Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_view_changer(node, vchCls=ViewChanger):
    vc = vchCls(ViewChangerNodeDataProvider(node), node.timer)

    if hasattr(node.config, 'PRE_VC_STRATEGY'):
        vc.pre_vc_strategy = preVCStrategies.get(node.config.PRE_VC_STRATEGY)(vc, node)

    return vc
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, node):
        self.node = node

        self._view_no = 0  # type: int

        self.pre_vc_strategy = None
        if hasattr(self.config, 'PRE_VC_STRATEGY'):
            self.pre_vc_strategy = preVCStrategies.get(

        self.inBox = deque()
        self.outBox = deque()
        self.inBoxRouter = Router(
            (InstanceChange, self.process_instance_change_msg),
            (ViewChangeDone, self.process_vchd_msg),
            (FutureViewChangeDone, self.process_future_view_vchd_msg))

        self.instanceChanges = InstanceChanges()

        # The quorum of `ViewChangeDone` msgs is different depending on whether we're doing a real view change,
        # or just propagating view_no and Primary from `CurrentState` messages sent to a newly joined Node.
        # TODO: separate real view change and Propagation of Primary
        # TODO: separate catch-up, view-change and primary selection so that
        # they are really independent.
        self.propagate_primary = False

        # Tracks if other nodes are indicating that this node is in lower view
        # than others. Keeps a map of view no to senders
        # TODO: Consider if sufficient ViewChangeDone for 2 different (and
        # higher views) are received, should one view change be interrupted in
        # between.
        self._next_view_indications = {}

        self._view_change_in_progress = False

        self.previous_master_primary = None



        # Action for _schedule instanceChange messages
        self.instance_change_action = None

        # Count of instance change rounds
        self.instance_change_rounds = 0

        # Time for view_change_starting
        self.start_view_change_ts = 0

        # Last successful viewNo.
        # In some cases view_change process can be uncompleted in time.
        # In that case we want to know, which viewNo was successful (last completed view_change)
        self.last_completed_view_no = 0

        # Force periodic view change if enabled in config
        force_view_change_freq = node.config.ForceViewChangeFreq
        if force_view_change_freq > 0: