Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _assemble_experiment(self):
        """Assemble the experimental data."""

        # Get the spectrometer info.
        frq_Hz = get_frequencies(units='MHz')
        frq_T = get_frequencies(units='T')

        # Loop over all data points.
        for exp_type, frq, point, time, ei, mi, di, ti in loop_exp_frq_point_time(return_indices=True):
            # The frequency data.
            self.cpmg_delay[mi] = str(time)

        # Loop over the experiments.
        for i in range(cdp.spectrometer_frq_count):
            # Spectrometer info.
            self.spec_frq[i] = str(frq_Hz[i] / g1H * g15N)
            self.B0[i] = str(frq_T[i])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _assemble_experiment(self):
        """Assemble the experimental data."""

        # Get the spectrometer info.
        frq_Hz = get_frequencies(units='MHz')
        frq_T = get_frequencies(units='T')

        # Loop over all data points.
        for exp_type, frq, point, time, ei, mi, di, ti in loop_exp_frq_point_time(
            # The frequency data.
            self.cpmg_delay[mi] = str(time)

        # Loop over the experiments.
        for i in range(cdp.spectrometer_frq_count):
            # Spectrometer info.
            self.spec_frq[i] = str(frq_Hz[i] /
                                   periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio('1H') *
            self.B0[i] = str(frq_T[i])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_spin_input(function=None, spin=None, spin_id=None, dir=None):
    """Generate the CPMGFit file for the given spin.

    @keyword function:  The CPMGFit model or function name.
    @type function:     str
    @keyword spin:      The spin container to generate the input file for.
    @type spin:         SpinContainer instance
    @keyword spin_id:   The spin ID string corresponding to the spin container.
    @type spin_id:      str
    @keyword dir:       The directory to place the file into.
    @type dir:          str or None
    @return:            The name of the file created.
    @rtype:             str

    # The output file.
    file_name = spin_file_name(spin_id=spin_id)
    file = open_write_file(file_name=file_name, dir=dir, force=True)

    # The title.
    file.write("title %s\n" % spin_id)

    # The proton frequencies.
    frq = get_frequencies(units='T')

    # The frequency info.
    file.write("fields %s" % len(frq))
    for i in range(len(frq)):
        file.write(" %.10f" % frq[i])

    # The function and parameters.
    if function == 'CPMG':
        # Function.
        file.write("function CPMG\n")

        # Parameters.
        file.write("R2 1 10 20\n")
        file.write("Rex 0 100.0 100\n")
        file.write("Tau 0 10.0 100\n")

    # The function and parameters.
    elif function == 'Full_CPMG':
        # Function.
        file.write("function Full_CPMG\n")

        # Parameters.
        file.write("R2 1 10 20\n")
        file.write("papb 0.01 0.49 20\n")
        file.write("dw 0 10.0 100\n")
        file.write("kex 0.1 1.0 100\n")

    # The function and parameters.
    elif function == "Ishima":
        # Function.
        file.write("function Ishima\n")

        # Parameters.
        file.write("R2 1 10 20\n")
        file.write("Rex 0 100.0 50\n")
        file.write("PaDw 2 10.0 50\n")
        file.write("Tau 0.1 10.0 50\n")

    # The function and parameters.
    if function == '3-site_CPMG':
        # Function.
        file.write("function 3-site_CPMG\n")

        # Parameters.
        file.write("R2 1 10 20\n")
        file.write("Rex1 0 100.0 20\n")
        file.write("Tau1 0 10.0 20\n")
        file.write("Rex2 0 100.0 20\n")
        file.write("Tau2 0 10.0 20\n")

    # The Grace setup.
    file.write("@ xaxis label \"1/tcp (1/ms)\"\n")
    file.write("@ yaxis label \"R2(tcp) (rad/s)\"\n")
    file.write("@ xaxis ticklabel format decimal\n")
    file.write("@ yaxis ticklabel format decimal\n")
    file.write("@ xaxis ticklabel char size 0.8\n")
    file.write("@ yaxis ticklabel char size 0.8\n")
    file.write("@ world xmin 0.0\n")

    # The data.
    for exp_type, frq, offset, point in loop_exp_frq_offset_point():
        # The parameter key.
        param_key = return_param_key_from_data(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point)

        # No data.
        if param_key not in spin.r2eff:

        # Tesla units.
        B0 = frq * 2.0 * pi / periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio('1H')

        # The X value of 1/tcp (or 1/tau_CPMG) in ms.  This assumes Art's usage of the definition that nu_CPMG = 1 / (2 * tau_CPMG).
        x = 2.0 * point / 1000.0

        # Write out the data and error.
        file.write("%-20f %-20f %-20f %-20f\n" % (x, spin.r2eff[param_key], spin.r2eff_err[param_key], B0))

    # Close the file and return its name.
    return file_name
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create_spin_input(function=None, spin=None, spin_id=None, dir=None):
    """Generate the CPMGFit file for the given spin.

    @keyword function:  The CPMGFit model or function name.
    @type function:     str
    @keyword spin:      The spin container to generate the input file for.
    @type spin:         SpinContainer instance
    @keyword spin_id:   The spin ID string corresponding to the spin container.
    @type spin_id:      str
    @keyword dir:       The directory to place the file into.
    @type dir:          str or None
    @return:            The name of the file created.
    @rtype:             str

    # The output file.
    file_name = spin_file_name(spin_id=spin_id)
    file = open_write_file(file_name=file_name, dir=dir, force=True)

    # The title.
    file.write("title %s\n" % spin_id)

    # The proton frequencies.
    frq = get_frequencies(units='T')

    # The frequency info.
    file.write("fields %s" % len(frq))
    for i in range(len(frq)):
        file.write(" %.10f" % frq[i])

    # The function and parameters.
    if function == 'CPMG':
        # Function.
        file.write("function CPMG\n")

        # Parameters.
        file.write("R2 1 10 20\n")
        file.write("Rex 0 100.0 100\n")
        file.write("Tau 0 10.0 100\n")

    # The function and parameters.
    elif function == 'Full_CPMG':
        # Function.
        file.write("function Full_CPMG\n")

        # Parameters.
        file.write("R2 1 10 20\n")
        file.write("papb 0.01 0.49 20\n")
        file.write("dw 0 10.0 100\n")
        file.write("kex 0.1 1.0 100\n")

    # The function and parameters.
    elif function == "Ishima":
        # Function.
        file.write("function Ishima\n")

        # Parameters.
        file.write("R2 1 10 20\n")
        file.write("Rex 0 100.0 50\n")
        file.write("PaDw 2 10.0 50\n")
        file.write("Tau 0.1 10.0 50\n")

    # The function and parameters.
    if function == '3-site_CPMG':
        # Function.
        file.write("function 3-site_CPMG\n")

        # Parameters.
        file.write("R2 1 10 20\n")
        file.write("Rex1 0 100.0 20\n")
        file.write("Tau1 0 10.0 20\n")
        file.write("Rex2 0 100.0 20\n")
        file.write("Tau2 0 10.0 20\n")

    # The Grace setup.
    file.write("@ xaxis label \"1/tcp (1/ms)\"\n")
    file.write("@ yaxis label \"R2(tcp) (rad/s)\"\n")
    file.write("@ xaxis ticklabel format decimal\n")
    file.write("@ yaxis ticklabel format decimal\n")
    file.write("@ xaxis ticklabel char size 0.8\n")
    file.write("@ yaxis ticklabel char size 0.8\n")
    file.write("@ world xmin 0.0\n")

    # The data.
    for exp_type, frq, offset, point in loop_exp_frq_offset_point():
        # The parameter key.
        param_key = return_param_key_from_data(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point)

        # No data.
        if param_key not in spin.r2eff:

        # Tesla units.
        B0 = frq * 2.0 * pi / periodic_table.gyromagnetic_ratio('1H')

        # The X value of 1/tcp (or 1/tau_CPMG) in ms.  This assumes Art's usage of the definition that nu_CPMG = 1 / (2 * tau_CPMG).
        x = 2.0 * point / 1000.0

        # Write out the data and error.
        file.write("%-20f %-20f %-20f %-20f\n" % (x, spin.r2eff[param_key], spin.r2eff_err[param_key], B0))

    # Close the file and return its name.
    return file_name
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def write_results(self):
        """Create Grace plots of the final model-free results."""

        # Save the results file.
        dir = self.write_results_dir + 'final'
        self.interpreter.results.write(file='results', dir=dir, force=True)

        # The Grace plots.
        dir = self.write_results_dir + 'final' + sep + 'grace'
        self.interpreter.grace.write(x_data_type='res_num', y_data_type='s2',  file='s2.agr',        dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.grace.write(x_data_type='res_num', y_data_type='s2f', file='s2f.agr',       dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.grace.write(x_data_type='res_num', y_data_type='s2s', file='s2s.agr',       dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.grace.write(x_data_type='res_num', y_data_type='te',  file='te.agr',        dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.grace.write(x_data_type='res_num', y_data_type='tf',  file='tf.agr',        dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.grace.write(x_data_type='res_num', y_data_type='ts',  file='ts.agr',        dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.grace.write(x_data_type='res_num', y_data_type='rex', file='rex.agr',       dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.grace.write(x_data_type='s2',      y_data_type='te',  file='s2_vs_te.agr',  dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.grace.write(x_data_type='s2',      y_data_type='rex', file='s2_vs_rex.agr', dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.grace.write(x_data_type='te',      y_data_type='rex', file='te_vs_rex.agr', dir=dir, force=True)

        # Write the values to text files.
        dir = self.write_results_dir + 'final'
        self.interpreter.value.write(param='s2',       file='s2.txt',       dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.value.write(param='s2f',      file='s2f.txt',      dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.value.write(param='s2s',      file='s2s.txt',      dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.value.write(param='te',       file='te.txt',       dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.value.write(param='tf',       file='tf.txt',       dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.value.write(param='ts',       file='ts.txt',       dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.value.write(param='rex',      file='rex.txt',      dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.value.write(param='local_tm', file='local_tm.txt', dir=dir, force=True)
        frqs = spectrometer.get_frequencies()
        for i in range(len(frqs)):
            comment = "This is the Rex value with units rad.s^-1 scaled to a magnetic field strength of %s MHz." % (frqs[i]/1e6)
            self.interpreter.value.write(param='rex', file='rex_%s.txt'%int(frqs[i]/1e6), dir=dir, scaling=(2.0*pi*frqs[i])**2, comment=comment, force=True)

        # Create the PyMOL macros.
        dir = self.write_results_dir + 'final' + sep + 'pymol'
        self.interpreter.pymol.macro_write(data_type='s2',        dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.pymol.macro_write(data_type='s2f',       dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.pymol.macro_write(data_type='s2s',       dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.pymol.macro_write(data_type='amp_fast',  dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.pymol.macro_write(data_type='amp_slow',  dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.pymol.macro_write(data_type='te',        dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.pymol.macro_write(data_type='tf',        dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.pymol.macro_write(data_type='ts',        dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.pymol.macro_write(data_type='time_fast', dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.pymol.macro_write(data_type='time_slow', dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.pymol.macro_write(data_type='rex',       dir=dir, force=True)

        # Create the Molmol macros.
        dir = self.write_results_dir + 'final' + sep + 'molmol'
        self.interpreter.molmol.macro_write(data_type='s2',        dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.molmol.macro_write(data_type='s2f',       dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.molmol.macro_write(data_type='s2s',       dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.molmol.macro_write(data_type='amp_fast',  dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.molmol.macro_write(data_type='amp_slow',  dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.molmol.macro_write(data_type='te',        dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.molmol.macro_write(data_type='tf',        dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.molmol.macro_write(data_type='ts',        dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.molmol.macro_write(data_type='time_fast', dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.molmol.macro_write(data_type='time_slow', dir=dir, force=True)
        self.interpreter.molmol.macro_write(data_type='rex',       dir=dir, force=True)

        # Create a diffusion tensor representation of the tensor, if a PDB file is present and the local tm global model has not been selected.
        if hasattr(cdp, 'structure') and hasattr(cdp, 'diff_tensor'):
            dir = self.write_results_dir + 'final'
            self.interpreter.structure.create_diff_tensor_pdb(file="tensor.pdb", dir=dir, force=True)