def loadPlantAndOrderList(args): plantName = args[0] orderListName = args[1] configName = args[2] plant = Plant.fromXmlFile(plantFileExists(plantName)) orderList = OrderList.fromXmlFile(orderListExists(orderListName), plant) configFile = configFileExists(configName) return plant, orderList, configFile
def main(self): """ starting point of the code """ print("Starting Pot-O-Duino ...") # Sign in 2 Firebase # self.firebaseCOM = FirebasePlantCom(piID = "123") # Make Plant and its SensorController # sensorController1 = SensorController(moisture=0, light=1, ph=-1, humidity = 0, temperature = 0) plant0 = Plant(name=self.firebaseCOM.plantName, type_="Aloe", sensorController="") # imgPiIDPath = "Users/-M4fSQFTJYiPq3lxwT0o/ImageImageImage" # data = self.firebaseCOM.db.child(imgPiIDPath).get() # print(data.val()[0:10]) # plantType = run_img_guessing(data.val()) level = 0 # Gather data and send 2 Firebase print("Gathering data from sensors and sending to Firebase ...") try: while True: time.sleep(0.01) # plant0.set_all_data() # plantData = plant0.get_all_data() level = level + 2 plantData = { "light": level, "moisture": 1, "temperature": 1, "humidity": 1 } piID = 1 piIDPath = self.firebaseCOM.get_firebasePlantPath() # print(piIDPath) self.firebaseCOM.update_pi_data(piIDPath, plantData) # plant0.print_plant() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('interrupted!')
def main(self): """ starting point of the code """ print("Starting Pot-O-Duino ...") # Sign in 2 Firebase self.firebaseCOM = FirebasePlantCom(piID="1") # Make Plant and its SensorController sensorController1 = SensorController(moisture=0, light=1, ph=-1, humidity=0, temperature=0) plant0 = Plant(name=self.firebaseCOM.plantName, type_="Aloe", sensorController=sensorController1) # Gather data and send 2 Firebase print("Gathering data from sensors and sending to Firebase ...") try: while True: time.sleep(0.01) plant0.set_all_data() plantData = plant0.get_all_data() piIDPath = self.firebaseCOM.get_firebasePlantPath( ) # getting the path to the appropriate branch to update on firebase self.firebaseCOM.update_pi_data(piIDPath, plantData) plant0.print_plant() if plant0.dry(): plant0.sensorController.watering() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('interrupted!')
def loadNewPlantAndOrderList(testNum): plantFilename, orderListFilename = benchmarkFileExists(testNum) plant = Plant.fromXmlFile(plantFilename) orderList = OrderList.fromXmlFile(orderListFilename, plant) return plant, orderList
def schedulerPerf(args): testNum = args[0] plantFilename, orderListFilename = benchmarkFileExists(testNum) plant = Plant.fromXmlFile(plantFilename) orderList = OrderList.fromXmlFile(orderListFilename, plant) Controller(plant, orderList).schedulerPerf(testNum)