Ejemplo n.º 1
 def computeThroughFootWrenches(self, wrench_lf, wrench_rf):
     w_X_lf = self.robot.data.oMi[self.robot.legs['lf_foot']]
     w_X_rf = self.robot.data.oMi[self.robot.legs['rf_foot']]
     self.wrench_lf_W = w_X_lf.act(pin.Force(wrench_lf[:3], wrench_lf[3:]))
     self.wrench_rf_W = w_X_rf.act(pin.Force(wrench_rf[:3], wrench_rf[3:]))
     self.wrench_T = (self.wrench_lf_W + self.wrench_rf_W).vector
     return self.computeCoPFromWrench(self.wrench_T)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _getContribution(self,com,s):
     Get segment contribution to centroidal angular
     momenta and its rate of change 
     - s : segment index  
     - com : position of the CoM in world reference frame 
     # get spatial inertia and velocity
     Y = self.robot.model.inertias[s]
     V = self.robot.data.v[s]
     # centroidal momenta in body frame 
     # ihi = I Vi
     iHi = se3.Force(Y.matrix()*V.vector)
     # rate of change of centroidal momenta in body frame 
     # ih_doti = Iai + Vi x* hi  
     # TO VERIFY  
     iHDi = (self.robot.model.inertias[s]*self.robot.data.a[s]) + se3.Inertia.vxiv(Y,V)
     # express at the center of mass 
     oMc = se3.SE3.Identity()
     oMc.translation = self.robot.data.oMi[1].translation - com
     # uncomment in case need to change the rotation of the reference frame 
     oMc.rotation = self.robot.data.oMi[1].rotation 
     cMi = oMc.actInv( self.robot.data.oMi[s] )
     cHi = cMi.act(iHi).np.A1
     cHDi = cMi.act(iHDi).np.A1
     return cHi, cHDi
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def dyn_value(self, t, q, v):
        #(hg_ref, vhg_ref, ahg_ref) = self._ref_traj(t)
        vhg_ref = np.matrix([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]).T
        model =   self.robot.model
        data =    self.robot.data 
        JMom =    se3.ccrba(model, data, q, v)
        hg_prv = data.hg.vector.copy()[self._mask,:]
        #self.p_error = data.hg.vector.copy()[self._mask,:] - vhg_ref[self._mask,:]
        #self.v_error = self.robot.fext[self._mask,:] - vhg_ref[self._mask,:]
        #self.v_error = self.robot.fext[self._mask,:] 
        #self.v_error = data.hg.vector.copy()[self._mask,:] - vhg_ref[self._mask,:]
        #self.a_des   = -self.kv*self.v_error #+model.gravity.vector[self._mask,:]

        self.a_des   = self.kv*self.robot.fext[self._mask,:]#vhg_ref #+model.gravity.vector[self._mask,:]
        #self.drift = 0 * self.a_des
        #self.a_des   = 
        p_com = data.com[0]
        cXi = SE3.Identity()
        oXi = self.robot.data.oMi[1]
        cXi.rotation = oXi.rotation
        cXi.translation = oXi.translation - p_com
        m_gravity = model.gravity.copy()
        b = se3.nle(model,data,q,v)
        model.gravity = m_gravity
        f_ff = se3.Force(b[:6])
        f_com = cXi.act(f_ff)
        hg_drift = f_com.angular 
        #print JMom.copy()[self._mask,:].shape
        #print self.__gain_matrix.shape
        self._jacobian = JMom.copy()[self._mask,:] * self.__gain_matrix
        return self._jacobian, self.drift, self.a_des
Ejemplo n.º 4
def updateState(robot, q, v, sensor_data):
    # Get dcm from current state
    pin.forwardKinematics(robot.pinocchio_model_th, robot.pinocchio_data_th, q,
    comOut = pin.centerOfMass(robot.pinocchio_model_th,
                              robot.pinocchio_data_th, q, v)
    vcomOut = robot.pinocchio_data_th.vcom[0]
    dcmOut = comOut + vcomOut / omega

    # Create zmp from forces
    forces = np.asarray(sensor_data[ForceSensor.type])
    newWrench = pin.Force.Zero()
    for i, name in enumerate(contact_points):
        update_frame(robot.pinocchio_model_th, robot.pinocchio_data_th, name)
        placement = get_frame_placement(robot.pinocchio_model_th,
                                        robot.pinocchio_data_th, name)
        wrench = pin.Force(np.array([0.0, 0.0, forces[2, i]]), np.zeros(3))
        newWrench += placement.act(wrench)
    totalWrenchOut = newWrench
    if totalWrenchOut.linear[2] > 0:
        zmpOut = [
            -totalWrenchOut.angular[1] / totalWrenchOut.linear[2],
            totalWrenchOut.angular[0] / totalWrenchOut.linear[2]
        zmpOut = zmp_log

    return comOut, vcomOut, dcmOut, zmpOut, totalWrenchOut
def f12TOphi(f12, points=contact_Point):
    phi = pin.Force.Zero()
    for i in range(4):
        phii = pin.Force(f12[i * 3:i * 3 + 3], np.zeros(3))
        fMi = pin.SE3(np.eye(3), points[:, i])
        phi += fMi.act(phii)
    return phi
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def dyn_value(self, t, q, v, update_geometry=False):
        g = self.robot.bias(q, 0 * v)
        b = self.robot.bias(q, v)
        b -= g
        M = self.robot.mass(q)

        com_p = self.robot.com(q)
        cXi = SE3.Identity()
        oXi = self.robot.data.oMi[1]
        cXi.rotation = oXi.rotation
        cXi.translation = oXi.translation - com_p
        b_com = cXi.actInv(se3.Force(b[:6, 0]))
        #    b_com = cXi.actInv(b[:6,0]).vector
        b_com = b_com.angular

        #    M_com = cXi.inverse().action.T * M[:6,:]
        #    M_com = cXi.inverse().np.T * M[:6,:]
        M_com = self.robot.momentumJacobian(q, v, update_geometry)
        M_com = M_com[3:, :]
        L = M_com * v

        L_ref, dL_ref, ddL_ref = self._ref_traj(t)
        #    acc = dL_ref - b_com[3:,:]
        dL_des = dL_ref - self.kp * (L - L_ref)

        return M_com[self._mask, :], b_com[self._mask, :], dL_des[self._mask,
Ejemplo n.º 7
def computeWrench(cs, Robot, dt):
    rp = RosPack()
    urdf = rp.get_path(
    ) + '/urdf/' + Robot.urdfName + Robot.urdfSuffix + '.urdf'
    #srdf = "package://" + package + '/srdf/' +  cfg.Robot.urdfName+cfg.Robot.srdfSuffix + '.srdf'
    robot = RobotWrapper.BuildFromURDF(urdf, pin.StdVec_StdString(),
                                       pin.JointModelFreeFlyer(), False)
    model = robot.model
    data = robot.data
    q_t = cs.concatenateQtrajectories()
    dq_t = cs.concatenateQtrajectories()
    ddq_t = cs.concatenateQtrajectories()
    t = q_t.min()
    for phase in cs.contactPhases:
        phase.wrench_t = None
        t = phase.timeInitial
        while t <= phase.timeFinal:
            pin.rnea(model, data, phase.q_t(t), phase.dq_t(t), phase.ddq_t(t))
            pcom, vcom, acom = robot.com(phase.q_t(t), phase.dq_t(t),
            # FIXME : why do I need to call com to have the correct values in data ??
            phi0 = data.oMi[1].act(pin.Force(data.tau[:6]))
            if phase.wrench_t is None:
                phase.wrench_t = piecewise(
                    polynomial(phi0.vector.reshape(-1, 1), t, t))
                phase.wrench_t.append(phi0.vector, t)
            t += dt
            if phase.timeFinal - dt / 2. <= t <= phase.timeFinal + dt / 2.:
                t = phase.timeFinal
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def writeFromMessage(self, msg):
     t = msg.time
     q = np.zeros(self._model.nq)
     v = np.zeros(self._model.nv)
     tau = np.zeros(self._model.njoints - 2)
     p = dict()
     pd = dict()
     f = dict()
     s = dict()
     # Retrieve the generalized position and velocity, and joint torques
     q[3] = msg.centroidal.base_orientation.x
     q[4] = msg.centroidal.base_orientation.y
     q[5] = msg.centroidal.base_orientation.z
     q[6] = msg.centroidal.base_orientation.w
     v[3] = msg.centroidal.base_angular_velocity.x
     v[4] = msg.centroidal.base_angular_velocity.y
     v[5] = msg.centroidal.base_angular_velocity.z
     for j in range(len(msg.joints)):
         jointId = self._model.getJointId(msg.joints[j].name) - 2
         q[jointId + 7] = msg.joints[j].position
         v[jointId + 6] = msg.joints[j].velocity
         tau[jointId] = msg.joints[j].effort
     pinocchio.centerOfMass(self._model, self._data, q, v)
     q[0] = msg.centroidal.com_position.x - self._data.com[0][0]
     q[1] = msg.centroidal.com_position.y - self._data.com[0][1]
     q[2] = msg.centroidal.com_position.z - self._data.com[0][2]
     v[0] = msg.centroidal.com_velocity.x - self._data.vcom[0][0]
     v[1] = msg.centroidal.com_velocity.y - self._data.vcom[0][1]
     v[2] = msg.centroidal.com_velocity.z - self._data.vcom[0][2]
     # Retrive the contact information
     for contact in msg.contacts:
         name = contact.name
         # Contact pose
         pose = contact.pose
         position = np.array(
             [pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z])
         quaternion = pinocchio.Quaternion(pose.orientation.w,
         p[name] = pinocchio.SE3(quaternion, position)
         # Contact velocity
         velocity = contact.velocity
         lin_vel = np.array(
             [velocity.linear.x, velocity.linear.y, velocity.linear.z])
         ang_vel = np.array(
             [velocity.angular.x, velocity.angular.y, velocity.angular.z])
         pd[name] = pinocchio.Motion(lin_vel, ang_vel)
         # Contact wrench
         wrench = contact.wrench
         force = np.array([wrench.force.x, wrench.force.y, wrench.force.z])
         torque = np.array(
             [wrench.torque.x, wrench.torque.y, wrench.torque.z])
         f[name] = [contact.type, pinocchio.Force(force, torque)]
         # Surface normal and friction coefficient
         normal = contact.surface_normal
         nsurf = np.array([normal.x, normal.y, normal.z])
         s[name] = [nsurf, contact.friction_coefficient]
     return t, q, v, tau, p, pd, f, s
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_conversion(self):

        f = pin.Force.Random()
        f_array = np.array(f)

        f_from_array = pin.Force(f_array)

        self.assertTrue(f_from_array == f)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def step(self, q, vq, tauq, dt=None):
        if dt is None: dt = self.dt

        robot = self.robot
        NQ, NV, NB, RF, LF, RK, LK = self.NQ, self.NV, self.NB, self.RF, self.LF, self.RK, self.LK

        # --- Simu
        se3.forwardKinematics(robot.model, robot.data, q, v)
        se3.framesKinematics(robot.model, robot.data)

        Mrf = self.Mrf0.inverse() * robot.data.oMf[RF]
        vrf = robot.model.frames[RF].placement.inverse() * robot.data.v[RK]
        Mlf = self.Mlf0.inverse() * robot.data.oMf[LF]
        vlf = robot.model.frames[LF].placement.inverse() * robot.data.v[LK]

        qrf = np.vstack(
        qlf = np.vstack(

        frf = self.frf  # Buffer where to store right force
        frf[[1, 2, 3]] = self.Krf * qrf  # Right force in effector frame
        rf0_frf = se3.Force(frf)  # Force in rf0 frame
        rk_frf = (robot.data.oMi[RK].inverse() * self.Mrf0).act(
            rf0_frf)  # Spring force in R-knee frame.
        flf = self.flf  # Buffer where to store left force
        flf[[1, 2, 3]] = self.Klf * qlf  # Left force in effector frame
        lf0_flf = se3.Force(flf)  # Force in lf0 frame
        lk_flf = (robot.data.oMi[LK].inverse() * self.Mlf0).act(
            lf0_flf)  # Spring force in L-knee frame.

        self.forces = ForceDict({
            RK: rk_frf,
            LK: lk_flf
        }, NB)  # Argument to ABA

        aq = se3.aba(robot.model, robot.data, q, vq, tauq, self.forces)
        vq += aq * dt
        q = se3.integrate(robot.model, q, vq * dt)

        self.aq = aq
        return q, vq
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_se3_action(self):
     f = se3.Force.Random()
     m = se3.SE3.Random()
         np.allclose((m * f).vector,
                     np.linalg.inv(m.action.T) * f.vector))
         np.allclose((m.actInv(f)).vector, m.action.T * f.vector))
     v = se3.Motion.Random()
     f = se3.Force(np.vstack([v.vector[3:], v.vector[:3]]))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose((v**f).vector, zero(6)))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_force(self):
        m = self.m
        self.assertApprox(pin.Force.Zero().vector, zero(6))
        f = pin.Force.Random()
        ff = f.linear
        ft = f.angular
        self.assertApprox(f.vector, np.concatenate([ff, ft]))

        self.assertApprox((m * f).vector, npl.inv(m.action.T).dot(f.vector))
        self.assertApprox((m.actInv(f)).vector, m.action.T.dot(f.vector))
        v = pin.Motion.Random()
        f = pin.Force(np.concatenate([v.vector[3:], v.vector[:3]]))
        self.assertApprox((v ^ f).vector, zero(6))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_force(self):
        m = self.m
        self.assertApprox(se3.Force.Zero().vector, zero(6))
        f = se3.Force.Random()
        ff = f.linear
        ft = f.angular
        self.assertApprox(f.vector, np.vstack([ff, ft]))

        self.assertApprox((m * f).vector, npl.inv(m.action.T) * f.vector)
        self.assertApprox((m.actInv(f)).vector, m.action.T * f.vector)
        v = se3.Motion.Random()
        f = se3.Force(np.vstack([v.vector[3:], v.vector[:3]]))
        self.assertApprox((v ^ f).vector, zero(6))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def setForces(self, data, forcesArr, forcesVec=None):
     Convert a numpy array of forces into a stdVector of spatial forces.
     Side effect: keep the force values in data.
     # In the dynamic equation, we wrote M*a + J.T*fdyn, while in the ABA it would be
     # M*a + b = tau + J.T faba, so faba = -fdyn (note the minus operator before a2m).
     data.f = forcesArr
     if forcesVec is None:
         forcesVec = data.forces
         data.forces[data.joint] *= 0
     forcesVec[data.joint] += data.jMf * pinocchio.Force(a2m(forcesArr))
     return forcesVec
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def constraint_dyn(self, x, nc=0):
        M aq + b(q,vq) + g(q) = tau_q + J(q)^T f
        = rnea(q,vq=0,aq=0,fs)
        q, tauq, fr, fl = self.x2qf(x)

        # Forces should be stored in RNEA-compatible structure
        forces = pinocchio.StdVect_Force()
        for i in range(self.rmodel.njoints):
        # Forces should be expressed at the joint for RNEA, while we store them
        # at the frame in the optim problem. Convert.
        jMr = rmodel.frames[self.idR].placement
        forces[self.jidR] = jMr * pinocchio.Force(fr)
        jMl = rmodel.frames[self.idL].placement
        forces[self.jidL] = jMl * pinocchio.Force(fl)

        #q = self.rmodel.neutralConfiguration
        aq = vq = zero(self.rmodel.nv)
        tauref = pinocchio.rnea(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q, vq, aq, forces)
        self.eq[nc:nc + self.rmodel.nv] = (tauref - tauq).flat
        return self.eq[nc:nc + self.rmodel.nv].tolist()
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def computeThroughFootCoPs(self, wrench_lf, wrench_rf):
        self.wrench_LF = wrench_lf
        self.wrench_RF = wrench_rf
        cop_lf = self.computeCoPFromWrench(self.wrench_LF)
        cop_rf = self.computeCoPFromWrench(self.wrench_RF)

        # Expressing the local CoP position into the world frame
        w_X_lf = self.robot.data.oMi[self.robot.legs['lf_foot']]
        w_X_rf = self.robot.data.oMi[self.robot.legs['rf_foot']]
        cop_lf_W = w_X_lf * cop_lf
        cop_rf_W = w_X_rf * cop_rf

        self.wrench_LF_W = w_X_lf.act(pin.Force(wrench_lf[:3],
        self.wrench_RF_W = w_X_lf.act(pin.Force(wrench_rf[:3],

        # Computing the CoP of the system, i.e.
        # p = (f^lf_z * p^lf + f^rf_z * p^rf) / (f^lf_z + f^rf_z)
        fz_lf = np.asscalar(self.wrench_LF_W[2])
        fz_rf = np.asscalar(self.wrench_RF_W[2])
        self.cop = (fz_lf * cop_lf_W + fz_rf * cop_rf_W) / (fz_lf + fz_rf)
        return self.cop
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def computeCoPFromWrench(self, wrench):
        cop = np.matrix([0., 0., 0.]).T
        #        self.FOOT_FORCE_SENSOR_XYZ = np.matrix([0.0,   0.0, -0.085]).T
        #        sole_X_ftSens = pin.SE3(np.eye(3), -self.FOOT_FORCE_SENSOR_XYZ);
        sole_X_ftSens = pin.SE3(np.eye(3),
                                np.matrix([0., 0., 0.]).T)
        wrench = pin.Force(wrench[:3], wrench[3:])
        wrench = sole_X_ftSens.act(wrench)

        # The CoP is defined as the point where the pressure force moments
        # vanishes. This occurs when tau = [p]x f, which the 6d force (i.e.
        # wrench) is [f,tau]. It also equivalents to: p = [n]x tau / (f.n),
        # which simplifies is p = [-tau_y, tau_x] / f_z
        cop[0] = -wrench.angular[1] / wrench.linear[2]
        cop[1] = wrench.angular[0] / wrench.linear[2]
        return cop
def computeWrench(res):
    rp = RosPack()
    urdf = rp.get_path(
    ) + '/urdf/' + cfg.Robot.urdfName + cfg.Robot.urdfSuffix + '.urdf'
    #srdf = "package://" + package + '/srdf/' +  cfg.Robot.urdfName+cfg.Robot.srdfSuffix + '.srdf'
    robot = RobotWrapper.BuildFromURDF(urdf, pin.StdVec_StdString(),
                                       pin.JointModelFreeFlyer(), False)
    model = robot.model
    data = robot.data
    for k in range(res.N):
        pin.rnea(model, data, res.q_t[:, k], res.dq_t[:, k], res.ddq_t[:, k])
        pcom, vcom, acom = robot.com(
            res.q_t[:, k], res.dq_t[:, k], res.ddq_t[:, k]
        )  # FIXME : why do I need to call com to have the correct values in data ??
        phi0 = data.oMi[1].act(pin.Force(data.tau[:6]))
        res.wrench_t[:, k] = phi0.vector
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def _getBiais(self,q,v):
        model = self.robot.model
        data = self.robot.data
        p_com = self.robot.com(q)

        oXi = data.oMi[1]
        cXi = se3.SE3.Identity()
        cXi.rotation = oXi.rotation
        cXi.translation = oXi.translation - p_com
        #cXi.translation = p_com

        m_gravity = model.gravity.copy()
        b = se3.nle(model,data,q,v)
        model.gravity = m_gravity
        f_ff = se3.Force(b[:6])
        f_com = cXi.act(f_ff)
        return f_com.np
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def TransformForcesToJointLocalFrames(self,
        Express each contact force w.r.t. the "local frame" of the contact
        point, i.e. the coordinate frame whose origin overlaps the point
        of contact and whose axis are in parallel with the world frame.

        self.contact_force_joint_map = contact_force_joint_map

        oM_forceplates = self.ComputeForceplateDisplacements()

        contact_forces_local = np.zeros(
            (self.num_frames_in_video, self.num_contact_forces, 6))

        for k in range(self.num_contact_forces):
            # Get contact joint id and force plate id using contact force id
            joint_id = contact_force_joint_map[k]
            forceplate_ids = []

            for fpid, fid in enumerate(plate_contact_force_map):
                # fpid: force platform id
                # fid: contact force id
                if fid == k + 1:

            if len(forceplate_ids) == 0:

            for i in range(self.num_frames_in_video):
                p_c = self.joint_3d_positions[i, joint_id, :]  # in meters

                force_wrt_c = se3.Force(zero(6))
                for fpid in forceplate_ids:
                    # Compute forceplate displacement wrt person joint
                    cR_plate = oM_forceplates[fpid].rotation.copy()
                    p_plate = oM_forceplates[fpid].translation.copy()

                    if fpid in [0, 1]:  # force plates on the floor
                        relative_position = p_plate - np.matrix(p_c).T
                        cM_plate = se3.SE3(cR_plate, relative_position)
                    elif fpid in [2, 3]:  # force sensors on the shelf
                        cM_plate = se3.SE3(cR_plate, zero(3))
                        raise ValueError("Should never happen!")

                    # Express the 6D force k in person joint's local frame
                    force_wrt_plate = se3.Force(
                        np.matrix(self.contact_forces[i, fpid, :]).T)
                    force_wrt_c += cM_plate.act(force_wrt_plate)

                contact_forces_local[i, k, :] = \

        self.contact_forces_local = contact_forces_local
        # save the results to file
        if save_result:
            results = {
                "contact_forces_local": self.contact_forces_local,
                "contact_forces_names": self.contact_force_names,
                "fps": self.fps_video
            if hasattr(self, "mask_uncaptured_forces"):
                results["mask_uncaptured_forces"] = \
            save_path = join(self.parkour_dataset, "gt_motion_forces",
            check_and_save_data(results, save_path, self.video_name)
            print('  Contact force saved to {}'.format(save_path))
b = pinocchio.rnea(model, data, q, v, zero(model.nv)).copy()
M = pinocchio.crba(model, data, q).copy()

# ahat = a.l + wxv
pinocchio.forwardKinematics(model, data, q, v, zero(model.nv))
gamma = data.a[-1].linear + cross(data.v[-1].angular, data.v[-1].linear)

# M a + b = tau + J'f
# J a     = -gamma

K = np.bmat([[M, J.T], [J, zero([3, 3])]])
r = np.concatenate([tau - b, -gamma])
af = inv(K) * r
a = af[:model.nv]
f = af[model.nv:]
fs[-1] = pinocchio.Force(-f, zero(3))
assert (absmax(rnea(model, data, q, v, a, fs) - (M * a + b + J.T * f)) < 1e-6)
assert (
    absmax(aba(model, data, q, v, tau, fs) - (inv(M) *
                                              (tau - b - J.T * f))) < 1e-6)

# Check contact-dyninv deriv
# af  = Ki r  = [ MJt; J0 ] [ tau-b;-gamma ]
# af' = -Ki K' Ki r + Ki r'
#     = -Ki ( K'  af - r' )
#     = -Ki [ M'a + Jt'f + b' ; J' a + gamma' ]

# Check M'a + J'f + b'
dtau_dqn = df_dq(model, lambda _q: rnea(model, data, _q, v, a, fs), q)
dtau_dvn = df_dq(model, lambda _v: rnea(model, data, q, _v, a, fs), v)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    'NOTE: "predicted" wrench values are not accurate due to the foot saturation and as such they are not checked.'
    "CoP values are predicted under the assumption that they are at the foot border and as such they are checked."

# --- Wrench saturation (left) ---
print("--- Wrench saturation (left) ---")
distribute.phase.value = 1
distribute.phase.time = 1

wrenchLeft = wrench
ankleWrenchLeft = list(

print("expected global wrench: %s" % str(wrench))
print("expected global left wrench: %s" % str(wrenchLeft))
print("expected ankle left wrench: %s" % str(ankleWrenchLeft))

copLeft = [
    float(com[0] - leftPos.translation[0]),
    distribute_conf.RIGHT_FOOT_SIZES[3], 0.

print("expected sole left CoP: %s" % str(copLeft))

Ejemplo n.º 23
def computeResultTrajectory(robot, t_t, q_t, v_t, a_t):

    model = robot.model
    data = robot.data

    N = q_t.shape[1]

    ZMP_t = np.matrix(np.zeros([3, N]))
    waist_t = np.matrix(np.zeros([3, N]))
    pcom_t = np.matrix(np.empty([3, N]))
    vcom_t = np.matrix(np.empty([3, N]))
    acom_t = np.matrix(np.empty([3, N]))
    tau_t = np.matrix(np.empty([robot.nv, N]))

    wrench_t = np.matrix(np.empty([6, N]))

    waist_orientation_t = np.matrix(np.empty([3, N]))

    # Sample end effector traj
    ee_t = dict()
    RF_t = []
    ee_t["rf"] = (RF_t)
    LF_t = []
    ee_t["lf"] = (LF_t)
    RH_t = []
    ee_t["rh"] = (RH_t)
    LH_t = []
    ee_t["lh"] = (LH_t)

    Mee = dict()
    Mee["rf"] = robot.Mrf
    Mee["lf"] = robot.Mlf
    Mee["rh"] = robot.Mrh
    Mee["lh"] = robot.Mlh

    ee_names = list(ee_t.viewkeys())

    for k in range(N):
        q = q_t[:, k]
        v = v_t[:, k]
        a = a_t[:, k]

        #M = robot.mass(q)
        #b = robot.biais(q,v)

        se3.rnea(model, data, q, v, a)

        pcom, vcom, acom = robot.com(q, v, a)

        # Update EE placements
        for ee in ee_names:
            ee_t[ee].append(Mee[ee](q, update_kinematics=False).copy())

        # Update CoM data
        pcom_t[:, k] = pcom
        vcom_t[:, k] = vcom
        acom_t[:, k] = acom

        #oXi_s = robot.data.oMi[1].inverse().np.T
        #phi0 = oXi_s * (M[:6,:] * a + b[:6])
        tau_t[:, k] = data.tau
        phi0 = data.oMi[1].act(se3.Force(data.tau[:6]))

        wrench_t[:, k] = phi0.vector

        forces = wrench_t[:3, k]
        torques = wrench_t[3:, k]

        ZMP_t[0, k] = -torques[1] / forces[2]
        ZMP_t[1, k] = torques[0] / forces[2]

        waist_t[:, k] = robot.data.oMi[1].translation
        waist_orientation_t[:, k] = matrixToRpy(robot.data.oMi[1].rotation)

    result = Struct()

    result.t_t = t_t
    result.ZMP_t = ZMP_t
    result.waist_t = waist_t
    result.waist_orientation_t = waist_orientation_t

    result.pcom_t = pcom_t
    result.vcom_t = vcom_t
    result.acom_t = acom_t

    result.wrench_t = wrench_t
    result.tau_t = tau_t

    result.q_t = q_t
    result.v_t = v_t
    result.a_t = a_t

    result.ee_t = ee_t

    return result
stop = distribute.emergencyStop.value
np.testing.assert_equal(stop, 0)

# --- Wrench saturation (left) ---
print("--- Wrench saturation ---")
print('NOTE: no actual "saturation" is performed. As such, the resulting CoP may be outside the support area')

# --- Wrench saturation (left) ---
print("--- Wrench saturation (left) ---")
distribute.phase.value = 1
distribute.phase.time = 1

wrenchLeft = wrench
ankleWrenchLeft = list(leftPos.actInv(pin.Force(np.matrix(wrenchLeft).T)).vector.flat)

print("expected global wrench: %s" % str(wrench))
print("expected global left wrench: %s" % str(wrenchLeft))
print("expected ankle left wrench: %s" % str(ankleWrenchLeft))

copLeft = [float(com[0] - leftPos.translation[0]), float(com[1] - leftPos.translation[1]), 0.]

print("expected sole left CoP: %s" % str(copLeft))


print("resulting global wrench: %s" % str(distribute.wrenchRef.value))
assertApprox(wrench, distribute.wrenchRef.value, 2)
print("resulting global left wrench: %s" % str(distribute.wrenchLeft.value))
Ejemplo n.º 25
Jc = pio.jacobianCenterOfMass(rm, rd, q)

w_T_b = rd.oMi[1]  # world to body transform

# Check that the Inertia matrix expressed at the center of mass is of the form:
# c_I_c = b_Mc[:6,:6] = [[m*Id3  03 ]
#                        [03    I(q)]]
pio.centerOfMass(rm, rd, q, vq)
c_T_b = pio.SE3(w_T_b.rotation, -rd.com[0] + w_T_b.translation)
# Ic = cXb^star * Ib * bXc
c_I_c = c_T_b.actionInverse.T @ b_I_b @ c_T_b.actionInverse  # momentum coordinate transform
assert (np.allclose(c_I_c[:3, :3], rd.mass[0] * np.eye(3)))

# Check that M[:6,:] is the centroidal momentum expressed in F_b
c_hc = pio.computeCentroidalMomentum(rm, rd, q, vq)
b_hc = pio.Force(b_Mc[:6, :] @ vq)
assert ((c_hc - c_T_b * b_hc).isZero())

# Check that the linear momentum is m*cd
pio.centerOfMass(rm, rd, q, vq)
cd = rd.vcom[0]
m = rd.mass[0]
np.allclose(c_hc.linear, m * cd)

# Transforms vq to "centroid vel configuration vect" in universe frame
Z = np.vstack([
    np.hstack([np.zeros([3, 3]), w_T_b.rotation,
               np.zeros([3, rm.nv - 6])]),
    np.hstack([np.zeros([rm.nv - 6, 6]),
               np.eye(rm.nv - 6)])
Ejemplo n.º 26
cy = []
for d in data:
    q = config_sot_to_urdf(np.asmatrix(d.q))
    wrench_lf = d.f_lf
    wrench_rf = d.f_rf

    # Evaluation of the center of pressure from different methods

    p = cop.compute(wrench_lf, wrench_rf, 'FootWrenches')
    c = pin.centerOfMass(hrp2.model, hrp2.data, q)
    print 'foot wrenches', cop.compute(wrench_lf, wrench_rf, 'FootWrenches').T
    print 'foot cops    ', cop.compute(wrench_lf, wrench_rf, 'FootCoPs').T

    wrench_lf_s = hrp2.compute_sMa(wrench_lf).act(
        pin.Force(wrench_lf[:3], wrench_lf[3:])).vector
    wrench_rf_s = hrp2.compute_sMa(wrench_rf).act(
        pin.Force(wrench_rf[:3], wrench_rf[3:])).vector
    wrench_t = wrench_lf_s + wrench_rf_s
    mass = np.linalg.norm(wrench_t[:3]) / 9.81
    print 'mass         ', mass
    print '---'

#import pinocchio as pin
#print pin.centerOfMass(hrp2.model, hrp2.data, q).T

x = np.arange(-0.02, 0.02, 0.001)
Ejemplo n.º 27

# --- Motion
v = se3.Motion.Random()
vv = v.linear; vw = v.angular
assert(isapprox( v.vector(),np.vstack([vv,vw]) ))

# --- Force ---
f = se3.Force.Random()
ff = f.linear; ft = f.angular
assert(isapprox( f.vector(),np.vstack([ff,ft]) ))

f = se3.Force( np.vstack([ v.vector()[3:], v.vector()[:3] ]) )
assert(isapprox( (v**f).vector(),zero(6) ))

# --- Inertia ---
Y1 = se3.Inertia.Random()
Y2 = se3.Inertia.Random()
assert(isapprox( (m*Y).matrix(),m.inverse().action().T*Y.matrix()*m.inverse().action())) 
assert(isapprox( (m.actInv(Y)).matrix(),m.action().T*Y.matrix()*m.action())) 
Ejemplo n.º 28
skew(rand(3))  # Skew "cross-product" 3x3 matrix from a 3x1 vector
cross(rand(3), rand(3))  # Cross product of R^3
rotate('x', 0.4)  # Build a rotation matrix of 0.4rad around X.

import pinocchio as se3

R = eye(3)
p = zero(3)
M0 = se3.SE3(R, p)
M = se3.SE3.Random()
M.translation = p
M.rotation = R
v = zero(3)
w = zero(3)
nu0 = se3.Motion(v, w)
nu = se3.Motion.Random()
nu.linear = v
nu.angular = w
f = zero(3)
tau = zero(3)
phi0 = se3.Force(f, tau)
phi = se3.Force.Random()
phi.linear = f
phi.angular = tau

from pinocchio.robot_wrapper import RobotWrapper
from os.path import join

PKG = '/home/alumno04/dev_samir/ros/sawyer_ws/src/'
URDF = join(PKG, '/sawyer_robot/sawyer_description/urdf/model1.urdf')
robot = RobotWrapper(URDF, [PKG])