def preprocess(data, model, mode): if mode == 'lda+lennorm': print(mode) for grp in data.keys(): data[grp]['X'] = lennorm( (data[grp]['X'] - model['mu_ind']) @ model['lda_matrix']) return data elif mode == 'ldawccn+lennorm': print(mode) for grp in data.keys(): data[grp]['X'] = lennorm( (data[grp]['X'] - model['mu_ind']) @ model['lda_wccn_matrix']) return data elif mode == 'lennorm': print(mode) for grp in data.keys(): data[grp]['X'] = lennorm(data[grp]['X']) - model['mu2'] return data elif mode == 'none': print(mode) return data else: raise NotImplementedError
def preprocess(x, model, mode='lennorm', mu_outd=None): mu2 = model['mu2'] if mu_outd is None else mu_outd if mode == 'lennorm': x = lennorm(x) - mu2 elif mode == 'wccn+lennorm+wccn': y = (x - model['mu1']) @ model['wccn_matrix1'] x = lennorm(y) @ model['wccn_matrix2'] - mu2 elif mode == 'none': # Note that it is wrong because we have to subtract the global mean pass else: raise NotImplementedError return x
def process_traning_data(self, X, spk_ids, X_ind=None, spk_ids_ind=None): if self.utts_cutoff or self.norm_cutoff is not None: X, spk_ids = self._remove_bad_ivcs(X, spk_ids) print(self.prep_mode) if self.prep_mode == 'lda+lennorm': X = X - X.mean(0) prep = PreProcess(X=X, spk_ids=spk_ids, ndim=self.lda_dim).trans_lda() self.mu1 = self.lda_matrix = prep.lda_matrix prep.lennorm() self.mu2 = X = prep.X elif self.prep_mode == 'ldawccn+lennorm': X = X - X.mean(0) prep = PreProcess(X=X, spk_ids=spk_ids, ndim=self.lda_dim).trans_lda_wccn() self.mu1 = self.lda_wccn_matrix = prep.lda_wccn_matrix prep.lennorm() self.mu2 = X = prep.X elif self.prep_mode == 'lennorm': X = X - X.mean(0) X = lennorm(X) self.mu_outd = X.mean(0) # Global mean of out-of-domain data if X_ind is not None: X_ind = lennorm(X_ind) self.mu2 = X.mean(0) if X_ind is None else X_ind.mean(0) X = X - X.mean(0) # Make sure training vectors for PLDA have zero mean elif self.prep_mode == 'none': pass else: raise NotImplementedError return X, spk_ids
def ahc_clustering(unlabeled_file, labeled_file, n_clusters=10, display=False): """ Perform agglomerative clustering on the unlabeled file (in .h5 format) and produce a labeled file (in .h5 format). :param unlabeled_file: :param labeled_file: :param n_clusters: :return: """ with h5.File(unlabeled_file) as f: X = f['X'][:] n_frames = f['n_frames'][:] spk_path = f['spk_path'][:] ahc = AgglomerativeClustering(linkage='complete', n_clusters=n_clusters, affinity='cosine') os.remove(labeled_file) if os.path.isfile(labeled_file) else None unicode = h5.special_dtype(vlen=str) with h5.File(labeled_file, 'w') as f: f['X'] = X f['n_frames'] = n_frames f['spk_path'] = spk_path spk_ids = [] for label in ahc.labels_: spk_ids.append('spk-' + str(label)) f['spk_ids'] = np.array(spk_ids, dtype=unicode) if display: plot_dendrogram(ahc, labels=ahc.labels_) lbs, lbs_count = np.unique(ahc.labels_, return_counts=True), lbs_count) plt.xlabel('Cluster Index') plt.ylabel('No. of Samples')
def process_traning_data(self, X, spk_ids, X_ind=None, spk_ids_ind=None): if self.utts_cutoff or self.norm_cutoff is not None: X, spk_ids = self._remove_bad_ivcs(X, spk_ids) print(self.prep_mode) # If in-domain data are provided, save the mean and WCCN estimated by in-domain data if self.prep_mode == 'lda+lennorm': X = X - X.mean(0) prep = PreProcess(X=X, spk_ids=spk_ids, ndim=self.lda_dim).trans_lda() self.mu1 = self.lda_matrix = prep.lda_matrix prep.lennorm() self.mu2 = X = prep.X elif self.prep_mode == 'wccn+lennorm+wccn': prep = PreProcess(X=X, spk_ids=spk_ids, ndim=self.lda_dim).trans_wccn() self.wccn_matrix1, self.mu1 = prep.wccn_matrix, prep.lennorm().trans_wccn() self.wccn_matrix2, self.mu2 = prep.wccn_matrix, X = prep.X if X_ind is not None: prep = PreProcess(X=X_ind, spk_ids=spk_ids_ind, ndim=self.lda_dim).trans_wccn() self.wccn_matrix1, self.mu1 = prep.wccn_matrix, prep.lennorm().trans_wccn() self.wccn_matrix2, self.mu2 = prep.wccn_matrix, elif self.prep_mode == 'wccn+lennorm+lda+wccn': prep = PreProcess(X=X, spk_ids=spk_ids, ndim=self.lda_dim).trans_wccn() self.wccn_matrix1, self.mu1 = prep.wccn_matrix, prep.lennorm().trans_lda_wccn() self.lda_wccn_matrix, self.mu2 = prep.lda_wccn_matrix, X = prep.demean().X if X_ind is not None: prep = PreProcess(X=X_ind, spk_ids=spk_ids_ind, ndim=self.lda_dim).trans_wccn() self.wccn_matrix1, self.mu1 = prep.wccn_matrix, prep.lennorm().trans_lda_wccn() self.lda_wccn_matrix, self.mu2 = prep.lda_wccn_matrix, elif self.prep_mode == 'lennorm': X = lennorm(X) self.mu_outd = X.mean(0) # Global mean of out-of-domain data if X_ind is not None: X_ind = lennorm(X_ind) self.mu2 = X.mean(0) if X_ind is None else X_ind.mean(0) X = X - X.mean( 0) # Make sure training vectors for PLDA have zero mean elif self.prep_mode == 'given_mu2+lennorm': prep = PreProcess(X=X, spk_ids=spk_ids) X = prep.lennorm().X X -= self.mu2 elif self.prep_mode == 'wccn+lennorm': prep = PreProcess(X=X, spk_ids=spk_ids).trans_wccn() self.wccn_matrix = prep.wccn_matrix self.mu2 = prep.lennorm().mu X = prep.demean().X elif self.prep_mode == 'whiten+lennorm': if X_ind is not None: self.mu1 = X_ind.mean(0) prep = PreProcess(X=X_ind, spk_ids=spk_ids).trans_whiten().lennorm() self.whiten_matrix = prep.whiten_matrix self.mu2 = X = lennorm((X - self.mu1) @ self.whiten_matrix) - self.mu2 else: self.mu1 = X.mean( 0) # mu1 should be the global mean before whitening prep = PreProcess(X=X, spk_ids=spk_ids).trans_whiten().lennorm() self.whiten_matrix = prep.whiten_matrix self.mu2 = X = lennorm((X - self.mu1) @ self.whiten_matrix) - self.mu2 elif self.prep_mode is None: self.mu2 = X.mean(0) X -= self.mu2 elif self.prep_mode == 'none': self.mu2 = X.mean(0) if X_ind is None else X_ind.mean(0) self.mu_outd = X.mean(0) X -= self.mu_outd else: raise NotImplementedError return X, spk_ids