Ejemplo n.º 1
def _verify_one(req, wheel_path):
    # type: (InstallRequirement, str) -> None
    canonical_name = canonicalize_name(req.name or "")
    w = Wheel(os.path.basename(wheel_path))
    if canonicalize_name(w.name) != canonical_name:
        raise InvalidWheelFilename(
            "Wheel has unexpected file name: expected {!r}, "
            "got {!r}".format(canonical_name, w.name),
    dist = get_wheel_distribution(wheel_path, canonical_name)
    dist_verstr = str(dist.version)
    if canonicalize_version(dist_verstr) != canonicalize_version(w.version):
        raise InvalidWheelFilename(
            "Wheel has unexpected file name: expected {!r}, "
            "got {!r}".format(dist_verstr, w.version),
    metadata_version_value = dist.metadata_version
    if metadata_version_value is None:
        raise UnsupportedWheel("Missing Metadata-Version")
        metadata_version = Version(metadata_version_value)
    except InvalidVersion:
        msg = f"Invalid Metadata-Version: {metadata_version_value}"
        raise UnsupportedWheel(msg)
    if (metadata_version >= Version("1.2")
            and not isinstance(dist.version, Version)):
        raise UnsupportedWheel(
            "Metadata 1.2 mandates PEP 440 version, "
            "but {!r} is not".format(dist_verstr)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get_metadata_distribution(self) -> BaseDistribution:
     """Loads the metadata from the wheel file into memory and returns a
     Distribution that uses it, not relying on the wheel file or
     assert self.req.local_file_path, "Set as part of preparation during download"
     assert self.req.name, "Wheels are never unnamed"
     wheel = FilesystemWheel(self.req.local_file_path)
     return get_wheel_distribution(wheel, canonicalize_name(self.req.name))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def dist_from_wheel_url(name: str, url: str,
                        session: PipSession) -> BaseDistribution:
    """Return a distribution object from the given wheel URL.

    This uses HTTP range requests to only fetch the potion of the wheel
    containing metadata, just enough for the object to be constructed.
    If such requests are not supported, HTTPRangeRequestUnsupported
    is raised.
    with LazyZipOverHTTP(url, session) as zf:
        # For read-only ZIP files, ZipFile only needs methods read,
        # seek, seekable and tell, not the whole IO protocol.
        wheel = MemoryWheel(zf.name, zf)  # type: ignore
        # After context manager exit, wheel.name
        # is an invalid file by intention.
        return get_wheel_distribution(wheel, canonicalize_name(name))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _install_wheel(
    name: str,
    wheel_zip: ZipFile,
    wheel_path: str,
    scheme: Scheme,
    pycompile: bool = True,
    warn_script_location: bool = True,
    direct_url: Optional[DirectUrl] = None,
    requested: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Install a wheel.

    :param name: Name of the project to install
    :param wheel_zip: open ZipFile for wheel being installed
    :param scheme: Distutils scheme dictating the install directories
    :param req_description: String used in place of the requirement, for
    :param pycompile: Whether to byte-compile installed Python files
    :param warn_script_location: Whether to check that scripts are installed
        into a directory on PATH
    :raises UnsupportedWheel:
        * when the directory holds an unpacked wheel with incompatible
        * when the .dist-info dir does not match the wheel
    info_dir, metadata = parse_wheel(wheel_zip, name)

    if wheel_root_is_purelib(metadata):
        lib_dir = scheme.purelib
        lib_dir = scheme.platlib

    # Record details of the files moved
    #   installed = files copied from the wheel to the destination
    #   changed = files changed while installing (scripts #! line typically)
    #   generated = files newly generated during the install (script wrappers)
    installed: Dict[RecordPath, RecordPath] = {}
    changed: Set[RecordPath] = set()
    generated: List[str] = []

    def record_installed(srcfile: RecordPath,
                         destfile: str,
                         modified: bool = False) -> None:
        """Map archive RECORD paths to installation RECORD paths."""
        newpath = _fs_to_record_path(destfile, lib_dir)
        installed[srcfile] = newpath
        if modified:

    def is_dir_path(path: RecordPath) -> bool:
        return path.endswith("/")

    def assert_no_path_traversal(dest_dir_path: str, target_path: str) -> None:
        if not is_within_directory(dest_dir_path, target_path):
            message = ("The wheel {!r} has a file {!r} trying to install"
                       " outside the target directory {!r}")
            raise InstallationError(
                message.format(wheel_path, target_path, dest_dir_path))

    def root_scheme_file_maker(zip_file: ZipFile,
                               dest: str) -> Callable[[RecordPath], "File"]:
        def make_root_scheme_file(record_path: RecordPath) -> "File":
            normed_path = os.path.normpath(record_path)
            dest_path = os.path.join(dest, normed_path)
            assert_no_path_traversal(dest, dest_path)
            return ZipBackedFile(record_path, dest_path, zip_file)

        return make_root_scheme_file

    def data_scheme_file_maker(
            zip_file: ZipFile,
            scheme: Scheme) -> Callable[[RecordPath], "File"]:
        scheme_paths = {key: getattr(scheme, key) for key in SCHEME_KEYS}

        def make_data_scheme_file(record_path: RecordPath) -> "File":
            normed_path = os.path.normpath(record_path)
                _, scheme_key, dest_subpath = normed_path.split(os.path.sep, 2)
            except ValueError:
                message = (
                    "Unexpected file in {}: {!r}. .data directory contents"
                    " should be named like: '<scheme key>/<path>'.").format(
                        wheel_path, record_path)
                raise InstallationError(message)

                scheme_path = scheme_paths[scheme_key]
            except KeyError:
                valid_scheme_keys = ", ".join(sorted(scheme_paths))
                message = (
                    "Unknown scheme key used in {}: {} (for file {!r}). .data"
                    " directory contents should be in subdirectories named"
                    " with a valid scheme key ({})").format(
                        wheel_path, scheme_key, record_path, valid_scheme_keys)
                raise InstallationError(message)

            dest_path = os.path.join(scheme_path, dest_subpath)
            assert_no_path_traversal(scheme_path, dest_path)
            return ZipBackedFile(record_path, dest_path, zip_file)

        return make_data_scheme_file

    def is_data_scheme_path(path: RecordPath) -> bool:
        return path.split("/", 1)[0].endswith(".data")

    paths = cast(List[RecordPath], wheel_zip.namelist())
    file_paths = filterfalse(is_dir_path, paths)
    root_scheme_paths, data_scheme_paths = partition(is_data_scheme_path,

    make_root_scheme_file = root_scheme_file_maker(wheel_zip, lib_dir)
    files: Iterator[File] = map(make_root_scheme_file, root_scheme_paths)

    def is_script_scheme_path(path: RecordPath) -> bool:
        parts = path.split("/", 2)
        return len(parts) > 2 and parts[0].endswith(
            ".data") and parts[1] == "scripts"

    other_scheme_paths, script_scheme_paths = partition(
        is_script_scheme_path, data_scheme_paths)

    make_data_scheme_file = data_scheme_file_maker(wheel_zip, scheme)
    other_scheme_files = map(make_data_scheme_file, other_scheme_paths)
    files = chain(files, other_scheme_files)

    # Get the defined entry points
    distribution = get_wheel_distribution(
    console, gui = get_entrypoints(distribution)

    def is_entrypoint_wrapper(file: "File") -> bool:
        # EP, EP.exe and EP-script.py are scripts generated for
        # entry point EP by setuptools
        path = file.dest_path
        name = os.path.basename(path)
        if name.lower().endswith(".exe"):
            matchname = name[:-4]
        elif name.lower().endswith("-script.py"):
            matchname = name[:-10]
        elif name.lower().endswith(".pya"):
            matchname = name[:-4]
            matchname = name
        # Ignore setuptools-generated scripts
        return matchname in console or matchname in gui

    script_scheme_files: Iterator[File] = map(make_data_scheme_file,
    script_scheme_files = filterfalse(is_entrypoint_wrapper,
    script_scheme_files = map(ScriptFile, script_scheme_files)
    files = chain(files, script_scheme_files)

    for file in files:
        record_installed(file.src_record_path, file.dest_path, file.changed)

    def pyc_source_file_paths() -> Iterator[str]:
        # We de-duplicate installation paths, since there can be overlap (e.g.
        # file in .data maps to same location as file in wheel root).
        # Sorting installation paths makes it easier to reproduce and debug
        # issues related to permissions on existing files.
        for installed_path in sorted(set(installed.values())):
            full_installed_path = os.path.join(lib_dir, installed_path)
            if not os.path.isfile(full_installed_path):
            if not full_installed_path.endswith(".py"):
            yield full_installed_path

    def pyc_output_path(path: str) -> str:
        """Return the path the pyc file would have been written to."""
        return importlib.util.cache_from_source(path)

    # Compile all of the pyc files for the installed files
    if pycompile:
        with captured_stdout() as stdout:
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                for path in pyc_source_file_paths():
                    success = compileall.compile_file(path,
                    if success:
                        pyc_path = pyc_output_path(path)
                        assert os.path.exists(pyc_path)
                        pyc_record_path = cast(
                            "RecordPath", pyc_path.replace(os.path.sep, "/"))
                        record_installed(pyc_record_path, pyc_path)

    maker = PipScriptMaker(None, scheme.scripts)

    # Ensure old scripts are overwritten.
    # See https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1800
    maker.clobber = True

    # Ensure we don't generate any variants for scripts because this is almost
    # never what somebody wants.
    # See https://bitbucket.org/pypa/distlib/issue/35/
    maker.variants = {""}

    # This is required because otherwise distlib creates scripts that are not
    # executable.
    # See https://bitbucket.org/pypa/distlib/issue/32/
    maker.set_mode = True

    # Generate the console and GUI entry points specified in the wheel
    scripts_to_generate = get_console_script_specs(console)

    gui_scripts_to_generate = list(starmap("{} = {}".format, gui.items()))

    generated_console_scripts = maker.make_multiple(scripts_to_generate)

        maker.make_multiple(gui_scripts_to_generate, {"gui": True}))

    if warn_script_location:
        msg = message_about_scripts_not_on_PATH(generated_console_scripts)
        if msg is not None:

    generated_file_mode = 0o666 & ~current_umask()

    def _generate_file(path: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[BinaryIO]:
        with adjacent_tmp_file(path, **kwargs) as f:
            yield f
        os.chmod(f.name, generated_file_mode)
        replace(f.name, path)

    dest_info_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, info_dir)

    # Record pip as the installer
    installer_path = os.path.join(dest_info_dir, "INSTALLER")
    with _generate_file(installer_path) as installer_file:

    # Record the PEP 610 direct URL reference
    if direct_url is not None:
        direct_url_path = os.path.join(dest_info_dir, DIRECT_URL_METADATA_NAME)
        with _generate_file(direct_url_path) as direct_url_file:

    # Record the REQUESTED file
    if requested:
        requested_path = os.path.join(dest_info_dir, "REQUESTED")
        with open(requested_path, "wb"):

    record_text = distribution.read_text("RECORD")
    record_rows = list(csv.reader(record_text.splitlines()))

    rows = get_csv_rows_for_installed(

    # Record details of all files installed
    record_path = os.path.join(dest_info_dir, "RECORD")

    with _generate_file(record_path, **csv_io_kwargs("w")) as record_file:
        # Explicitly cast to typing.IO[str] as a workaround for the mypy error:
        # "writer" has incompatible type "BinaryIO"; expected "_Writer"
        writer = csv.writer(cast("IO[str]", record_file))