Ejemplo n.º 1
def info_name(package_name, useinstalldb=False):
    """Fetch package information for the given package."""

    installdb = pisilinux.db.installdb.InstallDB()
    packagedb = pisilinux.db.packagedb.PackageDB()
    if useinstalldb:
        package = installdb.get_package(package_name)
        repo = None
        package, repo = packagedb.get_package_repo(package_name)

    metadata = pisilinux.metadata.MetaData()
    metadata.package = package
    #FIXME: get it from sourcedb if available
    metadata.source = None
    #TODO: fetch the files from server if possible (wow, you maniac -- future exa)
    if useinstalldb and installdb.has_package(package.name):
            files = installdb.get_files(package.name)
        except pisilinux.Error as e:
            files = None
        files = None
    return metadata, files, repo
Ejemplo n.º 2
def snapshot():
    Takes snapshot of the system packages. The snapshot is only a record of which packages are currently
    installed. The record is kept by pisilinux history mechanism as it works automatically on install, remove
    and upgrade operations.

    installdb = pisilinux.db.installdb.InstallDB()
    historydb = pisilinux.db.historydb.HistoryDB()

    li = installdb.list_installed()
    progress = ctx.ui.Progress(len(li))

    processed = 0
    for name in installdb.list_installed():
        package = installdb.get_package(name)
        historydb.add_package(pkgBefore=package, operation="snapshot")
        # Save changed config files of the package in snapshot
        for f in installdb.get_files(name).list:
            if f.type == "config" and pisilinux.util.config_changed(f):
                fpath = pisilinux.util.join_path(ctx.config.dest_dir(), f.path)
                historydb.save_config(name, fpath)

        processed += 1
        ctx.ui.display_progress(operation = "snapshot",
                                percent = progress.update(processed),
                                info = _("Taking snapshot of the system"))
