Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,
                 node: 'plenum.server.node.Node',
                 instId: int,
                 isMaster: bool = False):
        Create a new replica.

        :param node: Node on which this replica is located
        :param instId: the id of the protocol instance the replica belongs to
        :param isMaster: is this a replica of the master protocol instance
        self.stats = Stats(TPCStat)

        self.config = getConfig()

        routerArgs = [(ReqDigest, self._preProcessReqDigest)]

        for r in [PrePrepare, Prepare, Commit]:
            routerArgs.append((r, self.processThreePhaseMsg))

        routerArgs.append((Checkpoint, self.processCheckpoint))
        routerArgs.append((ThreePCState, self.process3PhaseState))

        self.inBoxRouter = Router(*routerArgs)

        self.threePhaseRouter = Router((PrePrepare, self.processPrePrepare),
                                       (Prepare, self.processPrepare),
                                       (Commit, self.processCommit))

        self.node = node
        self.instId = instId

        self.name = self.generateName(node.name, self.instId)

        self.outBox = deque()
        This queue is used by the replica to send messages to its node. Replica
        puts messages that are consumed by its node

        self.inBox = deque()
        This queue is used by the replica to receive messages from its node.
        Node puts messages that are consumed by the replica

        self.inBoxStash = deque()
        If messages need to go back on the queue, they go here temporarily and
        are put back on the queue on a state change

        self.isMaster = isMaster

        # Indicates name of the primary replica of this protocol instance.
        # None in case the replica does not know who the primary of the
        # instance is
        self._primaryName = None  # type: Optional[str]

        # Requests waiting to be processed once the replica is able to decide
        # whether it is primary or not
        self.postElectionMsgs = deque()

        # PRE-PREPAREs that are waiting to be processed but do not have the
        # corresponding request digest. Happens when replica has not been
        # forwarded the request by the node but is getting 3 phase messages.
        # The value is a list since a malicious entry might send PRE-PREPARE
        # with a different digest and since we dont have the request finalised,
        # we store all PRE-PPREPARES
        self.prePreparesPendingReqDigest = {
        }  # type: Dict[Tuple[str, int], List]

        # PREPAREs that are stored by non primary replica for which it has not
        #  got any PRE-PREPARE. Dictionary that stores a tuple of view no and
        #  prepare sequence number as key and a deque of PREPAREs as value.
        # This deque is attempted to be flushed on receiving every
        # PRE-PREPARE request.
        self.preparesWaitingForPrePrepare = {}
        # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], deque]

        # COMMITs that are stored for which there are no PRE-PREPARE or PREPARE
        # received
        self.commitsWaitingForPrepare = {}
        # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], deque]

        # Dictionary of sent PRE-PREPARE that are stored by primary replica
        # which it has broadcasted to all other non primary replicas
        # Key of dictionary is a 2 element tuple with elements viewNo,
        # pre-prepare seqNo and value is a tuple of Request Digest and time
        self.sentPrePrepares = {}
        # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[Tuple[str, int], float]]

        # Dictionary of received PRE-PREPAREs. Key of dictionary is a 2
        # element tuple with elements viewNo, pre-prepare seqNo and value is
        # a tuple of Request Digest and time
        self.prePrepares = {}
        # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[Tuple[str, int], float]]

        # Dictionary of received Prepare requests. Key of dictionary is a 2
        # element tuple with elements viewNo, seqNo and value is a 2 element
        # tuple containing request digest and set of sender node names(sender
        # replica names in case of multiple protocol instances)
        # (viewNo, seqNo) -> ((identifier, reqId), {senders})
        self.prepares = Prepares()
        # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[Tuple[str, int], Set[str]]]

        self.commits = Commits()  # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int],
        # Tuple[Tuple[str, int], Set[str]]]

        # Set of tuples to keep track of ordered requests. Each tuple is
        # (viewNo, ppSeqNo)
        self.ordered = OrderedSet()  # type: OrderedSet[Tuple[int, int]]

        # Dictionary to keep track of the which replica was primary during each
        # view. Key is the view no and value is the name of the primary
        # replica during that view
        self.primaryNames = {}  # type: Dict[int, str]

        # Holds msgs that are for later views
        self.threePhaseMsgsForLaterView = deque()
        # type: deque[(ThreePhaseMsg, str)]

        # Holds tuple of view no and prepare seq no of 3-phase messages it
        # received while it was not participating
        self.stashingWhileCatchingUp = set()  # type: Set[Tuple]

        # Commits which are not being ordered since commits with lower view
        # numbers and sequence numbers have not been ordered yet. Key is the
        # viewNo and value a map of pre-prepare sequence number to commit
        self.stashedCommitsForOrdering = {}  # type: Dict[int,
        # Dict[int, Commit]]

        self.checkpoints = SortedDict(lambda k: k[0])

        self.stashingWhileOutsideWaterMarks = deque()

        # Low water mark
        self._h = 0  # type: int

        # High water mark
        self.H = self._h + self.config.LOG_SIZE  # type: int

        self.lastPrePrepareSeqNo = self.h  # type: int
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
                 name: str,
                 validators: List[str],
                 inst_id: int,
                 is_master: bool = True):
        self._name = name
        self.inst_id = inst_id
        self.view_no = 0
        self.waiting_for_new_view = False
        self.primaries = []
        self.is_master = is_master

        self.legacy_vc_in_progress = False
        self.requests = Requests()
        self.last_ordered_3pc = (0, 0)
        # Indicates name of the primary replica of this protocol instance.
        # None in case the replica does not know who the primary of the
        # instance is
        # TODO: Replace this by read-only property which uses primaries and inst_id
        self.primary_name = None
        # seqNoEnd of the last stabilized checkpoint
        self.stable_checkpoint = 0
        # Checkpoint messages which the current node sent.
        # TODO: Replace sorted list with dict
        self.checkpoints = SortedListWithKey(
            key=lambda checkpoint: checkpoint.seqNoEnd)
        # List of BatchIDs of PrePrepare messages for which quorum of Prepare messages is not reached yet
        self.preprepared = []  # type:  List[BatchID]
        # List of BatchIDs of PrePrepare messages for which quorum of Prepare messages is reached
        self.prepared = []  # type:  List[BatchID]
        self._validators = None
        self.quorums = None
        self.view_change_votes = ViewChangeVotesForView(
        # a list of validator node names ordered by rank (historical order of adding)
        self.low_watermark = 0
        self.log_size = getConfig().LOG_SIZE
        self.high_watermark = self.low_watermark + self.log_size
        self.pp_seq_no = 0
        self.node_mode = Mode.starting
        # ToDo: it should be set in view_change_service before view_change starting
        # 3 phase key for the last prepared certificate before view change
        # started, applicable only to master instance
        self.legacy_last_prepared_before_view_change = None
        self.prev_view_prepare_cert = None

        # Dictionary of sent PRE-PREPARE that are stored by primary replica
        # which it has broadcasted to all other non primary replicas
        # Key of dictionary is a 2 element tuple with elements viewNo,
        # pre-prepare seqNo and value is the received PRE-PREPARE
        self.sent_preprepares = SortedDict(lambda k: (k[0], k[1]))
        # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], PrePrepare]

        # Dictionary of all Prepare requests. Key of dictionary is a 2
        # element tuple with elements viewNo, seqNo and value is a 2 element
        # tuple containing request digest and set of sender node names(sender
        # replica names in case of multiple protocol instances)
        # (viewNo, seqNo) -> ((identifier, reqId), {senders})
        self.prepares = Prepares()
        # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[Tuple[str, int], Set[str]]]

        self.commits = Commits()
        # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[Tuple[str, int], Set[str]]]

        # Tracks for which keys PRE-PREPAREs have been requested.
        # Cleared in `gc`
        self.requested_pre_prepares = {}
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
                 node: 'plenum.server.node.Node',
                 instId: int,
                 isMaster: bool = False):
        Create a new replica.

        :param node: Node on which this replica is located
        :param instId: the id of the protocol instance the replica belongs to
        :param isMaster: is this a replica of the master protocol instance
        self.stats = Stats(TPCStat)

        routerArgs = [(ReqDigest, self._preProcessReqDigest)]

        for r in [PrePrepare, Prepare, Commit]:
            routerArgs.append((r, self.processThreePhaseMsg))
        self.inBoxRouter = Router(*routerArgs)

        self.threePhaseRouter = Router((PrePrepare, self.processPrePrepare),
                                       (Prepare, self.processPrepare),
                                       (Commit, self.processCommit))

        self.node = node
        self.instId = instId

        self.name = self.generateName(node.name, self.instId)

        self.outBox = deque()
        This queue is used by the replica to send messages to its node. Replica
        puts messages that are consumed by its node

        self.inBox = deque()
        This queue is used by the replica to receive messages from its node.
        Node puts messages that are consumed by the replica

        self.inBoxStash = deque()
        If messages need to go back on the queue, they go here temporarily and
        are put back on the queue on a state change

        self.isMaster = isMaster

        # Indicates name of the primary replica of this protocol instance.
        # None in case the replica does not know who the primary of the
        # instance is
        self._primaryName = None  # type: Optional[str]

        # Requests waiting to be processed once the replica is able to decide
        # whether it is primary or not
        self.postElectionMsgs = deque()

        # Requests that are stored by non primary replica for which it is
        # expecting corresponding pre prepare requests Dictionary that stores
        # a tuple of client id and request id(sequence no) as key and digest as
        # value. Not creating a set of Tuple3(identifier, reqId, digest) as such a
        # big hashable element is not good. Also this way we can look for the
        # request on the basis of (identifier, reqId) and compare the digest with
        # the received PrePrepare request's digest.
        self.reqsPendingPrePrepare = {}
        # type: Dict[Tuple[str, int], str]

        # PREPARE that are stored by non primary replica for which it has not
        #  got any PRE-PREPARE. Dictionary that stores a tuple of view no and
        #  prepare sequence number as key and a deque of PREPAREs as value.
        # This deque is attempted to be flushed on receiving every
        # PRE-PREPARE request.
        self.preparesWaitingForPrePrepare = {}
        # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], deque]

        # Dictionary of sent PRE-PREPARE that are stored by primary replica
        # which it has broadcasted to all other non primary replicas
        # Key of dictionary is a 2 element tuple with elements viewNo,
        # pre-prepare seqNo and value is a Request Digest
        self.sentPrePrepares = {}
        # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[ReqDigest, float]]

        # Dictionary of received PRE-PREPAREs. Key of dictionary is a 2
        # element tuple with elements viewNo, pre-prepare seqNo and value is
        # a Request Digest
        self.prePrepares = {}
        # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[ReqDigest, float]]

        self.prePrepareSeqNo = 0  # type: int

        # Dictionary of received Prepare requests. Key of dictionary is a 2
        # element tuple with elements viewNo, seqNo and value is a 2 element
        # tuple containing request digest and set of sender node names(sender
        # replica names in case of multiple protocol instances)
        # (viewNo, seqNo) -> (digest, {senders})
        self.prepares = Prepares()
        # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[str, Set[str]]]

        self.commits = Commits()

        # Set of tuples to keep track of ordered requests
        self.ordered = set()  # type: Set[Tuple[int, int]]

        # Requests with sufficient commits so they can be ordered but have not
        # received request digest from node and neither PRE-PREPARE or PREPARE.
        # Key can be a digest to a tuple of viewNo and ppSeqNo
        self.commitsPendedForOrdering = {}

        # Dictionary to keep track of the which replica was primary during each
        # view. Key is the view no and value is the name of the primary
        # replica during that view
        self.primaryNames = {}  # type: Dict[int, str]

        # Holds msgs that are for later views
        self.threePhaseMsgsForLaterView = deque()
        # type: deque[(ThreePhaseMsg, str)]

        # Holds tuple of view no and prepare seq no of 3-phase messages it
        # received while it was not participating
        self.stashingWhileCatchingUp = set()  # type: Set[Tuple]