Ejemplo n.º 1
def _set_magnitude_phase(magn_phase_tuple):
        magnitude, phase = magn_phase_tuple
        raise ValueError(
            'Pass an iterable with two items (magnitude and phase)!')
    if not isscalar(magnitude) or not isscalar(phase):
        raise TypeError('Only scalar values for magnitude and phase accepted!')
    if magnitude < 0.0 and phase != 0.0:
        raise ValueError(
            'Only accepting negative values with a zero phase (real coupling)!'
    return magnitude, phase
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def eps_prime(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, complex) or not isscalar(value):
         raise TypeError("eps_prime must be a real number!")
     self._eps_prime = value
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def eps_tautau(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, complex) or not isscalar(value):
         raise TypeError("eps_tautau must be a real number!")
     self._eps_matrix[2, 2] = value + 1.j * self._eps_matrix[2, 2].imag
Ejemplo n.º 4
def load_reco_param(source):
    """Load reco parameterisation (energy-dependent) from file or dictionary.

    source : string or mapping
        Source of the parameterization. If string, treat as file path or
        resource location and load from the file; this must yield a mapping. If
        `source` is a mapping, it is used directly. See notes below on format.

    reco_params : OrderedDict
        Keys are stringified flavintgroups and values are dicts of strings
        representing the different reco dimensions and lists of distribution
        properties. These latter have a 'fraction', a 'dist' and a 'kwargs' key.
        The former two hold callables, while the latter holds a dict of
        key-callable pairs ('loc', 'scale'), which can be evaluated at the desired
        energies and passed into the respective `scipy.stats` distribution.
        The distributions for a given dimension will be superimposed according
        to their relative weights to form the reco kernels (via integration)
        when called with energy values (parameterisations are functions of
        energy only!).

    The mapping passed via `source` or loaded therefrom must have the format:
                            "dist": dist_id,
                            "fraction": val,
                            "kwargs": {
                                "loc": val,
                                "scale": val,

    `flavintgroup_string`s must be parsable by
    pisa.utils.flavInt.NuFlavIntGroup. Note that the `transform_groups` defined
    in a pipeline config file using this must match the groupings defined

    `dimension_string`s denote the observables/dimensions whose reco error
    distribution is parameterised (`"energy"` or `"coszen"`).

    `dist_id` needs to be a string identifying a probability distribution/statistical
    function provided by `scipy.stats`. No implicit assumptions about the
    distribution will be made if the `"dist"` key is missing.

    `"fraction"` holds the relative weight of the distribution. For a given
    dimension, the sum of all fractions present must be 1.

    Valid kwargs for distributions must at least include `"loc"` and `"scale"` -
    these will be passed into the respective `scipy.stats` function.

    `val`s can be one of the following:
        - Callable with one argument
        - String such that `eval(val)` yields a callable with one argument
    if not (source is None or isinstance(source, (basestring, Mapping))):
        raise TypeError('`source` must be string, mapping, or None')

    if isinstance(source, basestring):
        orig_dict = from_file(source)

    elif isinstance(source, Mapping):
        orig_dict = source

        raise TypeError('Cannot load reco parameterizations from a %s' %

    valid_dimensions = ('coszen', 'energy')
    required_keys = ('dist', 'fraction', 'kwargs')

    # Build dict of parameterizations (each a callable) per flavintgroup
    reco_params = OrderedDict()
    for flavint_key, dim_dict in orig_dict.iteritems():
        flavintgroup = NuFlavIntGroup(flavint_key)
        reco_params[flavintgroup] = {}
        for dimension in dim_dict.iterkeys():
            dim_dist_list = []

            if not isinstance(dimension, basestring):
                raise TypeError("The dimension needs to be given as a string!"
                                " Allowed: %s." % valid_dimensions)

            if dimension not in valid_dimensions:
                raise ValueError("Dimension '%s' not recognised!" % dimension)

            for dist_dict in dim_dict[dimension]:
                dist_spec_dict = {}

                # allow reading in even if kwargs not present - computation of
                # transform will fail because "loc" and "scale" hard-coded
                # requirement
                for required in required_keys:
                    if required not in dist_dict:
                        raise ValueError("Found distribution property dict "
                                         "without required '%s' key for "
                                         "%s - %s!" %
                                         (required, flavintgroup, dimension))

                for k in dist_dict.iterkeys():
                    if k not in required_keys:
                        logging.warn("Unrecognised key in distribution"
                                     " property dict: '%s'" % k)

                dist_spec = dist_dict['dist']

                if not isinstance(dist_spec, basestring):
                    raise TypeError(" The resolution function needs to be"
                                    " given as a string!")

                if not dist_spec:
                    raise ValueError("Empty string found for resolution"
                                     " function!")

                    dist = getattr(stats, dist_spec.lower())
                except AttributeError:
                        import scipy
                        sp_ver_str = scipy.__version__
                        sp_ver_str = "N/A"
                    raise AttributeError("'%s' is not a valid distribution"
                                         " from scipy.stats (your scipy"
                                         " version: '%s')." %
                                         (dist_spec.lower(), sp_ver_str))
                logging.debug("Found %s - %s resolution function: '%s'" %
                              (flavintgroup, dimension, dist.name))

                dist_spec_dict['dist'] = dist

                frac = dist_dict['fraction']

                if isinstance(frac, basestring):
                    frac_func = eval(frac)

                elif callable(frac):
                    frac_func = frac

                    raise TypeError(
                        "Expected 'fraction' to be either a string"
                        " that can be interpreted by eval or a callable."
                        " Got '%s'." % type(frac))

                dist_spec_dict['fraction'] = frac_func

                kwargs = dist_dict['kwargs']

                if not isinstance(kwargs, dict):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "'kwargs' must hold a dictionary. Got '%s' instead." %

                dist_spec_dict['kwargs'] = kwargs
                for kwarg, kwarg_spec in kwargs.iteritems():

                    if isinstance(kwarg_spec, basestring):
                        kwarg_eval = eval(kwarg_spec)

                    elif callable(kwarg_spec) or isscalar(kwarg_spec):
                        kwarg_eval = kwarg_spec

                        raise TypeError(
                            "Expected kwarg '%s' spec to be either a string"
                            " that can be interpreted by eval, a callable or"
                            " a scalar. Got '%s'." % type(kwarg_spec))

                    dist_spec_dict['kwargs'][kwarg] = kwarg_eval


            reco_params[flavintgroup][dimension] = dim_dist_list

    return reco_params
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_prior_bounds(obj, param=None, stddev=1.0):
    """Obtain confidence intervals for given number of
    standard deviations from parameter prior.

    obj : Prior, string, or Mapping
        if str, interpret as path from which to load a dict
        if dict, can be:
            template settings dict; must supply parameter name via `param`
            params dict; must supply parameter name via `param`
            prior dict

    param : Param
        Name of parameter for which to get bounds;
        necessary if `obj` is either template settings or params

    stddev : float or Iterable of floats
        number of stddevs

    bounds : OrderedDict
        A dictionary mapping the passed `stddev` values to the corresponding

    if isscalar(stddev):
        stddev = [stddev]
    elif isinstance(stddev, Iterable):
        stddev = list(stddev)

    bounds = OrderedDict()
    for s in stddev:
        bounds[s] = []

    if isinstance(obj, Prior):
        prior = obj
        if isinstance(obj, str):
            obj = from_file(obj)
        if 'params' in obj:
            obj = obj['params']
        if param is not None and param in obj:
            obj = obj[param]
        if 'prior' in obj:
            obj = obj['prior']

        prior = Prior(**obj)

    logging.debug('Getting confidence region from prior: %s', prior)
    x0 = prior.valid_range[0]
    x1 = prior.valid_range[1]
    x = ureg.Quantity(np.linspace(x0, x1, 10000), prior.units)
    chi2 = prior.chi2(x)
    for (i, xval) in enumerate(x[:-1]):
        for s in stddev:
            chi2_level = s**2
            if chi2[i] > chi2_level and chi2[i + 1] < chi2_level:
            elif chi2[i] < chi2_level and chi2[i + 1] > chi2_level:
                bounds[s].append(x[i + 1])
    return bounds