Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_computeRpyJacobianTimeDerivative(self):
        # Check zero at zero velocity
        r = random() * 2 * pi - pi
        p = random() * pi - pi / 2
        y = random() * 2 * pi - pi
        rpy = np.array([r, p, y])
        rpydot = np.zeros(3)
        dj0 = computeRpyJacobianTimeDerivative(rpy, rpydot)
        self.assertTrue((dj0 == np.zeros((3, 3))).all())
        djL = computeRpyJacobianTimeDerivative(rpy, rpydot, pin.LOCAL)
        self.assertTrue((djL == np.zeros((3, 3))).all())
        djW = computeRpyJacobianTimeDerivative(rpy, rpydot, pin.WORLD)
        self.assertTrue((djW == np.zeros((3, 3))).all())
        djA = computeRpyJacobianTimeDerivative(rpy, rpydot,
        self.assertTrue((djA == np.zeros((3, 3))).all())

        # Check correct identities between different versions
        rpydot = np.random.rand(3)
        dj0 = computeRpyJacobianTimeDerivative(rpy, rpydot)
        djL = computeRpyJacobianTimeDerivative(rpy, rpydot, pin.LOCAL)
        djW = computeRpyJacobianTimeDerivative(rpy, rpydot, pin.WORLD)
        djA = computeRpyJacobianTimeDerivative(rpy, rpydot,
        self.assertTrue((dj0 == djL).all())
        self.assertTrue((djW == djA).all())

        R = rpyToMatrix(rpy)
        jL = computeRpyJacobian(rpy, pin.LOCAL)
        jW = computeRpyJacobian(rpy, pin.WORLD)
        omegaL = jL.dot(rpydot)
        omegaW = jW.dot(rpydot)
        self.assertApprox(omegaW, R.dot(omegaL))
        self.assertApprox(djW, pin.skew(omegaW).dot(R).dot(jL) + R.dot(djL))
        self.assertApprox(djW, R.dot(pin.skew(omegaL)).dot(jL) + R.dot(djL))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_skew(self):
        u = np.random.rand((3))
        v = np.random.rand((3))

        u_skew = pin.skew(u)
        u_unskew = pin.unSkew(u_skew)

        self.assertApprox(u, u_unskew)

        v_skew = pin.skew(v)
        u_v_square = pin.skewSquare(u, v)

        self.assertApprox(u_v_square, u_skew.dot(v_skew))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_skew(self):
        v3 = rand(3)
        self.assertApprox(v3, unSkew(skew(v3)))
        self.assertLess(np.linalg.norm(skew(v3).dot(v3)), 1e-10)

        x, y, z = tuple(rand(3).tolist())
        M = np.array([[0., x, y], [-x, 0., z], [-y, -z, 0.]])
        self.assertApprox(M, skew(unSkew(M)))

        rhs = rand(3)
        self.assertApprox(np.cross(v3, rhs, axis=0), skew(v3).dot(rhs))
        self.assertApprox(M.dot(rhs), np.cross(unSkew(M), rhs, axis=0))

        x, y, z = tuple(v3.tolist())
                          np.array([[0, -z, y], [z, 0, -x], [-y, x, 0]]))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_se3(self):
        R, p, m = self.R, self.p, self.m
        X = np.vstack(
            [np.hstack([R, pin.skew(p).dot(R)]),
             np.hstack([zero([3, 3]), R])])
        self.assertApprox(m.action, X)
        M = np.vstack([
            np.hstack([R, np.expand_dims(p, 1)]),
            np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]])
        self.assertApprox(m.homogeneous, M)
        m2 = pin.SE3.Random()
        self.assertApprox((m * m2).homogeneous,
        self.assertApprox((~m).homogeneous, npl.inv(m.homogeneous))

        p = rand(3)
        self.assertApprox(m * p, m.rotation.dot(p) + m.translation)
            m.rotation.T.dot(p) - m.rotation.T.dot(m.translation))

        # Currently, the different cases do not throw the same exception type.
        # To have a more robust test, only Exception is checked.
        # In the comments, the most specific actual exception class at the time of writing
        p = rand(5)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):  # RuntimeError
            m * p
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):  # RuntimeError
        with self.assertRaises(
        ):  # Boost.Python.ArgumentError (subclass of TypeError)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def skewSquare(self):
        v3 = rand(3)

        Mss = skewSquare(v3)

        Ms = skew(v3)
        Mss_ref = Ms.dot(Ms)

Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_computeRpyJacobian(self):
        # Check identity at zero
        rpy = np.zeros(3)
        j0 = computeRpyJacobian(rpy)
        self.assertTrue((j0 == np.eye(3)).all())
        jL = computeRpyJacobian(rpy, pin.LOCAL)
        self.assertTrue((jL == np.eye(3)).all())
        jW = computeRpyJacobian(rpy, pin.WORLD)
        self.assertTrue((jW == np.eye(3)).all())
        jA = computeRpyJacobian(rpy, pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)
        self.assertTrue((jA == np.eye(3)).all())

        # Check correct identities between different versions
        r = random() * 2 * pi - pi
        p = random() * pi - pi / 2
        y = random() * 2 * pi - pi
        rpy = np.array([r, p, y])
        R = rpyToMatrix(rpy)
        j0 = computeRpyJacobian(rpy)
        jL = computeRpyJacobian(rpy, pin.LOCAL)
        jW = computeRpyJacobian(rpy, pin.WORLD)
        jA = computeRpyJacobian(rpy, pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)
        self.assertTrue((j0 == jL).all())
        self.assertTrue((jW == jA).all())
        self.assertApprox(jW, R.dot(jL))

        # Check against finite differences
        rpydot = np.random.rand(3)
        eps = 1e-7
        tol = 1e-4

        dRdr = (rpyToMatrix(r + eps, p, y) - R) / eps
        dRdp = (rpyToMatrix(r, p + eps, y) - R) / eps
        dRdy = (rpyToMatrix(r, p, y + eps) - R) / eps
        Rdot = dRdr * rpydot[0] + dRdp * rpydot[1] + dRdy * rpydot[2]

        omegaL = jL.dot(rpydot)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(Rdot, R.dot(pin.skew(omegaL)), atol=tol))

        omegaW = jW.dot(rpydot)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(Rdot, pin.skew(omegaW).dot(R), atol=tol))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def forcePose(self, name, force):
     """ computes unit vectors describing the force and populates the pose matrix  """
     unit_force = force / np.linalg.norm(force)
     res = np.cross(self.x_axis, unit_force, axis=0)
     res_norm = np.linalg.norm(res)
     if res_norm <= 1.e-8:
         return np.eye(3)
     projection = np.dot(self.x_axis, unit_force)
     res_skew = pin.skew(res)
     rotation = np.eye(3) + res_skew + np.dot(res_skew, res_skew) * (1 - projection) / res_norm**2
     pose = self.data.oMf[self.model.getFrameId(name)] 
     return pin.SE3(rotation, pose.translation)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_dynamic_parameters(self):
        I = pin.Inertia.Random()

        v = I.toDynamicParameters()

        self.assertApprox(v[0], I.mass)
        self.assertApprox(v[1:4], I.mass * I.lever)

        I_o = I.inertia + I.mass * pin.skew(I.lever).transpose() * pin.skew(
        I_ov = np.matrix([[float(v[4]),
                           float(v[5]), float(v[7])],
                          [float(v[5]), float(v[6]),
                          [float(v[7]), float(v[8]),

        self.assertApprox(I_o, I_ov)

        I2 = pin.Inertia.FromDynamicParameters(v)
        self.assertApprox(I2, I)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def rotationMatrixFromTwoVectors(a, b):
    a_copy = a / np.linalg.norm(a)
    b_copy = b / np.linalg.norm(b)
    a_cross_b = np.cross(a_copy, b_copy, axis=0)
    s = np.linalg.norm(a_cross_b)
    if libcrocoddyl_pywrap.getNumpyType() == np.matrix:
            "Numpy matrix supports will be removed in future release",
        if s == 0:
            return np.matrix(np.eye(3))
        c = np.asscalar(a_copy.T * b_copy)
        ab_skew = pinocchio.skew(a_cross_b)
        return np.matrix(
            np.eye(3)) + ab_skew + ab_skew * ab_skew * (1 - c) / s**2
        if s == 0:
            return np.eye(3)
        c = np.dot(a_copy, b_copy)
        ab_skew = pinocchio.skew(a_cross_b)
        return np.eye(3) + ab_skew + np.dot(ab_skew, ab_skew) * (1 - c) / s**2
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_action_matrix(self):
     amb = pin.SE3.Random()
     aXb = amb.action
         aXb[:3, :3], amb.rotation))  # top left 33 corner = rotation of amb
             3:], amb.rotation))  # bottom right 33 corner = rotation of amb
     tblock = pin.skew(amb.translation) * amb.rotation
             3:], tblock))  # top right 33 corner = translation + rotation
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(aXb[3:, :3],
                                 zero([3, 3])))  # bottom left 33 corner = 0
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_se3(self):
        R, p, m = self.R, self.p, self.m
        X = np.vstack(
            [np.hstack([R, pin.skew(p) * R]),
             np.hstack([zero([3, 3]), R])])
        self.assertApprox(m.action, X)
        M = np.vstack(
            [np.hstack([R, p]),
             np.matrix([0., 0., 0., 1.], np.double)])
        self.assertApprox(m.homogeneous, M)
        m2 = pin.SE3.Random()
        self.assertApprox((m * m2).homogeneous, m.homogeneous * m2.homogeneous)
        self.assertApprox((~m).homogeneous, npl.inv(m.homogeneous))

        p = rand(3)
        self.assertApprox(m * p, m.rotation * p + m.translation)
                          m.rotation.T * p - m.rotation.T * m.translation)

        ## not supported
        # p = np.vstack([p, 1])
        # self.assertApprox(m * p, m.homogeneous * p)
        # self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), npl.inv(m.homogeneous) * p)

        ## not supported
        # p = rand(6)
        # self.assertApprox(m * p, m.action * p)
        # self.assertApprox(m.actInv(p), npl.inv(m.action) * p)

        # Currently, the different cases do not throw the same exception type.
        # To have a more robust test, only Exception is checked.
        # In the comments, the most specific actual exception class at the time of writing
        p = rand(5)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):  # RuntimeError
            m * p
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):  # RuntimeError
        with self.assertRaises(
        ):  # Boost.Python.ArgumentError (subclass of TypeError)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def J_M_times_P(M, P):
    return np.hstack((M.rotation, -np.dot(M.rotation, pinocchio.skew(P))))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def compute_force_qp(self, q, dq, cnt_array, w_com):
        """Computes the forces needed to generated a desired centroidal wrench.
            q: Generalized robot position configuration.
            q: Generalized robot velocity configuration.
            cnt_array: Array with {0, 1} of #endeffector size indicating if
                an endeffector is in contact with the ground or not. Forces are
                only computed for active endeffectors.
            w_com: Desired centroidal wrench to achieve given forces.
            Computed forces as a plain array of size 3 * num_endeffectors.

        robot = self.robot
        # com = np.reshape(np.array(q[0:3]), (3,))
        com = pin.centerOfMass(robot.pin_robot.model, robot.pin_robot.data, q,
        r = [
            robot.pin_robot.data.oMf[i].translation - com for i in self.eff_ids

        # Use the contact activation from the plan to determine which of the forces
        # should be active.
        N = (int)(robot.nb_ee)
        assert len(cnt_array) == robot.nb_ee
        # Setup the QP problem.
        Q = 2. * np.eye(3 * N + 6)
        Q[-6:-3, -6:-3] = np.diag(self.qp_penalty_lin)
        Q[-3:, -3:] = np.diag(self.qp_penalty_ang)
        p = np.zeros(3 * N + 6)
        A = np.zeros((6, 3 * N + 6))
        b = w_com

        G = np.zeros((5 * N, 3 * N + 6))
        h = np.zeros((5 * N))

        j = 0
        for i in range(robot.nb_ee):
            if cnt_array[i] == 0:

            A[:3, 3 * j:3 * (j + 1)] = np.eye(3)
            A[3:, 3 * j:3 * (j + 1)] = pin.skew(r[i])

            G[5 * j + 0, 3 * j + 0] = 1  # mu Fz - Fx >= 0
            G[5 * j + 0, 3 * j + 2] = -self.mu
            G[5 * j + 1, 3 * j + 0] = -1  # mu Fz + Fx >= 0
            G[5 * j + 1, 3 * j + 2] = -self.mu
            G[5 * j + 2, 3 * j + 1] = 1  # mu Fz - Fy >= 0
            G[5 * j + 2, 3 * j + 2] = -self.mu
            G[5 * j + 3, 3 * j + 1] = -1  # mu Fz + Fy >= 0
            G[5 * j + 3, 3 * j + 2] = -self.mu
            G[5 * j + 4, 3 * j + 2] = -1  # Fz >= 0

            j += 1

        A[:, -6:] = np.eye(6)

        solx = quadprog_solve_qp(Q, p, G, h, A, b)

        F = np.zeros(3 * len(cnt_array))
        j = 0
        for i in range(len(cnt_array)):
            if cnt_array[i] == 0:
            F[3 * i:3 * (i + 1)] = solx[3 * j:3 * (j + 1)]
            j += 1

        return F
    #ancestorsOf.__init__.__defaults__ = (robot,)
    iv.__defaults__ = (robot,)
    parent.__defaults__ = (robot,)
    jFromIdx.__defaults__ = (robot,)

# --- SE3 operators
Mcross = lambda x,y: Motion(x).cross(Motion(y)).vector
Mcross.__doc__ = "Motion cross product"

Fcross = lambda x,y: Motion(x).cross(Force(y)).vector
Fcross.__doc__ = "Force cross product"

MCross = lambda V,v: np.bmat([ Mcross(V[:,i],v) for i in range(V.shape[1]) ])
FCross = lambda V,f: np.bmat([ Fcross(V[:,i],f) for i in range(V.shape[1]) ])

adj = lambda nu: np.bmat([[ skew(nu[3:]),skew(nu[:3])],[zero([3,3]),skew(nu[3:])]])
adj.__doc__ = "Motion pre-cross product (ie adjoint, lie bracket operator)"

adjdual = lambda nu: np.bmat([[ skew(nu[3:]),zero([3,3])],[skew(nu[:3]),skew(nu[3:])]])
adjdual.__doc__ = "Force pre-cross product adjdual(a) = -adj(a)' "

td = np.tensordot
quad = lambda H,v: np.matrix(td(td(H,v,[2,0]),v,[1,0])).T
quad.__doc__ = '''Tensor product v'*H*v, with H.shape = [ nop, nv, nv ]'''

def np_prettyprint(sarg = '{: 0.5f}',eps=5e-7):
    mformat = lambda  x,sarg = sarg,eps=eps: sarg.format(x) if abs(x)>eps else ' 0.     '
    np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': mformat})