def to_image_spec(img, **kw): ''' to_image_spec(img) yields a dictionary of meta-data for the given nibabel image object img. to_image_spec(hdr) yields the equivalent meta-data for the given nibabel image header. Note that obj may also be a mapping object, in which case it is returned verbatim. ''' if pimms.is_vector(img, 'int') and is_tuple(img) and len(img) < 5: r = image_array_to_spec(np.zeros(img)) elif pimms.is_map(img): r = img elif is_image_header(img): r = image_header_to_spec(img) elif is_image(img): r = image_to_spec(img) elif is_image_array(img): r = image_array_to_spec(img) else: raise ValueError('cannot convert object of type %s to image-spec' % type(img)) if len(kw) > 0: r = {k: v for m in (r, kw) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(m)} # normalize the entries for (k, aliases) in six.iteritems(imspec_aliases): if k in r: continue for al in aliases: if al in r: val = r[al] r = pimms.assoc(pimms.dissoc(r, al), k, val) break return r
def to_credentials(arg): ''' to_credentials(arg) converts arg into a pair (key, secret) if arg can be coerced into such a pair and otherwise raises an error. Possible inputs include: * A tuple (key, secret) * A mapping with the keys 'key' and 'secret' * The name of a file that can load credentials via the load_credentials() function * A string that separates the key and secret by ':', e.g., 'mykey:mysecret' * A string that separates the key and secret by a "\n", e.g., "mykey\nmysecret" ''' if pimms.is_str(arg): try: return load_credentials(arg) except Exception: pass try: return str_to_credentials(arg) except Exception: raise ValueError( 'String "%s" is neither a file containing credentials nor a valid' ' credentials string itself.' % arg) elif pimms.is_map(arg) and 'key' in arg and 'secret' in arg: return (arg['key'], arg['secret']) elif pimms.is_vector(arg, str) and len(arg) == 2: return tuple(arg) else: raise ValueError( 'given argument cannot be coerced to credentials: %s' % arg)
def finto(x, ii, n, null=0): ''' finto(x,ii,n) yields a vector u of length n such that u[ii] = x. Notes: * The ii index may be a tuple (as can be passed to numpy arrays' getitem method) in order to specify that the specific elements of a multidimensional output be set. In this case, the argument n should be a tuple of sizes (a single integer is taken to be a square/cube/etc). * x may be a sparse-array, but in it will be reified by this function. The following optional arguments are allowed: * null (defaut: 0) specifies the value that should appear in the elements of u that are not set. ''' x = x.toarray() if sps.issparse(x) else np.asarray(x) shx = x.shape if isinstance(ii, tuple): if not pimms.is_vector(n): n = tuple([n for _ in ii]) if len(n) != len(ii): raise ValueError('%d-dim index but %d-dim output' % (len(ii),len(n))) sh = n + shx[1:] elif pimms.is_int(ii): sh = (n,) + shx else: sh = (n,) + shx[1:] u = np.zeros(sh, dtype=x.dtype) if null == 0 else np.full(sh, null, dtype=x.dtype) u[ii] = x return u
def face_vmag(hemi, retinotopy='any', to=None, **kw): ''' face_vmag(mesh) yields the visual magnification based on the projection of individual faces on the cortical surface into the visual field. face_vmag(mdat) uses the given magnification data mdat (as returned from mag_data()); if valid magnification data is passed then all options related to the mag_data() function are ignored. All options accepted by mag_data() are accepted by disk_vmag(). The additional optional arguments are also accepted: * to (default: None) specifies that the resulting data should be transformed in some way; these transformations are: * None or 'data': returns the full magnification data without transformation; * 'faces': returns a property of the visual magnification value of each face; * 'vertices': returns a property of the visual magnification value of each vertex, as determined by averaging the magnification ''' mdat = mag_data(hemi, retinotopy=retinotopy, **kw) if pimms.is_vector(mdat): return tuple([face_vmag(m, to=to) for m in mdat]) elif pimms.is_map(mdat.keys(), 'int'): return pimms.lazy_map({k: curry(lambda k: face_vmag(mdat[k], to=to), k) for k in six.iterkeys(mdat)}) #TODO: implement the face_vmag calculation using mdat # convert to the appropriate type according to the to param raise NotImplementedError()
def angle_to_cortex(self, theta, rho): 'See help(neuropythy.registration.RetinotopyModel.angle_to_cortex).' #TODO: This should be made to work correctly with visual area boundaries: this could be done # by, for each area (e.g., V2) looking at its boundaries (with V1 and V3) and flipping the # adjacent triangles so that there is complete coverage of each hemifield, guaranteed. if not pimms.is_vector(theta): return self.angle_to_cortex([theta], [rho])[0] theta = np.asarray(theta) rho = np.asarray(rho) zs = np.asarray(rho * np.exp( [np.complex(z) for z in 1j * ((90.0 - theta) / 180.0 * np.pi)]), dtype=np.complex) coords = np.asarray([zs.real, zs.imag]).T if coords.shape[0] == 0: return np.zeros((0, len(self.visual_meshes), 2)) # we step through each area in the forward model and return the appropriate values tx = self.transform res = np.transpose([ msh.interpolate( coords, msh.prop('cortical_coordinates'), method='linear') for area in sorted(self.visual_meshes.keys()) for msh in [self.visual_meshes[area]] ], (1, 0, 2)) if tx is not None: res = np.asarray([, np.vstack( (area_xy.T, np.ones(len(area_xy)))))[0:2].T for area_xy in res ]) return res
def disk_vmag(hemi, retinotopy='any', to=None, **kw): ''' disk_vmag(mesh) yields the visual magnification based on the projection of disks on the cortical surface into the visual field. All options accepted by mag_data() are accepted by disk_vmag(). ''' mdat = mag_data(hemi, retinotopy=retinotopy, **kw) if pimms.is_vector(mdat): return tuple([face_vmag(m, to=to) for m in mdat]) elif pimms.is_vector(mdat.keys(), 'int'): return pimms.lazy_map({ k: curry(lambda k: face_vmag(mdat[k], to=to), k) for k in six.iterkeys(mdat) }) #TODO: implement the disk_vmag calculation using mdat # convert to the appropriate type according to the to param raise NotImplementedError()
def calc_labels(subject, hemisphere_tags, hemisphere_data, labels=None): ''' calc_labels finds the available label data for the subject on which the retinotopy operations are being performed. Afferent parameters: @ labels The filenames of the files containing label data for the subject's hemispheres. Label data can be provided in mgz, annot, or curv files containing visual area labels, one per vertex. The labels argument may be specified as a comma-separated list of filenames (in the same order as the hemispheres, which are lh then rh by default) or as a single template filename that may contain the character * as a stand-in for the hemisphere tag. For example, '/data/*.v123_labels.mgz' would look for the file /data/lh.v123_labels.mgz for the 'lh' hemisphere and for /data/rh_LR32k.v123_labels.mgz for the 'rh_LR32k' hemisphere. Note that labels are not required--without labels, no field-sign minimization is performed, so retinotopic cleaning may be less reliable. Note that additionally, labels may be preceded by the relevant tag; so instead of '/data/*.v123_labels.mgz' with, as in the example, hemispheres 'lh,rh_LR32k', one could use the arguments 'lh:/data/lh.v123_labels.mgz,rh:/data/rh_LR32k.v123_labels.mgz' (for labels) and 'lh,rh:rh_LR32k' for hemispheres. ''' lbls = {} # no argument this is fine--no labels are used if lbls is None: return {'label_data': pyr.m()} if not pimms.is_str(labels): raise ValueError('could not understand non-string labels') # first, it might just be a template pattern fls = {} if '*' in labels: sparts = labels.split('*') for h in hemisphere_tags: flnm = h.join(sparts) fls[h] = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(flnm)) else: # okay, separate commas... lsplit = labels.split(',') for (k, l) in enumerate(lsplit): if ':' in l: (tag, name) = l.split(':') elif k < len(hemisphere_tags): (tag, name) = (hemisphere_taks[k], l) else: raise ValueError('could not match labels to hemispheres') if tag not in hemisphere_data: raise ValueError('Tag %s (in labels arg) does not exist' % (tag, )) fls[tag] = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(name)) for (tag, name) in six.iteritems(fls): if not os.path.isfile(name): raise ValueError('Labels filename %s not found' % (name, )) hem = hemisphere_data[tag] tmp = nyio.load(name) if not pimms.is_vector(tmp) or len(tmp) != hem.vertex_count: raise ValueError('Labels file %s does not contain label data' % (name, )) lbls[tag] = np.asarray(tmp) return {'label_data': pimms.persist(lbls)}
def __getitem__(self, k): if pimms.is_int(k): return self.by_id.get(k, None) elif pimms.is_str(k): return self.by_name.get(k, None) elif pimms.is_vector(k, 'int'): return np.asarray([self.by_id.get(k, None) for k in k]) else: return np.asarray([ (self.by_name if pimms.is_str(k) else self.by_id).get(k, None) for k in k ])
def label_index(dat, *args, **kw): ''' label_index(idx_map) converts the given map- or dict-like object idx_map into a label index by assuming that the keys are label ids and the values are label names or tuples of label names and (r,g,b,a) colors. label_index(ids, names) uses the given ids and names to make the label index. label_index(ids, names, colors) additionally uses the given colors. Note that if there is not a label with id 0 then such a label is automatically created with the name 'none', the rgba color [0,0,0,0], and no entry meta-data. As a general rule, the label 0 should be used to indicate that a label is missing. The optional arguments meta_data and entry_meta_data may specify both the meta-data for the label-index object itself as well as the meta-data for the individual entries. ''' md = kw.pop('meta_data', {}) mds = kw.pop('entry_meta_data', None) if len(kw) > 0: raise ValueError('unrecognized optional argument(s) given to label_index') if len(args) == 0: if pimms.is_map(dat): (ids,nms,clrs) = ([],[],[]) for (k,v) in six.iteritems(dat): if pimms.is_scalar(v): c = None else: (v,c) = v if pimms.is_str(k): ids.append(v) nms.append(k) else: ids.append(k) nms.append(v) if c is not None: clrs.append(c) elif is_dataframe(dat): if == 'id': ids = dat.index.values else: ids = dat['id'].values nms = dat['name'].values if 'color' in dat: clrs = np.array(list(map(list, dat['color'].values))) elif all(k in dat for k in ['r','g','b']): ks = ['r','g','b'] if 'a' in dat: ks.append('a') clrs = np.array([[r[k] for k in ks].values for (ii,r) in dat.iterrows()]) else: clrs = [] elif pimms.is_vector(dat, 'int'): ids = np.unique(dat) nms = ['label%d'%k for k in ids] clrs = [] else: raise ValueError('label_index(idx_map) given non-map argument') elif len(args) == 1: (ids,nms,clrs) = (dat, args[0], []) elif len(args) == 2: (ids,nms,clrs) = (dat, args[0], args[1]) else: raise ValueError('Too many arguments given to label_index()') if clrs is None or len(clrs) == 0: clrs = None elif len(clrs) != len(ids): raise ValueError('color-count must match id-count') # okay, make the label index return LabelIndex(ids, nms, colors=clrs, meta_data=md, entry_meta_data=mds)
def wout_meta(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' obj.wout_meta(...) removes the given arguments (keys) from the object's current meta_data map and yields a new object with the new meta-data. ''' md = self.meta_data for a in args: if pimms.is_vector(a): for u in a: md = md.discard(u) else: md = md.discard(a) return self if md is self.meta_data else self.copy(meta_data=md)
def _atlas_to_atlver(atl): atl0 = atl if not pimms.is_vector(atl): if ':' in atl: atl = atl.split(':') if len(atl) != 2: raise ValueError('Cannot parse atlas spec: %s' % atl0) else: atl = [atl, None] if len(atl) != 2: raise ValueError('Improperly specified atlas: %s' % atl0) if pimms.is_str(atl[1]): if len(atl[1]) == 0: atl = (atl[0], None) else: if atl[1][0] == 'v': atl[1] = atl[1][1:] try: atl = (atl[0], tuple([int(x) for x in re.split(r'[-_.]+', atl[1])])) except Exception: raise ValueError('Could not parse atlas version string: %s' % atl[1]) elif pimms.is_int(atl[1]): atl = (atl[0], (atl[1],)) elif pimms.is_real(atl[1]): atl = (atl[0], (int(atl[1]), int(10*(atl[1] - int(atl[1]))),)) elif pimms.is_vector(atl[1], int): atl = (atl[0], tuple(atl[1])) elif atl[1] is not None: raise ValueError('atlas version must be a string (like "v1_5_1") or a list of ints') else: atl = tuple(atl) return atl + (atl0,)
def isoline_vmag(hemi, isolines=None, surface='midgray', min_length=2, **kw): ''' isoline_vmag(hemi) calculates the visual magnification function f using the default set of iso-lines (as returned by The hemi argument may alternately be a mesh object. isoline_vmag(hemi, isolns) uses the given iso-lines rather than the default ones. The return value of this funciton is a dictionary whose keys are 'tangential', 'radial', and 'areal', and whose values are the estimated visual magnification functions. These functions are of the form f(x,y) where x and y can be numbers or arrays in the visual field. ''' from neuropythy.util import (curry, zinv) from neuropythy.mri import is_cortex from import visual_isolines from neuropythy.geometry import to_mesh # if there's no isolines, get them if isolines is None: isolines = visual_isolines(hemi, **kw) # see if the isolines is a lazy map of visual areas; if so return a lazy map recursing... if pimms.is_vector(isolines.keys(), 'int'): f = lambda k: isoline_vmag(isolines[k], surface=surface, min_length=min_length) return pimms.lazy_map({k:curry(f, k) for k in six.iterkeys(isolines)}) mesh = to_mesh((hemi, surface)) # filter by min length if min_length is not None: isolines = {k: {kk: {kkk: [vvv[ii] for ii in iis] for (kkk,vvv) in six.iteritems(vv)} for (kk,vv) in six.iteritems(v) for iis in [[ii for (ii,u) in enumerate(vv['polar_angles']) if len(u) >= min_length]] if len(iis) > 0} for (k,v) in six.iteritems(isolines)} (rlns,tlns) = [isolines[k] for k in ['eccentricity', 'polar_angle']] if len(rlns) < 2: raise ValueError('fewer than 2 iso-eccentricity lines found') if len(tlns) < 2: raise ValueError('fewer than 2 iso-angle lines found') # grab the visual/surface lines ((rvlns,tvlns),(rslns,tslns)) = [[[u for lns in six.itervalues(xlns) for u in lns[k]] for xlns in (rlns,tlns)] for k in ('visual_coordinates','surface_coordinates')] # calculate some distances (rslen,tslen) = [[np.sqrt(np.sum((sx[:,:-1] - sx[:,1:])**2, 0)) for sx in slns] for slns in (rslns,tslns)] (rvlen,tvlen) = [[np.sqrt(np.sum((vx[:,:-1] - vx[:,1:])**2, 0)) for vx in vlns] for vlns in (rvlns,tvlns)] (rvxy, tvxy) = [[0.5*(vx[:,:-1] + vx[:,1:]) for vx in vlns] for vlns in (rvlns,tvlns)] (rvlen,tvlen,rslen,tslen) = [np.concatenate(u) for u in (rvlen,tvlen,rslen,tslen)] (rvxy,tvxy) = [np.hstack(vxy) for vxy in (rvxy,tvxy)] (rvmag,tvmag) = [vlen * zinv(slen) for (vlen,slen) in zip([rvlen,tvlen],[rslen,tslen])] return {k: {'visual_coordinates':vxy, 'visual_magnification': vmag, 'visual_lengths': vlen, 'surface_lengths': slen} for (k,vxy,vmag,vlen,slen) in zip(['radial','tangential'], [rvxy,tvxy], [rvmag,tvmag], [rvlen,tvlen], [rslen,tslen])}
def cortex_to_angle(self, x, y): 'See RetinotopyModel.cortex_to_angle.' if not pimms.is_vector(x): return self.cortex_to_angle([x], [y])[0] # start by applying the transform to the points tx = self.inverse_transform xy = np.asarray([x,y]).T if tx is None else, [x,y,np.ones(len(x))])[0:2].T # we only need to interpolate from the inverse mesh in this case interp_ae = self.cortical_mesh.interpolate(xy, [self.polar_angles, self.eccentricities], method='linear') interp_id = self.cortical_mesh.interpolate(xy, self.visual_areas, method='heaviest') interp = np.asarray([interp_ae[0], interp_ae[1], interp_id]) bad = np.where(np.isnan(, axis=0)))[0] interp[:,bad] = 0.0 return interp
def image_shape(arg): ''' image_shape(im) yields the image shape for the given image im. The argument im may be an image, an array, an image header, or an image spec. ''' if is_image(arg): sh = arg.shape elif pimms.is_vector(arg, 'int') and len(arg) < 5: sh = tuple(arg) elif is_image_spec(arg): sh = imspec_lookup(arg, 'image_shape') elif is_image_header(arg): sh = image_header_to_spec(arg)['image_shape'] elif is_image_array(arg): sh = np.shape(arg) else: raise VelueError('Bad argument of type %s given to image_shape()' % type(arg)) sh = tuple(sh) if len(sh) == 2: sh = (sh[0], 1, 1, sh[1]) elif len(sh) == 1: sh = (sh[0], 1, 1) return sh
def save_string(filename, s): ''' save_string(filename, s) saves the given string to the given file as text. The argument s may be a list of strings (lines). If s is neither a list of strings nor a string, it is cast to a string using str(s). ''' if pimms.is_vector(s, 'string'): with open(filename, 'w') as fl: for l in s: fl.write(s + '\n') return filename elif not pimms.is_str(s): s = str(s) with open(filename, 'w') as fl: fl.write(s) return filename
def to_pseudo_path(obj): ''' to_pseudo_path(obj) yields a pseudo-path object that has been coerced from the given obj or raises an exception. If the obj is a pseudo-path already, it is returned unchanged. ''' if is_pseudo_path(obj): return obj elif pimms.is_str(obj): return pseudo_path(obj) elif pimms.is_vector(obj): if len(obj) > 0 and pimms.is_map(obj[-1]): (obj, kw) = (obj[:-1], obj[-1]) else: kw = {} return pseudo_path(*obj, **kw) else: raise ValueError('cannot coerce given object to a pseudo-path: %s' % obj)
def to_affine(aff, dims=None): ''' to_affine(None) yields None. to_affine(data) yields an affine transformation matrix equivalent to that given in data. Such a matrix may be specified either as (matrix, offset_vector), as an (n+1)x(n+1) matrix, or, as an n x (n+1) matrix. to_affine(data, dims) additionally requires that the dimensionality of the data be dims; meaning that the returned matrix will be of size (dims+1) x (dims+1). ''' if aff is None: return None if isinstance(aff, _tuple_type): # allowed to be (mtx, offset) if (len(aff) != 2 or not pimms.is_matrix(aff[0], 'real') or not pimms.is_vector(aff[1], 'real')): raise ValueError('affine transforms must be matrices or (mtx,offset) tuples') mtx = np.asarray(aff[0]) off = np.asarray(aff[1]) if dims is not None: if mtx.shape[0] != dims or mtx.shape[1] != dims: raise ValueError('%dD affine matrix must be %d x %d' % (dims,dims,dims)) if off.shape[0] != dims: raise ValueError('%dD affine offset must have length %d' % (dims,dims)) else: dims = off.shape[0] if mtx.shape[0] != dims or mtx.shape[1] != dims: raise ValueError('with offset size=%d, matrix must be %d x %d' % (dims,dims,dims)) aff = np.zeros((dims+1,dims+1), dtype=np.float) aff[dims,dims] = 1 aff[0:dims,0:dims] = mtx aff[0:dims,dims] = off return pimms.imm_array(aff) if not pimms.is_matrix(aff, 'real'): raise ValueError('affine transforms must be matrices or (mtx, offset) tuples') aff = np.asarray(aff) if dims is None: dims = aff.shape[1] - 1 if aff.shape[0] == dims: lastrow = np.zeros((1,dims+1)) lastrow[0,-1] = 1 aff = np.concatenate((aff, lastrow)) if aff.shape[1] != dims+1 or aff.shape[0] != dims+1: arg = (dims, dims,dims+1, dims+1,dims+1) raise ValueError('%dD affine matrix must be %dx%d or %dx%d' % args) return aff
def finish_mag_data(mask): if len(mask) == 0: return None # now that we have the mask, we can subsample submesh = mesh.submesh(mask) mask = mesh.tess.index(submesh.labels) mdata = pyr.pmap({k:(v[mask] if pimms.is_vector(v) else v[:,mask] if pimms.is_matrix(v) else None) for (k,v) in six.iteritems(rdata)}) fs = submesh.tess.indexed_faces (vx, sx) = [x[:,mask] for x in (vcoords, scoords)] (vfx,sfx) = [np.asarray([x[:,f] for f in fs]) for x in (vx, sx)] (va, sa) = [geo.triangle_area(*x) for x in (vfx, sfx)] return pyr.m(surface_coordinates=sx, visual_coordinates=vx, surface_areas=sa, visual_areas=va, mesh=mesh, submesh=submesh, retinotopy_data=rdata, masked_data=mdata, mask=mask, area_of_range=rarea)
def to_label_index(obj): ''' to_label_index(obj) attempts to coerce the given object into a label index object; if obj is already a label index object, then obj itself is returned. If obj cannot be coerced into a label index, then an error is raised. The obj argument can be any of the following: * a label index * a label list (i.e., an integer vector) * a tuple of arguments, potentially ending with a kw-options map, that can be passed to the label_index function successfully. ''' if is_label_index(obj): return obj elif pimms.is_vector(obj, 'int'): return label_index(obj) elif is_dataframe(obj): return label_index(obj) elif is_tuple(obj): if len(obj) > 1 and pimms.is_map(obj[-1]): return label_index(*obj[:-1], **obj[-1]) else: return label_index(*obj) else: raise ValueError('could not parse to_label_index parameter: %s' % obj)
def main(*argv): ''' neuropythy.commands.atlas.main() runs the main function of the atlas command in the neuropythy library. See the `python -m neuropythy atlas --help` or for more information. ''' argv = [aa for arg in argv for aa in (arg if pimms.is_vector(arg) else [arg])] imap = pimms.argv_parse( atlas_plan, argv, arg_abbrevs=atlas_cmdline_abbrevs) argv = imap['argv'] if len(argv) == 0 or '--help' in argv or '-h' in argv: print(info) return 1 try: imap['export_all_fn']() except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('\nERROR:\n' + str(e) + '\n') sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(2) return 0
def to_name(nm): ''' Dataset.to_name(name) yields a valid dataset name equivalent to the given name or raises an error if name is not valid. In order to be valid, a name must be either strings or a tuple of number and strings that start with a string. ''' if pimms.is_str(nm): return nm if not pimms.is_vector(nm): raise ValueError('name must be a string or tuple') if len(nm) < 1: raise ValueError( 'names that are tuples must have at least one element') if not pimms.is_str(nm): raise ValueError('names that are tuples must begin with a string') if not all(pimms.is_str(x) or pimms.is_number(x) for x in nm): raise ValueError( 'dataset names that are tuples must contain only strings and numbers' ) return tuple(nm)
def test_units(self): ''' test_units ensures that the various pimms functions related to pint integration work correctly; these functions include pimms.unit, .mag, .quant, .is_quantity, etc. ''' # make a few pieces of data with types x = np.asarray([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]) * y = pimms.quant([2, 4, 6, 8], 'sec') for u in [x, y]: self.assertTrue(pimms.is_quantity(u)) for u in ('abc', 123, 9.0, []): self.assertFalse(pimms.is_quantity(u)) for u in [x, y]: self.assertFalse(pimms.is_quantity(pimms.mag(u))) self.assertTrue(pimms.like_units(pimms.unit(x), pimms.unit('yards'))) self.assertTrue(pimms.like_units(pimms.unit(y), pimms.unit('minutes'))) self.assertFalse(pimms.like_units(pimms.unit(y), pimms.unit('mm'))) z = x / y self.assertTrue(pimms.is_vector(x, 'real')) self.assertTrue(pimms.is_vector(y, 'real')) self.assertFalse(pimms.is_vector(x, 'int')) self.assertTrue(pimms.is_vector(y, 'int')) self.assertTrue(pimms.is_vector(y, 'float')) self.assertTrue(pimms.is_vector(z, 'real'))
def mag_data(hemi, retinotopy='any', surface='midgray', mask=None, weights=Ellipsis, weight_min=0, weight_transform=Ellipsis, visual_area=None, visual_area_mask=Ellipsis, eccentricity_range=None, polar_angle_range=None): ''' mag_data(hemi) yields a map of visual/cortical magnification data for the given hemisphere. mag_data(mesh) uses the given mesh. mag_data([arg1, arg2...]) maps over the given hemisphere or mesh arguments. mag_data(subject) is equivalent to mag_data([subject.lh, subject.rh]). mag_data(mdata) for a valid magnification data map mdata (i.e., is_mag_data(mdata) is True or mdata is a lazy map with integer keys) always yields mdata without considering any additional arguments. The data structure returned by magdata is a lazy map containing the keys: * 'surface_coordinates': a (2 x N) or (3 x N) matrix of the mesh coordinates in the mask (usually in mm). * 'visual_coordinates': a (2 x N) matrix of the (x,y) visual field coordinates (in degrees). * 'surface_areas': a length N vector of the surface areas of the faces in the mesh. * 'visual_areas': a length N vector of the areas of the faces in the visual field. * 'mesh': the full mesh from which the surface coordinates are obtained. * 'submesh': the submesh of mesh of just the vertices in the mask (may be identical to mesh). * 'mask': the mask used. * 'retinotopy_data': the full set of retinotopy_data from the hemi/mesh; note that this will include the key 'weights' of the weights actually used and 'visual_area' of the found or specified visual area. * 'masked_data': the subsampled retinotopy data from the hemi/mesh. Note that if a visual_area property is found or provided (see options below), instead of yielding a map of the above, a lazy map whose keys are the visual areas and whose values are the maps described above is yielded instead. The following named options are accepted (in order): * retinotopy ('any') specifies the value passed to the retinotopy_data function to obtain the retinotopic mapping data; this may be a map of such data. * surface ('midgray') specifies the surface to use. * mask (None) specifies the mask to use. * weights, weight_min, weight_transform (Ellipsis, 0, Ellipsis) are used as in the to_property() function in neuropythy.geometry except weights, which, if equal to Ellipsis, attempts to use the weights found by retinotopy_data() if any. * visual_area (Ellipsis) specifies the property to use for the visual area label; Ellipsis is equivalent to whatever visual area label is found by the retinotopy_data() function if any. * visual_area_mask (Ellipsis) specifies which visual areas to include in the returned maps, assuming a visual_area property is found; Ellipsis is equivalent to everything but 0; None is equivalent to everything. * eccentricity_range (None) specifies the eccentricity range to include. * polar_angle_range (None) specifies the polar_angle_range to include. ''' if is_mag_data(hemi): return hemi elif pimms.is_lazy_map(hemi) and pimms.is_vector(hemi.keys(), 'int'): return hemi if mri.is_subject(hemi): hemi = (hemi.lh. hemi.rh) if pimms.is_vector(hemi): return tuple([mag_data(h, retinotopy=retinotopy, surface=surface, mask=mask, weights=weights, weight_min=weight_min, weight_transform=weight_transform, visual_area=visual_area, visual_area_mask=visual_area_mask, eccentricity_range=eccentricity_range, polar_angle_range=polar_angle_range) for h in hemi]) # get the mesh mesh = geo.to_mesh((hemi, surface)) # First, find the retino data retino = retinotopy_data(hemi, retinotopy) # we can process the rest the mask now, including weights and ranges if weights is Ellipsis: weights = retino.get('variance_explained', None) mask = hemi.mask(mask, indices=True) (arng,erng) = (polar_angle_range, eccentricity_range) (ang,ecc) = (retino['polar_angle'], retino['eccentricity']) if pimms.is_str(arng): tmp = to_hemi_str(arng) arng = (-180,0) if tmp == 'rh' else (0,180) if tmp == 'lh' else (-180,180) elif arng is None: tmp = ang[mask] tmp = tmp[np.isfinite(tmp)] arng = (np.min(tmp), np.max(tmp)) if erng is None: tmp = ecc[mask] tmp = tmp[np.isfinite(tmp)] erng = (0, np.max(tmp)) elif pimms.is_scalar(erng): erng = (0, erng) (ang,wgt) =['polar_angle'], weights=weights, weight_min=weight_min, weight_transform=weight_transform, yield_weight=True) ecc =['eccentricity'], weights=weights, weight_min=weight_min, weight_transform=weight_transform, data_range=erng) # apply angle range if given ((mn,mx),mid) = (arng, np.mean(arng)) oks = mask[np.isfinite(ang[mask])] u = ang[oks] u = np.mod(u + 180 - mid, 360) - 180 + mid ang[oks[np.where((mn <= u) & (u < mx))[0]]] = np.inf # mark/unify the out-of-range ones bad = np.where(np.isinf(ang) | np.isinf(ecc))[0] ang[bad] = np.inf ecc[bad] = np.inf wgt[bad] = 0 wgt *= zinv(np.sum(wgt[mask])) # get visual and surface coords vcoords = np.asarray(as_retinotopy(retino, 'geographical')) scoords = mesh.coordinates # now figure out the visual area so we can call down if we need to if visual_area is Ellipsis: visual_area = retino.get('visual_area', None) if visual_area is not None: retino['visual_area'] = visual_area if wgt is not None: retino['weights'] = wgt rdata = pimms.persist(retino) # calculate the range area (tmn,tmx) = [np.pi/180.0 * u for u in arng] if tmx - tmn >= 2*np.pi: (tmn,tmx) = (-np.pi,np.pi) (emn,emx) = erng rarea = 0.5 * (emx*emx - emn*emn) * (tmx - tmn) # okay, we have the data organized; we can do the calculation based on this, but we may have a # visual area mask to apply as well; here's how we do it regardless of mask def finish_mag_data(mask): if len(mask) == 0: return None # now that we have the mask, we can subsample submesh = mesh.submesh(mask) mask = mesh.tess.index(submesh.labels) mdata = pyr.pmap({k:(v[mask] if pimms.is_vector(v) else v[:,mask] if pimms.is_matrix(v) else None) for (k,v) in six.iteritems(rdata)}) fs = submesh.tess.indexed_faces (vx, sx) = [x[:,mask] for x in (vcoords, scoords)] (vfx,sfx) = [np.asarray([x[:,f] for f in fs]) for x in (vx, sx)] (va, sa) = [geo.triangle_area(*x) for x in (vfx, sfx)] return pyr.m(surface_coordinates=sx, visual_coordinates=vx, surface_areas=sa, visual_areas=va, mesh=mesh, submesh=submesh, retinotopy_data=rdata, masked_data=mdata, mask=mask, area_of_range=rarea) # if there's no visal area, we just use the mask as is if visual_area is None: return finish_mag_data(mask) # otherwise, we return a lazy map of the visual area mask values visual_area =, mask=mask, null=0, vam = (np.unique(visual_area) if visual_area_mask is None else np.setdiff1d(np.unique(visual_area), [0]) if visual_area_mask is Ellipsis else np.unique(list(visual_area_mask))) return pimms.lazy_map({va: curry(finish_mag_data, mask[visual_area[mask] == va]) for va in vam})
def mesh_register(mesh, field, max_steps=2000, max_step_size=0.05, max_pe_change=1, method='random', return_report=False, initial_coordinates=None): ''' mesh_register(mesh, field) yields the mesh that results from registering the given mesh by minimizing the given potential field description over the position of the vertices in the mesh. The mesh argument must be a Mesh object (see neuropythy.geometry) such as can be read from FreeSurfer using the neuropythy.freesurfer_subject function. The field argument must be a list of field names and arguments; with the exception of 'mesh' (or 'standard'), the arguments must be a list, the first element of which is the field type name, the second element of which is the field shape name, and the final element of which is a dictionary of arguments accepted by the field shape. The following are valid field type names: * 'mesh' : the standard mesh potential, which includes an edge potential, an angle potential, and a perimeter potential. Accepts no arguments, and must be passed as a single string instead of a list. * 'edge': an edge potential field in which the potential is a function of the change in the edge length, summed over each edge in the mesh. * 'angle': an angle potential field in which the potential is a function of the change in the angle measure, summed over all angles in the mesh. * 'perimeter': a potential that depends on the vertices on the perimeter of a 2D mesh remaining in place; the potential changes as a function of the distance of each perimeter vertex from its reference position. * 'anchor': a potential that depends on the distance of a set of vertices from fixed points in space. After the shape name second argument, an anchor must be followed by a list of vertex ids then a list of fixed points to which the vertex ids are anchored: ['anchor', shape_name, vertex_ids, fixed_points, args...]. The following are valid shape names: * 'harmonic': a harmonic function with the form (c/q) * abs(x - x0)^q. Parameters: * 'scale', the scale parameter c; default: 1. * 'order', the order parameter q; default: 2. * 'Lennard-Jones': a Lennard-Jones function with the form c (1 + (r0/r)^q - 2(r0/r)^(q/2)); Parameters: * 'scale': the scale parameter c; default: 1. * 'order': the order parameter q; default: 2. * 'Gaussian': A Gaussian function with the form c (1 - exp(-0.5 abs((x - x0)/s)^q)) Parameters: * 'scale': the scale parameter c; default: 1. * 'order': the order parameter q; default: 2. * 'sigma': the standard deviation parameter s; default: 1. * 'infinite-well': an infinite well function with the form c ( (((x0 - m)/(x - m))^q - 1)^2 + (((M - x0)/(M - x))^q - 1)^2 ) Parameters: * 'scale': the scale parameter c; default: 1. * 'order': the order parameter q; default: 0.5. * 'min': the minimum value m; default: 0. * 'max': the maximum value M; default: pi. Options: The following optional arguments are accepted. * max_steps (default: 2000) the maximum number of steps to minimize for. * max_step_size (default: 0.1) the maximum distance to allow a vertex to move in a single minimization step. * max_pe_change: the maximum fraction of the initial potential value that the minimizer should minimize away before returning; i.e., 0 indicates that no minimization should be allowed while 0.9 would indicate that the minimizer should minimize until the potential is 10% or less of the initial potential. * return_report (default: False) indicates that instead of returning the registered data, mesh_register should instead return the Java Minimizer.Report object (for debugging). * method (default: 'random') specifies the search algorithm used; available options are 'random', 'nimble', and 'pure'. Generally all options will converge on a similar solution, but usually 'random' is fastest. The 'pure' option uses the nben library's step function, which performs straight-forward gradient descent. The 'nimble' option performs a gradient descent in which subsets of vertices in the mesh that have the highest gradients during the registration are updated more often than those vertices with small gradients; this can sometimes but not always increase the speed of the minimization. Note that instead of 'nimble', one may alternately provide ('nimble', k) where k is the number of partitions that the vertices should be sorted into (by partition). 'nimble' by itself is equivalent to ('nimble', 4). Note also that a single step of nimble minimization is equivalent to 2**k steps of 'pure' minimization. Finally, the 'random' option uses the nben library's randomStep function, which is a gradient descent algorithm that moves each vertex in the direction of its negative gradient during each step but which randomizes the length of the gradient at each individual vertex by drawing from an exponential distribution centered at the vertex's actual gradient length. In effect, this can prevent vertices with very large gradients from dominating the minimization and often results in the best results. * initial_coordinates (default: None) specifies the start coordinates of the registration; if None, uses those in the given mesh, which is generally desired. Examples: registered_mesh = mesh_register( mesh, [['edge', 'harmonic', 'scale', 0.5], # slightly weak edge potential ['angle', 'infinite-well'], # default arguments for an infinite-well angle potential ['anchor', 'Gaussian', [1, 10, 50], [[0.0, 0.0], [1.1, 1.1], [2.2, 2.2]]]], max_step_size=0.05, max_steps=10000) ''' # Sanity checking: # First, make sure that the arguments are all okay: if not isinstance(mesh, geo.Mesh): raise RuntimeError( 'mesh argument must be an instance of neuropythy.geometry.Mesh') if not pimms.is_vector(max_steps): max_steps = [max_steps] for ms in max_steps: if not pimms.is_int(ms) or ms < 0: raise RuntimeError('max_steps argument must be a positive integer') if not pimms.is_vector(max_step_size): max_step_size = [max_step_size] for mss in max_step_size: if not pimms.is_number(mss) or mss <= 0: raise RuntimeError('max_step_size must be a positive number') if not pimms.is_number( max_pe_change) or max_pe_change <= 0 or max_pe_change > 1: raise RuntimeError( 'max_pe_change must be a number x such that 0 < x <= 1') if pimms.is_vector(method): if method[0].lower( ) == 'nimble' and len(method) > 1 and not pimms.is_str(method[1]): method = [method] else: method = [method] if initial_coordinates is None: init_coords = mesh.coordinates else: init_coords = np.asarray(initial_coordinates) if init_coords.shape[0] != mesh.coordinates.shape[0]: init_coords = init_coords.T # If steps is 0, we can skip most of this... if np.sum(max_steps) == 0: if return_report: return None else: return init_coords # Otherwise, we run at least some minimization max_pe_change = float(max_pe_change) nrounds = len(max_steps) if nrounds > 1: if len(max_step_size) == 1: max_step_size = [max_step_size[0] for _ in max_steps] if len(method) == 1: method = [method[0] for _ in max_steps] # Parse the field argument. faces = to_java_ints(mesh.tess.indexed_faces) edges = to_java_ints(mesh.tess.indexed_edges) coords = to_java_doubles(mesh.coordinates) init_coords = coords if init_coords is mesh.coordinates else to_java_doubles( init_coords) potential = _parse_field_arguments(field, faces, edges, coords) # Okay, that's basically all we need to do the minimization... rep = [] for (method, max_step_size, max_steps) in zip(method, max_step_size, max_steps): minimizer = java_link().jvm.nben.mesh.registration.Minimizer( potential, init_coords) max_step_size = float(max_step_size) max_steps = int(max_steps) if pimms.is_str(method): method = method.lower() if method == 'nimble': k = 4 else: k = 0 else: k = method[1] method = method[0].lower() if method == 'pure': r = minimizer.step(max_pe_change, max_steps, max_step_size) elif method == 'random': # if k is -1, we do the inverse version where we draw from the 1/mean distribution r = minimizer.randomStep(max_pe_change, max_steps, max_step_size, k == -1) elif method == 'nimble': r = minimizer.nimbleStep(max_pe_change, max_steps, max_step_size, int(k)) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized method: %s' % method) rep.append(r) init_coords = minimizer.getX() # Return the report if requested if return_report: return rep else: result = init_coords return np.asarray([[x for x in row] for row in result])
def detect_credentials(config_name, extra_environ=None, filenames=None, aws_profile_name=None, default_value=Ellipsis): ''' detect_credentials(config_name) attempts to locate Amazon S3 Bucket credentials from the given configuration item config_name. The following optional arguments are accepted: * extra_environ (default: None) may specify a string or a tuple (key_name, secret_name) or a list of strings or tuples; strings are treated as an additional environment variable that should be checked for credentials while tuples are treated as paired varialbes: if both are defined, then they are checked as separate holders of a key/secret pair. Note that a list of strings is considered a pair of solo environment varialbes while a tuple of strings is considered a single (key_name, secret_name) pair. * filenames (default: None) may specify a list of filenames that are checked in order for credentials. * aws_profile_name (default: None) may specify a profile name that appears in the ~/.aws/credentials file that will be checked for aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key values. The files ~/.amazon/credentials and ~/.credentials are also checked. Note that this may be a list of profiles to check. * default_value (default: Ellipsis) may specify a value to return when no credentials are found; if this value is None, then it is always returned; otherwise, the value is passed through to_credentials() and any errors are allowed to propagate out of detect_credentials(). If default_value is Ellipsis then an error is simply raised stating that no credentials could be found. The detect_credentials() function looks at the following locations in the following order, assuming that it has been provided with the relevant information: * first, if the Neuropythy configuration variable config_name is set via either the npythyrc file or the associated environment variable, then it is coerced into credentials; * next, if the environment contains both the variables key_name and secret_name (from the optional argument key_secret_environ), then these values are used; * next, if the filenames argument is given, then all files it refers to are checked for credentials; these files are expanded with both os.expanduser and os.expandvars. * finally, if no credentials were detected, an error is raised. ''' # Check the config first: if config_name is not None and config[config_name] is not None: return config[config_name] # Okay, not found there; check the key/secret environment variables if extra_environ is None: extra_environ = [] elif pimms.is_str(extra_environ): extra_environ = [extra_environ] elif pimms.is_vector(extra_environ): if pimms.is_vector(extra_environ, str): if len(extra_environ) == 2 and isinstance(extra_environ, _tuple_type): extra_environ = [extra_environ] elif not pimms.is_matrix(extra_environ, str): raise ValueError('extra_environ must be a string, tuple of strings, or list of these') for ee in extra_environ: if pimms.is_str(ee): if ee in os.environ: try: return to_credentials(q) except: pass elif pimms.is_vector(ee, str) and len(ee) == 2: if ee[0] in os.environ and ee[1] in os.environ: (k,s) = [os.environ[q] for q in ee] if len(k) > 0 and len(s) > 0: continue return (k,s) else: raise ValueError('cannot interpret extra_environ argument: %s' % ee) # Okay, next we check the filenames if filenames is None: filenames = [] elif pimms.is_str(filenames): filenames = [filenames] for flnm in filenames: flnm = os.expanduser(os.expandvars(flnm)) if os.path.isfile(flnm): try: return to_credentials(flnm) except: pass # okay... let's check the AWS credentials file, if it exists if pimms.is_str(aws_profile_name): aws_profile_name = [aws_profile_name] elif aws_profile_name is None or len(aws_profile_name) == 0: aws_profile_name = None elif not pimms.is_vector(aws_profile_name, str): raise ValueError('Invalid aws_profile_name value: %s' % aws_profile_name) if aws_profile_name is not None: try: cc = confparse.ConfigParser()[os.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.aws', 'credentials')), os.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.amazon', 'credentials')), os.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.credentials'))]) for awsprof in aws_profile_names: try: aws_access_key_id = cc.get(awsprof, 'aws_access_key_id') aws_secret_access_key = cc.get(awsprof, 'aws_secret_access_key') return (aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key) except: pass except: pass # no match! if default_value is None: return None elif default_value is Ellipsis: if config_name is None: raise ValueError('No valid credentials were detected') else: raise ValueError('No valid credentials (%s) were detected' % config_name) else: return to_credentials(default_value)
def disk_vmag(hemi, retinotopy='any', to=None, **kw): ''' disk_vmag(mesh) yields the visual magnification based on the projection of disks on the cortical surface into the visual field. All options accepted by mag_data() are accepted by disk_vmag(). ''' mdat = mag_data(hemi, retinotopy=retinotopy, **kw) if pimms.is_vector(mdat): return tuple([face_vmag(m, to=to) for m in mdat]) elif pimms.is_vector(mdat.keys(), 'int'): return pimms.lazy_map({k: curry(lambda k: disk_vmag(mdat[k], to=to), k) for k in six.iterkeys(mdat)}) # for disk cmag we start by making sets of circular points around each vertex msh = mdat['submesh'] n = msh.vertex_count vxy = mdat['visual_coordinates'].T sxy = msh.coordinates.T neis = msh.tess.indexed_neighborhoods nnei = np.asarray(list(map(len, neis))) emax = np.max(nnei) whs = [np.where(nnei > k)[0] for k in range(emax)] neis = np.asarray([u + (-1,)*(emax - len(u)) for u in neis]) dist = np.full((n, emax), np.nan) for (k,wh) in enumerate(whs): nei = neis[wh,k] dxy = sxy[nei] - sxy[wh] dst = np.sqrt(np.sum(dxy**2, axis=1)) dist[wh,k] = dst # find min dist from each vertex ww = np.where(np.max(np.isfinite(dist), axis=1) == 1)[0] whs = [np.intersect1d(wh, ww) for wh in whs] radii = np.full(n, np.nan) radii[ww] = np.nanmin(dist[ww], 1) dfracs = (radii * zinv(dist.T)).T ifracs = 1 - dfracs # make points that distance from each edge ellipses = np.full((n, emax, 2), np.nan) for (k,wh) in enumerate(whs): xy0 = vxy[wh] xyn = vxy[neis[wh,k]] ifr = ifracs[wh,k] dfr = dfracs[wh,k] uxy1 = xy0 * np.transpose([ifr, ifr]) uxy2 = xyn * np.transpose([dfr, dfr]) uxy = (uxy1 + uxy2) ellipses[wh,k,:] = uxy - xy0 # we want to rotate the points to be along their center's implied rad/tan axis vrs = np.sqrt(np.sum(vxy**2, axis=1)) irs = zinv(vrs) coss = vxy[:,0] * irs sins = vxy[:,1] * irs # rotating each ellipse by negative-theta gives us x-radial and y=tangential cels = (coss * ellipses.T) sels = (sins * ellipses.T) rots = np.transpose([cels[0] + sels[1], cels[1] - sels[0]], [1,2,0]) # now we fit the best rad/tan-oriented ellipse we can with the given center rsrt = np.sqrt(np.sum(rots**2, axis=2)).T (csrt,snrt) = zinv(rsrt) * rots.T # ... a*cos(rots) + b*sin(rots) ~= r(rots) where a = radial vmag and b = tangential vmag axes = [] cods = [] idxs = [] for (r,c,s,k,irad,i) in zip(rsrt,csrt,snrt,nnei,zinv(radii),range(len(nnei))): if k < 3: continue (c,s,r) = [u[:k] for u in (c,s,r)] # if the center point is way outside the min/max, skip it (x,y) = (r*c, r*s) if len(np.unique(np.sign(x))) < 2 or len(np.unique(np.sign(y))) < 2: continue mudst = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.mean([x, y], axis=1)**2)) if mudst > np.min(r): continue # okay, fit an ellipse... fs = np.transpose([c,s]) try: (ab,rss,rnk,svs) = np.linalg.lstsq(fs, r, rcond=None) if len(rss) == 0 or rnk < 2 or np.min(svs/np.sum(svs)) < 0.01: continue axes.append(np.abs(ab) * irad) cods.append(1 - rss[0]*zinv(np.sum(r**2))) idxs.append(i) except Exception as e: continue (axes, cods, idxs) = [np.asarray(u) for u in (axes, cods, idxs)] return (idxs, axes, cods)
def calc_retinotopy(hemisphere_data, hemisphere_tags, label_data, angles='*.prf_angle.mgz', eccens='*.prf_eccen.mgz', weights='*.prf_vexpl.mgz'): ''' calc_retinotopy imports the raw retinotopy data for the given subject. Afferent parameters: @ angles The filenames of the polar-angle files that are needed for each hemisphere. For more information on how these files are specified, see the help text for the labels parameter. If angles is not supplied, then the default value is '*.prf_angle.mgz'. Polar angles MUST be encoded in clockwise degrees of rotation starting from the positive y-axis. @ eccens The filenames of the eccentricity files that are needed for each hemisphere. For more information on how these files are specified, see the help text for the labels parameter. If eccens is not supplied, then the default value is '*.prf_eccen.mgz'. Eccentricity MUST be encoded in degrees of visual angle. @ weights The filenames of the weights (usually fraction of variance explained) files that are needed for each hemisphere. For more innformation on how these files are specified, see the help text for the labels parameters. If eccens is not supplied, then the default value is '*.prf_vexpl.mgz'. Variance explained should be encoded as a fraction with 1 indicating 100% variance explained. ''' retino = {} for (k, val) in zip(['angle', 'eccen', 'weight'], [angles, eccens, weights]): if not pimms.is_str(val): raise ValueError('could not understand non-string %ss' % k) # first, it might just be a template pattern fls = {} if '*' in val: sparts = val.split('*') for h in hemisphere_tags: flnm = h.join(sparts) fls[h] = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(flnm)) else: # okay, separate commas... lsplit = val.split(',') for (kk, l) in enumerate(lsplit): if ':' in l: (tag, name) = l.split(':') elif kk < len(hemisphere_tags): (tag, name) = (hemisphere_tags[kk], l) else: raise ValueError('could not match %ss to hemispheres' % (k, )) if tag not in hemisphere_data: raise ValueError('Tag %s (in %ss arg) does not exist' % (tag, k)) fls[tag] = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(name)) retino[k] = fls # now go through and load them res = {} for (k, fls) in six.iteritems(retino): rr = {} for (tag, name) in six.iteritems(fls): if not os.path.isfile(name): raise ValueError('%ss filename %s not found' % ( k, name, )) hem = hemisphere_data[tag] tmp = nyio.load(name) if not pimms.is_vector(tmp) or len(tmp) != hem.vertex_count: raise ValueError('%ss file %s does not contain label data' % ( k, name, )) rr[tag] = np.asarray(tmp) res[k] = rr return {'raw_retinotopy': pimms.persist(res)}