows = self.tows[-self.plot_history_max:]
        self.modes = self.modes[-self.plot_history_max:]

        # SPP
        spp_indexer, dgnss_indexer, float_indexer, fixed_indexer = None, None, None, None
        if np.any(self.modes):
            spp_indexer = (self.modes == SPP_MODE)
            dgnss_indexer = (self.modes == DGNSS_MODE)
            float_indexer = (self.modes == FLOAT_MODE)
            fixed_indexer = (self.modes == FIXED_MODE)

            # make sure that there is at least one true in indexer before setting
            if any(spp_indexer):
                self.plot_data.set_data('lat_spp', self.lats[spp_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('lng_spp', self.lngs[spp_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('alt_spp', self.alts[spp_indexer])
            if any(dgnss_indexer):
                self.plot_data.set_data('lat_dgnss', self.lats[dgnss_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('lng_dgnss', self.lngs[dgnss_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('alt_dgnss', self.alts[dgnss_indexer])
            if any(float_indexer):
                self.plot_data.set_data('lat_float', self.lats[float_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('lng_float', self.lngs[float_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('alt_float', self.alts[float_indexer])
            if any(fixed_indexer):
                self.plot_data.set_data('lat_fixed', self.lats[fixed_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('lng_fixed', self.lngs[fixed_indexer])
                self.plot_data.set_data('alt_fixed', self.alts[fixed_indexer])

            # update our "current solution" icon
            if self.last_pos_mode == SPP_MODE:
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lat_spp', [soln.lat])
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lng_spp', [soln.lon])
            elif self.last_pos_mode == DGNSS_MODE:
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lat_dgnss', [soln.lat])
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lng_dgnss', [soln.lon])
            elif self.last_pos_mode == FLOAT_MODE:
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lat_float', [soln.lat])
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lng_float', [soln.lon])
            elif self.last_pos_mode == FIXED_MODE:
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lat_fixed', [soln.lat])
                self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lng_fixed', [soln.lon])

        # set-up table variables
        self.pos_table = pos_table
        self.table = self.pos_table + self.vel_table + self.dops_table

        # TODO: figure out how to center the graph now that we have two separate messages
        # when we selectively send only SPP, the centering function won't work anymore

        if not self.zoomall and self.position_centered:
            d = (self.plot.index_range.high - self.plot.index_range.low) / 2.
            self.plot.index_range.set_bounds(soln.lon - d, soln.lon + d)
            d = (self.plot.value_range.high - self.plot.value_range.low) / 2.
            self.plot.value_range.set_bounds(soln.lat - d, soln.lat + d)
        if self.zoomall:
                self.plot, ('lng_spp', 'lng_dgnss', 'lng_float', 'lng_fixed'),
                ('lat_spp', 'lat_dgnss', 'lat_float', 'lat_fixed'))
Ejemplo n.º 13
  def pos_llh_callback(self, sbp_msg, **metadata):
    if sbp_msg.msg_type == SBP_MSG_POS_LLH_DEP_A:
      soln = MsgPosLLHDepA(sbp_msg)
      soln = MsgPosLLH(sbp_msg)
    self.last_soln = soln

    self.last_pos_mode = get_mode(soln)
    pos_table = []
    soln.h_accuracy *= 1e-3
    soln.v_accuracy *= 1e-3

    tow = soln.tow * 1e-3
    if self.nsec is not None:
      tow += self.nsec * 1e-9

    if self.week is not None:
      t = datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 6) + \
          datetime.timedelta(weeks=self.week) + \
      tstr = t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
      secs = t.strftime('%S.%f')
      if(self.directory_name_p == ''):
        filepath_p = time.strftime("position_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv")
        filepath_p = os.path.join(self.directory_name_p, time.strftime("position_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv"))

      if self.logging_p ==  False:
        self.log_file = None

      if self.logging_p:
        if self.log_file is None:
          self.log_file = sopen(filepath_p, 'w')
        self.log_file.write('%s,%.10f,%.10f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%d,%d\n' % (
          "{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tstr, float(secs)),
          soln.lat, soln.lon, soln.height,
          soln.h_accuracy, soln.v_accuracy,
          soln.n_sats, soln.flags)

    if self.last_pos_mode == 0:
      pos_table.append(('GPS Time', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('GPS Week', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('GPS TOW', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('Num. Signals', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('Lat', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('Lng', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('Height', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('h_accuracy', EMPTY_STR))
      pos_table.append(('v_accuracy', EMPTY_STR))
      self.last_stime_update = time.time()
      if self.week is not None:
        pos_table.append(('GPS Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(tstr, float(secs))))
        pos_table.append(('GPS Week', str(self.week)))
      pos_table.append(('GPS TOW', "{:.3f}".format(tow)))
      pos_table.append(('Num. Sats', soln.n_sats))
      pos_table.append(('Lat', soln.lat))
      pos_table.append(('Lng', soln.lon))
      pos_table.append(('Height', soln.height))
      pos_table.append(('h_accuracy', soln.h_accuracy))
      pos_table.append(('v_accuracy', soln.v_accuracy))

    pos_table.append(('Pos Flags', '0x%03x' % soln.flags))
    pos_table.append(('Pos Fix Mode', mode_dict[self.last_pos_mode]))


    # setup_plot variables
    self.lats[1:] = self.lats[:-1]
    self.lngs[1:] = self.lngs[:-1]
    self.alts[1:] = self.alts[:-1]
    self.tows[1:] = self.tows[:-1]
    self.modes[1:] = self.modes[:-1]

    self.lats[0] = soln.lat
    self.lngs[0] = soln.lon
    self.alts[0] = soln.height
    self.tows[0] = soln.tow
    self.modes[0] = self.last_pos_mode

    self.lats = self.lats[-self.plot_history_max:]
    self.lngs = self.lngs[-self.plot_history_max:]
    self.alts = self.alts[-self.plot_history_max:]
    self.tows = self.tows[-self.plot_history_max:]
    self.modes = self.modes[-self.plot_history_max:]

    # SPP
    spp_indexer, dgnss_indexer, float_indexer, fixed_indexer = None, None, None, None
    if np.any(self.modes):
      spp_indexer = (self.modes == SPP_MODE)
      dgnss_indexer = (self.modes == DGNSS_MODE)
      float_indexer = (self.modes == FLOAT_MODE)
      fixed_indexer = (self.modes == FIXED_MODE)
    # make sure that there is at least one true in indexer before setting
      if any(spp_indexer):
        self.plot_data.set_data('lat_spp', self.lats[spp_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('lng_spp', self.lngs[spp_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('alt_spp', self.alts[spp_indexer])
      if any(dgnss_indexer):
        self.plot_data.set_data('lat_dgnss', self.lats[dgnss_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('lng_dgnss', self.lngs[dgnss_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('alt_dgnss', self.alts[dgnss_indexer])
      if any(float_indexer):
        self.plot_data.set_data('lat_float', self.lats[float_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('lng_float', self.lngs[float_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('alt_float', self.alts[float_indexer])
      if any(fixed_indexer):
        self.plot_data.set_data('lat_fixed', self.lats[fixed_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('lng_fixed', self.lngs[fixed_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('alt_fixed', self.alts[fixed_indexer])
      # update our "current solution" icon 
      if self.last_pos_mode == SPP_MODE:
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lat_spp', [soln.lat])
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lng_spp', [soln.lon])
      elif self.last_pos_mode == DGNSS_MODE:
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lat_dgnss', [soln.lat])
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lng_dgnss', [soln.lon])
      elif self.last_pos_mode == FLOAT_MODE:
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lat_float', [soln.lat])
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lng_float', [soln.lon])
      elif self.last_pos_mode == FIXED_MODE:
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lat_fixed', [soln.lat])
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_lng_fixed', [soln.lon])

    # set-up table variables
    self.pos_table = pos_table
    self.table = self.pos_table + self.vel_table + self.dops_table

    # TODO: figure out how to center the graph now that we have two separate messages
    # when we selectively send only SPP, the centering function won't work anymore

    if not self.zoomall and self.position_centered:
      d = (self.plot.index_range.high - self.plot.index_range.low) / 2.
      self.plot.index_range.set_bounds(soln.lon - d, soln.lon + d)
      d = (self.plot.value_range.high - self.plot.value_range.low) / 2.
      self.plot.value_range.set_bounds(soln.lat - d, soln.lat + d)
    if self.zoomall:
      plot_square_axes(self.plot, ('lng_spp', 'lng_dgnss', 'lng_float','lng_fixed'), 
                        ('lat_spp', 'lat_dgnss', 'lat_float','lat_fixed'))
Ejemplo n.º 14
  def baseline_callback(self, sbp_msg):
    soln = MsgBaselineNEDDepA(sbp_msg)
    self.last_soln = soln
    table = []

    soln.n = soln.n * 1e-3
    soln.e = soln.e * 1e-3
    soln.d = soln.d * 1e-3
    soln.h_accuracy = soln.h_accuracy * 1e-3
    soln.v_accuracy = soln.v_accuracy * 1e-3

    dist = np.sqrt(soln.n**2 + soln.e**2 + soln.d**2)
    tow = soln.tow * 1e-3
    if self.nsec is not None:
      tow += self.nsec * 1e-9

    if self.week is not None:
      t = datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 6) + \
          datetime.timedelta(weeks=self.week) + \
      tstr = t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
      secs = t.strftime('%S.%f')
      if self.directory_name_b == '':
          filepath = time.strftime("baseline_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv")
          filepath = os.path.join(self.directory_name_b, time.strftime("baseline_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv"))

      if self.logging_b ==  False:
        self.log_file = None

      if self.logging_b:
        if self.log_file is None:
          self.log_file = sopen(filepath, 'w')          
        self.log_file.write('%s,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%d,%d,%d\n' % (
         "{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tstr, float(secs)),
          soln.n, soln.e, soln.d, 
          soln.h_accuracy, soln.v_accuracy,

    self.last_mode = get_mode(soln)

    if self.last_mode < 1:
      table.append(('GPS Time', EMPTY_STR))
      table.append(('GPS Week', EMPTY_STR))
      table.append(('GPS TOW', EMPTY_STR))
      table.append(('N', EMPTY_STR))
      table.append(('E', EMPTY_STR))
      table.append(('D', EMPTY_STR))
      table.append(('h_accuracy', EMPTY_STR))
      table.append(('v_accuracy', EMPTY_STR))
      table.append(('Dist.', EMPTY_STR))
      table.append(('Num. Sats', EMPTY_STR))
      table.append(('Flags', EMPTY_STR))
      table.append(('Mode', EMPTY_STR))
      self.last_btime_update = time.time()
      if self.week is not None:
        table.append(('GPS Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(tstr, float(secs))))
        table.append(('GPS Week', str(self.week)))
      table.append(('GPS TOW', "{:.3f}".format(tow)))
      table.append(('N', soln.n))
      table.append(('E', soln.e))
      table.append(('D', soln.d))
      table.append(('h_accuracy', soln.h_accuracy))
      table.append(('v_accuracy', soln.v_accuracy))
      table.append(('Dist.', dist))
      table.append(('Num. Sats', soln.n_sats))
    table.append(('Flags', '0x%02x' % soln.flags))
    table.append(('Mode', mode_dict[self.last_mode]))
    self.table = table
    # Rotate array, deleting oldest entries to maintain
    # no more than N in plot
    self.n[1:] = self.n[:-1]
    self.e[1:] = self.e[:-1]
    self.d[1:] = self.d[:-1]
    self.mode[1:] = self.mode[:-1]

    # Insert latest position
    if self.last_mode > 1:
      self.n[0], self.e[0], self.d[0] = soln.n, soln.e, soln.d
      self.n[0], self.e[0], self.d[0] = [np.NAN, np.NAN, np.NAN]
    self.mode[0] = self.last_mode

    if np.any(self.mode):
      float_indexer = (self.mode == FLOAT_MODE)
      fixed_indexer = (self.mode == FIXED_MODE)
      dgnss_indexer = (self.mode == DGNSS_MODE)

      if np.any(fixed_indexer):
        self.plot_data.set_data('n_fixed', self.n[fixed_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('e_fixed', self.e[fixed_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('d_fixed', self.d[fixed_indexer])
      if np.any(float_indexer):
        self.plot_data.set_data('n_float', self.n[float_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('e_float', self.e[float_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('d_float', self.d[float_indexer])
      if np.any(dgnss_indexer):
        self.plot_data.set_data('n_dgnss', self.n[dgnss_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('e_dgnss', self.e[dgnss_indexer])
        self.plot_data.set_data('d_dgnss', self.d[dgnss_indexer])
      # Update our last solution icon 
      if self.last_mode == FIXED_MODE:
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_fixed_n', [soln.n])
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_fixed_e', [soln.e])
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_fixed_d', [soln.d])
      elif self.last_mode == FLOAT_MODE:
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_float_n', [soln.n])
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_float_e', [soln.e])
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_float_d', [soln.d])
      elif self.last_mode == DGNSS_MODE:
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_dgnss_n', [soln.n])
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_dgnss_e', [soln.e])
        self.plot_data.set_data('cur_dgnss_d', [soln.d])
    # make the zoomall win over the position centered button 
    # position centered button has no effect when zoom all enabled  

    if not self.zoomall and self.position_centered:
      d = (self.plot.index_range.high - self.plot.index_range.low) / 2.
      self.plot.index_range.set_bounds(soln.e - d, soln.e + d)
      d = (self.plot.value_range.high - self.plot.value_range.low) / 2.
      self.plot.value_range.set_bounds(soln.n - d, soln.n + d)

    if self.zoomall:
      plot_square_axes(self.plot, ('e_fixed', 'e_float', 'e_dgnss'), ('n_fixed', 'n_float', 'n_dgnss'))
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def baseline_callback(self, sbp_msg, **metadata):
        soln = MsgBaselineNEDDepA(sbp_msg)
        self.last_soln = soln
        table = []

        soln.n = soln.n * 1e-3
        soln.e = soln.e * 1e-3
        soln.d = soln.d * 1e-3
        soln.h_accuracy = soln.h_accuracy * 1e-3
        soln.v_accuracy = soln.v_accuracy * 1e-3

        dist = np.sqrt(soln.n**2 + soln.e**2 + soln.d**2)

        tow = soln.tow * 1e-3
        if self.nsec is not None:
            tow += self.nsec * 1e-9

        ((tloc, secloc), (tgps, secgps)) = log_time_strings(self.week, tow)

        if self.utc_time is not None:
            ((tutc, secutc)) = datetime_2_str(self.utc_time)

        if self.directory_name_b == '':
            filepath = time.strftime("baseline_log_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.csv")
            filepath = os.path.join(

        if not self.logging_b:
            self.log_file = None

        if self.logging_b:
            if self.log_file is None:
                self.log_file = sopen(filepath, 'w')
            log_str_gps = ''
            if tgps != '' and secgps != 0:
                log_str_gps = "{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tgps, float(secgps))
                '%s,%s,%.3f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%d,%d,%d\n' %
                ("{0}:{1:06.6f}".format(tloc, float(secloc)), log_str_gps, tow,
                 soln.n, soln.e, soln.d, soln.h_accuracy, soln.v_accuracy,
                 dist, soln.n_sats, soln.flags, self.num_hyps))

        self.last_mode = get_mode(soln)

        if self.last_mode < 1:
            table.append(('GPS Week', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('GPS TOW', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('GPS Time', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('UTC Time', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('UTC Src', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('N', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('E', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('D', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Horiz Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Vert Acc', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Dist.', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Sats Used', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Flags', EMPTY_STR))
            table.append(('Mode', EMPTY_STR))
            self.last_btime_update = time.time()
            if self.week is not None:
                table.append(('GPS Week', str(self.week)))
            table.append(('GPS TOW', "{:.3f}".format(tow)))

            if self.week is not None:
                table.append(('GPS Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tgps, float(secgps))))
            if self.utc_time is not None:
                table.append(('UTC Time', "{0}:{1:06.3f}".format(
                    tutc, float(secutc))))
                table.append(('UTC Src', self.utc_source))

            table.append(('N', soln.n))
            table.append(('E', soln.e))
            table.append(('D', soln.d))
            table.append(('Horiz Acc', soln.h_accuracy))
            table.append(('Vert Acc', soln.v_accuracy))
            table.append(('Dist.', "{0:.3f}".format(dist)))

            table.append(('Sats Used', soln.n_sats))

        table.append(('Flags', '0x%02x' % soln.flags))
        table.append(('Mode', mode_dict[self.last_mode]))
        if self.heading is not None:
            table.append(('Heading', self.heading))
        if self.age_corrections is not None:
            table.append(('Corr. Age [s]', self.age_corrections))
        self.table = table
        # Rotate array, deleting oldest entries to maintain
        # no more than N in plot
        self.n[1:] = self.n[:-1]
        self.e[1:] = self.e[:-1]
        self.d[1:] = self.d[:-1]
        self.mode[1:] = self.mode[:-1]

        # Insert latest position
        if self.last_mode > 1:
            self.n[0], self.e[0], self.d[0] = soln.n, soln.e, soln.d
            self.n[0], self.e[0], self.d[0] = [np.NAN, np.NAN, np.NAN]
        self.mode[0] = self.last_mode