Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_model_evaluation(self):
        tree = self.tree
        board = self.board 
        size = conf['SIZE']

        test_board1, player = game_init()
        make_play(0, 0, test_board1)

        test_board2, player = game_init()
        make_play(1, 0, test_board2)

        class DummyModel(object):
            def predict_on_batch(_, X):
                size = conf['SIZE']
                board1 = X[0].reshape(1, size, size, 17)
                board2 = X[1].reshape(1, size, size, 17)
                self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(board1, test_board1))
                self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(board2, test_board2))
                batch_size = X.shape[0]
                policy = np.zeros((batch_size, size * size + 1), dtype=np.float32)
                policy[:,0] = 1

                value = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype=np.float32)
                value[:] = 1
                return policy, value
        model = DummyModel()

        simulate(tree, board, model, mcts_batch_size=2, original_player=1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def do_move(self, action, color):
     if color is None:
         color = self.current_player
     if action != RESIGN and action != "pass":
         x, y = index2coord(
         )  # also included pass action. If skip action => y == SIZE
         make_play(x, y, self.board, color)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_model_evaluation(self):
        tree = self.tree
        board = self.board
        size = conf['SIZE']

        test_board1, player = game_init()
        make_play(0, 0, test_board1)

        test_board2, player = game_init()
        make_play(1, 0, test_board2)

        model = MCTSDummyModel()

        async_simulate(tree, board, model, energy=2, original_player=1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_simulation_can_recover_from_sucide_move_white(self):
        model = self.model
        board, player = game_init()

        x = randrange(SIZE)
        y = randrange(SIZE)
        for i in range(SIZE):
            for j in range(SIZE):
                make_play(0, SIZE, board)  # Black does not play playing
                if i == x and j == y:
                    make_play(0, SIZE, board)  # pass on one intersection
                    make_play(i, j, board)
        make_play(0, SIZE, board)  # Black does not play playing

        policies, values = model.predict_on_batch(board)
        policy = policies[0]
        policy[y * SIZE + x], policy[SIZE * SIZE] = policy[
            SIZE * SIZE], policy[y * SIZE + x]  # Make best move sucide
        mask = legal_moves(board)
        policy = ma.masked_array(policy, mask=mask)
                         y * SIZE + x)  # Best option in policy is sucide
        tree = new_tree(policy, board)
        chosen_play = select_play(policy,

        # First simulation chooses pass, second simulation chooses sucide (p is still higher),
        # then going deeper it chooses pass again (value is higher)
        self.assertEqual(chosen_play, SIZE * SIZE)  # Pass move is best option
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def setUp(self):
        size = conf['SIZE']
        board, player = game_init()
        policy = np.zeros((1, size * size + 1), dtype=np.float32)
        self.board = board
        self.size = size
        self.policy = policy
        board = self.board

        for x, y in [(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)]:
            make_play(x, y, board)  # black
            make_play(0, size, board)  # white pass
            policy[0, x + y * size] = 1

        policy[0, size * size] = -1  # Pass move
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def play(self, color, x, y, update_tree=True):
        index = coord2index(x, y)

        if update_tree:

        self.board, self.player = make_play(x, y, self.board)
        self.move += 1
        return self.board, self.player
Ejemplo n.º 7
def give_two_eyes(board, color):
    if not color in 'BW':
        raise Exception("Invalid color")
    eyes = [[0, 0], [2, 0]] # The 2 eyes
    for i in range(SIZE):
        for j in range(SIZE):
            if color == 'W':
                make_play(0, SIZE, board)  # Black pass

            if [i, j] in eyes:
                make_play(0, SIZE, board)  # pass on two intersection
                make_play(i, j, board) 

            if color == 'B':
                make_play(0, SIZE, board) # White pass
    if color == 'W':
        make_play(0, SIZE, board) # Black last pass
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def play(self, color, x, y, update_tree=True):
        index = coord2index(x, y)
        if update_tree:
            if self.mcts_tree and index in self.mcts_tree['subtree']:
                self.mcts_tree = self.mcts_tree['subtree'][index]
                self.mcts_tree['parent'] = None  # Cut the tree
                self.mcts_tree = None

        self.board, self.player = make_play(x, y, self.board, color)
        self.move += 1
        return self.board, self.player
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def play_game_kgs(self, game_file):
        with open(game_file, "rb") as f:
            game = sgf.Sgf_game.from_bytes(f.read())
        winner = game.get_winner()
        board_size = game.get_size()
        root_node = game.get_root()
        b_player = root_node.get("PB")
        w_player = root_node.get("PW")

        SIZE = conf['SIZE']
        if board_size != SIZE:
            print("GAME SIZE IS NOT EXPECTED ", board_size)

        board, _ = game_init()
        moves = []
            handicap = root_node.get("AB")  # Get handicap
            if len(handicap) > 0:
                board = self.setupHandicap(board, handicap)

        for move_n, node in enumerate(game.get_main_sequence()):
            player, move = node.get_move()
            if player is None:
            if move is None:
                index = -1
                move = (board_size, board_size)  #pass move
                index = coord2index(move[0], move[1])
            policy_target = np.zeros(board_size * board_size + 1, dtype=float)
            policy_target[index] = 1.0
            value = -1.0
            if winner == player:
                value = 1.0

            move_data = {
                'board': np.copy(board),
                'policy': policy_target,
                'value': value,
                'move': (move[0], move[1]),
                'move_n': move_n,
                'player': player
            board, _ = make_play(move[0],
                                 color=(1 if player == "b" else -1))

        return moves
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_model_learning(self):
        model = self.model
        board, player = game_init()
        for i in range(SIZE):
            for j in range(SIZE):
                if (i + j) % 2 == 0:
                    make_play(i, j, board)
                    make_play(0, SIZE, board)  # White does not play playing

        # Black board, black to play
        policies, values = model.predict_on_batch(board)
        self.assertGreater(values[0][0], 0.9)
        # White board, white to play
        board[:, :, :, -1] = 0
        policies, values = model.predict_on_batch(board)
        self.assertGreater(values[0][0], 0.9)

        board[:, :, :, -1] = 1
        make_play(0, SIZE, board)  # black passes
        # Black board, white to play
        policies, values = model.predict_on_batch(board)
        self.assertLess(values[0][0], -0.9)

        board[:, :, :, -1] = 1
        # White board, black to play
        policies, values = model.predict_on_batch(board)
        self.assertLess(values[0][0], -0.9)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def basic_tasks2(node, board, moves, model_indicator, original_player, process_id):
    for m in moves:
        x, y = index2coord(m)
        board, _ = make_play(x, y, board)
        # predicting
    policy, value = put_predict_request(model_indicator, board)
    # subtree making
    node['subtree'] = new_subtree(policy, board, node)
    v = value if board[0, 0, 0, -1] == original_player else -value
    node['count'] += 1
    node['value'] += v
    node['mean_value'] = node['value'] / float(node['count'])
    simulation_result_queue[process_id].put((node, moves))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def board_worker(input_tuple):
        dic, board = input_tuple
        action = dic['action']
        if dic['node']['subtree'] != {}:
            tmp_node = dic['node']
            tmp_action = action
            x, y = index2coord(tmp_action)
            board, _ = make_play(x, y, board)
            while tmp_node['subtree'] != {}:
                tmp_d = top_one_action(tmp_node['subtree'])
                tmp_node = tmp_d['node']
                tmp_action = tmp_d['action']
                dic['node'] = tmp_node
                x, y = index2coord(tmp_action)
                make_play(x, y, board)
            return board[0]

            x, y = index2coord(action)
            make_play(x, y, board)
            return board[0]
    except Exception:
        print("EXCEPTION IN BOARD WORKER!!!!!!")
Ejemplo n.º 13
def main():
    global start_time, time_limit
    start_time = datetime.now()
    time_limit = 11.6

    raw = Utils.json_input()
    request = raw['requests']

    model = load_best_model()

    board, player = game_init()
    if not (request['x'] == -2 and request['y'] == -2):
        board, player = make_play(request['x'] - 1, request['y'] - 1, board)

    if player == 1:
        color = 'B'
        color = 'W'

    engine = ModelEngine(model, conf['MCTS_SIMULATIONS'], board)
    x, y, _, _, _, _, _ = engine.genmove(color)
    response = {}
    response['x'], response['y'] = x + 1, y + 1
    if y == conf['SIZE']:
        response['x'], response['y'] = -1, -1
    Utils.json_output({'response': response})
    time_limit = 3.6

    while True:
            start_time = datetime.now()
            raw = Utils.json_input()
            request = raw['requests']
            if not (request['x'] == -1 and request['y'] == -1):
                            request['x'] - 1,
                            request['y'] - 1,
            x, y, _, _, _, _, _ = engine.genmove(color)
            response = {}
            response['x'], response['y'] = x + 1, y + 1
            if y == conf['SIZE']:
                response['x'], response['y'] = -1, -1
            Utils.json_output({'response': response})
        except json.JSONDecodeError:
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_learned_to_pass_black(self):
        model = self.model

        board, player = game_init()

        x = randrange(SIZE)
        y = randrange(SIZE)
        for i in range(SIZE):
            for j in range(SIZE):
                if i == x and j == y:
                    make_play(0, SIZE, board)  # pass on one intersection
                    make_play(i, j, board)
                make_play(0, SIZE, board)  # White does not play playing

        policies, values = model.predict_on_batch(board)
                         SIZE * SIZE)  # Pass move is best option
Ejemplo n.º 15
def basic_tasks(node, board, move, model_indicator, original_player):
    moves = [move]
    while node['subtree'] != {}:
        action = top_one_action(node['subtree'])
        node = action['node']
    #  making board
    for m in moves:
        x,y = index2coord(m)
        board, _ = make_play(x,y, board)
    policy, value = put_predict_request(model_indicator, board)
    node['subtree'] = new_subtree(policy, board, node)

    # backpropagation
    v = value if board[0, 0, 0, -1] == original_player else -value
    while True:
        node['count'] += 1
        node['value'] += v
        node['mean_value'] = node['value'] / float(node['count'])
        if node['parent']:
            node = node['parent']
    return node
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_model_evaluation_other_nested(self):
        tree = {
            'count': 0,
            'mean_value': 0,
            'value': 0,
            'parent': None,
            'move': 1,
                    'count': 0,
                    'p': 1,
                    'value': 0,
                    'mean_value': 0,
                    'move': 2,
                    'subtree': {},
                1: {
                    'count': 0,
                    'p': 0,
                    'mean_value': 0,
                    'value': 0,
                    'move': 2,
                    'subtree': {
                        0: {
                            'count': 0,
                            'p': 0,
                            'mean_value': 0,
                            'value': 0,
                            'move': 3,
                            'subtree': {},
                        2: {
                            'count': 0,
                            'p': 1,
                            'mean_value': 0,
                            'value': 0,
                            'move': 3,
                            'subtree': {},
        tree['subtree'][0]['parent'] = tree
        tree['subtree'][1]['parent'] = tree
        tree['subtree'][1]['subtree'][0]['parent'] = tree['subtree'][1]
        tree['subtree'][1]['subtree'][2]['parent'] = tree['subtree'][1]

        board = self.board 

        test_board1, player = game_init()
        make_play(0, 0, test_board1)

        test_board2, player = game_init()
        make_play(1, 0, test_board2)
        make_play(2, 0, test_board2)

        class DummyModel(object):
            def predict_on_batch(_, X):
                size = conf['SIZE']
                board1 = X[0].reshape(1, size, size, 17)
                board2 = X[1].reshape(1, size, size, 17)
                self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(board1, test_board1))
                self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(board2, test_board2))
                batch_size = X.shape[0]
                policy = np.zeros((batch_size, size * size + 1), dtype=np.float32)
                policy[:,0] = 1

                value = np.zeros((batch_size, 1), dtype=np.float32)
                value[:] = 1
                return policy, value
        model = DummyModel()

        simulate(tree, board, model, mcts_batch_size=2, original_player=1)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_bug(self):
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● . ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○
        size = conf['SIZE']
        board, player = game_init()

        for i in range(size*size):
            x, y = index2coord(i)
            if (x, y) in [(5, 6), (6, 6), (6, 8), (7, 8), (8, 8)]:
                make_play(x, y, board) # black
                make_play(0, size, board) # white pass
            elif (x, y) in [(6, 7)]:
                make_play(0, size, board) # black pass
                make_play(0, size, board) # white pass
                make_play(0, size, board) # black pass
                make_play(x, y, board) # white

        make_play(0, size, board) # black pass
        make_play(6, 7, board) # white

        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● . . ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
        # ● ● ● ● ● ● . . . 
        for i in range(size*size - 1):
            x, y = index2coord(i)
            if (x, y) in [(5, 6), (6, 6), (6, 8), (7, 8), (8, 8)]:
                self.assertEqual(board[0][y][x][0], 0) # empty
                self.assertEqual(board[0][y][x][1], 0) # emtpy
                self.assertEqual(board[0][y][x][0], 0) # white
                self.assertEqual(board[0][y][x][1], 1) # white
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_legal_moves_not_suicide(self):
        board, player = game_init()

        make_play(0, 0, board)  # black
        make_play(1, 0, board)  # white
        make_play(1, 1, board)  # black
        make_play(2, 1, board)  # white
        make_play(8, 8, board)  # black random pos
        make_play(3, 0, board)  # white
        # ○ ● . ● . .
        # . ○ ● . . .
        # . . . . . .
        mask = legal_moves(board)
                         False)  # not a suicide when capture other stones
Ejemplo n.º 19
def play_game(model1,
    board, player = game_init()
    moves = []

    current_model, other_model = choose_first_player(model1, model2)
    mcts_tree, other_mcts = None, None

    last_value = None
    value = None

    model1_isblack = current_model == model1

    start = datetime.datetime.now()
    skipped_last = False
    temperature = 1
    start = datetime.datetime.now()
    end_reason = "PLAYED ALL MOVES"
    if num_moves is None:
        num_moves = SIZE * SIZE * 2

    for move_n in range(num_moves):
        last_value = value
        if move_n == stop_exploration:
            temperature = 0
        policies, values = current_model.predict_on_batch(board)
        policy = policies[0]
        value = values[0]
        resign = resign_model1 if current_model == model1 else resign_model2
        if resign and value <= resign:
            end_reason = "resign"
        # Start of the game mcts_tree is None, but it can be {} if we selected a play that mcts never checked
        if not mcts_tree or not mcts_tree['subtree']:
            mcts_tree = new_tree(policy, board, add_noise=self_play)
            if self_play:
                other_mcts = mcts_tree

        index = select_play(policy, board, mcts_simulations, mcts_tree,
                            temperature, current_model)
        x, y = index2coord(index)

        policy_target = np.zeros(SIZE * SIZE + 1)
        for _index, d in mcts_tree['subtree'].items():
            policy_target[_index] = d['p']

        move_data = {
            'board': np.copy(board),
            'policy': policy_target,
            'value': value,
            'move': (x, y),
            'move_n': move_n,
            'player': player,

        if skipped_last and y == SIZE:
            end_reason = "BOTH_PASSED"
        skipped_last = y == SIZE

        # Update trees
        if not self_play:
            # Update other only if we are not in self_play
            if other_mcts and index in other_mcts['subtree']:
                other_mcts = other_mcts['subtree'][index]
                other_mcts['parent'] = None  # Cut the tree
            other_mcts = other_mcts['subtree'][index]
            other_mcts['parent'] = None  # Cut the tree
        mcts_tree = mcts_tree['subtree'][index]
        mcts_tree['parent'] = None  # Cut the tree

        # Swap players
        board, player = make_play(x, y, board)
        current_model, other_model = other_model, current_model
        mcts_tree, other_mcts = other_mcts, mcts_tree

        if conf['SHOW_EACH_MOVE']:
            # Inverted here because we already swapped players
            color = "W" if player == 1 else "B"

            print("%s(%s,%s)" % (color, x, y))

    winner, black_points, white_points = get_winner(board)
    player_string = {1: "B", 0: "D", -1: "W"}
    if end_reason == "resign":
        winner_string = "%s+R" % (player_string[player])
        winner_string = "%s+%s" % (player_string[winner],
                                   abs(black_points - white_points))
    winner_result = {1: 1, -1: 0, 0: None}

    if winner == 0:
        winner_model = None
        winner_model = model1 if (winner == 1) == model1_isblack else model2

    if model1_isblack:
        modelB, modelW = model1, model2
        modelW, modelB = model1, model2

    if player == 0:
        # black played last
        bvalue, wvalue = value, last_value
        bvalue, wvalue = last_value, value

    if conf['SHOW_END_GAME']:
        print("B:%s, W:%s" % (modelB.name, modelW.name))
        print("Bvalue:%s, Wvalue:%s" % (bvalue, wvalue))
        print("Game played (%s: %s) : %s" %
              (winner_string, end_reason, datetime.datetime.now() - start))

    game_data = {
        'moves': moves,
        'modelB_name': modelB.name,
        'modelW_name': modelW.name,
        'winner': winner_result[winner],
        'winner_model': winner_model.name,
        'result': winner_string,
        'resign_model1': resign_model1,
        'resign_model2': resign_model2,
    return game_data
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_self_sucide(self):
        board, player = game_init()

        make_play(0, 0, board) # black
        make_play(1, 0, board) # white
        make_play(8, 9, board) # black random
        make_play(2, 1, board) # white
        make_play(8, 8, board) # black random pos
        make_play(3, 0, board) # white
        # ○ ● . ● . .
        # . . ● . . .
        # . . . . . .
        make_play(2, 0, board) # black sucides
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][1][0], 1) # white stone
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][1][1], 0) # was not taken

        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][2][0], 0) # black stone
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][2][1], 0) # was taken
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_model_evaluation_nested(self):
        tree = {
            'count': 0,
            'mean_value': 0,
            'value': 0,
            'parent': None,
            'virtual_loss': 0,
                    'count': 0,
                    'p': 1,
                    'value': 0,
                    'mean_value': 0,
                    'virtual_loss': 0,
                    'subtree': {
                        1: {       # <----- This will be checked first
                            'count': 0,
                            'p': 1,
                            'mean_value': 0,
                            'value': 0,
                            'virtual_loss': 0,
                            'subtree': {},
                        2: {       # <----- This will be checked second
                            'count': 0,
                            'p': 0,
                            'mean_value': 0,
                            'value': 0,
                            'virtual_loss': 0,
                            'subtree': {},
                1: {
                    'count': 0,
                    'p': 0,
                    'mean_value': 0,
                    'value': 0,
                    'virtual_loss': 0,
                    'subtree': {},
        tree['subtree'][0]['parent'] = tree
        tree['subtree'][0]['subtree'][1]['parent'] = tree['subtree'][0]
        tree['subtree'][0]['subtree'][2]['parent'] = tree['subtree'][0]
        tree['subtree'][1]['parent'] = tree

        board = self.board
        size = conf['SIZE']

        test_board1, player = game_init()
        make_play(0, 0, test_board1)
        make_play(1, 0, test_board1)

        test_board2, player = game_init()
        make_play(0, 0, test_board2)
        make_play(2, 0, test_board2)

        model = MCTSDummyModel()
        # Remove the symmetries for reproductibility

        async_simulate(tree, board, model, energy=4, original_player=1)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_model_evaluation_other_nested(self):
        tree = {
            'count': 0,
            'mean_value': 0,
            'value': 0,
            'virtual_loss': 0,
            'parent': None,
            'subtree': {
                0: {
                    'count': 0,
                    'p': 1,
                    'value': 0,
                    'virtual_loss': 0,
                    'mean_value': 0,
                    'subtree': {},
                1: {
                    'count': 0,
                    'p': 0,
                    'mean_value': 0,
                    'virtual_loss': 0,
                    'value': 0,
                    'subtree': {
                        0: {
                            'count': 0,
                            'p': 0,
                            'mean_value': 0,
                            'virtual_loss': 0,
                            'value': 0,
                            'subtree': {},
                        2: {
                            'count': 0,
                            'p': 1,
                            'mean_value': 0,
                            'virtual_loss': 0,
                            'value': 0,
                            'subtree': {},
        tree['subtree'][0]['parent'] = tree
        tree['subtree'][1]['parent'] = tree
        tree['subtree'][1]['subtree'][0]['parent'] = tree['subtree'][1]
        tree['subtree'][1]['subtree'][2]['parent'] = tree['subtree'][1]

        board = self.board
        size = conf['SIZE']

        test_board1, player = game_init()
        make_play(0, 0, test_board1)

        test_board2, player = game_init()
        make_play(1, 0, test_board2)
        make_play(2, 0, test_board2)

        model = MCTSDummyModel()

        async_simulate(tree, board, model, energy=2, original_player=1)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_legal_moves_suicide3(self):
        board, player = game_init()

        make_play(1, 2, board)  # black
        make_play(2, 0, board)  # white
        make_play(3, 1, board)  # black
        make_play(3, 0, board)  # white
        make_play(1, 1, board, -1)  # white
        make_play(4, 1, board, -1)  # white
        make_play(2, 2, board, -1)  # white
        make_play(3, 2, board, -1)  # white
        # . . ● ● . .
        # . ● . ○ ● .
        # . ○ ● ● . .
        # . . . . . .
        mask = legal_moves(board)
        self.assertEqual(mask[10], True)  # suicide move should be illegal
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_legal_moves_suicide(self):
        board, player = game_init()

        make_play(0, 1, board)  # black
        make_play(1, 0, board)  # white
        make_play(1, 1, board)  # black
        make_play(2, 1, board)  # white
        make_play(8, 8, board)  # black random pos
        make_play(3, 0, board)  # white
        # . ● . ● . .
        # ○ ○ ● . . .
        # . . . . . .
        mask = legal_moves(board)
        self.assertEqual(mask[2], True)  # suicide move should be illegal
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_legal_moves_ko(self):
        board, player = game_init()

        make_play(0, 0, board) # black
        make_play(1, 0, board) # white
        make_play(1, 1, board) # black
        make_play(2, 1, board) # white
        make_play(8, 8, board) # black random pos
        make_play(3, 0, board) # white
        # ○ ● . ● . .
        # . ○ ● . . .
        # . . . . . .
        make_play(2, 0, board) # black captures_first
        # ○ . ○ ● . .
        # . ○ ● . . .
        # . . . . . .
        mask = legal_moves(board)
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][1][0], 0) # white stone
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][1][1], 0) # was taken
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][1][2], 1) # white stone was here
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][1][3], 0) # black stone was not here
        self.assertEqual(mask[1], True)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_legal_moves_not_ko(self):
        board, player = game_init()

        make_play(0, 0, board) # black
        make_play(1, 0, board) # white
        make_play(1, 1, board) # black
        make_play(2, 0, board) # white
        make_play(2, 1, board) # black
        make_play(8, 8, board) # white random pos
        # ○ ● ● . . .
        # . ○ ○ . . .
        # . . . . . .
        make_play(3, 0, board) # black captures_first
        # ○ . . ○ . .
        # . ○ ○ . . .
        # . . . . . .
        mask = legal_moves(board)
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][1][0], 0) # white stone 1
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][1][1], 0) # was taken
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][2][0], 0) # white stone 2
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][2][1], 0) # was taken
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][1][2], 1) # white stone 1 was here
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][1][3], 0) # black stone was not here
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][2][2], 1) # white stone 2 was here
        self.assertEqual(board[0][0][2][3], 0) # black stone was not here
        self.assertEqual(mask[1], False)
        self.assertEqual(mask[2], False)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def simulate(node, board, model, mcts_batch_size, original_player):
    node_subtree = node['subtree']
    max_actions = top_n_actions(node_subtree, mcts_batch_size)
    max_a = max_actions[0]['action']

    selected_action = max_a
    selected_node = node_subtree[selected_action]
    if selected_node['subtree'] == {}:
        # This is a leaf
        boards = np.zeros((mcts_batch_size, SIZE, SIZE, 17), dtype=np.float32)
        for i, dic in enumerate(max_actions):
            action = dic['action']
            if dic['node']['subtree'] != {}:
                # already expanded
                tmp_node = dic['node']
                tmp_action = action
                tmp_board = np.copy(board)
                x, y = index2coord(tmp_action)
                tmp_board, _ = make_play(x, y, tmp_board)
                while tmp_node['subtree'] != {}:
                    tmp_max_actions = top_n_actions(tmp_node['subtree'],
                    tmp_d = tmp_max_actions[0]
                    tmp_node = tmp_d['node']
                    tmp_action = tmp_d['action']
                    # The node for this action is the leaf, this is where the
                    # update will start, working up the tree
                    dic['node'] = tmp_node
                    x, y = index2coord(tmp_action)
                    make_play(x, y, tmp_board)

                boards[i] = tmp_board
                tmp_board = np.copy(board)
                x, y = index2coord(action)
                make_play(x, y, tmp_board)
                boards[i] = tmp_board

        # The random symmetry will changes boards, so copy them before hand
        presymmetry_boards = np.copy(boards)

        policies, values = random_symmetry_predict(model, boards)

        for policy, v, board, action in zip(policies, values,
                                            presymmetry_boards, max_actions):
            shape = board.shape
            board = board.reshape([1] + list(shape))
            player = board[0, 0, 0, -1]
            # Inverse value if we're looking from other player perspective
            value = v[0] if player == original_player else -v[0]

            subtree = new_subtree(policy, board, node)
            leaf_node = action['node']
            leaf_node['subtree'] = subtree

            current_node = leaf_node
            while True:
                current_node['count'] += 1
                current_node['value'] += value
                current_node['mean_value'] = current_node['value'] / float(
                if current_node['parent']:
                    current_node = current_node['parent']
        x, y = index2coord(selected_action)
        make_play(x, y, board)
        simulate(selected_node, board, model, mcts_batch_size, original_player)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def test_full_board_capture(self):
        size = conf['SIZE']
        board, player = game_init()

        for i in range(size*size - 2):
            x, y = index2coord(i)
            make_play(x, y, board) # black
            make_play(0, size, board) # white pass

        # ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
        # ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
        # ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
        # ○ ○ ○ ○ . .
        make_play(0, size, board) # black pass
        make_play(size -1, size - 1, board) # white corner
        # ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
        # ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
        # ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
        # ○ ○ ○ ○ . ●

        for i in range(size*size - 2):
            x, y = index2coord(i)
            self.assertEqual(board[0][y][x][0], 1) # black stone i
            self.assertEqual(board[0][y][x][1], 0) # black stone i

        self.assertEqual(board[0][size - 1][size - 1][0], 0) # white stone
        self.assertEqual(board[0][size - 1][size - 1][1], 1) # white stone
        self.assertEqual(board[0][size - 1][size - 2][0], 0) # empty
        self.assertEqual(board[0][size - 1][size - 2][1], 0) # empty

        make_play(size - 2, size - 1, board) # black
        # ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
        # ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
        # ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
        # ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ .
        for i in range(size*size - 1):
            x, y = index2coord(i)
            self.assertEqual(board[0][y][x][0], 0) # black stone i
            self.assertEqual(board[0][y][x][1], 1) # black stone i (it's white's turn)
        self.assertEqual(board[0][size - 1][size - 1][0], 0) # empty
        self.assertEqual(board[0][size - 1][size - 1][1], 0) # empty

        make_play(size - 1, size - 1, board) # white
        # . . . . . .
        # . . . . . .
        # . . . . . .
        # . . . . . ●
        for i in range(size*size - 1):
            x, y = index2coord(i)
            self.assertEqual(board[0][y][x][0], 0) # empty
            self.assertEqual(board[0][y][x][1], 0) # empty
        self.assertEqual(board[0][size - 1][size - 1][0], 0) # white
        self.assertEqual(board[0][size - 1][size - 1][1], 1) # white
Ejemplo n.º 29
def simulate(node, board, model, mcts_batch_size, original_player):
    node_subtree = node['subtree']
    max_actions = top_n_actions(node_subtree, mcts_batch_size)
    selected_action = max_actions[0]['action']
    selected_node = node_subtree[selected_action]
    if selected_node['subtree'] == {}:

        if False:  #conf['THREAD_SIMULATION']:
            from simulation_workers import process_pool, board_worker
            ret = process_pool.map(board_worker,
                                   [(dic, board)
                                    for i, dic in enumerate(max_actions)])
            boards = np.array(ret)
            boards = np.zeros((len(max_actions), SIZE, SIZE, 17),
            for i, dic in enumerate(max_actions):
                action = dic['action']
                tmp_board = np.copy(board)

                if dic['node']['subtree'] != {}:
                    # already expanded
                    tmp_node = dic['node']
                    tmp_action = action
                    x, y = index2coord(tmp_action)
                    tmp_board, _ = make_play(x, y, tmp_board)
                    while tmp_node['subtree'] != {}:
                        # tmp_max_actions = top_n_actions(tmp_node['subtree'], 1)
                        # tmp_d = tmp_max_actions[0]
                        tmp_d = top_one_action(tmp_node['subtree'])
                        tmp_node = tmp_d['node']
                        tmp_action = tmp_d['action']
                        # The node for this action is the leaf, this is where the
                        # update will start, working up the tree
                        dic['node'] = tmp_node
                        x, y = index2coord(tmp_action)
                        make_play(x, y, tmp_board)
                    boards[i] = tmp_board
                    x, y = index2coord(action)
                    make_play(x, y, tmp_board)
                    boards[i] = tmp_board

        # The random symmetry will changes boards, so copy them before hand
        presymmetry_boards = np.copy(boards)
        policies, values = random_symmetry_predict(model, boards)

        if conf['THREAD_SIMULATION']:
            from simulation_workers import subtree_worker, process_pool
            subtree_array = process_pool.map(
                [(policy, board)
                 for policy, board in zip(policies, presymmetry_boards)])

            for subtree, board, v, action in zip(subtree_array,
                                                 presymmetry_boards, values,
                player = board[0, 0, -1]
                value = v[0] if player == original_player else -v[0]
                leaf_node = action['node']
                for _, node in subtree.items():
                    node['parent'] = leaf_node
                leaf_node['subtree'] = subtree

                current_node = leaf_node
                while True:
                    current_node['count'] += 1
                    current_node['value'] += value
                    current_node['mean_value'] = current_node['value'] / float(
                    if current_node['parent']:
                        current_node = current_node['parent']

            for policy, v, board, action in zip(policies, values,
                # reshape from [n, n, 17] to [1, n, n, 17]
                shape = board.shape
                board = board.reshape([1] + list(shape))

                player = board[0, 0, 0, -1]
                # Inverse value if we're looking from other player perspective
                value = v[0] if player == original_player else -v[0]

                leaf_node = action['node']
                subtree = new_subtree(policy, board, leaf_node)
                leaf_node['subtree'] = subtree

                current_node = leaf_node
                while True:
                    current_node['count'] += 1
                    current_node['value'] += value
                    current_node['mean_value'] = current_node['value'] / float(
                    if current_node['parent']:
                        current_node = current_node['parent']
        x, y = index2coord(selected_action)
        make_play(x, y, board)
        simulate(selected_node, board, model, mcts_batch_size, original_player)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def test_get_liberties(self):
        board, player = game_init()

        make_play(0, 0, board)  # black
        make_play(1, 0, board)  # white
        make_play(8, 9, board)  # black random
        make_play(2, 1, board)  # white
        make_play(8, 8, board)  # black random pos
        make_play(3, 0, board)  # white
        make_play(2, 0, board)  # black
        # ○ ● . ● . .
        # . . ● . . .
        # . . . . . .
        tmp = get_liberties(2, 0, board, 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(tmp), 0)
        tmp = get_liberties(2, 0, board, -1)
        self.assertEqual(len(tmp), 4)

        board, player = game_init()
        make_play(2, 1, board)  # white
        make_play(2, 0, board)  # black
        make_play(3, 1, board)  # white
        make_play(1, 1, board)  # black
        make_play(4, 1, board, -1)  # white
        make_play(2, 2, board, -1)  # white
        # . . ○ . . .
        # . ○ ● ● ○ .
        # . . ○ . . .
        # . . . . . .
        tmp = get_liberties(2, 1, board, 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(tmp), 2)
        tmp = get_liberties(3, 1, board, 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(tmp), 2)