Ejemplo n.º 1
def assign_node_vecs2edges(TG, unit_cell, SYM_TOL):

    edge_assign_dict = dict((k, {}) for k in TG.nodes())

    for n in TG.nodes(data=True):

        name, ndict = n
        cif = ndict['cifname']
        bbx = X_vecs(cif, 'nodes', True)
        nod = node_vecs(n[0], TG, unit_cell, True)

        bbxlabels = np.array([l[0] for l in bbx])
        nodlabels = np.array([l[0] for l in nod])

        bbxvec = np.array([l[1] for l in bbx])

        ll = 0
        for v in bbxvec:
            mag = np.linalg.norm(v - np.average(bbxvec, axis=0))
            if mag > ll:
                ll = mag

        nodvec = np.array([mag * (l[1] / np.linalg.norm(l[1])) for l in nod])

        rmsd, rot, tran = superimpose(bbxvec, nodvec)

        aff_b = np.dot(bbxvec, rot) + tran

        laff_b = np.c_[bbxlabels, aff_b]
        lnodvec = np.c_[nodlabels, nodvec]

        asd = []
        asd_append = asd.append
        for v1 in laff_b:
            smallest_dist = (1.0E6, 'foo', 'bar')
            v1vec = np.array([float(q) for q in v1[1:]])
            mag = np.linalg.norm(v1vec)
            for v2 in lnodvec:
                dist = np.linalg.norm(v1vec - v2[1:])
                if dist < smallest_dist[0]:
                    smallest_dist = (dist, v1[0], int(v2[0]), mag, v1vec)


        elad = dict((k[2], (k[1], k[3], k[4])) for k in asd)

        edge_assign_dict[name] = elad

    return edge_assign_dict
Ejemplo n.º 2
def vertex_assign(TG, TVT, node_cns, unit_cell, cn1, USNA, SYM_TOL):

    node_dict = dict((k, []) for k in TVT)

    for node in node_cns:
        for k in TVT:
            if node[0] == k[0]:

    if USNA:

        va = []
        va_append = va.append

        choice_dict = dict((k, '') for k in TVT)
        if not os.path.isfile('vertex_assignment.txt'):
            for k in node_dict:
                cn, name = k
                print ''
                print '???????????????????????????????????'
                print 'select building block for:', name, '(CN=' + str(
                    cn) + ')'
                for c in range(len(node_dict[k])):
                    print c, node_dict[k][c]
                cif_index = int(
                    raw_input('enter the index of the desired cif: \n'))
                choice_dict[k] = node_dict[k][cif_index]
                print '???????????????????????????????????'
                print ''
            with open('vertex_assignment.txt', 'r') as va_key:
                va_key = va_key.read()
                va_key = va_key.split('\n')
                choices = [(l.split()[0], l.split()[1]) for l in va_key
                           if len(l.split()) == 2]
            for k in node_dict:
                for c in choices:
                    if c[0] == k[1] and c[1] in node_dict[k]:
                        choice_dict[k] = c[1]

        for k in choice_dict:

            if len(choice_dict[k]) == 0:
                print 'Error in vertex_edge_assign.py:'
                print 'Node type', k[0], 'has not assigned cif.'
                print 'Exiting'

            for n in TG.nodes(data=True):
                name, ndict = n
                if ndict['type'] == k[1]:
                    va_append((name, choice_dict[k]))

        va = [va]


        print '*****************************************************************'
        print 'RMSD of the compatible node BBs with assigned vertices:          '
        print '*****************************************************************'
        print ''

        RMSDs = []
        RMSDs_append = RMSDs.append
        sym_assign = []
        sym_assign_append = sym_assign.append

        for k in node_dict:

            print 'vertex', k[1], '(' + str(k[0]) + ' connected)'

            matched = 0
            unmatched = 0

            if len(node_dict[k]) == 0:
            coord_num = k[0]

            for n in TG.nodes(data=True):
                name, ndict = n
                distances = []
                distances_append = distances.append

                if ndict['type'] == k[1]:
                    for cif in node_dict[k]:

                        nvec = np.array([
                            v / np.linalg.norm(v)
                            for v in node_vecs(name, TG, unit_cell, False)
                        bbxvec = np.array([
                            v / np.linalg.norm(v)
                            for v in X_vecs(cif, 'nodes', False)
                        rmsd, rot, tran = superimpose(bbxvec, nvec)
                        aff_b = np.dot(bbxvec, rot) + tran
                        distances_append((rmsd, cif))

                    for d in distances:
                        disp, cif = d
                        if d[0] < SYM_TOL[coord_num]:
                            matched += 1
                            matches = '(within tolerance)'
                            unmatched += 1
                            matches = '(outside tolerance)'
                        print '    ', cif, 'deviation =', np.round(disp,
                                                                   5), matches

                    for d in distances:
                        if d[0] < SYM_TOL[coord_num]:
                            sym_assign_append((k[1], d[1]))
            print '*', matched, 'compatible building blocks out of', len(
                node_dict[k]), 'available for node', k[1], '*'
        print ''

        rearrange = dict((k[1], []) for k in TVT)
        for a in sym_assign:
            rearrange[a[0]].append((a[0], a[1]))

        va_uncomb = [rearrange[a] for a in rearrange]

        va = []
        va_append = va.append
        for l in itertools.product(*va_uncomb):
            choice_dict = dict((i[0], i[1]) for i in l)
            va_temp = []
            va_temp_append = va_temp.append
            for n in TG.nodes(data=True):
                name, ndict = n
                va_temp_append((name, choice_dict[ndict['type']]))

    return va
Ejemplo n.º 3
def vertex_assign(TG, TVT, node_cns, unit_cell, USNA, SYM_TOL,

    node_dict = dict((k, []) for k in TVT)

    for node in node_cns:
        for k in TVT:
            if node[0] == k[0]:

    if USNA:

        va = []
        va_append = va.append

        choice_dict = dict((k, '') for k in TVT)
        if not os.path.isfile('vertex_assignment.txt'):
            raise ValueError(
                'User specificed node assignment is on, but there is not vertex_assignment.txt'
            with open('vertex_assignment.txt', 'r') as va_key:
                va_key = va_key.read()
                va_key = va_key.split('\n')
                choices = [(l.split()[0], l.split()[1]) for l in va_key
                           if len(l.split()) == 2]
            for k in node_dict:
                for c in choices:
                    if c[0] == k[1] and c[1] in node_dict[k]:
                        choice_dict[k] = c[1]

        for k in choice_dict:

            if len(choice_dict[k]) == 0:
                raise ValueError('Node type ' + k[0] +
                                 ' has not assigned cif.')

            for n in TG.nodes(data=True):
                name, ndict = n
                if ndict['type'] == k[1]:
                    va_append((name, choice_dict[k]))

        va = [va]


            'RMSD of the compatible node BBs with assigned vertices:          '

        sym_assign = []
        sym_assign_append = sym_assign.append

        for k in node_dict:

            print('vertex', k[1], '(' + str(k[0]) + ' connected)')

            matched = 0
            unmatched = 0

            if len(node_dict[k]) == 0:
            coord_num = k[0]

            for n in TG.nodes(data=True):
                name, ndict = n
                distances = []
                distances_append = distances.append

                if ndict['type'] == k[1]:
                    for cif in node_dict[k]:

                        nvec = np.array([
                            v / np.linalg.norm(v)
                            for v in node_vecs(name, TG, unit_cell, False)
                        bbxvec = np.array([
                            v / np.linalg.norm(v)
                            for v in X_vecs(cif, 'nodes', False)
                        rmsd, rot, tran = superimpose(bbxvec, nvec)
                        distances_append((rmsd, cif))

                    for d in distances:
                        disp, cif = d
                        if d[0] < SYM_TOL[coord_num]:
                            matched += 1
                            matches = '(within tolerance)'
                            unmatched += 1
                            matches = '(outside tolerance)'
                        print('    ', cif, 'deviation =', np.round(disp, 5),

                    for d in distances:
                        if d[0] < SYM_TOL[coord_num]:
                            sym_assign_append((k[1], d[1], d[0]))
            print('*', matched, 'compatible building blocks out of',
                  len(node_dict[k]), 'available for node', k[1], '*')

        rearrange = dict((k[1], []) for k in TVT)
        for a in sym_assign:
            rearrange[a[0]].append((a[0], a[1], a[2]))

        va_uncomb = [rearrange[a] for a in rearrange]

        for i in range(len(va_uncomb)):
            va_uncomb[i] = sorted(va_uncomb[i], key=lambda x: x[-1])

        va = []
        va_append = va.append
        used = []
        used_append = used.append
        for l in itertools.product(*va_uncomb):

            cifs = sorted(tuple([c[1] for c in l]))
            if cifs in used and not ALL_NODE_COMBINATIONS:

            choice_dict = dict((i[0], i[1]) for i in l)
            va_temp = []
            va_temp_append = va_temp.append

            for n in TG.nodes(data=True):
                name, ndict = n
                va_temp_append((name, choice_dict[ndict['type']]))


    return va
Ejemplo n.º 4
def adjust_edges(placed_edges, placed_nodes, sc_unit_cell):

    adjusted_placed_edges = []
    adjusted_placed_edges_extend = adjusted_placed_edges.extend

    placed_edges = np.asarray(placed_edges)
    edge_labels = set(map(int, placed_edges[:, -1]))

    edge_dict = dict((k, []) for k in edge_labels)

    node_connection_points = [
        list(map(float, i[1:4])) for i in placed_nodes
        if re.sub('[0-9]', '', i[5]) == 'X'

    for edge in placed_edges:
        ty = int(edge[-1])

    for k in edge_dict:

        edge = np.asarray(edge_dict[k])
        elems = edge[:, 0]
        evecs = [list(map(float, i)) for i in edge[:, 1:4]]
        charges = edge[:, 4]
        cp = edge[:, 5]
        ty = edge[:, 6]

        xvecs = [
            list(map(float, i)) for (i, j) in zip(evecs, cp)
            if re.sub('[0-9]', '', j) == 'X'
        relavent_node_xvecs = []
        relavent_node_xvecs_append = relavent_node_xvecs.append

        for ex in xvecs:

            min_dist = (1e6, [], 0)

            f_ex = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(sc_unit_cell), ex)
            for i in range(len(node_connection_points)):
                nx = node_connection_points[i]
                f_nx = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(sc_unit_cell), nx)

                fdist_vec, sym = PBC3DF_sym(f_ex, f_nx)
                cdist = np.linalg.norm(np.dot(sc_unit_cell, fdist_vec))

                if cdist < min_dist[0]:
                    min_dist = (cdist, np.dot(sc_unit_cell, f_nx + sym), i)


        ecom = np.average(xvecs, axis=0)
        rnxcom = np.average(relavent_node_xvecs, axis=0)

        evecs = np.asarray(evecs - ecom)
        xvecs = np.asarray(xvecs - ecom)
        relavent_node_xvecs = np.asarray(relavent_node_xvecs)

        trans = rnxcom
        min_dist, rot, tran = superimpose(xvecs, relavent_node_xvecs)
        adjusted_evecs = np.dot(evecs, rot) + trans
        adjusted_edge = np.column_stack(
            (elems, adjusted_evecs, charges, cp, ty))

    return (adjusted_placed_edges)