Ejemplo n.º 1
def sara_debug(string, eobj=None):
    if eobj is not None:
        body = mail.get_body(eobj)
        if body is not None:
            logger.debug('[SARA]:: From:%s To:%s Subject:%s Body:%s::%s' %(eobj['from'],eobj['to'], eobj['subject'], EmailReplyParser.parse_reply(body), string))
            logger.debug('[SARA]:: From:%s To:%s Subject:%s ::%s' %(eobj['from'],eobj['to'], eobj['subject'], string))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def sara_debug(string, eobj=None):
    if eobj is not None:
        body = mail.get_body(eobj)
        if body is not None:
            logger.debug('[SARA]:: From:%s To:%s Subject:%s Body:%s::%s' %
                         (eobj['from'], eobj['to'], eobj['subject'],
                          EmailReplyParser.parse_reply(body), string))
            logger.debug('[SARA]:: From:%s To:%s Subject:%s ::%s' %
                         (eobj['from'], eobj['to'], eobj['subject'], string))
        logger.debug('[SARA]::%s' % (string))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def sara_handle(message_id, thread_id):

    sara_debug('[HANDLE]: message_id=%s, thread_id=%s' %
               (message_id, thread_id))
    message = google.GetMessage(gm, 'me', message_id)
    raw_email = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(message['raw'].encode("utf-8"))
    eobj = email.message_from_string(raw_email)

    header = eobj['headers']
    from_addr = mail.strip(eobj['from'])  # is a list
    to_addrs = mail.strip(eobj['to'])  # is a list

    sub = eobj['subject']
    if sub is None or sub == '':
        sara_debug('Subject missing', eobj)

    if mail.get_body(eobj) is None:
        sara_debug('No body present', eobj)

    if eobj['cc'] is None or eobj['cc'] == '':
        sara_debug('No CC')
        cc_addrs = []
        cc_addrs = mail.strip(eobj['cc'])

    # all to+cc addresses without sara
    to_plus_cc_addrs = [addr for addr in (to_addrs + cc_addrs) if addr != SARA]

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                       RFC 2822
    # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822#section-3.6.4
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    references = eobj['References']
    if references is not None:
        raw_id = references.split(' ')[0]
        raw_id = eobj.get('Message-ID')

    prev_elist, prev_mlist = [], []
    record = db.find_one({'thread_id': thread_id})

    if record is not None:
        sara_debug('Existing thread', eobj)
        prev_elist = record['elist']
        prev_mlist = record['mlist']
        # anyone in the To/CC field apart from busy person
        # and Sara is the free person
        # TODO: Also remove other busy users who are also using Sara

        # dont update if we recieve the same message
        # will happen when a history push notification was not
        # acknowledged
        if message_id not in record['mlist']:
            sara_debug('Existing message', eobj)
            # return

        fulist = record['fu']
        bu = record['bu']
        for addr in to_plus_cc_addrs:
            if (addr not in fulist) and (addr != bu):

        sara_debug('New thread/message', eobj)

        # who ever first sent a mail including Sara is the Busy person
        bu = from_addr[0]
        fulist = []
        for addr in to_plus_cc_addrs:


    # update database
    res = db.update({'thread_id': thread_id}, {
        'thread_id': thread_id,
        'elist': prev_elist,
        'mlist': prev_mlist,
        'bu': bu,
        'fu': fulist,

    # do nothing for loopback messages
    if from_addr[0] != SARA:
        receive(from_addr[0], to_plus_cc_addrs, eobj, thread_id, fulist, bu)
        sara_debug('BCC message', eobj)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def receive(from_addr, to_plus_cc_addrs, current_email, thread_id, fulist, bu):

        # the following is simply to fix the state among all free users. If a new
        # free guy is added by the busy guy, please take the most recent state
        # among the free guys and add him to that. <-- this adding a free guy in the
        # middle has not been included in the below snippet within the if statement
        if from_addr in fulist:

            audience = [addr for addr in to_plus_cc_addrs if addr != bu]
            if audience and audience != fulist:
                adding_others_reply(fulist, current_email, thread_id)
                to_plus_cc_addrs = fulist

        person_list = []
        for item in to_plus_cc_addrs:

                'email': item,
                'first_name': address_dict[item][0]

        from_entry = {
            'email': from_addr,
            'first_name': address_dict[from_addr][0]

        input_obj = {
            'email': {
                'from': from_entry,
                'to': person_list,
            'availability': {
                'dt': get_free_slots(bu),  # list of tuples of dt objects
                'loc': 'Location',

        sara_debug('INPUTTT' + input_obj.__str__())
        # dsobj = ds(thread_id) # if tid is None ds will pass a brand new object
        dsobj = gds(thread_id)

        output_obj = dsobj.take_turn(input_obj)
        sara_debug('OUTPUTTT ' + output_obj.__str__())

        if output_obj is not None:

            for each_email in output_obj['emails']:
                to_addrs = list(each_email['to'])
                sara_debug("INPUTTTTTTTT" + ','.join(to_addrs))
                to_addrs = [address_dict[item][1] for item in to_addrs]
                body = each_email['body']
                send(to_addrs, body, thread_id)

            if output_obj['meeting'] is not None:
                send_invite(SARA_F, list(output_obj['meeting']['to']),

        sara_debug("Finished receiving...Returning")
        return 'success'

    except Exception as e:

        print e
        print sys.exc_info()[0]
        sara_debug("Failed receiving...Returning")
        return 'Failure'
Ejemplo n.º 5
def sara_handle(message_id, thread_id):

    sara_debug('[HANDLE]: message_id=%s, thread_id=%s'%(message_id, thread_id))
    message = google.GetMessage(gm, 'me', message_id)
    raw_email = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(message['raw'].encode("utf-8"))
    eobj = email.message_from_string(raw_email)

    header = eobj['headers']
    from_addr = mail.strip(eobj['from']) # is a list
    to_addrs =  mail.strip(eobj['to']) # is a list

    sub = eobj['subject']
    if sub is None or sub == '':
        sara_debug('Subject missing', eobj)

    if mail.get_body(eobj) is None:
        sara_debug('No body present', eobj)

    if eobj['cc'] is None or eobj['cc'] == '':
        sara_debug('No CC')
        cc_addrs = []
        cc_addrs = mail.strip(eobj['cc'])

    # all to+cc addresses without sara
    to_plus_cc_addrs = [addr for addr in (to_addrs + cc_addrs) if addr != SARA]

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                       RFC 2822
    # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822#section-3.6.4
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    references = eobj['References']
    if references is not None:
        raw_id = references.split(' ')[0]
        raw_id = eobj.get('Message-ID')

    prev_elist, prev_mlist = [], []
    record = db.find_one({'thread_id': thread_id})

    if record is not None:
        sara_debug('Existing thread', eobj)
        prev_elist = record['elist']
        prev_mlist = record['mlist']
        # anyone in the To/CC field apart from busy person
        # and Sara is the free person
        # TODO: Also remove other busy users who are also using Sara

        # dont update if we recieve the same message
        # will happen when a history push notification was not
        # acknowledged
        if message_id not in record['mlist']:
            sara_debug('Existing message', eobj)
            # return

        fulist = record['fu']
        bu = record['bu']
        for addr in to_plus_cc_addrs:
            if (addr not in fulist) and (addr != bu):

        sara_debug('New thread/message', eobj)

        # who ever first sent a mail including Sara is the Busy person
        bu = from_addr[0]
        fulist = []
        for addr in to_plus_cc_addrs:


    # update database
    res = db.update(
        {'thread_id': thread_id},
            'thread_id': thread_id,
            'elist': prev_elist,
            'mlist': prev_mlist,
            'bu': bu,
            'fu': fulist,
        },  upsert = True

    # do nothing for loopback messages
    if from_addr[0] != SARA:
        receive(from_addr[0], to_plus_cc_addrs, eobj, thread_id, fulist, bu)
        sara_debug('BCC message', eobj)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def receive(from_addr, to_plus_cc_addrs, current_email, thread_id, fulist, bu):

        # the following is simply to fix the state among all free users. If a new
        # free guy is added by the busy guy, please take the most recent state
        # among the free guys and add him to that. <-- this adding a free guy in the
        # middle has not been included in the below snippet within the if statement
        if from_addr in fulist:

            audience = [addr for addr in to_plus_cc_addrs if addr != bu]
            if audience and audience != fulist:
                adding_others_reply(fulist, current_email, thread_id)
                to_plus_cc_addrs = fulist

        person_list = []
        for item in to_plus_cc_addrs:

                    'email': item,
                    'first_name': address_dict[item][0]

        from_entry = {
                        'email': from_addr,
                        'first_name': address_dict[from_addr][0]

        input_obj = {
        'email': {
                'from': from_entry,
                'to': person_list,
                'body': EmailReplyParser.parse_reply(mail.get_body(current_email)),

        'availability': {
                      'dt': get_free_slots(bu), # list of tuples of dt objects
                      'loc': 'Location',

        # dsobj = ds(thread_id) # if tid is None ds will pass a brand new object
        dsobj = gds(thread_id)

        output_obj = dsobj.take_turn(input_obj)
        sara_debug('OUTPUTTT '+output_obj.__str__())

        if output_obj is not None:

            for each_email in output_obj['emails']:
                to_addrs = list(each_email['to'])
                to_addrs = [address_dict[item][1] for item in to_addrs]
                body = each_email['body']
                send(to_addrs, body, thread_id)

            if output_obj['meeting'] is not None:
                send_invite(SARA_F, list(output_obj['meeting']['to']), output_obj['meeting']['loc'], output_obj['meeting']['dt']['start'], output_obj['meeting']['dt']['end'])

        sara_debug("Finished receiving...Returning")
        return 'success'

    except Exception as e:

        print e
        print sys.exc_info()[0]
        sara_debug("Failed receiving...Returning")
        return 'Failure'