Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _getCollisionJacobian(self, col, res):
        '''Compute the jacobian for one collision only. '''
        contact = res.getContact(0)
        g1 = self.gmodel.geometryObjects[col.first]
        g2 = self.gmodel.geometryObjects[col.second]
        oMc = pio.SE3(
                np.matrix([0, 0, 1]).T, contact.normal).matrix(), contact.pos)

        joint1 = g1.parentJoint
        joint2 = g2.parentJoint
        oMj1 = self.rdata.oMi[joint1]
        oMj2 = self.rdata.oMi[joint2]

        cMj1 = oMc.inverse() * oMj1
        cMj2 = oMc.inverse() * oMj2

        J1 = pio.getJointJacobian(self.rmodel, self.rdata, joint1,
        J2 = pio.getJointJacobian(self.rmodel, self.rdata, joint2,
        Jc1 = cMj1.action * J1
        Jc2 = cMj2.action * J2
        J = (Jc1 - Jc2)[2, :]
        return J
Ejemplo n.º 2
def Kid(q_, J_=None):
    pinocchio.computeJointJacobians(model, data, q_)
    J = pinocchio.getJointJacobian(model, data, model.joints[-1].id, pinocchio.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL).copy()
    if J_ is not None:
        J_[:, :] = J
    M = pinocchio.crba(model, data, q_).copy()
    return np.bmat([[M, J.T], [J, zero([6, 6])]])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
        Main procedure
        1 ) Build the model from an URDF file
        2 ) compute forwardKinematics
        3 ) compute forwardKinematics of the frames
        4 ) explore data
    model_file = Path(__file__).absolute().parents[1].joinpath(
        'urdf', 'twolinks.urdf')
    model = buildModelFromUrdf(str(model_file))
    # Create data required by the algorithms
    data = model.createData()
    # Sample a random configuration
    numpy_vector_joint_pos = randomConfiguration(model)
    computeJointJacobians(model, data, numpy_vector_joint_pos)
    joint_number = model.njoints
    for i in range(joint_number):
        joint = model.joints[i]
        joint_placement = data.oMi[i]
        joint_jacobian = getJointJacobian(model, data, i, ReferenceFrame.WORLD)

    # CAUTION updateFramePlacements must be called to update frame's positions
    # Remark: in pinocchio frames, joints and bodies are different things
    updateFramePlacements(model, data)
    # Print out the placement of each joint of the kinematic tree

    frame_number = model.nframes
    for i in range(frame_number):
        frame = model.frames[i]
        frame_placement = data.oMf[i]
        frame_jacobian = getFrameJacobian(model, data, i, ReferenceFrame.WORLD)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def comp_combined_force(self, q, des_force, des_torque, in_touch):

        if (np.sum(in_touch) == 0):
            return np.zeros((9)), np.zeros((9))

        q = self.trafo_q(q)

        # TODO: I think it is sufficient if this is calculated only once:
        full_JAC = pin.computeJointJacobians(self.model, self.data, q)
        J_trans_inv_mat = np.zeros((3, 3 * 12))

        for i in range(3):
            if (in_touch[i] == 1):
                idx = i * 4 + 4
                idx_low = idx - 4
                J_NEW = pin.getJointJacobian(
                    self.model, self.data, idx,
                    pin.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[:3, :]
                J_trans = J_NEW.T
                J_trans_inv = np.matmul(
                    np.linalg.pinv(np.matmul(J_trans.T, J_trans)), J_trans.T)
                J_trans_inv_mat[:, idx_low * 3:idx * 3] = J_trans_inv

        add_torque_force = np.matmul(
                np.linalg.pinv(np.matmul(J_trans_inv_mat.T, J_trans_inv_mat)),
                J_trans_inv_mat.T), des_force)
        add_torque_force1 = self.inv_trafo_q(add_torque_force[:12])
        add_torque_force2 = self.inv_trafo_q(add_torque_force[12:24])
        add_torque_force3 = self.inv_trafo_q(add_torque_force[24:36])

        return (add_torque_force1 + add_torque_force2 +
                add_torque_force3), np.zeros((9))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def dresidualWorld(q):
    pinocchio.forwardKinematics(rmodel, rdata, q)
    pinocchio.computeJointJacobians(rmodel, rdata, q)
    rMi = Mref.inverse() * rdata.oMi[jid]
    return np.dot(
        pinocchio.getJointJacobian(rmodel, rdata, jid,
def main():
        Main procedure
        1 ) Build the model from an URDF file
        2 ) compute forwardKinematics
        3 ) compute forwardKinematics of the frames
        4 ) explore data
    model_file = Path(__file__).absolute().parents[1].joinpath(
        'urdf', 'twolinks.urdf')
    model = buildModelFromUrdf(str(model_file))
    # Create data required by the algorithms
    data = model.createData()
    # Sample a random configuration
    numpy_vector_joint_pos = randomConfiguration(model)
    numpy_vector_joint_vel = np.random.rand(model.njoints - 1)
    # Perform the forward kinematics over the kinematic tree
    forwardKinematics(model, data, numpy_vector_joint_pos,
    computeJointJacobians(model, data, numpy_vector_joint_pos)

    joint_number = model.njoints
    for i in range(joint_number):
        joint = model.joints[i]
        joint_placement = data.oMi[i]
        joint_velocity = getVelocity(model, data, i,

        joint_jacobian = getJointJacobian(model, data, i,

        joint_linear_vel = joint_velocity.linear
        joint_angular_vel = joint_velocity.angular
        joint_6v_vel = joint_velocity.vector

        err = joint_6v_vel - joint_jacobian.dot(numpy_vector_joint_vel)
        assert np.linalg.norm(err, ord=np.inf) < 1.0e-10, err

    # CAUTION updateFramePlacements must be called to update frame's positions
    # Remark: in pinocchio frames, joints and bodies are different things
    updateFramePlacements(model, data)
    frame_number = model.nframes
    for i in range(frame_number):
        frame = model.frames[i]
        frame_placement = data.oMf[i]
        frame_velocity = getFrameVelocity(model, data, i,

        frame_jacobian = getFrameJacobian(model, data, i,

        frame_linear_vel = frame_velocity.linear
        frame_angular_vel = frame_velocity.angular
        frame_6v_vel = frame_velocity.vector

        err = frame_6v_vel - frame_jacobian.dot(numpy_vector_joint_vel)
        assert np.linalg.norm(err, ord=np.inf) < 1.0e-10, err
Ejemplo n.º 7
def cid(q_, v_, tau_):
    pinocchio.computeJointJacobians(model, data, q_)
    J6 = pinocchio.getJointJacobian(model, data, model.joints[-1].id, pinocchio.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL).copy()
    J = J6[:3, :]
    b = pinocchio.rnea(model, data, q_, v_, zero(model.nv)).copy()
    M = pinocchio.crba(model, data, q_).copy()
    pinocchio.forwardKinematics(model, data, q_, v_, zero(model.nv))
    gamma = data.a[-1].linear + cross(data.v[-1].angular, data.v[-1].linear)
    K = np.bmat([[M, J.T], [J, zero([3, 3])]])
    r = np.concatenate([tau_ - b, -gamma])
    return inv(K) * r
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():
        Main procedure
        1 ) Build the model from an URDF file
        2 ) compute forwardKinematics
        3 ) compute forwardKinematics of the frames
        4 ) explore data
    model_file = Path(__file__).absolute().parents[1].joinpath(
        'urdf', 'twolinks.urdf')
    model = buildModelFromUrdf(str(model_file))
    # Create data required by the algorithms
    data = model.createData()
    # Sample a random configuration
    numpy_vector_joint_pos = randomConfiguration(model)
    numpy_vector_joint_vel = np.random.rand(model.njoints - 1)
    numpy_vector_joint_acc = np.random.rand(model.njoints - 1)
    # Calls Reverese Newton-Euler algorithm
    numpy_vector_joint_torques = rnea(model, data, numpy_vector_joint_pos,
    computeJointJacobians(model, data, numpy_vector_joint_pos)
    joint_number = model.njoints
    for i in range(joint_number):
        joint = model.joints[i]
        joint_placement = data.oMi[i]
        joint_velocity = getVelocity(model, data, i,

        joint_jacobian = getJointJacobian(model, data, i,

        err = joint_velocity.vector - \
        assert np.linalg.norm(err, ord=np.inf) < 1.0e-10, err

    # CAUTION updateFramePlacements must be called to update frame's positions
    # Remark: in pinocchio frames, joints and bodies are different things
    updateFramePlacements(model, data)
    frame_number = model.nframes
    for i in range(frame_number):
        frame = model.frames[i]
        frame_placement = data.oMf[i]
        frame_velocity = getFrameVelocity(model, data, i,

        frame_jacobian = getFrameJacobian(model, data, i,

        err = frame_velocity.vector - \
        assert np.linalg.norm(err, ord=np.inf) < 1.0e-10, err
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def imp_ctrl(self, q, force_dir, joint_id, vel, pos, v, K_xy, K_z):

        q = self.trafo_q(q)
        v = self.trafo_q(v)

        m = 1.0

        d_xy = np.sqrt(4 * m * 500)
        d_z = np.sqrt(4 * m * 500)
        M = np.eye(3) * m
        M_inv = np.linalg.pinv(M)
        D = np.eye(3)
        D[0, 0] = D[1, 1] = d_xy
        D[2, 2] = d_z
        K = np.eye(3)

        K[0, 0] = K_xy
        K[1, 1] = K_xy
        K[2, 2] = K_z

        F = 0.01  #0.05
        M_joint = pin.crba(self.model, self.data, q)

        pos_gain = np.matmul(K, pos)
        damp_gain = np.matmul(D, vel)
        # damp_gain = 0.0
        force_gain = F * force_dir

        acc = np.matmul(M_inv, (force_gain - pos_gain - damp_gain))

        # TODO: I think it is sufficient if this is calculated only once:
        full_J_var = pin.computeJointJacobiansTimeVariation(
            self.model, self.data, q, v)
        J_var_frame = pin.getJointJacobianTimeVariation(
            self.model, self.data, joint_id,
            pin.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[:3, :]
        dyn_comp = np.matmul(J_var_frame, v)

        acc = acc - dyn_comp

        # TODO: I think it is sufficient if this is calculated only once:
        full_JAC = pin.computeJointJacobians(self.model, self.data, q)
        J_NEW = pin.getJointJacobian(
            self.model, self.data, joint_id,
            pin.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[:3, :]
        J = J_NEW

        J_inv = np.matmul(np.linalg.pinv(np.matmul(J.T, J)), J.T)
        # print (J_inv)
        torque = np.matmul(M_joint, np.matmul(J_inv, acc))

        return self.inv_trafo_q(torque)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def comp_combined_torque(self, q, des_force, des_torque, in_touch, center,
                             p1, p2, p3):

        P = [p1, p2, p3]

        # only rotate when completely in touch!
        if (np.sum(in_touch) != 3):
            return np.zeros((9)), np.zeros((9))

        q = self.trafo_q(q)

        # TODO: I think it is sufficient if this is calculated only once:
        full_JAC = pin.computeJointJacobians(self.model, self.data, q)
        J_trans_inv_mat = np.zeros((3, 3 * 12))

        for i in range(3):
            if (in_touch[i] == 1):
                idx = i * 4 + 4
                idx_low = idx - 4
                J_NEW = pin.getJointJacobian(
                    self.model, self.data, idx,
                    pin.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[:3, :]
                J_trans = J_NEW.T
                J_trans_inv = np.matmul(
                    np.linalg.pinv(np.matmul(J_trans.T, J_trans)), J_trans.T)
                # print (np.shape(J_trans_inv))
                J_trans_inv = np.matmul(self.skew(P[i] - center), J_trans_inv)
                # print(np.shape(J_trans_inv))
                # input("STOOP")
                J_trans_inv_mat[:, idx_low * 3:idx * 3] = J_trans_inv

        add_torque_force = np.matmul(
                np.linalg.pinv(np.matmul(J_trans_inv_mat.T, J_trans_inv_mat)),
                J_trans_inv_mat.T), des_torque)
        add_torque_force1 = self.inv_trafo_q(add_torque_force[:12])
        add_torque_force2 = self.inv_trafo_q(add_torque_force[12:24])
        add_torque_force3 = self.inv_trafo_q(add_torque_force[24:36])
        # print (J_trans_inv_mat)
        # input ("WAIT....")
        # net_force = net_force + np.matmul(J_trans_inv, torque)

        # print (net_force)
        # input ("NET FORCE")
        return np.zeros(
            (9)), (add_torque_force1 + add_torque_force2 + add_torque_force3)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def cartesian_position_control(self, model, data, q, v, location,
        q = self.kinematics.trafo_q(q)
        v = self.kinematics.trafo_q(v)

        ## Compute Jacobian ##
        _JAC = pin.computeJointJacobians(self.model, self.data, q)
        jacobian_list = []
        for idx in self.end_effectors_id:
            #pin.forwardKinematics(self.model, self.data, self.trafo_q(q))
            jacobian = pin.getJointJacobian(
            )[:3, :]
            #print('index is ',idx,'with jacobian: ',jacobian)

        ## Get the Cartesian fingers Pose ##
        # print('state robot is : ', self.robot_state[2])
        # print('stacked robot state:', np.stack(self.robot_state[2], axis=1))
        # print('goal state is:', self.goal_target)

        fingers_xyz = np.stack(self.robot_state[2], axis=1)
        xyz_error = self.goal_target - fingers_xyz
        #print('Error in XYZ is:', xyz_error)
        ac = np.zeros((9, ))
        JOINTS = [[0, 3], [4, 7], [8, 11]]
        for i in range(3):
            jac = jacobian_list[i]
            jac = np.linalg.pinv(jac)
            er = xyz_error[:, i]
            q_er = jac @ er
            ac[i * 3:(i + 1) * 3] = q_er[JOINTS[i][0]:JOINTS[i][1]] - np.array(
                [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) * v[self.end_effectors_id[i] -
                                     4:self.end_effectors_id[i] - 1]

        ac = np.clip(ac, -0.36, 0.36)
        return ac
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def comp_effective_force(self, q, torque, in_touch):

        q = self.trafo_q(q)
        torque = self.trafo_q(torque)

        net_force = np.zeros((3))

        full_JAC = pin.computeJointJacobians(self.model, self.data, q)
        for i in range(3):
            if (in_touch[i] == 1):
                idx = i * 4 + 4
                J_NEW = pin.getJointJacobian(
                    self.model, self.data, idx,
                    pin.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[:3, :]
                J_trans = J_NEW.T
                J_trans_inv = np.matmul(
                    np.linalg.pinv(np.matmul(J_trans.T, J_trans)), J_trans.T)
                net_force = net_force + np.matmul(J_trans_inv, torque)

        # print (net_force)
        # input ("NET FORCE")
        return net_force
    da_dq, da_dqn, NUMDIFF_MODIFIER *
    h)  # threshold was 3e-3, is now 2.11e-4 (see assertNumDiff.__doc__)

# Check ABA versus RNEA derivatives (with forces)
    inv(data.M) * dtau_dq, -da_dq, NUMDIFF_MODIFIER *
    h)  # threshold was 1e-3, is now 2.11e-4 (see assertNumDiff.__doc__)

# Check ABA versus RNEA + forces (no derivatives)
del a
for i, f in enumerate(fs[:-1]):
    fs[i] = f * 0
f = fs[-1].vector
M = pinocchio.crba(model, data, q).copy()
pinocchio.computeJointJacobians(model, data, q)
J = pinocchio.getJointJacobian(model, data, model.joints[-1].id,
b = pinocchio.rnea(model, data, q, v, zero(model.nv)).copy()
a = pinocchio.aba(model, data, q, v, tau, fs).copy()
assert (absmax(a - (inv(M) * (tau - b + J.T * f))) < 1e-6)

tau = pinocchio.rnea(model, data, q, v, a, fs)
assert (absmax(tau - (M * a + b - J.T * f)) < 1e-6)

# ------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------

# Checking linear acceleration (i.e. ahat = a.linear + w x v = [a + v x (vlinear,0)].linear )

a = rand(model.nv) * 2 - 1
dt = 1e-6
    def compute(self,
		trajectory: A lambda, the trajectory to follow
		duration:   The total duration of the movement
		dt:         Frequence of configuration update
		lam:        Hyper parameter for the optimisation problem to solve at each iteration

        # Use model.getJointId to get the id of joints that we want to control

        # TODO get the correct joint
        id_LH = self.model.getJointId("LHand")

        data = self.model.createData()

        # Initial configuration of the robot to adjust in function of the position of the system
        q = self.model.neutralConfiguration
        for i in range(len(self.joint_names)):
            q[self.joint_ids[i]] = initial_angles[i]
        nb_step = int(duration / dt)

        t = 0

        q_s_result = []

        for step in range(nb_step):
            pin.forwardKinematics(self.model, data, q)

            # Update all jacobians of the robot
            pin.computeJointJacobians(self.model, data, q)

            # Get the Jacobians of the joint to control in the world repair
            J = pin.getJointJacobian(self.model, data, id_LH,
                                     pin.ReferenceFrame.LOCAL)[:3, 7:]

            # Solve the inverse kinematics
            # 1. calculer l'erreur courante en fonction de la position des organes terminaux
            # data.oMi[id_du_joint] contient la position et l'orientation de l'organe par rapport au repere monde

            X = data.oMi[id_LH].translation
            R = data.oMi[id_LH].rotation
            Xdes = np.matrix(trajectory(t)).T

            error = R.T * (X - Xdes)

            error_norm = np.linalg.norm(error)
            deriv = np.matrix(trajectory_derivative(t)).T
            v = -np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(J), deriv + lam * error)

            z = np.matrix(np.zeros((6, 1)))
            v = np.concatenate((z, v))

            # v_sol is the solution of the least square problem
            # t_deriv = trajectory_derivative(t)

            # update current configurqtion
            q = pin.integrate(self.model, q, v * dt)
            q_s_result.append([float(q[15])] + [float(q[16])] +
                              [float(q[17])] + [float(q[18])] +
                              [float(q[19])] + [float(q[32])])

            t += dt

        # TODO Check returns type and convert to appropriate format for naoqi functions
        return np.array(q_s_result)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def computeValueAndJacobian(self):
     model = self.robot.model; data = self.robot.data
     nj = len(self.joints)
     for im, measurement in enumerate(self.measurements):
         #                            ^
         # compute configuration q  = q  + q
         #                        i    i    off
         qi = neutral(model)
         for i in range(nj):
             imeas = self.measurementIndices[i]
             imodel = self.modelQIndices[i]
             qi[imodel] = measurement['joint_states'][imeas] + \
         forwardKinematics(model, data, qi)
         computeJointJacobians(model, data)
         # position of the head
         Th = data.oMi[self.headId]
         hTc = self.variable.hTc
         if measurement.has_key('left_gripper'):
             meas_cTs = measurement['left_gripper']
             Tw = data.oMi[self.lwId]
             wTs = self.variable.lwTls
             Jw_full = getJointJacobian(model, data, self.lwId, \
             left = True
             meas_cTs = measurement['right_gripper']
             Tw = data.oMi[self.rwId]
             wTs = self.variable.rwTrs
             Jw_full = getJointJacobian(model, data, self.rwId, \
             left = False
         valueSE3 = meas_cTs.inverse()*hTc.inverse()*Th.inverse()*Tw*wTs
         value = log6(valueSE3)
         Jlog = Jlog6(valueSE3)
         self.value[6*im+0:6*im+6] = value.vector.reshape(6,1)
         # Compute Jacobian
         Xh = Th.toActionMatrix()
         Xw_inv = Tw.toActionMatrixInverse()
         wXs_inv = wTs.toActionMatrixInverse()
         hXc = hTc.toActionMatrix()
         sTc = wTs.inverse()*Tw.inverse()*Th*hTc;
         sXc = sTc.toActionMatrix()
         # Fill reduced Jacobian matrices
         Jh_full = getJointJacobian(model, data, self.headId, \
         # columns relative to q_off
         for i,c in enumerate (self.modelVIndices):
             self.Jh[0:6,i:i+1] = Jh_full[0:6,c:c+1]
             self.Jw[0:6,i:i+1] = Jw_full[0:6,c:c+1]
         self.jacobian[6*im+0:6*im+6,0:nj] = \
             Jlog.dot(wXs_inv).dot(-Xw_inv.dot(Xh).dot(self.Jh) + self.Jw)
         # columns relative to hTc
         self.jacobian[6*im+0:6*im+6,nj:nj+6] = -Jlog.dot(sXc)
         # columns relative to lwTls and rwTrs
         if left:
             self.jacobian[6*im+0:6*im+6,nj+6: nj+12] = Jlog
             self.jacobian[6*im+0:6*im+6,nj+12:nj+18] = np.zeros((6,6))
             self.jacobian[6*im+0:6*im+6,nj+6: nj+12] = np.zeros((6,6))
             self.jacobian[6*im+0:6*im+6,nj+12:nj+18] = Jlog