Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, config):
        Initialize the binary distribution manager.

        :param config: The pip-accel configuration (a :class:`.Config`
        self.config = config
        self.cache = CacheManager(config)
        self.system_package_manager = SystemPackageManager(config)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, config):
        Initialize the binary distribution manager.

        :param config: The pip-accel configuration (a :class:`.Config`
        self.config = config
        self.cache = CacheManager(config)
        self.system_package_manager = SystemPackageManager(config)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class BinaryDistributionManager(object):

    """Generates and transforms Python binary distributions."""

    def __init__(self, config):
        Initialize the binary distribution manager.

        :param config: The pip-accel configuration (a :class:`.Config`
        self.config = config
        self.cache = CacheManager(config)
        self.system_package_manager = SystemPackageManager(config)

    def get_binary_dist(self, requirement):
        Get or create a cached binary distribution archive.

        :param requirement: A :class:`.Requirement` object.
        :returns: An iterable of tuples with two values each: A
                  :class:`tarfile.TarInfo` object and a file-like object.

        Gets the cached binary distribution that was previously built for the
        given requirement. If no binary distribution has been cached yet, a new
        binary distribution is built and added to the cache.

        Uses :func:`build_binary_dist()` to build binary distribution
        archives. If this fails with a build error :func:`get_binary_dist()`
        will use :class:`.SystemPackageManager` to check for and install
        missing system packages and retry the build when missing system
        packages were installed.
        cache_file = self.cache.get(requirement)
        # TODO Invalidating cached file does not work on Appveyor and external storage.
        #if cache_file and requirement.last_modified > os.path.getmtime(cache_file):
            #logger.info("Invalidating old %s binary (source is newer) ..", requirement)
            #cache_file = None
        if not cache_file:
            logger.debug("%s hasn't been cached yet, doing so now.", requirement)
            # Build the binary distribution.
                raw_file = self.build_binary_dist(requirement)
            except BuildFailed:
                logger.warning("Build of %s failed, checking for missing dependencies ..", requirement)
                if self.system_package_manager.install_dependencies(requirement):
                    raw_file = self.build_binary_dist(requirement)
            # Transform the binary distribution archive into a form that we can re-use.
            fd, transformed_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='pip-accel-bdist-', suffix='.tar.gz')
                archive = tarfile.open(transformed_file, 'w:gz')
                    for member, from_handle in self.transform_binary_dist(raw_file):
                        archive.addfile(member, from_handle)
                # Push the binary distribution archive to all available backends.
                with open(transformed_file, 'rb') as handle:
                    self.cache.put(requirement, handle)
                # Close file descriptor before removing the temporary file.
                # Without closing Windows is complaining that the file cannot
                # be removed because it is used by another process.
                # Cleanup the temporary file.
            # Get the absolute pathname of the file in the local cache.
            cache_file = self.cache.get(requirement)
        archive = tarfile.open(cache_file, 'r:gz')
        for member in archive.getmembers():
            yield member, archive.extractfile(member.name)

    def build_binary_dist(self, requirement):
        Build a binary distribution archive from an unpacked source distribution.

        :param requirement: A :class:`.Requirement` object.
        :returns: The pathname of a binary distribution archive (a string).
        :raises: :exc:`.BinaryDistributionError` when the original command
                and the fall back both fail to produce a binary distribution

        This method uses the following command to build binary distributions:

        .. code-block:: sh

           $ python setup.py bdist_dumb --format=tar

        This command can fail for two main reasons:

        1. The package is missing binary dependencies.
        2. The ``setup.py`` script doesn't (properly) implement ``bdist_dumb``
           binary distribution format support.

        The first case is dealt with in :func:`get_binary_dist()`. To deal
        with the second case this method falls back to the following command:

        .. code-block:: sh

           $ python setup.py bdist

        This fall back is almost never needed, but there are Python packages
        out there which require this fall back (this method was added because
        the installation of ``Paver==1.2.3`` failed, see `issue 37`_ for
        details about that).

        .. _issue 37: https://github.com/paylogic/pip-accel/issues/37
            return self.build_binary_dist_helper(requirement, ['bdist_dumb', '--format=tar'])
        except (BuildFailed, NoBuildOutput):
            logger.warning("Build of %s failed, falling back to alternative method ..", requirement)
            return self.build_binary_dist_helper(requirement, ['bdist', '--formats=gztar'])

    def build_binary_dist_helper(self, requirement, setup_command):
        Convert an unpacked source distribution to a binary distribution.

        :param requirement: A :class:`.Requirement` object.
        :param setup_command: A list of strings with the arguments to
        :returns: The pathname of the resulting binary distribution (a string).
        :raises: :exc:`.BuildFailed` when the build reports an error (e.g.
                 because of missing binary dependencies like system
        :raises: :exc:`.NoBuildOutput` when the build does not produce the
                 expected binary distribution archive.
        build_timer = Timer()
        # Make sure the source distribution contains a setup script.
        setup_script = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'setup.py')
        if not os.path.isfile(setup_script):
            msg = "Directory %s (%s %s) doesn't contain a source distribution!"
            raise InvalidSourceDistribution(msg % (requirement.source_directory, requirement.name, requirement.version))
        # Let the user know what's going on.
        build_text = "Building %s binary distribution" % requirement
        logger.info("%s ..", build_text)
        # Cleanup previously generated distributions.
        dist_directory = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'dist')
        if os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
            logger.debug("Cleaning up previously generated distributions in %s ..", dist_directory)
        # Let the user know (approximately) which command is being executed
        # (I don't think it's necessary to show them the nasty details :-).
        logger.debug("Executing external command: %s",
                     ' '.join(map(pipes.quote, [self.config.python_executable, 'setup.py'] + setup_command)))
        # Compose the command line needed to build the binary distribution.
        # This nasty command line forces the use of setuptools (instead of
        # distutils) just like pip does. This will cause the `*.egg-info'
        # metadata to be written to a directory instead of a file, which
        # (amongst other things) enables tracking of installed files.
        command_line = [
            self.config.python_executable, '-c',
                'import setuptools',
                '__file__=%r' % setup_script,
                r"exec(compile(open(__file__).read().replace('\r\n', '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))",
        ] + setup_command
        # Redirect all output of the build to a temporary file.
        fd, temporary_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
            # Start the build.
            build = subprocess.Popen(command_line, cwd=requirement.source_directory, stdout=fd, stderr=fd)
            # Wait for the build to finish and provide feedback to the user in the mean time.
            spinner = Spinner(label=build_text, timer=build_timer)
            while build.poll() is None:
                # Don't tax the CPU too much.
            # Make sure the build succeeded and produced a binary distribution archive.
                # If the build reported an error we'll try to provide the user with
                # some hints about what went wrong.
                if build.returncode != 0:
                    raise BuildFailed("Failed to build {name} ({version}) binary distribution!",
                                      name=requirement.name, version=requirement.version)
                # Check if the build created the `dist' directory (the os.listdir()
                # call below will raise an exception if we don't check for this).
                if not os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
                    raise NoBuildOutput("Build of {name} ({version}) did not produce a binary distribution archive!",
                                        name=requirement.name, version=requirement.version)
                # Check if we can find the binary distribution archive.
                filenames = os.listdir(dist_directory)
                if len(filenames) != 1:
                    variables = dict(name=requirement.name,
                    raise NoBuildOutput("""
                        Build of {name} ({version}) produced more than one
                        distribution archive! (matches: {filenames})
                    """, **variables)
            except Exception as e:
                # Decorate the exception with the output of the failed build.
                with open(temporary_file) as handle:
                    build_output = handle.read()
                enhanced_message = compact("""

                    Please check the build output because it will probably
                    provide a hint about what went wrong.

                    Build output:

                """, message=e.args[0], output=build_output.strip())
                e.args = (enhanced_message,)
            logger.info("Finished building %s in %s.", requirement.name, build_timer)
            return os.path.join(dist_directory, filenames[0])
            # Close file descriptor before removing the temporary file.
            # Without closing Windows is complaining that the file cannot
            # be removed because it is used by another process.

    def transform_binary_dist(self, archive_path):
        Transform binary distributions into a form that can be cached for future use.

        :param archive_path: The pathname of the original binary distribution archive.
        :returns: An iterable of tuples with two values each:

                  1. A :class:`tarfile.TarInfo` object.
                  2. A file-like object.

        This method transforms a binary distribution archive created by
        :func:`build_binary_dist()` into a form that can be cached for future
        use. This comes down to making the pathnames inside the archive
        relative to the `prefix` that the binary distribution was built for.
        # Copy the tar archive file by file so we can rewrite the pathnames.
        logger.debug("Transforming binary distribution: %s.", archive_path)
        archive = tarfile.open(archive_path, 'r')
        for member in archive.getmembers():
            # Some source distribution archives on PyPI that are distributed as ZIP
            # archives contain really weird permissions: the world readable bit is
            # missing. I've encountered this with the httplib2 (0.9) and
            # google-api-python-client (1.2) packages. I assume this is a bug of
            # some kind in the packaging process on "their" side.
            if member.mode & stat.S_IXUSR:
                # If the owner has execute permissions we'll give everyone read and
                # execute permissions (only the owner gets write permissions).
                member.mode = 0o755
                # If the owner doesn't have execute permissions we'll give everyone
                # read permissions (only the owner gets write permissions).
                member.mode = 0o644
            # In my testing the `dumb' tar files created with the `python
            # setup.py bdist' and `python setup.py bdist_dumb' commands contain
            # pathnames that are relative to `/' in one way or another:
            #  - In almost all cases the pathnames look like this:
            #      ./home/peter/.virtualenvs/pip-accel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip_accel/__init__.py
            #  - After working on pip-accel for several years I encountered
            #    a pathname like this (Python 2.6 on Mac OS X 10.10.5):
            #      Users/peter/.virtualenvs/pip-accel/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pip_accel/__init__.py
            # Both of the above pathnames are relative to `/' but in different
            # ways :-). The following normpath(join('/', ...))) pathname
            # manipulation logic is intended to handle both cases.
            original_pathname = member.name
            absolute_pathname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join('/', original_pathname))
            if member.isdev():
                logger.warn("Ignoring device file: %s.", absolute_pathname)
            elif not member.isdir():
                modified_pathname = os.path.relpath(absolute_pathname, self.config.install_prefix)
                if os.path.isabs(modified_pathname):
                    logger.warn("Failed to transform pathname in binary distribution"
                                " to relative path! (original: %r, modified: %r)",
                                original_pathname, modified_pathname)
                    # Rewrite /usr/local to /usr (same goes for all prefixes of course).
                    modified_pathname = re.sub('^local/', '', modified_pathname)
                    # Rewrite /dist-packages/ to /site-packages/. For details see
                    # https://wiki.debian.org/Python#Deviations_from_upstream.
                    if self.config.on_debian:
                        modified_pathname = modified_pathname.replace('/dist-packages/', '/site-packages/')
                    # Enable operators to debug the transformation process.
                    logger.debug("Transformed %r -> %r.", original_pathname, modified_pathname)
                    # Get the file data from the input archive.
                    handle = archive.extractfile(original_pathname)
                    # Yield the modified metadata and a handle to the data.
                    member.name = modified_pathname
                    yield member, handle

    def install_binary_dist(self, members, virtualenv_compatible=True, prefix=None,
                            python=None, track_installed_files=False):
        Install a binary distribution into the given prefix.

        :param members: An iterable of tuples with two values each:

                        1. A :class:`tarfile.TarInfo` object.
                        2. A file-like object.
        :param prefix: The "prefix" under which the requirements should be
                       installed. This will be a pathname like ``/usr``,
                       ``/usr/local`` or the pathname of a virtual environment.
                       Defaults to :attr:`.Config.install_prefix`.
        :param python: The pathname of the Python executable to use in the shebang
                       line of all executable Python scripts inside the binary
                       distribution. Defaults to :attr:`.Config.python_executable`.
        :param virtualenv_compatible: Whether to enable workarounds to make the
                                      resulting filenames compatible with
                                      virtual environments (defaults to
        :param track_installed_files: If this is :data:`True` (not the default for
                                      this method because of backwards
                                      compatibility) pip-accel will create
                                      ``installed-files.txt`` as required by
                                      pip to properly uninstall packages.

        This method installs a binary distribution created by
        :class:`build_binary_dist()` into the given prefix (a directory like
        ``/usr``, ``/usr/local`` or a virtual environment).
        # TODO This is quite slow for modules like Django. Speed it up! Two choices:
        #  1. Run the external tar program to unpack the archive. This will
        #     slightly complicate the fixing up of hashbangs.
        #  2. Using links? The plan: We can maintain a "seed" environment under
        #     $PIP_ACCEL_CACHE and use symbolic and/or hard links to populate other
        #     places based on the "seed" environment.
        module_search_path = set(map(os.path.normpath, sys.path))
        prefix = os.path.normpath(prefix or self.config.install_prefix)
        python = os.path.normpath(python or self.config.python_executable)
        installed_files = []
        for member, from_handle in members:
            pathname = member.name
            if virtualenv_compatible:
                # Some binary distributions include C header files (see for example
                # the greenlet package) however the subdirectory of include/ in a
                # virtual environment is a symbolic link to a subdirectory of
                # /usr/include/ so we should never try to install C header files
                # inside the directory pointed to by the symbolic link. Instead we
                # implement the same workaround that pip uses to avoid this
                # problem.
                pathname = re.sub('^include/', 'include/site/', pathname)
            if self.config.on_debian and '/site-packages/' in pathname:
                # On Debian based system wide Python installs the /site-packages/
                # directory is not in Python's module search path while
                # /dist-packages/ is. We try to be compatible with this.
                match = re.match('^(.+?)/site-packages', pathname)
                if match:
                    site_packages = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(prefix, match.group(0)))
                    dist_packages = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(prefix, match.group(1), 'dist-packages'))
                    if dist_packages in module_search_path and site_packages not in module_search_path:
                        pathname = pathname.replace('/site-packages/', '/dist-packages/')
            pathname = os.path.join(prefix, pathname)
            if track_installed_files:
                # Track the installed file's absolute pathname.
            directory = os.path.dirname(pathname)
            if not os.path.isdir(directory):
                logger.debug("Creating directory: %s ..", directory)
            logger.debug("Creating file: %s ..", pathname)
            with open(pathname, 'wb') as to_handle:
                contents = from_handle.read()
                if contents.startswith(b'#!/'):
                    contents = self.fix_hashbang(contents, python)
            os.chmod(pathname, member.mode)
        if track_installed_files:

    def fix_hashbang(self, contents, python):
        Rewrite hashbangs_ to use the correct Python executable.

        :param contents: The contents of the script whose hashbang should be
                         fixed (a string).
        :param python: The absolute pathname of the Python executable (a
        :returns: The modified contents of the script (a string).

        .. _hashbangs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_(Unix)
        lines = contents.splitlines()
        if lines:
            hashbang = lines[0]
            # Get the base name of the command in the hashbang.
            executable = os.path.basename(hashbang)
            # Deal with hashbangs like `#!/usr/bin/env python'.
            executable = re.sub(b'^env ', b'', executable)
            # Only rewrite hashbangs that actually involve Python.
            if re.match(b'^python(\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)?$', executable):
                lines[0] = b'#!' + python.encode('ascii')
                logger.debug("Rewriting hashbang %r to %r!", hashbang, lines[0])
                contents = b'\n'.join(lines)
        return contents

    def update_installed_files(self, installed_files):
        Track the files installed by a package so pip knows how to remove the package.

        This method is used by :func:`install_binary_dist()` (which collects
        the list of installed files for :func:`update_installed_files()`).

        :param installed_files: A list of absolute pathnames (strings) with the
                                files that were just installed.
        # Find the *.egg-info directory where installed-files.txt should be created.
        pkg_info_files = [fn for fn in installed_files if fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, '*.egg-info/PKG-INFO')]
        # I'm not (yet) sure how reliable the above logic is, so for now
        # I'll err on the side of caution and only act when the results
        # seem to be reliable.
        if len(pkg_info_files) != 1:
            logger.warning("Not tracking installed files (couldn't reliably determine *.egg-info directory)")
            egg_info_directory = os.path.dirname(pkg_info_files[0])
            installed_files_path = os.path.join(egg_info_directory, 'installed-files.txt')
            logger.debug("Tracking installed files in %s ..", installed_files_path)
            with open(installed_files_path, 'w') as handle:
                for pathname in installed_files:
                    handle.write('%s\n' % os.path.relpath(pathname, egg_info_directory))
Ejemplo n.º 4
class BinaryDistributionManager(object):
    """Generates and transforms Python binary distributions."""
    def __init__(self, config):
        Initialize the binary distribution manager.

        :param config: The pip-accel configuration (a :class:`.Config`
        self.config = config
        self.cache = CacheManager(config)
        self.system_package_manager = SystemPackageManager(config)

    def get_binary_dist(self, requirement):
        Get or create a cached binary distribution archive.

        :param requirement: A :class:`.Requirement` object.
        :returns: An iterable of tuples with two values each: A
                  :class:`tarfile.TarInfo` object and a file-like object.

        Gets the cached binary distribution that was previously built for the
        given requirement. If no binary distribution has been cached yet, a new
        binary distribution is built and added to the cache.

        Uses :func:`build_binary_dist()` to build binary distribution
        archives. If this fails with a build error :func:`get_binary_dist()`
        will use :class:`.SystemPackageManager` to check for and install
        missing system packages and retry the build when missing system
        packages were installed.
        cache_file = self.cache.get(requirement)
        if cache_file:
            if self.needs_invalidation(requirement, cache_file):
                    "Invalidating old %s binary (source has changed) ..",
                cache_file = None
            logger.debug("%s hasn't been cached yet, doing so now.",
        if not cache_file:
            # Build the binary distribution.
                raw_file = self.build_binary_dist(requirement)
            except BuildFailed:
                    "Build of %s failed, checking for missing dependencies ..",
                if self.system_package_manager.install_dependencies(
                    raw_file = self.build_binary_dist(requirement)
            # Transform the binary distribution archive into a form that we can re-use.
            fd, transformed_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='pip-accel-bdist-',
                archive = tarfile.open(transformed_file, 'w:gz')
                    for member, from_handle in self.transform_binary_dist(
                        archive.addfile(member, from_handle)
                # Push the binary distribution archive to all available backends.
                with open(transformed_file, 'rb') as handle:
                    self.cache.put(requirement, handle)
                # Close file descriptor before removing the temporary file.
                # Without closing Windows is complaining that the file cannot
                # be removed because it is used by another process.
                # Cleanup the temporary file.
            # Get the absolute pathname of the file in the local cache.
            cache_file = self.cache.get(requirement)
            # Enable checksum based cache invalidation.
            self.persist_checksum(requirement, cache_file)
        archive = tarfile.open(cache_file, 'r:gz')
            for member in archive.getmembers():
                yield member, archive.extractfile(member.name)

    def needs_invalidation(self, requirement, cache_file):
        Check whether a cached binary distribution needs to be invalidated.

        :param requirement: A :class:`.Requirement` object.
        :param cache_file: The pathname of a cached binary distribution (a string).
        :returns: :data:`True` if the cached binary distribution needs to be
                  invalidated, :data:`False` otherwise.
        if self.config.trust_mod_times:
            return requirement.last_modified > os.path.getmtime(cache_file)
            checksum = self.recall_checksum(cache_file)
            return checksum and checksum != requirement.checksum

    def recall_checksum(self, cache_file):
        Get the checksum of the input used to generate a binary distribution archive.

        :param cache_file: The pathname of the binary distribution archive (a string).
        :returns: The checksum (a string) or :data:`None` (when no checksum is available).
        # EAFP instead of LBYL because of concurrency between pip-accel
        # processes (https://docs.python.org/2/glossary.html#term-lbyl).
        checksum_file = '%s.txt' % cache_file
            with open(checksum_file) as handle:
                contents = handle.read()
            return contents.strip()
        except IOError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                # Gracefully handle missing checksum files.
                return None
                # Don't swallow exceptions we don't expect!

    def persist_checksum(self, requirement, cache_file):
        Persist the checksum of the input used to generate a binary distribution.

        :param requirement: A :class:`.Requirement` object.
        :param cache_file: The pathname of a cached binary distribution (a string).

        .. note:: The checksum is only calculated and persisted when
                  :attr:`~.Config.trust_mod_times` is :data:`False`.
        if not self.config.trust_mod_times:
            checksum_file = '%s.txt' % cache_file
            with AtomicReplace(checksum_file) as temporary_file:
                with open(temporary_file, 'w') as handle:
                    handle.write('%s\n' % requirement.checksum)

    def build_binary_dist(self, requirement):
        Build a binary distribution archive from an unpacked source distribution.

        :param requirement: A :class:`.Requirement` object.
        :returns: The pathname of a binary distribution archive (a string).
        :raises: :exc:`.BinaryDistributionError` when the original command
                and the fall back both fail to produce a binary distribution

        This method uses the following command to build binary distributions:

        .. code-block:: sh

           $ python setup.py bdist_dumb --format=tar

        This command can fail for two main reasons:

        1. The package is missing binary dependencies.
        2. The ``setup.py`` script doesn't (properly) implement ``bdist_dumb``
           binary distribution format support.

        The first case is dealt with in :func:`get_binary_dist()`. To deal
        with the second case this method falls back to the following command:

        .. code-block:: sh

           $ python setup.py bdist

        This fall back is almost never needed, but there are Python packages
        out there which require this fall back (this method was added because
        the installation of ``Paver==1.2.3`` failed, see `issue 37`_ for
        details about that).

        .. _issue 37: https://github.com/paylogic/pip-accel/issues/37
            return self.build_binary_dist_helper(
                requirement, ['bdist_dumb', '--format=tar'])
        except (BuildFailed, NoBuildOutput):
                "Build of %s failed, falling back to alternative method ..",
            return self.build_binary_dist_helper(requirement,
                                                 ['bdist', '--formats=gztar'])

    def build_binary_dist_helper(self, requirement, setup_command):
        Convert an unpacked source distribution to a binary distribution.

        :param requirement: A :class:`.Requirement` object.
        :param setup_command: A list of strings with the arguments to
        :returns: The pathname of the resulting binary distribution (a string).
        :raises: :exc:`.BuildFailed` when the build reports an error (e.g.
                 because of missing binary dependencies like system
        :raises: :exc:`.NoBuildOutput` when the build does not produce the
                 expected binary distribution archive.
        build_timer = Timer()
        # Make sure the source distribution contains a setup script.
        setup_script = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'setup.py')
        if not os.path.isfile(setup_script):
            msg = "Directory %s (%s %s) doesn't contain a source distribution!"
            raise InvalidSourceDistribution(
                msg % (requirement.source_directory, requirement.name,
        # Let the user know what's going on.
        build_text = "Building %s binary distribution" % requirement
        logger.info("%s ..", build_text)
        # Cleanup previously generated distributions.
        dist_directory = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'dist')
        if os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
                "Cleaning up previously generated distributions in %s ..",
        # Let the user know (approximately) which command is being executed
        # (I don't think it's necessary to show them the nasty details :-).
            "Executing external command: %s", ' '.join(
                map(pipes.quote, [self.config.python_executable, 'setup.py'] +
        # Compose the command line needed to build the binary distribution.
        # This nasty command line forces the use of setuptools (instead of
        # distutils) just like pip does. This will cause the `*.egg-info'
        # metadata to be written to a directory instead of a file, which
        # (amongst other things) enables tracking of installed files.
        command_line = [
            self.config.python_executable, '-c', ';'.join([
                'import setuptools',
                '__file__=%r' % setup_script,
                r"exec(compile(open(__file__).read().replace('\r\n', '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))",
        ] + setup_command
        # Redirect all output of the build to a temporary file.
        fd, temporary_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
            # Start the build.
            build = subprocess.Popen(command_line,
            # Wait for the build to finish and provide feedback to the user in the mean time.
            spinner = Spinner(label=build_text, timer=build_timer)
            while build.poll() is None:
                # Don't tax the CPU too much.
            # Make sure the build succeeded and produced a binary distribution archive.
                # If the build reported an error we'll try to provide the user with
                # some hints about what went wrong.
                if build.returncode != 0:
                    raise BuildFailed(
                        "Failed to build {name} ({version}) binary distribution!",
                # Check if the build created the `dist' directory (the os.listdir()
                # call below will raise an exception if we don't check for this).
                if not os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
                    raise NoBuildOutput(
                        "Build of {name} ({version}) did not produce a binary distribution archive!",
                # Check if we can find the binary distribution archive.
                filenames = os.listdir(dist_directory)
                if len(filenames) != 1:
                    variables = dict(name=requirement.name,
                    raise NoBuildOutput(
                        Build of {name} ({version}) produced more than one
                        distribution archive! (matches: {filenames})
                    """, **variables)
            except Exception as e:
                # Decorate the exception with the output of the failed build.
                with open(temporary_file) as handle:
                    build_output = handle.read()
                enhanced_message = compact("""

                    Please check the build output because it will probably
                    provide a hint about what went wrong.

                    Build output:

                e.args = (enhanced_message, )
            logger.info("Finished building %s in %s.", requirement.name,
            return os.path.join(dist_directory, filenames[0])
            # Close file descriptor before removing the temporary file.
            # Without closing Windows is complaining that the file cannot
            # be removed because it is used by another process.

    def transform_binary_dist(self, archive_path):
        Transform binary distributions into a form that can be cached for future use.

        :param archive_path: The pathname of the original binary distribution archive.
        :returns: An iterable of tuples with two values each:

                  1. A :class:`tarfile.TarInfo` object.
                  2. A file-like object.

        This method transforms a binary distribution archive created by
        :func:`build_binary_dist()` into a form that can be cached for future
        use. This comes down to making the pathnames inside the archive
        relative to the `prefix` that the binary distribution was built for.
        # Copy the tar archive file by file so we can rewrite the pathnames.
        logger.debug("Transforming binary distribution: %s.", archive_path)
        archive = tarfile.open(archive_path, 'r')
        for member in archive.getmembers():
            # Some source distribution archives on PyPI that are distributed as ZIP
            # archives contain really weird permissions: the world readable bit is
            # missing. I've encountered this with the httplib2 (0.9) and
            # google-api-python-client (1.2) packages. I assume this is a bug of
            # some kind in the packaging process on "their" side.
            if member.mode & stat.S_IXUSR:
                # If the owner has execute permissions we'll give everyone read and
                # execute permissions (only the owner gets write permissions).
                member.mode = 0o755
                # If the owner doesn't have execute permissions we'll give everyone
                # read permissions (only the owner gets write permissions).
                member.mode = 0o644
            # In my testing the `dumb' tar files created with the `python
            # setup.py bdist' and `python setup.py bdist_dumb' commands contain
            # pathnames that are relative to `/' in one way or another:
            #  - In almost all cases the pathnames look like this:
            #      ./home/peter/.virtualenvs/pip-accel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip_accel/__init__.py
            #  - After working on pip-accel for several years I encountered
            #    a pathname like this (Python 2.6 on Mac OS X 10.10.5):
            #      Users/peter/.virtualenvs/pip-accel/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pip_accel/__init__.py
            # Both of the above pathnames are relative to `/' but in different
            # ways :-). The following normpath(join('/', ...))) pathname
            # manipulation logic is intended to handle both cases.
            original_pathname = member.name
            absolute_pathname = os.path.normpath(
                os.path.join('/', original_pathname))
            if member.isdev():
                logger.warn("Ignoring device file: %s.", absolute_pathname)
            elif not member.isdir():
                modified_pathname = os.path.relpath(absolute_pathname,
                if os.path.isabs(modified_pathname):
                        "Failed to transform pathname in binary distribution"
                        " to relative path! (original: %r, modified: %r)",
                        original_pathname, modified_pathname)
                    # Rewrite /usr/local to /usr (same goes for all prefixes of course).
                    modified_pathname = re.sub('^local/', '',
                    # Rewrite /dist-packages/ to /site-packages/. For details see
                    # https://wiki.debian.org/Python#Deviations_from_upstream.
                    if self.config.on_debian:
                        modified_pathname = modified_pathname.replace(
                            '/dist-packages/', '/site-packages/')
                    # Enable operators to debug the transformation process.
                    logger.debug("Transformed %r -> %r.", original_pathname,
                    # Get the file data from the input archive.
                    handle = archive.extractfile(original_pathname)
                    # Yield the modified metadata and a handle to the data.
                    member.name = modified_pathname
                    yield member, handle

    def install_binary_dist(self,
        Install a binary distribution into the given prefix.

        :param members: An iterable of tuples with two values each:

                        1. A :class:`tarfile.TarInfo` object.
                        2. A file-like object.
        :param prefix: The "prefix" under which the requirements should be
                       installed. This will be a pathname like ``/usr``,
                       ``/usr/local`` or the pathname of a virtual environment.
                       Defaults to :attr:`.Config.install_prefix`.
        :param python: The pathname of the Python executable to use in the shebang
                       line of all executable Python scripts inside the binary
                       distribution. Defaults to :attr:`.Config.python_executable`.
        :param virtualenv_compatible: Whether to enable workarounds to make the
                                      resulting filenames compatible with
                                      virtual environments (defaults to
        :param track_installed_files: If this is :data:`True` (not the default for
                                      this method because of backwards
                                      compatibility) pip-accel will create
                                      ``installed-files.txt`` as required by
                                      pip to properly uninstall packages.

        This method installs a binary distribution created by
        :class:`build_binary_dist()` into the given prefix (a directory like
        ``/usr``, ``/usr/local`` or a virtual environment).
        # TODO This is quite slow for modules like Django. Speed it up! Two choices:
        #  1. Run the external tar program to unpack the archive. This will
        #     slightly complicate the fixing up of hashbangs.
        #  2. Using links? The plan: We can maintain a "seed" environment under
        #     $PIP_ACCEL_CACHE and use symbolic and/or hard links to populate other
        #     places based on the "seed" environment.
        module_search_path = set(map(os.path.normpath, sys.path))
        prefix = os.path.normpath(prefix or self.config.install_prefix)
        python = os.path.normpath(python or self.config.python_executable)
        installed_files = []
        for member, from_handle in members:
            pathname = member.name
            if virtualenv_compatible:
                # Some binary distributions include C header files (see for example
                # the greenlet package) however the subdirectory of include/ in a
                # virtual environment is a symbolic link to a subdirectory of
                # /usr/include/ so we should never try to install C header files
                # inside the directory pointed to by the symbolic link. Instead we
                # implement the same workaround that pip uses to avoid this
                # problem.
                pathname = re.sub('^include/', 'include/site/', pathname)
            if self.config.on_debian and '/site-packages/' in pathname:
                # On Debian based system wide Python installs the /site-packages/
                # directory is not in Python's module search path while
                # /dist-packages/ is. We try to be compatible with this.
                match = re.match('^(.+?)/site-packages', pathname)
                if match:
                    site_packages = os.path.normpath(
                        os.path.join(prefix, match.group(0)))
                    dist_packages = os.path.normpath(
                        os.path.join(prefix, match.group(1), 'dist-packages'))
                    if dist_packages in module_search_path and site_packages not in module_search_path:
                        pathname = pathname.replace('/site-packages/',
            pathname = os.path.join(prefix, pathname)
            if track_installed_files:
                # Track the installed file's absolute pathname.
            directory = os.path.dirname(pathname)
            if not os.path.isdir(directory):
                logger.debug("Creating directory: %s ..", directory)
            logger.debug("Creating file: %s ..", pathname)
            with open(pathname, 'wb') as to_handle:
                contents = from_handle.read()
                if contents.startswith(b'#!/'):
                    contents = self.fix_hashbang(contents, python)
            os.chmod(pathname, member.mode)
        if track_installed_files:

    def fix_hashbang(self, contents, python):
        Rewrite hashbangs_ to use the correct Python executable.

        :param contents: The contents of the script whose hashbang should be
                         fixed (a string).
        :param python: The absolute pathname of the Python executable (a
        :returns: The modified contents of the script (a string).

        .. _hashbangs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_(Unix)
        lines = contents.splitlines()
        if lines:
            hashbang = lines[0]
            # Get the base name of the command in the hashbang.
            executable = os.path.basename(hashbang)
            # Deal with hashbangs like `#!/usr/bin/env python'.
            executable = re.sub(b'^env ', b'', executable)
            # Only rewrite hashbangs that actually involve Python.
            if re.match(b'^python(\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)?$', executable):
                lines[0] = b'#!' + python.encode('ascii')
                logger.debug("Rewriting hashbang %r to %r!", hashbang,
                contents = b'\n'.join(lines)
        return contents

    def update_installed_files(self, installed_files):
        Track the files installed by a package so pip knows how to remove the package.

        This method is used by :func:`install_binary_dist()` (which collects
        the list of installed files for :func:`update_installed_files()`).

        :param installed_files: A list of absolute pathnames (strings) with the
                                files that were just installed.
        # Find the *.egg-info directory where installed-files.txt should be created.
        pkg_info_files = [
            fn for fn in installed_files
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, '*.egg-info/PKG-INFO')
        # I'm not (yet) sure how reliable the above logic is, so for now
        # I'll err on the side of caution and only act when the results
        # seem to be reliable.
        if len(pkg_info_files) != 1:
                "Not tracking installed files (couldn't reliably determine *.egg-info directory)"
            egg_info_directory = os.path.dirname(pkg_info_files[0])
            installed_files_path = os.path.join(egg_info_directory,
            logger.debug("Tracking installed files in %s ..",
            with open(installed_files_path, 'w') as handle:
                for pathname in installed_files:
                    handle.write('%s\n' %
                                 os.path.relpath(pathname, egg_info_directory))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    Main logic of the ``pip-accel`` command.
    arguments = sys.argv[1:]
    # If no arguments are given, the help text of pip-accel is printed.
    if not arguments:
    # If no install subcommand is given we pass the command line straight
    # to pip without any changes and exit immediately afterwards.
    elif 'install' not in arguments:
        sys.exit(os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'pip', ['pip'] + arguments))
    # Initialize logging output.
    # Increase verbosity based on -v, --verbose options.
    for argument in arguments:
        if match_option(argument, '-v', '--verbose'):
        elif match_option(argument, '-q', '--quiet'):
    # Make sure the prefix is the same as the environment.
    if not os.path.samefile(sys.prefix, ENVIRONMENT):
            "You are trying to install packages in environment #1 which is different from environment #2 where pip-accel is installed! Please install pip-accel under environment #1 to install packages there."
        logger.info("Environment #1: %s ($VIRTUAL_ENV)", ENVIRONMENT)
        logger.info("Environment #2: %s (installation prefix)", sys.prefix)
    main_timer = Timer()
    build_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    cache = CacheManager()
    # Execute "pip install" in a loop in order to retry after intermittent
    # error responses from servers (which can happen quite frequently).
        for i in range(1, MAX_RETRIES):
                requirements = unpack_source_dists(arguments, build_directory)
            except DistributionNotFound:
                logger.info("We don't have all source distributions yet!")
                download_source_dists(arguments, build_directory)
                install_requirements(requirements, cache)
                logger.info("Done! Took %s to install %i package%s.",
                            main_timer, len(requirements),
                            '' if len(requirements) == 1 else 's')
            logger.info("pip failed, retrying (%i/%i) ..", i + 1, MAX_RETRIES)
    except InstallationError:
        # Abort early when pip reports installation errors.
            "pip reported unrecoverable installation errors. Please fix and rerun!"
        # Always cleanup temporary build directory.
    # Abort when after N retries we still failed to download source distributions.
    logger.fatal("External command failed %i times, aborting!" % MAX_RETRIES)
Ejemplo n.º 6
class BinaryDistributionManager(object):

    """Generates and transforms Python binary distributions."""

    def __init__(self, config):
        Initialize the binary distribution manager.

        :param config: The pip-accel configuration (a :py:class:`.Config`
        self.config = config
        self.cache = CacheManager(config)
        self.system_package_manager = SystemPackageManager(config)

    def get_binary_dist(self, requirement):
        Get the cached binary distribution that was previously built for the
        given requirement. If no binary distribution has been cached yet, a new
        binary distribution is built and added to the cache.

        :param requirement: A :py:class:`.Requirement` object.
        :returns: An iterable of tuples with two values each: A
                  :py:class:`tarfile.TarInfo` object and a file-like object.
        cache_file = self.cache.get(requirement)
        if not cache_file:
            logger.debug("%s (%s) hasn't been cached yet, doing so now.", requirement.name, requirement.version)
            # Build the binary distribution.
                raw_file = self.build_binary_dist(requirement)
            except BuildFailed:
                logger.warning("Build of %s (%s) failed!", requirement.name, requirement.version)
                if self.system_package_manager.install_dependencies(requirement):
                    raw_file = self.build_binary_dist(requirement)
            # Transform the binary distribution archive into a form that we can re-use.
            transformed_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), os.path.basename(raw_file))
            archive = tarfile.open(transformed_file, 'w:gz')
            for member, from_handle in self.transform_binary_dist(raw_file):
                archive.addfile(member, from_handle)
            # Push the binary distribution archive to all available backends.
            with open(transformed_file, 'rb') as handle:
                self.cache.put(requirement, handle)
            # Cleanup the temporary file.
            # Get the absolute pathname of the file in the local cache.
            cache_file = self.cache.get(requirement)
        archive = tarfile.open(cache_file, 'r:gz')
        for member in archive.getmembers():
            yield member, archive.extractfile(member.name)

    def build_binary_dist(self, requirement):
        Convert a single, unpacked source distribution to a binary
        distribution. Raises an exception if it fails to create the binary
        distribution (probably because of missing binary dependencies like
        system libraries).

        :param requirement: A :py:class:`.Requirement` object.
        :returns: The pathname of the resulting binary distribution (a string).
        :raises: :py:exc:`.BuildFailed` when the build reports an error.
        :raises: :py:exc:`.NoBuildOutput` when the build does not produce the
                 expected binary distribution archive.

        This method uses the following command to build binary distributions:

        .. code-block:: sh

           $ python setup.py bdist_dumb --format=tar
        build_timer = Timer()
        # Make sure the source distribution contains a setup script.
        setup_script = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'setup.py')
        if not os.path.isfile(setup_script):
            msg = "Directory %s (%s %s) doesn't contain a source distribution!"
            raise InvalidSourceDistribution(msg % (requirement.source_directory, requirement.name, requirement.version))
        # Let the user know what's going on.
        build_text = "Building %s (%s) binary distribution" % (requirement.name, requirement.version)
        logger.info("%s ..", build_text)
        # Cleanup previously generated distributions.
        dist_directory = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'dist')
        if os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
            logger.debug("Cleaning up previously generated distributions in %s ..", dist_directory)
        # Compose the command line needed to build the binary distribution.
        command_line = '%s setup.py bdist_dumb --format=tar' % pipes.quote(self.config.python_executable)
        logger.debug("Executing external command: %s", command_line)
        # Redirect all output of the build to a temporary file.
        fd, temporary_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
        command_line = '%s > "%s" 2>&1' % (command_line, temporary_file)
            # Start the build.
            build = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '-c', command_line], cwd=requirement.source_directory)
            # Wait for the build to finish and provide feedback to the user in the mean time.
            spinner = Spinner(label=build_text, timer=build_timer)
            while build.poll() is None:
                # Don't tax the CPU too much.
            # Make sure the build succeeded and produced a binary distribution archive.
                # If the build reported an error we'll try to provide the user with
                # some hints about what went wrong.
                if build.returncode != 0:
                    raise BuildFailed("Failed to build {name} ({version}) binary distribution!",
                                      name=requirement.name, version=requirement.version)
                # Check if the build created the `dist' directory (the os.listdir()
                # call below will raise an exception if we don't check for this).
                if not os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
                    raise NoBuildOutput("Build of {name} ({version}) did not produce a binary distribution archive!",
                                        name=requirement.name, version=requirement.version)
                # Check if we can find the binary distribution archive.
                filenames = os.listdir(dist_directory)
                if len(filenames) != 1:
                    raise NoBuildOutput("Build of {name} ({version}) produced more than one distribution archive! (matches: {filenames})",
                                        name=requirement.name, version=requirement.version, filenames=concatenate(sorted(filenames)))
            except Exception as e:
                # Decorate the exception with the output of the failed build.
                with open(temporary_file) as handle:
                    build_output = handle.read()
                enhanced_message = compact("""

                    Please check the build output because it will probably
                    provide a hint about what went wrong.

                    Build output:

                """, message=e.args[0],
                e.args = (enhanced_message,)
            logger.info("Finished building %s (%s) in %s.", requirement.name, requirement.version, build_timer)
            return os.path.join(dist_directory, filenames[0])

    def transform_binary_dist(self, archive_path):
        Transform a binary distribution archive created by
        :py:func:`build_binary_dist()` into a form that can be cached for
        future use. This comes down to making the pathnames inside the archive
        relative to the `prefix` that the binary distribution was built for.

        :param archive_path: The pathname of the original binary distribution archive.
        :returns: An iterable of tuples with two values each:
                  1. A :py:class:`tarfile.TarInfo` object.
                  2. A file-like object.
        # Copy the tar archive file by file so we can rewrite the pathnames.
        logger.debug("Transforming binary distribution: %s.", archive_path)
        archive = tarfile.open(archive_path, 'r')
        for member in archive.getmembers():
            # Some source distribution archives on PyPI that are distributed as ZIP
            # archives contain really weird permissions: the world readable bit is
            # missing. I've encountered this with the httplib2 (0.9) and
            # google-api-python-client (1.2) packages. I assume this is a bug of
            # some kind in the packaging process on "their" side.
            if member.mode & stat.S_IXUSR:
                # If the owner has execute permissions we'll give everyone read and
                # execute permissions (only the owner gets write permissions).
                member.mode = 0o755
                # If the owner doesn't have execute permissions we'll give everyone
                # read permissions (only the owner gets write permissions).
                member.mode = 0o644
            # In my testing the `dumb' tar files created with the `python setup.py
            # bdist' command contain pathnames that are relative to `/' which is
            # kind of awkward: I would like to use os.path.relpath() on them but
            # that won't give the correct result without some preprocessing...
            original_pathname = member.name
            absolute_pathname = re.sub(r'^\./', '/', original_pathname)
            if member.isdev():
                logger.warn("Ignoring device file: %s.", absolute_pathname)
            elif not member.isdir():
                modified_pathname = os.path.relpath(absolute_pathname, self.config.install_prefix)
                if os.path.isabs(modified_pathname):
                    logger.warn("Failed to transform pathname in binary distribution to relative path! (original: %r, modified: %r)",
                                original_pathname, modified_pathname)
                    # Rewrite /usr/local to /usr (same goes for all prefixes of course).
                    modified_pathname = re.sub('^local/', '', modified_pathname)
                    # Rewrite /dist-packages/ to /site-packages/. For details see
                    # https://wiki.debian.org/Python#Deviations_from_upstream.
                    if self.config.on_debian:
                        modified_pathname = modified_pathname.replace('/dist-packages/', '/site-packages/')
                    # Enable operators to debug the transformation process.
                    logger.debug("Transformed %r -> %r.", original_pathname, modified_pathname)
                    # Get the file data from the input archive.
                    handle = archive.extractfile(original_pathname)
                    # Yield the pathname, file mode and a handle to the data.
                    member.name = modified_pathname
                    yield member, handle

    def install_binary_dist(self, members, virtualenv_compatible=True, prefix=None, python=None):
        Install a binary distribution created by :py:class:`build_binary_dist()`
        into the given prefix (a directory like ``/usr``, ``/usr/local`` or a
        virtual environment).

        :param members: An iterable of tuples with two values each:
                        1. A :py:class:`tarfile.TarInfo` object.
                        2. A file-like object.
        :param prefix: The "prefix" under which the requirements should be
                       installed. This will be a pathname like ``/usr``,
                       ``/usr/local`` or the pathname of a virtual environment.
                       Defaults to :py:attr:`.Config.install_prefix`.
        :param python: The pathname of the Python executable to use in the shebang
                       line of all executable Python scripts inside the binary
                       distribution. Defaults to :py:attr:`.Config.python_executable`.
        :param virtualenv_compatible: Whether to enable workarounds to make the
                                      resulting filenames compatible with
                                      virtual environments (defaults to
        :raises: :py:exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` when the Python executable is
                 not located inside the installation prefix.
        # TODO This is quite slow for modules like Django. Speed it up! Two choices:
        #  1. Run the external tar program to unpack the archive. This will
        #     slightly complicate the fixing up of hashbangs.
        #  2. Using links? The plan: We can maintain a "seed" environment under
        #     $PIP_ACCEL_CACHE and use symbolic and/or hard links to populate other
        #     places based on the "seed" environment.
        prefix = os.path.normpath(prefix or self.config.install_prefix)
        python = os.path.normpath(python or self.config.python_executable)
        # Make sure the installation prefix and Python executable match.
        if os.path.commonprefix([prefix, python]) != prefix:
            raise ValueError(compact("""
                The configured Python executable ({executable}) is not located
                inside the installation prefix ({prefix}). I don't think this
                can work, so please make sure that if you override one
                configuration option you also set the other one!
            """, executable=python, prefix=prefix))
        module_search_path = set(map(os.path.normpath, sys.path))
        for member, from_handle in members:
            pathname = member.name
            if virtualenv_compatible:
                # Some binary distributions include C header files (see for example
                # the greenlet package) however the subdirectory of include/ in a
                # virtual environment is a symbolic link to a subdirectory of
                # /usr/include/ so we should never try to install C header files
                # inside the directory pointed to by the symbolic link. Instead we
                # implement the same workaround that pip uses to avoid this
                # problem.
                pathname = re.sub('^include/', 'include/site/', pathname)
            if self.config.on_debian and '/site-packages/' in pathname:
                # On Debian based system wide Python installs the /site-packages/
                # directory is not in Python's module search path while
                # /dist-packages/ is. We try to be compatible with this.
                match = re.match('^(.+?)/site-packages', pathname)
                if match:
                    site_packages = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(prefix, match.group(0)))
                    dist_packages = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(prefix, match.group(1), 'dist-packages'))
                    if dist_packages in module_search_path and site_packages not in module_search_path:
                        pathname = pathname.replace('/site-packages/', '/dist-packages/')
            pathname = os.path.join(prefix, pathname)
            directory = os.path.dirname(pathname)
            if not os.path.isdir(directory):
                logger.debug("Creating directory: %s ..", directory)
            logger.debug("Creating file: %s ..", pathname)
            with open(pathname, 'wb') as to_handle:
                contents = from_handle.read()
                if contents.startswith(b'#!/'):
                    contents = self.fix_hashbang(contents, python)
            os.chmod(pathname, member.mode)

    def fix_hashbang(self, contents, python):
        Rewrite the hashbang_ in an executable script so that the correct
        Python executable is used.

        :param contents: The contents of the script whose hashbang should be
                         fixed (a string).
        :param python: The absolute pathname of the Python executable (a
        :returns: The modified contents of the script (a string).

        .. _hashbang: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_(Unix)
        lines = contents.splitlines()
        if lines:
            hashbang = lines[0]
            # Get the base name of the command in the hashbang.
            executable = os.path.basename(hashbang)
            # Deal with hashbangs like `#!/usr/bin/env python'.
            executable = re.sub(b'^env ', b'', executable)
            # Only rewrite hashbangs that actually involve Python.
            if re.match(b'^python(\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)?$', executable):
                lines[0] = b'#!' + python.encode('ascii')
                logger.debug("Rewriting hashbang %r to %r!", hashbang, lines[0])
                contents = b'\n'.join(lines)
        return contents
Ejemplo n.º 7
class BinaryDistributionManager(object):
    """Generates and transforms Python binary distributions."""
    def __init__(self, config):
        Initialize the binary distribution manager.

        :param config: The pip-accel configuration (a :py:class:`.Config`
        self.config = config
        self.cache = CacheManager(config)
        self.system_package_manager = SystemPackageManager(config)

    def get_binary_dist(self, requirement):
        Get the cached binary distribution that was previously built for the
        given requirement. If no binary distribution has been cached yet, a new
        binary distribution is built and added to the cache.

        Uses :py:func:`build_binary_dist()` to build binary distribution
        archives. If this fails with a build error :py:func:`get_binary_dist()`
        will use :py:class:`.SystemPackageManager` to check for and install
        missing system packages and retry the build when missing system
        packages were installed.

        :param requirement: A :py:class:`.Requirement` object.
        :returns: An iterable of tuples with two values each: A
                  :py:class:`tarfile.TarInfo` object and a file-like object.
        cache_file = self.cache.get(requirement)
        if not cache_file:
            logger.debug("%s (%s) hasn't been cached yet, doing so now.",
                         requirement.name, requirement.version)
            # Build the binary distribution.
                raw_file = self.build_binary_dist(requirement)
            except BuildFailed:
                    "Build of %s (%s) failed, checking for missing dependencies ..",
                    requirement.name, requirement.version)
                if self.system_package_manager.install_dependencies(
                    raw_file = self.build_binary_dist(requirement)
            # Transform the binary distribution archive into a form that we can re-use.
            transformed_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),
            archive = tarfile.open(transformed_file, 'w:gz')
            for member, from_handle in self.transform_binary_dist(raw_file):
                archive.addfile(member, from_handle)
            # Push the binary distribution archive to all available backends.
            with open(transformed_file, 'rb') as handle:
                self.cache.put(requirement, handle)
            # Cleanup the temporary file.
            # Get the absolute pathname of the file in the local cache.
            cache_file = self.cache.get(requirement)
        archive = tarfile.open(cache_file, 'r:gz')
        for member in archive.getmembers():
            yield member, archive.extractfile(member.name)

    def build_binary_dist(self, requirement):
        Build a binary distribution archive from an unpacked source distribution.

        :param requirement: A :py:class:`.Requirement` object.
        :returns: The pathname of a binary distribution archive (a string).
        :raises: :py:exc:`.BinaryDistributionError` when the original command
                and the fall back both fail to produce a binary distribution

        This method uses the following command to build binary distributions:

        .. code-block:: sh

           $ pip install . --root <temp directory>

        This command can fail if the package is missing binary dependencie.
        This is dealt with in :py:func:`get_binary_dist()`.
        return self.build_binary_dist_helper(requirement)

    def build_binary_dist_helper(self, requirement):
        Convert a single, unpacked source distribution to a binary
        distribution. Raises an exception if it fails to create the binary
        distribution (probably because of missing binary dependencies like
        system libraries).

        :param requirement: A :py:class:`.Requirement` object.
        :returns: The pathname of the resulting binary distribution (a string).
        :raises: :py:exc:`.BuildFailed` when the build reports an error.
        :raises: :py:exc:`.NoBuildOutput` when the build does not produce the
                 expected binary distribution archive.
        build_timer = Timer()
        # Make sure the source distribution contains a setup script.
        setup_script = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'setup.py')
        if not os.path.isfile(setup_script):
            msg = "Directory %s (%s %s) doesn't contain a source distribution!"
            raise InvalidSourceDistribution(
                msg % (requirement.source_directory, requirement.name,
        # Let the user know what's going on.
        build_text = "Building %s (%s) binary distribution" % (
            requirement.name, requirement.version)
        logger.info("%s ..", build_text)
        # Cleanup previously generated distributions.
        dist_directory = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'dist')
        if os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
                "Cleaning up previously generated distributions in %s ..",
        # Create a temporary directory for pip installing into, and set up the
        # install_lib directory structure inside it. We do this so that we can
        # pip install into this as our target.
        temporary_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        distutils_inst = install(Distribution())
        distutils_inst.prefix = ''  # This will be changed if we're in a virtualenv.
        pip_target = os.path.normpath(temporary_dir +
        # Compose the command line needed to build the binary distribution.
        command_line = ' '.join(
            for t in ['pip', 'install', '.', '--target', pip_target])
        logger.debug("Executing external command: %s", command_line)
        # Redirect all output of the build to a temporary file.
        fd, temporary_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
        command_line = '%s > "%s" 2>&1' % (command_line, temporary_file)

            # Start the build.
            build = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '-c', command_line],
            # Wait for the build to finish and provide feedback to the user in the mean time.
            spinner = Spinner(label=build_text, timer=build_timer)
            while build.poll() is None:
                # Don't tax the CPU too much.

            # At this point, we may have a number of dependencies in the directory we want
            # to tar up that should not be part of the package distribution. For instance,
            # s3 will also wrap up the concurrent, futures, and requests packages. We fix
            # this by reading {name}-{version}-{py-version}.egg-info/installed-files.txt
            # and removing any files or directories that are not in it.

            # 1. Find the appropriate .egg-info/ directory.
            egg_info_dir = None
            egg_info_start = '-'.join([requirement.name, requirement.version])
            for egg_info_root, dirs, _ in os.walk(temporary_dir):
                for d in dirs:
                    if d.startswith(egg_info_start) and d.endswith(
                        egg_info_dir = d
                if egg_info_dir is not None:

            # 2. If we have a .egg-info/, try to read the installed-files.txt contents.
            inst_files = set()
            if egg_info_dir is not None:
                egg_info_path = os.path.join(egg_info_root, egg_info_dir)
                inst_files_path = os.path.join(egg_info_path,
                    with open(inst_files_path) as f:
                        for line in f:
                            abs_path = os.path.abspath(
                                os.path.join(egg_info_path, line.strip()))
                except IOError, ioe:
                    loger.warn('Unable to open %s: %s' %
                               (inst_files_path, ioe))

            # 3. If we were able to get a set of files and directories that belong in the
            #    distribution, then we can delete everything else before archiving it.
            if inst_files:
                dirs, files = next(os.walk(egg_info_root))[1:]
                for d in dirs:
                    d = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(egg_info_root, d))
                    if d not in inst_files:
                        logger.info('Removing %s (not part of the package)' %

                for f in files:
                    f = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(egg_info_root, f))
                    if f not in inst_files:
                        logger.info('Removing %s (not part of the package)' %

            # Tar up the contents of temporary_dir into the correct file name and put it in the dist dir.
            tarball_path = os.path.join(temporary_dir, requirement.name)
            path = archive_util.make_archive(tarball_path,
            shutil.copy(path, dist_directory)

            # Make sure the build succeeded and produced a binary distribution archive.
                # If the build reported an error we'll try to provide the user with
                # some hints about what went wrong.
                if build.returncode != 0:
                    raise BuildFailed(
                        "Failed to build {name} ({version}) binary distribution!",
                # Check if the build created the `dist' directory (the os.listdir()
                # call below will raise an exception if we don't check for this).
                if not os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
                    raise NoBuildOutput(
                        "Build of {name} ({version}) did not produce a binary distribution archive!",
                # Check if we can find the binary distribution archive.
                filenames = os.listdir(dist_directory)
                if len(filenames) != 1:
                    raise NoBuildOutput(
                        "Build of {name} ({version}) produced more than one distribution archive! (matches: {filenames})",
            except Exception as e:
                # Decorate the exception with the output of the failed build.
                with open(temporary_file) as handle:
                    build_output = handle.read()
                enhanced_message = compact("""

                    Please check the build output because it will probably
                    provide a hint about what went wrong.

                    Build output:

                e.args = (enhanced_message, )
            logger.info("Finished building %s (%s) in %s.", requirement.name,
                        requirement.version, build_timer)
            return os.path.join(dist_directory, filenames[0])