Ejemplo n.º 1
	def __init__(self, x, y, width=0, height=0):
		super(Player, self).__init__(x, y, width, height)
		# Player's boolean conditions
		self.isAlive = True # Because he can die
		self.isWalking = False # Obvious
		self.isCrouching = False # Obvious
		self.isFiring = False
		self.reloadTrigger = False
		self.position = {'direction': 'LEFT', 'mouse': 0}

		# Player inputs
		self.up = self.down = self.left = self.right = False
		self.mouseLeft = self.mouseMid = self.mouseRight = False

		# The rotating arm
		self.arm = Arm(self.rect.centerx, self.rect.centery, "Rifle")
		# Animations
			self.addAnimation('charge', 0.1, [("sprites/pixel.%s.png" % x) for x in range(1,4)])
				self.addAnimation('charge', 0.1, [("sprites\pixel.%s.png" % x) for x in range(1,4)])
			except Exception:
					print("File name error")
				except Exception:
					print "File name error"
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Player(entity.Movable):
# Class Player
# Contains input, status, movement, animation

	# Initialization method
	def __init__(self, x, y, width=0, height=0):
		super(Player, self).__init__(x, y, width, height)
		# Player's boolean conditions
		self.isAlive = True # Because he can die
		self.isWalking = False # Obvious
		self.isCrouching = False # Obvious
		self.isFiring = False
		self.reloadTrigger = False
		self.position = {'direction': 'LEFT', 'mouse': 0}

		# Player inputs
		self.up = self.down = self.left = self.right = False
		self.mouseLeft = self.mouseMid = self.mouseRight = False

		# The rotating arm
		self.arm = Arm(self.rect.centerx, self.rect.centery, "Rifle")
		# Animations
			self.addAnimation('charge', 0.1, [("sprites/pixel.%s.png" % x) for x in range(1,4)])
				self.addAnimation('charge', 0.1, [("sprites\pixel.%s.png" % x) for x in range(1,4)])
			except Exception:
					print("File name error")
				except Exception:
					print "File name error"
#===================== INPUTING ======================================#

	def input(self, e):
		if e.type == KEYDOWN:
			if e.key == K_LEFT:
				self.left, self.right = True, False
			if e.key == K_RIGHT:
				self.left, self.right = False, True
			if e.key == K_UP and self.onGround:
				self.jumpForce = 11.4

		if e.type == KEYUP:
			if e.key == K_LEFT:
				self.left = False
			if e.key == K_RIGHT:
				self.right = False

		(mouse_x, mouse_y) = mouse.get_pos()
		(self.mouseLeft, self.mouseMid, self.mouseRight) = mouse.get_pressed()

		if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and self.mouseLeft: self.isFiring = True
		if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP and not self.mouseLeft: self.isFiring = False

		if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key: self.reloadTrigger = True

		if e.type == MOUSEMOTION:
			#self.arm.onMouseAction((mouse_x, mouse_y), self.rect)
			self.position['mouse'] = mouse_x

		self.arm.onMouseAction(mouse.get_pos(), self.rect, self.mouseLeft, self.mouseRight)

		return mouse.get_focused()

#===================== UPDATING ======================================#

	# Updates player's movement
	def update(self, floorGroup, bulletGroup, granadeGroup):
		super(Player, self).motion(floorGroup, self.hVelocity)

		self.arm.fire(self.isFiring, self.reloadTrigger, bulletGroup, granadeGroup)
		self.reloadTrigger = False

	def _horizontalMotion(self):
		maxVelocity = 5
		maxAcceleration = 1.1
		# Horizontal concern
		if self.onGround and not self.hitWall:
			if self.left or self.right:
				if self.left:
					if self.acceleration > -maxAcceleration:
						self.acceleration -= 0.2
				elif self.right: 
					if self.acceleration < maxAcceleration:
						self.acceleration += 0.2
				if self.hVelocity < maxVelocity and self.hVelocity > -maxVelocity:
					self.hVelocity += self.acceleration
					if self.hVelocity > 0: self.hVelocity -= 0.7
					if self.hVelocity < 0: self.hVelocity += 0.7
				self.acceleration = 0
				if self.hVelocity > -1 or self.hVelocity < 1:
					self.hVelocity = 0
					if self.hVelocity > 0:	self.hVelocity -= 0.3
					else:	self.hVelocity += 0.3
		elif self.hitWall:
			self.hVelocity = 0
			self.acceleration = 0
		elif not self.onGround:
			if self.hVelocity < 1 and self.hVelocity > -1:
				if self.left: 
					self.hVelocity -= 2
					self.acceleration -= 1.0
				if self.right: 
					self.hVelocity += 2
					self.acceleration += 1.0

	def _verticalMotion(self):
		if not self.hitCeiling:
			if self.jumpForce > 0:
				self.jumpForce -= 2
				self.vVelocity -= self.jumpForce
			if self.jumpForce <= 0: self.jumpForce = 0
			self.jumpForce = 0
			self.vVelocity = 0

		# Change direction of the player according to actual
		# direction and mouse position on screen
		if self.position['direction']== 'LEFT' \
		and self.position['mouse'] > self.rect.centerx:
		#	self.flip()
		if self.position['direction']== 'RIGHT' \
		and self.position['mouse'] <= self.rect.centerx:
		#	self.flip()

#===================== DRAWING =======================================#

	def draw(self, surface):
		self.arm.draw(surface, self.rect.centerx, self.rect.centery)
#		self._animatingFire('charge', surface)
		draw.rect(surface, (255, 0, 0), self.rect)
		draw.rect(surface, (50, 50, 50), self.arm.rect)